boofcv.alg.geo.bundle.BundleAdjustmentMetricSchurJacobian Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2024, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of BoofCV (http://boofcv.org).
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package boofcv.alg.geo.bundle;
import boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.BundleAdjustmentSchur;
import boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.SceneObservations;
import boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.SceneStructureCommon;
import boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.SceneStructureMetric;
import boofcv.alg.geo.bundle.jacobians.JacobianSo3;
import boofcv.alg.geo.bundle.jacobians.JacobianSo3Rodrigues;
import georegression.struct.point.Point3D_F64;
import georegression.struct.point.Point4D_F64;
import georegression.struct.point.Vector3D_F64;
import georegression.struct.se.Se3_F64;
import georegression.transform.se.SePointOps_F64;
import gnu.trove.map.TIntObjectMap;
import gnu.trove.map.hash.TIntObjectHashMap;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.ddogleg.struct.DogArray;
import org.ejml.data.DMatrix;
import org.ejml.data.DMatrixRMaj;
import org.ejml.data.ReshapeMatrix;
import org.ejml.dense.row.CommonOps_DDRM;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
* Computes the Jacobian for bundle adjustment with a Schur implementation. This is the base class
* for specific types of matrices
* @author Peter Abeles
public abstract class BundleAdjustmentMetricSchurJacobian
implements BundleAdjustmentSchur.Jacobian {
private SceneStructureMetric structure;
private SceneObservations observations;
// number of views with parameters that are going to be adjusted
private int numMotionsUnknown;
private int numRigidUnknown;
// total number of parameters being optimized
private int numParameters;
// length of a 3D point. 3 = regular, 4 = homogeneous
private int lengthPoint;
/** Specifies method to parameterize rotations, i.e. Rodrigues to SO3 */
public @Getter @Setter JacobianSo3 jacSO3 = new JacobianSo3Rodrigues();
// Recycled data structures for use in the maps below
private final DogArray storageSe3 = new DogArray<>(Se3_F64::new);
private final DogArray storageSO3Jac = new DogArray<>(this::declareRotJacStorage);
// Look up workspace by view ID when relative view. Only filled in when a relative view is encountered
private final Map mapWorldToView = new HashMap<>();
private final TIntObjectMap mapSO3Jac = new TIntObjectHashMap<>();
// If only one view will use a particular motion then we don't want to store the Jacobian for future use
// Workspace for world to view transform
private final Se3_F64 world_to_view = new Se3_F64();
// Jacobians for rigid objects
private JacobianSo3[] jacRigidS03;
// feature location in world coordinates
private final Point3D_F64 worldPt3 = new Point3D_F64();
private final Point4D_F64 worldPt4 = new Point4D_F64();
// feature location in rigid body coordinates
private final Point3D_F64 rigidPt3 = new Point3D_F64();
private final Point4D_F64 rigidPt4 = new Point4D_F64();
// feature location in camera coordinates
private final Point3D_F64 cameraPt = new Point3D_F64();
// Number of parameters to describe SE3 (rotation + translation)
private int lengthSE3;
// first index for rigid body parameters
private int indexFirstRigid;
// index in parameters of the first point
private int indexFirstMotion;
private int indexLastMotion;
// rigid to parameter index. Left side
private int[] rigidParameterIndexes;
// view to parameter index. Right side
private int[] motionParameterIndexes;
// first index in input/parameters vector for each camera. Right side
private int[] cameraParameterIndexes;
// Jacobian matrix index of x and y partial
private int jacRowX, jacRowY;
// Storage for gradients
private final double[] pointGradX = new double[3];
private final double[] pointGradY = new double[3];
private double[] calibGradX = new double[0];
private double[] calibGradY = new double[0];
// work space for R2*R1
DMatrixRMaj RR = new DMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
// Storage for current view's partials of SO3
private DMatrixRMaj[] arraySO3 = new DMatrixRMaj[0];
private final DMatrixRMaj accumulatedR = new DMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
private final Point4D_F64 worldX = new Point4D_F64();
private final Point3D_F64 pt3 = new Point3D_F64();
private final DMatrixRMaj tmp3x3 = new DMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
public void configure( SceneStructureMetric structure, SceneObservations observations ) {
this.structure = structure;
this.observations = observations;
if (!structure.isHomogeneous()) {
lengthPoint = 3;
} else {
lengthPoint = 4;
// 3 for translation + orientation parameterization
lengthSE3 = 3 + jacSO3.getParameterLength();
//----- Precompute location of parameters for different structures
numRigidUnknown = structure.getUnknownRigidCount();
numMotionsUnknown = structure.getUnknownMotionCount();
int numCameraParameters = structure.getUnknownCameraParameterCount();
indexFirstRigid = structure.points.size*lengthPoint;
indexFirstMotion = indexFirstRigid + numRigidUnknown*lengthSE3;
indexLastMotion = indexFirstMotion + numMotionsUnknown*lengthSE3;
numParameters = indexLastMotion + numCameraParameters;
// precompute index of first parameter in each unknown rigid object. Left side
jacRigidS03 = new JacobianSo3[structure.rigids.size];
rigidParameterIndexes = new int[jacRigidS03.length];
for (int i = 0, index = 0; i < jacRigidS03.length; i++) {
rigidParameterIndexes[i] = index;
jacRigidS03[i] = jacSO3.newInstance();
if (!structure.rigids.get(i).known) {
index += lengthSE3;
// precompute index of first parameter for each unknown view. Right side
motionParameterIndexes = new int[structure.motions.size];
for (int i = 0, index = 0; i < structure.motions.size; i++) {
motionParameterIndexes[i] = index;
if (!structure.motions.data[i].known) {
index += lengthSE3;
// Create a lookup table for each camera. Camera ID to location in parameter vector
cameraParameterIndexes = new int[structure.cameras.size];
int largestCameraSize = 0;
for (int i = 0, index = 0; i < structure.cameras.size; i++) {
if (!structure.cameras.get(i).known) {
cameraParameterIndexes[i] = index;
int count = structure.cameras.data[i].model.getIntrinsicCount();
largestCameraSize = Math.max(largestCameraSize, count);
index += count;
calibGradX = new double[largestCameraSize];
calibGradY = new double[largestCameraSize];
// Storage for relative views
* Declare storage and create a look up table for world to view for all relative views
private void declareStorageWorldToView( SceneStructureMetric structure ) {
for (int viewIdx = 0; viewIdx < structure.views.size; viewIdx++) {
SceneStructureMetric.View v = structure.views.get(viewIdx);
if (v.parent == null)
Se3_F64 world_to_view = storageSe3.grow();
mapWorldToView.put(v, world_to_view);
* Pre-declare storage for all the SO3 Jacobians that will need to be retrieved as part of a relative view
* in the future. This is needed when relative views are in use. When there are no regular views then
* these sparse data structures will be empty.
private void declareStoragePartialsSE3( SceneStructureMetric structure ) {
int lengthParam = storageSO3Jac.grow().length;
// see if the parameterization changed. If so discard all the old data
if (jacSO3.getParameterLength() != lengthParam) {
storageSO3Jac.data = new DMatrixRMaj[0][];
storageSO3Jac.size = 0;
} else {
arraySO3 = arraySO3.length != lengthParam ? new DMatrixRMaj[lengthParam] : arraySO3;
for (int viewIdx = 0; viewIdx < structure.views.size; viewIdx++) {
SceneStructureMetric.View v = structure.views.get(viewIdx);
if (v.parent == null)
// if this view is relative to another we don't need to store the Jacobian since we already have it
// However, the parent it refers to needs to be stored. We do not need to traverse back any more due
// since all potential ancestors have already been processed
SceneStructureMetric.View vp = v.parent;
SceneStructureMetric.Motion mp = structure.motions.get(vp.parent_to_view);
if (mp.known || mapSO3Jac.containsKey(vp.parent_to_view))
mapSO3Jac.put(vp.parent_to_view, storageSO3Jac.grow());
public int getNumOfInputsN() {
return numParameters;
public int getNumOfOutputsM() {
return observations.getObservationCount()*2;
private int computeGeneralPoints( DMatrix leftPoint, DMatrix rightView,
double[] input, int observationIndex, int viewIndex,
SceneStructureCommon.Camera camera,
int cameraParamStartIndex ) {
SceneObservations.View obsView = observations.views.get(viewIndex);
SceneStructureMetric.View strView = structure.views.get(viewIndex);
if (obsView.cameraState != null)
for (int i = 0; i < obsView.size(); i++) {
int featureIndex = obsView.point.get(i);
int columnOfPointInJac = featureIndex*lengthPoint;
if (structure.isHomogeneous()) {
worldPt4.x = input[columnOfPointInJac];
worldPt4.y = input[columnOfPointInJac + 1];
worldPt4.z = input[columnOfPointInJac + 2];
worldPt4.w = input[columnOfPointInJac + 3];
SePointOps_F64.transformV(world_to_view, worldPt4, cameraPt);
} else {
worldPt3.x = input[columnOfPointInJac];
worldPt3.y = input[columnOfPointInJac + 1];
worldPt3.z = input[columnOfPointInJac + 2];
SePointOps_F64.transform(world_to_view, worldPt3, cameraPt);
jacRowX = observationIndex*2;
jacRowY = jacRowX + 1;
//============ Partial of camera parameters
if (!camera.known) {
int N = camera.model.getIntrinsicCount();
camera.model.jacobian(cameraPt.x, cameraPt.y, cameraPt.z,
pointGradX, pointGradY, true, calibGradX, calibGradY);
int location = indexLastMotion - indexFirstMotion + cameraParamStartIndex;
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
set(rightView, jacRowX, location + j, calibGradX[j]);
set(rightView, jacRowY, location + j, calibGradY[j]);
} else {
camera.model.jacobian(cameraPt.x, cameraPt.y, cameraPt.z, pointGradX, pointGradY,
false, null, null);
//============ Partial of worldPt
if (structure.isHomogeneous()) {
partialPointH(leftPoint, rightView, strView, columnOfPointInJac);
} else {
partialPoint3(leftPoint, rightView, strView, columnOfPointInJac);
return observationIndex;
* Internal matrix type agnostic process function.
* @param input Input parameters describing the current state of the optimization
* @param leftPoint Storage for left Jacobian
* @param rightView Storage for right Jacobian
public void internalProcess( double[] input, DMatrix leftPoint, DMatrix rightView ) {
int numRows = getNumOfOutputsM();
// number of parameters on left. All points
int numPointParam = structure.points.size*lengthPoint + numRigidUnknown*lengthSE3;
// Number of parameters on right. views + camera
int numViewParam = numParameters - numPointParam; // view + camera
((ReshapeMatrix)leftPoint).reshape(numRows, numPointParam);
((ReshapeMatrix)rightView).reshape(numRows, numViewParam);
// parse parameters for rigid bodies. the translation + rotation is the same for all views
for (int rigidIndex = 0; rigidIndex < structure.rigids.size; rigidIndex++) {
if (!structure.rigids.get(rigidIndex).known) {
jacRigidS03[rigidIndex].setParameters(input, indexFirstRigid + rigidParameterIndexes[rigidIndex]);
int observationIndex = 0;
// first decode the transformation
for (int viewIndex = 0; viewIndex < structure.views.size; viewIndex++) {
SceneStructureMetric.View view = structure.views.data[viewIndex];
SceneStructureCommon.Camera camera = structure.cameras.data[view.camera];
SceneStructureMetric.Motion motion = structure.motions.data[view.parent_to_view];
if (!motion.known) {
int paramIndex = motionParameterIndexes[view.parent_to_view] + indexFirstMotion;
jacSO3.setParameters(input, paramIndex);
paramIndex += jacSO3.getParameterLength();
motion.parent_to_view.T.x = input[paramIndex];
motion.parent_to_view.T.y = input[paramIndex + 1];
motion.parent_to_view.T.z = input[paramIndex + 2];
// save the Jacobian if we need to
DMatrixRMaj[] savedJac = mapSO3Jac.get(view.parent_to_view);
if (savedJac != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < savedJac.length; i++) {
lookupWorldToView(view, world_to_view);
int cameraParamStartIndex = cameraParameterIndexes[view.camera];
if (!camera.known) {
camera.model.setIntrinsic(input, indexLastMotion + cameraParamStartIndex);
observationIndex = computeGeneralPoints(leftPoint, rightView, input, observationIndex, viewIndex, camera, cameraParamStartIndex);
if (observations.hasRigid())
observationIndex = computeRigidPoints(leftPoint, rightView, observationIndex, viewIndex, camera, cameraParamStartIndex);
private int computeRigidPoints( DMatrix leftPoint, DMatrix rightView,
int observationIndex, int viewIndex,
SceneStructureCommon.Camera camera,
int cameraParamStartIndex ) {
SceneObservations.View obsView = observations.viewsRigid.get(viewIndex);
SceneStructureMetric.View view = structure.views.data[viewIndex];
if (obsView.cameraState != null)
for (int i = 0; i < obsView.size(); i++) {
int featureIndex = obsView.point.get(i);
int rigidIndex = structure.lookupRigid[featureIndex];
SceneStructureMetric.Rigid rigid = structure.rigids.get(rigidIndex);
int pointIndex = featureIndex - rigid.indexFirst; // index of point in rigid body
if (structure.isHomogeneous()) {
rigid.getPoint(pointIndex, rigidPt4);
SePointOps_F64.transform(rigid.object_to_world, rigidPt4, worldPt4);
SePointOps_F64.transformV(world_to_view, worldPt4, cameraPt);
} else {
rigid.getPoint(pointIndex, rigidPt3);
SePointOps_F64.transform(rigid.object_to_world, rigidPt3, worldPt3);
SePointOps_F64.transform(world_to_view, worldPt3, cameraPt);
jacRowX = observationIndex*2;
jacRowY = jacRowX + 1;
//============ Partial of camera parameters
if (!camera.known) {
int N = camera.model.getIntrinsicCount();
camera.model.jacobian(cameraPt.x, cameraPt.y, cameraPt.z,
pointGradX, pointGradY, true, calibGradX, calibGradY);
int location = indexLastMotion - indexFirstMotion + cameraParamStartIndex;
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
set(rightView, jacRowX, location + j, calibGradX[j]);
set(rightView, jacRowY, location + j, calibGradY[j]);
} else {
camera.model.jacobian(cameraPt.x, cameraPt.y, cameraPt.z, pointGradX, pointGradY,
false, null, null);
//============ Partial of world to view
if (structure.isHomogeneous()) {
partialViewSE3(rightView, view, worldPt4.x, worldPt4.y, worldPt4.z, worldPt4.w);
} else {
partialViewSE3(rightView, view, worldPt3.x, worldPt3.y, worldPt3.z, 1);
//============ Partial of body to world
// R2*(R1*X+T1)+T2
// [R1|T1] = object to world. X = fixed point in rigid body
// [R2|T2] = world to view
// partial R1 is R2*(@R1*X)
// partial T1 is R2*(@T1)
if (!rigid.known) {
if (structure.isHomogeneous()) {
partialRigidSE3(leftPoint, rigidIndex, rigidPt4.x, rigidPt4.y, rigidPt4.z, rigidPt4.w);
} else {
partialRigidSE3(leftPoint, rigidIndex, rigidPt3.x, rigidPt3.y, rigidPt3.z, 1);
return observationIndex;
private void partialPoint3( DMatrix leftPoint, DMatrix rightView,
SceneStructureMetric.View view, int columnOfPointInJac ) {
// partial of (R*X + T) with respect to X is a 3 by 3 matrix
// This turns out to be just R
// grad F(G(X)) = 2 x 3 matrix which is then multiplied by R
addToJacobian(leftPoint, columnOfPointInJac, pointGradX, pointGradY, world_to_view.R);
partialViewSE3(rightView, view, worldPt3.x, worldPt3.y, worldPt3.z, 1);
private void partialPointH( DMatrix leftPoint, DMatrix rightView,
SceneStructureMetric.View view, int columnOfPointInJac ) {
// partial of (R*[x,y,z]' + T*w) with respect to X=[x,y,z,w] is a 3 by 4 matrix, [R|T]
// grad F(G(X)) = 2 x 4 matrix which is then multiplied by R
addToJacobian(leftPoint, columnOfPointInJac, pointGradX, pointGradY, world_to_view.R);
addToJacobian(leftPoint, columnOfPointInJac + 3, pointGradX, pointGradY, world_to_view.T);
partialViewSE3(rightView, view, worldPt4.x, worldPt4.y, worldPt4.z, worldPt4.w);
* Computes the partial for the view's rigid body transform.
* When views are not relative it's fairly straight forward:
* Partial of: F(rotation + translation parameters) = R[i]*X + T[i]
* dot(R[i])*X and dot(T[i]) for Jacobian of rotation matrix and translation
* It's more complex when views are relative...
* Current transform from view[i] to world (view[0]) can be written as:
* Tr(i,0) = Tr(i,i-1)*Tr(i-1,0)
* where Tr = [R|T]
* The Jacobian for R[i] is written as dot(R[i])*Tr(i-1,0)*X. When Generalized for any 'i' in the chain you get
* R[i]*R[i-1]*...*dot(R[j])*Tr(j-1,0)
* For T[i] it's similar
* R[i]*R[i-1]*...*dot(T[j])
* The chained view can be writen as a recursive formula where a rotation matrix is updated each iteration.
private void partialViewSE3( DMatrix rightView,
SceneStructureMetric.View view,
double X, double Y, double Z, double W ) {
{ // Abort if there is no partial derivative to compute
SceneStructureMetric.Motion motion = structure.motions.get(view.parent_to_view);
if (motion.known && view.parent == null)
boolean firstView = true;
worldX.setTo(X, Y, Z, W);
// Recursively computed rotation R[i]*R[i-1] ... etc
while (true) {
// Column in output matrix for this view
SceneStructureMetric.Motion motion = structure.motions.get(view.parent_to_view);
int col = motionParameterIndexes[view.parent_to_view];
if (motion.known) {
// Since this view is known there will be no partial derivative. However, one of it's parents
// might not be known and will have a Jacobian
view = view.parent;
if (view == null)
CommonOps_DDRM.mult(accumulatedR, motion.parent_to_view.R, tmp3x3);
// look up the SO3 Jacobian
DMatrixRMaj[] jacobianSO3;
if (firstView) {
firstView = false;
// Current view isn't saved in storage and needs to have a reference copied to the array
for (int i = 0; i < arraySO3.length; i++) {
arraySO3[i] = jacSO3.getPartial(i);
jacobianSO3 = arraySO3;
} else {
jacobianSO3 = mapSO3Jac.get(view.parent_to_view);
//============== Partial of view rotation parameters
final int paramLength = jacSO3.getParameterLength();
if (view.parent == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < paramLength; i++) {
CommonOps_DDRM.mult(accumulatedR, jacobianSO3[i], tmp3x3);
addToJacobian(rightView, col + i, pointGradX, pointGradY, tmp3x3, X, Y, Z);
} else {
Se3_F64 world_to_parent = getWorldToView(view.parent);
for (int i = 0; i < paramLength; i++) {
SePointOps_F64.transformV(world_to_parent, worldX, pt3);
CommonOps_DDRM.mult(accumulatedR, jacobianSO3[i], tmp3x3);
addToJacobian(rightView, col + i, pointGradX, pointGradY, tmp3x3, pt3.x, pt3.y, pt3.z);
//============== Partial of view translation parameters
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
double sumX = 0.0;
double sumY = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
double r_ji = accumulatedR.unsafe_get(j, i);
sumX += r_ji*pointGradX[j];
sumY += r_ji*pointGradY[j];
add(rightView, jacRowX, col + paramLength + i, sumX*W);
add(rightView, jacRowY, col + paramLength + i, sumY*W);
// If there is a parent then traverse to it next
view = view.parent;
if (view == null)
// accumulatedR = R[i,j]*R[j-1]
CommonOps_DDRM.mult(accumulatedR, motion.parent_to_view.R, tmp3x3);
* Finds the transform from world to view for the specified view by index
private Se3_F64 getWorldToView( SceneStructureMetric.View view ) {
Se3_F64 world_to_view;
if (view.parent != null) {
world_to_view = mapWorldToView.get(view);
} else {
world_to_view = structure.motions.get(view.parent_to_view).parent_to_view;
return Objects.requireNonNull(world_to_view);
private void partialRigidSE3( DMatrix leftPoint, int rigidIndex,
double X, double Y, double Z, double W ) {
int col = rigidParameterIndexes[rigidIndex] + indexFirstRigid;
JacobianSo3 jac = jacRigidS03[rigidIndex];
//============== Partial of view rotation parameters
final int N = jac.getParameterLength();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
CommonOps_DDRM.mult(world_to_view.R, jac.getPartial(i), RR);
addToJacobian(leftPoint, col + i, pointGradX, pointGradY, RR, X, Y, Z);
//============== Partial of view translation parameters
// Apply rotation matrix to gradX and gradY.
// RX = gradX'*R
double RX0 = world_to_view.R.data[0]*pointGradX[0] + world_to_view.R.data[3]*pointGradX[1] + world_to_view.R.data[6]*pointGradX[2];
double RX1 = world_to_view.R.data[1]*pointGradX[0] + world_to_view.R.data[4]*pointGradX[1] + world_to_view.R.data[7]*pointGradX[2];
double RX2 = world_to_view.R.data[2]*pointGradX[0] + world_to_view.R.data[5]*pointGradX[1] + world_to_view.R.data[8]*pointGradX[2];
// RY = gradY'*R
double RY0 = world_to_view.R.data[0]*pointGradY[0] + world_to_view.R.data[3]*pointGradY[1] + world_to_view.R.data[6]*pointGradY[2];
double RY1 = world_to_view.R.data[1]*pointGradY[0] + world_to_view.R.data[4]*pointGradY[1] + world_to_view.R.data[7]*pointGradY[2];
double RY2 = world_to_view.R.data[2]*pointGradY[0] + world_to_view.R.data[5]*pointGradY[1] + world_to_view.R.data[8]*pointGradY[2];
set(leftPoint, jacRowX, col + N, RX0*W);
set(leftPoint, jacRowY, col + N, RY0*W);
set(leftPoint, jacRowX, col + N + 1, RX1*W);
set(leftPoint, jacRowY, col + N + 1, RY1*W);
set(leftPoint, jacRowX, col + N + 2, RX2*W);
set(leftPoint, jacRowY, col + N + 2, RY2*W);
* J[rows,col:(col+3)] = [a;b]*R
private void addToJacobian( DMatrix matrix, int col, double[] a, double[] b, DMatrixRMaj R ) {
set(matrix, jacRowX, col + 0, a[0]*R.data[0] + a[1]*R.data[3] + a[2]*R.data[6]);
set(matrix, jacRowX, col + 1, a[0]*R.data[1] + a[1]*R.data[4] + a[2]*R.data[7]);
set(matrix, jacRowX, col + 2, a[0]*R.data[2] + a[1]*R.data[5] + a[2]*R.data[8]);
set(matrix, jacRowY, col + 0, b[0]*R.data[0] + b[1]*R.data[3] + b[2]*R.data[6]);
set(matrix, jacRowY, col + 1, b[0]*R.data[1] + b[1]*R.data[4] + b[2]*R.data[7]);
set(matrix, jacRowY, col + 2, b[0]*R.data[2] + b[1]*R.data[5] + b[2]*R.data[8]);
private void addToJacobian( DMatrix matrix, int col, double[] a, double[] b,
DMatrixRMaj R, double X, double Y, double Z ) {
double x = R.data[0]*X + R.data[1]*Y + R.data[2]*Z;
double y = R.data[3]*X + R.data[4]*Y + R.data[5]*Z;
double z = R.data[6]*X + R.data[7]*Y + R.data[8]*Z;
add(matrix, jacRowX, col, a[0]*x + a[1]*y + a[2]*z);
add(matrix, jacRowY, col, b[0]*x + b[1]*y + b[2]*z);
private void addToJacobian( DMatrix matrix, int col, double[] a, double[] b, Vector3D_F64 X ) {
set(matrix, jacRowX, col, a[0]*X.x + a[1]*X.y + a[2]*X.z);
set(matrix, jacRowY, col, b[0]*X.x + b[1]*X.y + b[2]*X.z);
* Abstract interface for settings the value of a matrix without knowing the type of matrix
protected abstract void set( DMatrix matrix, int row, int col, double value );
* Abstract interface for adding the value of a matrix without knowing the type of matrix. The matrix
* is assumed to have been initialized to zero.
protected abstract void add( DMatrix matrix, int row, int col, double value );
* Returns a transform from the world_to_view. If relative then the parent's world to view is look up and used
* to compute this view's transform and the results are saved.
protected void lookupWorldToView( SceneStructureMetric.View v, Se3_F64 world_to_view ) {
Se3_F64 parent_to_view = structure.getParentToView(v);
if (v.parent == null) {
Se3_F64 saved_world_to_view = Objects.requireNonNull(mapWorldToView.get(v));
SceneStructureMetric.View parentView = v.parent;
if (parentView.parent == null) {
// Parent is in reference to the world
Se3_F64 world_to_parent = structure.getParentToView(v.parent);
world_to_parent.concat(parent_to_view, saved_world_to_view);
} else {
// Since the parent must have a lower index it's transform is already known
Se3_F64 world_to_parent = Objects.requireNonNull(mapWorldToView.get(v.parent));
world_to_parent.concat(parent_to_view, saved_world_to_view);
* Declare storage SO3 partials in relative views
private DMatrixRMaj[] declareRotJacStorage() {
DMatrixRMaj[] partials = new DMatrixRMaj[jacSO3.getParameterLength()];
for (int i = 0; i < partials.length; i++) {
partials[i] = new DMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
return partials;
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