boofcv.alg.geo.h.HomographyDirectLinearTransform Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2024, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of BoofCV (http://boofcv.org).
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package boofcv.alg.geo.h;
import boofcv.alg.geo.LowLevelMultiViewOps;
import boofcv.alg.geo.NormalizationPoint2D;
import boofcv.struct.geo.AssociatedPair;
import boofcv.struct.geo.AssociatedPair3D;
import boofcv.struct.geo.AssociatedPairConic;
import georegression.geometry.UtilCurves_F64;
import georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F64;
import georegression.struct.point.Point3D_F64;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.ejml.data.DMatrix3x3;
import org.ejml.data.DMatrixRMaj;
import org.ejml.dense.fixed.CommonOps_DDF3;
import org.ejml.dense.row.linsol.svd.SolveNullSpaceSvd_DDRM;
import org.ejml.interfaces.SolveNullSpace;
import org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
* Using linear algebra it computes a planar homography matrix using 2D points, 3D points, or conics. Typically used
* as an initial estimate for a non-linear optimization. See [1] for 2D and 3D points, and [2] for conics.
* The algorithm works by solving the equation below:
* hat(x2)*H*x1 = 0
* where hat(x) is the skew symmetric cross product matrix. To solve this equation is is reformatted into
* A*Hs=0 using the Kronecker product and the null space solved for.
* The conic algorithm specifies a constraint using a pair of conics. A minimum of 3 conics are required for a
* unique solution using this linear method [2]. If all possible pairs are used then the growth is O(N^2) instead
* linear set of pairs are added which has O(N) growth by adding adjacent conics as pairs. This behavior
* can be toggled.
* [1] Chapter 4, "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision" 2nd Ed. but uses normalization
* from "An Invitation to 3-D Vision" 2004.
* [2] Kannala, Juho, Mikko Salo, and Janne Heikkilä. "Algorithms for Computing a Planar Homography from
* Conics in Correspondence." BMVC. 2006.
* @author Peter Abeles
@SuppressWarnings({"Duplicates", "ForLoopReplaceableByForEach"})
public class HomographyDirectLinearTransform {
// contains the set of equations that are solved
protected DMatrixRMaj A = new DMatrixRMaj(1, 9);
@Getter protected SolveNullSpace solverNullspace = new SolveNullSpaceSvd_DDRM();
// Used to normalize input points
protected NormalizationPoint2D N1 = new NormalizationPoint2D();
protected NormalizationPoint2D N2 = new NormalizationPoint2D();
// pick a reasonable scale and sign
private AdjustHomographyMatrix adjust = new AdjustHomographyMatrix();
/** normalize image coordinates to avoid numerical errors? */
@Getter @Setter boolean normalize;
// if it's actually normalizing points
private boolean shouldNormalize;
/** should it go through all combination of conics or a linear set */
@Getter @Setter private boolean exhaustiveConics = false;
// workspace variables for conics
private final DMatrix3x3 C1 = new DMatrix3x3();
private final DMatrix3x3 V1 = new DMatrix3x3();
private final DMatrix3x3 C1_inv = new DMatrix3x3();
private final DMatrix3x3 V1_inv = new DMatrix3x3();
private final DMatrix3x3 C2 = new DMatrix3x3();
private final DMatrix3x3 V2 = new DMatrix3x3();
private final DMatrix3x3 C2_inv = new DMatrix3x3();
private final DMatrix3x3 V2_inv = new DMatrix3x3();
private final DMatrix3x3 L = new DMatrix3x3();
private final DMatrix3x3 R = new DMatrix3x3();
* Configure homography calculation
* @param normalizeInput Should image coordinate be normalized? Needed when coordinates are in units of pixels.
public HomographyDirectLinearTransform( boolean normalizeInput ) {
this.normalize = normalizeInput;
* Computes the homography matrix given a set of observed points in two images. A set of {@link AssociatedPair}
* is passed in. The computed homography 'H' is found such that the attributes 'p1' and 'p2' in {@link AssociatedPair}
* refers to x1 and x2, respectively, in the equation below:
* x2 = H*x1
* @param points A set of observed image points that are generated from a planar object. Minimum of 4 pairs required.
* @param foundH Output: Storage for the found solution. 3x3 matrix.
* @return True if successful. False if it failed.
public boolean process( List points, DMatrixRMaj foundH ) {
return process(points, null, null, foundH);
* More versatile process function. Lets any of the supporting data structures be passed in.
* @param points2D List of 2D point associations. Can be null.
* @param points3D List of 3D point or 2D line associations. Can be null.
* @param conics List of conics. Can be null
* @param foundH (Output) The estimated homography
* @return True if successful. False if it failed.
public boolean process( @Nullable List points2D,
@Nullable List points3D,
@Nullable List conics,
DMatrixRMaj foundH ) {
// no sanity check is done to see if the minimum number of points and conics has been provided because
// that is actually really complex to determine. Especially for conics
int num2D = points2D != null ? points2D.size() : 0;
int num3D = points3D != null ? points3D.size() : 0;
int numConic = conics != null ? conics.size() : 0;
int numRows = computeTotalRows(num2D, num3D, numConic);
// only 2D points need to be normalzied because of the implicit z=1
// 3D points are homogeneous or lines and the vector can be normalized to 1
// same goes for the conic equation
shouldNormalize = false;//normalize && points2D != null;
if (shouldNormalize) {
LowLevelMultiViewOps.computeNormalization(Objects.requireNonNull(points2D), N1, N2);
A.reshape(numRows, 9);
int rows = 0;
if (points2D != null)
rows = addPoints2D(points2D, A, rows);
if (points3D != null)
rows = addPoints3D(points3D, A, rows);
if (conics != null)
addConics(conics, A, rows);
// compute the homograph matrix up to a scale factor
if (computeH(A, foundH))
return false;
if (shouldNormalize)
undoNormalizationH(foundH, N1, N2);
// pick a good scale and sign for H
if (points2D != null)
adjust.adjust(foundH, points2D.get(0));
return true;
* Computes the SVD of A and extracts the homography matrix from its null space
protected boolean computeH( DMatrixRMaj A, DMatrixRMaj H ) {
if (!solverNullspace.process(A.copy(), 1, H))
return true;
H.numRows = 3;
H.numCols = 3;
return false;
* Undoes normalization for a homography matrix.
public static void undoNormalizationH( DMatrixRMaj M, NormalizationPoint2D N1, NormalizationPoint2D N2 ) {
SimpleMatrix a = SimpleMatrix.wrap(M);
SimpleMatrix b = SimpleMatrix.wrap(N1.matrix(null));
SimpleMatrix c_inv = SimpleMatrix.wrap(N2.matrixInv(null));
SimpleMatrix result = c_inv.mult(a).mult(b);
private void adjustPoint( AssociatedPair pair, Point2D_F64 a1, Point2D_F64 a2 ) {
if (shouldNormalize) {
N1.apply(pair.p1, a1);
N2.apply(pair.p2, a2);
} else {
int computeTotalRows( int num2D, int num3D, int numConic ) {
return 2*num2D + 2*num3D + 9*numConic;
private void adjustPoint( AssociatedPair3D pair, Point3D_F64 a1, Point3D_F64 a2 ) {
if (shouldNormalize) {
N1.apply(pair.p1, a1);
N2.apply(pair.p2, a2);
} else {
// private void adjustConic(AssociatedPairConic pair , ConicGeneral_F64 a1 , ConicGeneral_F64 a2 ) {
// if( shouldNormalize ) {
// N1.apply(pair.p1, a1);
// N2.apply(pair.p2, a2);
// } else {
// a1.set(pair.p1);
// a2.set(pair.p2);
// }
// }
protected int addPoints2D( List points, DMatrixRMaj A, int rows ) {
Point2D_F64 f = new Point2D_F64();
Point2D_F64 s = new Point2D_F64();
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
AssociatedPair p = points.get(i);
adjustPoint(p, f, s);
A.set(rows, 3, -f.x);
A.set(rows, 4, -f.y);
A.set(rows, 5, -1);
A.set(rows, 6, s.y*f.x);
A.set(rows, 7, s.y*f.y);
A.set(rows, 8, s.y);
A.set(rows, 0, f.x);
A.set(rows, 1, f.y);
A.set(rows, 2, 1);
A.set(rows, 6, -s.x*f.x);
A.set(rows, 7, -s.x*f.y);
A.set(rows, 8, -s.x);
return rows;
protected int addPoints3D( List points, DMatrixRMaj A, int rows ) {
Point3D_F64 f = new Point3D_F64();
Point3D_F64 s = new Point3D_F64();
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
AssociatedPair3D p = points.get(i);
adjustPoint(p, f, s);
A.set(rows, 3, -s.z*f.x);
A.set(rows, 4, -s.z*f.y);
A.set(rows, 5, -s.z*f.z);
A.set(rows, 6, s.y*f.x);
A.set(rows, 7, s.y*f.y);
A.set(rows, 8, s.y*f.z);
A.set(rows, 0, s.z*f.x);
A.set(rows, 1, s.z*f.y);
A.set(rows, 2, s.z*f.z);
A.set(rows, 6, -s.x*f.x);
A.set(rows, 7, -s.x*f.y);
A.set(rows, 8, -s.x*f.z);
return rows;
* Adds the 9x9 matrix constraint for each pair of conics. To avoid O(N^2) growth the default option only
* adds O(N) pairs. if only conics are used then a minimum of 3 is required. See [2].
* inv(C[1]')*(C[2]')*H - H*invC[1]*C[2] == 0
* Note: x' = H*x. C' is conic from the same view as x' and C from x. It can be shown that C = H^T*C'*H
protected int addConics( List points, DMatrixRMaj A, int rows ) {
if (exhaustiveConics) {
// adds an exhaustive set of linear conics
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < points.size(); j++) {
rows = addConicPairConstraints(points.get(i), points.get(j), A, rows);
} else {
// adds pairs and has linear time complexity
for (int i = 1; i < points.size(); i++) {
rows = addConicPairConstraints(points.get(i - 1), points.get(i), A, rows);
int N = points.size();
rows = addConicPairConstraints(points.get(0), points.get(N - 1), A, rows);
return rows;
* Add constraint for a pair of conics
protected int addConicPairConstraints( AssociatedPairConic a, AssociatedPairConic b, DMatrixRMaj A, int rowA ) {
// s*C[i] = H^T*V[i]*H
// C[i] = a, C[j] = b
// Conic in view 1 is C and view 2 is V, e.g. x' = H*x. x' is in view 2 and x in view 1
UtilCurves_F64.convert(a.p1, C1);
UtilCurves_F64.convert(a.p2, V1);
CommonOps_DDF3.invert(C1, C1_inv);
CommonOps_DDF3.invert(V1, V1_inv);
UtilCurves_F64.convert(b.p1, C2);
UtilCurves_F64.convert(b.p2, V2);
CommonOps_DDF3.invert(C2, C2_inv);
CommonOps_DDF3.invert(V2, V2_inv);
// L = inv(V[i])*V[j]
CommonOps_DDF3.mult(V1_inv, V2, L);
// R = C[i]*inv(C[j])
CommonOps_DDF3.mult(C1_inv, C2, R);
// clear this row
int idxA = rowA*9;
// Arrays.fill(A.data,idxA,9*9,0); <-- has already been zeroed
// NOTE: adding all 9 rows is redundant. The source paper doesn't attempt to reduce the number of rows
// maybe this can be made to run faster if the rows can be intelligently pruned
// inv(V[i])*V[j]*H - H*C[i]*inv(C[j]) == 0
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
A.data[idxA + 3*i + col] += L.get(row, i);
A.data[idxA + 3*row + i] -= R.get(i, col);
idxA += 9;
return rowA + 9;