boofcv.alg.geo.impl.ImplPerspectiveOps_F32 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2024, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of BoofCV (http://boofcv.org).
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package boofcv.alg.geo.impl;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import boofcv.alg.distort.pinhole.PinholeNtoP_F32;
import boofcv.alg.distort.pinhole.PinholePtoN_F32;
import boofcv.alg.geo.PerspectiveOps;
import boofcv.factory.distort.LensDistortionFactory;
import boofcv.struct.calib.CameraModel;
import boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinhole;
import boofcv.struct.distort.Point2Transform2_F32;
import georegression.geometry.GeometryMath_F32;
import georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F32;
import georegression.struct.point.Point3D_F32;
import georegression.struct.point.Point4D_F32;
import georegression.struct.point.Vector3D_F32;
import georegression.struct.se.Se3_F32;
import georegression.transform.se.SePointOps_F32;
import org.ejml.data.FMatrix3x3;
import org.ejml.data.FMatrixRMaj;
import org.ejml.dense.fixed.CommonOps_FDF3;
import org.ejml.dense.row.CommonOps_FDRM;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
* Implementation of {@link PerspectiveOps} functions for 32-bit floats
* @author Peter Abeles
public class ImplPerspectiveOps_F32 {
public static C adjustIntrinsic( C parameters,
FMatrixRMaj adjustMatrix,
@Nullable C adjustedParam ) {
if (adjustedParam == null)
adjustedParam = parameters.createLike();
FMatrixRMaj K = ImplPerspectiveOps_F32.pinholeToMatrix(parameters, (FMatrixRMaj)null);
FMatrixRMaj K_adj = new FMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
CommonOps_FDRM.mult(adjustMatrix, K, K_adj);
ImplPerspectiveOps_F32.matrixToPinhole(K_adj, parameters.width, parameters.height, adjustedParam);
return adjustedParam;
public static FMatrixRMaj pinholeToMatrix( float fx, float fy, float skew,
float cx, float cy, @Nullable FMatrixRMaj K ) {
if (K == null) {
K = new FMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
} else {
K.reshape(3, 3);
CommonOps_FDRM.fill(K, 0);
K.data[0] = fx;
K.data[1] = skew;
K.data[2] = cx;
K.data[4] = fy;
K.data[5] = cy;
K.data[8] = 1;
return K;
public static FMatrixRMaj pinholeToMatrix( CameraPinhole param, @Nullable FMatrixRMaj K ) {
return pinholeToMatrix((float)param.fx, (float)param.fy, (float)param.skew, (float)param.cx, (float)param.cy, K);
public static FMatrix3x3 pinholeToMatrix( CameraPinhole param, @Nullable FMatrix3x3 K ) {
if (K == null) {
K = new FMatrix3x3();
} else {
CommonOps_FDF3.fill(K, 0);
K.a11 = (float)param.fx;
K.a12 = (float)param.skew;
K.a13 = (float)param.cx;
K.a22 = (float)param.fy;
K.a23 = (float)param.cy;
K.a33 = 1;
return K;
public static CameraPinhole matrixToPinhole( FMatrixRMaj K, int width, int height, @Nullable CameraPinhole output ) {
if (output == null)
output = new CameraPinhole();
output.fx = K.get(0, 0);
output.fy = K.get(1, 1);
output.skew = K.get(0, 1);
output.cx = K.get(0, 2);
output.cy = K.get(1, 2);
output.width = width;
output.height = height;
return output;
public static Point2D_F32 convertNormToPixel( CameraModel param, float x, float y, @Nullable Point2D_F32 pixel ) {
if (pixel == null)
pixel = new Point2D_F32();
Point2Transform2_F32 normToPixel = LensDistortionFactory.narrow(param).distort_F32(false, true);
normToPixel.compute(x, y, pixel);
return pixel;
public static Point2D_F32 convertNormToPixel( FMatrixRMaj K, Point2D_F32 norm, @Nullable Point2D_F32 pixel ) {
if (pixel == null)
pixel = new Point2D_F32();
PinholeNtoP_F32 alg = new PinholeNtoP_F32();
alg.setK(K.get(0, 0), K.get(1, 1), K.get(0, 1), K.get(0, 2), K.get(1, 2));
alg.compute(norm.x, norm.y, pixel);
return pixel;
public static Point2D_F32 convertPixelToNorm( CameraModel param, Point2D_F32 pixel, @Nullable Point2D_F32 norm ) {
if (norm == null)
norm = new Point2D_F32();
Point2Transform2_F32 pixelToNorm = LensDistortionFactory.narrow(param).undistort_F32(true, false);
pixelToNorm.compute(pixel.x, pixel.y, norm);
return norm;
public static Point2D_F32 convertPixelToNorm( FMatrixRMaj K, Point2D_F32 pixel, @Nullable Point2D_F32 norm ) {
if (norm == null)
norm = new Point2D_F32();
var alg = new PinholePtoN_F32();
alg.setK(K.get(0, 0), K.get(1, 1), K.get(0, 1), K.get(0, 2), K.get(1, 2));
alg.compute(pixel.x, pixel.y, norm);
return norm;
public static Point2D_F32 convertPixelToNorm( CameraPinhole intrinsic, float pixelX, float pixelY, @Nullable Point2D_F32 norm ) {
if (norm == null)
norm = new Point2D_F32();
float a11 = (float)(1.0f/intrinsic.fx);
float a12 = (float)(-intrinsic.skew/(intrinsic.fx*intrinsic.fy));
float a13 = (float)((intrinsic.skew*intrinsic.cy - intrinsic.cx*intrinsic.fy)/(intrinsic.fx*intrinsic.fy));
float a22 = (float)(1.0f/intrinsic.fy);
float a23 = (float)(-intrinsic.cy/intrinsic.fy);
norm.x = a11*pixelX + a12*pixelY + a13;
norm.y = a22*pixelY + a23;
return norm;
public static @Nullable Point2D_F32 renderPixel( Se3_F32 worldToCamera,
@Nullable FMatrixRMaj K, Point3D_F32 X,
@Nullable Point2D_F32 pixel ) {
FMatrixRMaj R = worldToCamera.R;
Vector3D_F32 T = worldToCamera.T;
// [R T]*X
float x = R.data[0]*X.x + R.data[1]*X.y + R.data[2]*X.z + T.x;
float y = R.data[3]*X.x + R.data[4]*X.y + R.data[5]*X.z + T.y;
float z = R.data[6]*X.x + R.data[7]*X.y + R.data[8]*X.z + T.z;
// see if it's behind the camera
if (z <= 0)
return null;
if (pixel == null)
pixel = new Point2D_F32();
pixel.setTo(x/z, y/z);
if (K == null)
return pixel;
// convert into pixel coordinates
return GeometryMath_F32.mult(K, pixel, pixel);
public static @Nullable Point2D_F32 renderPixel( Se3_F32 worldToCamera,
float fx, float skew, float cx, float fy, float cy,
Point3D_F32 X, @Nullable Point2D_F32 pixel ) {
var X_cam = new Point3D_F32();
SePointOps_F32.transform(worldToCamera, X, X_cam);
// see if it's behind the camera
if (X_cam.z <= 0)
return null;
if (pixel == null)
pixel = new Point2D_F32();
float xx = X_cam.x/X_cam.z;
float yy = X_cam.y/X_cam.z;
pixel.x = fx*xx + skew*yy + cx;
pixel.y = fy*yy + cy;
return pixel;
public static Point3D_F32 renderPointing( Se3_F32 worldToCamera,
float fx, float skew, float cx, float fy, float cy,
Point3D_F32 X, @Nullable Point3D_F32 pixel ) {
var X_cam = new Point3D_F32();
SePointOps_F32.transform(worldToCamera, X, X_cam);
if (pixel == null)
pixel = new Point3D_F32();
// Make sure the norm of the point is 1 to avoid numerical issues
float n = X_cam.norm();
float xx = X_cam.x/n;
float yy = X_cam.y/n;
float zz = X_cam.z/n;
pixel.x = fx*xx + skew*yy + cx*zz;
pixel.y = fy*yy + cy*zz;
pixel.z = zz;
return pixel;
public static @Nullable Point2D_F32 renderPixel( Se3_F32 worldToCamera,
float fx, float skew, float cx, float fy, float cy,
Point4D_F32 X, @Nullable Point2D_F32 pixel ) {
FMatrixRMaj R = worldToCamera.R;
Vector3D_F32 T = worldToCamera.T;
// [R T]*X
float x = R.data[0]*X.x + R.data[1]*X.y + R.data[2]*X.z + T.x*X.w;
float y = R.data[3]*X.x + R.data[4]*X.y + R.data[5]*X.z + T.y*X.w;
float z = R.data[6]*X.x + R.data[7]*X.y + R.data[8]*X.z + T.z*X.w;
// see if it's behind the camera
if (z <= 0)
return null;
if (pixel == null)
pixel = new Point2D_F32();
float xx = x/z;
float yy = y/z;
pixel.x = fx*xx + skew*yy + cx;
pixel.y = fy*yy + cy;
return pixel;
public static void renderPixel( FMatrixRMaj worldToCamera, Point3D_F32 X, Point3D_F32 pixelH ) {
FMatrixRMaj P = worldToCamera;
pixelH.x = P.data[0]*X.x + P.data[1]*X.y + P.data[2]*X.z + P.data[3];
pixelH.y = P.data[4]*X.x + P.data[5]*X.y + P.data[6]*X.z + P.data[7];
pixelH.z = P.data[8]*X.x + P.data[9]*X.y + P.data[10]*X.z + P.data[11];
public static void renderPixel( FMatrixRMaj worldToCamera, Point3D_F32 X, Point2D_F32 pixel ) {
FMatrixRMaj P = worldToCamera;
float x = P.data[0]*X.x + P.data[1]*X.y + P.data[2]*X.z + P.data[3];
float y = P.data[4]*X.x + P.data[5]*X.y + P.data[6]*X.z + P.data[7];
float z = P.data[8]*X.x + P.data[9]*X.y + P.data[10]*X.z + P.data[11];
pixel.x = x/z;
pixel.y = y/z;
public static void renderPixel( FMatrixRMaj cameraMatrix, Point4D_F32 X, Point3D_F32 pixelH ) {
FMatrixRMaj P = cameraMatrix;
// @formatter:off
pixelH.x = P.data[0]*X.x + P.data[1]*X.y + P.data[2 ]*X.z + P.data[3 ]*X.w;
pixelH.y = P.data[4]*X.x + P.data[5]*X.y + P.data[6 ]*X.z + P.data[7 ]*X.w;
pixelH.z = P.data[8]*X.x + P.data[9]*X.y + P.data[10]*X.z + P.data[11]*X.w;
// @formatter:on
public static void renderPixel( FMatrixRMaj cameraMatrix, Point4D_F32 X, Point2D_F32 pixel ) {
FMatrixRMaj P = cameraMatrix;
float x = P.data[0]*X.x + P.data[1]*X.y + P.data[2]*X.z + P.data[3]*X.w;
float y = P.data[4]*X.x + P.data[5]*X.y + P.data[6]*X.z + P.data[7]*X.w;
float z = P.data[8]*X.x + P.data[9]*X.y + P.data[10]*X.z + P.data[11]*X.w;
pixel.x = x/z;
pixel.y = y/z;
public static float distance3DvsH( Point3D_F32 a, Point4D_F32 b, float tol ) {
// convert the homogeneous point into a 3D point.
float x = b.x;
float y = b.y;
float z = b.z;
float r = (float)Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
// See if the homogeneous point is at infinity, within tolerance
if (r*tol > (float)Math.abs(b.w)) {
// Finish the conversion to 3D
x /= b.w;
y /= b.w;
z /= b.w;
return a.distance(x, y, z);
public static float distance( Point4D_F32 a, Point4D_F32 b ) {
float na = a.norm();
float nb = b.norm();
if (na == 0.0f || nb == 0.0f)
return a.distance(b);
// take in account sign ambiguity
return (float)Math.sqrt(Math.min(distance(a, b, na, nb), distance(a, b, -na, nb)));
public static float distance( Point4D_F32 a, Point4D_F32 b, float na, float nb ) {
float xa = a.x/na;
float ya = a.y/na;
float za = a.z/na;
float wa = a.w/na;
float xb = b.x/nb;
float yb = b.y/nb;
float zb = b.z/nb;
float wb = b.w/nb;
float dx = xa - xb;
float dy = ya - yb;
float dz = za - zb;
float dw = wa - wb;
return dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz + dw*dw;
public static FMatrixRMaj createCameraMatrix( FMatrixRMaj R, Vector3D_F32 T,
@Nullable FMatrixRMaj K,
@Nullable FMatrixRMaj ret ) {
if (ret == null)
ret = new FMatrixRMaj(3, 4);
CommonOps_FDRM.insert(R, ret, 0, 0);
ret.data[3] = T.x;
ret.data[7] = T.y;
ret.data[11] = T.z;
if (K == null)
return ret;
FMatrixRMaj temp = new FMatrixRMaj(3, 4);
CommonOps_FDRM.mult(K, ret, temp);
return ret;
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