boofcv.alg.geo.pose.UtilLepetitEPnP Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2021, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of BoofCV (http://boofcv.org).
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package boofcv.alg.geo.pose;
import georegression.struct.point.Point3D_F64;
import org.ddogleg.struct.DogArray;
import org.ejml.data.DMatrixRMaj;
import java.util.List;
* Various utility functions for {@link PnPLepetitEPnP}.
* @author Peter Abeles
public class UtilLepetitEPnP {
* Computes the camera control points as weighted sum of null points.
* @param beta Beta values which describe the weights of null points
* @param nullPts Null points that the camera point is a weighted sum of
* @param cameraPts The output
public static void computeCameraControl( double[] beta,
List[] nullPts,
DogArray cameraPts,
int numControl ) {
for (int i = 0; i < numControl; i++) {
cameraPts.grow().setTo(0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < numControl; i++) {
double b = beta[i];
// System.out.printf("%7.3f ", b);
for (int j = 0; j < numControl; j++) {
Point3D_F64 s = cameraPts.get(j);
Point3D_F64 p = nullPts[i].get(j);
s.x += b*p.x;
s.y += b*p.y;
s.z += b*p.z;
* Extracts the linear constraint matrix for case 1 from the full 6x10 constraint matrix.
public static void constraintMatrix6x4( DMatrixRMaj L_6x10, DMatrixRMaj L_6x4 ) {
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
L_6x4.data[index++] = L_6x10.get(i, 0);
L_6x4.data[index++] = L_6x10.get(i, 1);
L_6x4.data[index++] = L_6x10.get(i, 3);
L_6x4.data[index++] = L_6x10.get(i, 6);
* Extracts the linear constraint matrix for case 2 from the full 6x10 constraint matrix.
public static void constraintMatrix6x3( DMatrixRMaj L_6x10, DMatrixRMaj L_6x3 ) {
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
L_6x3.data[index++] = L_6x10.get(i, 0);
L_6x3.data[index++] = L_6x10.get(i, 1);
L_6x3.data[index++] = L_6x10.get(i, 4);
* Extracts the linear constraint matrix for case 3 from the full 6x10 constraint matrix.
public static void constraintMatrix6x6( DMatrixRMaj L_6x10, DMatrixRMaj L_6x6 ) {
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
L_6x6.data[index++] = L_6x10.get(i, 0);
L_6x6.data[index++] = L_6x10.get(i, 1);
L_6x6.data[index++] = L_6x10.get(i, 2);
L_6x6.data[index++] = L_6x10.get(i, 4);
L_6x6.data[index++] = L_6x10.get(i, 5);
L_6x6.data[index++] = L_6x10.get(i, 7);
* Linear constraint matrix used in case 4 in the general case
* @param L Constraint matrix
* @param y Vector containing distance between world control points
* @param controlWorldPts List of world control points
* @param nullPts Null points
public static void constraintMatrix6x10( DMatrixRMaj L, DMatrixRMaj y,
DogArray controlWorldPts,
List[] nullPts ) {
int row = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Point3D_F64 ci = controlWorldPts.get(i);
Point3D_F64 vai = nullPts[0].get(i);
Point3D_F64 vbi = nullPts[1].get(i);
Point3D_F64 vci = nullPts[2].get(i);
Point3D_F64 vdi = nullPts[3].get(i);
for (int j = i + 1; j < 4; j++, row++) {
Point3D_F64 cj = controlWorldPts.get(j);
Point3D_F64 vaj = nullPts[0].get(j);
Point3D_F64 vbj = nullPts[1].get(j);
Point3D_F64 vcj = nullPts[2].get(j);
Point3D_F64 vdj = nullPts[3].get(j);
y.set(row, 0, ci.distance2(cj));
double xa = vai.x - vaj.x;
double ya = vai.y - vaj.y;
double za = vai.z - vaj.z;
double xb = vbi.x - vbj.x;
double yb = vbi.y - vbj.y;
double zb = vbi.z - vbj.z;
double xc = vci.x - vcj.x;
double yc = vci.y - vcj.y;
double zc = vci.z - vcj.z;
double xd = vdi.x - vdj.x;
double yd = vdi.y - vdj.y;
double zd = vdi.z - vdj.z;
double da = xa*xa + ya*ya + za*za;
double db = xb*xb + yb*yb + zb*zb;
double dc = xc*xc + yc*yc + zc*zc;
double dd = xd*xd + yd*yd + zd*zd;
double dab = xa*xb + ya*yb + za*zb;
double dac = xa*xc + ya*yc + za*zc;
double dad = xa*xd + ya*yd + za*zd;
double dbc = xb*xc + yb*yc + zb*zc;
double dbd = xb*xd + yb*yd + zb*zd;
double dcd = xc*xd + yc*yd + zc*zd;
L.set(row, 0, da);
L.set(row, 1, 2*dab);
L.set(row, 2, 2*dac);
L.set(row, 3, 2*dad);
L.set(row, 4, db);
L.set(row, 5, 2*dbc);
L.set(row, 6, 2*dbd);
L.set(row, 7, dc);
L.set(row, 8, 2*dcd);
L.set(row, 9, dd);
* Extracts the linear constraint matrix for case 1 from the full 6x10 constraint matrix.
public static void constraintMatrix3x3a( DMatrixRMaj L_3x6, DMatrixRMaj L_3x3 ) {
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
L_3x3.data[index++] = L_3x6.get(i, 0);
L_3x3.data[index++] = L_3x6.get(i, 1);
L_3x3.data[index++] = L_3x6.get(i, 2);
* Extracts the linear constraint matrix for planar case 2 from the full 4x6 constraint matrix.
public static void constraintMatrix3x3( DMatrixRMaj L_3x6,
DMatrixRMaj L_6x3 ) {
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
L_6x3.data[index++] = L_3x6.get(i, 0);
L_6x3.data[index++] = L_3x6.get(i, 1);
L_6x3.data[index++] = L_3x6.get(i, 3);
* Linear constraint matrix for case 4 in the planar case
* @param L Constraint matrix
* @param y Vector containing distance between world control points
* @param controlWorldPts List of world control points
* @param nullPts Null points
public static void constraintMatrix3x6( DMatrixRMaj L, DMatrixRMaj y,
DogArray controlWorldPts,
List[] nullPts ) {
int row = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Point3D_F64 ci = controlWorldPts.get(i);
Point3D_F64 vai = nullPts[0].get(i);
Point3D_F64 vbi = nullPts[1].get(i);
Point3D_F64 vci = nullPts[2].get(i);
for (int j = i + 1; j < 3; j++, row++) {
Point3D_F64 cj = controlWorldPts.get(j);
Point3D_F64 vaj = nullPts[0].get(j);
Point3D_F64 vbj = nullPts[1].get(j);
Point3D_F64 vcj = nullPts[2].get(j);
y.set(row, 0, ci.distance2(cj));
double xa = vai.x - vaj.x;
double ya = vai.y - vaj.y;
double za = vai.z - vaj.z;
double xb = vbi.x - vbj.x;
double yb = vbi.y - vbj.y;
double zb = vbi.z - vbj.z;
double xc = vci.x - vcj.x;
double yc = vci.y - vcj.y;
double zc = vci.z - vcj.z;
double da = xa*xa + ya*ya + za*za;
double db = xb*xb + yb*yb + zb*zb;
double dc = xc*xc + yc*yc + zc*zc;
double dab = xa*xb + ya*yb + za*zb;
double dac = xa*xc + ya*yc + za*zc;
double dbc = xb*xc + yb*yc + zb*zc;
L.set(row, 0, da);
L.set(row, 1, 2*dab);
L.set(row, 2, 2*dac);
L.set(row, 3, db);
L.set(row, 4, 2*dbc);
L.set(row, 5, dc);
* Computes the residuals (difference between observed and predicted) given 4 control points.
public static void residuals_Control4( DMatrixRMaj L_full, DMatrixRMaj y,
double[] beta, double[] r ) {
double b0 = beta[0];
double b1 = beta[1];
double b2 = beta[2];
double b3 = beta[3];
final double[] ld = L_full.data;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
int li = L_full.numCols*i;
double residual = -y.data[i];
residual += ld[li++]*b0*b0;
residual += ld[li++]*b0*b1;
residual += ld[li++]*b0*b2;
residual += ld[li++]*b0*b3;
residual += ld[li++]*b1*b1;
residual += ld[li++]*b1*b2;
residual += ld[li++]*b1*b3;
residual += ld[li++]*b2*b2;
residual += ld[li++]*b2*b3;
residual += ld[li]*b3*b3;
r[i] = residual;
* Computes the residuals (difference between observed and predicted given 3 control points.
public static void residuals_Control3( DMatrixRMaj L_full, DMatrixRMaj y,
double[] beta, double[] r ) {
// @formatter:off
double b0 = beta[0], b1 = beta[1], b2 = beta[2];
final double[] ld = L_full.data;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
double residual = -y.data[i];
int li = L_full.numCols*i;
residual += ld[li++]*b0*b0;
residual += ld[li++]*b0*b1;
residual += ld[li++]*b0*b2;
residual += ld[li++]*b1*b1;
residual += ld[li++]*b1*b2;
residual += ld[li ]*b2*b2;
r[i] = residual;
// @formatter:on
* Computes the Jacobian given 4 control points.
public static void jacobian_Control4( DMatrixRMaj L_full, double[] beta, DMatrixRMaj A ) {
// @formatter:off
int indexA = 0;
double b0 = beta[0], b1 = beta[1], b2 = beta[2], b3 = beta[3];
final double[] ld = L_full.data;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
int li = L_full.numCols*i;
A.data[indexA++] = 2*ld[li+0]*b0 + ld[li+1]*b1 + ld[li+2]*b2 + ld[li+3]*b3;
A.data[indexA++] = ld[li+1]*b0 + 2*ld[li+4]*b1 + ld[li+5]*b2 + ld[li+6]*b3;
A.data[indexA++] = ld[li+2]*b0 + ld[li+5]*b1 + 2*ld[li+7]*b2 + ld[li+8]*b3;
A.data[indexA++] = ld[li+3]*b0 + ld[li+6]*b1 + ld[li+8]*b2 + 2*ld[li+9]*b3;
// @formatter:on
* Computes the Jacobian given 3 control points.
public static void jacobian_Control3( DMatrixRMaj L_full, double[] beta, DMatrixRMaj A ) {
// @formatter:off
int indexA = 0;
double b0 = beta[0], b1 = beta[1], b2 = beta[2];
final double[] ld = L_full.data;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int li = L_full.numCols*i;
A.data[indexA++] = 2*ld[li+0]*b0 + ld[li+1]*b1 + ld[li+2]*b2;
A.data[indexA++] = ld[li+1]*b0 + 2*ld[li+3]*b1 + ld[li+4]*b2;
A.data[indexA++] = ld[li+2]*b0 + ld[li+4]*b1 + 2*ld[li+5]*b2;
// @formatter:on
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