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* Copyright (c) 2021, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of BoofCV (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import boofcv.struct.distort.Point2Transform2_F32;
import georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F32;
import org.ddogleg.struct.DogArray;
import org.ddogleg.struct.DogArray_F32;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Implementation of 'Moving Least Squares' (MLS) control point based image deformation models described in [1].
* Usage Procedure:
* - Invoke {@link #configure}
* - Invoke {@link #addControl} for each control point
* - Invoke {@link #setDistorted} to change the distorted location of a control point
* - Invoke {@link #fixate()} when all control points have been added and after you are done changing distorted locations
* Each control point has an undistorted and distorted location. The fixate functions are used to precompute
* different portions of the deformation to maximize speed by avoiding duplicate computations. Instead of computing
* a distortion for each pixel a regular grid is used instead. Pixel points are interpolated between grid points
* using bilinear interpolation.
* This should be a faithful implementation of MLS. Potential deviations listed below:
* - Pixels should be adjusted when converting to grid coordinates to maintain the same
* aspect ratio as the input image. This way the results is "independent" of the internal grids shape/size.
* [1] does not mention this issue.
* - When compared against images published in [1] the rigid transform appears slightly different. However,
* when compared against other implementations those appear to produce nearly identical results to this
* implementation.
* [1] Schaefer, Scott, Travis McPhail, and Joe Warren. "Image deformation using moving least squares."
* ACM transactions on graphics (TOG). Vol. 25. No. 3. ACM, 2006.
* @author Peter Abeles
public class ImageDeformPointMLS_F32 implements Point2Transform2_F32 {
// control points that specify the distortion
DogArray controls = new DogArray<>(Control::new);
// size of interpolation grid
int gridRows, gridCols;
// points inside interpolation grid
DogArray deformationGrid = new DogArray<>(Point2D_F32::new);
// DESIGN NOTE: Because the aspect ratio is maintained it's likely that some points in the grid are unreachable
// a small speed boost could be brought about by adjusting the grid size so that the minimum number
// of cells are used
// parameter used to adjust how distance between control points is weighted
float alpha = 3.0f/2.0f;
// scale between image and grid, adjusted to ensure aspect ratio doesn't change
float scaleX, scaleY;
// Pixel distortion model
Model model;
//--------------------------- Internal Workspace --------------------------------------------
DogArray_F32 weights = new DogArray_F32(); // weight of each control point
DogArray matrices = new DogArray<>(FMatrix2x2::new);
DogArray_F32 A = new DogArray_F32(); // As as the variable 'A' in the paper
Point2D_F32 aveP = new Point2D_F32(); // average control point for given weights
Point2D_F32 aveQ = new Point2D_F32(); // average distorted point for given weights
float totalWeight;
float mu; // mu for simularity
public ImageDeformPointMLS_F32( TypeDeformMLS type ) {
switch (type) {
case AFFINE -> model = new AffineModel();
case SIMILARITY -> model = new SimilarityModel();
case RIGID -> model = new RigidModel();
default -> throw new RuntimeException("Unknown model type " + type);
protected ImageDeformPointMLS_F32() {}
* Discards all existing control points
public void reset() {
* Specifies the input image size and the size of the grid it will use to approximate the idea solution. All
* control points are discarded
* @param width Image width
* @param height Image height
* @param gridRows grid rows
* @param gridCols grid columns
public void configure( int width, int height, int gridRows, int gridCols ) {
// need to maintain the same ratio of pixels in the grid as in the regular image for similarity and rigid
// to work correctly
int s = Math.max(width, height);
scaleX = s/(float)(gridCols - 1);
scaleY = s/(float)(gridRows - 1);
if (gridRows > gridCols) {
scaleY /= (gridCols - 1)/(float)(gridRows - 1);
} else {
scaleX /= (gridRows - 1)/(float)(gridCols - 1);
this.gridRows = gridRows;
this.gridCols = gridCols;
* Adds a new control point at the specified location. Initially the distorted and undistorted location will be
* set to the same
* @param x coordinate x-axis in image pixels
* @param y coordinate y-axis in image pixels
* @return Index of control point
public int addControl( float x, float y ) {
Control c = controls.grow();
c.q.setTo(x, y);
setUndistorted(controls.size - 1, x, y);
return controls.size - 1;
* Sets the location of a control point.
* @param x coordinate x-axis in image pixels
* @param y coordinate y-axis in image pixels
public void setUndistorted( int which, float x, float y ) {
if (scaleX <= 0 || scaleY <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must call configure first");
controls.get(which).p.setTo(x/scaleX, y/scaleY);
* Function that let's you set control and undistorted points at the same time
* @param srcX distorted coordinate
* @param srcY distorted coordinate
* @param dstX undistorted coordinate
* @param dstY undistorted coordinate
* @return Index of control point
public int add( float srcX, float srcY, float dstX, float dstY ) {
int which = addControl(srcX, srcY);
setUndistorted(which, dstX, dstY);
return which;
* Sets the distorted location of a specific control point
* @param which Which control point
* @param x distorted coordinate x-axis in image pixels
* @param y distorted coordinate y-axis in image pixels
public void setDistorted( int which, float x, float y ) {
controls.get(which).q.setTo(x, y);
* Precompute the portion of the equation which only concerns the undistorted location of each point on the
* grid even the current undistorted location of each control point.
* Recompute the deformation of each point in the internal grid now that the location of control points is
* not changing any more.
public void fixate() {
if (controls.size < 2)
throw new RuntimeException("Not enough control points specified. Found " + controls.size);
model.allocate(weights, A, matrices);
for (int row = 0; row < gridRows; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < gridCols; col++) {
float v_x = col;
float v_y = row;
computeWeights(v_x, v_y,;
model.computeIntermediate(v_x, v_y);
model.computeDeformed(col, row, getGrid(row, col));
* Computes the average P given the weights at this cached point
void computeAverageP( float[] weights ) {
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < controls.size; i++) {
Control c = controls.get(i);
float w = weights[i];
x += c.p.x*w;
y += c.p.y*w;
aveP.setTo(x/totalWeight, y/totalWeight);
* Computes the average Q given the weights at this cached point
void computeAverageQ( float[] weights ) {
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < controls.size; i++) {
Control c = controls.get(i);
float w = weights[i];
x += c.q.x*w;
y += c.q.y*w;
aveQ.setTo(x/totalWeight, y/totalWeight);
* Computes the weight/influence of each control point when distorting point v.
* @param v_x undistorted grid coordinate of cached point.
* @param v_y undistorted grid coordinate of cached point.
void computeWeights( float v_x, float v_y, float[] weights ) {
// first compute the weights
float totalWeight = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < controls.size; i++) {
Control c = controls.get(i);
float d2 = c.p.distance2(v_x, v_y);
// check for the special case
if (d2 == 0) {
Arrays.fill(weights, 0);
weights[i] = 1;
totalWeight = 1.0f;
} else {
totalWeight += weights[i] = 1.0f/(float)Math.pow(d2, alpha);
this.totalWeight = totalWeight;
public void compute( float x, float y, Point2D_F32 out ) {
interpolateDeformedPoint(x/scaleX, y/scaleY, out);
public ImageDeformPointMLS_F32 copyConcurrent() {
ImageDeformPointMLS_F32 out = new ImageDeformPointMLS_F32();
out.controls = controls;
out.gridRows = gridRows;
out.gridCols = gridCols;
out.deformationGrid = deformationGrid;
out.model = model;
out.scaleX = scaleX;
out.scaleY = scaleY;
out.alpha = alpha;
return out;
* Samples the 4 grid points around v and performs bilinear interpolation
* @param v_x Grid coordinate x-axis, undistorted
* @param v_y Grid coordinate y-axis, undistorted
* @param deformed Distorted grid coordinate in image pixels
void interpolateDeformedPoint( float v_x, float v_y, Point2D_F32 deformed ) {
// sample the closest point and x+1,y+1
int x0 = (int)v_x;
int y0 = (int)v_y;
int x1 = x0 + 1;
int y1 = y0 + 1;
// make sure the 4 sample points are in bounds
if (x1 >= gridCols)
x1 = gridCols - 1;
if (y1 >= gridRows)
y1 = gridRows - 1;
// weight along each axis
float ax = v_x - x0;
float ay = v_y - y0;
// bilinear weight for each sample point
float w00 = (1.0f - ax)*(1.0f - ay);
float w01 = ax*(1.0f - ay);
float w11 = ax*ay;
float w10 = (1.0f - ax)*ay;
// apply weights to each sample point
Point2D_F32 d00 = getGrid(y0, x0);
Point2D_F32 d01 = getGrid(y0, x1);
Point2D_F32 d10 = getGrid(y1, x0);
Point2D_F32 d11 = getGrid(y1, x1);
deformed.setTo(0, 0);
deformed.x += w00*d00.x;
deformed.x += w01*d01.x;
deformed.x += w11*d11.x;
deformed.x += w10*d10.x;
deformed.y += w00*d00.y;
deformed.y += w01*d01.y;
deformed.y += w11*d11.y;
deformed.y += w10*d10.y;
* Returns distorted control point in the deformation grid
Point2D_F32 getGrid( int row, int col ) {
return[row*gridCols + col];
* See paper section 2.1
public class AffineModel implements Model {
public void allocate( DogArray_F32 weights, DogArray_F32 A, DogArray matrices ) {
public void computeIntermediate( float v_x, float v_y ) {
// compute the weighted covariance 2x2 matrix
// Two below equation 5
// sum hat(p[i])'*w[i]*hat(p[i])
float inner00 = 0, inner01 = 0, inner11 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < controls.size; i++) {
Control c = controls.get(i);
float w =[i];
float hat_p_x = c.p.x - aveP.x;
float hat_p_y = c.p.y - aveP.y;
inner00 += hat_p_x*hat_p_x*w;
inner01 += hat_p_y*hat_p_x*w;
inner11 += hat_p_y*hat_p_y*w;
// invert it using minor equation
float det = (inner00*inner11 - inner01*inner01);
if (det == 0.0) {
// see if a control point and grid point are exactly the same
if (inner00 == 0.0f && inner11 == 0.0f) {
det = 1.0f;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Insufficient number of or geometric diversity in control points");
float inv00 = inner11/det;
float inv01 = -inner01/det;
float inv11 = inner00/det;
// Finally compute A[i] for each control point
// (v-p*)
float v_m_ap_x = v_x - aveP.x;
float v_m_ap_y = v_y - aveP.y;
float tmp0 = v_m_ap_x*inv00 + v_m_ap_y*inv01;
// (v-p*)*inv(stuff)
float tmp1 = v_m_ap_x*inv01 + v_m_ap_y*inv11;
for (int i = 0; i < controls.size; i++) {
Control c = controls.get(i);
float hat_p_x = c.p.x - aveP.x;
float hat_p_y = c.p.y - aveP.y;
// mistake in paper that w[i] was omitted?[i] = (tmp0*hat_p_x + tmp1*hat_p_y)*[i];
public void computeDeformed( float v_x, float v_y, Point2D_F32 deformed ) {
deformed.setTo(0, 0);
final int totalControls = controls.size;
for (int i = 0; i < totalControls; i++) {
Control c =[i];
final float a =[i];
deformed.x += a*(c.q.x - aveQ.x);
deformed.y += a*(c.q.y - aveQ.y);
deformed.x += aveQ.x;
deformed.y += aveQ.y;
* See paper section 2.2
public class SimilarityModel implements Model {
public void allocate( DogArray_F32 weights, DogArray_F32 A, DogArray matrices ) {
public void computeIntermediate( float v_x, float v_y ) {
final float[] weights =;
mu = 0;
// mu = sum{ w[i]*dot( hat(p). hat(p) ) }
// A[i] = w[i]*( hat(p); hat(p^|) )( v-p*; -(v-p*)^|)'
// where ^| means perpendicular to vector
final int totalControls = controls.size;
for (int i = 0; i < totalControls; i++) {
Control c = controls.get(i);
float w = weights[i];
float hat_p_x = c.p.x - aveP.x;
float hat_p_y = c.p.y - aveP.y;
mu += w*(hat_p_x*hat_p_x + hat_p_y*hat_p_y);
float v_ps_x = v_x - aveP.x;
float v_ps_y = v_y - aveP.y;
FMatrix2x2 m = matrices.get(i);
m.a11 = w*(hat_p_x*v_ps_x + hat_p_y*v_ps_y);
m.a12 = w*(hat_p_x*v_ps_y - hat_p_y*v_ps_x);
m.a21 = -m.a12;
m.a22 = m.a11;
// point being sampled and the key point are exactly the same
if (mu == 0.0f)
mu = 1.0f;
public void computeDeformed( float v_x, float v_y, Point2D_F32 deformed ) {
deformed.setTo(0, 0);
final int totalControls = controls.size;
for (int i = 0; i < totalControls; i++) {
Control c = controls.get(i);
FMatrix2x2 m =[i];
float hat_q_x = c.q.x - aveQ.x;
float hat_q_y = c.q.y - aveQ.y;
deformed.x += hat_q_x*m.a11 + hat_q_y*m.a21;
deformed.y += hat_q_x*m.a12 + hat_q_y*m.a22;
deformed.x = deformed.x/mu + aveQ.x;
deformed.y = deformed.y/mu + aveQ.y;
* Paper section 2.3
public class RigidModel extends SimilarityModel {
public void computeDeformed( float v_x, float v_y, Point2D_F32 deformed ) {
// f_r[v] equation just above equation 8
float fr_x = 0, fr_y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < controls.size; i++) {
Control c = controls.get(i);
float hat_q_x = c.q.x - aveQ.x;
float hat_q_y = c.q.y - aveQ.y;
FMatrix2x2 m = matrices.get(i);
fr_x += (hat_q_x*m.a11 + hat_q_y*m.a21);
fr_y += (hat_q_x*m.a12 + hat_q_y*m.a22);
// equation 8
float v_avep_x = v_x - aveP.x;
float v_avep_y = v_y - aveP.y;
float norm_fr = (float)Math.sqrt(fr_x*fr_x + fr_y*fr_y);
float norm_vp = (float)Math.sqrt(v_avep_x*v_avep_x + v_avep_y*v_avep_y);
// point being sampled and the key point are exactly the same
if (norm_fr == 0.0f && norm_vp == 0.0f) {
deformed.x = aveQ.x;
deformed.y = aveQ.y;
} else {
float scale = norm_vp/norm_fr;
deformed.x = scaleX*fr_x*scale + aveQ.x;
deformed.y = scaleY*fr_y*scale + aveQ.y;
public float getAlpha() {
return alpha;
public void setAlpha( float alpha ) {
this.alpha = alpha;
* Distortion model interface
private interface Model {
/** Pre-allocates the size of each of these arrays */
void allocate( DogArray_F32 weights, DogArray_F32 A, DogArray matrices );
/** Computes intermediate results needed for the distortion */
void computeIntermediate( float v_x, float v_y );
/** Computes the deformation at each control point */
void computeDeformed( float v_x, float v_y, Point2D_F32 deformed );
public static class Control {
* Control point location in grid coordinates
Point2D_F32 p = new Point2D_F32();
* Deformed control point location in image pixels
Point2D_F32 q = new Point2D_F32();