boofcv.alg.tracker.tld.TldTracker Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2011-2017, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of BoofCV (http://boofcv.org).
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package boofcv.alg.tracker.tld;
import boofcv.abst.filter.derivative.ImageGradient;
import boofcv.alg.interpolate.InterpolatePixelS;
import boofcv.alg.tracker.klt.PyramidKltTracker;
import boofcv.factory.tracker.FactoryTrackerAlg;
import boofcv.factory.transform.pyramid.FactoryPyramid;
import boofcv.struct.ImageRectangle;
import boofcv.struct.image.ImageGray;
import boofcv.struct.pyramid.PyramidDiscrete;
import georegression.struct.shapes.Rectangle2D_F64;
import org.ddogleg.struct.FastQueue;
import java.util.Random;
* Main class for Tracking-Learning-Detection (TLD) [1] (a.k.a Predator) object tracker for video sequences.
* TLD tracks an object which is specified by a user using a rectangle. The description of the object is
* dynamically updated using P and N constraints.
* To start tracking {@link #initialize(ImageGray, int, int, int, int)} must first be called
* to specify the region being tracked. Then each time a new image in the sequences arrives
* {@link #track(ImageGray)} is called. Be sure to check its return value to see if tracking
* was successful or not. If tracking fails one frame it can recover. This is often the case where an object
* becomes obscured and then visible again.
* NOTE: This implementation is based the description found in [1]. The spirit of the original algorithm is replicated,
* but there are a several algorithmic changes. The most significant modifications are as follow; 1) The KLT tracker
* used to update the rectangle does not use NCC features to validate a track or the median based outlier removal.
* Instead a robust model matching algorithm finds the best fit motion. 2) The non-maximum suppression algorithm has
* been changed so that it computes a more accurate local maximum and only uses local rectangles to
* compute the average response. 3) Fern selection is done by selecting the N best using a likelihood ratio
* conditional on the current image. 4) Learning only happens when a track is considered strong.
* See code for more details. Note, this is not a port of the OpenTLD project.
* [1] Zdenek Kalal, "Tracking-Learning-Detection" University of Surrey, April 2011 Phd Thesis.
* @author Peter Abeles
public class TldTracker, D extends ImageGray> {
// specified configuration parameters for the tracker
private TldParameters config;
// selected region for output
private Rectangle2D_F64 targetRegion = new Rectangle2D_F64();
// region selected by KLT tracker
// NOTE: The tracker updates a pointing point region. Rounding to the closest integer rectangle introduces errors
// which can build up.
private Rectangle2D_F64 trackerRegion = new Rectangle2D_F64();
private ImageRectangle trackerRegion_I32 = new ImageRectangle();
// Region used inside detection cascade
private FastQueue cascadeRegions = new FastQueue<>(ImageRectangle.class, true);
// Image pyramid of input image
private PyramidDiscrete imagePyramid;
// Tracks features inside the current region
private TldRegionTracker tracking;
// Adjusts the region using track information
private TldAdjustRegion adjustRegion;
// Detects rectangles: Removes candidates which lack texture
private TldVarianceFilter variance;
// Detects rectangles: Removes candidates don't match the fern descriptors
private TldFernClassifier fern;
// Detects rectangles: Removes candidates don't match NCC descriptors
private TldTemplateMatching template;
// code for detection cascade
private TldDetection detection;
// did tracking totally fail and it needs to reacquire a track?
private boolean reacquiring;
// Is the region hypothesis valid and can be used for learning?
private boolean valid;
// is the current track considered a strong match and learning can occur?
private boolean strongMatch;
// area of the previous track before it lost track
private double previousTrackArea;
private TldLearning learning;
// is learning on or off
private boolean performLearning = true;
* Configures the TLD tracker
* @param config Configuration class which specifies the tracker's behavior
public TldTracker( TldParameters config ,
InterpolatePixelS interpolate , ImageGradient gradient ,
Class imageType , Class derivType) {
this.config = config;
Random rand = new Random(config.randomSeed);
PyramidKltTracker tracker = FactoryTrackerAlg.kltPyramid(config.trackerConfig, imageType, derivType);
tracking = new TldRegionTracker<>(config.trackerGridWidth, config.trackerFeatureRadius,
config.maximumErrorFB, gradient, tracker, imageType, derivType);
adjustRegion = new TldAdjustRegion(config.motionIterations);
variance = new TldVarianceFilter<>(imageType);
template = new TldTemplateMatching<>(interpolate);
fern = new TldFernClassifier<>(
rand, config.numFerns, config.fernSize, 20, 0.5f, interpolate);
detection = new TldDetection<>(fern, template, variance, config);
learning = new TldLearning<>(rand, config, template, variance, fern, detection);
* Starts tracking the rectangular region.
* @param image First image in the sequence.
* @param x0 Top-left corner of rectangle. x-axis
* @param y0 Top-left corner of rectangle. y-axis
* @param x1 Bottom-right corner of rectangle. x-axis
* @param y1 Bottom-right corner of rectangle. y-axis
public void initialize( T image , int x0 , int y0 , int x1 , int y1 ) {
if( imagePyramid == null ||
imagePyramid.getInputWidth() != image.width || imagePyramid.getInputHeight() != image.height ) {
int minSize = (config.trackerFeatureRadius*2+1)*5;
int scales[] = selectPyramidScale(image.width,image.height,minSize);
imagePyramid = FactoryPyramid.discreteGaussian(scales,-1,1,true,image.getImageType());
reacquiring = false;
targetRegion.set(x0, y0, x1, y1);
learning.initialLearning(targetRegion, cascadeRegions);
strongMatch = true;
previousTrackArea = targetRegion.area();
* Used to set the location of the track without changing any appearance history.
* Move the track region but keep the same aspect ratio as it had before
* So scale the region and re-center it
public void setTrackerLocation( int x0 , int y0 , int x1 , int y1 ) {
int width = x1-x0;
int height = y1-y0;
// change change in scale
double scale = (width/targetRegion.getWidth() + height/targetRegion.getHeight())/2.0;
// new center location
double centerX = (x0+x1)/2.0;
double centerY = (y0+y1)/2.0;
targetRegion.p0.x = centerX-scale*targetRegion.getWidth()/2.0;
targetRegion.p1.x = targetRegion.p0.x + scale*targetRegion.getWidth();
targetRegion.p0.y = centerY-scale*targetRegion.getHeight()/2.0;
targetRegion.p1.y = targetRegion.p0.y + scale*targetRegion.getHeight();
* Creates a list containing all the regions which need to be tested
private void createCascadeRegion( int imageWidth , int imageHeight ) {
int rectWidth = (int)(targetRegion.getWidth()+0.5);
int rectHeight = (int)(targetRegion.getHeight()+0.5);
for( int scaleInt = -config.scaleSpread; scaleInt <= config.scaleSpread; scaleInt++ ) {
// try several scales as specified in the paper
double scale = Math.pow(1.2,scaleInt);
// the actual rectangular region being tested at this scale
int actualWidth = (int)(rectWidth*scale);
int actualHeight = (int)(rectHeight*scale);
// see if the region is too small or too large
if( actualWidth < config.detectMinimumSide || actualHeight < config.detectMinimumSide )
if( actualWidth >= imageWidth || actualHeight >= imageHeight )
// step size at this scale
int stepWidth = (int)(rectWidth*scale*0.1);
int stepHeight = (int)(rectHeight*scale*0.1);
if( stepWidth < 1 ) stepWidth = 1;
if( stepHeight < 1 ) stepHeight = 1;
// maximum allowed values
int maxX = imageWidth-actualWidth;
int maxY = imageHeight-actualHeight;
// start at (1,1). Otherwise a more complex algorithm needs to be used for integral images
for( int y0 = 1; y0 < maxY; y0 += stepHeight ) {
for( int x0 = 1; x0 < maxX; x0 += stepWidth) {
ImageRectangle r = cascadeRegions.grow();
r.x0 = x0;
r.y0 = y0;
r.x1 = x0 + actualWidth;
r.y1 = y0 + actualHeight;
* Updates track region.
* @param image Next image in the sequence.
* @return true if the object could be found and false if not
public boolean track( T image ) {
boolean success = true;
valid = false;
if( reacquiring ) {
// It can reinitialize if there is a single detection
if( detection.isSuccess() && !detection.isAmbiguous() ) {
TldRegion region = detection.getBest();
reacquiring = false;
valid = false;
// set it to the detected region
ImageRectangle r = region.rect;
targetRegion.set(r.x0, r.y0, r.x1, r.y1);
// get tracking running again
} else {
success = false;
} else {
// update the previous track region using the tracker
boolean trackingWorked = tracking.process(imagePyramid, trackerRegion);
trackingWorked &= adjustRegion.process(tracking.getPairs(), trackerRegion);
TldHelperFunctions.convertRegion(trackerRegion, trackerRegion_I32);
if( hypothesisFusion( trackingWorked , detection.isSuccess() ) ) {
// if it found a hypothesis and it is valid for learning, then learn
if( valid && performLearning ) {
} else {
reacquiring = true;
success = false;
if( strongMatch ) {
previousTrackArea = targetRegion.area();
return success;
private void checkNewTrackStrong( double confidence ) {
// see if there is very high confidence of a match
strongMatch = confidence > config.confidenceThresholdStrong;
// otherwise see if it's the expected shape
if( !strongMatch ) {
double similarity = Math.abs( (targetRegion.area() - previousTrackArea)/previousTrackArea);
strongMatch = similarity <= config.thresholdSimilarArea;
* Combines hypotheses from tracking and detection.
* @param trackingWorked If the sequential tracker updated the track region successfully or not
* @return true a hypothesis was found, false if it failed to find a hypothesis
protected boolean hypothesisFusion( boolean trackingWorked , boolean detectionWorked ) {
valid = false;
boolean uniqueDetection = detectionWorked && !detection.isAmbiguous();
TldRegion detectedRegion = detection.getBest();
double confidenceTarget;
if( trackingWorked ) {
// get the scores from tracking and detection
double scoreTrack = template.computeConfidence(trackerRegion_I32);
double scoreDetected = 0;
if( uniqueDetection ) {
scoreDetected = detectedRegion.confidence;
double adjustment = strongMatch ? 0.07 : 0.02;
if( uniqueDetection && scoreDetected > scoreTrack + adjustment ) {
// if there is a unique detection and it has higher confidence than the
// track region, use the detected region
TldHelperFunctions.convertRegion(detectedRegion.rect, targetRegion);
confidenceTarget = detectedRegion.confidence;
// if it's far away from the current track, re-evaluate if it's a strongMatch
} else {
// Otherwise use the tracker region
confidenceTarget = scoreTrack;
strongMatch |= confidenceTarget > config.confidenceThresholdStrong;
// see if the most likely detected region overlaps the track region
if( strongMatch && confidenceTarget >= config.confidenceThresholdLower ) {
valid = true;
} else if( uniqueDetection ) {
// just go with the best detected region
detectedRegion = detection.getBest();
TldHelperFunctions.convertRegion(detectedRegion.rect, targetRegion);
confidenceTarget = detectedRegion.confidence;
strongMatch = confidenceTarget > config.confidenceThresholdStrong;
} else {
return false;
return confidenceTarget >= config.confidenceAccept;
* Selects the scale for the image pyramid based on image size and feature size
* @return scales for image pyramid
public static int[] selectPyramidScale( int imageWidth , int imageHeight, int minSize ) {
int w = Math.max(imageWidth,imageHeight);
int maxScale = w/minSize;
int n = 1;
int scale = 1;
while( scale*2 < maxScale ) {
scale *= 2;
int ret[] = new int[n];
scale = 1;
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
ret[i] = scale;
scale *= 2;
return ret;
public boolean isPerformLearning() {
return performLearning;
public void setPerformLearning(boolean performLearning) {
this.performLearning = performLearning;
public TldTemplateMatching getTemplateMatching() {
return template;
* Returns the estimated location of the target in the current image
* @return Location of the target
public Rectangle2D_F64 getTargetRegion() {
return targetRegion;
public Rectangle2D_F64 getTrackerRegion() {
return trackerRegion;
public TldParameters getConfig() {
return config;
public TldDetection getDetection() {
return detection;