boofcv.alg.sfm.d3.VisOdomDualTrackPnP Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2011-2017, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of BoofCV (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package boofcv.alg.sfm.d3;
import boofcv.abst.feature.associate.AssociateDescription2D;
import boofcv.abst.feature.describe.DescribeRegionPoint;
import boofcv.abst.feature.tracker.PointTrack;
import boofcv.abst.feature.tracker.PointTracker;
import boofcv.abst.geo.TriangulateTwoViewsCalibrated;
import boofcv.alg.distort.LensDistortionOps;
import boofcv.alg.feature.associate.StereoConsistencyCheck;
import boofcv.struct.calib.StereoParameters;
import boofcv.struct.distort.Point2Transform2_F64;
import boofcv.struct.feature.AssociatedIndex;
import boofcv.struct.feature.TupleDesc;
import boofcv.struct.image.ImageBase;
import boofcv.struct.sfm.Stereo2D3D;
import georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F64;
import georegression.struct.point.Point3D_F64;
import org.ddogleg.fitting.modelset.ModelFitter;
import org.ddogleg.fitting.modelset.ModelMatcher;
import org.ddogleg.struct.FastQueue;
import org.ddogleg.struct.GrowQueue_I32;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Stereo visual odometry algorithm which relies on tracking features independently in the left and right images
* and then matching those tracks together. The idea behind this tracker is that the expensive task of association
* features between left and right cameras only needs to be done once eat time a track is spawned. Triangulation
* is used to estimate each feature's 3D location. Motion is estimated robustly using a RANSAC type algorithm
* provided by the user which internally uses {@link boofcv.abst.geo.Estimate1ofPnP PnP} type algorithm.
* Estimated motion is relative to left camera.
* @author Peter Abeles
public class VisOdomDualTrackPnP,Desc extends TupleDesc> {
// Left and right input images
private T inputLeft;
private T inputRight;
// when the inlier set is less than this number new features are detected
private int thresholdAdd;
// discard tracks after they have not been in the inlier set for this many updates in a row
private int thresholdRetire;
// computes camera motion
private ModelMatcher matcher;
private ModelFitter modelRefiner;
// trackers for left and right cameras
private PointTracker trackerLeft;
private PointTracker trackerRight;
private DescribeRegionPoint describe;
// Data structures used when associating left and right cameras
private FastQueue pointsLeft = new FastQueue<>(Point2D_F64.class, false);
private FastQueue pointsRight = new FastQueue<>(Point2D_F64.class, false);
private FastQueue descLeft,descRight;
// matches features between left and right images
private AssociateDescription2D assocL2R;
// Estimates the 3D coordinate of a feature
private TriangulateTwoViewsCalibrated triangulate;
// convert for original image pixels into normalized image coordinates
private Point2Transform2_F64 leftImageToNorm;
private Point2Transform2_F64 rightImageToNorm;
// Ensures that the epipolar constraint still applies to the tracks
private StereoConsistencyCheck stereoCheck;
// known stereo baseline
private Se3_F64 leftToRight = new Se3_F64();
// List of tracks from left image that remain after geometric filters have been applied
private List candidates = new ArrayList<>();
// transform from key frame to world frame
private Se3_F64 keyToWorld = new Se3_F64();
// transform from the current camera view to the key frame
private Se3_F64 currToKey = new Se3_F64();
// transform from the current camera view to the world frame
private Se3_F64 currToWorld = new Se3_F64();
// number of frames that have been processed
private int tick;
// is this the first frame
private boolean first = true;
* Specifies internal algorithms and parameters
* @param thresholdAdd When the number of inliers is below this number new features are detected
* @param thresholdRetire When a feature has not been in the inlier list for this many ticks it is dropped
* @param epilolarTol Tolerance in pixels for enforcing the epipolar constraint
* @param trackerLeft Tracker used for left camera
* @param trackerRight Tracker used for right camera
* @param describe Describes features in tracks
* @param assocL2R Assocation for left to right
* @param triangulate Triangulation for estimating 3D location from stereo pair
* @param matcher Robust motion model estimation with outlier rejection
* @param modelRefiner Non-linear refinement of motion model
public VisOdomDualTrackPnP(int thresholdAdd, int thresholdRetire, double epilolarTol,
PointTracker trackerLeft, PointTracker trackerRight,
DescribeRegionPoint describe,
AssociateDescription2D assocL2R,
TriangulateTwoViewsCalibrated triangulate,
ModelMatcher matcher,
ModelFitter modelRefiner)
if( !assocL2R.uniqueSource() || !assocL2R.uniqueDestination() )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both unique source and destination must be ensure by association");
this.describe = describe;
this.thresholdAdd = thresholdAdd;
this.thresholdRetire = thresholdRetire;
this.trackerLeft = trackerLeft;
this.trackerRight = trackerRight;
this.assocL2R = assocL2R;
this.triangulate = triangulate;
this.matcher = matcher;
this.modelRefiner = modelRefiner;
descLeft = new DescriptorQueue();
descRight = new DescriptorQueue();
stereoCheck = new StereoConsistencyCheck(epilolarTol,epilolarTol);
public void setCalibration(StereoParameters param) {
leftImageToNorm = LensDistortionOps.narrow(param.left).undistort_F64(true,false);
rightImageToNorm = LensDistortionOps.narrow(param.right).undistort_F64(true,false);
* Resets the algorithm into its original state
public void reset() {
first = true;
tick = 0;
* Updates motion estimate using the stereo pair.
* @param left Image from left camera
* @param right Image from right camera
* @return true if motion estimate was updated and false if not
public boolean process( T left , T right ) {
// System.out.println("----------- Process --------------");
this.inputLeft = left;
this.inputRight = right;
if( first ) {
first = false;
} else {
boolean failed = !estimateMotion();
if( failed )
return false;
int N = matcher.getMatchSet().size();
if( modelRefiner != null )
if( thresholdAdd <= 0 || N < thresholdAdd ) {
return true;
* Non-linear refinement of motion estimate
private void refineMotionEstimate() {
// use observations from the inlier set
List data = new ArrayList<>();
int N = matcher.getMatchSet().size();
for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
int index = matcher.getInputIndex(i);
PointTrack l = candidates.get(index);
LeftTrackInfo info = l.getCookie();
PointTrack r = info.right;
Stereo2D3D stereo = info.location;
// compute normalized image coordinate for track in left and right image
// refine the motion estimate using non-linear optimization
Se3_F64 keyToCurr = currToKey.invert(null);
Se3_F64 found = new Se3_F64();
if( modelRefiner.fitModel(data,keyToCurr,found) ) {
* Given the set of active tracks, estimate the cameras motion robustly
* @return
private boolean estimateMotion() {
// organize the data
List data = new ArrayList<>();
for( PointTrack l : candidates ) {
LeftTrackInfo info = l.getCookie();
PointTrack r = info.right;
Stereo2D3D stereo = info.location;
// compute normalized image coordinate for track in left and right image
// Robustly estimate left camera motion
if( !matcher.process(data) )
return false;
Se3_F64 keyToCurr = matcher.getModelParameters();
// mark tracks that are in the inlier set
int N = matcher.getMatchSet().size();
for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
int index = matcher.getInputIndex(i);
LeftTrackInfo info = candidates.get(index).getCookie();
info.lastInlier = tick;
// System.out.println("Inlier set size: "+N);
return true;
* If a track was dropped in one image make sure it was dropped in the other image
private void mutualTrackDrop() {
for( PointTrack t : trackerLeft.getDroppedTracks(null) ) {
LeftTrackInfo info = t.getCookie();
for( PointTrack t : trackerRight.getDroppedTracks(null) ) {
RightTrackInfo info = t.getCookie();
// a track could be dropped twice here, such requests are ignored by the tracker
* Searches for tracks which are active and meet the epipolar constraints
private void selectCandidateTracks() {
// mark tracks in right frame that are active
List activeRight = trackerRight.getActiveTracks(null);
for( PointTrack t : activeRight ) {
RightTrackInfo info = t.getCookie();
info.lastActiveList = tick;
int mutualActive = 0;
List activeLeft = trackerLeft.getActiveTracks(null);
for( PointTrack left : activeLeft ) {
LeftTrackInfo info = left.getCookie();
// if( info == null || info.right == null ) {
// System.out.println("Oh Crap");
// }
// for each active left track, see if its right track has been marked as active
RightTrackInfo infoRight = info.right.getCookie();
if( infoRight.lastActiveList != tick ) {
// check epipolar constraint and see if it is still valid
if( stereoCheck.checkPixel(left, info.right) ) {
info.lastConsistent = tick;
// System.out.println("Active Tracks: Left "+trackerLeft.getActiveTracks(null).size()+" right "+
// trackerRight.getActiveTracks(null).size());
// System.out.println("All Tracks: Left "+trackerLeft.getAllTracks(null).size()+" right "+
// trackerRight.getAllTracks(null).size());
// System.out.println("Candidates = "+candidates.size()+" mutual active = "+mutualActive);
* Removes tracks which have not been included in the inlier set recently
* @return Number of dropped tracks
private int dropUnusedTracks() {
List all = trackerLeft.getAllTracks(null);
int num = 0;
for( PointTrack t : all ) {
LeftTrackInfo info = t.getCookie();
if( tick - info.lastInlier > thresholdRetire ) {
if( !trackerLeft.dropTrack(t) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("failed to drop unused left track");
if( !trackerRight.dropTrack(info.right) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("failed to drop unused right track");
// System.out.println(" total unused dropped "+num);
return num;
* Updates the relative position of all points so that the current frame is the reference frame. Mathematically
* this is not needed, but should help keep numbers from getting too large.
private void changePoseToReference() {
Se3_F64 keyToCurr = currToKey.invert(null);
List all = trackerLeft.getAllTracks(null);
for( PointTrack t : all ) {
LeftTrackInfo p = t.getCookie();
SePointOps_F64.transform(keyToCurr, p.location.location, p.location.location);
* Spawns tracks in each image and associates features together.
private void addNewTracks() {
List newLeft = trackerLeft.getNewTracks(null);
List newRight = trackerRight.getNewTracks(null);
// get a list of new tracks and their descriptions
addNewToList(inputLeft, newLeft, pointsLeft, descLeft);
// associate using L2R
assocL2R.setDestination(pointsRight, descRight);
FastQueue matches = assocL2R.getMatches();
// storage for the triangulated location in the camera frame
Point3D_F64 cameraP3 = new Point3D_F64();
for( int i = 0; i < matches.size; i++ ) {
AssociatedIndex m = matches.get(i);
PointTrack trackL = newLeft.get(m.src);
PointTrack trackR = newRight.get(m.dst);
// declare additional track information stored in each track. Tracks can be recycled so it
// might not always need to be declared
LeftTrackInfo infoLeft = trackL.getCookie();
if( infoLeft == null )
trackL.cookie = infoLeft = new LeftTrackInfo();
RightTrackInfo infoRight = trackR.getCookie();
if( infoRight == null )
trackR.cookie = infoRight = new RightTrackInfo();
Stereo2D3D p2d3d = infoLeft.location;
// convert pixel observations into normalized image coordinates
// triangulate 3D coordinate in the current camera frame
if( triangulate.triangulate(p2d3d.leftObs,p2d3d.rightObs,leftToRight,cameraP3) )
// put the track into the current keyframe coordinate system
// save a reference to the matching track in the right camera frame
infoLeft.right = trackR;
infoLeft.lastConsistent = infoLeft.lastInlier = tick;
infoRight.left = trackL;
} else {
// triangulation failed, drop track
// TODO need way to mark right tracks which are unassociated after this loop
throw new RuntimeException("This special case needs to be handled!");
// drop tracks that were not associated
GrowQueue_I32 unassignedRight = assocL2R.getUnassociatedDestination();
for( int i = 0; i < unassignedRight.size; i++ ) {
int index = unassignedRight.get(i);
// System.out.println(" unassigned right "+newRight.get(index).x+" "+newRight.get(index).y);
GrowQueue_I32 unassignedLeft = assocL2R.getUnassociatedSource();
for( int i = 0; i < unassignedLeft.size; i++ ) {
int index = unassignedLeft.get(i);
// System.out.println("Total left "+trackerLeft.getAllTracks(null).size()+" right "+trackerRight.getAllTracks(null).size());
// System.out.println("Associated: "+matches.size+" new left "+newLeft.size()+" new right "+newRight.size());
// System.out.println("New Tracks: Total: Left "+trackerLeft.getAllTracks(null).size()+" right "+
// trackerRight.getAllTracks(null).size());
// List temp = trackerLeft.getActiveTracks(null);
// for( PointTrack t : temp ) {
// if( t.cookie == null )
// System.out.println("BUG!");
// }
// temp = trackerRight.getActiveTracks(null);
// for( PointTrack t : temp ) {
// if( t.cookie == null )
// System.out.println("BUG!");
// }
private void addNewToList( T image,
List tracks ,
FastQueue points , FastQueue descs )
points.reset(); descs.reset();
for( int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); i++ ) {
PointTrack t = tracks.get(i);
// ignoring the return value. most descriptors never return false and the ones that due will rarely do so
points.add( t );
private void concatMotion() {
Se3_F64 temp = new Se3_F64();
public Se3_F64 getCurrToWorld() {
currToKey.concat(keyToWorld, currToWorld);
return currToWorld;
public int getTick() {
return tick;
* If there are no candidates then a fault happened.
* @return true if fault. false is no fault
public boolean isFault() {
return candidates.isEmpty();
* Returns a list of active tracks that passed geometric constraints
public List getCandidates() {
return candidates;
public ModelMatcher getMatcher() {
return matcher;
public static class LeftTrackInfo
public Stereo2D3D location = new Stereo2D3D();
// last time the track was declared as being geometrically consistent
public int lastConsistent;
// last time it was in the inlier list
public int lastInlier;
// right camera track it is associated with
public PointTrack right;
public static class RightTrackInfo
// used to see if the right track is currently in the active list
public int lastActiveList;
// left camera track it is associated with
public PointTrack left;
private class DescriptorQueue extends FastQueue
private DescriptorQueue() {
super(describe.getDescriptionType(), true);
protected Desc createInstance() {
return describe.createDescription();
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