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boofcv.alg.sfm.structure.EstimateSceneCalibrated Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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BoofCV is an open source Java library for real-time computer vision and robotics applications.

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 * Copyright (c) 2011-2018, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file is part of BoofCV (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package boofcv.alg.sfm.structure;

import boofcv.abst.geo.Triangulate2ViewsMetric;
import boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.SceneObservations;
import boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.SceneStructureMetric;
import boofcv.alg.geo.MultiViewOps;
import boofcv.alg.geo.PositiveDepthConstraintCheck;
import boofcv.alg.geo.robust.ModelMatcherMultiview;
import boofcv.alg.geo.triangulate.Triangulate2ViewReprojectionMetricError;
import boofcv.alg.sfm.EstimateSceneStructure;
import boofcv.alg.sfm.structure.MetricSceneGraph.Feature3D;
import boofcv.alg.sfm.structure.MetricSceneGraph.Motion;
import boofcv.alg.sfm.structure.MetricSceneGraph.View;
import boofcv.alg.sfm.structure.MetricSceneGraph.ViewState;
import boofcv.factory.geo.ConfigRansac;
import boofcv.factory.geo.ConfigTriangulation;
import boofcv.factory.geo.FactoryMultiView;
import boofcv.factory.geo.FactoryMultiViewRobust;
import boofcv.struct.feature.AssociatedIndex;
import boofcv.struct.geo.Point2D3D;
import georegression.geometry.GeometryMath_F64;
import georegression.geometry.UtilVector3D_F64;
import georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F64;
import georegression.struct.point.Point3D_F64;
import georegression.struct.point.Vector3D_F64;
import org.ddogleg.struct.GrowQueue_F64;
import org.ddogleg.struct.GrowQueue_I32;

import java.util.*;

 * Assumes the input images are in an arbitrary order and that any image can be connected to any other image.
 * A brute force approach is used to determine connectivity between images making this an O(N2) algorithm.
 * This its not suitable for a large number of images.
 * All cameras must either be calibrated or uncalibrated.
 * Sensitivity to the selection of the origin view and the motion which defines the coordinate system is minimized
 * by estimating the 3D coordinate of points using local information alone. An alternative and common approach uses
 * information built up from sequential view poses and 3D point estimates which have unbounded error.
 * @author Peter Abeles
public class EstimateSceneCalibrated implements EstimateSceneStructure
	// Used to pre-maturely stop the scene estimation process
	private volatile boolean stopRequested = false;

	private double TRIANGULATE_MIN_ANGLE = Math.PI/20.0;

	// camera name to index
	Map cameraToIndex = new HashMap<>();

	ModelMatcherMultiview ransacPnP;
	// TODO add back refine epipolar?

	// Triangulates the 3D coordinate of a point from two observations
	Triangulate2ViewsMetric triangulate = FactoryMultiView.triangulate2ViewMetric(
			new ConfigTriangulation(ConfigTriangulation.Type.GEOMETRIC));
	Triangulate2ViewReprojectionMetricError triangulationError = new Triangulate2ViewReprojectionMetricError();

	MetricSceneGraph graph;

	// This are the views were actually added
	List viewsAdded = new ArrayList<>();

	// work space for feature angles
	private Vector3D_F64 arrowA = new Vector3D_F64();
	private Vector3D_F64 arrowB = new Vector3D_F64();

	// Output
	SceneStructureMetric structure;
	SceneObservations observations;

	// Verbose output to standard out
	PrintStream verbose;

	double maxPixelError = 2.5;

	ConfigRansac configRansac = new ConfigRansac(4000,maxPixelError);

	 * Processes the paired up scene features and computes an initial estimate for the scene's
	 * structure.
	 * @param pairwiseGraph (Input) matched features across views/cameras. Must be calibrated. Modified.
	 * @return true if successful
	public boolean process(PairwiseImageGraph pairwiseGraph ) {
		this.graph = new MetricSceneGraph(pairwiseGraph);
		for (int i = 0; i < graph.edges.size(); i++) {


		for (int i = 0; i < graph.edges.size(); i++) {
			Motion e = graph.edges.get(i);
			e.triangulationAngle = medianTriangulationAngle(e);

		if( verbose != null )
			verbose.println("Selecting root");
		// Select the view which will act as the origin
		View origin = selectOriginNode();
		// Select the motion which will define the coordinate system
		Motion baseMotion = selectCoordinateBase( origin );


		if( verbose != null )
			verbose.println("Stereo triangulation");
		// Triangulate features in all motions which exceed a certain angle
		for (int i = 0; i < graph.edges.size() && !stopRequested ; i++) {
			Motion e = graph.edges.get(i);
			if( e.triangulationAngle > Math.PI/10 || e == baseMotion) {
				if( verbose != null ) {
					int a = e.viewSrc.index;
					int b = e.viewDst.index;
					verbose.println("   Edge[" + i + "] "+a+"->"+b+"  feat3D="+e.stereoTriangulations.size());
		if( stopRequested )
			return false;

		if( verbose != null )
			verbose.println("Defining the coordinate system");

		// Using the selecting coordinate frames and triangulated points define the coordinate system
		defineCoordinateSystem(origin, baseMotion);
		if( stopRequested )
			return false;

		if( verbose != null )
			verbose.println("Estimate all features");

		// Now estimate all the other view locations and 3D features
		estimateAllFeatures(origin, baseMotion.destination(origin));
		if( stopRequested )
			return false;

		// Convert the graph into the output format

		return viewsAdded.size() >= 2;

	 * Sets the a_to_b transform for the motion given.
	void decomposeEssential( Motion motion ) {
		List candidates = MultiViewOps.decomposeEssential(motion.F);

		int bestScore = 0;
		Se3_F64 best = null;

		PositiveDepthConstraintCheck check = new PositiveDepthConstraintCheck();

		for (int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++) {
			Se3_F64 a_to_b = candidates.get(i);
			int count = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < motion.associated.size(); j++) {
				AssociatedIndex a = motion.associated.get(j);
				Point2D_F64 p0 = motion.viewSrc.observationNorm.get(a.src);
				Point2D_F64 p1 = motion.viewDst.observationNorm.get(a.dst);

				if( check.checkConstraint(p0,p1,a_to_b)) {
			if( count > bestScore ) {
				bestScore = count;
				best = a_to_b;

		if( best == null )
			throw new RuntimeException("Problem!");


	 * Compares the angle that different observations form when their lines intersect. Returns
	 * the median angle. Used to determine if this edge is good for triangulation
	 * @param edge edge
	 * @return median angle between observations in radians
	double medianTriangulationAngle( Motion edge ) {

		GrowQueue_F64 angles = new GrowQueue_F64(edge.associated.size());
		angles.size = edge.associated.size();

		for (int i = 0; i < edge.associated.size(); i++) {
			AssociatedIndex a = edge.associated.get(i);
			Point2D_F64 normA = edge.viewSrc.observationNorm.get( a.src );
			Point2D_F64 normB = edge.viewDst.observationNorm.get( a.dst );

			double acute = triangulationAngle(normA,normB,edge.a_to_b);[i] = acute;

		return angles.getFraction(0.5);

	protected void declareModelFitting() {
		ransacPnP = FactoryMultiViewRobust.pnpRansac(null,configRansac);

	 * Converts the internal data structures into the output format for bundle adjustment. Camera models are omitted
	 * since they are not available
	 * @param origin The origin of the coordinate system
	private void convertToOutput( View origin ) {
		structure = new SceneStructureMetric(false);
		observations = new SceneObservations(viewsAdded.size());

		// TODO can this be simplified?
		int idx = 0;
		for( String key : graph.cameras.keySet() ) {

		structure.initialize(cameraToIndex.size(),viewsAdded.size(), graph.features3D.size());

		for ( String key : graph.cameras.keySet() ) {
			int i = cameraToIndex.get(key);

		// look up table from old index to new index
		int viewOldToView[] = new int[ graph.nodes.size() ];
		for (int i = 0; i < viewsAdded.size(); i++) {
			viewOldToView[ graph.nodes.indexOf(viewsAdded.get(i))] = i;

		for( int i = 0; i < viewsAdded.size(); i++ ) {
			View v = viewsAdded.get(i);
			int cameraIndex = cameraToIndex.get(;

		for (int indexPoint = 0; indexPoint < graph.features3D.size(); indexPoint++) {
			Feature3D f = graph.features3D.get(indexPoint);


			if( f.views.size() != f.obsIdx.size )
				throw new RuntimeException("BUG!");

			for (int j = 0; j < f.views.size(); j++) {
				View view = f.views.get(j);
				int viewIndex = viewOldToView[view.index];

				Point2D_F64 pixel = viewsAdded.get(viewIndex).observationPixels.get(f.obsIdx.get(j));


	 * Adds features which were triangulated using the stereo pair after the scale factor has been determined.
	 * Don't mark the other view as being processed. It's 3D pose will be estimated later on using PNP with the
	 * new features and features determined later on
	void addTriangulatedStereoFeatures(View base , Motion edge , double scale ) {
		View viewA = edge.viewSrc;
		View viewB = edge.viewDst;

		boolean baseIsA = base == viewA;
		View other = baseIsA ? viewB : viewA;

		// Determine transform from other to world
		Se3_F64 otherToBase = baseIsA ? edge.a_to_b.invert(null) : edge.a_to_b.copy();
		otherToBase.concat(base.viewToWorld, other.viewToWorld);

		// Convert already computed stereo 3D features and turn them into real features
		for (int i = 0; i < edge.stereoTriangulations.size(); i++) {
			Feature3D edge3D = edge.stereoTriangulations.get(i);

			int indexSrc = edge3D.obsIdx.get(0);
			int indexDst = edge3D.obsIdx.get(1);

			Feature3D world3D = baseIsA ? viewA.features3D[indexSrc] : viewB.features3D[indexDst];

			// find the 3D location of the point in world frame
			if( baseIsA ) {
				viewA.viewToWorld.transform(edge3D.worldPt, edge3D.worldPt);
			} else {
				edge.a_to_b.transform(edge3D.worldPt, edge3D.worldPt);
				viewB.viewToWorld.transform(edge3D.worldPt, edge3D.worldPt);

			// See if the feature is already known
			if( world3D != null ) {
				// Add the other view if another feature in the other view was not already associated with this feature
				if( !world3D.views.contains(other) ) {
					world3D.obsIdx.add( baseIsA ? indexDst : indexSrc );

				// Retriangulate the point if it appears that this stereo pair is better than the one which originally
				// computed it
				if( world3D.triangulationAngle >= edge3D.triangulationAngle ) {
				world3D.triangulationAngle = edge3D.triangulationAngle;
				other.features3D[baseIsA ? indexDst : indexSrc] = edge3D;
			} else {
				viewA.features3D[indexSrc] = edge3D;
				viewB.features3D[indexDst] = edge3D;

		// free memory
		edge.stereoTriangulations = new ArrayList<>();

	 * Determine scale factor difference between edge triangulation and world
	static double determineScale(View base , Motion edge )
		throws Exception
		View viewA = edge.viewSrc;
		View viewB = edge.viewDst;

		boolean baseIsA = base == viewA;

		// determine the scale factor difference
		Point3D_F64 worldInBase3D = new Point3D_F64();
		Point3D_F64 localInBase3D = new Point3D_F64();
		GrowQueue_F64 scales = new GrowQueue_F64();
		for (int i = 0; i < edge.stereoTriangulations.size(); i++) {
			// get the feature as triangulated in this edge.
			Feature3D edge3D = edge.stereoTriangulations.get(i);

			int indexSrc = edge3D.obsIdx.get(0);
			int indexDst = edge3D.obsIdx.get(1);

			Feature3D world3D = baseIsA ? viewA.features3D[indexSrc] : viewB.features3D[indexDst];
			if( world3D == null )
			// Find the world point in the local coordinate system

			// put this point into the base frame
			if( !baseIsA ) {
			} else {

			scales.add(worldInBase3D.z / localInBase3D.z);

		if( scales.size < 20 ) {
			throw new Exception("Not enough matches with known points");
		// Get the scale offset as the median value to make it robust to noise
		return scales.getFraction(0.5);

	 * Perform a breath first search to find the structure of all the remaining camrea views
	private void estimateAllFeatures(View seedA, View seedB ) {
		List open = new ArrayList<>();

		// Add features for all the other views connected to the root view and determine the translation scale factor
		addUnvistedToStack(seedA, open);
		addUnvistedToStack(seedB, open);

		// Do a breath first search. The queue is first in first out
		while( !open.isEmpty() ) {
			if( stopRequested )
			if( verbose != null )
				verbose.println("### open.size="+open.size());

			// select the view with the 3D features. This view can be estimated which the highest degree of confience
			int bestCount = countFeaturesWith3D(open.get(0));
			int bestIndex = 0;

			for (int i = 1; i < open.size(); i++) {
				int count = countFeaturesWith3D(open.get(i));
				if( count > bestCount ) {
					bestCount = count;
					bestIndex = i;

			View v = open.remove(bestIndex);
			if( verbose != null )
				verbose.println("   processing view="+v.index+" | 3D Features="+bestCount);

			// Determine the view's location in the 3D view. This might have been previously estimated using
			// stereo and the estimated scale factor. That will be ignored and the new estimate used instead
			if( !determinePose(v) ) {
//				// The pose could not be determined, so remove it from the graph
//				if( verbose != null )
//					verbose.println("   Removing connection");
//				for (CameraMotion m : v.connections) {
//					CameraView a = m.destination(v);
//					a.connections.remove(m);
//					graph.edges.remove(m);
//				}
//				graph.nodes.remove(v);
//				for (int i = 0; i < graph.nodes.size(); i++) {
//					graph.nodes.get(i).index = i;
//				}

				// TODO mark instead of remove? Need a unit test for remove
				throw new RuntimeException("Crap handle this");
			} else {
				// If possible use triangulation from stereo


				// Update the open list
				addUnvistedToStack(v, open);

	void addTriangulatedFeaturesForAllEdges(View v) {
		for (int i = 0; i < v.connections.size(); i++) {
			Motion e = v.connections.get(i);
			if( !e.stereoTriangulations.isEmpty() ) {
				try {
					double scale = determineScale(v, e);
					addTriangulatedStereoFeatures(v, e, scale);
				} catch (Exception ignore) {} // exception is thrown if it can't determine the scale

	 * Count how many 3D features are in view.
	int countFeaturesWith3D(View v ) {

		int count = 0;

		for (int i = 0; i < v.connections.size(); i++) {
			Motion m = v.connections.get(i);

			boolean isSrc = m.viewSrc == v;

			for (int j = 0; j < m.associated.size(); j++) {
				AssociatedIndex a = m.associated.get(j);

				if( isSrc ) {
					count += m.viewDst.features3D[a.dst] != null ? 1 : 0;
				} else {
					count += m.viewSrc.features3D[a.src] != null ? 1 : 0;

		return count;

	 * Uses the previously found motion between the two cameras to estimate the scale and 3D point of common features.
	 * If a feature already has a known 3D point that is not modified. Scale is found by computing the 3D coordinate
	 * of all points with a 3D point again then dividing the two distances. New features are also triangulated
	 * and have their location's update using this scale.
	 * A known feature has the current view added to its list of views.
	boolean determinePose(View target ) {

		// Find all Features which are visible in this view and have a known 3D location
		List list = new ArrayList<>();
		List features = new ArrayList<>();
		GrowQueue_I32 featureIndexes = new GrowQueue_I32();

		// TODO mark need to handle casees where the target's index has changed due to node removal
		// Find all the known 3D features which are visible in this view
		for( Motion c : target.connections ) {
			boolean isSrc = c.viewSrc == target;
			View other = c.destination(target);
			if( other.state != ViewState.PROCESSED )

			for (int i = 0; i < c.associated.size(); i++) {
				AssociatedIndex a = c.associated.get(i);

				Feature3D f = other.features3D[isSrc?a.dst:a.src];
				if( f == null || f.mark == target.index)
				f.mark = target.index;
				featureIndexes.add( isSrc?a.src:a.dst);
				Point2D_F64 norm = target.observationNorm.get( isSrc?a.src:a.dst);

				Point2D3D p = new Point2D3D();

		// Estimate the target's location using robust PNP
		if( list.size() < 20 || !ransacPnP.process(list) ) {
			if( verbose != null )
				verbose.println("   View="+target.index+" RANSAC failed. list.size="+list.size());
			return false;

		target.state = ViewState.PROCESSED;

		// add inliers to the features
		int N = ransacPnP.getMatchSet().size();
		if( verbose != null )
			verbose.println("   View="+target.index+" PNP RANSAC "+N+"/"+list.size());
		for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
			int which = ransacPnP.getInputIndex(i);
			Feature3D f = features.get(which);
			if( f.views.contains(target))
			target.features3D[featureIndexes.get(which)] = f;

			if( f.views.size() != f.obsIdx.size )
				throw new RuntimeException("BUG!");

		Se3_F64 worldToView = ransacPnP.getModelParameters();
		target.viewToWorld.set( worldToView.invert(null) );

		return true;

	 * Go through all connections to the view and triangulate all features which have
	 * not been triangulated already
	private void triangulateNoLocation( View target ) {

		Se3_F64 otherToTarget = new Se3_F64();

		Se3_F64 worldToTarget = target.viewToWorld.invert(null);

		for( Motion c : target.connections ) {
			boolean isSrc = c.viewSrc == target;
			View other = c.destination(target);
			if( other.state != ViewState.PROCESSED )



			for (int i = 0; i < c.associated.size(); i++) {
				AssociatedIndex a = c.associated.get(i);

				int indexTarget = isSrc ? a.src : a.dst;
				int indexOther = isSrc ? a.dst : a.src;
				if( target.features3D[indexTarget] != null || other.features3D[indexOther] != null )

				Point2D_F64 normOther = other.observationNorm.get( indexOther );
				Point2D_F64 normTarget = target.observationNorm.get( indexTarget );

				// Skip points with poor geometry
				double angle = triangulationAngle(normOther,normTarget,otherToTarget);
				if( angle < TRIANGULATE_MIN_ANGLE )

				Feature3D f = new Feature3D();
				if( !triangulate.triangulate(normOther,normTarget,otherToTarget,f.worldPt))

				// must be in front of the camera
				if( f.worldPt.z <= 0 )

				double error = triangulationError.process(normOther,normTarget,otherToTarget,f.worldPt);
				if( error > maxPixelError*maxPixelError )

				f.views.add( target );
				f.views.add( other );
				f.obsIdx.add( indexTarget );
				f.obsIdx.add( indexOther );

				target.features3D[indexTarget] = f;
				other.features3D[indexOther] = f;

	 * Computes the acture angle between two vectors. Larger this angle is the better the triangulation
	 * of the features 3D location is in general
	double triangulationAngle( Point2D_F64 normA , Point2D_F64 normB , Se3_F64 a_to_b ) {
		// the more parallel a line is worse the triangulation. Get rid of bad ideas early here
		GeometryMath_F64.mult(a_to_b.R,arrowA,arrowA); // put them into the same reference frame

		return UtilVector3D_F64.acute(arrowA,arrowB);

	 * Looks to see which connections have yet to be visited and adds them to the open list
	void addUnvistedToStack(View viewed, List open) {
		for (int i = 0; i < viewed.connections.size(); i++) {
			View other = viewed.connections.get(i).destination(viewed);
			if( other.state == ViewState.UNPROCESSED) {
				other.state = ViewState.PENDING;
				if( verbose != null )
					verbose.println("  adding to open "+viewed.index+"->"+other.index);

	 * Sets the origin and scale of the coordinate system
	 * @param viewA The origin of the coordinate system
	 * @param motion Motion which will define the coordinate system's scale
	void defineCoordinateSystem(View viewA, Motion motion) {

		View viewB = motion.destination(viewA);
		viewA.viewToWorld.reset(); // identity since it's the origin
		// translation is only known up to a scale factor so pick a reasonable scale factor
		double scale = viewB.viewToWorld.T.norm();


		viewA.state = ViewState.PROCESSED;
		viewB.state = ViewState.PROCESSED;

		// Take the already triangulated points and turn them into official 3D features
		boolean originIsDst = viewA == motion.viewDst;
		for (int i = 0; i < motion.stereoTriangulations.size(); i++) {
			Feature3D f = motion.stereoTriangulations.get(i);

			if( f.obsIdx.size != 2 )
				throw new RuntimeException("BUG");

			int indexSrc = f.obsIdx.get(0);
			int indexDst = f.obsIdx.get(1);

			motion.viewSrc.features3D[indexSrc] = f;
			motion.viewDst.features3D[indexDst] = f;

			if( originIsDst ) {


		// free memory and mark as already processed
		motion.stereoTriangulations = new ArrayList<>();

		// All features which can be added using triangulation should now be added

		if( verbose != null ) {
			verbose.println("root  = " + viewA.index);
			verbose.println("other = " + viewB.index);

	 * Select the view which will be coordinate system's origin. This should be a well connected node which have
	 * favorable geometry to the other views it's connected to.
	 * @return The selected view
	View selectOriginNode() {
		double bestScore = 0;
		View best = null;

		if( verbose != null )
		for (int i = 0; i < graph.nodes.size(); i++) {
			double score = scoreNodeAsOrigin(graph.nodes.get(i));

			if( score > bestScore ) {
				bestScore = score;
				best = graph.nodes.get(i);

			if( verbose != null )
				verbose.printf("  [%2d] score = %s\n",i,score);
		if( verbose != null && best != null )
			verbose.println("     selected = "+best.index);

		return best;

	double scoreNodeAsOrigin(View node ) {
		double score = 0;

		List edges = node.connections;

		for (int j = 0; j < edges.size(); j++) {
			Motion e = edges.get(j);
			score += e.scoreTriangulation();
		return score;

	 * Select motion which will define the coordinate system.
	Motion selectCoordinateBase(View view ) {
		double bestScore = 0;
		Motion best = null;

		if( verbose != null )
		for (int i = 0; i < view.connections.size(); i++) {
			Motion e = view.connections.get(i);

			double s = e.scoreTriangulation();
			if( verbose != null )
				verbose.printf("  [%2d] score = %s\n",i,s);
			if( s > bestScore ) {
				bestScore = s;
				best = e;
		return best;

	 * An edge has been declared as defining a good stereo pair. All associated feature will now be
	 * triangulated. It is assumed that there is no global coordinate system at this point.
	void triangulateStereoEdges(Motion edge ) {
		View viewA = edge.viewSrc;
		View viewB = edge.viewDst;


		for (int i = 0; i < edge.associated.size(); i++) {
			AssociatedIndex f = edge.associated.get(i);

			Point2D_F64 normA = viewA.observationNorm.get(f.src);
			Point2D_F64 normB = viewB.observationNorm.get(f.dst);

			double angle = triangulationAngle(normA,normB,edge.a_to_b);
			if( angle < TRIANGULATE_MIN_ANGLE )

			Feature3D feature3D = new Feature3D();

			if( !triangulate.triangulate(normA,normB,edge.a_to_b,feature3D.worldPt) ) {

			// must be in front of the camera
			if( feature3D.worldPt.z <= 0 )

			// can't have an excessively large reprojection error either
			double error = triangulationError.process(normA,normB,edge.a_to_b,feature3D.worldPt);
			if( error > maxPixelError*maxPixelError )

			feature3D.triangulationAngle = angle;


	public SceneStructureMetric getSceneStructure() {
		return structure;

	public SceneObservations getObservations() {
		return observations;

	public void reset() {
		stopRequested = false;

	public void requestStop() {
		stopRequested = true;

	public boolean isStopRequested() {
		return stopRequested;

	public void setVerbose(PrintStream verbose, int level ) {
		this.verbose = verbose;

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