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boofcv.alg.sfm.structure2.ProjectiveInitializeAllCommon Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (c) 2011-2019, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file is part of BoofCV (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package boofcv.alg.sfm.structure2;

import boofcv.abst.geo.TriangulateNViewsProjective;
import boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.BundleAdjustment;
import boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.ScaleSceneStructure;
import boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.SceneObservations;
import boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.SceneStructureProjective;
import boofcv.alg.geo.MultiViewOps;
import boofcv.alg.geo.pose.PoseFromPairLinear6;
import boofcv.alg.sfm.structure2.PairwiseImageGraph2.Motion;
import boofcv.alg.sfm.structure2.PairwiseImageGraph2.View;
import boofcv.factory.geo.*;
import boofcv.misc.ConfigConverge;
import boofcv.struct.feature.AssociatedIndex;
import boofcv.struct.feature.AssociatedTripleIndex;
import boofcv.struct.geo.AssociatedPair;
import boofcv.struct.geo.AssociatedTriple;
import boofcv.struct.geo.TrifocalTensor;
import boofcv.struct.image.ImageDimension;
import georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F64;
import georegression.struct.point.Point4D_F64;
import org.ddogleg.fitting.modelset.ransac.Ransac;
import org.ddogleg.struct.FastQueue;
import org.ddogleg.struct.GrowQueue_I32;
import org.ejml.dense.row.CommonOps_DDRM;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

 * Given a set of views and a set of features which are visible in all views, estimate their structure up to a
 * projective transform. Summary of processing steps:
  1. Select initial set of 3 views
  2. *
  3. Association between all 3 views
  4. *
  5. RANSAC to find Trifocal Tensor
  6. *
  7. 3 Projective from trifocal
  8. *
  9. Triangulate features
  10. *
  11. Find remaining projective camera matrices
  12. *
  13. Refine with bundle adjustment
  14. *
* * @author Peter Abeles */ public class ProjectiveInitializeAllCommon { public ConfigRansac configRansac = new ConfigRansac(); public ConfigTrifocal configTriRansac = new ConfigTrifocal(); public ConfigTrifocalError configError = new ConfigTrifocalError(); public ConfigBundleAdjustment configSBA = new ConfigBundleAdjustment(); public ConfigConverge converge = new ConfigConverge(1e-8,1e-8,200); public boolean scaleSBA = true; // if true input is scaled for SBA // The estimated scene structure public SceneStructureProjective structure = new SceneStructureProjective(true); // estimating the trifocal tensor and storing which observations are in the inlier set public Ransac ransac; public TriangulateNViewsProjective triangulator; public PoseFromPairLinear6 poseEstimator = new PoseFromPairLinear6(); public BundleAdjustment sba; public ScaleSceneStructure scaler = new ScaleSceneStructure(); /** * Projective camera matrices for 3-View reconstruction. P1 is always identity */ public final DMatrixRMaj P1,P2,P3; // used to get pixel coordinates of features in a view private LookupSimilarImages db; // Location of features in the image. Pixels FastQueue featsA = new FastQueue<>(Point2D_F64.class,true); FastQueue featsB = new FastQueue<>(Point2D_F64.class,true); FastQueue featsC = new FastQueue<>(Point2D_F64.class,true); // Indexes of common features after all but the inliers have been removed by RANSAC GrowQueue_I32 inlierToSeed = new GrowQueue_I32(); // Indicates if debugging information should be printed PrintStream verbose; int verboseLevel; //-------------- Internal workspace variables int selectedTriple[] = new int[2]; FastQueue matchesTripleIdx = new FastQueue<>(AssociatedTripleIndex.class,true); FastQueue matchesTriple = new FastQueue<>(AssociatedTriple.class,true); // triangulated 3D homogenous points in seed reference frame FastQueue points3D = new FastQueue<>(Point4D_F64.class,true); // Associated pixel observations FastQueue assocPixel = new FastQueue<>(AssociatedPair.class,true); ImageDimension shape = new ImageDimension(); // lookup table from feature ID in seed view to structure GrowQueue_I32 seedToStructure = new GrowQueue_I32(); public ProjectiveInitializeAllCommon() { configRansac.maxIterations = 500; configRansac.inlierThreshold = 1; triangulator = FactoryMultiView.triangulateNView(ConfigTriangulation.GEOMETRIC); P1 = CommonOps_DDRM.identity(3,4); P2 = new DMatrixRMaj(3,4); P3 = new DMatrixRMaj(3,4); fixate(); } /** * Must call if you change configurations. */ public void fixate() { ransac = FactoryMultiViewRobust.trifocalRansac(configTriRansac,configError,configRansac); sba = FactoryMultiView.bundleSparseProjective(configSBA); } /** * Computes a projective reconstruction. Reconstruction will be relative the 'seed' and only used features * listed in 'common'. The list of views is taken from seed and is specified in 'motions'. * * @param seed The seed view that will act as the origin * @param seedFeatsIdx Indexes of common features in the seed view which are to be used. * @param seedConnIdx Indexes of motions in the seed view to use when initializing * @return true is successful */ public boolean projectiveSceneN(LookupSimilarImages db , View seed , GrowQueue_I32 seedFeatsIdx , GrowQueue_I32 seedConnIdx ) { this.db = db; if( seedConnIdx.size == 1 ) { // stereo is a special case and requires different logic throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't handle the stereo case yet"); } // find the 3 view combination with the best score if( !selectInitialTriplet(seed,seedConnIdx,selectedTriple)) return false; // Find tracks between all 3 views Motion seedB = seed.connections.get(selectedTriple[0]); Motion seedC = seed.connections.get(selectedTriple[1]); View viewB = seedB.other(seed); View viewC = seedC.other(seed); findTripleMatches(seed,seedB,seedC, matchesTripleIdx); if( matchesTripleIdx.size == 0 ) return false; // Convert associated features into associated triple pixels convertAssociatedTriple(db, seed, viewB, viewC); // Robustly compute camera matrices from initial 3-View if( !projectiveCameras3(db,seed,selectedTriple[0],selectedTriple[1])) { return false; } // Compute location of 3D points from initial 3 projective cameras computeScene3(ransac.getMatchSet(),seed,selectedTriple[0],selectedTriple[1]); // Estimate projective for each view not in the original triplet // This is simple because the 3D coordinate of each point is already known if( seedFeatsIdx.size > 2 ) { // only do if more than 3 views if (!findRemainingCameraMatrices(db, seed, seedConnIdx)) return false; } // create observation data structure for SBA SceneObservations observations = createObservationsForBundleAdjustment(db, seed, seedConnIdx); // Refine results with projective bundle adjustment return refineWithBundleAdjustment(observations); } /** * Computes projective camera matrices for the 3 connected views. No bundle adjustment or triangulation * * 1) Find features with continuous tracks across all 3 views * 2) Robustly compute trifocal tensor * 3) Extract compatible camera matrices * * @param viewA The origin view * @param motionIdxB index on edge in viewA for viewB * @param motionIdxC index on edge in viewA for viewC * @return true is successful */ public boolean projectiveCameras3( LookupSimilarImages db , View viewA , int motionIdxB , int motionIdxC ) { Motion motionAB = viewA.connections.get(motionIdxB); Motion motionAC = viewA.connections.get(motionIdxC); View viewB = motionAB.other(viewA); View viewC = motionAC.other(viewA); findTripleMatches(viewA,motionAB,motionAC, matchesTripleIdx); if( matchesTripleIdx.size == 0 ) return false; // Convert associated features into associated triple pixels convertAssociatedTriple(db, viewA, viewB, viewC); // Robustly fit trifocal tensor to 3-view ransac.process(matchesTriple.toList()); // Extract camera matrices TrifocalTensor model = ransac.getModelParameters(); MultiViewOps.extractCameraMatrices(model,P2,P3); return true; } /** * Exhaustively look at all triplets that connect with the seed view */ boolean selectInitialTriplet( View seed , GrowQueue_I32 edgeIdxs , int selected[] ) { double bestScore = 0; for (int i = 0; i < edgeIdxs.size; i++) { View viewB = seed.connections.get(i).other(seed); for (int j = i+1; j < edgeIdxs.size; j++) { View viewC = seed.connections.get(j).other(seed); double s = scoreTripleView(seed,viewB,viewC); if( s > bestScore ) { bestScore = s; selected[0] = i; selected[1] = j; } } } return bestScore != 0; } /** * Evaluates how well this set of 3-views can be used to estimate the scene's 3D structure * @return higher is better. zero means worthless */ double scoreTripleView(View seedA, View viewB , View viewC ) { Motion motionAB = seedA.findMotion(viewB); Motion motionAC = seedA.findMotion(viewC); Motion motionBC = viewB.findMotion(viewC); if( motionBC == null ) return 0; double score = 0; score += DoStuffFromPairwiseGraph.score(motionAB); score += DoStuffFromPairwiseGraph.score(motionAC); score += DoStuffFromPairwiseGraph.score(motionBC); return score; } /** * Creates a list of features tracks which go across all three views * * @param seedA The seed view A * @param edgeAB edge to view B from A * @param edgeAC edge to view C from A * @param matchesTri (Output) Indexes of each feature track in all three views */ void findTripleMatches(View seedA, Motion edgeAB , Motion edgeAC , FastQueue matchesTri ) { matchesTri.reset(); boolean srcAB = edgeAB.src == seedA; boolean srcAC = edgeAC.src == seedA; View viewB = srcAB ? edgeAB.dst : edgeAB.src; View viewC = srcAC ? edgeAC.dst : edgeAC.src; // see if there's an edge from viewA to viewB. There should be... Motion edgeBC = viewB.findMotion(viewC); if( edgeBC == null ) { return; } int[] table_B_to_A = createFeatureLookup(edgeAB, srcAB, viewB); int[] table_C_to_A = createFeatureLookup(edgeAC, srcAC, viewC); // Go through all the matches from B to C and see if the path is consistent between all the views boolean srcIsB = edgeBC.src == viewB; for (int i = 0; i < edgeBC.inliers.size; i++) { AssociatedIndex assoc = edgeBC.inliers.get(i); if( srcIsB ) { if( table_B_to_A[assoc.src] != -1 ) { AssociatedTripleIndex tri = matchesTri.grow(); tri.a = table_B_to_A[assoc.src]; if( table_C_to_A[assoc.dst] == tri.a ) { tri.b = assoc.src; tri.c = assoc.dst; } else { matchesTri.removeTail(); } } } } } /** * Creates a look up table for converting features indexes from view A to view C */ private int[] createFeatureLookup(Motion edgeAC, boolean srcAC, View viewC) { int[] table_C_to_A = new int[viewC.totalFeatures]; Arrays.fill(table_C_to_A, 0, viewC.totalFeatures, -1); for (int i = 0; i < edgeAC.inliers.size; i++) { AssociatedIndex assoc = edgeAC.inliers.get(i); if (srcAC) { table_C_to_A[assoc.dst] = assoc.src; } else { table_C_to_A[assoc.src] = assoc.dst; } } return table_C_to_A; } /** * Triangulates the location of each features in homogenous space */ private void triangulateFeatures(List inliers, DMatrixRMaj P1, DMatrixRMaj P2, DMatrixRMaj P3) { List cameraMatrices = new ArrayList<>(); cameraMatrices.add(P1); cameraMatrices.add(P2); cameraMatrices.add(P3); // need elements to be non-empty so that it can use set(). probably over optimization List triangObs = new ArrayList<>(); triangObs.add(null); triangObs.add(null); triangObs.add(null); Point4D_F64 X = new Point4D_F64(); for (int i = 0; i < inliers.size(); i++) { AssociatedTriple t = inliers.get(i); triangObs.set(0,t.p1); triangObs.set(1,t.p2); triangObs.set(2,t.p3); // triangulation can fail if all 3 views have the same pixel value. This has been observed in // simulated 3D scenes if( triangulator.triangulate(triangObs,cameraMatrices,X)) {[i].set(X.x,X.y,X.z,X.w); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to triangulate a point in the inlier set?! Handle if this is common"); } } } private void convertAssociatedTriple(LookupSimilarImages db, View seed, View viewB, View viewC) { db.lookupPixelFeats(,featsA); db.lookupPixelFeats(,featsB); db.lookupPixelFeats(,featsC); matchesTriple.reset(); // reset and declare memory matchesTriple.growArray(matchesTripleIdx.size); for (int i = 0; i < matchesTripleIdx.size; i++) { AssociatedTripleIndex idx = matchesTripleIdx.get(i); AssociatedTriple a = matchesTriple.grow(); a.p1.set(featsA.get(idx.a)); a.p2.set(featsB.get(idx.b)); a.p3.set(featsC.get(idx.c)); } } /** * Initializes projective reconstruction from 3-views. * * 1) RANSAC to fit a trifocal tensor * 2) Extract camera matrices that have a common projective space * 3) Triangulate location of 3D homogenous points * * @param inliers Inlier features from trifocal tensor robust fit */ private void computeScene3(List inliers , View viewA, int idxViewB , int idxViewC ) { Motion motionAB = viewA.connections.get(idxViewB); Motion motionAC = viewA.connections.get(idxViewC); View viewB = motionAB.other(viewA); View viewC = motionAC.other(viewA); // Initialize the 3D scene structure, stored in a format understood by bundle adjustment structure.initialize(3,inliers.size()); // specify the found projective camera matrices db.lookupShape(,shape); // The first view is assumed to be the coordinate system's origin and is identity by definition structure.setView(0,true, P1,shape.width,shape.height); db.lookupShape(,shape); structure.setView(idxViewB,false,P2,shape.width,shape.height); db.lookupShape(,shape); structure.setView(idxViewC,false,P3,shape.width,shape.height); // triangulate homogenous coordinates for each point in the inlier set triangulateFeatures(inliers, P1, P2, P3); // Update the list of common features by pruning features not in the inlier set seedToStructure.resize(viewA.totalFeatures); seedToStructure.fill(-1); // -1 indicates no match inlierToSeed.resize(inliers.size()); for (int i = 0; i < inliers.size(); i++) { int inputIdx = ransac.getInputIndex(i); // table to go from inlier list into seed feature index[i] = matchesTripleIdx.get(inputIdx).a; // seed feature index into the output structure index[[i]] = i; } } /** * Uses the triangulated points and observations in the root view to estimate the camera matrix for * all the views which are remaining * @return true if successful or false if not */ boolean findRemainingCameraMatrices(LookupSimilarImages db, View seed, GrowQueue_I32 motions) { points3D.reset(); // points in 3D for (int i = 0; i < structure.points.size; i++) {[i].get(points3D.grow()); } // contains associated pairs of pixel observations // save a call to db by using the previously loaded points assocPixel.reset(); for (int i = 0; i < inlierToSeed.size; i++) { // inliers from triple RANSAC // each of these inliers was declared a feature in the world reference frame assocPixel.grow().p1.set(matchesTriple.get(i).p1); } DMatrixRMaj cameraMatrix = new DMatrixRMaj(3,4); for (int motionIdx = 0; motionIdx < motions.size; motionIdx++) { // skip views already in the scene's structure if( motionIdx == selectedTriple[0] || motionIdx == selectedTriple[1]) continue; int connectionIdx = motions.get(motionIdx); Motion edge = seed.connections.get(connectionIdx); View viewI = edge.other(seed); // Lookup pixel locations of features in the connected view db.lookupPixelFeats(,featsB); if ( !computeCameraMatrix(seed, edge,featsB,cameraMatrix) ) { if( verbose != null ) { verbose.println("Pose estimator failed! motionIdx="+motionIdx); } return false; } db.lookupShape(edge.other(seed).id,shape); structure.setView(motionIdx,false,cameraMatrix,shape.width,shape.height); } return true; } /** * Computes camera matrix between the seed view and a connected view * @param seed This will be the source view. It's observations have already been added to assocPixel * @param edge The edge which connects them * @param featsB The dst view * @param cameraMatrix (Output) resulting camera matrix * @return true if successful */ private boolean computeCameraMatrix(View seed, Motion edge, FastQueue featsB, DMatrixRMaj cameraMatrix ) { boolean seedSrc = edge.src == seed; int matched = 0; for (int i = 0; i < edge.inliers.size; i++) { // need to go from i to index of detected features in view 'seed' to index index of feature in // the reconstruction AssociatedIndex a = edge.inliers.get(i); int featId =[seedSrc ? a.src : a.dst]; if( featId == -1 ) continue; assocPixel.get(featId).p2.set( featsB.get(seedSrc?a.dst:a.src) ); matched++; } // All views should have matches for all features, simple sanity check if( matched != assocPixel.size) throw new RuntimeException("BUG! Didn't find all features in the view"); // Estimate the camera matrix given homogenous pixel observations if( poseEstimator.processHomogenous(assocPixel.toList(),points3D.toList()) ) { cameraMatrix.set(poseEstimator.getProjective()); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Convert observations into a format which bundle adjustment will understand * @param seed The first view which all other views are connected to * @param motions Which edges in seed * @return observations for SBA */ private SceneObservations createObservationsForBundleAdjustment(LookupSimilarImages db, View seed, GrowQueue_I32 motions) { // seed view + the motions SceneObservations observations = new SceneObservations(motions.size+1); // Observations for the seed view are a special case SceneObservations.View obsView = observations.getView(0); for (int i = 0; i < inlierToSeed.size; i++) { int id =[i]; Point2D_F64 o = featsA.get(id); // featsA is never modified after initially loaded id =[id]; obsView.add(id,(float)o.x,(float)o.y); } // Now add observations for edges connected to the seed for (int i = 0; i < motions.size(); i++) { obsView = observations.getView(i+1); Motion m = seed.connections.get(motions.get(i)); View v = m.other(seed); boolean seedIsSrc = m.src == seed; db.lookupPixelFeats(,featsB); for (int j = 0; j < m.inliers.size; j++) { AssociatedIndex a = m.inliers.get(j); int id =[seedIsSrc?a.src:a.dst]; if( id < 0 ) continue; Point2D_F64 o = featsB.get(seedIsSrc?a.dst:a.src); obsView.add(id,(float)o.x,(float)o.y); } } return observations; } /** * Last step is to refine the current initial estimate with bundle adjustment */ private boolean refineWithBundleAdjustment(SceneObservations observations) { if( scaleSBA ) { scaler.applyScale(structure,observations); } sba.setVerbose(verbose,verboseLevel); sba.setParameters(structure,observations); sba.configure(converge.ftol,converge.gtol,converge.maxIterations); if( !sba.optimize(structure) ) { return false; } if( scaleSBA ) { // only undo scaling on camera matrices since observations are discarded for (int i = 0; i < structure.views.size; i++) { DMatrixRMaj P =[i].worldToView; scaler.pixelScaling.get(i).remove(P,P); } scaler.undoScale(structure,observations); } return true; } /** * Adjusts the level of verbosity for debugging */ public void setVerbose( PrintStream verbose , int level ) { this.verbose = verbose; this.verboseLevel = level; } }

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