org.bouncycastle.cms.SignerInformation Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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The Bouncy Castle Java APIs for CMS, PKCS, EAC, TSP, CMP, CRMF, OCSP, and certificate generation. The APIs are designed primarily to be used in conjunction with the BC FIPS provider. The APIs may also be used with other providers although if being used in a FIPS context it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that any other providers used are FIPS certified.
package org.bouncycastle.cms;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1EncodableVector;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encoding;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1OctetString;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Primitive;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Set;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERNull;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSet;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.Attribute;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.AttributeTable;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.CMSAlgorithmProtection;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.CMSAttributes;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.IssuerAndSerialNumber;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.SignerIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.SignerInfo;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.Time;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.oiw.OIWObjectIdentifiers;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PKCSObjectIdentifiers;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.DigestInfo;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.X509CertificateHolder;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.ContentVerifier;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.DigestCalculator;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.OperatorCreationException;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.RawContentVerifier;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;
import org.bouncycastle.util.io.TeeOutputStream;
* an expanded SignerInfo block from a CMS Signed message
public class SignerInformation
private final SignerId sid;
private final CMSProcessable content;
private final byte[] signature;
private final ASN1ObjectIdentifier contentType;
private final boolean isCounterSignature;
// Derived
private AttributeTable signedAttributeValues;
private AttributeTable unsignedAttributeValues;
private byte[] resultDigest;
protected final SignerInfo info;
protected final AlgorithmIdentifier digestAlgorithm;
protected final AlgorithmIdentifier encryptionAlgorithm;
protected final ASN1Set signedAttributeSet;
protected final ASN1Set unsignedAttributeSet;
SignerInfo info,
ASN1ObjectIdentifier contentType,
CMSProcessable content,
byte[] resultDigest)
this.info = info;
this.contentType = contentType;
this.isCounterSignature = contentType == null;
SignerIdentifier s = info.getSID();
if (s.isTagged())
ASN1OctetString octs = ASN1OctetString.getInstance(s.getId());
sid = new SignerId(octs.getOctets());
IssuerAndSerialNumber iAnds = IssuerAndSerialNumber.getInstance(s.getId());
sid = new SignerId(iAnds.getName(), iAnds.getSerialNumber().getValue());
this.digestAlgorithm = info.getDigestAlgorithm();
this.signedAttributeSet = info.getAuthenticatedAttributes();
this.unsignedAttributeSet = info.getUnauthenticatedAttributes();
this.encryptionAlgorithm = info.getDigestEncryptionAlgorithm();
this.signature = info.getEncryptedDigest().getOctets();
this.content = content;
this.resultDigest = resultDigest;
* Protected constructor. In some cases clients have their own idea about how to encode
* the signed attributes and calculate the signature. This constructor is to allow developers
* to deal with that by extending off the class and overriding methods like getSignedAttributes().
* @param baseInfo the SignerInformation to base this one on.
protected SignerInformation(SignerInformation baseInfo)
this(baseInfo, baseInfo.info);
* Protected constructor. In some cases clients also have their own ideas about what
* goes in various SignerInfo fields. This constructor is to allow developers to deal with
* that by also tweaking the SignerInfo so that these issues can be dealt with.
* @param baseInfo the SignerInformation to base this one on.
* @param info the SignerInfo to associate with the existing baseInfo data.
protected SignerInformation(SignerInformation baseInfo, SignerInfo info)
this.info = info;
this.contentType = baseInfo.contentType;
this.isCounterSignature = baseInfo.isCounterSignature();
this.sid = baseInfo.getSID();
this.digestAlgorithm = info.getDigestAlgorithm();
this.signedAttributeSet = info.getAuthenticatedAttributes();
this.unsignedAttributeSet = info.getUnauthenticatedAttributes();
this.encryptionAlgorithm = info.getDigestEncryptionAlgorithm();
this.signature = info.getEncryptedDigest().getOctets();
this.content = baseInfo.content;
this.resultDigest = baseInfo.resultDigest;
this.signedAttributeValues = getSignedAttributes();
this.unsignedAttributeValues = getUnsignedAttributes();
public boolean isCounterSignature()
return isCounterSignature;
public ASN1ObjectIdentifier getContentType()
return this.contentType;
public SignerId getSID()
return sid;
* return the version number for this objects underlying SignerInfo structure.
public int getVersion()
return info.getVersion().intValueExact();
public AlgorithmIdentifier getDigestAlgorithmID()
return digestAlgorithm;
* return the object identifier for the signature.
public String getDigestAlgOID()
return digestAlgorithm.getAlgorithm().getId();
* return the signature parameters, or null if there aren't any.
public byte[] getDigestAlgParams()
return CMSUtils.encodeObj(digestAlgorithm.getParameters());
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("exception getting digest parameters " + e);
* return the content digest that was calculated during verification.
public byte[] getContentDigest()
if (resultDigest == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("method can only be called after verify.");
return Arrays.clone(resultDigest);
* return the object identifier for the signature.
public String getEncryptionAlgOID()
return encryptionAlgorithm.getAlgorithm().getId();
* return the signature/encryption algorithm parameters, or null if
* there aren't any.
public byte[] getEncryptionAlgParams()
return CMSUtils.encodeObj(encryptionAlgorithm.getParameters());
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("exception getting encryption parameters " + e);
* return a table of the signed attributes - indexed by
* the OID of the attribute.
public AttributeTable getSignedAttributes()
if (signedAttributeSet != null && signedAttributeValues == null)
signedAttributeValues = new AttributeTable(signedAttributeSet);
return signedAttributeValues;
* return a table of the unsigned attributes indexed by
* the OID of the attribute.
public AttributeTable getUnsignedAttributes()
if (unsignedAttributeSet != null && unsignedAttributeValues == null)
unsignedAttributeValues = new AttributeTable(unsignedAttributeSet);
return unsignedAttributeValues;
* return the encoded signature
public byte[] getSignature()
return Arrays.clone(signature);
* Return a SignerInformationStore containing the counter signatures attached to this
* signer. If no counter signatures are present an empty store is returned.
public SignerInformationStore getCounterSignatures()
// TODO There are several checks implied by the RFC3852 comments that are missing
The countersignature attribute MUST be an unsigned attribute; it MUST
NOT be a signed attribute, an authenticated attribute, an
unauthenticated attribute, or an unprotected attribute.
AttributeTable unsignedAttributeTable = getUnsignedAttributes();
if (unsignedAttributeTable == null)
return new SignerInformationStore(new ArrayList(0));
List counterSignatures = new ArrayList();
The UnsignedAttributes syntax is defined as a SET OF Attributes. The
UnsignedAttributes in a signerInfo may include multiple instances of
the countersignature attribute.
ASN1EncodableVector allCSAttrs = unsignedAttributeTable.getAll(CMSAttributes.counterSignature);
for (int i = 0; i < allCSAttrs.size(); ++i)
Attribute counterSignatureAttribute = (Attribute)allCSAttrs.get(i);
A countersignature attribute can have multiple attribute values. The
syntax is defined as a SET OF AttributeValue, and there MUST be one
or more instances of AttributeValue present.
ASN1Set values = counterSignatureAttribute.getAttrValues();
if (values.size() < 1)
// TODO Throw an appropriate exception?
for (Enumeration en = values.getObjects(); en.hasMoreElements(); )
Countersignature values have the same meaning as SignerInfo values
for ordinary signatures, except that:
1. The signedAttributes field MUST NOT contain a content-type
attribute; there is no content type for countersignatures.
2. The signedAttributes field MUST contain a message-digest
attribute if it contains any other attributes.
3. The input to the message-digesting process is the contents
octets of the DER encoding of the signatureValue field of the
SignerInfo value with which the attribute is associated.
SignerInfo si = SignerInfo.getInstance(en.nextElement());
counterSignatures.add(new SignerInformation(si, null, new CMSProcessableByteArray(getSignature()), null));
return new SignerInformationStore(counterSignatures);
* return the DER encoding of the signed attributes.
* @throws IOException if an encoding error occurs.
public byte[] getEncodedSignedAttributes()
throws IOException
if (signedAttributeSet != null)
return signedAttributeSet.getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER);
return null;
private boolean doVerify(
SignerInformationVerifier verifier)
throws CMSException
String encName = CMSSignedHelper.INSTANCE.getEncryptionAlgName(this.getEncryptionAlgOID());
AlgorithmIdentifier realDigestAlgorithm = signedAttributeSet != null ?
info.getDigestAlgorithm() : translateBrokenRSAPkcs7(encryptionAlgorithm, info.getDigestAlgorithm());
ContentVerifier contentVerifier;
contentVerifier = verifier.getContentVerifier(encryptionAlgorithm, realDigestAlgorithm);
catch (OperatorCreationException e)
throw new CMSException("can't create content verifier: " + e.getMessage(), e);
OutputStream sigOut = contentVerifier.getOutputStream();
if (resultDigest == null)
DigestCalculator calc = verifier.getDigestCalculator(realDigestAlgorithm);
if (content != null)
OutputStream digOut = calc.getOutputStream();
if (signedAttributeSet == null)
if (contentVerifier instanceof RawContentVerifier)
OutputStream cOut = new TeeOutputStream(digOut, sigOut);
else if (signedAttributeSet != null)
// TODO Get rid of this exception and just treat content==null as empty not missing?
throw new CMSException("data not encapsulated in signature - use detached constructor.");
resultDigest = calc.getDigest();
if (signedAttributeSet == null)
if (content != null)
catch (IOException e)
throw new CMSException("can't process mime object to create signature.", e);
catch (OperatorCreationException e)
throw new CMSException("can't create digest calculator: " + e.getMessage(), e);
// RFC 3852 11.1 Check the content-type attribute is correct
AttributeTable signedAttrTable = this.getSignedAttributes();
// RFC 6211 Validate Algorithm Identifier protection attribute if present
// RFC 3852 11.2 Check the message-digest attribute is correct
// RFC 3852 11.4 Validate countersignature attribute(s)
if (signedAttributeSet == null && resultDigest != null)
if (contentVerifier instanceof RawContentVerifier)
RawContentVerifier rawVerifier = (RawContentVerifier)contentVerifier;
if (encName.equals("RSA"))
DigestInfo digInfo = new DigestInfo(new AlgorithmIdentifier(realDigestAlgorithm.getAlgorithm(), DERNull.INSTANCE), resultDigest);
return rawVerifier.verify(digInfo.getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER), this.getSignature());
return rawVerifier.verify(resultDigest, this.getSignature());
return contentVerifier.verify(this.getSignature());
catch (IOException e)
throw new CMSException("can't process mime object to create signature.", e);
* RFC 3852 11.1 Check the content-type attribute is correct
* @throws CMSException when content-type was invalid.
private void verifyContentTypeAttributeValue()
throws CMSException
ASN1Primitive validContentType = getSingleValuedSignedAttribute(
CMSAttributes.contentType, "content-type");
if (validContentType == null)
if (!isCounterSignature && signedAttributeSet != null)
throw new CMSException("The content-type attribute type MUST be present whenever signed attributes are present in signed-data");
if (isCounterSignature)
throw new CMSException("[For counter signatures,] the signedAttributes field MUST NOT contain a content-type attribute");
if (!(validContentType instanceof ASN1ObjectIdentifier))
throw new CMSException("content-type attribute value not of ASN.1 type 'OBJECT IDENTIFIER'");
ASN1ObjectIdentifier signedContentType = (ASN1ObjectIdentifier)validContentType;
if (!signedContentType.equals(contentType))
throw new CMSException("content-type attribute value does not match eContentType");
* RFC 3852 11.2 Check the message-digest attribute is correct
* @throws CMSException when message-digest attribute was rejected
private void verifyMessageDigestAttribute()
throws CMSException
ASN1Primitive validMessageDigest = getSingleValuedSignedAttribute(
CMSAttributes.messageDigest, "message-digest");
if (validMessageDigest == null)
if (signedAttributeSet != null)
throw new CMSException("the message-digest signed attribute type MUST be present when there are any signed attributes present");
if (!(validMessageDigest instanceof ASN1OctetString))
throw new CMSException("message-digest attribute value not of ASN.1 type 'OCTET STRING'");
ASN1OctetString signedMessageDigest = (ASN1OctetString)validMessageDigest;
if (!Arrays.constantTimeAreEqual(resultDigest, signedMessageDigest.getOctets()))
throw new CMSSignerDigestMismatchException("message-digest attribute value does not match calculated value");
* RFC 6211 Validate Algorithm Identifier protection attribute if present
* @param signedAttrTable signed attributes
* @throws CMSException when cmsAlgorihmProtect attribute was rejected
private void verifyAlgorithmIdentifierProtectionAttribute(AttributeTable signedAttrTable)
throws CMSException
AttributeTable unsignedAttrTable = this.getUnsignedAttributes();
if (unsignedAttrTable != null && unsignedAttrTable.getAll(CMSAttributes.cmsAlgorithmProtect).size() > 0)
throw new CMSException("A cmsAlgorithmProtect attribute MUST be a signed attribute");
if (signedAttrTable != null)
ASN1EncodableVector protectionAttributes = signedAttrTable.getAll(CMSAttributes.cmsAlgorithmProtect);
if (protectionAttributes.size() > 1)
throw new CMSException("Only one instance of a cmsAlgorithmProtect attribute can be present");
if (protectionAttributes.size() > 0)
Attribute attr = Attribute.getInstance(protectionAttributes.get(0));
if (attr.getAttrValues().size() != 1)
throw new CMSException("A cmsAlgorithmProtect attribute MUST contain exactly one value");
CMSAlgorithmProtection algorithmProtection = CMSAlgorithmProtection.getInstance(attr.getAttributeValues()[0]);
if (!CMSUtils.isEquivalent(algorithmProtection.getDigestAlgorithm(), info.getDigestAlgorithm()))
throw new CMSException("CMS Algorithm Identifier Protection check failed for digestAlgorithm");
if (!CMSUtils.isEquivalent(algorithmProtection.getSignatureAlgorithm(), info.getDigestEncryptionAlgorithm()))
throw new CMSException("CMS Algorithm Identifier Protection check failed for signatureAlgorithm");
* RFC 3852 11.4 Validate countersignature attribute(s)
* @param signedAttrTable signed attributes
* @throws CMSException when countersignature attribute was rejected
private void verifyCounterSignatureAttribute(AttributeTable signedAttrTable)
throws CMSException
if (signedAttrTable != null
&& signedAttrTable.getAll(CMSAttributes.counterSignature).size() > 0)
throw new CMSException("A countersignature attribute MUST NOT be a signed attribute");
AttributeTable unsignedAttrTable = this.getUnsignedAttributes();
if (unsignedAttrTable != null)
ASN1EncodableVector csAttrs = unsignedAttrTable.getAll(CMSAttributes.counterSignature);
for (int i = 0; i < csAttrs.size(); ++i)
Attribute csAttr = Attribute.getInstance(csAttrs.get(i));
if (csAttr.getAttrValues().size() < 1)
throw new CMSException("A countersignature attribute MUST contain at least one AttributeValue");
// Note: We don't recursively validate the countersignature value
* Verify that the given verifier can successfully verify the signature on
* this SignerInformation object.
* @param verifier a suitably configured SignerInformationVerifier.
* @return true if the signer information is verified, false otherwise.
* @throws org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSVerifierCertificateNotValidException if the provider has an associated certificate and the certificate is not valid at the time given as the SignerInfo's signing time.
* @throws org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSException if the verifier is unable to create a ContentVerifiers or DigestCalculators.
public boolean verify(SignerInformationVerifier verifier)
throws CMSException
Time signingTime = getSigningTime(); // has to be validated if present.
if (verifier.hasAssociatedCertificate())
if (signingTime != null)
X509CertificateHolder dcv = verifier.getAssociatedCertificate();
if (!dcv.isValidOn(signingTime.getDate()))
throw new CMSVerifierCertificateNotValidException("verifier not valid at signingTime");
return doVerify(verifier);
* Return the underlying ASN.1 object defining this SignerInformation object.
* @return a SignerInfo.
public SignerInfo toASN1Structure()
return info;
private ASN1Primitive getSingleValuedSignedAttribute(
ASN1ObjectIdentifier attrOID, String printableName)
throws CMSException
AttributeTable unsignedAttrTable = this.getUnsignedAttributes();
if (unsignedAttrTable != null
&& unsignedAttrTable.getAll(attrOID).size() > 0)
throw new CMSException("The " + printableName
+ " attribute MUST NOT be an unsigned attribute");
AttributeTable signedAttrTable = this.getSignedAttributes();
if (signedAttrTable == null)
return null;
ASN1EncodableVector v = signedAttrTable.getAll(attrOID);
switch (v.size())
case 0:
return null;
case 1:
Attribute t = (Attribute)v.get(0);
ASN1Set attrValues = t.getAttrValues();
if (attrValues.size() != 1)
throw new CMSException("A " + printableName
+ " attribute MUST have a single attribute value");
return attrValues.getObjectAt(0).toASN1Primitive();
throw new CMSException("The SignedAttributes in a signerInfo MUST NOT include multiple instances of the "
+ printableName + " attribute");
private Time getSigningTime()
throws CMSException
ASN1Primitive validSigningTime = getSingleValuedSignedAttribute(
CMSAttributes.signingTime, "signing-time");
if (validSigningTime == null)
return null;
return Time.getInstance(validSigningTime);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
throw new CMSException("signing-time attribute value not a valid 'Time' structure");
* Return a signer information object with the passed in unsigned
* attributes replacing the ones that are current associated with
* the object passed in.
* @param signerInformation the signerInfo to be used as the basis.
* @param unsignedAttributes the unsigned attributes to add.
* @return a copy of the original SignerInformationObject with the changed attributes.
public static SignerInformation replaceUnsignedAttributes(
SignerInformation signerInformation,
AttributeTable unsignedAttributes)
SignerInfo sInfo = signerInformation.info;
ASN1Set unsignedAttr = null;
if (unsignedAttributes != null)
unsignedAttr = new DERSet(unsignedAttributes.toASN1EncodableVector());
return new SignerInformation(
new SignerInfo(sInfo.getSID(), sInfo.getDigestAlgorithm(),
sInfo.getAuthenticatedAttributes(), sInfo.getDigestEncryptionAlgorithm(), sInfo.getEncryptedDigest(), unsignedAttr),
signerInformation.contentType, signerInformation.content, null);
* Return a signer information object with passed in SignerInformationStore representing counter
* signatures attached as an unsigned attribute.
* @param signerInformation the signerInfo to be used as the basis.
* @param counterSigners signer info objects carrying counter signature.
* @return a copy of the original SignerInformationObject with the changed attributes.
public static SignerInformation addCounterSigners(
SignerInformation signerInformation,
SignerInformationStore counterSigners)
// TODO Perform checks from RFC 3852 11.4
SignerInfo sInfo = signerInformation.info;
AttributeTable unsignedAttr = signerInformation.getUnsignedAttributes();
ASN1EncodableVector v;
if (unsignedAttr != null)
v = unsignedAttr.toASN1EncodableVector();
v = new ASN1EncodableVector();
ASN1EncodableVector sigs = new ASN1EncodableVector();
for (Iterator it = counterSigners.getSigners().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
v.add(new Attribute(CMSAttributes.counterSignature, new DERSet(sigs)));
return new SignerInformation(
new SignerInfo(sInfo.getSID(), sInfo.getDigestAlgorithm(),
sInfo.getAuthenticatedAttributes(), sInfo.getDigestEncryptionAlgorithm(), sInfo.getEncryptedDigest(), new DERSet(v)),
signerInformation.contentType, signerInformation.content, null);
private static AlgorithmIdentifier translateBrokenRSAPkcs7(AlgorithmIdentifier encryptionAlgorithm, AlgorithmIdentifier digestAlgorithm)
if (PKCSObjectIdentifiers.rsaEncryption.equals(encryptionAlgorithm.getAlgorithm()))
// Yes, some people really did this.
if (OIWObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSA.equals(digestAlgorithm.getAlgorithm())
|| PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption.equals(digestAlgorithm.getAlgorithm()))
return new AlgorithmIdentifier(OIWObjectIdentifiers.idSHA1, DERNull.INSTANCE);
return digestAlgorithm;