org.bouncycastle.est.ESTService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.bouncycastle.est;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.net.URL;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1InputStream;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERPrintableString;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.ContentInfo;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.est.CsrAttrs;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PKCSObjectIdentifiers;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PrivateKeyInfo;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.X509CRLHolder;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.X509CertificateHolder;
import org.bouncycastle.cmc.CMCException;
import org.bouncycastle.cmc.SimplePKIResponse;
import org.bouncycastle.mime.BasicMimeParser;
import org.bouncycastle.mime.ConstantMimeContext;
import org.bouncycastle.mime.Headers;
import org.bouncycastle.mime.MimeContext;
import org.bouncycastle.mime.MimeParser;
import org.bouncycastle.mime.MimeParserContext;
import org.bouncycastle.mime.MimeParserListener;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.ContentSigner;
import org.bouncycastle.pkcs.PKCS10CertificationRequest;
import org.bouncycastle.pkcs.PKCS10CertificationRequestBuilder;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Selector;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Store;
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64;
* ESTService provides unified access to an EST server which is defined as implementing
* RFC7030.
public class ESTService
protected static final String CACERTS = "/cacerts";
protected static final String SIMPLE_ENROLL = "/simpleenroll";
protected static final String SIMPLE_REENROLL = "/simplereenroll";
protected static final String FULLCMC = "/fullcmc";
protected static final String SERVERGEN = "/serverkeygen";
protected static final String CSRATTRS = "/csrattrs";
protected static final Set illegalParts = new HashSet();
private final String server;
private final ESTClientProvider clientProvider;
private static final Pattern pathInValid = Pattern.compile("^[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-.~!$&'()*+,;:=]+");
String serverAuthority, String label,
ESTClientProvider clientProvider)
serverAuthority = verifyServer(serverAuthority);
if (label != null)
label = verifyLabel(label);
server = "https://" + serverAuthority + "/.well-known/est/" + label;
server = "https://" + serverAuthority + "/.well-known/est";
this.clientProvider = clientProvider;
* Utility method to extract all the X509Certificates from a store and return them in an array.
* @param store The store.
* @return An arrar of certificates/
public static X509CertificateHolder[] storeToArray(Store store)
return storeToArray(store, null);
* Utility method to extract all the X509Certificates from a store using a filter and to return them
* as an array.
* @param store The store.
* @param selector The selector.
* @return An array of X509Certificates.
public static X509CertificateHolder[] storeToArray(Store store, Selector selector)
Collection c = store.getMatches(selector);
return c.toArray(new X509CertificateHolder[c.size()]);
* Query the EST server for ca certificates.
* RFC7030 leans heavily on the verification phases of TLS for both client and server verification.
* It does however define a bootstrapping mode where if the client does not have the necessary ca certificates to
* validate the server it can defer to an external source, such as a human, to formally accept the ca certs.
* If callers are using bootstrapping they must examine the CACertsResponse and validate it externally.
* @return A store of X509Certificates.
public CACertsResponse getCACerts()
throws ESTException
ESTResponse resp = null;
Exception finalThrowable = null;
CACertsResponse caCertsResponse = null;
URL url = null;
boolean failedBeforeClose = false;
url = new URL(server + CACERTS);
ESTClient client = clientProvider.makeClient();
ESTRequest req = new ESTRequestBuilder("GET", url).withClient(client).build();
resp = client.doRequest(req);
Store caCerts = null;
Store crlHolderStore = null;
if (resp.getStatusCode() == 200)
String contentType = resp.getHeaders().getFirstValue("Content-Type");
if (contentType == null || !contentType.startsWith("application/pkcs7-mime"))
String j = contentType != null ? " got " + contentType : " but was not present.";
throw new ESTException(("Response : " + url.toString() + "Expecting application/pkcs7-mime ") + j, null, resp.getStatusCode(), resp.getInputStream());
ASN1InputStream ain = getASN1InputStream(resp.getInputStream(), resp.getContentLength());
SimplePKIResponse spkr = new SimplePKIResponse(ContentInfo.getInstance(ain.readObject()));
caCerts = spkr.getCertificates();
crlHolderStore = spkr.getCRLs();
catch (Throwable ex)
throw new ESTException("Decoding CACerts: " + url.toString() + " " + ex.getMessage(), ex, resp.getStatusCode(), resp.getInputStream());
else if (resp.getStatusCode() != 204) // 204 are No Content
throw new ESTException("Get CACerts: " + url.toString(), null, resp.getStatusCode(), resp.getInputStream());
caCertsResponse = new CACertsResponse(caCerts, crlHolderStore, req, resp.getSource(), clientProvider.isTrusted());
catch (Throwable t)
failedBeforeClose = true;
if (t instanceof ESTException)
throw (ESTException)t;
throw new ESTException(t.getMessage(), t);
if (resp != null)
catch (Exception t)
finalThrowable = t;
if (finalThrowable != null)
if (finalThrowable instanceof ESTException)
throw (ESTException)finalThrowable;
throw new ESTException("Get CACerts: " + url.toString(), finalThrowable, resp.getStatusCode(), null);
return caCertsResponse;
private ASN1InputStream getASN1InputStream(InputStream respStream, Long contentLength)
if (contentLength == null)
return new ASN1InputStream(respStream);
if (contentLength.intValue() == contentLength.longValue())
return new ASN1InputStream(respStream, contentLength.intValue());
return new ASN1InputStream(respStream);
* Reissue an existing request where the server had previously returned a 202.
* @param priorResponse The prior response.
* @return A new ESTEnrollmentResponse
* @throws Exception
public EnrollmentResponse simpleEnroll(EnrollmentResponse priorResponse)
throws Exception
if (!clientProvider.isTrusted())
throw new IllegalStateException("No trust anchors.");
ESTResponse resp = null;
ESTClient client = clientProvider.makeClient();
resp = client.doRequest(new ESTRequestBuilder(priorResponse.getRequestToRetry()).withClient(client).build());
return handleEnrollResponse(resp);
catch (Throwable t)
if (t instanceof ESTException)
throw (ESTException)t;
throw new ESTException(t.getMessage(), t);
if (resp != null)
* Perform a simple enrollment operation.
* This method accepts an ESPHttpAuth instance to provide basic or digest authentication.
* If authentication is to be performed as part of TLS then this instances client keystore and their keystore
* password need to be specified.
* @param certificationRequest The certification request.
* @param auth The http auth provider, basic auth or digest auth, can be null.
* @param certGen if true, request server key generation
* @return The enrolled certificate.
protected EnrollmentResponse enroll(
boolean reenroll,
PKCS10CertificationRequest certificationRequest,
ESTAuth auth,
boolean certGen)
throws IOException
if (!clientProvider.isTrusted())
throw new IllegalStateException("No trust anchors.");
ESTResponse resp = null;
final byte[] data = annotateRequest(certificationRequest.getEncoded()).getBytes();
URL url = new URL(server + (certGen ? SERVERGEN : (reenroll ? SIMPLE_REENROLL : SIMPLE_ENROLL)));
ESTClient client = clientProvider.makeClient();
ESTRequestBuilder req = new ESTRequestBuilder("POST", url).withData(data).withClient(client);
req.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/pkcs10");
req.addHeader("Content-Length", "" + data.length);
req.addHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64");
if (auth != null)
resp = client.doRequest(req.build());
return handleEnrollResponse(resp);
catch (Throwable t)
if (t instanceof ESTException)
throw (ESTException)t;
throw new ESTException(t.getMessage(), t);
if (resp != null)
* Perform a simple enrollment operation.
* This method accepts an ESPHttpAuth instance to provide basic or digest authentication.
* If authentication is to be performed as part of TLS then this instances client keystore and their keystore
* password need to be specified.
* @param reenroll true for enrollment.
* @param certificationRequest The certification request.
* @param auth The http auth provider, basic auth or digest auth, can be null.
* @return The enrolled certificate.
public EnrollmentResponse simpleEnroll(boolean reenroll, PKCS10CertificationRequest certificationRequest, ESTAuth auth)
throws IOException
return enroll(reenroll, certificationRequest, auth, false);
* Perform a simple enrollment operation.
* This method accepts an ESPHttpAuth instance to provide basic or digest authentication.
* If authentication is to be performed as part of TLS then this instances client keystore and their keystore
* password need to be specified.
* @param certificationRequest The certification request.
* @param auth The http auth provider, basic auth or digest auth, can be null.
* @return The enrolled certificate.
public EnrollmentResponse simpleEnrollWithServersideCreation(PKCS10CertificationRequest certificationRequest, ESTAuth auth)
throws IOException
return enroll(false, certificationRequest, auth, true);
* Implements Enroll with PoP.
* Request will have the tls-unique attribute added to it before it is signed and completed.
* @param reEnroll True = re enroll.
* @param builder The request builder.
* @param contentSigner The content signer.
* @param auth Auth modes.
* @param certGen if true will request server key generation.
* @return Enrollment response.
* @throws IOException
public EnrollmentResponse enrollPop(
boolean reEnroll,
final PKCS10CertificationRequestBuilder builder,
final ContentSigner contentSigner,
ESTAuth auth, boolean certGen)
throws IOException
if (!clientProvider.isTrusted())
throw new IllegalStateException("No trust anchors.");
ESTResponse resp = null;
URL url = new URL(server + (reEnroll ? SIMPLE_REENROLL : SIMPLE_ENROLL));
ESTClient client = clientProvider.makeClient();
// Connect supplying a source listener.
// The source listener is responsible for completing the PCS10 Cert request and encoding it.
ESTRequestBuilder reqBldr = new ESTRequestBuilder("POST", url).withClient(client).withConnectionListener(new ESTSourceConnectionListener()
public ESTRequest onConnection(Source source, ESTRequest request)
throws IOException
// Add challenge password from tls unique
if (source instanceof TLSUniqueProvider && ((TLSUniqueProvider)source).isTLSUniqueAvailable())
PKCS10CertificationRequestBuilder localBuilder = new PKCS10CertificationRequestBuilder(builder);
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] tlsUnique = ((TLSUniqueProvider)source).getTLSUnique();
// -DM Base64.toBase64String
localBuilder.setAttribute(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs_9_at_challengePassword, new DERPrintableString(Base64.toBase64String(tlsUnique)));
ESTRequestBuilder reqBuilder = new ESTRequestBuilder(request).withData(bos.toByteArray());
reqBuilder.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/pkcs10");
reqBuilder.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64");
reqBuilder.setHeader("Content-Length", Long.toString(bos.size()));
return reqBuilder.build();
throw new IOException("Source does not supply TLS unique.");
if (auth != null)
resp = client.doRequest(reqBldr.build());
return handleEnrollResponse(resp);
catch (Throwable t)
if (t instanceof ESTException)
throw (ESTException)t;
throw new ESTException(t.getMessage(), t);
if (resp != null)
* Implements Enroll with PoP.
* Request will have the tls-unique attribute added to it before it is signed and completed.
* @param reEnroll True = re enroll.
* @param builder The request builder.
* @param contentSigner The content signer.
* @param auth Auth modes.
* @return Enrollment response.
* @throws IOException
public EnrollmentResponse simpleEnrollPoP(boolean reEnroll, final PKCS10CertificationRequestBuilder builder, final ContentSigner contentSigner, ESTAuth auth)
throws IOException
return enrollPop(reEnroll, builder, contentSigner, auth, false);
* Simple enrollment with PoP and server side creation of keys.
* @param builder The request builder.
* @param contentSigner The content signer
* @param auth Auth modes
* @return Enrollment Response
* @throws IOException
public EnrollmentResponse simpleEnrollPopWithServersideCreation(
final PKCS10CertificationRequestBuilder builder,
final ContentSigner contentSigner,
ESTAuth auth)
throws IOException
return enrollPop(false, builder, contentSigner, auth, true);
* Handles an enrollment response, deals with status codes and setting of delays.
* @param resp The response.
* @return An EnrollmentResponse.
* @throws IOException
protected EnrollmentResponse handleEnrollResponse(ESTResponse resp)
throws IOException
ESTRequest req = resp.getOriginalRequest();
Store enrolled = null;
if (resp.getStatusCode() == 202)
// Received but not ready.
String rt = resp.getHeader("Retry-After");
if (rt == null)
throw new ESTException("Got Status 202 but not Retry-After header from: " + req.getURL().toString());
long notBefore = -1;
notBefore = System.currentTimeMillis() + (Long.parseLong(rt) * 1000);
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
"EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z", Locale.US);
notBefore = dateFormat.parse(rt).getTime();
catch (Exception ex)
throw new ESTException(
"Unable to parse Retry-After header:" + req.getURL().toString() + " " + ex.getMessage(), null,
resp.getStatusCode(), resp.getInputStream());
return new EnrollmentResponse(null, notBefore, req, resp.getSource());
else if (resp.getStatusCode() == 200 && resp.getHeaderOrEmpty("content-type").contains("multipart/mixed"))
Headers mimeHeaders = new Headers(resp.getHeaderOrEmpty("content-type"), "base64");
MimeParser mp = new BasicMimeParser(mimeHeaders, resp.getInputStream());
// 0 = PrivateKeyInfo, 1 = SimplePKIResponse
final Object[] parts = new Object[2];
mp.parse(new MimeParserListener()
public MimeContext createContext(MimeParserContext parserContext, Headers headers)
return ConstantMimeContext.Instance;
public void object(MimeParserContext parserContext, Headers headers, InputStream inputStream)
throws IOException
if (headers.getContentType().contains("application/pkcs8"))
ASN1InputStream asn1In = new ASN1InputStream(inputStream);
parts[0] = PrivateKeyInfo.getInstance(asn1In.readObject());
// We want to check we got what we expected in terms of responses,
// and nothing more.
if (asn1In.readObject() != null)
throw new ESTException("Unexpected ASN1 object after private key info");
else if (headers.getContentType().contains("application/pkcs7-mime"))
ASN1InputStream asn1In = new ASN1InputStream(inputStream);
parts[1] = new SimplePKIResponse(ContentInfo.getInstance(asn1In.readObject()));
catch (CMCException e)
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
// We want to check we got what we expected in terms of responses,
// and nothing more.
if (asn1In.readObject() != null)
throw new ESTException("Unexpected ASN1 object after reading certificates");
if (parts[0] == null || parts[1] == null)
throw new ESTException("received neither private key info and certificates");
enrolled = ((SimplePKIResponse)parts[1]).getCertificates();
return new EnrollmentResponse(enrolled, -1, null, resp.getSource(), PrivateKeyInfo.getInstance(parts[0]));
else if (resp.getStatusCode() == 200)
ASN1InputStream ain = new ASN1InputStream(resp.getInputStream());
SimplePKIResponse spkr = null;
spkr = new SimplePKIResponse(ContentInfo.getInstance(ain.readObject()));
catch (CMCException e)
throw new ESTException(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());
enrolled = spkr.getCertificates();
return new EnrollmentResponse(enrolled, -1, null, resp.getSource());
throw new ESTException(
"Simple Enroll: " + req.getURL().toString(), null,
resp.getStatusCode(), resp.getInputStream());
* Fetch he CSR Attributes from the server.
* @return A CSRRequestResponse with the attributes.
* @throws ESTException
public CSRRequestResponse getCSRAttributes()
throws ESTException
if (!clientProvider.isTrusted())
throw new IllegalStateException("No trust anchors.");
ESTResponse resp = null;
CSRAttributesResponse response = null;
Exception finalThrowable = null;
URL url = null;
url = new URL(server + CSRATTRS);
ESTClient client = clientProvider.makeClient();
ESTRequest req = new ESTRequestBuilder("GET", url).withClient(client).build(); // new ESTRequest("GET", url, null);
resp = client.doRequest(req);
switch (resp.getStatusCode())
case 200:
ASN1InputStream ain = getASN1InputStream(resp.getInputStream(), resp.getContentLength());
ASN1Sequence seq = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(ain.readObject());
response = new CSRAttributesResponse(CsrAttrs.getInstance(seq));
catch (Throwable ex)
throw new ESTException("Decoding CACerts: " + url.toString() + " " + ex.getMessage(), ex, resp.getStatusCode(), resp.getInputStream());
case 204:
response = null;
case 404:
response = null;
throw new ESTException(
"CSR Attribute request: " + req.getURL().toString(), null,
resp.getStatusCode(), resp.getInputStream());
catch (Throwable t)
if (t instanceof ESTException)
throw (ESTException)t;
throw new ESTException(t.getMessage(), t);
if (resp != null)
catch (Exception ex)
finalThrowable = ex;
if (finalThrowable != null)
if (finalThrowable instanceof ESTException)
throw (ESTException)finalThrowable;
throw new ESTException(finalThrowable.getMessage(), finalThrowable, resp.getStatusCode(), null);
return new CSRRequestResponse(response, resp.getSource());
private String annotateRequest(byte[] data)
int i = 0;
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
// pw.print("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n");
// -DM Base64.toBase64String
// -DM Base64.toBase64String
if (i + 48 < data.length)
pw.print(Base64.toBase64String(data, i, 48));
i += 48;
pw.print(Base64.toBase64String(data, i, data.length - i));
i = data.length;
while (i < data.length);
// pw.print("-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n");
return sw.toString();
private String verifyLabel(String label)
while (label.endsWith("/") && label.length() > 0)
label = label.substring(0, label.length() - 1);
while (label.startsWith("/") && label.length() > 0)
label = label.substring(1);
if (label.length() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Label set but after trimming '/' is not zero length string.");
if (!pathInValid.matcher(label).matches())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Server path " + label + " contains invalid characters");
if (illegalParts.contains(label))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Label " + label + " is a reserved path segment.");
return label;
private String verifyServer(String server)
while (server.endsWith("/") && server.length() > 0)
server = server.substring(0, server.length() - 1);
if (server.contains("://"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Server contains scheme, must only be :port, https:// will be added arbitrarily.");
URL u = new URL("https://" + server);
if (u.getPath().length() == 0 || u.getPath().equals("/"))
return server;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Server contains path, must only be :port, a path of '/.well-known/est/