org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.CamelliaEngine Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a Java implementation of cryptographic algorithms. This jar contains JCE provider and lightweight API for the Bouncy Castle Cryptography APIs for Java 1.8 and later with debug enabled.
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package org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.BlockCipher;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CipherParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CryptoServicesRegistrar;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.DataLengthException;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.OutputLengthException;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.constraints.DefaultServiceProperties;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter;
* Camellia - based on RFC 3713.
public class CamelliaEngine
implements BlockCipher
private boolean initialised = false;
private int _keySize;
private boolean forEncryption;
private static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 16;
private static final int MASK8 = 0xff;
private int[] subkey = new int[24 * 4];
private int[] kw = new int[4 * 2]; // for whitening
private int[] ke = new int[6 * 2]; // for FL and FL^(-1)
private static final int SIGMA[] = {
0xa09e667f, 0x3bcc908b,
0xb67ae858, 0x4caa73b2,
0xc6ef372f, 0xe94f82be,
0x54ff53a5, 0xf1d36f1c,
0x10e527fa, 0xde682d1d,
0xb05688c2, 0xb3e6c1fd
* S-box data
private static final int SBOX1_1110[] = {
0x70707000, 0x82828200, 0x2c2c2c00, 0xececec00, 0xb3b3b300, 0x27272700,
0xc0c0c000, 0xe5e5e500, 0xe4e4e400, 0x85858500, 0x57575700, 0x35353500,
0xeaeaea00, 0x0c0c0c00, 0xaeaeae00, 0x41414100, 0x23232300, 0xefefef00,
0x6b6b6b00, 0x93939300, 0x45454500, 0x19191900, 0xa5a5a500, 0x21212100,
0xededed00, 0x0e0e0e00, 0x4f4f4f00, 0x4e4e4e00, 0x1d1d1d00, 0x65656500,
0x92929200, 0xbdbdbd00, 0x86868600, 0xb8b8b800, 0xafafaf00, 0x8f8f8f00,
0x7c7c7c00, 0xebebeb00, 0x1f1f1f00, 0xcecece00, 0x3e3e3e00, 0x30303000,
0xdcdcdc00, 0x5f5f5f00, 0x5e5e5e00, 0xc5c5c500, 0x0b0b0b00, 0x1a1a1a00,
0xa6a6a600, 0xe1e1e100, 0x39393900, 0xcacaca00, 0xd5d5d500, 0x47474700,
0x5d5d5d00, 0x3d3d3d00, 0xd9d9d900, 0x01010100, 0x5a5a5a00, 0xd6d6d600,
0x51515100, 0x56565600, 0x6c6c6c00, 0x4d4d4d00, 0x8b8b8b00, 0x0d0d0d00,
0x9a9a9a00, 0x66666600, 0xfbfbfb00, 0xcccccc00, 0xb0b0b000, 0x2d2d2d00,
0x74747400, 0x12121200, 0x2b2b2b00, 0x20202000, 0xf0f0f000, 0xb1b1b100,
0x84848400, 0x99999900, 0xdfdfdf00, 0x4c4c4c00, 0xcbcbcb00, 0xc2c2c200,
0x34343400, 0x7e7e7e00, 0x76767600, 0x05050500, 0x6d6d6d00, 0xb7b7b700,
0xa9a9a900, 0x31313100, 0xd1d1d100, 0x17171700, 0x04040400, 0xd7d7d700,
0x14141400, 0x58585800, 0x3a3a3a00, 0x61616100, 0xdedede00, 0x1b1b1b00,
0x11111100, 0x1c1c1c00, 0x32323200, 0x0f0f0f00, 0x9c9c9c00, 0x16161600,
0x53535300, 0x18181800, 0xf2f2f200, 0x22222200, 0xfefefe00, 0x44444400,
0xcfcfcf00, 0xb2b2b200, 0xc3c3c300, 0xb5b5b500, 0x7a7a7a00, 0x91919100,
0x24242400, 0x08080800, 0xe8e8e800, 0xa8a8a800, 0x60606000, 0xfcfcfc00,
0x69696900, 0x50505000, 0xaaaaaa00, 0xd0d0d000, 0xa0a0a000, 0x7d7d7d00,
0xa1a1a100, 0x89898900, 0x62626200, 0x97979700, 0x54545400, 0x5b5b5b00,
0x1e1e1e00, 0x95959500, 0xe0e0e000, 0xffffff00, 0x64646400, 0xd2d2d200,
0x10101000, 0xc4c4c400, 0x00000000, 0x48484800, 0xa3a3a300, 0xf7f7f700,
0x75757500, 0xdbdbdb00, 0x8a8a8a00, 0x03030300, 0xe6e6e600, 0xdadada00,
0x09090900, 0x3f3f3f00, 0xdddddd00, 0x94949400, 0x87878700, 0x5c5c5c00,
0x83838300, 0x02020200, 0xcdcdcd00, 0x4a4a4a00, 0x90909000, 0x33333300,
0x73737300, 0x67676700, 0xf6f6f600, 0xf3f3f300, 0x9d9d9d00, 0x7f7f7f00,
0xbfbfbf00, 0xe2e2e200, 0x52525200, 0x9b9b9b00, 0xd8d8d800, 0x26262600,
0xc8c8c800, 0x37373700, 0xc6c6c600, 0x3b3b3b00, 0x81818100, 0x96969600,
0x6f6f6f00, 0x4b4b4b00, 0x13131300, 0xbebebe00, 0x63636300, 0x2e2e2e00,
0xe9e9e900, 0x79797900, 0xa7a7a700, 0x8c8c8c00, 0x9f9f9f00, 0x6e6e6e00,
0xbcbcbc00, 0x8e8e8e00, 0x29292900, 0xf5f5f500, 0xf9f9f900, 0xb6b6b600,
0x2f2f2f00, 0xfdfdfd00, 0xb4b4b400, 0x59595900, 0x78787800, 0x98989800,
0x06060600, 0x6a6a6a00, 0xe7e7e700, 0x46464600, 0x71717100, 0xbababa00,
0xd4d4d400, 0x25252500, 0xababab00, 0x42424200, 0x88888800, 0xa2a2a200,
0x8d8d8d00, 0xfafafa00, 0x72727200, 0x07070700, 0xb9b9b900, 0x55555500,
0xf8f8f800, 0xeeeeee00, 0xacacac00, 0x0a0a0a00, 0x36363600, 0x49494900,
0x2a2a2a00, 0x68686800, 0x3c3c3c00, 0x38383800, 0xf1f1f100, 0xa4a4a400,
0x40404000, 0x28282800, 0xd3d3d300, 0x7b7b7b00, 0xbbbbbb00, 0xc9c9c900,
0x43434300, 0xc1c1c100, 0x15151500, 0xe3e3e300, 0xadadad00, 0xf4f4f400,
0x77777700, 0xc7c7c700, 0x80808000, 0x9e9e9e00
private static final int SBOX4_4404[] = {
0x70700070, 0x2c2c002c, 0xb3b300b3, 0xc0c000c0, 0xe4e400e4, 0x57570057,
0xeaea00ea, 0xaeae00ae, 0x23230023, 0x6b6b006b, 0x45450045, 0xa5a500a5,
0xeded00ed, 0x4f4f004f, 0x1d1d001d, 0x92920092, 0x86860086, 0xafaf00af,
0x7c7c007c, 0x1f1f001f, 0x3e3e003e, 0xdcdc00dc, 0x5e5e005e, 0x0b0b000b,
0xa6a600a6, 0x39390039, 0xd5d500d5, 0x5d5d005d, 0xd9d900d9, 0x5a5a005a,
0x51510051, 0x6c6c006c, 0x8b8b008b, 0x9a9a009a, 0xfbfb00fb, 0xb0b000b0,
0x74740074, 0x2b2b002b, 0xf0f000f0, 0x84840084, 0xdfdf00df, 0xcbcb00cb,
0x34340034, 0x76760076, 0x6d6d006d, 0xa9a900a9, 0xd1d100d1, 0x04040004,
0x14140014, 0x3a3a003a, 0xdede00de, 0x11110011, 0x32320032, 0x9c9c009c,
0x53530053, 0xf2f200f2, 0xfefe00fe, 0xcfcf00cf, 0xc3c300c3, 0x7a7a007a,
0x24240024, 0xe8e800e8, 0x60600060, 0x69690069, 0xaaaa00aa, 0xa0a000a0,
0xa1a100a1, 0x62620062, 0x54540054, 0x1e1e001e, 0xe0e000e0, 0x64640064,
0x10100010, 0x00000000, 0xa3a300a3, 0x75750075, 0x8a8a008a, 0xe6e600e6,
0x09090009, 0xdddd00dd, 0x87870087, 0x83830083, 0xcdcd00cd, 0x90900090,
0x73730073, 0xf6f600f6, 0x9d9d009d, 0xbfbf00bf, 0x52520052, 0xd8d800d8,
0xc8c800c8, 0xc6c600c6, 0x81810081, 0x6f6f006f, 0x13130013, 0x63630063,
0xe9e900e9, 0xa7a700a7, 0x9f9f009f, 0xbcbc00bc, 0x29290029, 0xf9f900f9,
0x2f2f002f, 0xb4b400b4, 0x78780078, 0x06060006, 0xe7e700e7, 0x71710071,
0xd4d400d4, 0xabab00ab, 0x88880088, 0x8d8d008d, 0x72720072, 0xb9b900b9,
0xf8f800f8, 0xacac00ac, 0x36360036, 0x2a2a002a, 0x3c3c003c, 0xf1f100f1,
0x40400040, 0xd3d300d3, 0xbbbb00bb, 0x43430043, 0x15150015, 0xadad00ad,
0x77770077, 0x80800080, 0x82820082, 0xecec00ec, 0x27270027, 0xe5e500e5,
0x85850085, 0x35350035, 0x0c0c000c, 0x41410041, 0xefef00ef, 0x93930093,
0x19190019, 0x21210021, 0x0e0e000e, 0x4e4e004e, 0x65650065, 0xbdbd00bd,
0xb8b800b8, 0x8f8f008f, 0xebeb00eb, 0xcece00ce, 0x30300030, 0x5f5f005f,
0xc5c500c5, 0x1a1a001a, 0xe1e100e1, 0xcaca00ca, 0x47470047, 0x3d3d003d,
0x01010001, 0xd6d600d6, 0x56560056, 0x4d4d004d, 0x0d0d000d, 0x66660066,
0xcccc00cc, 0x2d2d002d, 0x12120012, 0x20200020, 0xb1b100b1, 0x99990099,
0x4c4c004c, 0xc2c200c2, 0x7e7e007e, 0x05050005, 0xb7b700b7, 0x31310031,
0x17170017, 0xd7d700d7, 0x58580058, 0x61610061, 0x1b1b001b, 0x1c1c001c,
0x0f0f000f, 0x16160016, 0x18180018, 0x22220022, 0x44440044, 0xb2b200b2,
0xb5b500b5, 0x91910091, 0x08080008, 0xa8a800a8, 0xfcfc00fc, 0x50500050,
0xd0d000d0, 0x7d7d007d, 0x89890089, 0x97970097, 0x5b5b005b, 0x95950095,
0xffff00ff, 0xd2d200d2, 0xc4c400c4, 0x48480048, 0xf7f700f7, 0xdbdb00db,
0x03030003, 0xdada00da, 0x3f3f003f, 0x94940094, 0x5c5c005c, 0x02020002,
0x4a4a004a, 0x33330033, 0x67670067, 0xf3f300f3, 0x7f7f007f, 0xe2e200e2,
0x9b9b009b, 0x26260026, 0x37370037, 0x3b3b003b, 0x96960096, 0x4b4b004b,
0xbebe00be, 0x2e2e002e, 0x79790079, 0x8c8c008c, 0x6e6e006e, 0x8e8e008e,
0xf5f500f5, 0xb6b600b6, 0xfdfd00fd, 0x59590059, 0x98980098, 0x6a6a006a,
0x46460046, 0xbaba00ba, 0x25250025, 0x42420042, 0xa2a200a2, 0xfafa00fa,
0x07070007, 0x55550055, 0xeeee00ee, 0x0a0a000a, 0x49490049, 0x68680068,
0x38380038, 0xa4a400a4, 0x28280028, 0x7b7b007b, 0xc9c900c9, 0xc1c100c1,
0xe3e300e3, 0xf4f400f4, 0xc7c700c7, 0x9e9e009e
private static final int SBOX2_0222[] = {
0x00e0e0e0, 0x00050505, 0x00585858, 0x00d9d9d9, 0x00676767, 0x004e4e4e,
0x00818181, 0x00cbcbcb, 0x00c9c9c9, 0x000b0b0b, 0x00aeaeae, 0x006a6a6a,
0x00d5d5d5, 0x00181818, 0x005d5d5d, 0x00828282, 0x00464646, 0x00dfdfdf,
0x00d6d6d6, 0x00272727, 0x008a8a8a, 0x00323232, 0x004b4b4b, 0x00424242,
0x00dbdbdb, 0x001c1c1c, 0x009e9e9e, 0x009c9c9c, 0x003a3a3a, 0x00cacaca,
0x00252525, 0x007b7b7b, 0x000d0d0d, 0x00717171, 0x005f5f5f, 0x001f1f1f,
0x00f8f8f8, 0x00d7d7d7, 0x003e3e3e, 0x009d9d9d, 0x007c7c7c, 0x00606060,
0x00b9b9b9, 0x00bebebe, 0x00bcbcbc, 0x008b8b8b, 0x00161616, 0x00343434,
0x004d4d4d, 0x00c3c3c3, 0x00727272, 0x00959595, 0x00ababab, 0x008e8e8e,
0x00bababa, 0x007a7a7a, 0x00b3b3b3, 0x00020202, 0x00b4b4b4, 0x00adadad,
0x00a2a2a2, 0x00acacac, 0x00d8d8d8, 0x009a9a9a, 0x00171717, 0x001a1a1a,
0x00353535, 0x00cccccc, 0x00f7f7f7, 0x00999999, 0x00616161, 0x005a5a5a,
0x00e8e8e8, 0x00242424, 0x00565656, 0x00404040, 0x00e1e1e1, 0x00636363,
0x00090909, 0x00333333, 0x00bfbfbf, 0x00989898, 0x00979797, 0x00858585,
0x00686868, 0x00fcfcfc, 0x00ececec, 0x000a0a0a, 0x00dadada, 0x006f6f6f,
0x00535353, 0x00626262, 0x00a3a3a3, 0x002e2e2e, 0x00080808, 0x00afafaf,
0x00282828, 0x00b0b0b0, 0x00747474, 0x00c2c2c2, 0x00bdbdbd, 0x00363636,
0x00222222, 0x00383838, 0x00646464, 0x001e1e1e, 0x00393939, 0x002c2c2c,
0x00a6a6a6, 0x00303030, 0x00e5e5e5, 0x00444444, 0x00fdfdfd, 0x00888888,
0x009f9f9f, 0x00656565, 0x00878787, 0x006b6b6b, 0x00f4f4f4, 0x00232323,
0x00484848, 0x00101010, 0x00d1d1d1, 0x00515151, 0x00c0c0c0, 0x00f9f9f9,
0x00d2d2d2, 0x00a0a0a0, 0x00555555, 0x00a1a1a1, 0x00414141, 0x00fafafa,
0x00434343, 0x00131313, 0x00c4c4c4, 0x002f2f2f, 0x00a8a8a8, 0x00b6b6b6,
0x003c3c3c, 0x002b2b2b, 0x00c1c1c1, 0x00ffffff, 0x00c8c8c8, 0x00a5a5a5,
0x00202020, 0x00898989, 0x00000000, 0x00909090, 0x00474747, 0x00efefef,
0x00eaeaea, 0x00b7b7b7, 0x00151515, 0x00060606, 0x00cdcdcd, 0x00b5b5b5,
0x00121212, 0x007e7e7e, 0x00bbbbbb, 0x00292929, 0x000f0f0f, 0x00b8b8b8,
0x00070707, 0x00040404, 0x009b9b9b, 0x00949494, 0x00212121, 0x00666666,
0x00e6e6e6, 0x00cecece, 0x00ededed, 0x00e7e7e7, 0x003b3b3b, 0x00fefefe,
0x007f7f7f, 0x00c5c5c5, 0x00a4a4a4, 0x00373737, 0x00b1b1b1, 0x004c4c4c,
0x00919191, 0x006e6e6e, 0x008d8d8d, 0x00767676, 0x00030303, 0x002d2d2d,
0x00dedede, 0x00969696, 0x00262626, 0x007d7d7d, 0x00c6c6c6, 0x005c5c5c,
0x00d3d3d3, 0x00f2f2f2, 0x004f4f4f, 0x00191919, 0x003f3f3f, 0x00dcdcdc,
0x00797979, 0x001d1d1d, 0x00525252, 0x00ebebeb, 0x00f3f3f3, 0x006d6d6d,
0x005e5e5e, 0x00fbfbfb, 0x00696969, 0x00b2b2b2, 0x00f0f0f0, 0x00313131,
0x000c0c0c, 0x00d4d4d4, 0x00cfcfcf, 0x008c8c8c, 0x00e2e2e2, 0x00757575,
0x00a9a9a9, 0x004a4a4a, 0x00575757, 0x00848484, 0x00111111, 0x00454545,
0x001b1b1b, 0x00f5f5f5, 0x00e4e4e4, 0x000e0e0e, 0x00737373, 0x00aaaaaa,
0x00f1f1f1, 0x00dddddd, 0x00595959, 0x00141414, 0x006c6c6c, 0x00929292,
0x00545454, 0x00d0d0d0, 0x00787878, 0x00707070, 0x00e3e3e3, 0x00494949,
0x00808080, 0x00505050, 0x00a7a7a7, 0x00f6f6f6, 0x00777777, 0x00939393,
0x00868686, 0x00838383, 0x002a2a2a, 0x00c7c7c7, 0x005b5b5b, 0x00e9e9e9,
0x00eeeeee, 0x008f8f8f, 0x00010101, 0x003d3d3d
private static final int SBOX3_3033[] = {
0x38003838, 0x41004141, 0x16001616, 0x76007676, 0xd900d9d9, 0x93009393,
0x60006060, 0xf200f2f2, 0x72007272, 0xc200c2c2, 0xab00abab, 0x9a009a9a,
0x75007575, 0x06000606, 0x57005757, 0xa000a0a0, 0x91009191, 0xf700f7f7,
0xb500b5b5, 0xc900c9c9, 0xa200a2a2, 0x8c008c8c, 0xd200d2d2, 0x90009090,
0xf600f6f6, 0x07000707, 0xa700a7a7, 0x27002727, 0x8e008e8e, 0xb200b2b2,
0x49004949, 0xde00dede, 0x43004343, 0x5c005c5c, 0xd700d7d7, 0xc700c7c7,
0x3e003e3e, 0xf500f5f5, 0x8f008f8f, 0x67006767, 0x1f001f1f, 0x18001818,
0x6e006e6e, 0xaf00afaf, 0x2f002f2f, 0xe200e2e2, 0x85008585, 0x0d000d0d,
0x53005353, 0xf000f0f0, 0x9c009c9c, 0x65006565, 0xea00eaea, 0xa300a3a3,
0xae00aeae, 0x9e009e9e, 0xec00ecec, 0x80008080, 0x2d002d2d, 0x6b006b6b,
0xa800a8a8, 0x2b002b2b, 0x36003636, 0xa600a6a6, 0xc500c5c5, 0x86008686,
0x4d004d4d, 0x33003333, 0xfd00fdfd, 0x66006666, 0x58005858, 0x96009696,
0x3a003a3a, 0x09000909, 0x95009595, 0x10001010, 0x78007878, 0xd800d8d8,
0x42004242, 0xcc00cccc, 0xef00efef, 0x26002626, 0xe500e5e5, 0x61006161,
0x1a001a1a, 0x3f003f3f, 0x3b003b3b, 0x82008282, 0xb600b6b6, 0xdb00dbdb,
0xd400d4d4, 0x98009898, 0xe800e8e8, 0x8b008b8b, 0x02000202, 0xeb00ebeb,
0x0a000a0a, 0x2c002c2c, 0x1d001d1d, 0xb000b0b0, 0x6f006f6f, 0x8d008d8d,
0x88008888, 0x0e000e0e, 0x19001919, 0x87008787, 0x4e004e4e, 0x0b000b0b,
0xa900a9a9, 0x0c000c0c, 0x79007979, 0x11001111, 0x7f007f7f, 0x22002222,
0xe700e7e7, 0x59005959, 0xe100e1e1, 0xda00dada, 0x3d003d3d, 0xc800c8c8,
0x12001212, 0x04000404, 0x74007474, 0x54005454, 0x30003030, 0x7e007e7e,
0xb400b4b4, 0x28002828, 0x55005555, 0x68006868, 0x50005050, 0xbe00bebe,
0xd000d0d0, 0xc400c4c4, 0x31003131, 0xcb00cbcb, 0x2a002a2a, 0xad00adad,
0x0f000f0f, 0xca00caca, 0x70007070, 0xff00ffff, 0x32003232, 0x69006969,
0x08000808, 0x62006262, 0x00000000, 0x24002424, 0xd100d1d1, 0xfb00fbfb,
0xba00baba, 0xed00eded, 0x45004545, 0x81008181, 0x73007373, 0x6d006d6d,
0x84008484, 0x9f009f9f, 0xee00eeee, 0x4a004a4a, 0xc300c3c3, 0x2e002e2e,
0xc100c1c1, 0x01000101, 0xe600e6e6, 0x25002525, 0x48004848, 0x99009999,
0xb900b9b9, 0xb300b3b3, 0x7b007b7b, 0xf900f9f9, 0xce00cece, 0xbf00bfbf,
0xdf00dfdf, 0x71007171, 0x29002929, 0xcd00cdcd, 0x6c006c6c, 0x13001313,
0x64006464, 0x9b009b9b, 0x63006363, 0x9d009d9d, 0xc000c0c0, 0x4b004b4b,
0xb700b7b7, 0xa500a5a5, 0x89008989, 0x5f005f5f, 0xb100b1b1, 0x17001717,
0xf400f4f4, 0xbc00bcbc, 0xd300d3d3, 0x46004646, 0xcf00cfcf, 0x37003737,
0x5e005e5e, 0x47004747, 0x94009494, 0xfa00fafa, 0xfc00fcfc, 0x5b005b5b,
0x97009797, 0xfe00fefe, 0x5a005a5a, 0xac00acac, 0x3c003c3c, 0x4c004c4c,
0x03000303, 0x35003535, 0xf300f3f3, 0x23002323, 0xb800b8b8, 0x5d005d5d,
0x6a006a6a, 0x92009292, 0xd500d5d5, 0x21002121, 0x44004444, 0x51005151,
0xc600c6c6, 0x7d007d7d, 0x39003939, 0x83008383, 0xdc00dcdc, 0xaa00aaaa,
0x7c007c7c, 0x77007777, 0x56005656, 0x05000505, 0x1b001b1b, 0xa400a4a4,
0x15001515, 0x34003434, 0x1e001e1e, 0x1c001c1c, 0xf800f8f8, 0x52005252,
0x20002020, 0x14001414, 0xe900e9e9, 0xbd00bdbd, 0xdd00dddd, 0xe400e4e4,
0xa100a1a1, 0xe000e0e0, 0x8a008a8a, 0xf100f1f1, 0xd600d6d6, 0x7a007a7a,
0xbb00bbbb, 0xe300e3e3, 0x40004040, 0x4f004f4f
private static int rightRotate(int x, int s)
return (((x) >>> (s)) + ((x) << (32 - s)));
private static int leftRotate(int x, int s)
return ((x) << (s)) + ((x) >>> (32 - s));
private static void roldq(int rot, int[] ki, int ioff,
int[] ko, int ooff)
ko[0 + ooff] = (ki[0 + ioff] << rot) | (ki[1 + ioff] >>> (32 - rot));
ko[1 + ooff] = (ki[1 + ioff] << rot) | (ki[2 + ioff] >>> (32 - rot));
ko[2 + ooff] = (ki[2 + ioff] << rot) | (ki[3 + ioff] >>> (32 - rot));
ko[3 + ooff] = (ki[3 + ioff] << rot) | (ki[0 + ioff] >>> (32 - rot));
ki[0 + ioff] = ko[0 + ooff];
ki[1 + ioff] = ko[1 + ooff];
ki[2 + ioff] = ko[2 + ooff];
ki[3 + ioff] = ko[3 + ooff];
private static void decroldq(int rot, int[] ki, int ioff,
int[] ko, int ooff)
ko[2 + ooff] = (ki[0 + ioff] << rot) | (ki[1 + ioff] >>> (32 - rot));
ko[3 + ooff] = (ki[1 + ioff] << rot) | (ki[2 + ioff] >>> (32 - rot));
ko[0 + ooff] = (ki[2 + ioff] << rot) | (ki[3 + ioff] >>> (32 - rot));
ko[1 + ooff] = (ki[3 + ioff] << rot) | (ki[0 + ioff] >>> (32 - rot));
ki[0 + ioff] = ko[2 + ooff];
ki[1 + ioff] = ko[3 + ooff];
ki[2 + ioff] = ko[0 + ooff];
ki[3 + ioff] = ko[1 + ooff];
private static void roldqo32(int rot, int[] ki, int ioff,
int[] ko, int ooff)
ko[0 + ooff] = (ki[1 + ioff] << (rot - 32)) | (ki[2 + ioff] >>> (64 - rot));
ko[1 + ooff] = (ki[2 + ioff] << (rot - 32)) | (ki[3 + ioff] >>> (64 - rot));
ko[2 + ooff] = (ki[3 + ioff] << (rot - 32)) | (ki[0 + ioff] >>> (64 - rot));
ko[3 + ooff] = (ki[0 + ioff] << (rot - 32)) | (ki[1 + ioff] >>> (64 - rot));
ki[0 + ioff] = ko[0 + ooff];
ki[1 + ioff] = ko[1 + ooff];
ki[2 + ioff] = ko[2 + ooff];
ki[3 + ioff] = ko[3 + ooff];
private static void decroldqo32(int rot, int[] ki, int ioff,
int[] ko, int ooff)
ko[2 + ooff] = (ki[1 + ioff] << (rot - 32)) | (ki[2 + ioff] >>> (64 - rot));
ko[3 + ooff] = (ki[2 + ioff] << (rot - 32)) | (ki[3 + ioff] >>> (64 - rot));
ko[0 + ooff] = (ki[3 + ioff] << (rot - 32)) | (ki[0 + ioff] >>> (64 - rot));
ko[1 + ooff] = (ki[0 + ioff] << (rot - 32)) | (ki[1 + ioff] >>> (64 - rot));
ki[0 + ioff] = ko[2 + ooff];
ki[1 + ioff] = ko[3 + ooff];
ki[2 + ioff] = ko[0 + ooff];
ki[3 + ioff] = ko[1 + ooff];
private int bytes2int(byte[] src, int offset)
int word = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
word = (word << 8) + (src[i + offset] & MASK8);
return word;
private void int2bytes(int word, byte[] dst, int offset)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
dst[(3 - i) + offset] = (byte)word;
word >>>= 8;
private void camelliaF2(int[] s, int[] skey, int keyoff)
int t1, t2, u, v;
t1 = s[0] ^ skey[0 + keyoff];
u = SBOX4_4404[t1 & MASK8];
u ^= SBOX3_3033[(t1 >>> 8) & MASK8];
u ^= SBOX2_0222[(t1 >>> 16) & MASK8];
u ^= SBOX1_1110[(t1 >>> 24) & MASK8];
t2 = s[1] ^ skey[1 + keyoff];
v = SBOX1_1110[t2 & MASK8];
v ^= SBOX4_4404[(t2 >>> 8) & MASK8];
v ^= SBOX3_3033[(t2 >>> 16) & MASK8];
v ^= SBOX2_0222[(t2 >>> 24) & MASK8];
s[2] ^= u ^ v;
s[3] ^= u ^ v ^ rightRotate(u, 8);
t1 = s[2] ^ skey[2 + keyoff];
u = SBOX4_4404[t1 & MASK8];
u ^= SBOX3_3033[(t1 >>> 8) & MASK8];
u ^= SBOX2_0222[(t1 >>> 16) & MASK8];
u ^= SBOX1_1110[(t1 >>> 24) & MASK8];
t2 = s[3] ^ skey[3 + keyoff];
v = SBOX1_1110[t2 & MASK8];
v ^= SBOX4_4404[(t2 >>> 8) & MASK8];
v ^= SBOX3_3033[(t2 >>> 16) & MASK8];
v ^= SBOX2_0222[(t2 >>> 24) & MASK8];
s[0] ^= u ^ v;
s[1] ^= u ^ v ^ rightRotate(u, 8);
private void camelliaFLs(int[] s, int[] fkey, int keyoff)
s[1] ^= leftRotate(s[0] & fkey[0 + keyoff], 1);
s[0] ^= fkey[1 + keyoff] | s[1];
s[2] ^= fkey[3 + keyoff] | s[3];
s[3] ^= leftRotate(fkey[2 + keyoff] & s[2], 1);
private void setKey(boolean forEncryption, byte[] key)
int[] k = new int[8];
int[] ka = new int[4];
int[] kb = new int[4];
int[] t = new int[4];
_keySize = key.length;
switch (key.length)
case 16:
k[0] = bytes2int(key, 0);
k[1] = bytes2int(key, 4);
k[2] = bytes2int(key, 8);
k[3] = bytes2int(key, 12);
k[4] = k[5] = k[6] = k[7] = 0;
case 24:
k[0] = bytes2int(key, 0);
k[1] = bytes2int(key, 4);
k[2] = bytes2int(key, 8);
k[3] = bytes2int(key, 12);
k[4] = bytes2int(key, 16);
k[5] = bytes2int(key, 20);
k[6] = ~k[4];
k[7] = ~k[5];
case 32:
k[0] = bytes2int(key, 0);
k[1] = bytes2int(key, 4);
k[2] = bytes2int(key, 8);
k[3] = bytes2int(key, 12);
k[4] = bytes2int(key, 16);
k[5] = bytes2int(key, 20);
k[6] = bytes2int(key, 24);
k[7] = bytes2int(key, 28);
throw new
IllegalArgumentException("key sizes are only 16/24/32 bytes.");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
ka[i] = k[i] ^ k[i + 4];
/* compute KA */
camelliaF2(ka, SIGMA, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
ka[i] ^= k[i];
camelliaF2(ka, SIGMA, 4);
if (_keySize == 16)
if (forEncryption)
/* KL dependant keys */
kw[0] = k[0];
kw[1] = k[1];
kw[2] = k[2];
kw[3] = k[3];
roldq(15, k, 0, subkey, 4);
roldq(30, k, 0, subkey, 12);
roldq(15, k, 0, t, 0);
subkey[18] = t[2];
subkey[19] = t[3];
roldq(17, k, 0, ke, 4);
roldq(17, k, 0, subkey, 24);
roldq(17, k, 0, subkey, 32);
/* KA dependant keys */
subkey[0] = ka[0];
subkey[1] = ka[1];
subkey[2] = ka[2];
subkey[3] = ka[3];
roldq(15, ka, 0, subkey, 8);
roldq(15, ka, 0, ke, 0);
roldq(15, ka, 0, t, 0);
subkey[16] = t[0];
subkey[17] = t[1];
roldq(15, ka, 0, subkey, 20);
roldqo32(34, ka, 0, subkey, 28);
roldq(17, ka, 0, kw, 4);
{ // decryption
/* KL dependant keys */
kw[4] = k[0];
kw[5] = k[1];
kw[6] = k[2];
kw[7] = k[3];
decroldq(15, k, 0, subkey, 28);
decroldq(30, k, 0, subkey, 20);
decroldq(15, k, 0, t, 0);
subkey[16] = t[0];
subkey[17] = t[1];
decroldq(17, k, 0, ke, 0);
decroldq(17, k, 0, subkey, 8);
decroldq(17, k, 0, subkey, 0);
/* KA dependant keys */
subkey[34] = ka[0];
subkey[35] = ka[1];
subkey[32] = ka[2];
subkey[33] = ka[3];
decroldq(15, ka, 0, subkey, 24);
decroldq(15, ka, 0, ke, 4);
decroldq(15, ka, 0, t, 0);
subkey[18] = t[2];
subkey[19] = t[3];
decroldq(15, ka, 0, subkey, 12);
decroldqo32(34, ka, 0, subkey, 4);
roldq(17, ka, 0, kw, 0);
{ // 192bit or 256bit
/* compute KB */
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
kb[i] = ka[i] ^ k[i + 4];
camelliaF2(kb, SIGMA, 8);
if (forEncryption)
/* KL dependant keys */
kw[0] = k[0];
kw[1] = k[1];
kw[2] = k[2];
kw[3] = k[3];
roldqo32(45, k, 0, subkey, 16);
roldq(15, k, 0, ke, 4);
roldq(17, k, 0, subkey, 32);
roldqo32(34, k, 0, subkey, 44);
/* KR dependant keys */
roldq(15, k, 4, subkey, 4);
roldq(15, k, 4, ke, 0);
roldq(30, k, 4, subkey, 24);
roldqo32(34, k, 4, subkey, 36);
/* KA dependant keys */
roldq(15, ka, 0, subkey, 8);
roldq(30, ka, 0, subkey, 20);
/* 32bit rotation */
ke[8] = ka[1];
ke[9] = ka[2];
ke[10] = ka[3];
ke[11] = ka[0];
roldqo32(49, ka, 0, subkey, 40);
/* KB dependant keys */
subkey[0] = kb[0];
subkey[1] = kb[1];
subkey[2] = kb[2];
subkey[3] = kb[3];
roldq(30, kb, 0, subkey, 12);
roldq(30, kb, 0, subkey, 28);
roldqo32(51, kb, 0, kw, 4);
{ // decryption
/* KL dependant keys */
kw[4] = k[0];
kw[5] = k[1];
kw[6] = k[2];
kw[7] = k[3];
decroldqo32(45, k, 0, subkey, 28);
decroldq(15, k, 0, ke, 4);
decroldq(17, k, 0, subkey, 12);
decroldqo32(34, k, 0, subkey, 0);
/* KR dependant keys */
decroldq(15, k, 4, subkey, 40);
decroldq(15, k, 4, ke, 8);
decroldq(30, k, 4, subkey, 20);
decroldqo32(34, k, 4, subkey, 8);
/* KA dependant keys */
decroldq(15, ka, 0, subkey, 36);
decroldq(30, ka, 0, subkey, 24);
/* 32bit rotation */
ke[2] = ka[1];
ke[3] = ka[2];
ke[0] = ka[3];
ke[1] = ka[0];
decroldqo32(49, ka, 0, subkey, 4);
/* KB dependant keys */
subkey[46] = kb[0];
subkey[47] = kb[1];
subkey[44] = kb[2];
subkey[45] = kb[3];
decroldq(30, kb, 0, subkey, 32);
decroldq(30, kb, 0, subkey, 16);
roldqo32(51, kb, 0, kw, 0);
private int processBlock128(byte[] in, int inOff,
byte[] out, int outOff)
int[] state = new int[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
state[i] = bytes2int(in, inOff + (i * 4)) ^ kw[i];
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 0);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 4);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 8);
camelliaFLs(state, ke, 0);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 12);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 16);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 20);
camelliaFLs(state, ke, 4);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 24);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 28);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 32);
state[2] ^= kw[4];
state[3] ^= kw[5];
state[0] ^= kw[6];
state[1] ^= kw[7];
int2bytes(state[2], out, outOff);
int2bytes(state[3], out, outOff + 4);
int2bytes(state[0], out, outOff + 8);
int2bytes(state[1], out, outOff + 12);
return BLOCK_SIZE;
private int processBlock192or256(byte[] in, int inOff,
byte[] out, int outOff)
int[] state = new int[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
state[i] = bytes2int(in, inOff + (i * 4)) ^ kw[i];
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 0);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 4);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 8);
camelliaFLs(state, ke, 0);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 12);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 16);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 20);
camelliaFLs(state, ke, 4);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 24);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 28);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 32);
camelliaFLs(state, ke, 8);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 36);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 40);
camelliaF2(state, subkey, 44);
state[2] ^= kw[4];
state[3] ^= kw[5];
state[0] ^= kw[6];
state[1] ^= kw[7];
int2bytes(state[2], out, outOff);
int2bytes(state[3], out, outOff + 4);
int2bytes(state[0], out, outOff + 8);
int2bytes(state[1], out, outOff + 12);
return BLOCK_SIZE;
public CamelliaEngine()
CryptoServicesRegistrar.checkConstraints(new DefaultServiceProperties(getAlgorithmName(), bitsOfSecurity()));
public void init(boolean forEncryption, CipherParameters params)
throws IllegalArgumentException
if (!(params instanceof KeyParameter))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("only simple KeyParameter expected.");
setKey(forEncryption, ((KeyParameter)params).getKey());
initialised = true;
this.forEncryption = forEncryption;
CryptoServicesRegistrar.checkConstraints(new DefaultServiceProperties(getAlgorithmName(), bitsOfSecurity(), params, Utils.getPurpose(forEncryption)));
public String getAlgorithmName()
return "Camellia";
public int getBlockSize()
return BLOCK_SIZE;
public int processBlock(
byte[] in,
int inOff,
byte[] out,
int outOff)
throws DataLengthException, IllegalStateException
if (!initialised)
throw new IllegalStateException("Camellia engine not initialised");
if ((inOff + BLOCK_SIZE) > in.length)
throw new DataLengthException("input buffer too short");
if ((outOff + BLOCK_SIZE) > out.length)
throw new OutputLengthException("output buffer too short");
if (_keySize == 16)
return processBlock128(in, inOff, out, outOff);
return processBlock192or256(in, inOff, out, outOff);
public void reset()
// nothing
private int bitsOfSecurity()
return _keySize * 8;