org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes.GCMSIVBlockCipher Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.BlockCipher;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CipherParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.DataLengthException;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.InvalidCipherTextException;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.OutputLengthException;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.AESEngine;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes.gcm.GCMMultiplier;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes.gcm.Tables4kGCMMultiplier;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.AEADParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithIV;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Bytes;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Integers;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Longs;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Pack;
* GCM-SIV Mode.
* It should be noted that the specified limit of 236 bytes is not supported. This is because all bytes are
* cached in a ByteArrayOutputStream object (which has a limit of a little less than 231 bytes),
* and are output on the doFinal() call (which can only process a maximum of 231 bytes).
* The practical limit of 231 - 24 bytes is policed, and attempts to breach the limit will be rejected
* In order to properly support the higher limit, an extended form of ByteArrayOutputStream would be needed
* which would use multiple arrays to store the data. In addition, a new doOutput method would be required (similar
* to that in XOF digests), which would allow the data to be output over multiple calls. Alternatively an extended
* form of ByteArrayInputStream could be used to deliver the data.
public class GCMSIVBlockCipher
implements AEADBlockCipher
* The buffer length.
private static final int BUFLEN = 16;
* The halfBuffer length.
private static final int HALFBUFLEN = BUFLEN >> 1;
* The nonce length.
private static final int NONCELEN = 12;
* The maximum data length (AEAD/PlainText). Due to implementation constraints this is restricted to the maximum
* array length (https://programming.guide/java/array-maximum-length.html) minus the BUFLEN to allow for the MAC
private static final int MAX_DATALEN = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8 - BUFLEN;
* The top bit mask.
private static final byte MASK = (byte) 0x80;
* The addition constant.
private static final byte ADD = (byte) 0xE1;
* The initialisation flag.
private static final int INIT = 1;
* The aeadComplete flag.
private static final int AEAD_COMPLETE = 2;
* The cipher.
private final BlockCipher theCipher;
* The multiplier.
private final GCMMultiplier theMultiplier;
* The gHash buffer.
private final byte[] theGHash = new byte[BUFLEN];
* The reverse buffer.
private final byte[] theReverse = new byte[BUFLEN];
* The aeadHasher.
private final GCMSIVHasher theAEADHasher;
* The dataHasher.
private final GCMSIVHasher theDataHasher;
* The plainDataStream.
private GCMSIVCache thePlain;
* The encryptedDataStream (decryption only).
private GCMSIVCache theEncData;
* Are we encrypting?
private boolean forEncryption;
* The initialAEAD.
private byte[] theInitialAEAD;
* The nonce.
private byte[] theNonce;
* The flags.
private int theFlags;
// defined fixed
private byte[] macBlock = new byte[16];
* Constructor.
public GCMSIVBlockCipher()
* Constructor.
* @param pCipher the underlying cipher
public GCMSIVBlockCipher(final BlockCipher pCipher)
this(pCipher, new Tables4kGCMMultiplier());
* Constructor.
* @param pCipher the underlying cipher
* @param pMultiplier the multiplier
public GCMSIVBlockCipher(final BlockCipher pCipher,
final GCMMultiplier pMultiplier)
/* Ensure that the cipher is the correct size */
if (pCipher.getBlockSize() != BUFLEN)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cipher required with a block size of " + BUFLEN + ".");
/* Store parameters */
theCipher = pCipher;
theMultiplier = pMultiplier;
/* Create the hashers */
theAEADHasher = new GCMSIVHasher();
theDataHasher = new GCMSIVHasher();
public BlockCipher getUnderlyingCipher()
return theCipher;
public void init(final boolean pEncrypt,
final CipherParameters cipherParameters) throws IllegalArgumentException
/* Set defaults */
byte[] myInitialAEAD = null;
byte[] myNonce = null;
KeyParameter myKey = null;
/* Access parameters */
if (cipherParameters instanceof AEADParameters)
final AEADParameters myAEAD = (AEADParameters) cipherParameters;
myInitialAEAD = myAEAD.getAssociatedText();
myNonce = myAEAD.getNonce();
myKey = myAEAD.getKey();
else if (cipherParameters instanceof ParametersWithIV)
final ParametersWithIV myParms = (ParametersWithIV) cipherParameters;
myNonce = myParms.getIV();
myKey = (KeyParameter) myParms.getParameters();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid parameters passed to GCM-SIV");
/* Check nonceSize */
if (myNonce == null || myNonce.length != NONCELEN)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid nonce");
/* Check keysize */
if (myKey == null
|| (myKey.getKeyLength() != BUFLEN
&& myKey.getKeyLength() != (BUFLEN << 1)))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid key");
/* Reset details */
forEncryption = pEncrypt;
theInitialAEAD = myInitialAEAD;
theNonce = myNonce;
/* Initialise the keys */
public String getAlgorithmName()
return theCipher.getAlgorithmName() + "-GCM-SIV";
* check AEAD status.
* @param pLen the aeadLength
private void checkAEADStatus(final int pLen)
/* Check we are initialised */
if ((theFlags & INIT) == 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cipher is not initialised");
/* Check AAD is allowed */
if ((theFlags & AEAD_COMPLETE) != 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("AEAD data cannot be processed after ordinary data");
/* Make sure that we haven't breached AEAD data limit */
if (theAEADHasher.getBytesProcessed() + Long.MIN_VALUE
> (MAX_DATALEN - pLen) + Long.MIN_VALUE)
throw new IllegalStateException("AEAD byte count exceeded");
* check status.
* @param pLen the dataLength
private void checkStatus(final int pLen)
/* Check we are initialised */
if ((theFlags & INIT) == 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cipher is not initialised");
/* Complete the AEAD section if this is the first data */
if ((theFlags & AEAD_COMPLETE) == 0)
theFlags |= AEAD_COMPLETE;
/* Make sure that we haven't breached data limit */
long dataLimit = MAX_DATALEN;
long currBytes = thePlain.size();
if (!forEncryption)
dataLimit += BUFLEN;
currBytes = theEncData.size();
if (currBytes + Long.MIN_VALUE
> (dataLimit - pLen) + Long.MIN_VALUE)
throw new IllegalStateException("byte count exceeded");
public void processAADByte(final byte pByte)
/* Check that we can supply AEAD */
/* Process the aead */
public void processAADBytes(final byte[] pData,
final int pOffset,
final int pLen)
/* Check that we can supply AEAD */
/* Check input buffer */
checkBuffer(pData, pOffset, pLen, false);
/* Process the aead */
theAEADHasher.updateHash(pData, pOffset, pLen);
public int processByte(final byte pByte,
final byte[] pOutput,
final int pOutOffset) throws DataLengthException
/* Check that we have initialised */
/* Store the data */
if (forEncryption)
/* No data returned */
return 0;
public int processBytes(final byte[] pData,
final int pOffset,
final int pLen,
final byte[] pOutput,
final int pOutOffset) throws DataLengthException
/* Check that we have initialised */
/* Check input buffer */
checkBuffer(pData, pOffset, pLen, false);
/* Store the data */
if (forEncryption)
thePlain.write(pData, pOffset, pLen);
theDataHasher.updateHash(pData, pOffset, pLen);
theEncData.write(pData, pOffset, pLen);
/* No data returned */
return 0;
public int doFinal(final byte[] pOutput,
final int pOffset) throws IllegalStateException, InvalidCipherTextException
/* Check that we have initialised */
/* Check output buffer */
checkBuffer(pOutput, pOffset, getOutputSize(0), true);
/* If we are encrypting */
if (forEncryption)
/* Derive the tag */
final byte[] myTag = calculateTag();
/* encrypt the plain text */
final int myDataLen = BUFLEN + encryptPlain(myTag, pOutput, pOffset);
/* Add the tag to the output */
System.arraycopy(myTag, 0, pOutput, pOffset + thePlain.size(), BUFLEN);
System.arraycopy(myTag, 0, macBlock, 0, macBlock.length);
/* Reset the streams */
return myDataLen;
/* else we are decrypting */
/* decrypt to plain text */
/* Release plain text */
final int myDataLen = thePlain.size();
final byte[] mySrc = thePlain.getBuffer();
System.arraycopy(mySrc, 0, pOutput, pOffset, myDataLen);
/* Reset the streams */
return myDataLen;
public byte[] getMac()
return Arrays.clone(macBlock);
public int getUpdateOutputSize(final int pLen)
return 0;
public int getOutputSize(final int pLen)
if (forEncryption)
return pLen + thePlain.size() + BUFLEN;
final int myCurr = pLen + theEncData.size();
return myCurr > BUFLEN ? myCurr - BUFLEN : 0;
public void reset()
* Reset Streams.
private void resetStreams()
/* Clear the plainText buffer */
if (thePlain != null)
/* Reset hashers */
/* Recreate streams (to release memory) */
thePlain = new GCMSIVCache();
theEncData = forEncryption ? null : new GCMSIVCache();
/* Initialise AEAD if required */
theFlags &= ~AEAD_COMPLETE;
Arrays.fill(theGHash, (byte) 0);
if (theInitialAEAD != null)
theAEADHasher.updateHash(theInitialAEAD, 0, theInitialAEAD.length);
* Obtain buffer length (allowing for null).
* @param pBuffer the buffere
* @return the length
private static int bufLength(final byte[] pBuffer)
return pBuffer == null ? 0 : pBuffer.length;
* Check buffer.
* @param pBuffer the buffer
* @param pOffset the offset
* @param pLen the length
* @param pOutput is this an output buffer?
private static void checkBuffer(final byte[] pBuffer,
final int pOffset,
final int pLen,
final boolean pOutput)
/* Access lengths */
final int myBufLen = bufLength(pBuffer);
final int myLast = pOffset + pLen;
/* Check for negative values and buffer overflow */
final boolean badLen = pLen < 0 || pOffset < 0 || myLast < 0;
if (badLen || myLast > myBufLen)
throw pOutput
? new OutputLengthException("Output buffer too short.")
: new DataLengthException("Input buffer too short.");
* encrypt data stream.
* @param pCounter the counter
* @param pTarget the target buffer
* @param pOffset the target offset
* @return the length of data encrypted
private int encryptPlain(final byte[] pCounter,
final byte[] pTarget,
final int pOffset)
/* Access buffer and length */
final byte[] mySrc = thePlain.getBuffer();
final byte[] myCounter = Arrays.clone(pCounter);
myCounter[BUFLEN - 1] |= MASK;
final byte[] myMask = new byte[BUFLEN];
int myRemaining = thePlain.size();
int myOff = 0;
/* While we have data to process */
while (myRemaining > 0)
/* Generate the next mask */
theCipher.processBlock(myCounter, 0, myMask, 0);
/* Xor data into mask */
final int myLen = Math.min(BUFLEN, myRemaining);
xorBlock(myMask, mySrc, myOff, myLen);
/* Copy encrypted data to output */
System.arraycopy(myMask, 0, pTarget, pOffset + myOff, myLen);
/* Adjust counters */
myRemaining -= myLen;
myOff += myLen;
/* Return the amount of data processed */
return thePlain.size();
* decrypt data stream.
* @throws InvalidCipherTextException on data too short or mac check failed
private void decryptPlain() throws InvalidCipherTextException
/* Access buffer and length */
final byte[] mySrc = theEncData.getBuffer();
int myRemaining = theEncData.size() - BUFLEN;
/* Check for insufficient data */
if (myRemaining < 0)
throw new InvalidCipherTextException("Data too short");
/* Access counter */
final byte[] myExpected = Arrays.copyOfRange(mySrc, myRemaining, myRemaining + BUFLEN);
final byte[] myCounter = Arrays.clone(myExpected);
myCounter[BUFLEN - 1] |= MASK;
final byte[] myMask = new byte[BUFLEN];
int myOff = 0;
/* While we have data to process */
while (myRemaining > 0)
/* Generate the next mask */
theCipher.processBlock(myCounter, 0, myMask, 0);
/* Xor data into mask */
final int myLen = Math.min(BUFLEN, myRemaining);
xorBlock(myMask, mySrc, myOff, myLen);
/* Write data to plain dataStream */
thePlain.write(myMask, 0, myLen);
theDataHasher.updateHash(myMask, 0, myLen);
/* Adjust counters */
myRemaining -= myLen;
myOff += myLen;
/* Derive and check the tag */
final byte[] myTag = calculateTag();
if (!Arrays.constantTimeAreEqual(myTag, myExpected))
throw new InvalidCipherTextException("mac check failed");
System.arraycopy(myTag, 0, macBlock, 0, macBlock.length);
* calculate tag.
* @return the calculated tag
private byte[] calculateTag()
/* Complete the hash */
final byte[] myPolyVal = completePolyVal();
/* calculate polyVal */
final byte[] myResult = new byte[BUFLEN];
/* Fold in the nonce */
for (int i = 0; i < NONCELEN; i++)
myPolyVal[i] ^= theNonce[i];
/* Clear top bit */
myPolyVal[BUFLEN - 1] &= (MASK - 1);
/* Calculate tag and return it */
theCipher.processBlock(myPolyVal, 0, myResult, 0);
return myResult;
* complete polyVAL.
* @return the calculated value
private byte[] completePolyVal()
/* Build the polyVal result */
final byte[] myResult = new byte[BUFLEN];
fillReverse(theGHash, 0, BUFLEN, myResult);
return myResult;
* process lengths.
private void gHashLengths()
/* Create reversed bigEndian buffer to keep it simple */
final byte[] myIn = new byte[BUFLEN];
Pack.longToBigEndian(Bytes.SIZE * theDataHasher.getBytesProcessed(), myIn, 0);
Pack.longToBigEndian(Bytes.SIZE * theAEADHasher.getBytesProcessed(), myIn, Longs.BYTES);
/* hash value */
* perform the next GHASH step.
* @param pNext the next value
private void gHASH(final byte[] pNext)
xorBlock(theGHash, pNext);
* Byte reverse a buffer.
* @param pInput the input buffer
* @param pOffset the offset
* @param pLength the length of data (<= BUFLEN)
* @param pOutput the output buffer
private static void fillReverse(final byte[] pInput,
final int pOffset,
final int pLength,
final byte[] pOutput)
/* Loop through the buffer */
for (int i = 0, j = BUFLEN - 1; i < pLength; i++, j--)
/* Copy byte */
pOutput[j] = pInput[pOffset + i];
* xor a full block buffer.
* @param pLeft the left operand and result
* @param pRight the right operand
private static void xorBlock(final byte[] pLeft,
final byte[] pRight)
/* Loop through the bytes */
for (int i = 0; i < BUFLEN; i++)
pLeft[i] ^= pRight[i];
* xor a partial block buffer.
* @param pLeft the left operand and result
* @param pRight the right operand
* @param pOffset the offset in the right operand
* @param pLength the length of data in the right operand
private static void xorBlock(final byte[] pLeft,
final byte[] pRight,
final int pOffset,
final int pLength)
/* Loop through the bytes */
for (int i = 0; i < pLength; i++)
pLeft[i] ^= pRight[i + pOffset];
* increment the counter.
* @param pCounter the counter to increment
private static void incrementCounter(final byte[] pCounter)
/* Loop through the bytes incrementing counter */
for (int i = 0; i < Integers.BYTES; i++)
if (++pCounter[i] != 0)
* multiply by X.
* @param pValue the value to adjust
private static void mulX(final byte[] pValue)
/* Loop through the bytes */
byte myMask = (byte) 0;
for (int i = 0; i < BUFLEN; i++)
final byte myValue = pValue[i];
pValue[i] = (byte) (((myValue >> 1) & ~MASK) | myMask);
myMask = (myValue & 1) == 0 ? 0 : MASK;
/* Xor in addition if last bit was set */
if (myMask != 0)
pValue[0] ^= ADD;
* Derive Keys.
* @param pKey the keyGeneration key
private void deriveKeys(final KeyParameter pKey)
/* Create the buffers */
final byte[] myIn = new byte[BUFLEN];
final byte[] myOut = new byte[BUFLEN];
final byte[] myResult = new byte[BUFLEN];
final byte[] myEncKey = new byte[pKey.getKeyLength()];
/* Prepare for encryption */
System.arraycopy(theNonce, 0, myIn, BUFLEN - NONCELEN, NONCELEN);
theCipher.init(true, pKey);
/* Derive authentication key */
int myOff = 0;
theCipher.processBlock(myIn, 0, myOut, 0);
System.arraycopy(myOut, 0, myResult, myOff, HALFBUFLEN);
theCipher.processBlock(myIn, 0, myOut, 0);
System.arraycopy(myOut, 0, myResult, myOff, HALFBUFLEN);
/* Derive encryption key */
myOff = 0;
theCipher.processBlock(myIn, 0, myOut, 0);
System.arraycopy(myOut, 0, myEncKey, myOff, HALFBUFLEN);
theCipher.processBlock(myIn, 0, myOut, 0);
System.arraycopy(myOut, 0, myEncKey, myOff, HALFBUFLEN);
/* If we have a 32byte key */
if (myEncKey.length == BUFLEN << 1)
/* Derive remainder of encryption key */
theCipher.processBlock(myIn, 0, myOut, 0);
System.arraycopy(myOut, 0, myEncKey, myOff, HALFBUFLEN);
theCipher.processBlock(myIn, 0, myOut, 0);
System.arraycopy(myOut, 0, myEncKey, myOff, HALFBUFLEN);
/* Initialise the Cipher */
theCipher.init(true, new KeyParameter(myEncKey));
/* Initialise the multiplier */
fillReverse(myResult, 0, BUFLEN, myOut);
theFlags |= INIT;
* GCMSIVCache.
private static class GCMSIVCache
extends ByteArrayOutputStream
* Constructor.
* Obtain the buffer.
* @return the buffer
byte[] getBuffer()
return this.buf;
* Clear the buffer.
void clearBuffer()
Arrays.fill(getBuffer(), (byte) 0);
* Hash Control.
private class GCMSIVHasher
* Cache.
private final byte[] theBuffer = new byte[BUFLEN];
* Single byte cache.
private final byte[] theByte = new byte[1];
* Count of active bytes in cache.
private int numActive;
* Count of hashed bytes.
private long numHashed;
* Obtain the count of bytes hashed.
* @return the count
long getBytesProcessed()
return numHashed;
* Reset the hasher.
void reset()
numActive = 0;
numHashed = 0;
* update hash.
* @param pByte the byte
void updateHash(final byte pByte)
theByte[0] = pByte;
updateHash(theByte, 0, 1);
* update hash.
* @param pBuffer the buffer
* @param pOffset the offset within the buffer
* @param pLen the length of data
void updateHash(final byte[] pBuffer,
final int pOffset,
final int pLen)
/* If we should process the cache */
final int mySpace = BUFLEN - numActive;
int numProcessed = 0;
int myRemaining = pLen;
if (numActive > 0
&& pLen >= mySpace)
/* Copy data into the cache and hash it */
System.arraycopy(pBuffer, pOffset, theBuffer, numActive, mySpace);
fillReverse(theBuffer, 0, BUFLEN, theReverse);
/* Adjust counters */
numProcessed += mySpace;
myRemaining -= mySpace;
numActive = 0;
/* While we have full blocks */
while (myRemaining >= BUFLEN)
/* Access the next data */
fillReverse(pBuffer, pOffset + numProcessed, BUFLEN, theReverse);
/* Adjust counters */
numProcessed += BUFLEN;
myRemaining -= BUFLEN;
/* If we have remaining data */
if (myRemaining > 0)
/* Copy data into the cache */
System.arraycopy(pBuffer, pOffset + numProcessed, theBuffer, numActive, myRemaining);
numActive += myRemaining;
/* Adjust the number of bytes processed */
numHashed += pLen;
* complete hash.
void completeHash()
/* If we have remaining data */
if (numActive > 0)
/* Access the next data */
Arrays.fill(theReverse, (byte) 0);
fillReverse(theBuffer, 0, numActive, theReverse);
/* hash value */