org.bouncycastle.crypto.signers.PSSSigner Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.bouncycastle.crypto.signers;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.AsymmetricBlockCipher;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CipherParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CryptoException;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CryptoServicesRegistrar;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.DataLengthException;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Signer;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Xof;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.Prehash;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithRandom;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.RSABlindingParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.RSAKeyParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;
* RSA-PSS as described in PKCS# 1 v 2.1.
* Note: the usual value for the salt length is the number of
* bytes in the hash function.
public class PSSSigner
implements Signer
public static final byte TRAILER_IMPLICIT = (byte)0xBC;
public static PSSSigner createRawSigner(AsymmetricBlockCipher cipher, Digest digest)
return new PSSSigner(cipher, Prehash.forDigest(digest), digest, digest, digest.getDigestSize(),
public static PSSSigner createRawSigner(AsymmetricBlockCipher cipher, Digest contentDigest, Digest mgfDigest,
int sLen, byte trailer)
return new PSSSigner(cipher, Prehash.forDigest(contentDigest), contentDigest, mgfDigest, sLen, trailer);
public static PSSSigner createRawSigner(AsymmetricBlockCipher cipher, Digest contentDigest, Digest mgfDigest,
byte[] salt, byte trailer)
return new PSSSigner(cipher, Prehash.forDigest(contentDigest), contentDigest, mgfDigest, salt, trailer);
private Digest contentDigest1;
private Digest contentDigest2;
private Digest mgfDigest;
private AsymmetricBlockCipher cipher;
private SecureRandom random;
private int hLen;
private int mgfhLen;
private boolean sSet;
private int sLen;
private int emBits;
private byte[] salt;
private byte[] mDash;
private byte[] block;
private byte trailer;
* basic constructor
* @param cipher the asymmetric cipher to use.
* @param digest the digest to use.
* @param sLen the length of the salt to use (in bytes).
public PSSSigner(
AsymmetricBlockCipher cipher,
Digest digest,
int sLen)
this(cipher, digest, sLen, TRAILER_IMPLICIT);
public PSSSigner(
AsymmetricBlockCipher cipher,
Digest contentDigest,
Digest mgfDigest,
int sLen)
this(cipher, contentDigest, mgfDigest, sLen, TRAILER_IMPLICIT);
public PSSSigner(
AsymmetricBlockCipher cipher,
Digest digest,
int sLen,
byte trailer)
this(cipher, digest, digest, sLen, trailer);
public PSSSigner(
AsymmetricBlockCipher cipher,
Digest contentDigest,
Digest mgfDigest,
int sLen,
byte trailer)
this(cipher, contentDigest, contentDigest, mgfDigest, sLen, trailer);
private PSSSigner(
AsymmetricBlockCipher cipher,
Digest contentDigest1,
Digest contentDigest2,
Digest mgfDigest,
int sLen,
byte trailer)
this.cipher = cipher;
this.contentDigest1 = contentDigest1;
this.contentDigest2 = contentDigest2;
this.mgfDigest = mgfDigest;
this.hLen = contentDigest2.getDigestSize();
this.mgfhLen = mgfDigest.getDigestSize();
this.sSet = false;
this.sLen = sLen;
this.salt = new byte[sLen];
this.mDash = new byte[8 + sLen + hLen];
this.trailer = trailer;
public PSSSigner(
AsymmetricBlockCipher cipher,
Digest digest,
byte[] salt)
this(cipher, digest, digest, salt, TRAILER_IMPLICIT);
public PSSSigner(
AsymmetricBlockCipher cipher,
Digest contentDigest,
Digest mgfDigest,
byte[] salt)
this(cipher, contentDigest, mgfDigest, salt, TRAILER_IMPLICIT);
public PSSSigner(
AsymmetricBlockCipher cipher,
Digest contentDigest,
Digest mgfDigest,
byte[] salt,
byte trailer)
this(cipher, contentDigest, contentDigest, mgfDigest, salt, trailer);
private PSSSigner(
AsymmetricBlockCipher cipher,
Digest contentDigest1,
Digest contentDigest2,
Digest mgfDigest,
byte[] salt,
byte trailer)
this.cipher = cipher;
this.contentDigest1 = contentDigest1;
this.contentDigest2 = contentDigest2;
this.mgfDigest = mgfDigest;
this.hLen = contentDigest2.getDigestSize();
this.mgfhLen = mgfDigest.getDigestSize();
this.sSet = true;
this.sLen = salt.length;
this.salt = salt;
this.mDash = new byte[8 + sLen + hLen];
this.trailer = trailer;
public void init(
boolean forSigning,
CipherParameters param)
CipherParameters params;
if (param instanceof ParametersWithRandom)
ParametersWithRandom p = (ParametersWithRandom)param;
params = p.getParameters();
random = p.getRandom();
params = param;
if (forSigning)
random = CryptoServicesRegistrar.getSecureRandom();
RSAKeyParameters kParam;
if (params instanceof RSABlindingParameters)
kParam = ((RSABlindingParameters)params).getPublicKey();
cipher.init(forSigning, param); // pass on random
kParam = (RSAKeyParameters)params;
cipher.init(forSigning, params);
emBits = kParam.getModulus().bitLength() - 1;
if (emBits < (8 * hLen + 8 * sLen + 9))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("key too small for specified hash and salt lengths");
block = new byte[(emBits + 7) / 8];
* clear possible sensitive data
private void clearBlock(
byte[] block)
for (int i = 0; i != block.length; i++)
block[i] = 0;
* update the internal digest with the byte b
public void update(
byte b)
* update the internal digest with the byte array in
public void update(
byte[] in,
int off,
int len)
contentDigest1.update(in, off, len);
* reset the internal state
public void reset()
* generate a signature for the message we've been loaded with using
* the key we were initialised with.
public byte[] generateSignature()
throws CryptoException, DataLengthException
if (contentDigest1.getDigestSize() != hLen)
throw new IllegalStateException();
contentDigest1.doFinal(mDash, mDash.length - hLen - sLen);
if (sLen != 0)
if (!sSet)
System.arraycopy(salt, 0, mDash, mDash.length - sLen, sLen);
byte[] h = new byte[hLen];
contentDigest2.update(mDash, 0, mDash.length);
contentDigest2.doFinal(h, 0);
block[block.length - sLen - 1 - hLen - 1] = 0x01;
System.arraycopy(salt, 0, block, block.length - sLen - hLen - 1, sLen);
byte[] dbMask = maskGenerator(h, 0, h.length, block.length - hLen - 1);
for (int i = 0; i != dbMask.length; i++)
block[i] ^= dbMask[i];
System.arraycopy(h, 0, block, block.length - hLen - 1, hLen);
int firstByteMask = 0xff >>> ((block.length * 8) - emBits);
block[0] &= firstByteMask;
block[block.length - 1] = trailer;
byte[] b = cipher.processBlock(block, 0, block.length);
return b;
* return true if the internal state represents the signature described
* in the passed in array.
public boolean verifySignature(
byte[] signature)
if (contentDigest1.getDigestSize() != hLen)
throw new IllegalStateException();
contentDigest1.doFinal(mDash, mDash.length - hLen - sLen);
byte[] b = cipher.processBlock(signature, 0, signature.length);
Arrays.fill(block, 0, block.length - b.length, (byte)0);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, block, block.length - b.length, b.length);
catch (Exception e)
return false;
int firstByteMask = 0xff >>> ((block.length * 8) - emBits);
if ((block[0] & 0xff) != (block[0] & firstByteMask)
|| block[block.length - 1] != trailer)
return false;
byte[] dbMask = maskGenerator(block, block.length - hLen - 1, hLen, block.length - hLen - 1);
for (int i = 0; i != dbMask.length; i++)
block[i] ^= dbMask[i];
block[0] &= firstByteMask;
for (int i = 0; i != block.length - hLen - sLen - 2; i++)
if (block[i] != 0)
return false;
if (block[block.length - hLen - sLen - 2] != 0x01)
return false;
if (sSet)
System.arraycopy(salt, 0, mDash, mDash.length - sLen, sLen);
System.arraycopy(block, block.length - sLen - hLen - 1, mDash, mDash.length - sLen, sLen);
contentDigest2.update(mDash, 0, mDash.length);
contentDigest2.doFinal(mDash, mDash.length - hLen);
for (int i = block.length - hLen - 1, j = mDash.length - hLen;
j != mDash.length; i++, j++)
if ((block[i] ^ mDash[j]) != 0)
return false;
return true;
* int to octet string.
private void ItoOSP(
int i,
byte[] sp)
sp[0] = (byte)(i >>> 24);
sp[1] = (byte)(i >>> 16);
sp[2] = (byte)(i >>> 8);
sp[3] = (byte)(i >>> 0);
private byte[] maskGenerator(
byte[] Z,
int zOff,
int zLen,
int length)
if (mgfDigest instanceof Xof)
byte[] mask = new byte[length];
mgfDigest.update(Z, zOff, zLen);
((Xof)mgfDigest).doFinal(mask, 0, mask.length);
return mask;
return maskGeneratorFunction1(Z, zOff, zLen, length);
* mask generator function, as described in PKCS1v2.
private byte[] maskGeneratorFunction1(
byte[] Z,
int zOff,
int zLen,
int length)
byte[] mask = new byte[length];
byte[] hashBuf = new byte[mgfhLen];
byte[] C = new byte[4];
int counter = 0;
while (counter < (length / mgfhLen))
ItoOSP(counter, C);
mgfDigest.update(Z, zOff, zLen);
mgfDigest.update(C, 0, C.length);
mgfDigest.doFinal(hashBuf, 0);
System.arraycopy(hashBuf, 0, mask, counter * mgfhLen, mgfhLen);
if ((counter * mgfhLen) < length)
ItoOSP(counter, C);
mgfDigest.update(Z, zOff, zLen);
mgfDigest.update(C, 0, C.length);
mgfDigest.doFinal(hashBuf, 0);
System.arraycopy(hashBuf, 0, mask, counter * mgfhLen, mask.length - (counter * mgfhLen));
return mask;