org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.picnic.PicnicEngine Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a Java implementation of cryptographic algorithms. This jar contains JCE provider and lightweight API for the Bouncy Castle Cryptography APIs for JDK 1.5 to JDK 1.8.
The newest version!
package org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.picnic;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Xof;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SHAKEDigest;
import org.bouncycastle.math.raw.Bits;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Integers;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Pack;
class PicnicEngine
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PicnicEngine.class.getName());
// same for all parameter sets
protected static final int saltSizeBytes = 32;
private static final int MAX_DIGEST_SIZE = 64;
private static final int WORD_SIZE_BITS = 32;// the word size for the implementation. Not a LowMC parameter
private static final int LOWMC_MAX_STATE_SIZE = 64;
protected static final int LOWMC_MAX_WORDS = (LOWMC_MAX_STATE_SIZE / 4);
protected static final int LOWMC_MAX_KEY_BITS = 256;
protected static final int LOWMC_MAX_AND_GATES = (3 * 38 * 10 + 4); /* Rounded to nearest byte */
private static final int MAX_AUX_BYTES = ((LOWMC_MAX_AND_GATES + LOWMC_MAX_KEY_BITS) / 8 + 1);
/* Maximum lengths in bytes */
private static final int PICNIC_MAX_LOWMC_BLOCK_SIZE = 32;
// private static final int PICNIC_MAX_PUBLICKEY_SIZE = (2 * PICNIC_MAX_LOWMC_BLOCK_SIZE + 1);
* < Largest serialized public key size, in bytes
// private static final int PICNIC_MAX_PRIVATEKEY_SIZE = (3 * PICNIC_MAX_LOWMC_BLOCK_SIZE + 2);
* < Largest serialized private key size, in bytes
// private static final int PICNIC_MAX_SIGNATURE_SIZE = 209522;
* < Largest signature size, in bytes
private static final int TRANSFORM_FS = 0;
private static final int TRANSFORM_UR = 1;
private static final int TRANSFORM_INVALID = 255;
/// parameters
private final int CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES;
private final int CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES;
private final int CRYPTO_BYTES;
// varies between parameter sets
protected final int numRounds;
protected final int numSboxes;
protected final int stateSizeBits;
protected final int stateSizeBytes;
protected final int stateSizeWords;
protected final int andSizeBytes;
protected final int UnruhGWithoutInputBytes;
protected final int UnruhGWithInputBytes;
protected final int numMPCRounds; // T
protected final int numOpenedRounds; // u
protected final int numMPCParties; // N
protected final int seedSizeBytes;
protected final int digestSizeBytes;
protected final int pqSecurityLevel;
protected final Xof digest;
private final int transform;
private final int parameters;
private int signatureLength;
public int getSecretKeySize()
public int getPublicKeySize()
public int getSignatureSize(int messageLength)
return CRYPTO_BYTES + messageLength;
public int getTrueSignatureSize()
return signatureLength;
protected final LowmcConstants lowmcConstants;
PicnicEngine(int picnicParams, LowmcConstants lowmcConstants)
this.lowmcConstants = lowmcConstants;
parameters = picnicParams;
switch (parameters)
case 1:
case 2:
pqSecurityLevel = 64;
stateSizeBits = 128;
numMPCRounds = 219;
numMPCParties = 3;
numSboxes = 10;
numRounds = 20;
digestSizeBytes = 32;
numOpenedRounds = 0;
case 3:
case 4:
/* Picnic_L3_FS
pqSecurityLevel = 96;
stateSizeBits = 192;
numMPCRounds = 329;
numMPCParties = 3;
numSboxes = 10;
numRounds = 30;
digestSizeBytes = 48;
numOpenedRounds = 0;
case 5:
case 6:
/* Picnic_L5_FS
pqSecurityLevel = 128;
stateSizeBits = 256;
numMPCRounds = 438;
numMPCParties = 3;
numSboxes = 10;
numRounds = 38;
digestSizeBytes = 64;
numOpenedRounds = 0;
case 7:
pqSecurityLevel = 64;
stateSizeBits = 129;
numMPCRounds = 250;
numOpenedRounds = 36;
numMPCParties = 16;
numSboxes = 43;
numRounds = 4;
digestSizeBytes = 32;
case 8:
pqSecurityLevel = 96;
stateSizeBits = 192;
numMPCRounds = 419;
numOpenedRounds = 52;
numMPCParties = 16;
numSboxes = 64;
numRounds = 4;
digestSizeBytes = 48;
case 9:
pqSecurityLevel = 128;
stateSizeBits = 255;
numMPCRounds = 601;
numOpenedRounds = 68;
numMPCParties = 16;
numSboxes = 85;
numRounds = 4;
digestSizeBytes = 64;
case 10:
pqSecurityLevel = 64;
stateSizeBits = 129;
numMPCRounds = 219;
numMPCParties = 3;
numSboxes = 43;
numRounds = 4;
digestSizeBytes = 32;
numOpenedRounds = 0;
case 11:
pqSecurityLevel = 96;
stateSizeBits = 192;
numMPCRounds = 329;
numMPCParties = 3;
numSboxes = 64;
numRounds = 4;
digestSizeBytes = 48;
numOpenedRounds = 0;
case 12:
pqSecurityLevel = 128;
stateSizeBits = 255;
numMPCRounds = 438;
numMPCParties = 3;
numSboxes = 85;
numRounds = 4;
digestSizeBytes = 64;
numOpenedRounds = 0;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown parameter set " + parameters);
switch (parameters)
case 1: /*Picnic_L1_FS*/
case 2: /* Picnic_L1_UR*/
case 3: /*Picnic_L3_FS*/
case 4: /*Picnic_L3_UR*/
CRYPTO_BYTES = 121857;
case 5: /*Picnic_L5_FS*/
CRYPTO_BYTES = 132876;
case 6: /*Picnic_L5_UR*/
CRYPTO_BYTES = 209526;
case 7: /*Picnic3_L1*/
case 8: /*Picnic3_L3*/
case 9: /*Picnic3_L5*/
case 10: /*Picnic_L1_full*/
case 11: /*Picnic_L3_full*/
case 12: /*Picnic_L5_full*/
CRYPTO_BYTES = 126286;
// calculated depending on above parameters
andSizeBytes = Utils.numBytes(numSboxes * 3 * numRounds);
stateSizeBytes = Utils.numBytes(stateSizeBits);
seedSizeBytes = Utils.numBytes(2 * pqSecurityLevel);
stateSizeWords = (stateSizeBits + WORD_SIZE_BITS - 1)/ WORD_SIZE_BITS;
switch (parameters)
case 1:
case 3:
case 5:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
transform = TRANSFORM_FS;
case 2:
case 4:
case 6:
transform = TRANSFORM_UR;
if (transform == 1)
UnruhGWithoutInputBytes = seedSizeBytes + andSizeBytes;
UnruhGWithInputBytes = UnruhGWithoutInputBytes + stateSizeBytes;
UnruhGWithoutInputBytes = 0;
UnruhGWithInputBytes = 0;
if (stateSizeBits == 128 || stateSizeBits == 129)
digest = new SHAKEDigest(128);
digest = new SHAKEDigest(256);
public boolean crypto_sign_open(byte[] m, byte[] sm, byte[] pk)
int sigLen = Pack.littleEndianToInt(sm, 0);
byte[] m_from_sm = Arrays.copyOfRange(sm, 4, 4 + m.length);
int ret = picnic_verify(pk, m_from_sm, sm, sigLen);
if (ret == -1)
return false;
System.arraycopy(sm, 4, m, 0, m.length);
return true;
private int picnic_verify(byte[] pk, byte[] message, byte[] signature, int sigLen)
int[] ciphertext = new int[stateSizeWords];
int[] plaintext = new int[stateSizeWords];
picnic_read_public_key(ciphertext, plaintext, pk);
Signature2 sig = new Signature2(this);
int ret = deserializeSignature2(sig, signature, sigLen, message.length + 4);
if (ret != 0)
LOG.fine("Error couldn't deserialize signature (2)!");
return -1;
return verify_picnic3(sig, ciphertext, plaintext, message);
Signature sig = new Signature(this);
int ret = deserializeSignature(sig, signature, sigLen, message.length + 4);
if (ret != 0)
LOG.fine("Error couldn't deserialize signature!");
return -1;
return verify(sig, ciphertext, plaintext, message);
private int verify(Signature sig, int[] pubKey, int[] plaintext, byte[] message)
byte[][][] as = new byte[numMPCRounds][numMPCParties][digestSizeBytes];
byte[][][] gs = new byte[numMPCRounds][3][UnruhGWithInputBytes];
int[][][] viewOutputs = new int[numMPCRounds][3][stateSizeBytes];
Signature.Proof[] proofs = sig.proofs;
byte[] received_challengebits = sig.challengeBits;
int status = 0;
byte[] computed_challengebits = null;
byte[] tmp = new byte[Math.max(6 * stateSizeBytes, stateSizeBytes + andSizeBytes)];
Tape tape = new Tape(this);
View[] view1s = new View[numMPCRounds];
View[] view2s = new View[numMPCRounds];
/* Allocate a slab of memory for the 3rd view's output in each round */
for (int i = 0; i < numMPCRounds; i++)
view1s[i] = new View(this);
view2s[i] = new View(this);
if (!verifyProof(proofs[i], view1s[i], view2s[i],
getChallenge(received_challengebits, i), sig.salt, i,
tmp, plaintext, tape))
LOG.fine(("Invalid signature. Did not verify"));
return -1;
// create ordered array of commitments with order computed based on the challenge
// check commitments of the two opened views
int challenge = getChallenge(received_challengebits, i);
Commit(proofs[i].seed1, 0, view1s[i], as[i][challenge]);
Commit(proofs[i].seed2, 0, view2s[i], as[i][(challenge + 1) % 3]);
System.arraycopy(proofs[i].view3Commitment, 0, as[i][(challenge + 2) % 3], 0, digestSizeBytes);
if (transform == TRANSFORM_UR)
G(challenge, proofs[i].seed1, 0, view1s[i], gs[i][challenge]);
G((challenge + 1) % 3, proofs[i].seed2, 0, view2s[i], gs[i][(challenge + 1) % 3]);
int view3UnruhLength = (challenge == 0) ? UnruhGWithInputBytes : UnruhGWithoutInputBytes;
System.arraycopy(proofs[i].view3UnruhG, 0, gs[i][(challenge + 2) % 3], 0, view3UnruhLength);
viewOutputs[i][challenge] = view1s[i].outputShare;
viewOutputs[i][(challenge + 1) % 3] = view2s[i].outputShare;
int[] view3Output = new int[stateSizeWords]; /* pointer into the slab to the current 3rd view */
xor_three(view3Output, view1s[i].outputShare, view2s[i].outputShare, pubKey);
viewOutputs[i][(challenge + 2) % 3] = view3Output;
computed_challengebits = new byte[Utils.numBytes(2 * numMPCRounds)];
H3(pubKey, plaintext, viewOutputs,
as, computed_challengebits, sig.salt,
message, gs);
if (!subarrayEquals(received_challengebits, computed_challengebits, Utils.numBytes(2 * numMPCRounds)))
LOG.fine(("Invalid signature. Did not verify"));
status = -1;
return status;
boolean verifyProof(Signature.Proof proof, View view1, View view2, int challenge, byte[] salt,
int roundNumber, byte[] tmp, int[] plaintext, Tape tape)
System.arraycopy(proof.communicatedBits, 0, view2.communicatedBits, 0, andSizeBytes);
tape.pos = 0;
// System.out.println("tmp: " + Hex.toHexString(tmp));
boolean status = false;
switch (challenge)
case 0:
// in this case, both views' inputs are derivable from the input share
status = createRandomTape(proof.seed1, 0, salt, roundNumber,
0, tmp, stateSizeBytes + andSizeBytes);
Pack.littleEndianToInt(tmp, 0, view1.inputShare);//todo check
System.arraycopy(tmp, stateSizeBytes, tape.tapes[0], 0, andSizeBytes);
status = status && createRandomTape(proof.seed2,0, salt, roundNumber,
1, tmp, stateSizeBytes + andSizeBytes);
if (!status)
Pack.littleEndianToInt(tmp, 0, view2.inputShare);//todo check
System.arraycopy(tmp, stateSizeBytes, tape.tapes[1], 0, andSizeBytes);
case 1:
// in this case view2's input share was already given to us explicitly as
// it is not computable from the seed. We just need to compute view1's input from
// its seed
status = createRandomTape(proof.seed1, 0, salt, roundNumber,
1, tmp, stateSizeBytes + andSizeBytes);
Pack.littleEndianToInt(tmp, 0, view1.inputShare);//todo check
System.arraycopy(tmp, stateSizeBytes, tape.tapes[0], 0, andSizeBytes);
status = status && createRandomTape(proof.seed2, 0, salt, roundNumber,
2, tape.tapes[1], andSizeBytes);
if (!status)
System.arraycopy(proof.inputShare, 0, view2.inputShare, 0, stateSizeWords);
case 2:
// in this case view1's input share was already given to us explicitly as
// it is not computable from the seed. We just need to compute view2's input from
// its seed
status = createRandomTape(proof.seed1, 0, salt, roundNumber, 2, tape.tapes[0], andSizeBytes);
System.arraycopy(proof.inputShare, 0, view1.inputShare, 0, stateSizeWords);
status = status && createRandomTape(proof.seed2, 0, salt, roundNumber, 0, tmp, stateSizeBytes + andSizeBytes);
if (!status)
Pack.littleEndianToInt(tmp, 0, view2.inputShare);//todo check
System.arraycopy(tmp, stateSizeBytes, tape.tapes[1], 0, andSizeBytes);
LOG.fine("Invalid Challenge!");
if (!status)
LOG.fine("Failed to generate random tapes, signature verification will fail (but signature may actually be valid)");
return false;
Utils.zeroTrailingBits(view1.inputShare, stateSizeBits);
Utils.zeroTrailingBits(view2.inputShare, stateSizeBits);
int[] tmp_ints = Pack.littleEndianToInt(tmp, 0, tmp.length/4);
mpc_LowMC_verify(view1, view2, tape, tmp_ints, plaintext, challenge);
return true;
void mpc_LowMC_verify(View view1, View view2, Tape tapes, int[] tmp, int[] plaintext, int challenge)
Arrays.fill(tmp,0, tmp.length, 0);
mpc_xor_constant_verify(tmp, plaintext, 0, stateSizeWords, challenge);
KMatricesWithPointer current = lowmcConstants.KMatrix(this, 0);
matrix_mul_offset(tmp, 0,
view1.inputShare, 0,
current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer());
matrix_mul_offset(tmp, stateSizeWords,
view2.inputShare, 0,
current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer());
mpc_xor(tmp, tmp, 2);
for (int r = 1; r <= numRounds; ++r)
current = lowmcConstants.KMatrix(this, r);
matrix_mul_offset(tmp, 0,
view1.inputShare, 0,
current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer());
matrix_mul_offset(tmp, stateSizeWords,
view2.inputShare, 0,
current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer());
mpc_substitution_verify(tmp, tapes, view1, view2);
current = lowmcConstants.LMatrix(this, r - 1);
mpc_matrix_mul(tmp, 2*stateSizeWords,
tmp, 2*stateSizeWords,
current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer(), 2);
current = lowmcConstants.RConstant(this, r - 1);
mpc_xor_constant_verify(tmp, current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer(), stateSizeWords, challenge);
mpc_xor(tmp, tmp, 2);
System.arraycopy(tmp, 2*stateSizeWords, view1.outputShare, 0, stateSizeWords);
System.arraycopy(tmp, 3*stateSizeWords, view2.outputShare, 0, stateSizeWords);
void mpc_substitution_verify(int[] state, Tape rand, View view1, View view2)
int[] a = new int[2];
int[] b = new int[2];
int[] c = new int[2];
int[] ab = new int[2];
int[] bc = new int[2];
int[] ca = new int[2];
int stateOffset;
for (int i = 0; i < numSboxes * 3; i += 3)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
stateOffset = ((2+j) * stateSizeWords) * 32;
a[j] = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(state, stateOffset + i + 2);
b[j] = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(state, stateOffset + i + 1);
c[j] = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(state, stateOffset + i);
mpc_AND_verify(a, b, ab, rand, view1, view2);
mpc_AND_verify(b, c, bc, rand, view1, view2);
mpc_AND_verify(c, a, ca, rand, view1, view2);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
stateOffset = ((2+j) * stateSizeWords) * 32;
Utils.setBitInWordArray(state, stateOffset + i + 2, a[j] ^ (bc[j]));
Utils.setBitInWordArray(state, stateOffset + i + 1, a[j] ^ b[j] ^ (ca[j]));
Utils.setBitInWordArray(state, stateOffset + i, a[j] ^ b[j] ^ c[j] ^ (ab[j]));
void mpc_AND_verify(int[] in1, int[] in2, int[] out, Tape rand, View view1, View view2)
int r0 = Utils.getBit(rand.tapes[0], rand.pos);
int r1 = Utils.getBit(rand.tapes[1], rand.pos);
int a0 = in1[0], a1 = in1[1];
int b0 = in2[0], b1 = in2[1];
out[0] = (a0 & b1) ^ (a1 & b0) ^ (a0 & b0) ^ r0 ^ r1;
Utils.setBit(view1.communicatedBits, rand.pos, (byte)out[0]);
out[1] = Utils.getBit(view2.communicatedBits, rand.pos);
private void mpc_xor_constant_verify(int[] state, int[] in, int inOffset ,int length, int challenge)
/* During verify, where the first share is stored in state depends on the challenge */
int offset = 0;
if (challenge == 0)
offset = 2 * stateSizeWords;
else if (challenge == 2)
offset = 3 * stateSizeWords;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
state[i + offset] ^= in[i + inOffset];
private int deserializeSignature(Signature sig, byte[] sigBytes, int sigBytesLen, int sigBytesOffset)
Signature.Proof[] proofs = sig.proofs;
byte[] challengeBits = sig.challengeBits;
int challengesLength = Utils.numBytes(2 * numMPCRounds);
/* Validate input buffer is large enough */
if (sigBytesLen < challengesLength)
{ /* ensure the input has at least the challenge */
return -1;
// NOTE: This also validates that there are no challenges > 2
int numNonZeroChallenges = countNonZeroChallenges(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset);
if (numNonZeroChallenges < 0)
return -1;
int inputShareSize = numNonZeroChallenges * stateSizeBytes;
int bytesRequired = challengesLength + saltSizeBytes +
numMPCRounds * (2 * seedSizeBytes + andSizeBytes + digestSizeBytes) + inputShareSize;
if (transform == TRANSFORM_UR)
bytesRequired += UnruhGWithInputBytes * (numMPCRounds - numNonZeroChallenges);
bytesRequired += UnruhGWithoutInputBytes * numNonZeroChallenges;
if (sigBytesLen != bytesRequired)
LOG.fine("sigBytesLen = " + sigBytesLen + ", expected bytesRequired = " + bytesRequired);
return -1;
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, challengeBits, 0, challengesLength);
sigBytesOffset += challengesLength;
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, sig.salt, 0, saltSizeBytes);
sigBytesOffset += saltSizeBytes;
for (int i = 0; i < numMPCRounds; i++)
int challenge = getChallenge(challengeBits, i);
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, proofs[i].view3Commitment, 0, digestSizeBytes);
sigBytesOffset += digestSizeBytes;
if (transform == TRANSFORM_UR)
int view3UnruhLength = (challenge == 0) ? UnruhGWithInputBytes : UnruhGWithoutInputBytes;
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, proofs[i].view3UnruhG, 0, view3UnruhLength);
sigBytesOffset += view3UnruhLength;
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, proofs[i].communicatedBits, 0, andSizeBytes);
sigBytesOffset += andSizeBytes;
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, proofs[i].seed1, 0, seedSizeBytes);
sigBytesOffset += seedSizeBytes;
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, proofs[i].seed2, 0, seedSizeBytes);
sigBytesOffset += seedSizeBytes;
if (challenge == 1 || challenge == 2)
Pack.littleEndianToInt(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, proofs[i].inputShare, 0, stateSizeBytes/4);
if( stateSizeBits == 129)
proofs[i].inputShare[stateSizeWords - 1] = sigBytes[sigBytesOffset + stateSizeBytes - 1] & 0xff;
sigBytesOffset += stateSizeBytes;
if (!arePaddingBitsZero(proofs[i].inputShare, stateSizeBits))
return -1;
return 0;
private int countNonZeroChallenges(byte[] challengeBits, int challengeBitsOffset)
/* When the FS transform is used, the input share is included in the proof
* only when the challenge is 1 or 2. When deserializing, to compute the
* number of bytes expected, we must check how many challenge values are 1
* or 2. We also check that no challenges have the invalid value 3. */
int count = 0;
int challenges3 = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i + 16 <= numMPCRounds)
int challenges = Pack.littleEndianToInt(challengeBits, challengeBitsOffset + (i >>> 2));
challenges3 |= challenges & (challenges >>> 1);
count += Integers.bitCount((challenges ^ (challenges >>> 1)) & 0x55555555);
i += 16;
int remainingBits = (numMPCRounds - i) * 2;
if (remainingBits > 0)
int remainingBytes = (remainingBits + 7) / 8;
int challenges = Pack.littleEndianToInt_Low(challengeBits, challengeBitsOffset + (i >>> 2), remainingBytes);
challenges &= Utils.getTrailingBitsMask(remainingBits);
challenges3 |= challenges & (challenges >>> 1);
count += Integers.bitCount((challenges ^ (challenges >>> 1)) & 0x55555555);
return (challenges3 & 0x55555555) == 0 ? count : -1;
private void picnic_read_public_key(int[] ciphertext, int[] plaintext, byte[] pk)
int ciphertextPos = 1, plaintextPos = 1 + stateSizeBytes;
int fullWords = stateSizeBytes / 4;
Pack.littleEndianToInt(pk, ciphertextPos, ciphertext, 0, fullWords);
Pack.littleEndianToInt(pk, plaintextPos, plaintext, 0, fullWords);
if (fullWords < stateSizeWords)
int fullWordBytes = fullWords * 4, partialWordBytes = stateSizeBytes - fullWordBytes;
ciphertext[fullWords] = Pack.littleEndianToInt_Low(pk, ciphertextPos + fullWordBytes, partialWordBytes);
plaintext[fullWords] = Pack.littleEndianToInt_Low(pk, plaintextPos + fullWordBytes, partialWordBytes);
private int verify_picnic3(Signature2 sig, int[] pubKey, int[] plaintext, byte[] message)
byte[][][] C = new byte[numMPCRounds][numMPCParties][digestSizeBytes];
byte[][] Ch = new byte[numMPCRounds][digestSizeBytes];
byte[][] Cv = new byte[numMPCRounds][digestSizeBytes];
Msg[] msgs = new Msg[numMPCRounds];
Tree treeCv = new Tree(this, numMPCRounds, digestSizeBytes);
byte[] challengeHash = new byte[MAX_DIGEST_SIZE];
Tree[] seeds = new Tree[numMPCRounds];
Tape[] tapes = new Tape[numMPCRounds];
Tree iSeedsTree = new Tree(this, numMPCRounds, seedSizeBytes);
int ret = iSeedsTree.reconstructSeeds(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds,
sig.iSeedInfo, sig.iSeedInfoLen, sig.salt, 0);
if (ret != 0)
return -1;
/* Populate seeds with values from the signature */
for (int t = 0; t < numMPCRounds; t++)
if (!contains(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t))
/* Expand iSeed[t] to seeds for each parties, using a seed tree */
seeds[t] = new Tree(this, numMPCParties, seedSizeBytes);
seeds[t].generateSeeds(iSeedsTree.getLeaf(t), sig.salt, t);
/* We don't have the initial seed for the round, but instead a seed
* for each unopened party */
seeds[t] = new Tree(this, numMPCParties, seedSizeBytes);
int P_index = indexOf(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t);
int[] hideList = new int[1];
hideList[0] = sig.challengeP[P_index];
ret = seeds[t].reconstructSeeds(hideList, 1,
sig.proofs[t].seedInfo, sig.proofs[t].seedInfoLen,
sig.salt, t);
if (ret != 0)
LOG.fine("Failed to reconstruct seeds for round " + t);
return -1;
/* Commit */
int last = numMPCParties - 1;
byte[] auxBits = new byte[MAX_AUX_BYTES];
for (int t = 0; t < numMPCRounds; t++)
tapes[t] = new Tape(this);
/* Compute random tapes for all parties. One party for each repitition
* challengeC will have a bogus seed; but we won't use that party's
* random tape. */
createRandomTapes(tapes[t], seeds[t].getLeaves(), seeds[t].getLeavesOffset(), sig.salt, t);
if (!contains(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t))
/* We're given iSeed, have expanded the seeds, compute aux from scratch so we can comnpte Com[t] */
for (int j = 0; j < last; j++)
commit(C[t][j], seeds[t].getLeaf(j), null, sig.salt, t, j);
getAuxBits(auxBits, tapes[t]);
commit(C[t][last], seeds[t].getLeaf(last), auxBits, sig.salt, t, last);
/* We're given all seeds and aux bits, except for the unopened
* party, we get their commitment */
int unopened = sig.challengeP[indexOf(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t)];
for (int j = 0; j < last; j++)
if (j != unopened)
commit(C[t][j], seeds[t].getLeaf(j), null, sig.salt, t, j);
if (last != unopened)
commit(C[t][last], seeds[t].getLeaf(last), sig.proofs[t].aux, sig.salt, t, last);
System.arraycopy(sig.proofs[t].C, 0, C[t][unopened], 0, digestSizeBytes);
/* Commit to the commitments */
for (int t = 0; t < numMPCRounds; t++)
commit_h(Ch[t], C[t]);
/* Commit to the views */
int[] tmp_shares = new int[stateSizeBits];
for (int t = 0; t < numMPCRounds; t++)
msgs[t] = new Msg(this);
if (contains(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t))
/* 2. When t is in C, we have everything we need to re-compute the view, as an honest signer would.
* We simulate the MPC with one fewer party; the unopned party's values are all set to zero. */
int unopened = sig.challengeP[indexOf(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t)];
// int tapeLengthBytes = 2 * andSizeBytes;
if(unopened != last)
{ // sig.proofs[t].aux is only set when P_t != N
System.arraycopy(sig.proofs[t].msgs, 0, msgs[t].msgs[unopened], 0, andSizeBytes);
Arrays.fill(tapes[t].tapes[unopened], (byte) 0);
msgs[t].unopened = unopened;
byte[] input_bytes = new byte[stateSizeWords * 4];
System.arraycopy(sig.proofs[t].input, 0, input_bytes, 0, sig.proofs[t].input.length);
int[] temp = new int[stateSizeWords];
Pack.littleEndianToInt(input_bytes, 0, temp, 0, stateSizeWords);
int rv = simulateOnline(temp, tapes[t], tmp_shares, msgs[t], plaintext, pubKey);
if (rv != 0)
LOG.fine("MPC simulation failed for round " + t + ", signature invalid");
return -1;
commit_v(Cv[t], sig.proofs[t].input, msgs[t]);
Cv[t] = null;
int missingLeavesSize = numMPCRounds - numOpenedRounds;
int[] missingLeaves = getMissingLeavesList(sig.challengeC);
ret = treeCv.addMerkleNodes(missingLeaves, missingLeavesSize, sig.cvInfo, sig.cvInfoLen);
if (ret != 0)
return -1;
ret = treeCv.verifyMerkleTree(Cv, sig.salt);
if (ret != 0)
return -1;
/* Compute the challenge hash */
HCP(challengeHash, null, null, Ch, treeCv.nodes[0], sig.salt, pubKey, plaintext, message);
/* Compare to challenge from signature */
if (!subarrayEquals(sig.challengeHash, challengeHash, digestSizeBytes))
LOG.fine("Challenge does not match, signature invalid");
return -1;
return ret;
private int deserializeSignature2(Signature2 sig, byte[] sigBytes, int sigLen, int sigBytesOffset)
/* Read the challenge and salt */
int bytesRequired = digestSizeBytes + saltSizeBytes;
if (sigBytes.length < bytesRequired)
return -1;
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, sig.challengeHash, 0, digestSizeBytes);
sigBytesOffset += digestSizeBytes;
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, sig.salt, 0, saltSizeBytes);
sigBytesOffset += saltSizeBytes;
expandChallengeHash(sig.challengeHash, sig.challengeC, sig.challengeP);
/* Add size of iSeeds tree data */
Tree tree = new Tree(this, numMPCRounds, seedSizeBytes);
sig.iSeedInfoLen = tree.revealSeedsSize(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds);
bytesRequired += sig.iSeedInfoLen;
// System.out.printf("iSeedInfoLen: %04x\n", sig.iSeedInfoLen);
/* Add the size of the Cv Merkle tree data */
int missingLeavesSize = numMPCRounds - numOpenedRounds;
int[] missingLeaves = getMissingLeavesList(sig.challengeC);
tree = new Tree(this, numMPCRounds, digestSizeBytes);
sig.cvInfoLen = tree.openMerkleTreeSize(missingLeaves, missingLeavesSize);
bytesRequired += sig.cvInfoLen;
/* Compute the number of bytes required for the proofs */
int[] hideList = new int[1];
tree = new Tree(this, numMPCParties, seedSizeBytes);
int seedInfoLen = tree.revealSeedsSize(hideList, 1);
for (int t = 0; t < numMPCRounds; t++)
if (contains(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t))
int P_t = sig.challengeP[indexOf(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t)];
if (P_t != (numMPCParties - 1))
bytesRequired += andSizeBytes;
bytesRequired += seedInfoLen;
bytesRequired += stateSizeBytes;
bytesRequired += andSizeBytes;
bytesRequired += digestSizeBytes;
/* Fail if the signature does not have the exact number of bytes we expect */
if (sigLen != bytesRequired)
LOG.fine("sigLen = " + sigLen + ", expected bytesRequired = " + bytesRequired);
return -1;
sig.iSeedInfo = new byte[sig.iSeedInfoLen];
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, sig.iSeedInfo, 0, sig.iSeedInfoLen);
sigBytesOffset += sig.iSeedInfoLen;
// System.out.println("iSeedInfo: " + Hex.toHexString(sig.iSeedInfo));
sig.cvInfo = new byte[sig.cvInfoLen];
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, sig.cvInfo, 0, sig.cvInfoLen);
sigBytesOffset += sig.cvInfoLen;
/* Read the proofs */
for (int t = 0; t < numMPCRounds; t++)
if (contains(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t))
sig.proofs[t] = new Signature2.Proof2(this);
sig.proofs[t].seedInfoLen = seedInfoLen;
sig.proofs[t].seedInfo = new byte[sig.proofs[t].seedInfoLen];
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, sig.proofs[t].seedInfo, 0, sig.proofs[t].seedInfoLen);
sigBytesOffset += sig.proofs[t].seedInfoLen;
int P_t = sig.challengeP[indexOf(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t)];
if (P_t != (numMPCParties - 1) )
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, sig.proofs[t].aux, 0, andSizeBytes);
sigBytesOffset += andSizeBytes;
if (!arePaddingBitsZero(sig.proofs[t].aux, 3 * numRounds * numSboxes))
LOG.fine("failed while deserializing aux bits");
return -1;
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, sig.proofs[t].input, 0, stateSizeBytes);
sigBytesOffset +=stateSizeBytes;
int msgsByteLength = andSizeBytes;
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, sig.proofs[t].msgs, 0, msgsByteLength);
sigBytesOffset +=msgsByteLength;
int msgsBitLength = 3 * numRounds * numSboxes;
if (!arePaddingBitsZero(sig.proofs[t].msgs, msgsBitLength))
LOG.fine("failed while deserializing msgs bits");
return -1;
System.arraycopy(sigBytes, sigBytesOffset, sig.proofs[t].C, 0, digestSizeBytes);
sigBytesOffset +=digestSizeBytes;
return 0;
private boolean arePaddingBitsZero(byte[] data, int bitLength)
int byteLength = Utils.numBytes(bitLength);
for (int i = bitLength; i < byteLength * 8; i++)
int bit_i = Utils.getBit(data, i);
if (bit_i != 0)
return false;
return true;
private boolean arePaddingBitsZero(int[] data, int bitLength)
int partialWord = bitLength & 31;
if (partialWord == 0)
return true;
int mask = Utils.getTrailingBitsMask(bitLength);
return (data[bitLength >>> 5] & ~mask) == 0;
public void crypto_sign(byte[] sm, byte[] m, byte[] sk)
boolean ret = picnic_sign(sk, m, sm);
return; // throw error?
System.arraycopy(m, 0, sm, 4, m.length);
private boolean picnic_sign(byte[] sk, byte[] message, byte[] signature)
int[] data = new int[stateSizeWords];
int[] ciphertext = new int[stateSizeWords];
int[] plaintext = new int[stateSizeWords];
int dataPos = 1, ciphertextPos = 1 + stateSizeBytes, plaintextPos = 1 + 2 * stateSizeBytes;
int fullWords = stateSizeBytes / 4;
Pack.littleEndianToInt(sk, dataPos, data, 0, fullWords);
Pack.littleEndianToInt(sk, ciphertextPos, ciphertext, 0, fullWords);
Pack.littleEndianToInt(sk, plaintextPos, plaintext, 0, fullWords);
if (fullWords < stateSizeWords)
int fullWordBytes = fullWords * 4, partialWordBytes = stateSizeBytes - fullWordBytes;
data[fullWords] = Pack.littleEndianToInt_Low(sk, dataPos + fullWordBytes, partialWordBytes);
ciphertext[fullWords] = Pack.littleEndianToInt_Low(sk, ciphertextPos + fullWordBytes, partialWordBytes);
plaintext[fullWords] = Pack.littleEndianToInt_Low(sk, plaintextPos + fullWordBytes, partialWordBytes);
Signature sig = new Signature (this);
int ret = sign_picnic1(data, ciphertext, plaintext, message, sig);
if (ret != 0)
LOG.fine("Failed to create signature");
return false;
int len = serializeSignature(sig, signature, message.length + 4);
if (len < 0)
LOG.fine("Failed to serialize signature");
return false;
signatureLength = len;
Pack.intToLittleEndian(len, signature, 0);
return true;
Signature2 sig = new Signature2(this);
boolean ret = sign_picnic3(data, ciphertext, plaintext, message, sig);
if (!ret)
LOG.fine("Failed to create signature");
return false;
int len = serializeSignature2(sig, signature, message.length + 4);
if (len < 0)
LOG.fine("Failed to serialize signature");
return false;
signatureLength = len;
Pack.intToLittleEndian(len, signature, 0);
return true;
/*** Serialization functions ***/
int serializeSignature(Signature sig, byte[] sigBytes, int sigOffset)
Signature.Proof[] proofs = sig.proofs;
byte[] challengeBits = sig.challengeBits;
/* Validate input buffer is large enough */
int bytesRequired = Utils.numBytes(2 * numMPCRounds) + saltSizeBytes +
numMPCRounds * (2 * seedSizeBytes + stateSizeBytes + andSizeBytes + digestSizeBytes);
if (transform == TRANSFORM_UR)
bytesRequired += UnruhGWithoutInputBytes * numMPCRounds;
if (CRYPTO_BYTES < bytesRequired)
return -1;
int sigByteIndex = sigOffset;
System.arraycopy(challengeBits, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex, Utils.numBytes(2 * numMPCRounds) );
sigByteIndex += Utils.numBytes(2 * numMPCRounds);
System.arraycopy(sig.salt, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex,saltSizeBytes);
sigByteIndex += saltSizeBytes;
for (int i = 0; i < numMPCRounds; i++)
int challenge = getChallenge(challengeBits, i);
System.arraycopy(proofs[i].view3Commitment, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex, digestSizeBytes);
sigByteIndex += digestSizeBytes;
if (transform == TRANSFORM_UR)
int view3UnruhLength = (challenge == 0) ? UnruhGWithInputBytes : UnruhGWithoutInputBytes;
System.arraycopy(proofs[i].view3UnruhG, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex, view3UnruhLength);
sigByteIndex += view3UnruhLength;
System.arraycopy(proofs[i].communicatedBits, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex, andSizeBytes);
sigByteIndex += andSizeBytes;
System.arraycopy(proofs[i].seed1, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex, seedSizeBytes);
sigByteIndex += seedSizeBytes;
System.arraycopy(proofs[i].seed2, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex, seedSizeBytes);
sigByteIndex += seedSizeBytes;
if (challenge == 1 || challenge == 2)
Pack.intToLittleEndian(proofs[i].inputShare, 0, stateSizeWords , sigBytes, sigByteIndex);
sigByteIndex += stateSizeBytes;
return sigByteIndex - sigOffset;
int getChallenge(byte[] challenge, int round)
return Utils.getCrumbAligned(challenge, round);
private int serializeSignature2(Signature2 sig, byte[] sigBytes, int sigOffset)
/* Compute the number of bytes required for the signature */
int bytesRequired = digestSizeBytes + saltSizeBytes; /* challenge and salt */
bytesRequired += sig.iSeedInfoLen; /* Encode only iSeedInfo, the length will be recomputed by deserialize */
bytesRequired += sig.cvInfoLen;
for (int t = 0; t < numMPCRounds; t++)
{ /* proofs */
if (contains(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t))
int P_t = sig.challengeP[indexOf(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t)];
bytesRequired += sig.proofs[t].seedInfoLen;
if (P_t != (numMPCParties - 1))
bytesRequired += andSizeBytes;
bytesRequired += stateSizeBytes;
bytesRequired += andSizeBytes;
bytesRequired += digestSizeBytes;
if (sigBytes.length < bytesRequired)
return -1;
int sigByteIndex = sigOffset;
System.arraycopy(sig.challengeHash, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex, digestSizeBytes);
sigByteIndex += digestSizeBytes;
System.arraycopy(sig.salt, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex, saltSizeBytes);
sigByteIndex += saltSizeBytes;
System.arraycopy(sig.iSeedInfo, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex, sig.iSeedInfoLen);
sigByteIndex += sig.iSeedInfoLen;
System.arraycopy(sig.cvInfo, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex, sig.cvInfoLen);
sigByteIndex += sig.cvInfoLen;
/* Write the proofs */
for (int t = 0; t < numMPCRounds; t++)
if (contains(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t))
System.arraycopy(sig.proofs[t].seedInfo, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex, sig.proofs[t].seedInfoLen);
sigByteIndex += sig.proofs[t].seedInfoLen;
int P_t = sig.challengeP[indexOf(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t)];
if (P_t != (numMPCParties - 1) )
System.arraycopy(sig.proofs[t].aux, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex, andSizeBytes);
sigByteIndex += andSizeBytes;
System.arraycopy(sig.proofs[t].input, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex, stateSizeBytes);
sigByteIndex += stateSizeBytes;
System.arraycopy(sig.proofs[t].msgs, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex, andSizeBytes);
sigByteIndex += andSizeBytes;
System.arraycopy(sig.proofs[t].C, 0, sigBytes, sigByteIndex, digestSizeBytes);
sigByteIndex += digestSizeBytes;
return sigByteIndex - sigOffset;
private int sign_picnic1(int[] privateKey, int[] pubKey, int[] plaintext, byte[] message, Signature sig)
boolean status;
/* Allocate views and commitments for all parallel iterations */
View[][] views = new View[numMPCRounds][3];
byte[][][] as = new byte[numMPCRounds][numMPCParties][digestSizeBytes];
byte[][][] gs = new byte[numMPCRounds][3][UnruhGWithInputBytes];
/* Compute seeds for all parallel iterations */
byte[] seeds = computeSeeds(privateKey, pubKey, plaintext, message);
int seedLen = numMPCParties * seedSizeBytes;
System.arraycopy(seeds, (seedLen)*(numMPCRounds), sig.salt, 0, saltSizeBytes);
//Allocate a random tape (re-used per parallel iteration), and a temporary buffer
Tape tape = new Tape(this);
byte[] tmp = new byte[Math.max(9 * stateSizeBytes, stateSizeBytes + andSizeBytes)];
for (int k = 0; k < numMPCRounds; k++)
views[k][0] = new View(this);
views[k][1] = new View(this);
views[k][2] = new View(this);
// for first two players get all tape INCLUDING INPUT SHARE from seed
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
status = createRandomTape(seeds,(seedLen)*k + j*seedSizeBytes,
sig.salt, k, j, tmp, stateSizeBytes + andSizeBytes);
if (!status)
LOG.fine("createRandomTape failed");
return -1;
int[] inputShare = views[k][j].inputShare;
Pack.littleEndianToInt(tmp, 0, inputShare);
Utils.zeroTrailingBits(inputShare, stateSizeBits);
System.arraycopy(tmp, stateSizeBytes, tape.tapes[j], 0, andSizeBytes);
// Now set third party's wires. The random bits are from the seed, the input is
// the XOR of other two inputs and the private key
status = createRandomTape(seeds, (seedLen)*k + 2*seedSizeBytes,
sig.salt, k, 2, tape.tapes[2], andSizeBytes);
if (!status)
LOG.fine("createRandomTape failed");
return -1;
xor_three(views[k][2].inputShare, privateKey, views[k][0].inputShare, views[k][1].inputShare);
tape.pos = 0;
int[] tmp_int = Pack.littleEndianToInt(tmp, 0, tmp.length/4);
mpc_LowMC(tape, views[k], plaintext, tmp_int);
Pack.intToLittleEndian(tmp_int, tmp, 0);
int[] temp = new int[LOWMC_MAX_WORDS];
xor_three(temp, views[k][0].outputShare, views[k][1].outputShare, views[k][2].outputShare);
if(!subarrayEquals(temp, pubKey, stateSizeWords))
LOG.fine("Simulation failed; output does not match public key (round = " + k + ")");
return -1;
Commit(seeds, ((seedLen) * k) + 0 * seedSizeBytes, views[k][0], as[k][0]);
Commit(seeds, ((seedLen) * k) + 1 * seedSizeBytes, views[k][1], as[k][1]);
Commit(seeds, ((seedLen) * k) + 2 * seedSizeBytes, views[k][2], as[k][2]);
if (transform == TRANSFORM_UR)
G(0, seeds, ((seedLen) * k) + 0 * seedSizeBytes, views[k][0], gs[k][0]);
G(1, seeds, ((seedLen) * k) + 1 * seedSizeBytes, views[k][1], gs[k][1]);
G(2, seeds, ((seedLen) * k) + 2 * seedSizeBytes, views[k][2], gs[k][2]);
//Generating challenges
H3(pubKey, plaintext, views, as, sig.challengeBits, sig.salt, message, gs);
//Packing Z
for (int i = 0; i < numMPCRounds; i++)
Signature.Proof proof = sig.proofs[i];
prove(proof, getChallenge(sig.challengeBits, i), seeds, ((seedLen) * i),
views[i], as[i], (transform != TRANSFORM_UR) ? null : gs[i]); //todo check if
return 0;
/* Caller must allocate the first parameter */
void prove(Signature.Proof proof, int challenge, byte[] seeds, int seedsOffset,
View[] views, byte[][] commitments, byte[][] gs)
if (challenge == 0)
System.arraycopy(seeds, seedsOffset + 0 * seedSizeBytes, proof.seed1, 0, seedSizeBytes);
System.arraycopy(seeds, seedsOffset + 1 * seedSizeBytes, proof.seed2, 0, seedSizeBytes);
else if (challenge == 1)
System.arraycopy(seeds, seedsOffset + 1 * seedSizeBytes, proof.seed1, 0, seedSizeBytes);
System.arraycopy(seeds, seedsOffset + 2 * seedSizeBytes, proof.seed2, 0, seedSizeBytes);
else if (challenge == 2)
System.arraycopy(seeds, seedsOffset + 2 * seedSizeBytes, proof.seed1, 0, seedSizeBytes);
System.arraycopy(seeds, seedsOffset + 0 * seedSizeBytes, proof.seed2, 0, seedSizeBytes);
LOG.fine("Invalid challenge");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("challenge");
if (challenge == 1 || challenge == 2)
System.arraycopy(views[2].inputShare, 0, proof.inputShare, 0, stateSizeWords);
System.arraycopy(views[(challenge + 1) % 3].communicatedBits, 0, proof.communicatedBits, 0, andSizeBytes);
System.arraycopy(commitments[(challenge + 2) % 3], 0, proof.view3Commitment, 0, digestSizeBytes);
if (transform == TRANSFORM_UR)
int view3UnruhLength = (challenge == 0) ? UnruhGWithInputBytes : UnruhGWithoutInputBytes;
System.arraycopy(gs[(challenge + 2) % 3], 0, proof.view3UnruhG, 0, view3UnruhLength);
private void H3(int[] circuitOutput, int[] plaintext, View[][] views, byte[][][] as, byte[] challengeBits,
byte[] salt, byte[] message, byte[][][] gs)
digest.update((byte) 1);
byte[] tmp = new byte[stateSizeWords * 4];
/* Hash the output share from each view */
for (int i = 0; i < numMPCRounds; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
Pack.intToLittleEndian(views[i][j].outputShare, tmp, 0);
digest.update(tmp, 0, stateSizeBytes);
implH3(circuitOutput, plaintext, as, challengeBits, salt, message, gs);
private void H3(int[] circuitOutput, int[] plaintext, int[][][] viewOutputs, byte[][][] as, byte[] challengeBits,
byte[] salt, byte[] message, byte[][][] gs)
digest.update((byte) 1);
byte[] tmp = new byte[stateSizeWords * 4];
/* Hash the output share from each view */
for (int i = 0; i < numMPCRounds; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
Pack.intToLittleEndian(viewOutputs[i][j], tmp, 0);
digest.update(tmp, 0, stateSizeBytes);
implH3(circuitOutput, plaintext, as, challengeBits, salt, message, gs);
private void implH3(int[] circuitOutput, int[] plaintext, byte[][][] as, byte[] challengeBits, byte[] salt,
byte[] message, byte[][][] gs)
byte[] hash = new byte[digestSizeBytes];
/* Depending on the number of rounds, we might not set part of the last
* byte, make sure it's always zero. */
challengeBits[Utils.numBytes(numMPCRounds * 2) - 1] = 0;
/* Hash all the commitments C */
for (int i = 0; i < numMPCRounds; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
digest.update(as[i][j], 0, digestSizeBytes);
/* Hash all the commitments G */
if (transform == TRANSFORM_UR)
for (int i = 0; i < numMPCRounds; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
int view3UnruhLength = (j == 2) ? UnruhGWithInputBytes : UnruhGWithoutInputBytes;
digest.update(gs[i][j], 0, view3UnruhLength);
/* Hash the public key */
digest.update(Pack.intToLittleEndian(circuitOutput), 0, stateSizeBytes);
digest.update(Pack.intToLittleEndian(plaintext), 0, stateSizeBytes);
/* Hash the salt & message */
digest.update(salt, 0, saltSizeBytes);
digest.update(message, 0, message.length);
digest.doFinal(hash, 0, digestSizeBytes);
/* Convert hash to a packed string of values in {0,1,2} */
int round = 0;
boolean isNotDone = true;
while (isNotDone)
for (int i = 0; i < digestSizeBytes; i++)
int one_byte = hash[i];
/* iterate over each pair of bits in the byte */
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j += 2)
int bitPair = ((one_byte >>> (6 - j)) & 0x03);
if (bitPair < 3)
setChallenge(challengeBits, round, bitPair);
if (round == numMPCRounds)
isNotDone = false;
/* We need more bits; hash set hash = H_1(hash) */
digest.update((byte) 1);
digest.update(hash, 0, digestSizeBytes);
digest.doFinal(hash, 0, digestSizeBytes);
private void setChallenge(byte[] challenge, int round, int trit)
/* challenge must have length numBytes(numMPCRounds*2)
* 0 <= index < numMPCRounds
* trit must be in {0,1,2} */
Utils.setBit(challenge, 2 * round, (byte) (trit & 1));
Utils.setBit(challenge, 2 * round + 1, (byte)((trit >>> 1) & 1));
/* This is the random "permuatation" function G for Unruh's transform */
private void G(int viewNumber, byte[] seed, int seedOffset, View view, byte[] output)
int outputBytes = seedSizeBytes + andSizeBytes;
/* Hash the seed with H_5, store digest in output */
digest.update((byte) 5);
digest.update(seed, seedOffset, seedSizeBytes);
digest.doFinal(output, 0, digestSizeBytes);
/* Hash H_5(seed), the view, and the length */
digest.update(output, 0, digestSizeBytes);
if (viewNumber == 2)
digest.update(Pack.intToLittleEndian(view.inputShare), 0, stateSizeBytes);
outputBytes += stateSizeBytes;
digest.update(view.communicatedBits, 0, andSizeBytes);
digest.update(Pack.intToLittleEndian(outputBytes), 0, 2);
digest.doFinal(output, 0, outputBytes);
private void mpc_LowMC(Tape tapes, View[] views, int[] plaintext, int[] slab)
Arrays.fill(slab, 0, slab.length, 0);
mpc_xor_constant(slab, 3*stateSizeWords, plaintext, 0, stateSizeWords);
KMatricesWithPointer current = lowmcConstants.KMatrix(this, 0);
for (int player = 0; player < 3; player++)
matrix_mul_offset(slab, player * stateSizeWords, views[player].inputShare, 0,
current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer());
mpc_xor(slab, slab, 3);
for (int r = 1; r <= numRounds; r++)
current = lowmcConstants.KMatrix(this, r);
for (int player = 0; player < 3; player++)
matrix_mul_offset(slab, player * stateSizeWords,
views[player].inputShare, 0,
current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer());
mpc_substitution(slab, tapes, views);
current = lowmcConstants.LMatrix(this, r - 1);
mpc_matrix_mul(slab, 3*stateSizeWords,
slab, 3*stateSizeWords,
current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer(), 3);
current = lowmcConstants.RConstant(this, r - 1);
mpc_xor_constant(slab, 3*stateSizeWords,
current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer(), stateSizeWords);
mpc_xor(slab, slab, 3);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
System.arraycopy(slab, (3 + i) * stateSizeWords, views[i].outputShare, 0, stateSizeWords);
private void Commit(byte[] seed, int seedOffset, View view, byte[] hash)
/* Hash the seed, store result in `hash` */
digest.update(seed, seedOffset, seedSizeBytes);
digest.doFinal(hash, 0, digestSizeBytes);
/* Compute H_0(H_4(seed), view) */
digest.update((byte) 0);
digest.update(hash, 0, digestSizeBytes);
digest.update(Pack.intToLittleEndian(view.inputShare), 0, stateSizeBytes);
digest.update(view.communicatedBits, 0, andSizeBytes);
digest.update(Pack.intToLittleEndian(view.outputShare), 0, stateSizeBytes);
digest.doFinal(hash, 0, digestSizeBytes);
private void mpc_substitution(int[] state, Tape rand, View[] views)
int[] a = new int[3];
int[] b = new int[3];
int[] c = new int[3];
int[] ab = new int[3];
int[] bc = new int[3];
int[] ca = new int[3];
int stateOffset;
for (int i = 0; i < numSboxes * 3; i += 3)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
stateOffset = ((3+j) * stateSizeWords) * 32;
a[j] = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(state, stateOffset + i + 2);
b[j] = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(state, stateOffset + i + 1);
c[j] = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(state, stateOffset + i);
mpc_AND(a, b, ab, rand, views);
mpc_AND(b, c, bc, rand, views);
mpc_AND(c, a, ca, rand, views);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
stateOffset = ((3+j) * stateSizeWords) * 32;
Utils.setBitInWordArray(state, stateOffset + i + 2, a[j] ^ (bc[j]));
Utils.setBitInWordArray(state, stateOffset + i + 1, a[j] ^ b[j] ^ (ca[j]));
Utils.setBitInWordArray(state, stateOffset + i, a[j] ^ b[j] ^ c[j] ^ (ab[j]));
/*** Functions implementing Sign ***/
private void mpc_AND(int[] in1, int[] in2, int[] out, Tape rand, View[] views)
int r0 = Utils.getBit(rand.tapes[0], rand.pos);
int r1 = Utils.getBit(rand.tapes[1], rand.pos);
int r2 = Utils.getBit(rand.tapes[2], rand.pos);
out[0] = (in1[0] & in2[1]) ^ (in1[1] & in2[0]) ^ (in1[0] & in2[0]) ^ r0 ^ r1;
out[1] = (in1[1] & in2[2]) ^ (in1[2] & in2[1]) ^ (in1[1] & in2[1]) ^ r1 ^ r2;
out[2] = (in1[2] & in2[0]) ^ (in1[0] & in2[2]) ^ (in1[2] & in2[2]) ^ r2 ^ r0;
Utils.setBit(views[0].communicatedBits, rand.pos, (byte)out[0]);
Utils.setBit(views[1].communicatedBits, rand.pos, (byte)out[1]);
Utils.setBit(views[2].communicatedBits, rand.pos, (byte)out[2]);
private void mpc_xor(int[] state, int[] in, int players)
for (int i = 0, count = stateSizeWords * players; i < count; ++i)
state[players * stateSizeWords + i] ^= in[i];
private void mpc_matrix_mul(int[] output, int outputOffset, int[] state, int stateOffset,
int[] matrix, int matrixOffset, int players)
for (int player = 0; player < players; player++)
matrix_mul_offset(output, outputOffset + player * stateSizeWords,
state, stateOffset + player * stateSizeWords,
matrix, matrixOffset);
/* Compute the XOR of in with the first state vectors. */
private void mpc_xor_constant(int[] state, int stateOffset, int[] in, int inOffset, int len)
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
state[i + stateOffset] ^= in[i + inOffset];
private boolean createRandomTape(byte[] seed, int seedOffset, byte[] salt, int roundNumber, int playerNumber, byte[] tape, int tapeLen)
if (tapeLen < digestSizeBytes)
return false;
/* Hash the seed and a constant, store the result in tape. */
digest.update((byte) 2);
digest.update(seed, seedOffset, seedSizeBytes);
digest.doFinal(tape, 0, digestSizeBytes);
// System.out.println("tape: " + Hex.toHexString(tape));
/* Expand the hashed seed, salt, round and player indices, and output
* length to create the tape. */
digest.update(tape, 0, digestSizeBytes); // Hash the hashed seed
digest.update(salt, 0, saltSizeBytes);
digest.update(Pack.intToLittleEndian(roundNumber), 0, 2);
digest.update(Pack.intToLittleEndian(playerNumber), 0, 2);
digest.update(Pack.intToLittleEndian(tapeLen), 0, 2);
digest.doFinal(tape, 0, tapeLen);
return true;
private byte[] computeSeeds(int[] privateKey, int[] publicKey, int[] plaintext, byte[] message)
byte[] allSeeds = new byte[seedSizeBytes * (numMPCParties * numMPCRounds) + saltSizeBytes];
byte[] temp = new byte[PICNIC_MAX_LOWMC_BLOCK_SIZE];
updateDigest(privateKey, temp);
digest.update(message, 0, message.length);
updateDigest(publicKey, temp);
updateDigest(plaintext, temp);
digest.update(Pack.intToLittleEndian(stateSizeBits), 0, 2);
// Derive the N*T seeds + 1 salt
digest.doFinal(allSeeds, 0, seedSizeBytes * (numMPCParties * numMPCRounds) + saltSizeBytes);
return allSeeds;
private boolean sign_picnic3(int[] privateKey, int[] pubKey, int[] plaintext, byte[] message, Signature2 sig)
byte[] saltAndRoot = new byte[saltSizeBytes + seedSizeBytes];
computeSaltAndRootSeed(saltAndRoot, privateKey, pubKey, plaintext, message);
byte[] root = Arrays.copyOfRange(saltAndRoot, saltSizeBytes, saltAndRoot.length);
sig.salt = Arrays.copyOfRange(saltAndRoot, 0, saltSizeBytes);
Tree iSeedsTree = new Tree(this, numMPCRounds, seedSizeBytes);
iSeedsTree.generateSeeds(root, sig.salt, 0);
byte[][] iSeeds = iSeedsTree.getLeaves();
int iSeedsOffset = iSeedsTree.getLeavesOffset();
Tape[] tapes = new Tape[numMPCRounds];
Tree[] seeds = new Tree[numMPCRounds];
for (int t = 0; t < numMPCRounds; t++)
tapes[t] = new Tape(this);
seeds[t] = new Tree(this, numMPCParties, seedSizeBytes);
seeds[t].generateSeeds(iSeeds[t + iSeedsOffset], sig.salt, t);
createRandomTapes(tapes[t], seeds[t].getLeaves(), seeds[t].getLeavesOffset(), sig.salt, t);
byte[][] inputs = new byte[numMPCRounds][stateSizeWords * 4];
byte[] auxBits = new byte[MAX_AUX_BYTES];
for (int t = 0; t < numMPCRounds; t++)
/* Commit to seeds and aux bits */
byte[][][] C = new byte[numMPCRounds][numMPCParties][digestSizeBytes];
for (int t = 0; t < numMPCRounds; t++)
for (int j = 0; j < numMPCParties - 1; j++)
commit(C[t][j], seeds[t].getLeaf(j), null, sig.salt, t, j);
int last = numMPCParties - 1;
getAuxBits(auxBits, tapes[t]);
commit(C[t][last], seeds[t].getLeaf(last), auxBits, sig.salt, t, last);
/* Simulate the online phase of the MPC */
Msg[] msgs = new Msg[numMPCRounds];
int[] tmp_shares = new int[stateSizeBits];
for (int t = 0; t < numMPCRounds; t++)
msgs[t] = new Msg(this);
int[] maskedKey = Pack.littleEndianToInt(inputs[t], 0, stateSizeWords);
xor_array(maskedKey, maskedKey, privateKey, 0);
int rv = simulateOnline(maskedKey, tapes[t], tmp_shares, msgs[t], plaintext, pubKey);
if (rv != 0)
LOG.fine("MPC simulation failed, aborting signature");
return false;
Pack.intToLittleEndian(maskedKey, inputs[t], 0);
/* Commit to the commitments and views */
byte[][] Ch = new byte[numMPCRounds][digestSizeBytes];
byte[][] Cv = new byte[numMPCRounds][digestSizeBytes];
for (int t = 0; t < numMPCRounds; t++)
commit_h(Ch[t], C[t]);
commit_v(Cv[t], inputs[t], msgs[t]);
/* Create a Merkle tree with Cv as the leaves */
Tree treeCv = new Tree(this, numMPCRounds, digestSizeBytes);
treeCv.buildMerkleTree(Cv, sig.salt);
/* Compute the challenge; two lists of integers */
sig.challengeC = new int[numOpenedRounds];
sig.challengeP = new int[numOpenedRounds];
sig.challengeHash = new byte[digestSizeBytes];
HCP(sig.challengeHash, sig.challengeC, sig.challengeP, Ch, treeCv.nodes[0], sig.salt, pubKey, plaintext, message);
/* Send information required for checking commitments with Merkle tree.
* The commitments the verifier will be missing are those not in challengeC. */
int missingLeavesSize = numMPCRounds - numOpenedRounds;
int[] missingLeaves = getMissingLeavesList(sig.challengeC);
int[] cvInfoLen = new int[1];
sig.cvInfo = treeCv.openMerkleTree(missingLeaves, missingLeavesSize, cvInfoLen);
sig.cvInfoLen = cvInfoLen[0];
/* Reveal iSeeds for unopned rounds, those in {0..T-1} \ ChallengeC. */
sig.iSeedInfo = new byte[numMPCRounds * seedSizeBytes];
sig.iSeedInfoLen = iSeedsTree.revealSeeds(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds,
sig.iSeedInfo, numMPCRounds * seedSizeBytes);
/* Assemble the proof */
sig.proofs = new Signature2.Proof2[numMPCRounds];
for (int t = 0; t < numMPCRounds; t++)
if (contains(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t))
sig.proofs[t] = new Signature2.Proof2(this);
int P_index = indexOf(sig.challengeC, numOpenedRounds, t);
int[] hideList = new int[1];
hideList[0] = sig.challengeP[P_index];
sig.proofs[t].seedInfo = new byte[numMPCParties * seedSizeBytes];
sig.proofs[t].seedInfoLen = seeds[t].revealSeeds(hideList, 1, sig.proofs[t].seedInfo, numMPCParties * seedSizeBytes);
int last = numMPCParties - 1;
if (sig.challengeP[P_index] != last)
getAuxBits(sig.proofs[t].aux, tapes[t]);
System.arraycopy(inputs[t], 0, sig.proofs[t].input, 0, stateSizeBytes);
System.arraycopy(msgs[t].msgs[sig.challengeP[P_index]], 0, sig.proofs[t].msgs, 0, andSizeBytes);
System.arraycopy(C[t][sig.challengeP[P_index]], 0, sig.proofs[t].C, 0, digestSizeBytes);
return true;
static int indexOf(int[] list, int len, int value)
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (list[i] == value)
return i;
return -1;
private int[] getMissingLeavesList(int[] challengeC)
int missingLeavesSize = numMPCRounds - numOpenedRounds;
int[] missingLeaves = new int[missingLeavesSize];
int pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numMPCRounds; i++)
if (!contains(challengeC, numOpenedRounds, i))
missingLeaves[pos] = i;
return missingLeaves;
private void HCP(byte[] challengeHash, int[] challengeC, int[] challengeP, byte[][] Ch,
byte[] hCv, byte[] salt, int[] pubKey, int[] plaintext, byte[] message)
// assert(numOpenedRounds < numMPCRounds);
for (int t = 0; t < numMPCRounds; t++)
digest.update(Ch[t], 0, digestSizeBytes);
byte[] temp = new byte[PICNIC_MAX_LOWMC_BLOCK_SIZE];
digest.update(hCv, 0, digestSizeBytes);
digest.update(salt, 0, saltSizeBytes);
updateDigest(pubKey, temp);
updateDigest(plaintext, temp);
digest.update(message, 0, message.length);
digest.doFinal(challengeHash, 0, digestSizeBytes);
if((challengeC != null) && (challengeP != null))
expandChallengeHash(challengeHash, challengeC, challengeP);
static int bitsToChunks(int chunkLenBits, byte[] input, int inputLen, int[] chunks)
if (chunkLenBits > inputLen * 8)
return 0;
int chunkCount = (inputLen * 8) / chunkLenBits;
for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++)
chunks[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < chunkLenBits; j++)
chunks[i] += Utils.getBit(input, i * chunkLenBits + j) << j;
// assert(chunks[i] < (1 << chunkLenBits));
return chunkCount;
static int appendUnique(int[] list, int value, int position)
if (position == 0)
list[position] = value;
return position + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < position; i++)
if (list[i] == value)
return position;
list[position] = value;
return position + 1;
private void expandChallengeHash(byte[] challengeHash, int[] challengeC, int[] challengeP)
// Populate C
int bitsPerChunkC = Utils.ceil_log2(numMPCRounds);
int bitsPerChunkP = Utils.ceil_log2(numMPCParties);
int[] chunks = new int[digestSizeBytes * 8 / Math.min(bitsPerChunkC, bitsPerChunkP)];
byte[] h = new byte[MAX_DIGEST_SIZE];
System.arraycopy(challengeHash, 0, h, 0, digestSizeBytes);
int countC = 0;
while (countC < numOpenedRounds)
int numChunks = bitsToChunks(bitsPerChunkC, h, digestSizeBytes, chunks);
for (int i = 0; i < numChunks; i++)
if (chunks[i] < numMPCRounds)
countC = appendUnique(challengeC, chunks[i], countC);
if (countC == numOpenedRounds)
digest.update((byte) 1);
digest.update(h, 0, digestSizeBytes);
digest.doFinal(h, 0, digestSizeBytes);
// Note that we always compute h = H(h) after setting C
int countP = 0;
while (countP < numOpenedRounds)
int numChunks = bitsToChunks(bitsPerChunkP, h, digestSizeBytes, chunks);
for (int i = 0; i < numChunks; i++)
if (chunks[i] < numMPCParties)
challengeP[countP] = chunks[i];
if (countP == numOpenedRounds)
digest.update((byte) 1);
digest.update(h, 0, digestSizeBytes);
digest.doFinal(h, 0, digestSizeBytes);
private void commit_h(byte[] digest_arr, byte[][] C)
for (int i = 0; i < numMPCParties; i++)
digest.update(C[i], 0, digestSizeBytes);
digest.doFinal(digest_arr, 0, digestSizeBytes);
private void commit_v(byte[] digest_arr, byte[] input, Msg msg)
digest.update(input, 0, stateSizeBytes);
for (int i = 0; i < numMPCParties; i++)
int msgs_size = Utils.numBytes(msg.pos);
digest.update(msg.msgs[i], 0, msgs_size);
digest.doFinal(digest_arr, 0, digestSizeBytes);
private int simulateOnline(int[] maskedKey, Tape tape, int[] tmp_shares,
Msg msg, int[] plaintext, int[] pubKey)
int ret = 0;
int[] roundKey = new int[LOWMC_MAX_WORDS];
int[] state = new int[LOWMC_MAX_WORDS];
KMatricesWithPointer current = lowmcConstants.KMatrix(this,0);
matrix_mul(roundKey, maskedKey, current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer()); // roundKey = maskedKey * KMatrix[0]
xor_array(state, roundKey, plaintext, 0); // state = plaintext + roundKey
for (int r = 1; r <= numRounds; r++)
tapesToWords(tmp_shares, tape);
mpc_sbox(state, tmp_shares, tape, msg);
current = lowmcConstants.LMatrix(this, r - 1);
matrix_mul(state, state, current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer()); // state = state * LMatrix (r-1)
current = lowmcConstants.RConstant(this,r - 1);
xor_array(state, state, current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer()); // state += RConstant
current = lowmcConstants.KMatrix(this, r);
matrix_mul(roundKey, maskedKey, current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer());
xor_array(state, roundKey, state, 0); // state += roundKey
if(!(subarrayEquals(state, pubKey, stateSizeWords)))
ret = -1;
return ret;
private void createRandomTapes(Tape tape, byte[][] seeds, int seedsOffset, byte[] salt, int t)
int tapeSizeBytes = 2 * andSizeBytes;
for (int i = 0; i < numMPCParties; i++)
digest.update(seeds[i + seedsOffset], 0, seedSizeBytes);
digest.update(salt, 0, saltSizeBytes);
digest.update(Pack.intToLittleEndian(t), 0, 2);
digest.update(Pack.intToLittleEndian(i), 0, 2);
digest.doFinal(tape.tapes[i], 0, tapeSizeBytes);
private static boolean subarrayEquals(byte[] a, byte[] b, int length)
if (a.length < length || b.length < length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (a[i] != b[i])
return false;
return true;
private static boolean subarrayEquals(int[] a, int[] b, int length)
if (a.length < length || b.length < length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if(a[i] != b[i])
return false;
return true;
static int extend(int bit)
return ~(bit - 1);
private void wordToMsgs(int w, Msg msg)
for (int i = 0; i < numMPCParties; i++)
int w_i = Utils.getBit(w, i);
Utils.setBit(msg.msgs[i], msg.pos, (byte)w_i);
private int mpc_AND(int a, int b, int mask_a, int mask_b, Tape tape, Msg msg)
int and_helper = tape.tapesToWord(); // The special mask value setup during preprocessing for each AND gate
int s_shares = (extend(a) & mask_b) ^ (extend(b) & mask_a) ^ and_helper;
if (msg.unopened >= 0)
int unopenedPartyBit = Utils.getBit(msg.msgs[msg.unopened], msg.pos);
s_shares = Utils.setBit(s_shares, msg.unopened, unopenedPartyBit);
// Broadcast each share of s
wordToMsgs(s_shares, msg);
return Utils.parity16(s_shares) ^ (a & b);
private void mpc_sbox(int[] state, int[] state_masks, Tape tape, Msg msg)
for (int i = 0; i < numSboxes * 3; i += 3)
int a = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(state, i + 2);
int mask_a = state_masks[i + 2];
int b = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(state, i + 1);
int mask_b = state_masks[i + 1];
int c = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(state, i);
int mask_c = state_masks[i];
int ab = mpc_AND(a, b, mask_a, mask_b, tape, msg);
int bc = mpc_AND(b, c, mask_b, mask_c, tape, msg);
int ca = mpc_AND(c, a, mask_c, mask_a, tape, msg);
int d = a ^ bc;
int e = a ^ b ^ ca;
int f = a ^ b ^ c ^ ab;
Utils.setBitInWordArray(state, i + 2, d);
Utils.setBitInWordArray(state, i + 1, e);
Utils.setBitInWordArray(state, i, f);
protected void aux_mpc_sbox(int[] in, int[] out, Tape tape)
for (int i = 0; i < numSboxes * 3; i += 3)
int a = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(in, i + 2);
int b = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(in, i + 1);
int c = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(in, i);
int d = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(out, i + 2);
int e = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(out, i + 1);
int f = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(out, i);
int fresh_output_mask_ab = f ^ a ^ b ^ c;
int fresh_output_mask_bc = d ^ a;
int fresh_output_mask_ca = e ^ a ^ b;
aux_mpc_AND(a, b, fresh_output_mask_ab, tape);
aux_mpc_AND(b, c, fresh_output_mask_bc, tape);
aux_mpc_AND(c, a, fresh_output_mask_ca, tape);
private void aux_mpc_AND(int mask_a, int mask_b, int fresh_output_mask, Tape tape)
int lastParty = numMPCParties - 1;
int and_helper = tape.tapesToWord();
and_helper = Utils.parity16(and_helper) ^ Utils.getBit(tape.tapes[lastParty],tape.pos - 1);
int aux_bit = (mask_a & mask_b) ^ and_helper ^ fresh_output_mask;
Utils.setBit(tape.tapes[lastParty], tape.pos - 1, (byte) (aux_bit & 0xff));
private boolean contains(int[] list, int len, int value)
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (list[i] == value)
return true;
return false;
private void tapesToWords(int[] shares, Tape tape)
for (int w = 0; w < stateSizeBits; w++)
shares[w] = tape.tapesToWord();
private void getAuxBits(byte[] output, Tape tape)
byte[] lastTape = tape.tapes[numMPCParties - 1];
int n = stateSizeBits, pos = 0, tapePos = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < numRounds; j++)
tapePos += n;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
Utils.setBit(output, pos++, Utils.getBit(lastTape, tapePos++));
private void commit(byte[] digest_arr, byte[] seed, byte[] aux, byte[] salt, int t, int j)
/* Compute C[t][j]; as digest = H(seed||[aux]) aux is optional */
digest.update(seed, 0, seedSizeBytes);
if (aux != null)
digest.update(aux, 0, andSizeBytes);
digest.update(salt, 0, saltSizeBytes);
digest.update(Pack.intToLittleEndian(t), 0, 2);
digest.update(Pack.intToLittleEndian(j), 0, 2);
digest.doFinal(digest_arr, 0, digestSizeBytes);
private void computeSaltAndRootSeed(byte[] saltAndRoot, int[] privateKey, int[] pubKey, int[] plaintext, byte[] message)
byte[] temp = new byte[PICNIC_MAX_LOWMC_BLOCK_SIZE];
// init done in constructor
updateDigest(privateKey, temp);
digest.update(message, 0, message.length);
updateDigest(pubKey, temp);
updateDigest(plaintext, temp);
Pack.shortToLittleEndian((short)stateSizeBits, temp, 0);
digest.update(temp, 0, 2);
digest.doFinal(saltAndRoot, 0, saltAndRoot.length);
private void updateDigest(int[] block, byte[] temp)
Pack.intToLittleEndian(block, temp, 0);
digest.update(temp, 0, stateSizeBytes);
static boolean is_picnic3(int params)
return params == 7/*Picnic3_L1*/
|| params == 8/*Picnic3_L3*/
|| params == 9/*Picnic3_L5*/;
//todo return int;
public void crypto_sign_keypair(byte[] pk, byte[] sk, SecureRandom random)
// set array sizes
byte[] plaintext_bytes = new byte[stateSizeWords * 4];
byte[] ciphertext_bytes = new byte[stateSizeWords * 4];
byte[] data_bytes = new byte[stateSizeWords * 4];
picnic_keygen(plaintext_bytes, ciphertext_bytes, data_bytes, random);
picnic_write_public_key(ciphertext_bytes, plaintext_bytes, pk);
picnic_write_private_key(data_bytes, ciphertext_bytes, plaintext_bytes, sk);
private int picnic_write_private_key(byte[] data, byte[] ciphertext, byte[] plaintext, byte[] buf)
int bytesRequired = 1 + 3 * stateSizeBytes;
if (buf.length < bytesRequired)
LOG.fine("Failed writing private key!");
return -1;
buf[0] = (byte) parameters;
System.arraycopy(data, 0, buf, 1, stateSizeBytes);
System.arraycopy(ciphertext, 0, buf, 1 + stateSizeBytes, stateSizeBytes);
System.arraycopy(plaintext, 0, buf, 1 + 2 * stateSizeBytes, stateSizeBytes);
return bytesRequired;
private int picnic_write_public_key(byte[] ciphertext, byte[] plaintext, byte[] buf)
int bytesRequired = 1 + 2 * stateSizeBytes;
if (buf.length < bytesRequired)
LOG.fine("Failed writing public key!");
return -1;
buf[0] = (byte) parameters;
System.arraycopy(ciphertext, 0, buf, 1, stateSizeBytes);
System.arraycopy(plaintext, 0, buf,1 + stateSizeBytes, stateSizeBytes);
return bytesRequired;
// todo use object to store pt and ct in public key and data in private key
private void picnic_keygen(byte[] plaintext_bytes, byte[] ciphertext_bytes, byte[] data_bytes, SecureRandom random)
int[] data = new int[data_bytes.length/4];
int[] plaintext = new int[plaintext_bytes.length/4];
int[] ciphertext = new int[ciphertext_bytes.length/4];
// generate a private key
Pack.littleEndianToInt(data_bytes, 0, data);
Utils.zeroTrailingBits(data, stateSizeBits);
// generate a plaintext block
Pack.littleEndianToInt(plaintext_bytes, 0, plaintext);
Utils.zeroTrailingBits(plaintext, stateSizeBits);
// computer ciphertext
LowMCEnc(plaintext, ciphertext, data);
//copy back to byte array
Pack.intToLittleEndian(data, data_bytes, 0);
Pack.intToLittleEndian(plaintext, plaintext_bytes, 0);
Pack.intToLittleEndian(ciphertext, ciphertext_bytes, 0);
private void LowMCEnc(int[] plaintext, int[] output, int[] key)
int[] roundKey = new int[LOWMC_MAX_WORDS];
if (plaintext != (output))
/* output will hold the intermediate state */
System.arraycopy(plaintext, 0, output, 0, stateSizeWords);
KMatricesWithPointer current = lowmcConstants.KMatrix(this,0);
matrix_mul(roundKey, key, current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer());
xor_array(output, output, roundKey, 0);
for (int r = 1; r <= numRounds; r++)
current = lowmcConstants.KMatrix(this, r);
matrix_mul(roundKey, key, current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer());
current = lowmcConstants.LMatrix(this,r-1);
matrix_mul(output, output, current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer());
current = lowmcConstants.RConstant(this,r-1);
xor_array(output, output, current.getData(), current.getMatrixPointer());
xor_array(output, output, roundKey, 0);
private void substitution(int[] state)
for (int i = 0; i < numSboxes * 3; i += 3)
int a = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(state, i + 2);
int b = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(state, i + 1);
int c = Utils.getBitFromWordArray(state, i);
Utils.setBitInWordArray(state, i + 2, (a ^ (b & c)));
Utils.setBitInWordArray(state, i + 1, (a ^ b ^ (a & c)));
Utils.setBitInWordArray(state, i, (a ^ b ^ c ^ (a & b)));
private void xor_three(int[] output, int[] in1, int[] in2, int[] in3)
for(int i = 0; i < stateSizeWords; i++)
output[i] = in1[i] ^ in2[i] ^ in3[i];
protected void xor_array(int[] out, int[] in1, int[] in2, int in2_offset)
for (int i = 0; i < stateSizeWords; i++)
out[i] = in1[i] ^ in2[i + in2_offset];
protected void matrix_mul(int[] output, int[] state, int[] matrix, int matrixOffset)
matrix_mul_offset(output, 0, state, 0, matrix, matrixOffset);
protected void matrix_mul_offset(int[] output, int outputOffset,
int[] state, int stateOffset,
int[] matrix, int matrixOffset)
// Use temp to correctly handle the case when state = output
int prod;
int[] temp = new int[LOWMC_MAX_WORDS];
temp[stateSizeWords-1] = 0;
int wholeWords = stateSizeBits/WORD_SIZE_BITS;
int unusedStateBits = stateSizeWords * WORD_SIZE_BITS - stateSizeBits;
// The final word mask, with bits reversed within each byte
int partialWordMask = -1 >>> unusedStateBits;
partialWordMask = Bits.bitPermuteStepSimple(partialWordMask, 0x55555555, 1);
partialWordMask = Bits.bitPermuteStepSimple(partialWordMask, 0x33333333, 2);
partialWordMask = Bits.bitPermuteStepSimple(partialWordMask, 0x0F0F0F0F, 4);
for (int i = 0; i < stateSizeBits; i++)
prod = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < wholeWords; j++)
int index = i * stateSizeWords + j;
prod ^= state[stateOffset + j] &
matrix[matrixOffset + index];
if (unusedStateBits > 0)
int index = i * stateSizeWords + wholeWords;
prod ^= state[stateOffset + wholeWords] &
matrix[matrixOffset + index] &
Utils.setBit(temp, i, Utils.parity32(prod));
System.arraycopy(temp, 0, output, outputOffset, stateSizeWords);
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