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Package snowflake_client implements functionality necessary for a client to establish a connection
to a server using Snowflake.
Included in the package is a Transport type that implements the Pluggable Transports v2.1 Go API
specification. To use Snowflake, you must first create a client from a configuration:
config := snowflake_client.ClientConfig{
BrokerURL: "",
FrontDomain: "",
// ...
transport, err := snowflake_client.NewSnowflakeClient(config)
if err != nil {
// handle error
The Dial function connects to a Snowflake server:
conn, err := transport.Dial()
if err != nil {
// handle error
defer conn.Close()
package snowflake_client
import (
const (
// ReconnectTimeout is the time a Snowflake client will wait before collecting
// more snowflakes.
ReconnectTimeout = 10 * time.Second
// SnowflakeTimeout is the time a Snowflake client will wait before determining that
// a remote snowflake has been disconnected. If no new messages are sent or received
// in this time period, the client will terminate the connection with the remote
// peer and collect a new snowflake.
SnowflakeTimeout = 20 * time.Second
// DataChannelTimeout is how long the client will wait for the OnOpen callback
// on a newly created DataChannel.
DataChannelTimeout = 10 * time.Second
// WindowSize is the number of packets in the send and receive window of a KCP connection.
WindowSize = 65535
// StreamSize controls the maximum amount of in flight data between a client and server.
StreamSize = 1048576 //1MB
type dummyAddr struct{}
func (addr dummyAddr) Network() string { return "dummy" }
func (addr dummyAddr) String() string { return "dummy" }
// Transport is a structure with methods that conform to the Go PT v2.1 API
type Transport struct {
dialer *WebRTCDialer
// EventDispatcher is the event bus for snowflake events.
// When an important event happens, it will be distributed here.
eventDispatcher event.SnowflakeEventDispatcher
// ClientConfig defines how the SnowflakeClient will connect to the broker and Snowflake proxies.
type ClientConfig struct {
// BrokerURL is the full URL of the Snowflake broker that the client will connect to.
BrokerURL string
// AmpCacheURL is the full URL of a valid AMP cache. A nonzero value indicates
// that AMP cache will be used as the rendezvous method with the broker.
AmpCacheURL string
// FrontDomain is a the full URL of an optional front domain that can be used with either
// the AMP cache or HTTP domain fronting rendezvous method.
FrontDomain string
// ICEAddresses are a slice of ICE server URLs that will be used for NAT traversal and
// the creation of the client's WebRTC SDP offer.
ICEAddresses []string
// KeepLocalAddresses is an optional setting that will prevent the removal of local or
// invalid addresses from the client's SDP offer. This is useful for local deployments
// and testing.
KeepLocalAddresses bool
// Max is the maximum number of snowflake proxy peers that the client should attempt to
// connect to. Defaults to 1.
Max int
// UTLSClientID is the type of user application that snowflake should imitate.
// If an empty value is provided, it will use Go's default TLS implementation
UTLSClientID string
// UTLSRemoveSNI is the flag to control whether SNI should be removed from Client Hello
// when uTLS is used.
UTLSRemoveSNI bool
// BridgeFingerprint is the fingerprint of the bridge that the client will eventually
// connect to, as specified in the Bridge line of the torrc.
BridgeFingerprint string
// NewSnowflakeClient creates a new Snowflake transport client that can spawn multiple
// Snowflake connections.
// brokerURL and frontDomain are the urls for the broker host and domain fronting host
// iceAddresses are the STUN/TURN urls needed for WebRTC negotiation
// keepLocalAddresses is a flag to enable sending local network addresses (for testing purposes)
// max is the maximum number of snowflakes the client should gather for each SOCKS connection
func NewSnowflakeClient(config ClientConfig) (*Transport, error) {
log.Println("\n\n\n --- Starting Snowflake Client ---")
iceServers := parseIceServers(config.ICEAddresses)
// chooses a random subset of servers from inputs
rand.Shuffle(len(iceServers), func(i, j int) {
iceServers[i], iceServers[j] = iceServers[j], iceServers[i]
if len(iceServers) > 2 {
iceServers = iceServers[:(len(iceServers)+1)/2]
log.Printf("Using ICE servers:")
for _, server := range iceServers {
log.Printf("url: %v", strings.Join(server.URLs, " "))
// Rendezvous with broker using the given parameters.
broker, err := newBrokerChannelFromConfig(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
go updateNATType(iceServers, broker)
max := 1
if config.Max > max {
max = config.Max
eventsLogger := event.NewSnowflakeEventDispatcher()
transport := &Transport{dialer: NewWebRTCDialerWithEvents(broker, iceServers, max, eventsLogger), eventDispatcher: eventsLogger}
return transport, nil
// Dial creates a new Snowflake connection.
// Dial starts the collection of snowflakes and returns a SnowflakeConn that is a
// wrapper around a smux.Stream that will reliably deliver data to a Snowflake
// server through one or more snowflake proxies.
func (t *Transport) Dial() (net.Conn, error) {
// Cleanup functions to run before returning, in case of an error.
var cleanup []func()
defer func() {
// Run cleanup in reverse order, as defer does.
for i := len(cleanup) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
// Prepare to collect remote WebRTC peers.
snowflakes, err := NewPeers(t.dialer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cleanup = append(cleanup, func() { snowflakes.End() })
// Use a real logger to periodically output how much traffic is happening.
snowflakes.bytesLogger = newBytesSyncLogger()
log.Printf("---- SnowflakeConn: begin collecting snowflakes ---")
go connectLoop(snowflakes)
// Create a new smux session
log.Printf("---- SnowflakeConn: starting a new session ---")
pconn, sess, err := newSession(snowflakes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cleanup = append(cleanup, func() {
// On the smux session we overlay a stream.
stream, err := sess.OpenStream()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Begin exchanging data.
log.Printf("---- SnowflakeConn: begin stream %v ---", stream.ID())
cleanup = append(cleanup, func() { stream.Close() })
// All good, clear the cleanup list.
cleanup = nil
return &SnowflakeConn{Stream: stream, sess: sess, pconn: pconn, snowflakes: snowflakes}, nil
func (t *Transport) AddSnowflakeEventListener(receiver event.SnowflakeEventReceiver) {
func (t *Transport) RemoveSnowflakeEventListener(receiver event.SnowflakeEventReceiver) {
// SetRendezvousMethod sets the rendezvous method to the Snowflake broker.
func (t *Transport) SetRendezvousMethod(r RendezvousMethod) {
t.dialer.Rendezvous = r
// SnowflakeConn is a reliable connection to a snowflake server that implements net.Conn.
type SnowflakeConn struct {
sess *smux.Session
pconn net.PacketConn
snowflakes *Peers
// Close closes the connection.
// The collection of snowflake proxies for this connection is stopped.
func (conn *SnowflakeConn) Close() error {
log.Printf("---- SnowflakeConn: closed stream %v ---", conn.ID())
log.Printf("---- SnowflakeConn: end collecting snowflakes ---")
log.Printf("---- SnowflakeConn: discarding finished session ---")
return nil //TODO: return errors if any of the above do
// loop through all provided STUN servers until we exhaust the list or find
// one that is compatible with RFC 5780
func updateNATType(servers []webrtc.ICEServer, broker *BrokerChannel) {
var restrictedNAT bool
var err error
for _, server := range servers {
addr := strings.TrimPrefix(server.URLs[0], "stun:")
restrictedNAT, err = nat.CheckIfRestrictedNAT(addr)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Warning: NAT checking failed for server at %s: %s", addr, err)
} else {
if restrictedNAT {
} else {
if err != nil {
// Returns a slice of webrtc.ICEServer given a slice of addresses
func parseIceServers(addresses []string) []webrtc.ICEServer {
var servers []webrtc.ICEServer
if len(addresses) == 0 {
return nil
for _, url := range addresses {
url = strings.TrimSpace(url)
servers = append(servers, webrtc.ICEServer{
URLs: []string{url},
return servers
// newSession returns a new smux.Session and the net.PacketConn it is running
// over. The net.PacketConn successively connects through Snowflake proxies
// pulled from snowflakes.
func newSession(snowflakes SnowflakeCollector) (net.PacketConn, *smux.Session, error) {
clientID := turbotunnel.NewClientID()
// We build a persistent KCP session on a sequence of ephemeral WebRTC
// connections. This dialContext tells RedialPacketConn how to get a new
// WebRTC connection when the previous one dies. Inside each WebRTC
// connection, we use encapsulationPacketConn to encode packets into a
// stream.
dialContext := func(ctx context.Context) (net.PacketConn, error) {
log.Printf("redialing on same connection")
// Obtain an available WebRTC remote. May block.
conn := snowflakes.Pop()
if conn == nil {
return nil, errors.New("handler: Received invalid Snowflake")
log.Println("---- Handler: snowflake assigned ----")
// Send the magic Turbo Tunnel token.
_, err := conn.Write(turbotunnel.Token[:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Send ClientID prefix.
_, err = conn.Write(clientID[:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newEncapsulationPacketConn(dummyAddr{}, dummyAddr{}, conn), nil
pconn := turbotunnel.NewRedialPacketConn(dummyAddr{}, dummyAddr{}, dialContext)
// conn is built on the underlying RedialPacketConn—when one WebRTC
// connection dies, another one will be found to take its place. The
// sequence of packets across multiple WebRTC connections drives the KCP
// engine.
conn, err := kcp.NewConn2(dummyAddr{}, nil, 0, 0, pconn)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Permit coalescing the payloads of consecutive sends.
// Set the maximum send and receive window sizes to a high number
// Removes KCP bottlenecks:
conn.SetWindowSize(WindowSize, WindowSize)
// Disable the dynamic congestion window (limit only by the
// maximum of local and remote static windows).
0, // default nodelay
0, // default interval
0, // default resend
1, // nc=1 => congestion window off
// On the KCP connection we overlay an smux session and stream.
smuxConfig := smux.DefaultConfig()
smuxConfig.Version = 2
smuxConfig.KeepAliveTimeout = 10 * time.Minute
smuxConfig.MaxStreamBuffer = StreamSize
sess, err := smux.Client(conn, smuxConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return pconn, sess, err
// Maintain |SnowflakeCapacity| number of available WebRTC connections, to
// transfer to the Tor SOCKS handler when needed.
func connectLoop(snowflakes SnowflakeCollector) {
for {
timer := time.After(ReconnectTimeout)
_, err := snowflakes.Collect()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("WebRTC: %v Retrying...", err)
select {
case <-timer:
case <-snowflakes.Melted():
log.Println("ConnectLoop: stopped.")