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package turbotunnel
import (
// RedialPacketConn implements a long-lived net.PacketConn atop a sequence of
// other, transient net.PacketConns. RedialPacketConn creates a new
// net.PacketConn by calling a provided dialContext function. Whenever the
// net.PacketConn experiences a ReadFrom or WriteTo error, RedialPacketConn
// calls the dialContext function again and starts sending and receiving packets
// on the new net.PacketConn. RedialPacketConn's own ReadFrom and WriteTo
// methods return an error only when the dialContext function returns an error.
// RedialPacketConn uses static local and remote addresses that are independent
// of those of any dialed net.PacketConn.
type RedialPacketConn struct {
localAddr net.Addr
remoteAddr net.Addr
dialContext func(context.Context) (net.PacketConn, error)
recvQueue chan []byte
sendQueue chan []byte
closed chan struct{}
closeOnce sync.Once
// The first dial error, which causes the clientPacketConn to be
// closed and is returned from future read/write operations. Compare to
// the rerr and werr in io.Pipe.
err atomic.Value
// NewQueuePacketConn makes a new RedialPacketConn, with the given static local
// and remote addresses, and dialContext function.
func NewRedialPacketConn(
localAddr, remoteAddr net.Addr,
dialContext func(context.Context) (net.PacketConn, error),
) *RedialPacketConn {
c := &RedialPacketConn{
localAddr: localAddr,
remoteAddr: remoteAddr,
dialContext: dialContext,
recvQueue: make(chan []byte, queueSize),
sendQueue: make(chan []byte, queueSize),
closed: make(chan struct{}),
err: atomic.Value{},
go c.dialLoop()
return c
// dialLoop repeatedly calls c.dialContext and passes the resulting
// net.PacketConn to It returns only when c is closed or dialContext
// returns an error.
func (c *RedialPacketConn) dialLoop() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
for {
select {
case <-c.closed:
conn, err := c.dialContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
// exchange calls ReadFrom on the given net.PacketConn and places the resulting
// packets in the receive queue, and takes packets from the send queue and calls
// WriteTo on them, making the current net.PacketConn active.
func (c *RedialPacketConn) exchange(conn net.PacketConn) {
readErrCh := make(chan error)
writeErrCh := make(chan error)
go func() {
defer close(readErrCh)
for {
select {
case <-c.closed:
case <-writeErrCh:
var buf [1500]byte
n, _, err := conn.ReadFrom(buf[:])
if err != nil {
readErrCh <- err
p := make([]byte, n)
copy(p, buf[:])
select {
case c.recvQueue <- p:
default: // OK to drop packets.
go func() {
defer close(writeErrCh)
for {
select {
case <-c.closed:
case <-readErrCh:
case p := <-c.sendQueue:
_, err := conn.WriteTo(p, c.remoteAddr)
if err != nil {
writeErrCh <- err
select {
case <-readErrCh:
case <-writeErrCh:
// ReadFrom reads a packet from the currently active net.PacketConn. The
// packet's original remote address is replaced with the RedialPacketConn's own
// remote address.
func (c *RedialPacketConn) ReadFrom(p []byte) (int, net.Addr, error) {
select {
case <-c.closed:
return 0, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.LocalAddr(), Addr: c.remoteAddr, Err: c.err.Load().(error)}
select {
case <-c.closed:
return 0, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.LocalAddr(), Addr: c.remoteAddr, Err: c.err.Load().(error)}
case buf := <-c.recvQueue:
return copy(p, buf), c.remoteAddr, nil
// WriteTo writes a packet to the currently active net.PacketConn. The addr
// argument is ignored and instead replaced with the RedialPacketConn's own
// remote address.
func (c *RedialPacketConn) WriteTo(p []byte, addr net.Addr) (int, error) {
// addr is ignored.
select {
case <-c.closed:
return 0, &net.OpError{Op: "write", Net: c.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.LocalAddr(), Addr: c.remoteAddr, Err: c.err.Load().(error)}
buf := make([]byte, len(p))
copy(buf, p)
select {
case c.sendQueue <- buf:
return len(buf), nil
// Drop the outgoing packet if the send queue is full.
return len(buf), nil
// closeWithError unblocks pending operations and makes future operations fail
// with the given error. If err is nil, it becomes errClosedPacketConn.
func (c *RedialPacketConn) closeWithError(err error) error {
var once bool
c.closeOnce.Do(func() {
// Store the error to be returned by future read/write
// operations.
if err == nil {
err = errors.New("operation on closed connection")
once = true
if !once {
return &net.OpError{Op: "close", Net: c.LocalAddr().Network(), Addr: c.LocalAddr(), Err: c.err.Load().(error)}
return nil
// Close unblocks pending operations and makes future operations fail with a
// "closed connection" error.
func (c *RedialPacketConn) Close() error {
return c.closeWithError(nil)
// LocalAddr returns the localAddr value that was passed to NewRedialPacketConn.
func (c *RedialPacketConn) LocalAddr() net.Addr { return c.localAddr }
func (c *RedialPacketConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error { return errNotImplemented }
func (c *RedialPacketConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error { return errNotImplemented }
func (c *RedialPacketConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error { return errNotImplemented }