org.apache.mxnet.Model.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.mxnet
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import scala.collection.mutable
* Describe the model flow
class Model
object Model {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[Model])
* Checkpoint the model data into file.
* @param prefix Prefix of model name.
* @param epoch The epoch number of the model.
* @param symbol The input symbol
* @param argParams Model parameter, dict of name to NDArray of net's weights.
* @param auxParams Model parameter, dict of name to NDArray of net's auxiliary states.
* @note
* - ``prefix-symbol.json`` will be saved for symbol.
* - ``prefix-epoch.params`` will be saved for parameters.
def saveCheckpoint(prefix: String, epoch: Int, symbol: Symbol,
argParams: Map[String, NDArray], auxParams: Map[String, NDArray]): Unit = {"$prefix-symbol.json")
val saveDict = { case (k, v) => s"arg:$k" -> v } ++ { case (k, v) => s"aux:$k" -> v }
val paramName = "%s-%04d.params".format(prefix, epoch), saveDict)"Saved checkpoint to $paramName")
* Load model checkpoint from file.
* @param prefix Prefix of model name.
* @param epoch Epoch number of model we would like to load.
* @return
* symbol : The symbol configuration of computation network.
* argParams : Model parameter, dict of name to NDArray of net's weights.
* auxParams : Model parameter, dict of name to NDArray of net's auxiliary states.
* @note
* - symbol will be loaded from ``prefix-symbol.json``.
* - parameters will be loaded from ``prefix-epoch.params``.
def loadCheckpoint(prefix: String, epoch: Int):
(Symbol, Map[String, NDArray], Map[String, NDArray]) = {
val symbol = Symbol.load(s"$prefix-symbol.json")
val saveDict = NDArray.load("%s-%04d.params".format(prefix, epoch))
val argParams = mutable.HashMap[String, NDArray]()
val auxParams = mutable.HashMap[String, NDArray]()
for ((k, v) <- saveDict._1 zip saveDict._2) {
val splitted = k.split(":", 2)
val tp = splitted(0)
val name = splitted(1)
if (tp == "arg") {
argParams(name) = v
} else if (tp == "aux") {
auxParams(name) = v
(symbol, argParams.toMap, auxParams.toMap)
// a helper class for serializing model
class SerializedModel private[mxnet] (
val symbol: String,
val argParams: Map[String, Array[Byte]],
val auxParams: Map[String, Array[Byte]]) extends Serializable
private[mxnet] def serialize(symbol: Symbol,
argParams: Map[String, NDArray],
auxParams: Map[String, NDArray]): Array[Byte] = {
val serializedModel = new SerializedModel(
symbol.toJson, { case (k, v) => (k, v.serialize()) }, { case (k, v) => (k, v.serialize()) }
private[mxnet] def deserialize(bytes: Array[Byte]):
(Symbol, Map[String, NDArray], Map[String, NDArray]) = {
val model = Serializer.getSerializer.deserialize[SerializedModel](ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes))
val symbol = Symbol.loadJson(model.symbol)
val argParams = { case (k, v) =>
(k, NDArray.deserialize(v))
val auxParams = { case (k, v) =>
(k, NDArray.deserialize(v))
(symbol, argParams, auxParams)
* Create kvstore
* This function select and create a proper kvstore given the kvstore type
* @param kvStore KVStore type
* @param numDevice The number of devices
* @param argParams Model parameter, dict of name to NDArray of net's weights.
* @return Option of created [[KVStore]] and whether or not update weight on it
private[mxnet] def createKVStore(kvStore: String,
numDevice: Int,
argParams: Map[String, NDArray]): (Option[KVStore], Boolean) = {
if (numDevice == 1 && !kvStore.contains("dist")) {
// no need to use kv for single device and single machine
(None, false)
} else {
var kvType = kvStore
if (kvType == "local") {
// automatically select a proper local
val maxSize =
kvType =
if (maxSize < 1024 * 1024 * 16) {
} else {
}"Auto - select kvstore type = $kvType")
(Option(KVStore.create(kvType)), !kvType.contains("local_allreduce"))
* Create a kvStore (wrap it with Option, None if given kvStore == null)
* @param kvStore KVStore
* @return Option of created [[KVStore]] and whether or not update weight on it
private[mxnet] def createKVStore(kvStore: KVStore): (Option[KVStore], Boolean) = {
(Option(kvStore), kvStore != null && !kvStore.`type`.contains("local_allreduce"))
// Initialize kvstore
private[mxnet] def initializeKVStore(kvStore: KVStore,
paramArrays: IndexedSeq[Array[NDArray]],
argParams: Map[String, NDArray],
paramNames: IndexedSeq[String],
updateOnKVStore: Boolean): Unit = {
require(paramArrays.length == paramNames.length,
s"Provided parameter arrays does not match parameter names")
for (idx <- 0 until paramArrays.length) {
val paramOnDevs = paramArrays(idx)
val name = paramNames(idx)
kvStore.init(name, argParams(paramNames(idx)))
if (updateOnKVStore) {
kvStore.pull(name, paramOnDevs, -idx)
// Perform update of param_arrays from grad_arrays on kvstore
private[mxnet] def updateParamsOnKVStore(paramArrays: IndexedSeq[Array[NDArray]],
gradArrays: IndexedSeq[Array[NDArray]],
kvStore: Option[KVStore],
paramNames: IndexedSeq[String]): Unit = {
(paramArrays zip gradArrays).zipWithIndex.foreach { case ((argList, gradList), index) =>
if (gradList != null) {
val name = paramNames(index)
// push gradient, priority is negative index
kvStore.foreach(_.push(name, gradList, -index))
// pull back the weights
kvStore.foreach(_.pull(name, argList, -index))
// Perform update of param_arrays from grad_arrays not on kvstore
private[mxnet] def updateParams(paramArrays: IndexedSeq[Array[NDArray]],
gradArrays: IndexedSeq[Array[NDArray]],
updater: MXKVStoreUpdater,
numDevice: Int,
paramNames: IndexedSeq[String],
kvStore: Option[KVStore] = None) {
(paramArrays zip gradArrays).zipWithIndex.foreach { case ((argList, gradList), index) =>
if (gradList != null) {
kvStore.foreach(kv => {
val name = paramNames(index)
// push gradient, priority is negative index
kv.push(name, gradList, -index)
// pull back the sum gradients, to the same locations.
kv.pull(name, gradList, -index)
(argList zip gradList).zipWithIndex.foreach { case ((w: NDArray, g: NDArray), k: Int) =>
// faked an index here, to make optimizer create diff
// state for the same index but on diff devs,
// (copy from python package) TODO(mli) use a better solution latter
updater.update(index * numDevice + k, g, w)
* Internal training function on multiple devices.
* This function will also work for single device as well.
* @param symbol The network configuration
* @param ctx The training devices.
* @param argNames Name of all arguments of the network.
* @param paramNames Name of all trainable parameters of the network.
* @param auxNames Name of all auxiliary states of the network.
* @param argParams Model parameter, dict of name to NDArray of net's weights.
* @param auxParams Model parameter, dict of name to NDArray of net's auxiliary states.
* @param beginEpoch The begining training epoch.
* @param endEpoch The end training epoch.
* @param epochSize Number of batches in a epoch.
* In default, it is set to ceil(num_train_examples / batch_size)
* @param optimizer The optimization algorithm
* @param kvStore The KVStore
* @param updateOnKVStore whether or not perform weight updating on kvstore
* @param trainData Training data iterator.
* @param evalData Validation data iterator.
* @param evalMetric A evaluation function.
* @param epochEndCallback A callback that is invoked at end of each epoch.
* This can be used to checkpoint model each epoch.
* @param batchEndCallback A callback that is invoked at end of each batch.
* This can be used to measure speed,
* get result from evaluation metric. etc.
* @param workLoadList The list of work load for different devices, in the same order as ctx
* @param monitor Monitor outputs, weights, and gradients for debugging
* @note This function will inplace update the NDArrays in argParams and auxStates.
// scalastyle:off parameterNum
private[mxnet] def trainMultiDevice(symbol: Symbol, ctx: Array[Context],
argNames: IndexedSeq[String], paramNames: IndexedSeq[String],
auxNames: IndexedSeq[String], argParams: Map[String, NDArray],
auxParams: Map[String, NDArray],
beginEpoch: Int, endEpoch: Int, epochSize: Int,
optimizer: Optimizer,
kvStore: Option[KVStore], updateOnKVStore: Boolean,
trainData: DataIter,
evalData: Option[DataIter] = None,
evalMetric: EvalMetric,
epochEndCallback: Option[EpochEndCallback] = None,
batchEndCallback: Option[BatchEndCallback] = None,
workLoadList: Seq[Float] = Nil,
monitor: Option[Monitor] = None,
symGen: SymbolGenerator = null): Unit = {
ResourceScope.using() {
val executorManager = new DataParallelExecutorManager(
symbol = symbol,
symGen = symGen,
ctx = ctx,
trainData = trainData,
paramNames = paramNames,
argNames = argNames,
auxNames = auxNames,
workLoadList = workLoadList)
executorManager.setParams(argParams, auxParams)
// updater for updateOnKVStore = false
val updaterLocal = Optimizer.getUpdater(optimizer)
kvStore.foreach(initializeKVStore(_, executorManager.paramArrays,
argParams, executorManager.paramNames, updateOnKVStore))
if (updateOnKVStore) {
// Now start training
for (epoch <- beginEpoch until endEpoch) {
// Training phase
val tic = System.currentTimeMillis
var nBatch = 0
var epochDone = false
// Iterate over training data.
ResourceScope.using() {
while (!epochDone) {
var doReset = true
while (doReset && trainData.hasNext) {
val dataBatch =
executorManager.forward(isTrain = true)
if (updateOnKVStore) {
kvStore, executorManager.paramNames)
} else {
updaterLocal, ctx.length,
// evaluate at end, so out_cpu_array can lazy copy
executorManager.updateMetric(evalMetric, dataBatch.label)
nBatch += 1
batchEndCallback.foreach(_.invoke(epoch, nBatch, evalMetric))
// this epoch is done possibly earlier
if (epochSize != -1 && nBatch >= epochSize) {
doReset = false
if (doReset) {
// this epoch is done
epochDone = (epochSize == -1 || nBatch >= epochSize)
val (name, value) = evalMetric.get { case (n, v) =>"Epoch[$epoch] Train-$n=$v")
val toc = System.currentTimeMillis"Epoch[$epoch] Time cost=${toc - tic}")
ResourceScope.using() {
evalData.foreach { evalDataIter =>
// TODO: make DataIter implement Iterator
while (evalDataIter.hasNext) {
val evalBatch =
executorManager.forward(isTrain = false)
executorManager.updateMetric(evalMetric, evalBatch.label)
val (name, value) = evalMetric.get { case (n, v) =>"Epoch[$epoch] Validation-$n=$v")
if (epochEndCallback.isDefined || epoch + 1 == endEpoch) {
executorManager.copyTo(argParams, auxParams)
epochEndCallback.foreach(_.invoke(epoch, symbol, argParams, auxParams))
// scalastyle:on parameterNum
trait EpochEndCallback {
def invoke(epoch: Int, symbol: Symbol,
argParams: Map[String, NDArray],
auxStates: Map[String, NDArray]): Unit
trait BatchEndCallback {
def invoke(epoch: Int, nBatch: Int, evalMetric: EvalMetric)
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