org.tensorflow.lite.NativeInterpreterWrapper Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.tensorflow.lite;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* A wrapper wraps native interpreter and controls model execution.
* WARNING: Resources consumed by the {@code NativeInterpreterWrapper} object must be
* explicitly freed by invoking the {@link #close()} method when the {@code
* NativeInterpreterWrapper} object is no longer needed.
final class NativeInterpreterWrapper implements AutoCloseable {
NativeInterpreterWrapper(String modelPath) {
this(modelPath, /* numThreads= */ -1);
NativeInterpreterWrapper(String modelPath, int numThreads) {
errorHandle = createErrorReporter(ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE);
modelHandle = createModel(modelPath, errorHandle);
interpreterHandle = createInterpreter(modelHandle, errorHandle, numThreads);
isMemoryAllocated = true;
inputTensors = new Tensor[getInputCount(interpreterHandle)];
outputTensors = new Tensor[getOutputCount(interpreterHandle)];
* Initializes a {@code NativeInterpreterWrapper} with a {@code ByteBuffer}. The ByteBuffer should
* not be modified after the construction of a {@code NativeInterpreterWrapper}. The {@code
* ByteBuffer} can be either a {@code MappedByteBuffer} that memory-maps a model file, or a direct
* {@code ByteBuffer} of nativeOrder() that contains the bytes content of a model.
NativeInterpreterWrapper(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
this(byteBuffer, /* numThreads= */ -1);
* Initializes a {@code NativeInterpreterWrapper} with a {@code ByteBuffer} and specifies the
* number of inference threads. The ByteBuffer should not be modified after the construction of a
* {@code NativeInterpreterWrapper}. The {@code ByteBuffer} can be either a {@code
* MappedByteBuffer} that memory-maps a model file, or a direct {@code ByteBuffer} of
* nativeOrder() that contains the bytes content of a model.
NativeInterpreterWrapper(ByteBuffer buffer, int numThreads) {
if (buffer == null
|| (!(buffer instanceof MappedByteBuffer)
&& (!buffer.isDirect() || buffer.order() != ByteOrder.nativeOrder()))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Model ByteBuffer should be either a MappedByteBuffer of the model file, or a direct "
+ "ByteBuffer using ByteOrder.nativeOrder() which contains bytes of model content.");
modelByteBuffer = buffer;
errorHandle = createErrorReporter(ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE);
modelHandle = createModelWithBuffer(modelByteBuffer, errorHandle);
interpreterHandle = createInterpreter(modelHandle, errorHandle, numThreads);
isMemoryAllocated = true;
inputTensors = new Tensor[getInputCount(interpreterHandle)];
outputTensors = new Tensor[getOutputCount(interpreterHandle)];
/** Releases resources associated with this {@code NativeInterpreterWrapper}. */
public void close() {
delete(errorHandle, modelHandle, interpreterHandle);
errorHandle = 0;
modelHandle = 0;
interpreterHandle = 0;
modelByteBuffer = null;
inputsIndexes = null;
outputsIndexes = null;
isMemoryAllocated = false;
Arrays.fill(inputTensors, null);
Arrays.fill(outputTensors, null);
/** Sets inputs, runs model inference and returns outputs. */
void run(Object[] inputs, Map outputs) {
inferenceDurationNanoseconds = -1;
if (inputs == null || inputs.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input error: Inputs should not be null or empty.");
if (outputs == null || outputs.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input error: Outputs should not be null or empty.");
// TODO(b/80431971): Remove implicit resize after deprecating multi-dimensional array inputs.
// Rather than forcing an immediate resize + allocation if an input's shape differs, we first
// flush all resizes, avoiding redundant allocations.
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
Tensor tensor = getInputTensor(i);
int[] newShape = tensor.getInputShapeIfDifferent(inputs[i]);
if (newShape != null) {
resizeInput(i, newShape);
boolean needsAllocation = !isMemoryAllocated;
if (needsAllocation) {
allocateTensors(interpreterHandle, errorHandle);
isMemoryAllocated = true;
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
long inferenceStartNanos = System.nanoTime();
run(interpreterHandle, errorHandle);
long inferenceDurationNanoseconds = System.nanoTime() - inferenceStartNanos;
// Allocation can trigger dynamic resizing of output tensors, so refresh all output shapes.
if (needsAllocation) {
for (int i = 0; i < outputTensors.length; ++i) {
if (outputTensors[i] != null) {
for (Map.Entry output : outputs.entrySet()) {
// Only set if the entire operation succeeds.
this.inferenceDurationNanoseconds = inferenceDurationNanoseconds;
private static native boolean run(long interpreterHandle, long errorHandle);
/** Resizes dimensions of a specific input. */
void resizeInput(int idx, int[] dims) {
if (resizeInput(interpreterHandle, errorHandle, idx, dims)) {
isMemoryAllocated = false;
if (inputTensors[idx] != null) {
private static native boolean resizeInput(
long interpreterHandle, long errorHandle, int inputIdx, int[] dims);
void setUseNNAPI(boolean useNNAPI) {
useNNAPI(interpreterHandle, useNNAPI);
void setNumThreads(int numThreads) {
numThreads(interpreterHandle, numThreads);
/** Gets index of an input given its name. */
int getInputIndex(String name) {
if (inputsIndexes == null) {
String[] names = getInputNames(interpreterHandle);
inputsIndexes = new HashMap<>();
if (names != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
inputsIndexes.put(names[i], i);
if (inputsIndexes.containsKey(name)) {
return inputsIndexes.get(name);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Input error: '%s' is not a valid name for any input. Names of inputs and their "
+ "indexes are %s",
name, inputsIndexes.toString()));
/** Gets index of an output given its name. */
int getOutputIndex(String name) {
if (outputsIndexes == null) {
String[] names = getOutputNames(interpreterHandle);
outputsIndexes = new HashMap<>();
if (names != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
outputsIndexes.put(names[i], i);
if (outputsIndexes.containsKey(name)) {
return outputsIndexes.get(name);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Input error: '%s' is not a valid name for any output. Names of outputs and their "
+ "indexes are %s",
name, outputsIndexes.toString()));
* Gets the last inference duration in nanoseconds. It returns null if there is no previous
* inference run or the last inference run failed.
Long getLastNativeInferenceDurationNanoseconds() {
return (inferenceDurationNanoseconds < 0) ? null : inferenceDurationNanoseconds;
* Gets the quantization zero point of an output.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the output index is invalid.
int getOutputQuantizationZeroPoint(int index) {
return getOutputQuantizationZeroPoint(interpreterHandle, index);
* Gets the quantization scale of an output.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the output index is invalid.
float getOutputQuantizationScale(int index) {
return getOutputQuantizationScale(interpreterHandle, index);
/** Gets the number of input tensors. */
int getInputTensorCount() {
return inputTensors.length;
* Gets the input {@link Tensor} for the provided input index.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input index is invalid.
Tensor getInputTensor(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= inputTensors.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid input Tensor index: " + index);
Tensor inputTensor = inputTensors[index];
if (inputTensor == null) {
inputTensor =
inputTensors[index] = Tensor.fromHandle(getInputTensor(interpreterHandle, index));
return inputTensor;
/** Gets the number of output tensors. */
int getOutputTensorCount() {
return inputTensors.length;
* Gets the output {@link Tensor} for the provided output index.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the output index is invalid.
Tensor getOutputTensor(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= outputTensors.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid output Tensor index: " + index);
Tensor outputTensor = outputTensors[index];
if (outputTensor == null) {
outputTensor =
outputTensors[index] = Tensor.fromHandle(getOutputTensor(interpreterHandle, index));
return outputTensor;
private static native int getOutputDataType(long interpreterHandle, int outputIdx);
private static native int getOutputQuantizationZeroPoint(long interpreterHandle, int outputIdx);
private static native float getOutputQuantizationScale(long interpreterHandle, int outputIdx);
private static final int ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE = 512;
private long errorHandle;
private long interpreterHandle;
private long modelHandle;
private long inferenceDurationNanoseconds = -1;
private ByteBuffer modelByteBuffer;
// Lazily constructed maps of input and output names to input and output Tensor indexes.
private Map inputsIndexes;
private Map outputsIndexes;
// Lazily constructed and populated arrays of input and output Tensor wrappers.
private final Tensor[] inputTensors;
private final Tensor[] outputTensors;
private boolean isMemoryAllocated = false;
private static native long allocateTensors(long interpreterHandle, long errorHandle);
private static native long getInputTensor(long interpreterHandle, int inputIdx);
private static native long getOutputTensor(long interpreterHandle, int outputIdx);
private static native int getInputCount(long interpreterHandle);
private static native int getOutputCount(long interpreterHandle);
private static native String[] getInputNames(long interpreterHandle);
private static native String[] getOutputNames(long interpreterHandle);
private static native void useNNAPI(long interpreterHandle, boolean state);
private static native void numThreads(long interpreterHandle, int numThreads);
private static native long createErrorReporter(int size);
private static native long createModel(String modelPathOrBuffer, long errorHandle);
private static native long createModelWithBuffer(ByteBuffer modelBuffer, long errorHandle);
private static native long createInterpreter(long modelHandle, long errorHandle, int numThreads);
private static native void delete(long errorHandle, long modelHandle, long interpreterHandle);
static {