org.bytedeco.javacpp.tensorflow Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.4.1: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
package org.bytedeco.javacpp;
import java.nio.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
public class tensorflow extends org.bytedeco.javacpp.helper.tensorflow {
static { Loader.load(); }
@Name("tensorflow::gtl::InlinedVector") public static class AllocatorAttributesVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public AllocatorAttributesVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public AllocatorAttributesVector() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef AllocatorAttributesVector put(@ByRef AllocatorAttributesVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
@Index(function = "at") public native @ByRef AllocatorAttributes get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native AllocatorAttributesVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, AllocatorAttributes value);
@Name("tensorflow::gtl::InlinedVector") public static class AllocRecordVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public AllocRecordVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public AllocRecordVector() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef AllocRecordVector put(@ByRef AllocRecordVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
@Index(function = "at") public native @ByRef AllocRecord get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native AllocRecordVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, AllocRecord value);
@Name("tensorflow::gtl::InlinedVector") public static class DeviceContextInlinedVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public DeviceContextInlinedVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public DeviceContextInlinedVector() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef DeviceContextInlinedVector put(@ByRef DeviceContextInlinedVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
@Index(function = "at") public native DeviceContext get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native DeviceContextInlinedVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, DeviceContext value);
@Name("tensorflow::gtl::InlinedVector") public static class DeviceTypeVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public DeviceTypeVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public DeviceTypeVector() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef DeviceTypeVector put(@ByRef DeviceTypeVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
@Index(function = "at") public native @ByRef DeviceType get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native DeviceTypeVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, DeviceType value);
@Name("tensorflow::gtl::InlinedVector") public static class TensorValueVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public TensorValueVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public TensorValueVector() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef TensorValueVector put(@ByRef TensorValueVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
@Index(function = "at") public native @ByRef TensorValue get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native TensorValueVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, TensorValue value);
@Name("tensorflow::gtl::InlinedVector") public static class WrappedAllocatorVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public WrappedAllocatorVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public WrappedAllocatorVector() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef WrappedAllocatorVector put(@ByRef WrappedAllocatorVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
@Index(function = "at") public native @ByRef WrappedAllocator get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native WrappedAllocatorVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, WrappedAllocator value);
@Name("tensorflow::gtl::InlinedVector") public static class LongVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public LongVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public LongVector() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef LongVector put(@ByRef LongVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
@Index(function = "at") public native @Cast("tensorflow::int64") long get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native LongVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, long value);
@Name("tensorflow::gtl::InlinedVector") public static class DataTypeVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public DataTypeVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public DataTypeVector() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef DataTypeVector put(@ByRef DataTypeVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
@Index(function = "at") public native @Cast("tensorflow::DataType") int get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native DataTypeVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, int value);
@Name("google::protobuf::Map") public static class StringAttrValueMap extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public StringAttrValueMap(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public StringAttrValueMap() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef StringAttrValueMap put(@ByRef StringAttrValueMap x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
@Index(function = "at") public native @ByRef AttrValue get(@StdString BytePointer i);
public native StringAttrValueMap put(@StdString BytePointer i, AttrValue value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*().first") @MemberGetter @StdString BytePointer first();
public native @Name("operator*().second") @MemberGetter @ByRef @Const AttrValue second();
@Name("tensorflow::gtl::FlatMap,tensorflow::hash >") public static class NameRangeMap extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public NameRangeMap(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public NameRangeMap() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef NameRangeMap put(@ByRef NameRangeMap x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
@Index(function = "at") public native int first(@StringPiece BytePointer i); public native NameRangeMap first(@StringPiece BytePointer i, int first);
@Index(function = "at") public native int second(@StringPiece BytePointer i); public native NameRangeMap second(@StringPiece BytePointer i, int second);
@Name("std::map") public static class TensorIdTensorIdMap extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public TensorIdTensorIdMap(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public TensorIdTensorIdMap() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef TensorIdTensorIdMap put(@ByRef TensorIdTensorIdMap x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
@Index(function = "at") public native @ByRef TensorId get(@ByRef TensorId i);
public native TensorIdTensorIdMap put(@ByRef TensorId i, TensorId value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*().first") @MemberGetter @ByRef @Const TensorId first();
public native @Name("operator*().second") @MemberGetter @ByRef @Const TensorId second();
@Name("std::vector") public static class StringPieceVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public StringPieceVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public StringPieceVector(BytePointer value) { this(1); put(0, value); }
public StringPieceVector(BytePointer ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public StringPieceVector(String value) { this(1); put(0, value); }
public StringPieceVector(String ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public StringPieceVector() { allocate(); }
public StringPieceVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef StringPieceVector put(@ByRef StringPieceVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native @StringPiece BytePointer get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native StringPieceVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, BytePointer value);
@ValueSetter @Index(function = "at") public native StringPieceVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, @StringPiece String value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*") @StringPiece BytePointer get();
public BytePointer[] get() {
BytePointer[] array = new BytePointer[size() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size() : Integer.MAX_VALUE];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = get(i);
return array;
@Override public String toString() {
return java.util.Arrays.toString(get());
public BytePointer pop_back() {
long size = size();
BytePointer value = get(size - 1);
resize(size - 1);
return value;
public StringPieceVector push_back(BytePointer value) {
long size = size();
resize(size + 1);
return put(size, value);
public StringPieceVector put(BytePointer value) {
if (size() != 1) { resize(1); }
return put(0, value);
public StringPieceVector put(BytePointer ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
put(i, array[i]);
return this;
public StringPieceVector push_back(String value) {
long size = size();
resize(size + 1);
return put(size, value);
public StringPieceVector put(String value) {
if (size() != 1) { resize(1); }
return put(0, value);
public StringPieceVector put(String ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
put(i, array[i]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector") public static class StringVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public StringVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public StringVector(BytePointer value) { this(1); put(0, value); }
public StringVector(BytePointer ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public StringVector(String value) { this(1); put(0, value); }
public StringVector(String ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public StringVector() { allocate(); }
public StringVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef StringVector put(@ByRef StringVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native @StdString BytePointer get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native StringVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, BytePointer value);
@ValueSetter @Index(function = "at") public native StringVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, @StdString String value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*") @StdString BytePointer get();
public BytePointer[] get() {
BytePointer[] array = new BytePointer[size() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size() : Integer.MAX_VALUE];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = get(i);
return array;
@Override public String toString() {
return java.util.Arrays.toString(get());
public BytePointer pop_back() {
long size = size();
BytePointer value = get(size - 1);
resize(size - 1);
return value;
public StringVector push_back(BytePointer value) {
long size = size();
resize(size + 1);
return put(size, value);
public StringVector put(BytePointer value) {
if (size() != 1) { resize(1); }
return put(0, value);
public StringVector put(BytePointer ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
put(i, array[i]);
return this;
public StringVector push_back(String value) {
long size = size();
resize(size + 1);
return put(size, value);
public StringVector put(String value) {
if (size() != 1) { resize(1); }
return put(0, value);
public StringVector put(String ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
put(i, array[i]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector >") public static class StringStringPairVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public StringStringPairVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public StringStringPairVector(BytePointer[] firstValue, BytePointer[] secondValue) { this(Math.min(firstValue.length, secondValue.length)); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public StringStringPairVector(String[] firstValue, String[] secondValue) { this(Math.min(firstValue.length, secondValue.length)); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public StringStringPairVector() { allocate(); }
public StringStringPairVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef StringStringPairVector put(@ByRef StringStringPairVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native @StdString BytePointer first(@Cast("size_t") long i); public native StringStringPairVector first(@Cast("size_t") long i, BytePointer first);
@Index(function = "at") public native @StdString BytePointer second(@Cast("size_t") long i); public native StringStringPairVector second(@Cast("size_t") long i, BytePointer second);
@MemberSetter @Index(function = "at") public native StringStringPairVector first(@Cast("size_t") long i, @StdString String first);
@MemberSetter @Index(function = "at") public native StringStringPairVector second(@Cast("size_t") long i, @StdString String second);
public StringStringPairVector put(BytePointer[] firstValue, BytePointer[] secondValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < firstValue.length && i < secondValue.length; i++) {
first(i, firstValue[i]);
second(i, secondValue[i]);
return this;
public StringStringPairVector put(String[] firstValue, String[] secondValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < firstValue.length && i < secondValue.length; i++) {
first(i, firstValue[i]);
second(i, secondValue[i]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector") public static class DeviceVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public DeviceVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public DeviceVector(Device value) { this(1); put(0, value); }
public DeviceVector(Device ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public DeviceVector() { allocate(); }
public DeviceVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef DeviceVector put(@ByRef DeviceVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native Device get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native DeviceVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, Device value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*") @Const Device get();
public Device[] get() {
Device[] array = new Device[size() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size() : Integer.MAX_VALUE];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = get(i);
return array;
@Override public String toString() {
return java.util.Arrays.toString(get());
public Device pop_back() {
long size = size();
Device value = get(size - 1);
resize(size - 1);
return value;
public DeviceVector push_back(Device value) {
long size = size();
resize(size + 1);
return put(size, value);
public DeviceVector put(Device value) {
if (size() != 1) { resize(1); }
return put(0, value);
public DeviceVector put(Device ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
put(i, array[i]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector") public static class DeviceContextVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public DeviceContextVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public DeviceContextVector(DeviceContext value) { this(1); put(0, value); }
public DeviceContextVector(DeviceContext ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public DeviceContextVector() { allocate(); }
public DeviceContextVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef DeviceContextVector put(@ByRef DeviceContextVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native DeviceContext get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native DeviceContextVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, DeviceContext value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*") @Const DeviceContext get();
public DeviceContext[] get() {
DeviceContext[] array = new DeviceContext[size() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size() : Integer.MAX_VALUE];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = get(i);
return array;
@Override public String toString() {
return java.util.Arrays.toString(get());
public DeviceContext pop_back() {
long size = size();
DeviceContext value = get(size - 1);
resize(size - 1);
return value;
public DeviceContextVector push_back(DeviceContext value) {
long size = size();
resize(size + 1);
return put(size, value);
public DeviceContextVector put(DeviceContext value) {
if (size() != 1) { resize(1); }
return put(0, value);
public DeviceContextVector put(DeviceContext ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
put(i, array[i]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector") public static class TensorVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public TensorVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public TensorVector(Tensor value) { this(1); put(0, value); }
public TensorVector(Tensor ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public TensorVector() { allocate(); }
public TensorVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef TensorVector put(@ByRef TensorVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native @ByRef Tensor get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native TensorVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, Tensor value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*") @ByRef @Const Tensor get();
public Tensor[] get() {
Tensor[] array = new Tensor[size() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size() : Integer.MAX_VALUE];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = get(i);
return array;
@Override public String toString() {
return java.util.Arrays.toString(get());
public Tensor pop_back() {
long size = size();
Tensor value = get(size - 1);
resize(size - 1);
return value;
public TensorVector push_back(Tensor value) {
long size = size();
resize(size + 1);
return put(size, value);
public TensorVector put(Tensor value) {
if (size() != 1) { resize(1); }
return put(0, value);
public TensorVector put(Tensor ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
put(i, array[i]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector") public static class TensorProtoVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public TensorProtoVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public TensorProtoVector(TensorProto value) { this(1); put(0, value); }
public TensorProtoVector(TensorProto ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public TensorProtoVector() { allocate(); }
public TensorProtoVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef TensorProtoVector put(@ByRef TensorProtoVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native @ByRef TensorProto get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native TensorProtoVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, TensorProto value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*") @ByRef @Const TensorProto get();
public TensorProto[] get() {
TensorProto[] array = new TensorProto[size() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size() : Integer.MAX_VALUE];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = get(i);
return array;
@Override public String toString() {
return java.util.Arrays.toString(get());
public TensorProto pop_back() {
long size = size();
TensorProto value = get(size - 1);
resize(size - 1);
return value;
public TensorProtoVector push_back(TensorProto value) {
long size = size();
resize(size + 1);
return put(size, value);
public TensorProtoVector put(TensorProto value) {
if (size() != 1) { resize(1); }
return put(0, value);
public TensorProtoVector put(TensorProto ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
put(i, array[i]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector") public static class TensorShapeVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public TensorShapeVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public TensorShapeVector(TensorShape value) { this(1); put(0, value); }
public TensorShapeVector(TensorShape ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public TensorShapeVector() { allocate(); }
public TensorShapeVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef TensorShapeVector put(@ByRef TensorShapeVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native @ByRef TensorShape get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native TensorShapeVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, TensorShape value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*") @ByRef @Const TensorShape get();
public TensorShape[] get() {
TensorShape[] array = new TensorShape[size() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size() : Integer.MAX_VALUE];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = get(i);
return array;
@Override public String toString() {
return java.util.Arrays.toString(get());
public TensorShape pop_back() {
long size = size();
TensorShape value = get(size - 1);
resize(size - 1);
return value;
public TensorShapeVector push_back(TensorShape value) {
long size = size();
resize(size + 1);
return put(size, value);
public TensorShapeVector put(TensorShape value) {
if (size() != 1) { resize(1); }
return put(0, value);
public TensorShapeVector put(TensorShape ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
put(i, array[i]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector") public static class NodeOutVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public NodeOutVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public NodeOutVector(NodeBuilder.NodeOut value) { this(1); put(0, value); }
public NodeOutVector(NodeBuilder.NodeOut ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public NodeOutVector() { allocate(); }
public NodeOutVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef NodeOutVector put(@ByRef NodeOutVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native @ByRef NodeBuilder.NodeOut get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native NodeOutVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, NodeBuilder.NodeOut value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*") @ByRef @Const NodeBuilder.NodeOut get();
public NodeBuilder.NodeOut[] get() {
NodeBuilder.NodeOut[] array = new NodeBuilder.NodeOut[size() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size() : Integer.MAX_VALUE];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = get(i);
return array;
@Override public String toString() {
return java.util.Arrays.toString(get());
public NodeBuilder.NodeOut pop_back() {
long size = size();
NodeBuilder.NodeOut value = get(size - 1);
resize(size - 1);
return value;
public NodeOutVector push_back(NodeBuilder.NodeOut value) {
long size = size();
resize(size + 1);
return put(size, value);
public NodeOutVector put(NodeBuilder.NodeOut value) {
if (size() != 1) { resize(1); }
return put(0, value);
public NodeOutVector put(NodeBuilder.NodeOut ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
put(i, array[i]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector") public static class NodeVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public NodeVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public NodeVector(Node value) { this(1); put(0, value); }
public NodeVector(Node ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public NodeVector() { allocate(); }
public NodeVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef NodeVector put(@ByRef NodeVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native Node get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native NodeVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, Node value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*") @Const Node get();
public Node[] get() {
Node[] array = new Node[size() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size() : Integer.MAX_VALUE];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = get(i);
return array;
@Override public String toString() {
return java.util.Arrays.toString(get());
public Node pop_back() {
long size = size();
Node value = get(size - 1);
resize(size - 1);
return value;
public NodeVector push_back(Node value) {
long size = size();
resize(size + 1);
return put(size, value);
public NodeVector put(Node value) {
if (size() != 1) { resize(1); }
return put(0, value);
public NodeVector put(Node ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
put(i, array[i]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector >") public static class NodeIntPairVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public NodeIntPairVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public NodeIntPairVector(Node[] firstValue, int[] secondValue) { this(Math.min(firstValue.length, secondValue.length)); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public NodeIntPairVector() { allocate(); }
public NodeIntPairVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef NodeIntPairVector put(@ByRef NodeIntPairVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native Node first(@Cast("size_t") long i); public native NodeIntPairVector first(@Cast("size_t") long i, Node first);
@Index(function = "at") public native int second(@Cast("size_t") long i); public native NodeIntPairVector second(@Cast("size_t") long i, int second);
public NodeIntPairVector put(Node[] firstValue, int[] secondValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < firstValue.length && i < secondValue.length; i++) {
first(i, firstValue[i]);
second(i, secondValue[i]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector >") public static class StringAttrPairVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public StringAttrPairVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public StringAttrPairVector(BytePointer[] firstValue, FunctionDefHelper.AttrValueWrapper[] secondValue) { this(Math.min(firstValue.length, secondValue.length)); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public StringAttrPairVector(String[] firstValue, FunctionDefHelper.AttrValueWrapper[] secondValue) { this(Math.min(firstValue.length, secondValue.length)); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public StringAttrPairVector() { allocate(); }
public StringAttrPairVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef StringAttrPairVector put(@ByRef StringAttrPairVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native @StdString BytePointer first(@Cast("size_t") long i); public native StringAttrPairVector first(@Cast("size_t") long i, BytePointer first);
@Index(function = "at") public native @ByRef FunctionDefHelper.AttrValueWrapper second(@Cast("size_t") long i); public native StringAttrPairVector second(@Cast("size_t") long i, FunctionDefHelper.AttrValueWrapper second);
@MemberSetter @Index(function = "at") public native StringAttrPairVector first(@Cast("size_t") long i, @StdString String first);
public StringAttrPairVector put(BytePointer[] firstValue, FunctionDefHelper.AttrValueWrapper[] secondValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < firstValue.length && i < secondValue.length; i++) {
first(i, firstValue[i]);
second(i, secondValue[i]);
return this;
public StringAttrPairVector put(String[] firstValue, FunctionDefHelper.AttrValueWrapper[] secondValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < firstValue.length && i < secondValue.length; i++) {
first(i, firstValue[i]);
second(i, secondValue[i]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector") public static class ConstTensorPtrVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ConstTensorPtrVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public ConstTensorPtrVector(Tensor value) { this(1); put(0, value); }
public ConstTensorPtrVector(Tensor ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public ConstTensorPtrVector() { allocate(); }
public ConstTensorPtrVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef ConstTensorPtrVector put(@ByRef ConstTensorPtrVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native @Const Tensor get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native ConstTensorPtrVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, Tensor value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*") @Const Tensor get();
public Tensor[] get() {
Tensor[] array = new Tensor[size() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size() : Integer.MAX_VALUE];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = get(i);
return array;
@Override public String toString() {
return java.util.Arrays.toString(get());
public Tensor pop_back() {
long size = size();
Tensor value = get(size - 1);
resize(size - 1);
return value;
public ConstTensorPtrVector push_back(Tensor value) {
long size = size();
resize(size + 1);
return put(size, value);
public ConstTensorPtrVector put(Tensor value) {
if (size() != 1) { resize(1); }
return put(0, value);
public ConstTensorPtrVector put(Tensor ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
put(i, array[i]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector") public static class ConstDimensionPtrVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ConstDimensionPtrVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public ConstDimensionPtrVector(Dimension value) { this(1); put(0, value); }
public ConstDimensionPtrVector(Dimension ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public ConstDimensionPtrVector() { allocate(); }
public ConstDimensionPtrVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef ConstDimensionPtrVector put(@ByRef ConstDimensionPtrVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native @Const Dimension get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native ConstDimensionPtrVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, Dimension value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*") @Const Dimension get();
public Dimension[] get() {
Dimension[] array = new Dimension[size() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size() : Integer.MAX_VALUE];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = get(i);
return array;
@Override public String toString() {
return java.util.Arrays.toString(get());
public Dimension pop_back() {
long size = size();
Dimension value = get(size - 1);
resize(size - 1);
return value;
public ConstDimensionPtrVector push_back(Dimension value) {
long size = size();
resize(size + 1);
return put(size, value);
public ConstDimensionPtrVector put(Dimension value) {
if (size() != 1) { resize(1); }
return put(0, value);
public ConstDimensionPtrVector put(Dimension ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
put(i, array[i]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector >") public static class StringTensorPairVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public StringTensorPairVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public StringTensorPairVector(BytePointer[] firstValue, Tensor[] secondValue) { this(Math.min(firstValue.length, secondValue.length)); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public StringTensorPairVector(String[] firstValue, Tensor[] secondValue) { this(Math.min(firstValue.length, secondValue.length)); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public StringTensorPairVector() { allocate(); }
public StringTensorPairVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef StringTensorPairVector put(@ByRef StringTensorPairVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native @StdString BytePointer first(@Cast("size_t") long i); public native StringTensorPairVector first(@Cast("size_t") long i, BytePointer first);
@Index(function = "at") public native @ByRef Tensor second(@Cast("size_t") long i); public native StringTensorPairVector second(@Cast("size_t") long i, Tensor second);
@MemberSetter @Index(function = "at") public native StringTensorPairVector first(@Cast("size_t") long i, @StdString String first);
public StringTensorPairVector put(BytePointer[] firstValue, Tensor[] secondValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < firstValue.length && i < secondValue.length; i++) {
first(i, firstValue[i]);
second(i, secondValue[i]);
return this;
public StringTensorPairVector put(String[] firstValue, Tensor[] secondValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < firstValue.length && i < secondValue.length; i++) {
first(i, firstValue[i]);
second(i, secondValue[i]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector") public static class EdgeVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public EdgeVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public EdgeVector(Edge value) { this(1); put(0, value); }
public EdgeVector(Edge ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public EdgeVector() { allocate(); }
public EdgeVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef EdgeVector put(@ByRef EdgeVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native Edge get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native EdgeVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, Edge value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*") @Const Edge get();
public Edge[] get() {
Edge[] array = new Edge[size() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size() : Integer.MAX_VALUE];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = get(i);
return array;
@Override public String toString() {
return java.util.Arrays.toString(get());
public Edge pop_back() {
long size = size();
Edge value = get(size - 1);
resize(size - 1);
return value;
public EdgeVector push_back(Edge value) {
long size = size();
resize(size + 1);
return put(size, value);
public EdgeVector put(Edge value) {
if (size() != 1) { resize(1); }
return put(0, value);
public EdgeVector put(Edge ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
put(i, array[i]);
return this;
@NoOffset @Name("std::pair") public static class WrappedAllocator extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public WrappedAllocator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public WrappedAllocator(Allocator firstValue, TrackingAllocator secondValue) { this(); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public WrappedAllocator() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef WrappedAllocator put(@ByRef WrappedAllocator x);
@MemberGetter public native Allocator first(); public native WrappedAllocator first(Allocator first);
@MemberGetter public native TrackingAllocator second(); public native WrappedAllocator second(TrackingAllocator second);
public WrappedAllocator put(Allocator firstValue, TrackingAllocator secondValue) {
return this;
@NoOffset @Name("std::pair") public static class ShapeHandlePair extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ShapeHandlePair(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public ShapeHandlePair(ShapeHandle firstValue, ShapeHandle secondValue) { this(); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public ShapeHandlePair() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef ShapeHandlePair put(@ByRef ShapeHandlePair x);
@MemberGetter public native @ByRef ShapeHandle first(); public native ShapeHandlePair first(ShapeHandle first);
@MemberGetter public native @ByRef ShapeHandle second(); public native ShapeHandlePair second(ShapeHandle second);
public ShapeHandlePair put(ShapeHandle firstValue, ShapeHandle secondValue) {
return this;
@NoOffset @Name("std::pair") public static class DimensionHandlePair extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public DimensionHandlePair(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public DimensionHandlePair(DimensionHandle firstValue, DimensionHandle secondValue) { this(); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public DimensionHandlePair() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef DimensionHandlePair put(@ByRef DimensionHandlePair x);
@MemberGetter public native @ByRef DimensionHandle first(); public native DimensionHandlePair first(DimensionHandle first);
@MemberGetter public native @ByRef DimensionHandle second(); public native DimensionHandlePair second(DimensionHandle second);
public DimensionHandlePair put(DimensionHandle firstValue, DimensionHandle secondValue) {
return this;
@NoOffset @Name("std::pair") public static class EdgeSetBoolPair extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public EdgeSetBoolPair(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public EdgeSetBoolPair(EdgeSetIterator firstValue, boolean secondValue) { this(); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public EdgeSetBoolPair() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef EdgeSetBoolPair put(@ByRef EdgeSetBoolPair x);
@MemberGetter public native @ByRef EdgeSetIterator first(); public native EdgeSetBoolPair first(EdgeSetIterator first);
@MemberGetter public native @Cast("bool") boolean second(); public native EdgeSetBoolPair second(boolean second);
public EdgeSetBoolPair put(EdgeSetIterator firstValue, boolean secondValue) {
return this;
@NoOffset @Name("std::pair") public static class StringPieceIntPair extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public StringPieceIntPair(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public StringPieceIntPair(BytePointer firstValue, int secondValue) { this(); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public StringPieceIntPair(String firstValue, int secondValue) { this(); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public StringPieceIntPair() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef StringPieceIntPair put(@ByRef StringPieceIntPair x);
@MemberGetter public native @StringPiece BytePointer first(); public native StringPieceIntPair first(BytePointer first);
@MemberGetter public native int second(); public native StringPieceIntPair second(int second);
@MemberSetter @Index(function = "at") public native StringPieceIntPair first(@StringPiece String first);
public StringPieceIntPair put(BytePointer firstValue, int secondValue) {
return this;
public StringPieceIntPair put(String firstValue, int secondValue) {
return this;
@NoOffset @Name("std::pair") public static class TensorSlideStringPair extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public TensorSlideStringPair(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public TensorSlideStringPair(TensorSlice firstValue, BytePointer secondValue) { this(); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public TensorSlideStringPair(TensorSlice firstValue, String secondValue) { this(); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public TensorSlideStringPair() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef TensorSlideStringPair put(@ByRef TensorSlideStringPair x);
@MemberGetter public native @ByRef TensorSlice first(); public native TensorSlideStringPair first(TensorSlice first);
@MemberGetter public native @StdString BytePointer second(); public native TensorSlideStringPair second(BytePointer second);
@MemberSetter @Index(function = "at") public native TensorSlideStringPair second(@StdString String second);
public TensorSlideStringPair put(TensorSlice firstValue, BytePointer secondValue) {
return this;
public TensorSlideStringPair put(TensorSlice firstValue, String secondValue) {
return this;
@NoOffset @Name("std::pair") public static class NodeIndexPair extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public NodeIndexPair(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public NodeIndexPair(Node firstValue, int secondValue) { this(); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public NodeIndexPair() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef NodeIndexPair put(@ByRef NodeIndexPair x);
@MemberGetter public native Node first(); public native NodeIndexPair first(Node first);
@MemberGetter public native @Cast("tensorflow::ImportGraphDefResults::Index") int second(); public native NodeIndexPair second(int second);
public NodeIndexPair put(Node firstValue, int secondValue) {
return this;
@Name("std::unordered_map") public static class StringSliceInfoMap extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public StringSliceInfoMap(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public StringSliceInfoMap() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef StringSliceInfoMap put(@ByRef StringSliceInfoMap x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
@Index(function = "at") public native @ByRef TensorSliceSet.SliceInfo get(@StdString BytePointer i);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*().first") @MemberGetter @StdString BytePointer first();
public native @Name("operator*().second") @MemberGetter @ByRef @Const TensorSliceSet.SliceInfo second();
@Name("std::unordered_map") public static class VarToShapeMap extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public VarToShapeMap(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public VarToShapeMap() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef VarToShapeMap put(@ByRef VarToShapeMap x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
@Index(function = "at") public native @ByRef TensorShape get(@StdString BytePointer i);
public native VarToShapeMap put(@StdString BytePointer i, TensorShape value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*().first") @MemberGetter @StdString BytePointer first();
public native @Name("operator*().second") @MemberGetter @ByRef @Const TensorShape second();
@Name("std::unordered_map") public static class VarToDataTypeMap extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public VarToDataTypeMap(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public VarToDataTypeMap() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef VarToDataTypeMap put(@ByRef VarToDataTypeMap x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
@Index(function = "at") public native @Cast("tensorflow::DataType") int get(@StdString BytePointer i);
public native VarToDataTypeMap put(@StdString BytePointer i, int value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*().first") @MemberGetter @StdString BytePointer first();
public native @Name("operator*().second") @MemberGetter @Cast("tensorflow::DataType") int second();
@Name("std::unordered_map") public static class StringTensorSliceSetMap extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public StringTensorSliceSetMap(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public StringTensorSliceSetMap() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef StringTensorSliceSetMap put(@ByRef StringTensorSliceSetMap x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
@Index(function = "at") public native TensorSliceSet get(@StdString BytePointer i);
public native StringTensorSliceSetMap put(@StdString BytePointer i, TensorSliceSet value);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*().first") @MemberGetter @StdString BytePointer first();
public native @Name("operator*().second") @MemberGetter @Const TensorSliceSet second();
@Name("std::unordered_set") public static class StringSet extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public StringSet(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public StringSet() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef StringSet put(@ByRef StringSet x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*") @StdString BytePointer get();
// Parsed from google/protobuf/message_lite.h
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
// Authors: [email protected] (Wink Saville),
// [email protected] (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
// Defines MessageLite, the abstract interface implemented by all (lite
// and non-lite) protocol message objects.
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("google::protobuf") @Opaque public static class Arena extends Pointer {
/** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
public Arena() { super((Pointer)null); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Arena(Pointer p) { super(p); }
@Namespace("google::protobuf::io") @Opaque public static class CodedInputStream extends Pointer {
/** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
public CodedInputStream() { super((Pointer)null); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public CodedInputStream(Pointer p) { super(p); }
@Namespace("google::protobuf::io") @Opaque public static class CodedOutputStream extends Pointer {
/** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
public CodedOutputStream() { super((Pointer)null); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public CodedOutputStream(Pointer p) { super(p); }
@Namespace("google::protobuf::io") @Opaque public static class ZeroCopyInputStream extends Pointer {
/** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
public ZeroCopyInputStream() { super((Pointer)null); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ZeroCopyInputStream(Pointer p) { super(p); }
@Namespace("google::protobuf::io") @Opaque public static class ZeroCopyOutputStream extends Pointer {
/** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
public ZeroCopyOutputStream() { super((Pointer)null); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ZeroCopyOutputStream(Pointer p) { super(p); }
@Namespace("google::protobuf::internal") @Opaque public static class RepeatedPtrFieldBase extends Pointer {
/** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
public RepeatedPtrFieldBase() { super((Pointer)null); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public RepeatedPtrFieldBase(Pointer p) { super(p); }
@Namespace("google::protobuf::internal") @Opaque public static class WireFormatLite extends Pointer {
/** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
public WireFormatLite() { super((Pointer)null); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public WireFormatLite(Pointer p) { super(p); }
// #ifndef SWIG
// #endif // SWIG
// namespace internal
// Interface to light weight protocol messages.
// This interface is implemented by all protocol message objects. Non-lite
// messages additionally implement the Message interface, which is a
// subclass of MessageLite. Use MessageLite instead when you only need
// the subset of features which it supports -- namely, nothing that uses
// descriptors or reflection. You can instruct the protocol compiler
// to generate classes which implement only MessageLite, not the full
// Message interface, by adding the following line to the .proto file:
// option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// This is particularly useful on resource-constrained systems where
// the full protocol buffers runtime library is too big.
// Note that on non-constrained systems (e.g. servers) when you need
// to link in lots of protocol definitions, a better way to reduce
// total code footprint is to use optimize_for = CODE_SIZE. This
// will make the generated code smaller while still supporting all the
// same features (at the expense of speed). optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME
// is best when you only have a small number of message types linked
// into your binary, in which case the size of the protocol buffers
// runtime itself is the biggest problem.
@Namespace("google::protobuf") public static class MessageLite extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public MessageLite(Pointer p) { super(p); }
// Basic Operations ------------------------------------------------
// Get the name of this message type, e.g. "".
public native @StdString BytePointer GetTypeName();
// Construct a new instance of the same type. Ownership is passed to the
// caller.
public native MessageLite New();
// Construct a new instance on the arena. Ownership is passed to the caller
// if arena is a NULL. Default implementation for backwards compatibility.
public native MessageLite New(Arena arena);
// Get the arena, if any, associated with this message. Virtual method
// required for generic operations but most arena-related operations should
// use the GetArenaNoVirtual() generated-code method. Default implementation
// to reduce code size by avoiding the need for per-type implementations
// when types do not implement arena support.
public native Arena GetArena();
// Get a pointer that may be equal to this message's arena, or may not be.
// If the value returned by this method is equal to some arena pointer, then
// this message is on that arena; however, if this message is on some arena,
// this method may or may not return that arena's pointer. As a tradeoff,
// this method may be more efficient than GetArena(). The intent is to allow
// underlying representations that use e.g. tagged pointers to sometimes
// store the arena pointer directly, and sometimes in a more indirect way,
// and allow a fastpath comparison against the arena pointer when it's easy
// to obtain.
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
// Clear all fields of the message and set them to their default values.
// Clear() avoids freeing memory, assuming that any memory allocated
// to hold parts of the message will be needed again to hold the next
// message. If you actually want to free the memory used by a Message,
// you must delete it.
public native void Clear();
// Quickly check if all required fields have values set.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
// This is not implemented for Lite messages -- it just returns "(cannot
// determine missing fields for lite message)". However, it is implemented
// for full messages. See message.h.
public native @StdString BytePointer InitializationErrorString();
// If |other| is the exact same class as this, calls MergeFrom(). Otherwise,
// results are undefined (probably crash).
public native void CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(@Const @ByRef MessageLite other);
// Parsing ---------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for parsing in protocol buffer format. Most of these are
// just simple wrappers around MergeFromCodedStream(). Clear() will be
// called before merging the input.
// Fill the message with a protocol buffer parsed from the given input
// stream. Returns false on a read error or if the input is in the wrong
// format. A successful return does not indicate the entire input is
// consumed, ensure you call ConsumedEntireMessage() to check that if
// applicable.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean ParseFromCodedStream(CodedInputStream input);
// Like ParseFromCodedStream(), but accepts messages that are missing
// required fields.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean ParsePartialFromCodedStream(CodedInputStream input);
// Read a protocol buffer from the given zero-copy input stream. If
// successful, the entire input will be consumed.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean ParseFromZeroCopyStream(ZeroCopyInputStream input);
// Like ParseFromZeroCopyStream(), but accepts messages that are missing
// required fields.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean ParsePartialFromZeroCopyStream(ZeroCopyInputStream input);
// Read a protocol buffer from the given zero-copy input stream, expecting
// the message to be exactly "size" bytes long. If successful, exactly
// this many bytes will have been consumed from the input.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean ParseFromBoundedZeroCopyStream(ZeroCopyInputStream input, int size);
// Like ParseFromBoundedZeroCopyStream(), but accepts messages that are
// missing required fields.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean ParsePartialFromBoundedZeroCopyStream(ZeroCopyInputStream input,
int size);
// Parses a protocol buffer contained in a string. Returns true on success.
// This function takes a string in the (non-human-readable) binary wire
// format, matching the encoding output by MessageLite::SerializeToString().
// If you'd like to convert a human-readable string into a protocol buffer
// object, see google::protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString().
public native @Cast("bool") boolean ParseFromString(@StdString BytePointer data);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean ParseFromString(@StdString String data);
// Like ParseFromString(), but accepts messages that are missing
// required fields.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean ParsePartialFromString(@StdString BytePointer data);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean ParsePartialFromString(@StdString String data);
// Parse a protocol buffer contained in an array of bytes.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean ParseFromArray(@Const Pointer data, int size);
// Like ParseFromArray(), but accepts messages that are missing
// required fields.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean ParsePartialFromArray(@Const Pointer data, int size);
// Reads a protocol buffer from the stream and merges it into this
// Message. Singular fields read from the input overwrite what is
// already in the Message and repeated fields are appended to those
// already present.
// It is the responsibility of the caller to call input->LastTagWas()
// (for groups) or input->ConsumedEntireMessage() (for non-groups) after
// this returns to verify that the message's end was delimited correctly.
// ParsefromCodedStream() is implemented as Clear() followed by
// MergeFromCodedStream().
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergeFromCodedStream(CodedInputStream input);
// Like MergeFromCodedStream(), but succeeds even if required fields are
// missing in the input.
// MergeFromCodedStream() is just implemented as MergePartialFromCodedStream()
// followed by IsInitialized().
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(CodedInputStream input);
// Serialization ---------------------------------------------------
// Methods for serializing in protocol buffer format. Most of these
// are just simple wrappers around ByteSize() and SerializeWithCachedSizes().
// Write a protocol buffer of this message to the given output. Returns
// false on a write error. If the message is missing required fields,
// this may GOOGLE_CHECK-fail.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean SerializeToCodedStream(CodedOutputStream output);
// Like SerializeToCodedStream(), but allows missing required fields.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean SerializePartialToCodedStream(CodedOutputStream output);
// Write the message to the given zero-copy output stream. All required
// fields must be set.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean SerializeToZeroCopyStream(ZeroCopyOutputStream output);
// Like SerializeToZeroCopyStream(), but allows missing required fields.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean SerializePartialToZeroCopyStream(ZeroCopyOutputStream output);
// Serialize the message and store it in the given string. All required
// fields must be set.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean SerializeToString(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer output);
// Like SerializeToString(), but allows missing required fields.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean SerializePartialToString(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer output);
// Serialize the message and store it in the given byte array. All required
// fields must be set.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean SerializeToArray(Pointer data, int size);
// Like SerializeToArray(), but allows missing required fields.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean SerializePartialToArray(Pointer data, int size);
// Make a string encoding the message. Is equivalent to calling
// SerializeToString() on a string and using that. Returns the empty
// string if SerializeToString() would have returned an error.
// Note: If you intend to generate many such strings, you may
// reduce heap fragmentation by instead re-using the same string
// object with calls to SerializeToString().
public native @StdString BytePointer SerializeAsString();
// Like SerializeAsString(), but allows missing required fields.
public native @StdString BytePointer SerializePartialAsString();
// Like SerializeToString(), but appends to the data to the string's existing
// contents. All required fields must be set.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean AppendToString(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer output);
// Like AppendToString(), but allows missing required fields.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean AppendPartialToString(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer output);
// Computes the serialized size of the message. This recursively calls
// ByteSizeLong() on all embedded messages.
// ByteSizeLong() is generally linear in the number of fields defined for the
// proto.
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
// Legacy ByteSize() API.
public native int ByteSize();
// Serializes the message without recomputing the size. The message must not
// have changed since the last call to ByteSize(), and the value returned by
// ByteSize must be non-negative. Otherwise the results are undefined.
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
// Functions below here are not part of the public interface. It isn't
// enforced, but they should be treated as private, and will be private
// at some future time. Unfortunately the implementation of the "friend"
// keyword in GCC is broken at the moment, but we expect it will be fixed.
// Like SerializeWithCachedSizes, but writes directly to *target, returning
// a pointer to the byte immediately after the last byte written. "target"
// must point at a byte array of at least ByteSize() bytes. Whether to use
// deterministic serialization, e.g., maps in sorted order, is determined by
// CodedOutputStream::IsDefaultSerializationDeterministic().
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(@Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(@Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(@Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
// Returns the result of the last call to ByteSize(). An embedded message's
// size is needed both to serialize it (because embedded messages are
// length-delimited) and to compute the outer message's size. Caching
// the size avoids computing it multiple times.
// ByteSize() does not automatically use the cached size when available
// because this would require invalidating it every time the message was
// modified, which would be too hard and expensive. (E.g. if a deeply-nested
// sub-message is changed, all of its parents' cached sizes would need to be
// invalidated, which is too much work for an otherwise inlined setter
// method.)
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic,
@Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic,
@Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic,
@Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
// DO NOT USE: For migration only. Will be removed when Proto3 defaults to
// preserve unknowns.
@Namespace("google::protobuf::internal") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean GetProto3PreserveUnknownsDefault();
// DO NOT USE: For migration only. Will be removed when Proto3 defaults to
// preserve unknowns.
@Namespace("google::protobuf::internal") public static native void SetProto3PreserveUnknownsDefault(@Cast("bool") boolean preserve);
// namespace internal
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/platform/default/integral_types.h
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// IWYU pragma: private, include "third_party/tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
// IWYU pragma: friend third_party/tensorflow/core/platform/types.h
// namespace tensorflow
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/lib/bfloat16/bfloat16.h
/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// #include
// #include
// #ifdef __CUDACC__
// All functions callable from CUDA code must be qualified with __device__
// #define B16_DEVICE_FUNC __host__ __device__
// #else
// #define B16_DEVICE_FUNC
// #endif
@Name("Eigen::half") @Opaque public static class ShortPointer extends Pointer {
/** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
public ShortPointer() { super((Pointer)null); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ShortPointer(Pointer p) { super(p); }
// Single precision complex.
// Double precision complex.
// see framework/bfloat16.h for description.
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class bfloat16 extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public bfloat16(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public bfloat16() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public bfloat16(float v) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(v); }
private native void allocate(float v);
public bfloat16(double val) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(val); }
private native void allocate(double val);
// Following the convention of numpy, converting between complex and
// float will lead to loss of imag value.
public bfloat16(@Cast("const tensorflow::complex64*") @ByRef FloatPointer val) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(val); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("const tensorflow::complex64*") @ByRef FloatPointer val);
public bfloat16(@Cast("const tensorflow::complex64*") @ByRef FloatBuffer val) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(val); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("const tensorflow::complex64*") @ByRef FloatBuffer val);
public bfloat16(@Cast("const tensorflow::complex64*") @ByRef float... val) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(val); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("const tensorflow::complex64*") @ByRef float... val);
public bfloat16(@Cast("const tensorflow::complex128*") @ByRef DoublePointer val) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(val); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("const tensorflow::complex128*") @ByRef DoublePointer val);
public bfloat16(@Cast("const tensorflow::complex128*") @ByRef DoubleBuffer val) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(val); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("const tensorflow::complex128*") @ByRef DoubleBuffer val);
public bfloat16(@Cast("const tensorflow::complex128*") @ByRef double[] val) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(val); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("const tensorflow::complex128*") @ByRef double[] val);
public bfloat16(@Cast("const unsigned short") short val) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(val); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("const unsigned short") short val);
public bfloat16(@Cast("const unsigned int") int val) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(val); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("const unsigned int") int val);
public bfloat16(long val) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(val); }
private native void allocate(long val);
public native @Name("operator float") float asFloat();
public native @Cast("bool") @Name("operator bool") boolean asBoolean();
public native @Cast("Eigen::half") @Name("operator Eigen::half") short asShort();
public native @Name("operator int") int asInt();
public native @Name("operator long") long asLong();
public native @Cast("char") @Name("operator char") byte asByte();
public native @Name("operator double") double asDouble();
public native @ByVal @Cast("tensorflow::complex64*") @Name("operator tensorflow::complex64") FloatPointer asFloatPointer();
public native @ByVal @Cast("tensorflow::complex128*") @Name("operator tensorflow::complex128") DoublePointer asDoublePointer();
public static native @ByVal bfloat16 epsilon();
public native @Cast("uint16_t") short value(); public native bfloat16 value(short value);
// A value that represents "not a number".
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const uint16_t") short NAN_VALUE();
public static final short NAN_VALUE = NAN_VALUE();
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("std::ostream*") @ByRef @Name("operator <<") Pointer shiftLeft(@Cast("std::ostream*") @ByRef Pointer os,
@Const @ByRef bfloat16 dt);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator +") bfloat16 add(@ByVal bfloat16 a, @ByVal bfloat16 b);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator +") bfloat16 add(@ByVal bfloat16 a, int b);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator +") bfloat16 add(int a, @ByVal bfloat16 b);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator -") bfloat16 subtract(@ByVal bfloat16 a, @ByVal bfloat16 b);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator *") bfloat16 multiply(@ByVal bfloat16 a, @ByVal bfloat16 b);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator /") bfloat16 divide(@ByVal bfloat16 a, @ByVal bfloat16 b);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator -") bfloat16 subtract(@ByVal bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") @Name("operator <") boolean lessThan(@ByVal bfloat16 a, @ByVal bfloat16 b);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") @Name("operator <=") boolean lessThanEquals(@ByVal bfloat16 a, @ByVal bfloat16 b);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") @Name("operator ==") boolean equals(@ByVal bfloat16 a, @ByVal bfloat16 b);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") @Name("operator !=") boolean notEquals(@ByVal bfloat16 a, @ByVal bfloat16 b);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") @Name("operator >") boolean greaterThan(@ByVal bfloat16 a, @ByVal bfloat16 b);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") @Name("operator >=") boolean greaterThanEquals(@ByVal bfloat16 a, @ByVal bfloat16 b);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByRef @Name("operator +=") bfloat16 addPut(@ByRef bfloat16 a, @ByVal bfloat16 b);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByRef @Name("operator -=") bfloat16 subtractPut(@ByRef bfloat16 a, @ByVal bfloat16 b);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator ++") bfloat16 increment(@ByRef bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator --") bfloat16 decrement(@ByRef bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator ++") bfloat16 increment(@ByRef bfloat16 a, int arg1);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator --") bfloat16 decrement(@ByRef bfloat16 a, int arg1);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByRef @Name("operator *=") bfloat16 multiplyPut(@ByRef bfloat16 a, @ByVal bfloat16 b);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByRef @Name("operator /=") bfloat16 dividePut(@ByRef bfloat16 a, @ByVal bfloat16 b);
// end namespace tensorflow
@Name("std::hash") public static class HalfHash extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Default native constructor. */
public HalfHash() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public HalfHash(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public HalfHash(Pointer p) { super(p); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public HalfHash position(long position) {
return (HalfHash)super.position(position);
public native @Cast("std::size_t") @Name("operator ()") long apply(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 v);
@Namespace("std") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isinf(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("std") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isnan(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("std") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isfinite(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("std") public static native @ByVal bfloat16 abs(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("std") public static native @ByVal bfloat16 exp(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("std") public static native @ByVal bfloat16 log(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("std") public static native @ByVal bfloat16 log10(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("std") public static native @ByVal bfloat16 sqrt(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("std") public static native @ByVal bfloat16 pow(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 a, @Const @ByRef bfloat16 b);
@Namespace("std") public static native @ByVal bfloat16 sin(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("std") public static native @ByVal bfloat16 cos(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("std") public static native @ByVal bfloat16 tan(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("std") public static native @ByVal bfloat16 tanh(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("std") public static native @ByVal bfloat16 floor(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 a);
@Namespace("std") public static native @ByVal bfloat16 ceil(@Const @ByRef bfloat16 a);
// namespace std
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/framework/numeric_types.h
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// #include
// #include "third_party/eigen3/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/Tensor"
// Disable clang-format to prevent 'FixedPoint' header from being included
// before 'Tensor' header on which it depends.
// clang-format off
// #include "third_party/eigen3/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/FixedPoint"
// clang-format on
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
// Single precision complex.
// Double precision complex.
// We use Eigen's QInt implementations for our quantized int types.
// namespace tensorflow
public static native @ByVal bfloat16 FloatToBFloat16(float float_val);
// TODO(xpan): We probably need to overwrite more methods to have correct eigen
// behavior. E.g. epsilon(), dummy_precision, etc. See NumTraits.h in eigen.
@Name("Eigen::NumTraits") public static class bfloat16NumTraits extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Default native constructor. */
public bfloat16NumTraits() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public bfloat16NumTraits(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public bfloat16NumTraits(Pointer p) { super(p); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public bfloat16NumTraits position(long position) {
return (bfloat16NumTraits)super.position(position);
/** enum Eigen::NumTraits:: */
public static final int
IsInteger = 0,
IsSigned = 1,
RequireInitialization = 0;
public static native @ByVal bfloat16 highest();
public static native @ByVal bfloat16 lowest();
public static native @ByVal bfloat16 infinity();
public static native @ByVal bfloat16 quiet_NaN();
// namespace numext
// namespace Eigen
// #if defined(COMPILER_MSVC) && !defined(__clang__)
// namespace std
// #endif // COMPILER_MSVC
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/platform/init_main.h
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// Platform-specific initialization routine that may be invoked by a
// main() program that uses TensorFlow.
// Default implementation does nothing.
@Namespace("tensorflow::port") public static native void InitMain(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer usage, IntPointer argc, @Cast("char***") @ByPtrPtr PointerPointer argv);
@Namespace("tensorflow::port") public static native void InitMain(String usage, IntBuffer argc, @Cast("char***") @ByPtrPtr PointerPointer argv);
@Namespace("tensorflow::port") public static native void InitMain(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer usage, int[] argc, @Cast("char***") @ByPtrPtr PointerPointer argv);
@Namespace("tensorflow::port") public static native void InitMain(String usage, IntPointer argc, @Cast("char***") @ByPtrPtr PointerPointer argv);
@Namespace("tensorflow::port") public static native void InitMain(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer usage, IntBuffer argc, @Cast("char***") @ByPtrPtr PointerPointer argv);
@Namespace("tensorflow::port") public static native void InitMain(String usage, int[] argc, @Cast("char***") @ByPtrPtr PointerPointer argv);
// namespace port
// namespace tensorflow
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/platform/types.h
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// #include
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/platform.h"
// Include appropriate platform-dependent implementations
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/google/integral_types.h"
// #elif defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/windows/integral_types.h"
// #elif defined(PLATFORM_POSIX) || defined(PLATFORM_POSIX_ANDROID) ||
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/default/integral_types.h"
// #else
// #error Define the appropriate PLATFORM_ macro for this platform
// #endif
// #if defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/windows/cpu_info.h"
// #endif
// #include "tensorflow/core/lib/bfloat16/bfloat16.h"
// Define tensorflow::string to refer to appropriate platform specific type.
// TODO(josh11b): Move this into the platform/*/integral_types.h files
// above, and rename them platform/*/types.h.
// #if defined(PLATFORM_GOOGLE)
// #else
// #endif
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::uint8") byte kuint8max();
public static final byte kuint8max = kuint8max();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native short kuint16max();
public static final short kuint16max = kuint16max();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native int kuint32max();
public static final int kuint32max = kuint32max();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::uint64") long kuint64max();
public static final long kuint64max = kuint64max();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::int8") byte kint8min();
public static final byte kint8min = kint8min();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::int8") byte kint8max();
public static final byte kint8max = kint8max();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native short kint16min();
public static final short kint16min = kint16min();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native short kint16max();
public static final short kint16max = kint16max();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native int kint32min();
public static final int kint32min = kint32min();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native int kint32max();
public static final int kint32max = kint32max();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::int64") long kint64min();
public static final long kint64min = kint64min();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::int64") long kint64max();
public static final long kint64max = kint64max();
// A typedef for a uint64 used as a short fingerprint.
// namespace tensorflow
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/platform/mutex.h
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/platform.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
/** enum tensorflow::ConditionResult */
public static final int kCond_Timeout = 0, kCond_MaybeNotified = 1;
// namespace tensorflow
// Include appropriate platform-dependent implementations of mutex etc.
// #if defined(PLATFORM_GOOGLE)
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/google/mutex.h"
// #elif defined(PLATFORM_POSIX) || defined(PLATFORM_POSIX_ANDROID) ||
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/default/mutex.h"
// #else
// #error Define the appropriate PLATFORM_ macro for this platform
// #endif
// The mutex library included above defines:
// class mutex;
// class mutex_lock;
// class condition_variable;
// It also defines the following:
// Like "cv->wait(*mu)", except that it only waits for up to "ms" milliseconds.
// Returns kCond_Timeout if the timeout expired without this
// thread noticing a signal on the condition variable. Otherwise may
// return either kCond_Timeout or kCond_MaybeNotified
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("tensorflow::ConditionResult") int WaitForMilliseconds(@Cast("tensorflow::mutex_lock*") Pointer mu, @Cast("tensorflow::condition_variable*") Pointer cv,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64") long ms);
// namespace tensorflow
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// Compiler attributes
// #if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__APPLE__)) && !defined(SWIG)
// Compiler supports GCC-style attributes
// #define TF_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
// #define TF_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline))
// #define TF_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
// #define TF_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
// #define TF_ATTRIBUTE_COLD __attribute__((cold))
// #define TF_ATTRIBUTE_WEAK __attribute__((weak))
// #define TF_PACKED __attribute__((packed))
// #define TF_MUST_USE_RESULT __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
// #define TF_PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(string_index, first_to_check)
// __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, string_index, first_to_check)))
// #define TF_SCANF_ATTRIBUTE(string_index, first_to_check)
// __attribute__((__format__(__scanf__, string_index, first_to_check)))
// #elif defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
// Non-GCC equivalents
// #define TF_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN __declspec(noreturn)
// #define TF_PACKED
// #define TF_PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(string_index, first_to_check)
// #define TF_SCANF_ATTRIBUTE(string_index, first_to_check)
// #else
// Non-GCC equivalents
// #define TF_PACKED
// #define TF_PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(string_index, first_to_check)
// #define TF_SCANF_ATTRIBUTE(string_index, first_to_check)
// #endif
// Control visiblity outside .so
// #if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
// #define TF_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
// #else
// #define TF_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
// #else
// #define TF_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
// #endif // COMPILER_MSVC
// GCC can be told that a certain branch is not likely to be taken (for
// instance, a CHECK failure), and use that information in static analysis.
// Giving it this information can help it optimize for the common case in
// the absence of better information (ie. -fprofile-arcs).
// #if defined(COMPILER_GCC3)
// #define TF_PREDICT_FALSE(x) (__builtin_expect(x, 0))
// #define TF_PREDICT_TRUE(x) (__builtin_expect(!!(x), 1))
// #else
// #define TF_PREDICT_FALSE(x) (x)
// #define TF_PREDICT_TRUE(x) (x)
// #endif
// A macro to disallow the copy constructor and operator= functions
// This is usually placed in the private: declarations for a class.
// TypeName(const TypeName&) = delete;
// void operator=(const TypeName&) = delete
// The TF_ARRAYSIZE(arr) macro returns the # of elements in an array arr.
// The expression TF_ARRAYSIZE(a) is a compile-time constant of type
// size_t.
// #define TF_ARRAYSIZE(a)
// ((sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a))) /
// static_cast(!(sizeof(a) % sizeof(*(a)))))
// #if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__) || __cplusplus >= 201103L ||
// (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1900)
// Define this to 1 if the code is compiled in C++11 mode; leave it
// undefined otherwise. Do NOT define it to 0 -- that causes
// '#ifdef LANG_CXX11' to behave differently from '#if LANG_CXX11'.
public static final int LANG_CXX11 = 1;
// #endif
// #if defined(__clang__) && defined(LANG_CXX11) && defined(__has_warning)
// #if __has_feature(cxx_attributes) && __has_warning("-Wimplicit-fallthrough")
// #define TF_FALLTHROUGH_INTENDED [[clang::fallthrough]] // NOLINT
// #endif
// #endif
// do {
// } while (0)
// #endif
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/util/port.h
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// Returns true if GOOGLE_CUDA is defined.
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean IsGoogleCudaEnabled();
// Returns true if GOOGLE_CUDA is defined, and the given CUDA version supports
// half-precision matrix multiplications and convolution operations.
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean CudaSupportsHalfMatMulAndConv();
// Returns true if INTEL_MKL is defined
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean IsMklEnabled();
// end namespace tensorflow
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/lib/core/error_codes.pb.h
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: tensorflow/core/lib/core/error_codes.proto
// #ifndef PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2flib_2fcore_2ferror_5fcodes_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #define PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2flib_2fcore_2ferror_5fcodes_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #include
// #include
// #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
// #error your headers.
// #endif
// #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
// #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
// #endif
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include
// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
// Internal implementation detail -- do not use these members.
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2flib_2fcore_2ferror_5fcodes_2eproto") public static class TableStruct extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Default native constructor. */
public TableStruct() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public TableStruct(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public TableStruct(Pointer p) { super(p); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public TableStruct position(long position) {
return (TableStruct)super.position(position);
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::uint32") int offsets(int i);
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::uint32*") IntPointer offsets();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2flib_2fcore_2ferror_5fcodes_2eproto") public static native void AddDescriptors();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2flib_2fcore_2ferror_5fcodes_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaults();
// namespace protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2flib_2fcore_2ferror_5fcodes_2eproto
// namespace error
// namespace tensorflow
/** enum tensorflow::error::Code */
public static final int
OK = 0,
Code_INT_MIN_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = kint32min,
Code_INT_MAX_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = kint32max;
@Namespace("tensorflow::error") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Code_IsValid(int value);
@Namespace("tensorflow::error") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::error::Code") int Code_MIN();
@Namespace("tensorflow::error") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::error::Code") int Code_MAX();
@Namespace("tensorflow::error") @MemberGetter public static native int Code_ARRAYSIZE();
@Namespace("tensorflow::error") public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*") Pointer Code_descriptor();
@Namespace("tensorflow::error") public static native @StdString BytePointer Code_Name(@Cast("tensorflow::error::Code") int value);
@Namespace("tensorflow::error") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Code_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::error::Code*") IntPointer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow::error") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Code_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::error::Code*") IntBuffer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow::error") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Code_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::error::Code*") int... value);
@Namespace("tensorflow::error") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Code_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::error::Code*") IntPointer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow::error") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Code_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::error::Code*") IntBuffer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow::error") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Code_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::error::Code*") int... value);
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
// #endif // __GNUC__
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// #endif // __GNUC__
// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
// namespace error
// namespace tensorflow
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
// #endif // PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2flib_2fcore_2ferror_5fcodes_2eproto_INCLUDED
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/platform.h" // To pick up PLATFORM_define
// #if defined(PLATFORM_GOOGLE) || defined(PLATFORM_GOOGLE_ANDROID) ||
// defined(GOOGLE_LOGGING)
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/google/build_config/logging.h"
// #else
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/default/logging.h"
// #endif
// Emit "message" as a log message to the log for the specified
// "severity" as if it came from a LOG call at "fname:line"
@Namespace("tensorflow::internal") public static native void LogString(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer fname, int line, int severity,
@StdString BytePointer message);
@Namespace("tensorflow::internal") public static native void LogString(String fname, int line, int severity,
@StdString String message);
// namespace internal
// namespace tensorflow
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/error_codes.pb.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/stringpiece.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h"
// #if defined(__clang__)
// Only clang supports warn_unused_result as a type annotation.
// #endif
/** \ingroup core
* Denotes success or failure of a call in Tensorflow. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class Status extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Status(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public Status(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public Status position(long position) {
return (Status)super.position(position);
/** Create a success status. */
public Status() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
/** \brief Create a status with the specified error code and msg as a
* human-readable string containing more detailed information. */
public Status(@Cast("tensorflow::error::Code") int code, @StringPiece BytePointer msg) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(code, msg); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("tensorflow::error::Code") int code, @StringPiece BytePointer msg);
public Status(@Cast("tensorflow::error::Code") int code, @StringPiece String msg) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(code, msg); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("tensorflow::error::Code") int code, @StringPiece String msg);
/** Copy the specified status. */
public Status(@Const @ByRef Status s) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(s); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef Status s);
public native @Name("operator =") void put(@Const @ByRef Status s);
public static native @ByVal Status OK();
/** Returns true iff the status indicates success. */
public native @Cast("bool") boolean ok();
public native @Cast("tensorflow::error::Code") int code();
public native @StdString BytePointer error_message();
public native @Cast("bool") @Name("operator ==") boolean equals(@Const @ByRef Status x);
public native @Cast("bool") @Name("operator !=") boolean notEquals(@Const @ByRef Status x);
/** \brief If {@code ok()}, stores {@code new_status} into {@code *this}. If {@code !ok()},
* preserves the current status, but may augment with additional
* information about {@code new_status}.
* Convenient way of keeping track of the first error encountered.
* Instead of:
* {@code if (overall_status.ok()) overall_status = new_status}
* Use:
* {@code overall_status.Update(new_status);} */
public native void Update(@Const @ByRef Status new_status);
/** \brief Return a string representation of this status suitable for
* printing. Returns the string {@code "OK"} for success. */
public native @StdString BytePointer ToString();
// Ignores any errors. This method does nothing except potentially suppress
// complaints from any tools that are checking that errors are not dropped on
// the floor.
public native void IgnoreError();
/** \ingroup core */
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("std::ostream*") @ByRef @Name("operator <<") Pointer shiftLeft(@Cast("std::ostream*") @ByRef Pointer os, @Const @ByRef Status x);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer TfCheckOpHelperOutOfLine(
@Const @ByRef Status v, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer msg);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer TfCheckOpHelperOutOfLine(
@Const @ByRef Status v, String msg);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer TfCheckOpHelper(@ByVal Status v,
@Cast("const char*") BytePointer msg);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer TfCheckOpHelper(@ByVal Status v,
String msg);
// #define TF_DO_CHECK_OK(val, level)
// while (auto _result = ::tensorflow::TfCheckOpHelper(val, #val))
// LOG(level) << *(_result)
public static native void TF_CHECK_OK(@ByVal Status val);
public static native void TF_QCHECK_OK(@ByVal Status val);
// DEBUG only version of TF_CHECK_OK. Compiler still parses 'val' even in opt
// mode.
// #ifndef NDEBUG
// #define TF_DCHECK_OK(val) TF_CHECK_OK(val)
// #else
// #define TF_DCHECK_OK(val)
// while (false && (::tensorflow::Status::OK() == (val))) LOG(FATAL)
// #endif
// namespace tensorflow
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/platform/protobuf.h
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/platform.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
// Import whatever namespace protobuf comes from into the
// ::tensorflow::protobuf namespace.
// TensorFlow code should use the ::tensorflow::protobuf namespace to
// refer to all protobuf APIs.
// #if defined(PLATFORM_GOOGLE) && !defined(USE_DEFAULT_PROTOBUF)
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/google/protobuf.h"
// #else
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/default/protobuf.h"
// #endif
// Parses a protocol buffer contained in a string in the binary wire format.
// Returns true on success. Note: Unlike protobuf's builtin ParseFromString,
// this function has no size restrictions on the total size of the encoded
// protocol buffer.
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean ParseProtoUnlimited(@Cast("tensorflow::protobuf::MessageLite*") MessageLite proto,
@StdString BytePointer serialized);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean ParseProtoUnlimited(@Cast("tensorflow::protobuf::MessageLite*") MessageLite proto,
@StdString String serialized);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean ParseProtoUnlimited(@Cast("tensorflow::protobuf::MessageLite*") MessageLite proto, @Const Pointer serialized,
@Cast("size_t") long size);
// Returns the string value for the value of a string or bytes protobuf field.
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @StdString BytePointer ProtobufStringToString(@StdString BytePointer s);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @StdString String ProtobufStringToString(@StdString String s);
// Set to . Swapping is allowed, as does not need to be
// preserved.
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native void SetProtobufStringSwapAllowed(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer src, @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer dest);
// namespace tensorflow
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/platform/file_system.h
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/stringpiece.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/file_statistics.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/platform.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/protobuf.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
// #undef DeleteFile
// #endif
/** A generic interface for accessing a file system. Implementations
* of custom filesystem adapters must implement this interface,
* RandomAccessFile, WritableFile, and ReadOnlyMemoryRegion classes. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static class FileSystem extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public FileSystem(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** \brief Creates a brand new random access read-only file with the
* specified name.
* On success, stores a pointer to the new file in
* *result and returns OK. On failure stores NULL in *result and
* returns non-OK. If the file does not exist, returns a non-OK
* status.
* The returned file may be concurrently accessed by multiple threads.
* The ownership of the returned RandomAccessFile is passed to the caller
* and the object should be deleted when is not used. */
public native @ByVal Status NewRandomAccessFile(
@StdString BytePointer fname, @UniquePtr RandomAccessFile result);
public native @ByVal Status NewRandomAccessFile(
@StdString String fname, @UniquePtr RandomAccessFile result);
/** \brief Creates an object that writes to a new file with the specified
* name.
* Deletes any existing file with the same name and creates a
* new file. On success, stores a pointer to the new file in
* *result and returns OK. On failure stores NULL in *result and
* returns non-OK.
* The returned file will only be accessed by one thread at a time.
* The ownership of the returned WritableFile is passed to the caller
* and the object should be deleted when is not used. */
public native @ByVal Status NewWritableFile(@StdString BytePointer fname,
@UniquePtr WritableFile result);
public native @ByVal Status NewWritableFile(@StdString String fname,
@UniquePtr WritableFile result);
/** \brief Creates an object that either appends to an existing file, or
* writes to a new file (if the file does not exist to begin with).
* On success, stores a pointer to the new file in *result and
* returns OK. On failure stores NULL in *result and returns
* non-OK.
* The returned file will only be accessed by one thread at a time.
* The ownership of the returned WritableFile is passed to the caller
* and the object should be deleted when is not used. */
public native @ByVal Status NewAppendableFile(@StdString BytePointer fname,
@UniquePtr WritableFile result);
public native @ByVal Status NewAppendableFile(@StdString String fname,
@UniquePtr WritableFile result);
/** \brief Creates a readonly region of memory with the file context.
* On success, it returns a pointer to read-only memory region
* from the content of file fname. The ownership of the region is passed to
* the caller. On failure stores nullptr in *result and returns non-OK.
* The returned memory region can be accessed from many threads in parallel.
* The ownership of the returned ReadOnlyMemoryRegion is passed to the caller
* and the object should be deleted when is not used. */
public native @ByVal Status NewReadOnlyMemoryRegionFromFile(
@StdString BytePointer fname, @UniquePtr ReadOnlyMemoryRegion result);
public native @ByVal Status NewReadOnlyMemoryRegionFromFile(
@StdString String fname, @UniquePtr ReadOnlyMemoryRegion result);
/** Returns OK if the named path exists and NOT_FOUND otherwise. */
public native @ByVal Status FileExists(@StdString BytePointer fname);
public native @ByVal Status FileExists(@StdString String fname);
/** Returns true if all the listed files exist, false otherwise.
* if status is not null, populate the vector with a detailed status
* for each file. */
public native @Cast("bool") boolean FilesExist(@Const @ByRef StringVector files,
@StdVector Status status);
/** \brief Returns the immediate children in the given directory.
* The returned paths are relative to 'dir'. */
public native @ByVal Status GetChildren(@StdString BytePointer dir,
StringVector result);
public native @ByVal Status GetChildren(@StdString String dir,
StringVector result);
/** \brief Given a pattern, stores in *results the set of paths that matches
* that pattern. *results is cleared.
* pattern must match all of a name, not just a substring.
* pattern: { term }
* term:
* '*': matches any sequence of non-'/' characters
* '?': matches a single non-'/' character
* '[' [ '^' ] { match-list } ']':
* matches any single character (not) on the list
* c: matches character c (c != '*', '?', '\\', '[')
* '\\' c: matches character c
* character-range:
* c: matches character c (c != '\\', '-', ']')
* '\\' c: matches character c
* lo '-' hi: matches character c for lo <= c <= hi
* Typical return codes:
* * OK - no errors
* * UNIMPLEMENTED - Some underlying functions (like GetChildren) are not
* implemented
* The default implementation uses a combination of GetChildren, MatchPath
* and IsDirectory. */
public native @ByVal Status GetMatchingPaths(@StdString BytePointer pattern,
StringVector results);
public native @ByVal Status GetMatchingPaths(@StdString String pattern,
StringVector results);
/** \brief Obtains statistics for the given path. */
public native @ByVal Status Stat(@StdString BytePointer fname, FileStatistics stat);
public native @ByVal Status Stat(@StdString String fname, FileStatistics stat);
/** \brief Deletes the named file. */
public native @ByVal Status DeleteFile(@StdString BytePointer fname);
public native @ByVal Status DeleteFile(@StdString String fname);
/** \brief Creates the specified directory.
* Typical return codes:
* * OK - successfully created the directory.
* * ALREADY_EXISTS - directory with name dirname already exists.
* * PERMISSION_DENIED - dirname is not writable. */
public native @ByVal Status CreateDir(@StdString BytePointer dirname);
public native @ByVal Status CreateDir(@StdString String dirname);
/** \brief Creates the specified directory and all the necessary
* subdirectories.
* Typical return codes:
* * OK - successfully created the directory and sub directories, even if
* they were already created.
* * PERMISSION_DENIED - dirname or some subdirectory is not writable. */
public native @ByVal Status RecursivelyCreateDir(@StdString BytePointer dirname);
public native @ByVal Status RecursivelyCreateDir(@StdString String dirname);
/** \brief Deletes the specified directory. */
public native @ByVal Status DeleteDir(@StdString BytePointer dirname);
public native @ByVal Status DeleteDir(@StdString String dirname);
/** \brief Deletes the specified directory and all subdirectories and files
* underneath it. undeleted_files and undeleted_dirs stores the number of
* files and directories that weren't deleted (unspecified if the return
* status is not OK).
* REQUIRES: undeleted_files, undeleted_dirs to be not null.
* Typical return codes:
* * OK - dirname exists and we were able to delete everything underneath.
* * NOT_FOUND - dirname doesn't exist
* * PERMISSION_DENIED - dirname or some descendant is not writable
* * UNIMPLEMENTED - Some underlying functions (like Delete) are not
* implemented */
public native @ByVal Status DeleteRecursively(@StdString BytePointer dirname,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongPointer undeleted_files,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongPointer undeleted_dirs);
public native @ByVal Status DeleteRecursively(@StdString String dirname,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongBuffer undeleted_files,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongBuffer undeleted_dirs);
public native @ByVal Status DeleteRecursively(@StdString BytePointer dirname,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") long[] undeleted_files,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") long... undeleted_dirs);
public native @ByVal Status DeleteRecursively(@StdString String dirname,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongPointer undeleted_files,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongPointer undeleted_dirs);
public native @ByVal Status DeleteRecursively(@StdString BytePointer dirname,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongBuffer undeleted_files,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongBuffer undeleted_dirs);
public native @ByVal Status DeleteRecursively(@StdString String dirname,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") long[] undeleted_files,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") long... undeleted_dirs);
/** \brief Stores the size of {@code fname} in {@code *file_size}. */
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSize(@StdString BytePointer fname, @Cast("tensorflow::uint64*") LongPointer file_size);
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSize(@StdString String fname, @Cast("tensorflow::uint64*") LongBuffer file_size);
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSize(@StdString BytePointer fname, @Cast("tensorflow::uint64*") long... file_size);
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSize(@StdString String fname, @Cast("tensorflow::uint64*") LongPointer file_size);
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSize(@StdString BytePointer fname, @Cast("tensorflow::uint64*") LongBuffer file_size);
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSize(@StdString String fname, @Cast("tensorflow::uint64*") long... file_size);
/** \brief Overwrites the target if it exists. */
public native @ByVal Status RenameFile(@StdString BytePointer src, @StdString BytePointer target);
public native @ByVal Status RenameFile(@StdString String src, @StdString String target);
/** \brief Copy the src to target. */
public native @ByVal Status CopyFile(@StdString BytePointer src, @StdString BytePointer target);
public native @ByVal Status CopyFile(@StdString String src, @StdString String target);
/** \brief Translate an URI to a filename for the FileSystem implementation.
* The implementation in this class cleans up the path, removing
* duplicate /'s, resolving .. and . (more details in
* tensorflow::lib::io::CleanPath). */
public native @StdString BytePointer TranslateName(@StdString BytePointer name);
public native @StdString String TranslateName(@StdString String name);
/** \brief Returns whether the given path is a directory or not.
* Typical return codes (not guaranteed exhaustive):
* * OK - The path exists and is a directory.
* * FAILED_PRECONDITION - The path exists and is not a directory.
* * NOT_FOUND - The path entry does not exist.
* * PERMISSION_DENIED - Insufficient permissions.
* * UNIMPLEMENTED - The file factory doesn't support directories. */
public native @ByVal Status IsDirectory(@StdString BytePointer fname);
public native @ByVal Status IsDirectory(@StdString String fname);
/** \brief Flushes any cached filesystem objects from memory. */
public native void FlushCaches();
/** A file abstraction for randomly reading the contents of a file. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static class RandomAccessFile extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public RandomAccessFile(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** \brief Reads up to {@code n} bytes from the file starting at {@code offset}.
* {@code scratch[0..n-1]} may be written by this routine. Sets {@code *result}
* to the data that was read (including if fewer than {@code n} bytes were
* successfully read). May set {@code *result} to point at data in
* {@code scratch[0..n-1]}, so {@code scratch[0..n-1]} must be live when
* {@code *result} is used.
* On OK returned status: {@code n} bytes have been stored in {@code *result}.
* On non-OK returned status: {@code [0..n]} bytes have been stored in {@code *result}.
* Returns {@code OUT_OF_RANGE} if fewer than n bytes were stored in {@code *result}
* because of EOF.
* Safe for concurrent use by multiple threads. */
public native @ByVal Status Read(@Cast("tensorflow::uint64") long offset, @Cast("size_t") long n, @StringPiece @Cast({"char*", "StringPiece*"}) BytePointer result,
@Cast("char*") BytePointer scratch);
public native @ByVal Status Read(@Cast("tensorflow::uint64") long offset, @Cast("size_t") long n, @StringPiece @Cast({"char*", "StringPiece*"}) BytePointer result,
@Cast("char*") ByteBuffer scratch);
public native @ByVal Status Read(@Cast("tensorflow::uint64") long offset, @Cast("size_t") long n, @StringPiece @Cast({"char*", "StringPiece*"}) BytePointer result,
@Cast("char*") byte[] scratch);
/** \brief A file abstraction for sequential writing.
* The implementation must provide buffering since callers may append
* small fragments at a time to the file. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static class WritableFile extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public WritableFile(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** \brief Append 'data' to the file. */
public native @ByVal Status Append(@StringPiece BytePointer data);
public native @ByVal Status Append(@StringPiece String data);
/** \brief Close the file.
* Flush() and de-allocate resources associated with this file
* Typical return codes (not guaranteed to be exhaustive):
* * OK
* * Other codes, as returned from Flush() */
public native @ByVal Status Close();
/** \brief Flushes the file and optionally syncs contents to filesystem.
* This should flush any local buffers whose contents have not been
* delivered to the filesystem.
* If the process terminates after a successful flush, the contents
* may still be persisted, since the underlying filesystem may
* eventually flush the contents. If the OS or machine crashes
* after a successful flush, the contents may or may not be
* persisted, depending on the implementation. */
public native @ByVal Status Flush();
/** \brief Syncs contents of file to filesystem.
* This waits for confirmation from the filesystem that the contents
* of the file have been persisted to the filesystem; if the OS
* or machine crashes after a successful Sync, the contents should
* be properly saved. */
public native @ByVal Status Sync();
/** \brief A readonly memmapped file abstraction.
* The implementation must guarantee that all memory is accessible when the
* object exists, independently from the Env that created it. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static class ReadOnlyMemoryRegion extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ReadOnlyMemoryRegion(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** \brief Returns a pointer to the memory region. */
public native @Const Pointer data();
/** \brief Returns the length of the memory region in bytes. */
public native @Cast("tensorflow::uint64") long length();
// #ifndef SWIG
// #endif
/** \brief A registry for file system implementations.
* Filenames are specified as an URI, which is of the form
* [scheme://].
* File system implementations are registered using the REGISTER_FILE_SYSTEM
* macro, providing the 'scheme' as the key. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static class FileSystemRegistry extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public FileSystemRegistry(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public native @ByVal Status Register(@StdString BytePointer scheme, @ByVal @Cast("tensorflow::FileSystemRegistry::Factory*") Pointer factory);
public native @ByVal Status Register(@StdString String scheme, @ByVal @Cast("tensorflow::FileSystemRegistry::Factory*") Pointer factory);
public native FileSystem Lookup(@StdString BytePointer scheme);
public native FileSystem Lookup(@StdString String scheme);
public native @ByVal Status GetRegisteredFileSystemSchemes(
StringVector schemes);
// namespace tensorflow
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/platform/file_statistics.h
/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class FileStatistics extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public FileStatistics(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public FileStatistics(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public FileStatistics position(long position) {
return (FileStatistics)super.position(position);
// The length of the file or -1 if finding file length is not supported.
public native @Cast("tensorflow::int64") long length(); public native FileStatistics length(long length);
// The last modified time in nanoseconds.
public native @Cast("tensorflow::int64") long mtime_nsec(); public native FileStatistics mtime_nsec(long mtime_nsec);
// True if the file is a directory, otherwise false.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean is_directory(); public native FileStatistics is_directory(boolean is_directory);
public FileStatistics() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public FileStatistics(@Cast("tensorflow::int64") long length, @Cast("tensorflow::int64") long mtime_nsec, @Cast("bool") boolean is_directory) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(length, mtime_nsec, is_directory); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("tensorflow::int64") long length, @Cast("tensorflow::int64") long mtime_nsec, @Cast("bool") boolean is_directory);
// namespace tensorflow
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/platform/env.h
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/stringpiece.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/env_time.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/file_system.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/mutex.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/protobuf.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
/** \brief An interface used by the tensorflow implementation to
* access operating system functionality like the filesystem etc.
* Callers may wish to provide a custom Env object to get fine grain
* control.
* All Env implementations are safe for concurrent access from
* multiple threads without any external synchronization. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class Env extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Env(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** \brief Returns a default environment suitable for the current operating
* system.
* Sophisticated users may wish to provide their own Env
* implementation instead of relying on this default environment.
* The result of Default() belongs to this library and must never be deleted. */
public static native Env Default();
/** \brief Returns the FileSystem object to handle operations on the file
* specified by 'fname'. The FileSystem object is used as the implementation
* for the file system related (non-virtual) functions that follow.
* Returned FileSystem object is still owned by the Env object and will */
// (might) be destroyed when the environment is destroyed.
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSystemForFile(@StdString BytePointer fname, @Cast("tensorflow::FileSystem**") PointerPointer result);
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSystemForFile(@StdString BytePointer fname, @ByPtrPtr FileSystem result);
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSystemForFile(@StdString String fname, @ByPtrPtr FileSystem result);
/** \brief Returns the file system schemes registered for this Env. */
public native @ByVal Status GetRegisteredFileSystemSchemes(StringVector schemes);
/** \brief Register a file system for a scheme. */
public native @ByVal Status RegisterFileSystem(@StdString BytePointer scheme,
@ByVal @Cast("tensorflow::FileSystemRegistry::Factory*") Pointer factory);
public native @ByVal Status RegisterFileSystem(@StdString String scheme,
@ByVal @Cast("tensorflow::FileSystemRegistry::Factory*") Pointer factory);
/** \brief Flush filesystem caches for all registered filesystems. */
public native @ByVal Status FlushFileSystemCaches();
/** \brief Creates a brand new random access read-only file with the
* specified name.
* On success, stores a pointer to the new file in
* *result and returns OK. On failure stores NULL in *result and
* returns non-OK. If the file does not exist, returns a non-OK
* status.
* The returned file may be concurrently accessed by multiple threads.
* The ownership of the returned RandomAccessFile is passed to the caller
* and the object should be deleted when is not used. The file object
* shouldn't live longer than the Env object. */
public native @ByVal Status NewRandomAccessFile(@StdString BytePointer fname,
@UniquePtr RandomAccessFile result);
public native @ByVal Status NewRandomAccessFile(@StdString String fname,
@UniquePtr RandomAccessFile result);
/** \brief Creates an object that writes to a new file with the specified
* name.
* Deletes any existing file with the same name and creates a
* new file. On success, stores a pointer to the new file in
* *result and returns OK. On failure stores NULL in *result and
* returns non-OK.
* The returned file will only be accessed by one thread at a time.
* The ownership of the returned WritableFile is passed to the caller
* and the object should be deleted when is not used. The file object
* shouldn't live longer than the Env object. */
public native @ByVal Status NewWritableFile(@StdString BytePointer fname,
@UniquePtr WritableFile result);
public native @ByVal Status NewWritableFile(@StdString String fname,
@UniquePtr WritableFile result);
/** \brief Creates an object that either appends to an existing file, or
* writes to a new file (if the file does not exist to begin with).
* On success, stores a pointer to the new file in *result and
* returns OK. On failure stores NULL in *result and returns
* non-OK.
* The returned file will only be accessed by one thread at a time.
* The ownership of the returned WritableFile is passed to the caller
* and the object should be deleted when is not used. The file object
* shouldn't live longer than the Env object. */
public native @ByVal Status NewAppendableFile(@StdString BytePointer fname,
@UniquePtr WritableFile result);
public native @ByVal Status NewAppendableFile(@StdString String fname,
@UniquePtr WritableFile result);
/** \brief Creates a readonly region of memory with the file context.
* On success, it returns a pointer to read-only memory region
* from the content of file fname. The ownership of the region is passed to
* the caller. On failure stores nullptr in *result and returns non-OK.
* The returned memory region can be accessed from many threads in parallel.
* The ownership of the returned ReadOnlyMemoryRegion is passed to the caller
* and the object should be deleted when is not used. The memory region
* object shouldn't live longer than the Env object. */
public native @ByVal Status NewReadOnlyMemoryRegionFromFile(
@StdString BytePointer fname, @UniquePtr ReadOnlyMemoryRegion result);
public native @ByVal Status NewReadOnlyMemoryRegionFromFile(
@StdString String fname, @UniquePtr ReadOnlyMemoryRegion result);
/** Returns OK if the named path exists and NOT_FOUND otherwise. */
public native @ByVal Status FileExists(@StdString BytePointer fname);
public native @ByVal Status FileExists(@StdString String fname);
/** Returns true if all the listed files exist, false otherwise.
* if status is not null, populate the vector with a detailed status
* for each file. */
public native @Cast("bool") boolean FilesExist(@Const @ByRef StringVector files,
@StdVector Status status);
/** \brief Stores in *result the names of the children of the specified
* directory. The names are relative to "dir".
* Original contents of *results are dropped. */
public native @ByVal Status GetChildren(@StdString BytePointer dir, StringVector result);
public native @ByVal Status GetChildren(@StdString String dir, StringVector result);
/** \brief Returns true if the path matches the given pattern. The wildcards
* allowed in pattern are described in FileSystem::GetMatchingPaths. */
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MatchPath(@StdString BytePointer path, @StdString BytePointer pattern);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MatchPath(@StdString String path, @StdString String pattern);
/** \brief Given a pattern, stores in *results the set of paths that matches
* that pattern. *results is cleared.
* More details about {@code pattern} in FileSystem::GetMatchingPaths. */
public native @ByVal Status GetMatchingPaths(@StdString BytePointer pattern,
StringVector results);
public native @ByVal Status GetMatchingPaths(@StdString String pattern,
StringVector results);
/** Deletes the named file. */
public native @ByVal Status DeleteFile(@StdString BytePointer fname);
public native @ByVal Status DeleteFile(@StdString String fname);
/** \brief Deletes the specified directory and all subdirectories and files
* underneath it. undeleted_files and undeleted_dirs stores the number of
* files and directories that weren't deleted (unspecified if the return
* status is not OK).
* REQUIRES: undeleted_files, undeleted_dirs to be not null.
* Typical return codes
* * OK - dirname exists and we were able to delete everything underneath.
* * NOT_FOUND - dirname doesn't exist
* * PERMISSION_DENIED - dirname or some descendant is not writable
* * UNIMPLEMENTED - Some underlying functions (like Delete) are not
* implemented */
public native @ByVal Status DeleteRecursively(@StdString BytePointer dirname, @Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongPointer undeleted_files,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongPointer undeleted_dirs);
public native @ByVal Status DeleteRecursively(@StdString String dirname, @Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongBuffer undeleted_files,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongBuffer undeleted_dirs);
public native @ByVal Status DeleteRecursively(@StdString BytePointer dirname, @Cast("tensorflow::int64*") long[] undeleted_files,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") long... undeleted_dirs);
public native @ByVal Status DeleteRecursively(@StdString String dirname, @Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongPointer undeleted_files,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongPointer undeleted_dirs);
public native @ByVal Status DeleteRecursively(@StdString BytePointer dirname, @Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongBuffer undeleted_files,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") LongBuffer undeleted_dirs);
public native @ByVal Status DeleteRecursively(@StdString String dirname, @Cast("tensorflow::int64*") long[] undeleted_files,
@Cast("tensorflow::int64*") long... undeleted_dirs);
/** \brief Creates the specified directory and all the necessary
* subdirectories. Typical return codes.
* * OK - successfully created the directory and sub directories, even if
* they were already created.
* * PERMISSION_DENIED - dirname or some subdirectory is not writable. */
public native @ByVal Status RecursivelyCreateDir(@StdString BytePointer dirname);
public native @ByVal Status RecursivelyCreateDir(@StdString String dirname);
/** \brief Creates the specified directory. Typical return codes
* * OK - successfully created the directory.
* * ALREADY_EXISTS - directory already exists.
* * PERMISSION_DENIED - dirname is not writable. */
public native @ByVal Status CreateDir(@StdString BytePointer dirname);
public native @ByVal Status CreateDir(@StdString String dirname);
/** Deletes the specified directory. */
public native @ByVal Status DeleteDir(@StdString BytePointer dirname);
public native @ByVal Status DeleteDir(@StdString String dirname);
/** Obtains statistics for the given path. */
public native @ByVal Status Stat(@StdString BytePointer fname, FileStatistics stat);
public native @ByVal Status Stat(@StdString String fname, FileStatistics stat);
/** \brief Returns whether the given path is a directory or not.
* Typical return codes (not guaranteed exhaustive):
* * OK - The path exists and is a directory.
* * FAILED_PRECONDITION - The path exists and is not a directory.
* * NOT_FOUND - The path entry does not exist.
* * PERMISSION_DENIED - Insufficient permissions.
* * UNIMPLEMENTED - The file factory doesn't support directories. */
public native @ByVal Status IsDirectory(@StdString BytePointer fname);
public native @ByVal Status IsDirectory(@StdString String fname);
/** Stores the size of {@code fname} in {@code *file_size}. */
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSize(@StdString BytePointer fname, @Cast("tensorflow::uint64*") LongPointer file_size);
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSize(@StdString String fname, @Cast("tensorflow::uint64*") LongBuffer file_size);
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSize(@StdString BytePointer fname, @Cast("tensorflow::uint64*") long... file_size);
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSize(@StdString String fname, @Cast("tensorflow::uint64*") LongPointer file_size);
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSize(@StdString BytePointer fname, @Cast("tensorflow::uint64*") LongBuffer file_size);
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSize(@StdString String fname, @Cast("tensorflow::uint64*") long... file_size);
/** \brief Renames file src to target. If target already exists, it will be
* replaced. */
public native @ByVal Status RenameFile(@StdString BytePointer src, @StdString BytePointer target);
public native @ByVal Status RenameFile(@StdString String src, @StdString String target);
/** \brief Copy the src to target. */
public native @ByVal Status CopyFile(@StdString BytePointer src, @StdString BytePointer target);
public native @ByVal Status CopyFile(@StdString String src, @StdString String target);
/** \brief Returns the absolute path of the current executable. It resolves
* symlinks if there is any. */
public native @StdString BytePointer GetExecutablePath();
/** Creates a local unique temporary file name. Returns true if success. */
public native @Cast("bool") boolean LocalTempFilename(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer filename);
/** Creates a local unique file name that starts with |prefix| and ends with
* |suffix|. Returns true if success. */
public native @Cast("bool") boolean CreateUniqueFileName(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer prefix, @StdString BytePointer suffix);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean CreateUniqueFileName(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer prefix, @StdString String suffix);
// TODO(jeff,sanjay): Add back thread/thread-pool support if needed.
// TODO(jeff,sanjay): if needed, tighten spec so relative to epoch, or
// provide a routine to get the absolute time.
/** \brief Returns the number of micro-seconds since the Unix epoch. */
public native @Cast("tensorflow::uint64") long NowMicros();
/** \brief Returns the number of seconds since the Unix epoch. */
public native @Cast("tensorflow::uint64") long NowSeconds();
/** Sleeps/delays the thread for the prescribed number of micro-seconds. */
public native void SleepForMicroseconds(@Cast("tensorflow::int64") long micros);
/** \brief Returns a new thread that is running fn() and is identified
* (for debugging/performance-analysis) by "name".
* Caller takes ownership of the result and must delete it eventually
* (the deletion will block until fn() stops running). */
public native Thread StartThread(@Const @ByRef ThreadOptions thread_options,
@StdString BytePointer name,
@ByVal Fn fn);
public native Thread StartThread(@Const @ByRef ThreadOptions thread_options,
@StdString String name,
@ByVal Fn fn);
// \brief Schedules the given closure on a thread-pool.
// NOTE(mrry): This closure may block.
public native void SchedClosure(@ByVal Fn closure);
// \brief Schedules the given closure on a thread-pool after the given number
// of microseconds.
// NOTE(mrry): This closure must not block.
public native void SchedClosureAfter(@Cast("tensorflow::int64") long micros,
@ByVal Fn closure);
// \brief Load a dynamic library.
// Pass "library_filename" to a platform-specific mechanism for dynamically
// loading a library. The rules for determining the exact location of the
// library are platform-specific and are not documented here.
// On success, returns a handle to the library in "*handle" and returns
// OK from the function.
// Otherwise returns nullptr in "*handle" and an error status from the
// function.
public native @ByVal Status LoadLibrary(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer library_filename, @Cast("void**") PointerPointer handle);
public native @ByVal Status LoadLibrary(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer library_filename, @Cast("void**") @ByPtrPtr Pointer handle);
public native @ByVal Status LoadLibrary(String library_filename, @Cast("void**") @ByPtrPtr Pointer handle);
// \brief Get a pointer to a symbol from a dynamic library.
// "handle" should be a pointer returned from a previous call to LoadLibrary.
// On success, store a pointer to the located symbol in "*symbol" and return
// OK from the function. Otherwise, returns nullptr in "*symbol" and an error
// status from the function.
public native @ByVal Status GetSymbolFromLibrary(Pointer handle, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer symbol_name,
@Cast("void**") PointerPointer symbol);
public native @ByVal Status GetSymbolFromLibrary(Pointer handle, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer symbol_name,
@Cast("void**") @ByPtrPtr Pointer symbol);
public native @ByVal Status GetSymbolFromLibrary(Pointer handle, String symbol_name,
@Cast("void**") @ByPtrPtr Pointer symbol);
// \brief build the name of dynamic library.
// "name" should be name of the library.
// "version" should be the version of the library or NULL
// returns the name that LoadLibrary() can use
public native @StdString BytePointer FormatLibraryFileName(@StdString BytePointer name,
@StdString BytePointer version);
public native @StdString String FormatLibraryFileName(@StdString String name,
@StdString String version);
/** \brief An implementation of Env that forwards all calls to another Env.
* May be useful to clients who wish to override just part of the
* functionality of another Env. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class EnvWrapper extends Env {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public EnvWrapper(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Initializes an EnvWrapper that delegates all calls to *t */
public EnvWrapper(Env t) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(t); }
private native void allocate(Env t);
/** Returns the target to which this Env forwards all calls */
public native Env target();
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSystemForFile(@StdString BytePointer fname,
@Cast("tensorflow::FileSystem**") PointerPointer result);
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSystemForFile(@StdString BytePointer fname,
@ByPtrPtr FileSystem result);
public native @ByVal Status GetFileSystemForFile(@StdString String fname,
@ByPtrPtr FileSystem result);
public native @ByVal Status GetRegisteredFileSystemSchemes(StringVector schemes);
public native @ByVal Status RegisterFileSystem(@StdString BytePointer scheme,
@ByVal @Cast("tensorflow::FileSystemRegistry::Factory*") Pointer factory);
public native @ByVal Status RegisterFileSystem(@StdString String scheme,
@ByVal @Cast("tensorflow::FileSystemRegistry::Factory*") Pointer factory);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MatchPath(@StdString BytePointer path, @StdString BytePointer pattern);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MatchPath(@StdString String path, @StdString String pattern);
public native @Cast("tensorflow::uint64") long NowMicros();
public native void SleepForMicroseconds(@Cast("tensorflow::int64") long micros);
public native Thread StartThread(@Const @ByRef ThreadOptions thread_options, @StdString BytePointer name,
@ByVal Fn fn);
public native Thread StartThread(@Const @ByRef ThreadOptions thread_options, @StdString String name,
@ByVal Fn fn);
public native void SchedClosure(@ByVal Fn closure);
public native void SchedClosureAfter(@Cast("tensorflow::int64") long micros, @ByVal Fn closure);
public native @ByVal Status LoadLibrary(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer library_filename, @Cast("void**") PointerPointer handle);
public native @ByVal Status LoadLibrary(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer library_filename, @Cast("void**") @ByPtrPtr Pointer handle);
public native @ByVal Status LoadLibrary(String library_filename, @Cast("void**") @ByPtrPtr Pointer handle);
public native @ByVal Status GetSymbolFromLibrary(Pointer handle, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer symbol_name,
@Cast("void**") PointerPointer symbol);
public native @ByVal Status GetSymbolFromLibrary(Pointer handle, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer symbol_name,
@Cast("void**") @ByPtrPtr Pointer symbol);
public native @ByVal Status GetSymbolFromLibrary(Pointer handle, String symbol_name,
@Cast("void**") @ByPtrPtr Pointer symbol);
public native @StdString BytePointer FormatLibraryFileName(@StdString BytePointer name,
@StdString BytePointer version);
public native @StdString String FormatLibraryFileName(@StdString String name,
@StdString String version);
/** Represents a thread used to run a Tensorflow function. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static class Thread extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Thread(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public Thread(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public Thread position(long position) {
return (Thread)super.position(position);
public Thread() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
/** Blocks until the thread of control stops running. */
/** \brief Options to configure a Thread.
* Note that the options are all hints, and the
* underlying implementation may choose to ignore it. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static class ThreadOptions extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Default native constructor. */
public ThreadOptions() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public ThreadOptions(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ThreadOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public ThreadOptions position(long position) {
return (ThreadOptions)super.position(position);
/** Thread stack size to use (in bytes). */
public native @Cast("size_t") long stack_size(); public native ThreadOptions stack_size(long stack_size); // 0: use system default value
/** Guard area size to use near thread stacks to use (in bytes) */
public native @Cast("size_t") long guard_size(); public native ThreadOptions guard_size(long guard_size); // 0: use system default value
/** A utility routine: copy contents of {@code src} in file system {@code src_fs}
* to {@code target} in file system {@code target_fs}. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal Status FileSystemCopyFile(FileSystem src_fs, @StdString BytePointer src,
FileSystem target_fs, @StdString BytePointer target);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal Status FileSystemCopyFile(FileSystem src_fs, @StdString String src,
FileSystem target_fs, @StdString String target);
/** A utility routine: reads contents of named file into {@code *data} */
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal Status ReadFileToString(Env env, @StdString BytePointer fname, @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer data);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal Status ReadFileToString(Env env, @StdString String fname, @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer data);
/** A utility routine: write contents of {@code data} to file named {@code fname}
* (overwriting existing contents, if any). */
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal Status WriteStringToFile(Env env, @StdString BytePointer fname,
@StringPiece BytePointer data);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal Status WriteStringToFile(Env env, @StdString String fname,
@StringPiece String data);
/** Write binary representation of "proto" to the named file. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal Status WriteBinaryProto(Env env, @StdString BytePointer fname,
@Cast("const tensorflow::protobuf::MessageLite*") @ByRef MessageLite proto);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal Status WriteBinaryProto(Env env, @StdString String fname,
@Cast("const tensorflow::protobuf::MessageLite*") @ByRef MessageLite proto);
/** Reads contents of named file and parse as binary encoded proto data
* and store into {@code *proto}. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal Status ReadBinaryProto(Env env, @StdString BytePointer fname,
@Cast("tensorflow::protobuf::MessageLite*") MessageLite proto);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal Status ReadBinaryProto(Env env, @StdString String fname,
@Cast("tensorflow::protobuf::MessageLite*") MessageLite proto);
/** Write the text representation of "proto" to the named file. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal Status WriteTextProto(Env env, @StdString BytePointer fname,
@Cast("const tensorflow::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite proto);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal Status WriteTextProto(Env env, @StdString String fname,
@Cast("const tensorflow::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite proto);
/** Read contents of named file and parse as text encoded proto data
* and store into {@code *proto}. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal Status ReadTextProto(Env env, @StdString BytePointer fname,
@Cast("tensorflow::protobuf::Message*") MessageLite proto);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @ByVal Status ReadTextProto(Env env, @StdString String fname,
@Cast("tensorflow::protobuf::Message*") MessageLite proto);
// namespace register_file_system
// namespace tensorflow
// Register a FileSystem implementation for a scheme. Files with names that have
// "scheme://" prefixes are routed to use this implementation.
// #define REGISTER_FILE_SYSTEM_ENV(env, scheme, factory)
// REGISTER_FILE_SYSTEM_UNIQ_HELPER(__COUNTER__, env, scheme, factory)
// #define REGISTER_FILE_SYSTEM_UNIQ_HELPER(ctr, env, scheme, factory)
// REGISTER_FILE_SYSTEM_UNIQ(ctr, env, scheme, factory)
// #define REGISTER_FILE_SYSTEM_UNIQ(ctr, env, scheme, factory)
// static ::tensorflow::register_file_system::Register
// register_ff##ctr TF_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED =
// ::tensorflow::register_file_system::Register(env, scheme)
// #define REGISTER_FILE_SYSTEM(scheme, factory)
// REGISTER_FILE_SYSTEM_ENV(Env::Default(), scheme, factory);
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/protobuf/debug.pb.h
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: tensorflow/core/protobuf/debug.proto
// #ifndef PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fdebug_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #define PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fdebug_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #include
// #include
// #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
// #error your headers.
// #endif
// #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
// #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
// #endif
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include
// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
// Internal implementation detail -- do not use these members.
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fdebug_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsDebugTensorWatchImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fdebug_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsDebugTensorWatch();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fdebug_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsDebugOptionsImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fdebug_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsDebugOptions();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fdebug_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsDebuggedSourceFileImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fdebug_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsDebuggedSourceFile();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fdebug_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsDebuggedSourceFilesImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fdebug_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsDebuggedSourceFiles();
// namespace protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fdebug_2eproto
// namespace tensorflow
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
// ===================================================================
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class DebugTensorWatch extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public DebugTensorWatch(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public DebugTensorWatch(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public DebugTensorWatch position(long position) {
return (DebugTensorWatch)super.position(position);
public DebugTensorWatch() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public DebugTensorWatch(@Const @ByRef DebugTensorWatch from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef DebugTensorWatch from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") DebugTensorWatch put(@Const @ByRef DebugTensorWatch from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef DebugTensorWatch default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const DebugTensorWatch internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(DebugTensorWatch other);
public native void Swap(DebugTensorWatch other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native DebugTensorWatch New();
public native DebugTensorWatch New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef DebugTensorWatch from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef DebugTensorWatch from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated string debug_ops = 3;
public native int debug_ops_size();
public native void clear_debug_ops();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDebugOpsFieldNumber();
public static final int kDebugOpsFieldNumber = kDebugOpsFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer debug_ops(int index);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_debug_ops(int index);
public native void set_debug_ops(int index, @StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_debug_ops(int index, @StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_debug_ops(int index, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_debug_ops(int index, String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer add_debug_ops();
public native void add_debug_ops(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void add_debug_ops(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void add_debug_ops(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void add_debug_ops(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
// repeated string debug_urls = 4;
public native int debug_urls_size();
public native void clear_debug_urls();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDebugUrlsFieldNumber();
public static final int kDebugUrlsFieldNumber = kDebugUrlsFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer debug_urls(int index);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_debug_urls(int index);
public native void set_debug_urls(int index, @StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_debug_urls(int index, @StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_debug_urls(int index, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_debug_urls(int index, String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer add_debug_urls();
public native void add_debug_urls(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void add_debug_urls(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void add_debug_urls(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void add_debug_urls(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
// string node_name = 1;
public native void clear_node_name();
@MemberGetter public static native int kNodeNameFieldNumber();
public static final int kNodeNameFieldNumber = kNodeNameFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer node_name();
public native void set_node_name(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_node_name(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_node_name(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_node_name(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_node_name();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_node_name();
public native void set_allocated_node_name(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer node_name);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_node_name();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_node_name(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer node_name);
// int32 output_slot = 2;
public native void clear_output_slot();
@MemberGetter public static native int kOutputSlotFieldNumber();
public static final int kOutputSlotFieldNumber = kOutputSlotFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int output_slot();
public native void set_output_slot(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// bool tolerate_debug_op_creation_failures = 5;
public native void clear_tolerate_debug_op_creation_failures();
@MemberGetter public static native int kTolerateDebugOpCreationFailuresFieldNumber();
public static final int kTolerateDebugOpCreationFailuresFieldNumber = kTolerateDebugOpCreationFailuresFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean tolerate_debug_op_creation_failures();
public native void set_tolerate_debug_op_creation_failures(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class DebugOptions extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public DebugOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public DebugOptions(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public DebugOptions position(long position) {
return (DebugOptions)super.position(position);
public DebugOptions() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public DebugOptions(@Const @ByRef DebugOptions from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef DebugOptions from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") DebugOptions put(@Const @ByRef DebugOptions from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef DebugOptions default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const DebugOptions internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(DebugOptions other);
public native void Swap(DebugOptions other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native DebugOptions New();
public native DebugOptions New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef DebugOptions from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef DebugOptions from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
public native int debug_tensor_watch_opts_size();
public native void clear_debug_tensor_watch_opts();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDebugTensorWatchOptsFieldNumber();
public static final int kDebugTensorWatchOptsFieldNumber = kDebugTensorWatchOptsFieldNumber();
public native DebugTensorWatch mutable_debug_tensor_watch_opts(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts(int index);
public native DebugTensorWatch add_debug_tensor_watch_opts();
// int64 global_step = 10;
public native void clear_global_step();
@MemberGetter public static native int kGlobalStepFieldNumber();
public static final int kGlobalStepFieldNumber = kGlobalStepFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long global_step();
public native void set_global_step(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class DebuggedSourceFile extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public DebuggedSourceFile(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public DebuggedSourceFile(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public DebuggedSourceFile position(long position) {
return (DebuggedSourceFile)super.position(position);
public DebuggedSourceFile() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public DebuggedSourceFile(@Const @ByRef DebuggedSourceFile from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef DebuggedSourceFile from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") DebuggedSourceFile put(@Const @ByRef DebuggedSourceFile from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef DebuggedSourceFile default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const DebuggedSourceFile internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(DebuggedSourceFile other);
public native void Swap(DebuggedSourceFile other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native DebuggedSourceFile New();
public native DebuggedSourceFile New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef DebuggedSourceFile from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef DebuggedSourceFile from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated string lines = 5;
public native int lines_size();
public native void clear_lines();
@MemberGetter public static native int kLinesFieldNumber();
public static final int kLinesFieldNumber = kLinesFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer lines(int index);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_lines(int index);
public native void set_lines(int index, @StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_lines(int index, @StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_lines(int index, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_lines(int index, String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer add_lines();
public native void add_lines(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void add_lines(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void add_lines(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void add_lines(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
// string host = 1;
public native void clear_host();
@MemberGetter public static native int kHostFieldNumber();
public static final int kHostFieldNumber = kHostFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer host();
public native void set_host(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_host(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_host(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_host(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_host();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_host();
public native void set_allocated_host(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer host);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_host();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_host(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer host);
// string file_path = 2;
public native void clear_file_path();
@MemberGetter public static native int kFilePathFieldNumber();
public static final int kFilePathFieldNumber = kFilePathFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer file_path();
public native void set_file_path(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_file_path(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_file_path(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_file_path(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_file_path();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_file_path();
public native void set_allocated_file_path(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer file_path);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_file_path();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_file_path(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer file_path);
// int64 last_modified = 3;
public native void clear_last_modified();
@MemberGetter public static native int kLastModifiedFieldNumber();
public static final int kLastModifiedFieldNumber = kLastModifiedFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long last_modified();
public native void set_last_modified(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 bytes = 4;
public native void clear_bytes();
@MemberGetter public static native int kBytesFieldNumber();
public static final int kBytesFieldNumber = kBytesFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long bytes();
public native void set_bytes(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class DebuggedSourceFiles extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public DebuggedSourceFiles(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public DebuggedSourceFiles(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public DebuggedSourceFiles position(long position) {
return (DebuggedSourceFiles)super.position(position);
public DebuggedSourceFiles() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public DebuggedSourceFiles(@Const @ByRef DebuggedSourceFiles from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef DebuggedSourceFiles from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") DebuggedSourceFiles put(@Const @ByRef DebuggedSourceFiles from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef DebuggedSourceFiles default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const DebuggedSourceFiles internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(DebuggedSourceFiles other);
public native void Swap(DebuggedSourceFiles other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native DebuggedSourceFiles New();
public native DebuggedSourceFiles New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef DebuggedSourceFiles from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef DebuggedSourceFiles from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated .tensorflow.DebuggedSourceFile source_files = 1;
public native int source_files_size();
public native void clear_source_files();
@MemberGetter public static native int kSourceFilesFieldNumber();
public static final int kSourceFilesFieldNumber = kSourceFilesFieldNumber();
public native DebuggedSourceFile mutable_source_files(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef DebuggedSourceFile source_files(int index);
public native DebuggedSourceFile add_source_files();
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
// #endif // __GNUC__
// DebugTensorWatch
// string node_name = 1;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// int32 output_slot = 2;
// repeated string debug_ops = 3;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// repeated string debug_urls = 4;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// bool tolerate_debug_op_creation_failures = 5;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// DebugOptions
// repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
// int64 global_step = 10;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// DebuggedSourceFile
// string host = 1;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// string file_path = 2;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// int64 last_modified = 3;
// int64 bytes = 4;
// repeated string lines = 5;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// DebuggedSourceFiles
// repeated .tensorflow.DebuggedSourceFile source_files = 1;
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// #endif // __GNUC__
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
// namespace tensorflow
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
// #endif // PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fdebug_2eproto_INCLUDED
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/protobuf/cluster.pb.h
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: tensorflow/core/protobuf/cluster.proto
// #ifndef PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fcluster_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #define PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fcluster_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #include
// #include
// #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
// #error your headers.
// #endif
// #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
// #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
// #endif
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include
// #include
// #include
// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
// Internal implementation detail -- do not use these members.
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fcluster_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsJobDef_TasksEntry_DoNotUseImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fcluster_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsJobDef_TasksEntry_DoNotUse();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fcluster_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsJobDefImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fcluster_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsJobDef();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fcluster_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsClusterDefImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fcluster_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsClusterDef();
// namespace protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fcluster_2eproto
@Namespace("tensorflow") @Opaque public static class JobDef_TasksEntry_DoNotUse extends Pointer {
/** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
public JobDef_TasksEntry_DoNotUse() { super((Pointer)null); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public JobDef_TasksEntry_DoNotUse(Pointer p) { super(p); }
// namespace tensorflow
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
// ===================================================================
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class JobDef extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public JobDef(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public JobDef(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public JobDef position(long position) {
return (JobDef)super.position(position);
public JobDef() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public JobDef(@Const @ByRef JobDef from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef JobDef from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") JobDef put(@Const @ByRef JobDef from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef JobDef default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const JobDef internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(JobDef other);
public native void Swap(JobDef other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native JobDef New();
public native JobDef New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef JobDef from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef JobDef from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// map tasks = 2;
public native int tasks_size();
public native void clear_tasks();
@MemberGetter public static native int kTasksFieldNumber();
public static final int kTasksFieldNumber = kTasksFieldNumber();
// string name = 1;
public native void clear_name();
@MemberGetter public static native int kNameFieldNumber();
public static final int kNameFieldNumber = kNameFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer name();
public native void set_name(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_name(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_name(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_name(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_name();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_name();
public native void set_allocated_name(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer name);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_name();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_name(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer name);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class ClusterDef extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ClusterDef(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public ClusterDef(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public ClusterDef position(long position) {
return (ClusterDef)super.position(position);
public ClusterDef() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public ClusterDef(@Const @ByRef ClusterDef from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef ClusterDef from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") ClusterDef put(@Const @ByRef ClusterDef from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef ClusterDef default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const ClusterDef internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(ClusterDef other);
public native void Swap(ClusterDef other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native ClusterDef New();
public native ClusterDef New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef ClusterDef from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef ClusterDef from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
public native int job_size();
public native void clear_job();
@MemberGetter public static native int kJobFieldNumber();
public static final int kJobFieldNumber = kJobFieldNumber();
public native JobDef mutable_job(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef JobDef job(int index);
public native JobDef add_job();
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
// #endif // __GNUC__
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// JobDef
// string name = 1;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// map tasks = 2;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// ClusterDef
// repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// #endif // __GNUC__
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
// namespace tensorflow
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
// #endif // PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fcluster_2eproto_INCLUDED
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/protobuf/rewriter_config.pb.h
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: tensorflow/core/protobuf/rewriter_config.proto
// #ifndef PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2frewriter_5fconfig_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #define PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2frewriter_5fconfig_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #include
// #include
// #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
// #error your headers.
// #endif
// #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
// #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
// #endif
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include
// #include
// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
// Internal implementation detail -- do not use these members.
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2frewriter_5fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsAutoParallelOptionsImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2frewriter_5fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsAutoParallelOptions();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2frewriter_5fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsRewriterConfigImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2frewriter_5fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsRewriterConfig();
// namespace protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2frewriter_5fconfig_2eproto
// namespace tensorflow
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
/** enum tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle */
public static final int
RewriterConfig_Toggle_DEFAULT = 0,
RewriterConfig_Toggle_ON = 1,
RewriterConfig_Toggle_OFF = 2,
RewriterConfig_Toggle_AGGRESSIVE = 3,
RewriterConfig_Toggle_RewriterConfig_Toggle_INT_MIN_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = kint32min,
RewriterConfig_Toggle_RewriterConfig_Toggle_INT_MAX_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = kint32max;
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RewriterConfig_Toggle_IsValid(int value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle") int RewriterConfig_Toggle_Toggle_MIN();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle") int RewriterConfig_Toggle_Toggle_MAX();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native int RewriterConfig_Toggle_Toggle_ARRAYSIZE();
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*") Pointer RewriterConfig_Toggle_descriptor();
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @StdString BytePointer RewriterConfig_Toggle_Name(@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle") int value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RewriterConfig_Toggle_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle*") IntPointer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RewriterConfig_Toggle_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle*") IntBuffer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RewriterConfig_Toggle_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle*") int... value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RewriterConfig_Toggle_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle*") IntPointer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RewriterConfig_Toggle_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle*") IntBuffer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RewriterConfig_Toggle_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle*") int... value);
/** enum tensorflow::RewriterConfig_MemOptType */
public static final int
RewriterConfig_MemOptType_DEFAULT_MEM_OPT = 0,
RewriterConfig_MemOptType_NO_MEM_OPT = 1,
RewriterConfig_MemOptType_MANUAL = 2,
RewriterConfig_MemOptType_SWAPPING_HEURISTICS = 4,
RewriterConfig_MemOptType_SCHEDULING_HEURISTICS = 6,
RewriterConfig_MemOptType_HEURISTICS = 3,
RewriterConfig_MemOptType_RewriterConfig_MemOptType_INT_MIN_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = kint32min,
RewriterConfig_MemOptType_RewriterConfig_MemOptType_INT_MAX_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = kint32max;
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RewriterConfig_MemOptType_IsValid(int value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig_MemOptType") int RewriterConfig_MemOptType_MemOptType_MIN();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig_MemOptType") int RewriterConfig_MemOptType_MemOptType_MAX();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native int RewriterConfig_MemOptType_MemOptType_ARRAYSIZE();
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*") Pointer RewriterConfig_MemOptType_descriptor();
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @StdString BytePointer RewriterConfig_MemOptType_Name(@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_MemOptType") int value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RewriterConfig_MemOptType_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_MemOptType*") IntPointer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RewriterConfig_MemOptType_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_MemOptType*") IntBuffer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RewriterConfig_MemOptType_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_MemOptType*") int... value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RewriterConfig_MemOptType_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_MemOptType*") IntPointer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RewriterConfig_MemOptType_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_MemOptType*") IntBuffer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RewriterConfig_MemOptType_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_MemOptType*") int... value);
// ===================================================================
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class AutoParallelOptions extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public AutoParallelOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public AutoParallelOptions(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public AutoParallelOptions position(long position) {
return (AutoParallelOptions)super.position(position);
public AutoParallelOptions() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public AutoParallelOptions(@Const @ByRef AutoParallelOptions from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef AutoParallelOptions from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") AutoParallelOptions put(@Const @ByRef AutoParallelOptions from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef AutoParallelOptions default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const AutoParallelOptions internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(AutoParallelOptions other);
public native void Swap(AutoParallelOptions other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native AutoParallelOptions New();
public native AutoParallelOptions New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef AutoParallelOptions from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef AutoParallelOptions from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// bool enable = 1;
public native void clear_enable();
@MemberGetter public static native int kEnableFieldNumber();
public static final int kEnableFieldNumber = kEnableFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean enable();
public native void set_enable(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// int32 num_replicas = 2;
public native void clear_num_replicas();
@MemberGetter public static native int kNumReplicasFieldNumber();
public static final int kNumReplicasFieldNumber = kNumReplicasFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int num_replicas();
public native void set_num_replicas(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class RewriterConfig extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public RewriterConfig(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public RewriterConfig(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public RewriterConfig position(long position) {
return (RewriterConfig)super.position(position);
public RewriterConfig() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public RewriterConfig(@Const @ByRef RewriterConfig from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef RewriterConfig from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") RewriterConfig put(@Const @ByRef RewriterConfig from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef RewriterConfig default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const RewriterConfig internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(RewriterConfig other);
public native void Swap(RewriterConfig other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native RewriterConfig New();
public native RewriterConfig New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef RewriterConfig from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef RewriterConfig from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig::Toggle") int DEFAULT();
public static final int DEFAULT = DEFAULT();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig::Toggle") int ON();
public static final int ON = ON();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig::Toggle") int OFF();
public static final int OFF = OFF();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig::Toggle") int AGGRESSIVE();
public static final int AGGRESSIVE = AGGRESSIVE();
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Toggle_IsValid(int value);
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig::Toggle") int Toggle_MIN();
public static final int Toggle_MIN = Toggle_MIN();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig::Toggle") int Toggle_MAX();
public static final int Toggle_MAX = Toggle_MAX();
@MemberGetter public static native int Toggle_ARRAYSIZE();
public static final int Toggle_ARRAYSIZE = Toggle_ARRAYSIZE();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*") Pointer Toggle_descriptor();
public static native @StdString BytePointer Toggle_Name(@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig::Toggle") int value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Toggle_Parse(@StdString BytePointer name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig::Toggle*") IntPointer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Toggle_Parse(@StdString String name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig::Toggle*") IntBuffer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Toggle_Parse(@StdString BytePointer name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig::Toggle*") int... value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Toggle_Parse(@StdString String name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig::Toggle*") IntPointer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Toggle_Parse(@StdString BytePointer name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig::Toggle*") IntBuffer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Toggle_Parse(@StdString String name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig::Toggle*") int... value);
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType") int DEFAULT_MEM_OPT();
public static final int DEFAULT_MEM_OPT = DEFAULT_MEM_OPT();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType") int NO_MEM_OPT();
public static final int NO_MEM_OPT = NO_MEM_OPT();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType") int MANUAL();
public static final int MANUAL = MANUAL();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType") int SWAPPING_HEURISTICS();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType") int RECOMPUTATION_HEURISTICS();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType") int SCHEDULING_HEURISTICS();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType") int HEURISTICS();
public static final int HEURISTICS = HEURISTICS();
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean MemOptType_IsValid(int value);
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType") int MemOptType_MIN();
public static final int MemOptType_MIN = MemOptType_MIN();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType") int MemOptType_MAX();
public static final int MemOptType_MAX = MemOptType_MAX();
@MemberGetter public static native int MemOptType_ARRAYSIZE();
public static final int MemOptType_ARRAYSIZE = MemOptType_ARRAYSIZE();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*") Pointer MemOptType_descriptor();
public static native @StdString BytePointer MemOptType_Name(@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType") int value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean MemOptType_Parse(@StdString BytePointer name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType*") IntPointer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean MemOptType_Parse(@StdString String name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType*") IntBuffer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean MemOptType_Parse(@StdString BytePointer name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType*") int... value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean MemOptType_Parse(@StdString String name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType*") IntPointer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean MemOptType_Parse(@StdString BytePointer name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType*") IntBuffer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean MemOptType_Parse(@StdString String name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig::MemOptType*") int... value);
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated string optimizers = 100;
public native int optimizers_size();
public native void clear_optimizers();
@MemberGetter public static native int kOptimizersFieldNumber();
public static final int kOptimizersFieldNumber = kOptimizersFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer optimizers(int index);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_optimizers(int index);
public native void set_optimizers(int index, @StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_optimizers(int index, @StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_optimizers(int index, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_optimizers(int index, String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer add_optimizers();
public native void add_optimizers(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void add_optimizers(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void add_optimizers(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void add_optimizers(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
// string memory_optimizer_target_node_name_scope = 6;
public native void clear_memory_optimizer_target_node_name_scope();
@MemberGetter public static native int kMemoryOptimizerTargetNodeNameScopeFieldNumber();
public static final int kMemoryOptimizerTargetNodeNameScopeFieldNumber = kMemoryOptimizerTargetNodeNameScopeFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer memory_optimizer_target_node_name_scope();
public native void set_memory_optimizer_target_node_name_scope(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_memory_optimizer_target_node_name_scope(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_memory_optimizer_target_node_name_scope(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_memory_optimizer_target_node_name_scope(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_memory_optimizer_target_node_name_scope();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_memory_optimizer_target_node_name_scope();
public native void set_allocated_memory_optimizer_target_node_name_scope(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer memory_optimizer_target_node_name_scope);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_memory_optimizer_target_node_name_scope();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_memory_optimizer_target_node_name_scope(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer memory_optimizer_target_node_name_scope);
// .tensorflow.AutoParallelOptions auto_parallel = 5;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_auto_parallel();
public native void clear_auto_parallel();
@MemberGetter public static native int kAutoParallelFieldNumber();
public static final int kAutoParallelFieldNumber = kAutoParallelFieldNumber();
public native @Const @ByRef AutoParallelOptions auto_parallel();
public native AutoParallelOptions release_auto_parallel();
public native AutoParallelOptions mutable_auto_parallel();
public native void set_allocated_auto_parallel(AutoParallelOptions auto_parallel);
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_auto_parallel(
AutoParallelOptions auto_parallel);
public native AutoParallelOptions unsafe_arena_release_auto_parallel();
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig.Toggle layout_optimizer = 1;
public native void clear_layout_optimizer();
@MemberGetter public static native int kLayoutOptimizerFieldNumber();
public static final int kLayoutOptimizerFieldNumber = kLayoutOptimizerFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle") int layout_optimizer();
public native void set_layout_optimizer(@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle") int value);
// bool disable_model_pruning = 2;
public native void clear_disable_model_pruning();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDisableModelPruningFieldNumber();
public static final int kDisableModelPruningFieldNumber = kDisableModelPruningFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean disable_model_pruning();
public native void set_disable_model_pruning(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig.Toggle constant_folding = 3;
public native void clear_constant_folding();
@MemberGetter public static native int kConstantFoldingFieldNumber();
public static final int kConstantFoldingFieldNumber = kConstantFoldingFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle") int constant_folding();
public native void set_constant_folding(@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle") int value);
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig.MemOptType memory_optimization = 4;
public native void clear_memory_optimization();
@MemberGetter public static native int kMemoryOptimizationFieldNumber();
public static final int kMemoryOptimizationFieldNumber = kMemoryOptimizationFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_MemOptType") int memory_optimization();
public native void set_memory_optimization(@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_MemOptType") int value);
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig.Toggle arithmetic_optimization = 7;
public native void clear_arithmetic_optimization();
@MemberGetter public static native int kArithmeticOptimizationFieldNumber();
public static final int kArithmeticOptimizationFieldNumber = kArithmeticOptimizationFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle") int arithmetic_optimization();
public native void set_arithmetic_optimization(@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle") int value);
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig.Toggle dependency_optimization = 8;
public native void clear_dependency_optimization();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDependencyOptimizationFieldNumber();
public static final int kDependencyOptimizationFieldNumber = kDependencyOptimizationFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle") int dependency_optimization();
public native void set_dependency_optimization(@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle") int value);
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig.Toggle loop_optimization = 9;
public native void clear_loop_optimization();
@MemberGetter public static native int kLoopOptimizationFieldNumber();
public static final int kLoopOptimizationFieldNumber = kLoopOptimizationFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle") int loop_optimization();
public native void set_loop_optimization(@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle") int value);
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig.Toggle function_optimization = 10;
public native void clear_function_optimization();
@MemberGetter public static native int kFunctionOptimizationFieldNumber();
public static final int kFunctionOptimizationFieldNumber = kFunctionOptimizationFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle") int function_optimization();
public native void set_function_optimization(@Cast("tensorflow::RewriterConfig_Toggle") int value);
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
// #endif // __GNUC__
// AutoParallelOptions
// bool enable = 1;
// int32 num_replicas = 2;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// RewriterConfig
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig.Toggle layout_optimizer = 1;
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig.Toggle constant_folding = 3;
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig.Toggle arithmetic_optimization = 7;
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig.Toggle dependency_optimization = 8;
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig.Toggle loop_optimization = 9;
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig.Toggle function_optimization = 10;
// bool disable_model_pruning = 2;
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig.MemOptType memory_optimization = 4;
// string memory_optimizer_target_node_name_scope = 6;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// .tensorflow.AutoParallelOptions auto_parallel = 5;
// repeated string optimizers = 100;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// #endif // __GNUC__
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
// namespace tensorflow
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
// #endif // PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2frewriter_5fconfig_2eproto_INCLUDED
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/protobuf/config.pb.h
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: tensorflow/core/protobuf/config.proto
// #ifndef PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #define PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #include
// #include
// #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
// #error your headers.
// #endif
// #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
// #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
// #endif
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include "tensorflow/core/framework/cost_graph.pb.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/framework/graph.pb.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/framework/step_stats.pb.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/protobuf/debug.pb.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/protobuf/cluster.pb.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/protobuf/rewriter_config.pb.h"
// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
// Internal implementation detail -- do not use these members.
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsGPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevicesImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsGPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsGPUOptions_ExperimentalImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsGPUOptions_Experimental();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsGPUOptionsImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsGPUOptions();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsOptimizerOptionsImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsOptimizerOptions();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsGraphOptionsImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsGraphOptions();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsThreadPoolOptionProtoImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsThreadPoolOptionProto();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsRPCOptionsImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsRPCOptions();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsConfigProto_DeviceCountEntry_DoNotUseImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsConfigProto_DeviceCountEntry_DoNotUse();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsConfigProtoImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsConfigProto();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsRunOptionsImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsRunOptions();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsRunMetadataImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsRunMetadata();
// namespace protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto
@Namespace("tensorflow") @Opaque public static class ConfigProto_DeviceCountEntry_DoNotUse extends Pointer {
/** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
public ConfigProto_DeviceCountEntry_DoNotUse() { super((Pointer)null); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ConfigProto_DeviceCountEntry_DoNotUse(Pointer p) { super(p); }
// namespace tensorflow
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
/** enum tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_Level */
public static final int
OptimizerOptions_Level_L1 = 0,
OptimizerOptions_Level_L0 = -1,
OptimizerOptions_Level_OptimizerOptions_Level_INT_MIN_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = kint32min,
OptimizerOptions_Level_OptimizerOptions_Level_INT_MAX_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = kint32max;
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean OptimizerOptions_Level_IsValid(int value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_Level") int OptimizerOptions_Level_Level_MIN();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_Level") int OptimizerOptions_Level_Level_MAX();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native int OptimizerOptions_Level_Level_ARRAYSIZE();
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*") Pointer OptimizerOptions_Level_descriptor();
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @StdString BytePointer OptimizerOptions_Level_Name(@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_Level") int value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean OptimizerOptions_Level_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_Level*") IntPointer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean OptimizerOptions_Level_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_Level*") IntBuffer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean OptimizerOptions_Level_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_Level*") int... value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean OptimizerOptions_Level_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_Level*") IntPointer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean OptimizerOptions_Level_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_Level*") IntBuffer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean OptimizerOptions_Level_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_Level*") int... value);
/** enum tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel */
public static final int
OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_DEFAULT = 0,
OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_OFF = -1,
OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_ON_1 = 1,
OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_ON_2 = 2,
OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_INT_MIN_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = kint32min,
OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_INT_MAX_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = kint32max;
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_IsValid(int value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel") int OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_GlobalJitLevel_MIN();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel") int OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_GlobalJitLevel_MAX();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native int OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_GlobalJitLevel_ARRAYSIZE();
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*") Pointer OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_descriptor();
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @StdString BytePointer OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_Name(@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel") int value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel*") IntPointer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel*") IntBuffer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel*") int... value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel*") IntPointer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel*") IntBuffer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel*") int... value);
/** enum tensorflow::RunOptions_TraceLevel */
public static final int
RunOptions_TraceLevel_NO_TRACE = 0,
RunOptions_TraceLevel_SOFTWARE_TRACE = 1,
RunOptions_TraceLevel_HARDWARE_TRACE = 2,
RunOptions_TraceLevel_FULL_TRACE = 3,
RunOptions_TraceLevel_RunOptions_TraceLevel_INT_MIN_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = kint32min,
RunOptions_TraceLevel_RunOptions_TraceLevel_INT_MAX_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = kint32max;
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RunOptions_TraceLevel_IsValid(int value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RunOptions_TraceLevel") int RunOptions_TraceLevel_TraceLevel_MIN();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RunOptions_TraceLevel") int RunOptions_TraceLevel_TraceLevel_MAX();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native int RunOptions_TraceLevel_TraceLevel_ARRAYSIZE();
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*") Pointer RunOptions_TraceLevel_descriptor();
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @StdString BytePointer RunOptions_TraceLevel_Name(@Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions_TraceLevel") int value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RunOptions_TraceLevel_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions_TraceLevel*") IntPointer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RunOptions_TraceLevel_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions_TraceLevel*") IntBuffer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RunOptions_TraceLevel_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions_TraceLevel*") int... value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RunOptions_TraceLevel_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions_TraceLevel*") IntPointer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RunOptions_TraceLevel_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions_TraceLevel*") IntBuffer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean RunOptions_TraceLevel_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions_TraceLevel*") int... value);
// ===================================================================
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices position(long position) {
return (GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices)super.position(position);
public GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices(@Const @ByRef GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices put(@Const @ByRef GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices other);
public native void Swap(GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices New();
public native GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated float memory_limit_mb = 1;
public native int memory_limit_mb_size();
public native void clear_memory_limit_mb();
@MemberGetter public static native int kMemoryLimitMbFieldNumber();
public static final int kMemoryLimitMbFieldNumber = kMemoryLimitMbFieldNumber();
public native float memory_limit_mb(int index);
public native void set_memory_limit_mb(int index, float value);
public native void add_memory_limit_mb(float value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class GPUOptions_Experimental extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public GPUOptions_Experimental(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public GPUOptions_Experimental(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public GPUOptions_Experimental position(long position) {
return (GPUOptions_Experimental)super.position(position);
public GPUOptions_Experimental() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public GPUOptions_Experimental(@Const @ByRef GPUOptions_Experimental from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef GPUOptions_Experimental from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") GPUOptions_Experimental put(@Const @ByRef GPUOptions_Experimental from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef GPUOptions_Experimental default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const GPUOptions_Experimental internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(GPUOptions_Experimental other);
public native void Swap(GPUOptions_Experimental other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native GPUOptions_Experimental New();
public native GPUOptions_Experimental New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef GPUOptions_Experimental from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef GPUOptions_Experimental from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated .tensorflow.GPUOptions.Experimental.VirtualDevices virtual_devices = 1;
public native int virtual_devices_size();
public native void clear_virtual_devices();
@MemberGetter public static native int kVirtualDevicesFieldNumber();
public static final int kVirtualDevicesFieldNumber = kVirtualDevicesFieldNumber();
public native GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices mutable_virtual_devices(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices virtual_devices(int index);
public native GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices add_virtual_devices();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class GPUOptions extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public GPUOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public GPUOptions(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public GPUOptions position(long position) {
return (GPUOptions)super.position(position);
public GPUOptions() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public GPUOptions(@Const @ByRef GPUOptions from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef GPUOptions from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") GPUOptions put(@Const @ByRef GPUOptions from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef GPUOptions default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const GPUOptions internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(GPUOptions other);
public native void Swap(GPUOptions other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native GPUOptions New();
public native GPUOptions New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef GPUOptions from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef GPUOptions from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// string allocator_type = 2;
public native void clear_allocator_type();
@MemberGetter public static native int kAllocatorTypeFieldNumber();
public static final int kAllocatorTypeFieldNumber = kAllocatorTypeFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer allocator_type();
public native void set_allocator_type(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_allocator_type(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_allocator_type(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_allocator_type(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_allocator_type();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_allocator_type();
public native void set_allocated_allocator_type(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer allocator_type);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_allocator_type();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_allocator_type(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer allocator_type);
// string visible_device_list = 5;
public native void clear_visible_device_list();
@MemberGetter public static native int kVisibleDeviceListFieldNumber();
public static final int kVisibleDeviceListFieldNumber = kVisibleDeviceListFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer visible_device_list();
public native void set_visible_device_list(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_visible_device_list(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_visible_device_list(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_visible_device_list(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_visible_device_list();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_visible_device_list();
public native void set_allocated_visible_device_list(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer visible_device_list);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_visible_device_list();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_visible_device_list(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer visible_device_list);
// .tensorflow.GPUOptions.Experimental experimental = 9;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_experimental();
public native void clear_experimental();
@MemberGetter public static native int kExperimentalFieldNumber();
public static final int kExperimentalFieldNumber = kExperimentalFieldNumber();
public native @Const @ByRef GPUOptions_Experimental experimental();
public native GPUOptions_Experimental release_experimental();
public native GPUOptions_Experimental mutable_experimental();
public native void set_allocated_experimental(GPUOptions_Experimental experimental);
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_experimental(
GPUOptions_Experimental experimental);
public native GPUOptions_Experimental unsafe_arena_release_experimental();
// double per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 1;
public native void clear_per_process_gpu_memory_fraction();
@MemberGetter public static native int kPerProcessGpuMemoryFractionFieldNumber();
public static final int kPerProcessGpuMemoryFractionFieldNumber = kPerProcessGpuMemoryFractionFieldNumber();
public native double per_process_gpu_memory_fraction();
public native void set_per_process_gpu_memory_fraction(double value);
// int64 deferred_deletion_bytes = 3;
public native void clear_deferred_deletion_bytes();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDeferredDeletionBytesFieldNumber();
public static final int kDeferredDeletionBytesFieldNumber = kDeferredDeletionBytesFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long deferred_deletion_bytes();
public native void set_deferred_deletion_bytes(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int32 polling_active_delay_usecs = 6;
public native void clear_polling_active_delay_usecs();
@MemberGetter public static native int kPollingActiveDelayUsecsFieldNumber();
public static final int kPollingActiveDelayUsecsFieldNumber = kPollingActiveDelayUsecsFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int polling_active_delay_usecs();
public native void set_polling_active_delay_usecs(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// bool allow_growth = 4;
public native void clear_allow_growth();
@MemberGetter public static native int kAllowGrowthFieldNumber();
public static final int kAllowGrowthFieldNumber = kAllowGrowthFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean allow_growth();
public native void set_allow_growth(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// bool force_gpu_compatible = 8;
public native void clear_force_gpu_compatible();
@MemberGetter public static native int kForceGpuCompatibleFieldNumber();
public static final int kForceGpuCompatibleFieldNumber = kForceGpuCompatibleFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean force_gpu_compatible();
public native void set_force_gpu_compatible(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// int32 polling_inactive_delay_msecs = 7;
public native void clear_polling_inactive_delay_msecs();
@MemberGetter public static native int kPollingInactiveDelayMsecsFieldNumber();
public static final int kPollingInactiveDelayMsecsFieldNumber = kPollingInactiveDelayMsecsFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int polling_inactive_delay_msecs();
public native void set_polling_inactive_delay_msecs(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class OptimizerOptions extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public OptimizerOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public OptimizerOptions(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public OptimizerOptions position(long position) {
return (OptimizerOptions)super.position(position);
public OptimizerOptions() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public OptimizerOptions(@Const @ByRef OptimizerOptions from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef OptimizerOptions from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") OptimizerOptions put(@Const @ByRef OptimizerOptions from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef OptimizerOptions default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const OptimizerOptions internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(OptimizerOptions other);
public native void Swap(OptimizerOptions other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native OptimizerOptions New();
public native OptimizerOptions New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef OptimizerOptions from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef OptimizerOptions from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::Level") int L1();
public static final int L1 = L1();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::Level") int L0();
public static final int L0 = L0();
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Level_IsValid(int value);
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::Level") int Level_MIN();
public static final int Level_MIN = Level_MIN();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::Level") int Level_MAX();
public static final int Level_MAX = Level_MAX();
@MemberGetter public static native int Level_ARRAYSIZE();
public static final int Level_ARRAYSIZE = Level_ARRAYSIZE();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*") Pointer Level_descriptor();
public static native @StdString BytePointer Level_Name(@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::Level") int value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Level_Parse(@StdString BytePointer name,
@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::Level*") IntPointer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Level_Parse(@StdString String name,
@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::Level*") IntBuffer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Level_Parse(@StdString BytePointer name,
@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::Level*") int... value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Level_Parse(@StdString String name,
@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::Level*") IntPointer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Level_Parse(@StdString BytePointer name,
@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::Level*") IntBuffer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean Level_Parse(@StdString String name,
@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::Level*") int... value);
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::GlobalJitLevel") int DEFAULT();
public static final int DEFAULT = DEFAULT();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::GlobalJitLevel") int OFF();
public static final int OFF = OFF();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::GlobalJitLevel") int ON_1();
public static final int ON_1 = ON_1();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::GlobalJitLevel") int ON_2();
public static final int ON_2 = ON_2();
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean GlobalJitLevel_IsValid(int value);
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::GlobalJitLevel") int GlobalJitLevel_MIN();
public static final int GlobalJitLevel_MIN = GlobalJitLevel_MIN();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::GlobalJitLevel") int GlobalJitLevel_MAX();
public static final int GlobalJitLevel_MAX = GlobalJitLevel_MAX();
@MemberGetter public static native int GlobalJitLevel_ARRAYSIZE();
public static final int GlobalJitLevel_ARRAYSIZE = GlobalJitLevel_ARRAYSIZE();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*") Pointer GlobalJitLevel_descriptor();
public static native @StdString BytePointer GlobalJitLevel_Name(@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::GlobalJitLevel") int value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean GlobalJitLevel_Parse(@StdString BytePointer name,
@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::GlobalJitLevel*") IntPointer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean GlobalJitLevel_Parse(@StdString String name,
@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::GlobalJitLevel*") IntBuffer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean GlobalJitLevel_Parse(@StdString BytePointer name,
@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::GlobalJitLevel*") int... value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean GlobalJitLevel_Parse(@StdString String name,
@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::GlobalJitLevel*") IntPointer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean GlobalJitLevel_Parse(@StdString BytePointer name,
@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::GlobalJitLevel*") IntBuffer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean GlobalJitLevel_Parse(@StdString String name,
@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions::GlobalJitLevel*") int... value);
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// bool do_common_subexpression_elimination = 1;
public native void clear_do_common_subexpression_elimination();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDoCommonSubexpressionEliminationFieldNumber();
public static final int kDoCommonSubexpressionEliminationFieldNumber = kDoCommonSubexpressionEliminationFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean do_common_subexpression_elimination();
public native void set_do_common_subexpression_elimination(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// bool do_constant_folding = 2;
public native void clear_do_constant_folding();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDoConstantFoldingFieldNumber();
public static final int kDoConstantFoldingFieldNumber = kDoConstantFoldingFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean do_constant_folding();
public native void set_do_constant_folding(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// bool do_function_inlining = 4;
public native void clear_do_function_inlining();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDoFunctionInliningFieldNumber();
public static final int kDoFunctionInliningFieldNumber = kDoFunctionInliningFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean do_function_inlining();
public native void set_do_function_inlining(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// .tensorflow.OptimizerOptions.Level opt_level = 3;
public native void clear_opt_level();
@MemberGetter public static native int kOptLevelFieldNumber();
public static final int kOptLevelFieldNumber = kOptLevelFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_Level") int opt_level();
public native void set_opt_level(@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_Level") int value);
// int64 max_folded_constant_in_bytes = 6;
public native void clear_max_folded_constant_in_bytes();
@MemberGetter public static native int kMaxFoldedConstantInBytesFieldNumber();
public static final int kMaxFoldedConstantInBytesFieldNumber = kMaxFoldedConstantInBytesFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long max_folded_constant_in_bytes();
public native void set_max_folded_constant_in_bytes(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// .tensorflow.OptimizerOptions.GlobalJitLevel global_jit_level = 5;
public native void clear_global_jit_level();
@MemberGetter public static native int kGlobalJitLevelFieldNumber();
public static final int kGlobalJitLevelFieldNumber = kGlobalJitLevelFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel") int global_jit_level();
public native void set_global_jit_level(@Cast("tensorflow::OptimizerOptions_GlobalJitLevel") int value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class GraphOptions extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public GraphOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public GraphOptions(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public GraphOptions position(long position) {
return (GraphOptions)super.position(position);
public GraphOptions() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public GraphOptions(@Const @ByRef GraphOptions from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef GraphOptions from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") GraphOptions put(@Const @ByRef GraphOptions from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef GraphOptions default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const GraphOptions internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(GraphOptions other);
public native void Swap(GraphOptions other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native GraphOptions New();
public native GraphOptions New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef GraphOptions from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef GraphOptions from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// .tensorflow.OptimizerOptions optimizer_options = 3;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_optimizer_options();
public native void clear_optimizer_options();
@MemberGetter public static native int kOptimizerOptionsFieldNumber();
public static final int kOptimizerOptionsFieldNumber = kOptimizerOptionsFieldNumber();
public native @Const @ByRef OptimizerOptions optimizer_options();
public native OptimizerOptions release_optimizer_options();
public native OptimizerOptions mutable_optimizer_options();
public native void set_allocated_optimizer_options(OptimizerOptions optimizer_options);
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_optimizer_options(
OptimizerOptions optimizer_options);
public native OptimizerOptions unsafe_arena_release_optimizer_options();
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig rewrite_options = 10;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_rewrite_options();
public native void clear_rewrite_options();
@MemberGetter public static native int kRewriteOptionsFieldNumber();
public static final int kRewriteOptionsFieldNumber = kRewriteOptionsFieldNumber();
public native @Const @ByRef RewriterConfig rewrite_options();
public native RewriterConfig release_rewrite_options();
public native RewriterConfig mutable_rewrite_options();
public native void set_allocated_rewrite_options(RewriterConfig rewrite_options);
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_rewrite_options(
RewriterConfig rewrite_options);
public native RewriterConfig unsafe_arena_release_rewrite_options();
// int64 build_cost_model = 4;
public native void clear_build_cost_model();
@MemberGetter public static native int kBuildCostModelFieldNumber();
public static final int kBuildCostModelFieldNumber = kBuildCostModelFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long build_cost_model();
public native void set_build_cost_model(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// bool enable_recv_scheduling = 2;
public native void clear_enable_recv_scheduling();
@MemberGetter public static native int kEnableRecvSchedulingFieldNumber();
public static final int kEnableRecvSchedulingFieldNumber = kEnableRecvSchedulingFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean enable_recv_scheduling();
public native void set_enable_recv_scheduling(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// bool infer_shapes = 5;
public native void clear_infer_shapes();
@MemberGetter public static native int kInferShapesFieldNumber();
public static final int kInferShapesFieldNumber = kInferShapesFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean infer_shapes();
public native void set_infer_shapes(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// bool place_pruned_graph = 6;
public native void clear_place_pruned_graph();
@MemberGetter public static native int kPlacePrunedGraphFieldNumber();
public static final int kPlacePrunedGraphFieldNumber = kPlacePrunedGraphFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean place_pruned_graph();
public native void set_place_pruned_graph(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// bool enable_bfloat16_sendrecv = 7;
public native void clear_enable_bfloat16_sendrecv();
@MemberGetter public static native int kEnableBfloat16SendrecvFieldNumber();
public static final int kEnableBfloat16SendrecvFieldNumber = kEnableBfloat16SendrecvFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean enable_bfloat16_sendrecv();
public native void set_enable_bfloat16_sendrecv(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// int32 timeline_step = 8;
public native void clear_timeline_step();
@MemberGetter public static native int kTimelineStepFieldNumber();
public static final int kTimelineStepFieldNumber = kTimelineStepFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int timeline_step();
public native void set_timeline_step(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// int64 build_cost_model_after = 9;
public native void clear_build_cost_model_after();
@MemberGetter public static native int kBuildCostModelAfterFieldNumber();
public static final int kBuildCostModelAfterFieldNumber = kBuildCostModelAfterFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long build_cost_model_after();
public native void set_build_cost_model_after(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class ThreadPoolOptionProto extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ThreadPoolOptionProto(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public ThreadPoolOptionProto(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public ThreadPoolOptionProto position(long position) {
return (ThreadPoolOptionProto)super.position(position);
public ThreadPoolOptionProto() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public ThreadPoolOptionProto(@Const @ByRef ThreadPoolOptionProto from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef ThreadPoolOptionProto from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") ThreadPoolOptionProto put(@Const @ByRef ThreadPoolOptionProto from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef ThreadPoolOptionProto default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const ThreadPoolOptionProto internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(ThreadPoolOptionProto other);
public native void Swap(ThreadPoolOptionProto other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native ThreadPoolOptionProto New();
public native ThreadPoolOptionProto New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef ThreadPoolOptionProto from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef ThreadPoolOptionProto from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// string global_name = 2;
public native void clear_global_name();
@MemberGetter public static native int kGlobalNameFieldNumber();
public static final int kGlobalNameFieldNumber = kGlobalNameFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer global_name();
public native void set_global_name(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_global_name(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_global_name(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_global_name(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_global_name();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_global_name();
public native void set_allocated_global_name(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer global_name);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_global_name();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_global_name(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer global_name);
// int32 num_threads = 1;
public native void clear_num_threads();
@MemberGetter public static native int kNumThreadsFieldNumber();
public static final int kNumThreadsFieldNumber = kNumThreadsFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int num_threads();
public native void set_num_threads(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class RPCOptions extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public RPCOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public RPCOptions(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public RPCOptions position(long position) {
return (RPCOptions)super.position(position);
public RPCOptions() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public RPCOptions(@Const @ByRef RPCOptions from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef RPCOptions from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") RPCOptions put(@Const @ByRef RPCOptions from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef RPCOptions default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const RPCOptions internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(RPCOptions other);
public native void Swap(RPCOptions other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native RPCOptions New();
public native RPCOptions New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef RPCOptions from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef RPCOptions from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// bool use_rpc_for_inprocess_master = 1;
public native void clear_use_rpc_for_inprocess_master();
@MemberGetter public static native int kUseRpcForInprocessMasterFieldNumber();
public static final int kUseRpcForInprocessMasterFieldNumber = kUseRpcForInprocessMasterFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean use_rpc_for_inprocess_master();
public native void set_use_rpc_for_inprocess_master(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class ConfigProto extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ConfigProto(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public ConfigProto(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public ConfigProto position(long position) {
return (ConfigProto)super.position(position);
public ConfigProto() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public ConfigProto(@Const @ByRef ConfigProto from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef ConfigProto from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") ConfigProto put(@Const @ByRef ConfigProto from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef ConfigProto default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const ConfigProto internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(ConfigProto other);
public native void Swap(ConfigProto other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native ConfigProto New();
public native ConfigProto New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef ConfigProto from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef ConfigProto from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// map device_count = 1;
public native int device_count_size();
public native void clear_device_count();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDeviceCountFieldNumber();
public static final int kDeviceCountFieldNumber = kDeviceCountFieldNumber();
// repeated string device_filters = 4;
public native int device_filters_size();
public native void clear_device_filters();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDeviceFiltersFieldNumber();
public static final int kDeviceFiltersFieldNumber = kDeviceFiltersFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer device_filters(int index);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_device_filters(int index);
public native void set_device_filters(int index, @StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_device_filters(int index, @StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_device_filters(int index, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_device_filters(int index, String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer add_device_filters();
public native void add_device_filters(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void add_device_filters(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void add_device_filters(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void add_device_filters(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
// repeated .tensorflow.ThreadPoolOptionProto session_inter_op_thread_pool = 12;
public native int session_inter_op_thread_pool_size();
public native void clear_session_inter_op_thread_pool();
@MemberGetter public static native int kSessionInterOpThreadPoolFieldNumber();
public static final int kSessionInterOpThreadPoolFieldNumber = kSessionInterOpThreadPoolFieldNumber();
public native ThreadPoolOptionProto mutable_session_inter_op_thread_pool(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef ThreadPoolOptionProto session_inter_op_thread_pool(int index);
public native ThreadPoolOptionProto add_session_inter_op_thread_pool();
// .tensorflow.GPUOptions gpu_options = 6;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_gpu_options();
public native void clear_gpu_options();
@MemberGetter public static native int kGpuOptionsFieldNumber();
public static final int kGpuOptionsFieldNumber = kGpuOptionsFieldNumber();
public native @Const @ByRef GPUOptions gpu_options();
public native GPUOptions release_gpu_options();
public native GPUOptions mutable_gpu_options();
public native void set_allocated_gpu_options(GPUOptions gpu_options);
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_gpu_options(
GPUOptions gpu_options);
public native GPUOptions unsafe_arena_release_gpu_options();
// .tensorflow.GraphOptions graph_options = 10;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_graph_options();
public native void clear_graph_options();
@MemberGetter public static native int kGraphOptionsFieldNumber();
public static final int kGraphOptionsFieldNumber = kGraphOptionsFieldNumber();
public native @Const @ByRef GraphOptions graph_options();
public native GraphOptions release_graph_options();
public native GraphOptions mutable_graph_options();
public native void set_allocated_graph_options(GraphOptions graph_options);
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_graph_options(
GraphOptions graph_options);
public native GraphOptions unsafe_arena_release_graph_options();
// .tensorflow.RPCOptions rpc_options = 13;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_rpc_options();
public native void clear_rpc_options();
@MemberGetter public static native int kRpcOptionsFieldNumber();
public static final int kRpcOptionsFieldNumber = kRpcOptionsFieldNumber();
public native @Const @ByRef RPCOptions rpc_options();
public native RPCOptions release_rpc_options();
public native RPCOptions mutable_rpc_options();
public native void set_allocated_rpc_options(RPCOptions rpc_options);
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_rpc_options(
RPCOptions rpc_options);
public native RPCOptions unsafe_arena_release_rpc_options();
// .tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster_def = 14;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_cluster_def();
public native void clear_cluster_def();
@MemberGetter public static native int kClusterDefFieldNumber();
public static final int kClusterDefFieldNumber = kClusterDefFieldNumber();
public native @Const @ByRef ClusterDef cluster_def();
public native ClusterDef release_cluster_def();
public native ClusterDef mutable_cluster_def();
public native void set_allocated_cluster_def(ClusterDef cluster_def);
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_cluster_def(
ClusterDef cluster_def);
public native ClusterDef unsafe_arena_release_cluster_def();
// int32 intra_op_parallelism_threads = 2;
public native void clear_intra_op_parallelism_threads();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIntraOpParallelismThreadsFieldNumber();
public static final int kIntraOpParallelismThreadsFieldNumber = kIntraOpParallelismThreadsFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int intra_op_parallelism_threads();
public native void set_intra_op_parallelism_threads(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// int32 placement_period = 3;
public native void clear_placement_period();
@MemberGetter public static native int kPlacementPeriodFieldNumber();
public static final int kPlacementPeriodFieldNumber = kPlacementPeriodFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int placement_period();
public native void set_placement_period(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// int32 inter_op_parallelism_threads = 5;
public native void clear_inter_op_parallelism_threads();
@MemberGetter public static native int kInterOpParallelismThreadsFieldNumber();
public static final int kInterOpParallelismThreadsFieldNumber = kInterOpParallelismThreadsFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int inter_op_parallelism_threads();
public native void set_inter_op_parallelism_threads(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// bool use_per_session_threads = 9;
public native void clear_use_per_session_threads();
@MemberGetter public static native int kUsePerSessionThreadsFieldNumber();
public static final int kUsePerSessionThreadsFieldNumber = kUsePerSessionThreadsFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean use_per_session_threads();
public native void set_use_per_session_threads(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// bool allow_soft_placement = 7;
public native void clear_allow_soft_placement();
@MemberGetter public static native int kAllowSoftPlacementFieldNumber();
public static final int kAllowSoftPlacementFieldNumber = kAllowSoftPlacementFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean allow_soft_placement();
public native void set_allow_soft_placement(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// bool log_device_placement = 8;
public native void clear_log_device_placement();
@MemberGetter public static native int kLogDevicePlacementFieldNumber();
public static final int kLogDevicePlacementFieldNumber = kLogDevicePlacementFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean log_device_placement();
public native void set_log_device_placement(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// bool isolate_session_state = 15;
public native void clear_isolate_session_state();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIsolateSessionStateFieldNumber();
public static final int kIsolateSessionStateFieldNumber = kIsolateSessionStateFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isolate_session_state();
public native void set_isolate_session_state(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// int64 operation_timeout_in_ms = 11;
public native void clear_operation_timeout_in_ms();
@MemberGetter public static native int kOperationTimeoutInMsFieldNumber();
public static final int kOperationTimeoutInMsFieldNumber = kOperationTimeoutInMsFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long operation_timeout_in_ms();
public native void set_operation_timeout_in_ms(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class RunOptions extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public RunOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public RunOptions(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public RunOptions position(long position) {
return (RunOptions)super.position(position);
public RunOptions() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public RunOptions(@Const @ByRef RunOptions from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef RunOptions from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") RunOptions put(@Const @ByRef RunOptions from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef RunOptions default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const RunOptions internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(RunOptions other);
public native void Swap(RunOptions other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native RunOptions New();
public native RunOptions New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef RunOptions from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef RunOptions from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RunOptions::TraceLevel") int NO_TRACE();
public static final int NO_TRACE = NO_TRACE();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RunOptions::TraceLevel") int SOFTWARE_TRACE();
public static final int SOFTWARE_TRACE = SOFTWARE_TRACE();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RunOptions::TraceLevel") int HARDWARE_TRACE();
public static final int HARDWARE_TRACE = HARDWARE_TRACE();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RunOptions::TraceLevel") int FULL_TRACE();
public static final int FULL_TRACE = FULL_TRACE();
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean TraceLevel_IsValid(int value);
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RunOptions::TraceLevel") int TraceLevel_MIN();
public static final int TraceLevel_MIN = TraceLevel_MIN();
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::RunOptions::TraceLevel") int TraceLevel_MAX();
public static final int TraceLevel_MAX = TraceLevel_MAX();
@MemberGetter public static native int TraceLevel_ARRAYSIZE();
public static final int TraceLevel_ARRAYSIZE = TraceLevel_ARRAYSIZE();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*") Pointer TraceLevel_descriptor();
public static native @StdString BytePointer TraceLevel_Name(@Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions::TraceLevel") int value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean TraceLevel_Parse(@StdString BytePointer name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions::TraceLevel*") IntPointer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean TraceLevel_Parse(@StdString String name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions::TraceLevel*") IntBuffer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean TraceLevel_Parse(@StdString BytePointer name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions::TraceLevel*") int... value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean TraceLevel_Parse(@StdString String name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions::TraceLevel*") IntPointer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean TraceLevel_Parse(@StdString BytePointer name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions::TraceLevel*") IntBuffer value);
public static native @Cast("bool") boolean TraceLevel_Parse(@StdString String name,
@Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions::TraceLevel*") int... value);
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// .tensorflow.DebugOptions debug_options = 6;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_debug_options();
public native void clear_debug_options();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDebugOptionsFieldNumber();
public static final int kDebugOptionsFieldNumber = kDebugOptionsFieldNumber();
public native @Const @ByRef DebugOptions debug_options();
public native DebugOptions release_debug_options();
public native DebugOptions mutable_debug_options();
public native void set_allocated_debug_options(DebugOptions debug_options);
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_debug_options(
DebugOptions debug_options);
public native DebugOptions unsafe_arena_release_debug_options();
// int64 timeout_in_ms = 2;
public native void clear_timeout_in_ms();
@MemberGetter public static native int kTimeoutInMsFieldNumber();
public static final int kTimeoutInMsFieldNumber = kTimeoutInMsFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long timeout_in_ms();
public native void set_timeout_in_ms(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// .tensorflow.RunOptions.TraceLevel trace_level = 1;
public native void clear_trace_level();
@MemberGetter public static native int kTraceLevelFieldNumber();
public static final int kTraceLevelFieldNumber = kTraceLevelFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions_TraceLevel") int trace_level();
public native void set_trace_level(@Cast("tensorflow::RunOptions_TraceLevel") int value);
// int32 inter_op_thread_pool = 3;
public native void clear_inter_op_thread_pool();
@MemberGetter public static native int kInterOpThreadPoolFieldNumber();
public static final int kInterOpThreadPoolFieldNumber = kInterOpThreadPoolFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int inter_op_thread_pool();
public native void set_inter_op_thread_pool(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// bool output_partition_graphs = 5;
public native void clear_output_partition_graphs();
@MemberGetter public static native int kOutputPartitionGraphsFieldNumber();
public static final int kOutputPartitionGraphsFieldNumber = kOutputPartitionGraphsFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean output_partition_graphs();
public native void set_output_partition_graphs(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// bool report_tensor_allocations_upon_oom = 7;
public native void clear_report_tensor_allocations_upon_oom();
@MemberGetter public static native int kReportTensorAllocationsUponOomFieldNumber();
public static final int kReportTensorAllocationsUponOomFieldNumber = kReportTensorAllocationsUponOomFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean report_tensor_allocations_upon_oom();
public native void set_report_tensor_allocations_upon_oom(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class RunMetadata extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public RunMetadata(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public RunMetadata(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public RunMetadata position(long position) {
return (RunMetadata)super.position(position);
public RunMetadata() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public RunMetadata(@Const @ByRef RunMetadata from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef RunMetadata from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") RunMetadata put(@Const @ByRef RunMetadata from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef RunMetadata default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const RunMetadata internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(RunMetadata other);
public native void Swap(RunMetadata other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native RunMetadata New();
public native RunMetadata New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef RunMetadata from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef RunMetadata from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated .tensorflow.GraphDef partition_graphs = 3;
public native int partition_graphs_size();
public native void clear_partition_graphs();
@MemberGetter public static native int kPartitionGraphsFieldNumber();
public static final int kPartitionGraphsFieldNumber = kPartitionGraphsFieldNumber();
public native GraphDef mutable_partition_graphs(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef GraphDef partition_graphs(int index);
public native GraphDef add_partition_graphs();
// .tensorflow.StepStats step_stats = 1;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_step_stats();
public native void clear_step_stats();
@MemberGetter public static native int kStepStatsFieldNumber();
public static final int kStepStatsFieldNumber = kStepStatsFieldNumber();
public native @Const @ByRef StepStats step_stats();
public native StepStats release_step_stats();
public native StepStats mutable_step_stats();
public native void set_allocated_step_stats(StepStats step_stats);
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_step_stats(
StepStats step_stats);
public native StepStats unsafe_arena_release_step_stats();
// .tensorflow.CostGraphDef cost_graph = 2;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_cost_graph();
public native void clear_cost_graph();
@MemberGetter public static native int kCostGraphFieldNumber();
public static final int kCostGraphFieldNumber = kCostGraphFieldNumber();
public native @Const @ByRef CostGraphDef cost_graph();
public native CostGraphDef release_cost_graph();
public native CostGraphDef mutable_cost_graph();
public native void set_allocated_cost_graph(CostGraphDef cost_graph);
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_cost_graph(
CostGraphDef cost_graph);
public native CostGraphDef unsafe_arena_release_cost_graph();
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
// #endif // __GNUC__
// GPUOptions_Experimental_VirtualDevices
// repeated float memory_limit_mb = 1;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// GPUOptions_Experimental
// repeated .tensorflow.GPUOptions.Experimental.VirtualDevices virtual_devices = 1;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// GPUOptions
// double per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 1;
// string allocator_type = 2;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// int64 deferred_deletion_bytes = 3;
// bool allow_growth = 4;
// string visible_device_list = 5;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// int32 polling_active_delay_usecs = 6;
// int32 polling_inactive_delay_msecs = 7;
// bool force_gpu_compatible = 8;
// .tensorflow.GPUOptions.Experimental experimental = 9;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// OptimizerOptions
// bool do_common_subexpression_elimination = 1;
// bool do_constant_folding = 2;
// int64 max_folded_constant_in_bytes = 6;
// bool do_function_inlining = 4;
// .tensorflow.OptimizerOptions.Level opt_level = 3;
// .tensorflow.OptimizerOptions.GlobalJitLevel global_jit_level = 5;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// GraphOptions
// bool enable_recv_scheduling = 2;
// .tensorflow.OptimizerOptions optimizer_options = 3;
// int64 build_cost_model = 4;
// int64 build_cost_model_after = 9;
// bool infer_shapes = 5;
// bool place_pruned_graph = 6;
// bool enable_bfloat16_sendrecv = 7;
// int32 timeline_step = 8;
// .tensorflow.RewriterConfig rewrite_options = 10;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// ThreadPoolOptionProto
// int32 num_threads = 1;
// string global_name = 2;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// RPCOptions
// bool use_rpc_for_inprocess_master = 1;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConfigProto
// map device_count = 1;
// int32 intra_op_parallelism_threads = 2;
// int32 inter_op_parallelism_threads = 5;
// bool use_per_session_threads = 9;
// repeated .tensorflow.ThreadPoolOptionProto session_inter_op_thread_pool = 12;
// int32 placement_period = 3;
// repeated string device_filters = 4;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// .tensorflow.GPUOptions gpu_options = 6;
// bool allow_soft_placement = 7;
// bool log_device_placement = 8;
// .tensorflow.GraphOptions graph_options = 10;
// int64 operation_timeout_in_ms = 11;
// .tensorflow.RPCOptions rpc_options = 13;
// .tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster_def = 14;
// bool isolate_session_state = 15;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// RunOptions
// .tensorflow.RunOptions.TraceLevel trace_level = 1;
// int64 timeout_in_ms = 2;
// int32 inter_op_thread_pool = 3;
// bool output_partition_graphs = 5;
// .tensorflow.DebugOptions debug_options = 6;
// bool report_tensor_allocations_upon_oom = 7;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// RunMetadata
// .tensorflow.StepStats step_stats = 1;
// .tensorflow.CostGraphDef cost_graph = 2;
// repeated .tensorflow.GraphDef partition_graphs = 3;
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// #endif // __GNUC__
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
// namespace tensorflow
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
// #endif // PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fprotobuf_2fconfig_2eproto_INCLUDED
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/framework/cost_graph.pb.h
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: tensorflow/core/framework/cost_graph.proto
// #ifndef PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fcost_5fgraph_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #define PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fcost_5fgraph_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #include
// #include
// #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
// #error your headers.
// #endif
// #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
// #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
// #endif
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include
// #include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.pb.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.pb.h"
// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
// Internal implementation detail -- do not use these members.
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fcost_5fgraph_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsCostGraphDef_Node_InputInfoImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fcost_5fgraph_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsCostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fcost_5fgraph_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsCostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfoImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fcost_5fgraph_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsCostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fcost_5fgraph_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsCostGraphDef_NodeImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fcost_5fgraph_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsCostGraphDef_Node();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fcost_5fgraph_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsCostGraphDefImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fcost_5fgraph_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsCostGraphDef();
// namespace protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fcost_5fgraph_2eproto
// namespace tensorflow
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
// ===================================================================
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo position(long position) {
return (CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo)super.position(position);
public CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo put(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo other);
public native void Swap(CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo New();
public native CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// int32 preceding_node = 1;
public native void clear_preceding_node();
@MemberGetter public static native int kPrecedingNodeFieldNumber();
public static final int kPrecedingNodeFieldNumber = kPrecedingNodeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int preceding_node();
public native void set_preceding_node(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// int32 preceding_port = 2;
public native void clear_preceding_port();
@MemberGetter public static native int kPrecedingPortFieldNumber();
public static final int kPrecedingPortFieldNumber = kPrecedingPortFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int preceding_port();
public native void set_preceding_port(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo position(long position) {
return (CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo)super.position(position);
public CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo put(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo other);
public native void Swap(CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo New();
public native CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 3;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_shape();
public native void clear_shape();
@MemberGetter public static native int kShapeFieldNumber();
public static final int kShapeFieldNumber = kShapeFieldNumber();
public native @Const @ByRef TensorShapeProto shape();
public native TensorShapeProto release_shape();
public native TensorShapeProto mutable_shape();
public native void set_allocated_shape(TensorShapeProto shape);
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_shape(
TensorShapeProto shape);
public native TensorShapeProto unsafe_arena_release_shape();
// int64 size = 1;
public native void clear_size();
@MemberGetter public static native int kSizeFieldNumber();
public static final int kSizeFieldNumber = kSizeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long size();
public native void set_size(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 alias_input_port = 2;
public native void clear_alias_input_port();
@MemberGetter public static native int kAliasInputPortFieldNumber();
public static final int kAliasInputPortFieldNumber = kAliasInputPortFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long alias_input_port();
public native void set_alias_input_port(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 4;
public native void clear_dtype();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDtypeFieldNumber();
public static final int kDtypeFieldNumber = kDtypeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("tensorflow::DataType") int dtype();
public native void set_dtype(@Cast("tensorflow::DataType") int value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class CostGraphDef_Node extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public CostGraphDef_Node(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public CostGraphDef_Node(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public CostGraphDef_Node position(long position) {
return (CostGraphDef_Node)super.position(position);
public CostGraphDef_Node() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public CostGraphDef_Node(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") CostGraphDef_Node put(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const CostGraphDef_Node internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(CostGraphDef_Node other);
public native void Swap(CostGraphDef_Node other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native CostGraphDef_Node New();
public native CostGraphDef_Node New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated .tensorflow.CostGraphDef.Node.InputInfo input_info = 4;
public native int input_info_size();
public native void clear_input_info();
@MemberGetter public static native int kInputInfoFieldNumber();
public static final int kInputInfoFieldNumber = kInputInfoFieldNumber();
public native CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo mutable_input_info(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo input_info(int index);
public native CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo add_input_info();
// repeated .tensorflow.CostGraphDef.Node.OutputInfo output_info = 5;
public native int output_info_size();
public native void clear_output_info();
@MemberGetter public static native int kOutputInfoFieldNumber();
public static final int kOutputInfoFieldNumber = kOutputInfoFieldNumber();
public native CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo mutable_output_info(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo output_info(int index);
public native CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo add_output_info();
// repeated int32 control_input = 8;
public native int control_input_size();
public native void clear_control_input();
@MemberGetter public static native int kControlInputFieldNumber();
public static final int kControlInputFieldNumber = kControlInputFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int control_input(int index);
public native void set_control_input(int index, @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
public native void add_control_input(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// string name = 1;
public native void clear_name();
@MemberGetter public static native int kNameFieldNumber();
public static final int kNameFieldNumber = kNameFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer name();
public native void set_name(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_name(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_name(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_name(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_name();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_name();
public native void set_allocated_name(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer name);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_name();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_name(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer name);
// string device = 2;
public native void clear_device();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDeviceFieldNumber();
public static final int kDeviceFieldNumber = kDeviceFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer device();
public native void set_device(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_device(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_device(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_device(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_device();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_device();
public native void set_allocated_device(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer device);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_device();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_device(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer device);
// int32 id = 3;
public native void clear_id();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIdFieldNumber();
public static final int kIdFieldNumber = kIdFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int id();
public native void set_id(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// bool is_final = 7;
public native void clear_is_final();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIsFinalFieldNumber();
public static final int kIsFinalFieldNumber = kIsFinalFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean is_final();
public native void set_is_final(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// int64 temporary_memory_size = 6;
public native void clear_temporary_memory_size();
@MemberGetter public static native int kTemporaryMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public static final int kTemporaryMemorySizeFieldNumber = kTemporaryMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long temporary_memory_size();
public native void set_temporary_memory_size(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 compute_cost = 9;
public native void clear_compute_cost();
@MemberGetter public static native int kComputeCostFieldNumber();
public static final int kComputeCostFieldNumber = kComputeCostFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long compute_cost();
public native void set_compute_cost(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 host_temp_memory_size = 10 [deprecated = true];
public native @Deprecated void clear_host_temp_memory_size();
@MemberGetter public static native @Deprecated int kHostTempMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public static final int kHostTempMemorySizeFieldNumber = kHostTempMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") @Deprecated long host_temp_memory_size();
public native @Deprecated void set_host_temp_memory_size(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 device_temp_memory_size = 11 [deprecated = true];
public native @Deprecated void clear_device_temp_memory_size();
@MemberGetter public static native @Deprecated int kDeviceTempMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public static final int kDeviceTempMemorySizeFieldNumber = kDeviceTempMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") @Deprecated long device_temp_memory_size();
public native @Deprecated void set_device_temp_memory_size(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 persistent_memory_size = 12;
public native void clear_persistent_memory_size();
@MemberGetter public static native int kPersistentMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public static final int kPersistentMemorySizeFieldNumber = kPersistentMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long persistent_memory_size();
public native void set_persistent_memory_size(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 compute_time = 14;
public native void clear_compute_time();
@MemberGetter public static native int kComputeTimeFieldNumber();
public static final int kComputeTimeFieldNumber = kComputeTimeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long compute_time();
public native void set_compute_time(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 memory_time = 15;
public native void clear_memory_time();
@MemberGetter public static native int kMemoryTimeFieldNumber();
public static final int kMemoryTimeFieldNumber = kMemoryTimeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long memory_time();
public native void set_memory_time(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 device_persistent_memory_size = 16 [deprecated = true];
public native @Deprecated void clear_device_persistent_memory_size();
@MemberGetter public static native @Deprecated int kDevicePersistentMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public static final int kDevicePersistentMemorySizeFieldNumber = kDevicePersistentMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") @Deprecated long device_persistent_memory_size();
public native @Deprecated void set_device_persistent_memory_size(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class CostGraphDef extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public CostGraphDef(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public CostGraphDef(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public CostGraphDef position(long position) {
return (CostGraphDef)super.position(position);
public CostGraphDef() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public CostGraphDef(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") CostGraphDef put(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef CostGraphDef default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const CostGraphDef internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(CostGraphDef other);
public native void Swap(CostGraphDef other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native CostGraphDef New();
public native CostGraphDef New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef CostGraphDef from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated .tensorflow.CostGraphDef.Node node = 1;
public native int node_size();
public native void clear_node();
@MemberGetter public static native int kNodeFieldNumber();
public static final int kNodeFieldNumber = kNodeFieldNumber();
public native CostGraphDef_Node mutable_node(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef CostGraphDef_Node node(int index);
public native CostGraphDef_Node add_node();
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
// #endif // __GNUC__
// CostGraphDef_Node_InputInfo
// int32 preceding_node = 1;
// int32 preceding_port = 2;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// CostGraphDef_Node_OutputInfo
// int64 size = 1;
// int64 alias_input_port = 2;
// .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 3;
// .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 4;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// CostGraphDef_Node
// string name = 1;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// string device = 2;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// int32 id = 3;
// repeated .tensorflow.CostGraphDef.Node.InputInfo input_info = 4;
// repeated .tensorflow.CostGraphDef.Node.OutputInfo output_info = 5;
// int64 temporary_memory_size = 6;
// int64 persistent_memory_size = 12;
// int64 host_temp_memory_size = 10 [deprecated = true];
// int64 device_temp_memory_size = 11 [deprecated = true];
// int64 device_persistent_memory_size = 16 [deprecated = true];
// int64 compute_cost = 9;
// int64 compute_time = 14;
// int64 memory_time = 15;
// bool is_final = 7;
// repeated int32 control_input = 8;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// CostGraphDef
// repeated .tensorflow.CostGraphDef.Node node = 1;
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// #endif // __GNUC__
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
// namespace tensorflow
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
// #endif // PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fcost_5fgraph_2eproto_INCLUDED
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/framework/step_stats.pb.h
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: tensorflow/core/framework/step_stats.proto
// #ifndef PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #define PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #include
// #include
// #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
// #error your headers.
// #endif
// #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
// #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
// #endif
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include
// #include "tensorflow/core/framework/allocation_description.pb.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_description.pb.h"
// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
// Internal implementation detail -- do not use these members.
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsAllocationRecordImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsAllocationRecord();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsAllocatorMemoryUsedImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsAllocatorMemoryUsed();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsNodeOutputImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsNodeOutput();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsMemoryStatsImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsMemoryStats();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsNodeExecStatsImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsNodeExecStats();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsDeviceStepStatsImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsDeviceStepStats();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsStepStatsImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsStepStats();
// namespace protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto
// namespace tensorflow
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
// ===================================================================
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class AllocationRecord extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public AllocationRecord(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public AllocationRecord(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public AllocationRecord position(long position) {
return (AllocationRecord)super.position(position);
public AllocationRecord() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public AllocationRecord(@Const @ByRef AllocationRecord from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef AllocationRecord from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") AllocationRecord put(@Const @ByRef AllocationRecord from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef AllocationRecord default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const AllocationRecord internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(AllocationRecord other);
public native void Swap(AllocationRecord other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native AllocationRecord New();
public native AllocationRecord New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef AllocationRecord from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef AllocationRecord from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// int64 alloc_micros = 1;
public native void clear_alloc_micros();
@MemberGetter public static native int kAllocMicrosFieldNumber();
public static final int kAllocMicrosFieldNumber = kAllocMicrosFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long alloc_micros();
public native void set_alloc_micros(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 alloc_bytes = 2;
public native void clear_alloc_bytes();
@MemberGetter public static native int kAllocBytesFieldNumber();
public static final int kAllocBytesFieldNumber = kAllocBytesFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long alloc_bytes();
public native void set_alloc_bytes(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class AllocatorMemoryUsed extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public AllocatorMemoryUsed(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public AllocatorMemoryUsed(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public AllocatorMemoryUsed position(long position) {
return (AllocatorMemoryUsed)super.position(position);
public AllocatorMemoryUsed() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public AllocatorMemoryUsed(@Const @ByRef AllocatorMemoryUsed from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef AllocatorMemoryUsed from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") AllocatorMemoryUsed put(@Const @ByRef AllocatorMemoryUsed from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef AllocatorMemoryUsed default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const AllocatorMemoryUsed internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(AllocatorMemoryUsed other);
public native void Swap(AllocatorMemoryUsed other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native AllocatorMemoryUsed New();
public native AllocatorMemoryUsed New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef AllocatorMemoryUsed from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef AllocatorMemoryUsed from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated .tensorflow.AllocationRecord allocation_records = 6;
public native int allocation_records_size();
public native void clear_allocation_records();
@MemberGetter public static native int kAllocationRecordsFieldNumber();
public static final int kAllocationRecordsFieldNumber = kAllocationRecordsFieldNumber();
public native AllocationRecord mutable_allocation_records(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef AllocationRecord allocation_records(int index);
public native AllocationRecord add_allocation_records();
// string allocator_name = 1;
public native void clear_allocator_name();
@MemberGetter public static native int kAllocatorNameFieldNumber();
public static final int kAllocatorNameFieldNumber = kAllocatorNameFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer allocator_name();
public native void set_allocator_name(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_allocator_name(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_allocator_name(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_allocator_name(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_allocator_name();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_allocator_name();
public native void set_allocated_allocator_name(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer allocator_name);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_allocator_name();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_allocator_name(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer allocator_name);
// int64 total_bytes = 2;
public native void clear_total_bytes();
@MemberGetter public static native int kTotalBytesFieldNumber();
public static final int kTotalBytesFieldNumber = kTotalBytesFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long total_bytes();
public native void set_total_bytes(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 peak_bytes = 3;
public native void clear_peak_bytes();
@MemberGetter public static native int kPeakBytesFieldNumber();
public static final int kPeakBytesFieldNumber = kPeakBytesFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long peak_bytes();
public native void set_peak_bytes(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 live_bytes = 4;
public native void clear_live_bytes();
@MemberGetter public static native int kLiveBytesFieldNumber();
public static final int kLiveBytesFieldNumber = kLiveBytesFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long live_bytes();
public native void set_live_bytes(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 allocator_bytes_in_use = 5;
public native void clear_allocator_bytes_in_use();
@MemberGetter public static native int kAllocatorBytesInUseFieldNumber();
public static final int kAllocatorBytesInUseFieldNumber = kAllocatorBytesInUseFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long allocator_bytes_in_use();
public native void set_allocator_bytes_in_use(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class NodeOutput extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public NodeOutput(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public NodeOutput(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public NodeOutput position(long position) {
return (NodeOutput)super.position(position);
public NodeOutput() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public NodeOutput(@Const @ByRef NodeOutput from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef NodeOutput from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") NodeOutput put(@Const @ByRef NodeOutput from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef NodeOutput default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const NodeOutput internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(NodeOutput other);
public native void Swap(NodeOutput other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native NodeOutput New();
public native NodeOutput New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef NodeOutput from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef NodeOutput from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// .tensorflow.TensorDescription tensor_description = 3;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_tensor_description();
public native void clear_tensor_description();
@MemberGetter public static native int kTensorDescriptionFieldNumber();
public static final int kTensorDescriptionFieldNumber = kTensorDescriptionFieldNumber();
public native @Const @ByRef TensorDescription tensor_description();
public native TensorDescription release_tensor_description();
public native TensorDescription mutable_tensor_description();
public native void set_allocated_tensor_description(TensorDescription tensor_description);
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_tensor_description(
TensorDescription tensor_description);
public native TensorDescription unsafe_arena_release_tensor_description();
// int32 slot = 1;
public native void clear_slot();
@MemberGetter public static native int kSlotFieldNumber();
public static final int kSlotFieldNumber = kSlotFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int slot();
public native void set_slot(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class MemoryStats extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public MemoryStats(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public MemoryStats(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public MemoryStats position(long position) {
return (MemoryStats)super.position(position);
public MemoryStats() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public MemoryStats(@Const @ByRef MemoryStats from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef MemoryStats from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") MemoryStats put(@Const @ByRef MemoryStats from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef MemoryStats default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const MemoryStats internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(MemoryStats other);
public native void Swap(MemoryStats other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native MemoryStats New();
public native MemoryStats New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef MemoryStats from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef MemoryStats from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated int64 persistent_tensor_alloc_ids = 5;
public native int persistent_tensor_alloc_ids_size();
public native void clear_persistent_tensor_alloc_ids();
@MemberGetter public static native int kPersistentTensorAllocIdsFieldNumber();
public static final int kPersistentTensorAllocIdsFieldNumber = kPersistentTensorAllocIdsFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long persistent_tensor_alloc_ids(int index);
public native void set_persistent_tensor_alloc_ids(int index, @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
public native void add_persistent_tensor_alloc_ids(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// repeated int64 device_persistent_tensor_alloc_ids = 6 [deprecated = true];
public native @Deprecated int device_persistent_tensor_alloc_ids_size();
public native @Deprecated void clear_device_persistent_tensor_alloc_ids();
@MemberGetter public static native @Deprecated int kDevicePersistentTensorAllocIdsFieldNumber();
public static final int kDevicePersistentTensorAllocIdsFieldNumber = kDevicePersistentTensorAllocIdsFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") @Deprecated long device_persistent_tensor_alloc_ids(int index);
public native @Deprecated void set_device_persistent_tensor_alloc_ids(int index, @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
public native @Deprecated void add_device_persistent_tensor_alloc_ids(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 temp_memory_size = 1;
public native void clear_temp_memory_size();
@MemberGetter public static native int kTempMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public static final int kTempMemorySizeFieldNumber = kTempMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long temp_memory_size();
public native void set_temp_memory_size(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 device_temp_memory_size = 2 [deprecated = true];
public native @Deprecated void clear_device_temp_memory_size();
@MemberGetter public static native @Deprecated int kDeviceTempMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public static final int kDeviceTempMemorySizeFieldNumber = kDeviceTempMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") @Deprecated long device_temp_memory_size();
public native @Deprecated void set_device_temp_memory_size(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 persistent_memory_size = 3;
public native void clear_persistent_memory_size();
@MemberGetter public static native int kPersistentMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public static final int kPersistentMemorySizeFieldNumber = kPersistentMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long persistent_memory_size();
public native void set_persistent_memory_size(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 device_persistent_memory_size = 4 [deprecated = true];
public native @Deprecated void clear_device_persistent_memory_size();
@MemberGetter public static native @Deprecated int kDevicePersistentMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public static final int kDevicePersistentMemorySizeFieldNumber = kDevicePersistentMemorySizeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") @Deprecated long device_persistent_memory_size();
public native @Deprecated void set_device_persistent_memory_size(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class NodeExecStats extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public NodeExecStats(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public NodeExecStats(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public NodeExecStats position(long position) {
return (NodeExecStats)super.position(position);
public NodeExecStats() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public NodeExecStats(@Const @ByRef NodeExecStats from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef NodeExecStats from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") NodeExecStats put(@Const @ByRef NodeExecStats from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef NodeExecStats default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const NodeExecStats internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(NodeExecStats other);
public native void Swap(NodeExecStats other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native NodeExecStats New();
public native NodeExecStats New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef NodeExecStats from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef NodeExecStats from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated .tensorflow.AllocatorMemoryUsed memory = 6;
public native int memory_size();
public native void clear_memory();
@MemberGetter public static native int kMemoryFieldNumber();
public static final int kMemoryFieldNumber = kMemoryFieldNumber();
public native AllocatorMemoryUsed mutable_memory(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef AllocatorMemoryUsed memory(int index);
public native AllocatorMemoryUsed add_memory();
// repeated .tensorflow.NodeOutput output = 7;
public native int output_size();
public native void clear_output();
@MemberGetter public static native int kOutputFieldNumber();
public static final int kOutputFieldNumber = kOutputFieldNumber();
public native NodeOutput mutable_output(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef NodeOutput output(int index);
public native NodeOutput add_output();
// repeated .tensorflow.AllocationDescription referenced_tensor = 11;
public native int referenced_tensor_size();
public native void clear_referenced_tensor();
@MemberGetter public static native int kReferencedTensorFieldNumber();
public static final int kReferencedTensorFieldNumber = kReferencedTensorFieldNumber();
public native AllocationDescription mutable_referenced_tensor(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef AllocationDescription referenced_tensor(int index);
public native AllocationDescription add_referenced_tensor();
// string node_name = 1;
public native void clear_node_name();
@MemberGetter public static native int kNodeNameFieldNumber();
public static final int kNodeNameFieldNumber = kNodeNameFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer node_name();
public native void set_node_name(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_node_name(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_node_name(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_node_name(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_node_name();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_node_name();
public native void set_allocated_node_name(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer node_name);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_node_name();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_node_name(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer node_name);
// string timeline_label = 8;
public native void clear_timeline_label();
@MemberGetter public static native int kTimelineLabelFieldNumber();
public static final int kTimelineLabelFieldNumber = kTimelineLabelFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer timeline_label();
public native void set_timeline_label(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_timeline_label(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_timeline_label(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_timeline_label(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_timeline_label();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_timeline_label();
public native void set_allocated_timeline_label(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer timeline_label);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_timeline_label();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_timeline_label(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer timeline_label);
// .tensorflow.MemoryStats memory_stats = 12;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_memory_stats();
public native void clear_memory_stats();
@MemberGetter public static native int kMemoryStatsFieldNumber();
public static final int kMemoryStatsFieldNumber = kMemoryStatsFieldNumber();
public native @Const @ByRef MemoryStats memory_stats();
public native MemoryStats release_memory_stats();
public native MemoryStats mutable_memory_stats();
public native void set_allocated_memory_stats(MemoryStats memory_stats);
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_memory_stats(
MemoryStats memory_stats);
public native MemoryStats unsafe_arena_release_memory_stats();
// int64 all_start_micros = 2;
public native void clear_all_start_micros();
@MemberGetter public static native int kAllStartMicrosFieldNumber();
public static final int kAllStartMicrosFieldNumber = kAllStartMicrosFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long all_start_micros();
public native void set_all_start_micros(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 op_start_rel_micros = 3;
public native void clear_op_start_rel_micros();
@MemberGetter public static native int kOpStartRelMicrosFieldNumber();
public static final int kOpStartRelMicrosFieldNumber = kOpStartRelMicrosFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long op_start_rel_micros();
public native void set_op_start_rel_micros(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 op_end_rel_micros = 4;
public native void clear_op_end_rel_micros();
@MemberGetter public static native int kOpEndRelMicrosFieldNumber();
public static final int kOpEndRelMicrosFieldNumber = kOpEndRelMicrosFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long op_end_rel_micros();
public native void set_op_end_rel_micros(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 all_end_rel_micros = 5;
public native void clear_all_end_rel_micros();
@MemberGetter public static native int kAllEndRelMicrosFieldNumber();
public static final int kAllEndRelMicrosFieldNumber = kAllEndRelMicrosFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long all_end_rel_micros();
public native void set_all_end_rel_micros(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 scheduled_micros = 9;
public native void clear_scheduled_micros();
@MemberGetter public static native int kScheduledMicrosFieldNumber();
public static final int kScheduledMicrosFieldNumber = kScheduledMicrosFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long scheduled_micros();
public native void set_scheduled_micros(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// uint32 thread_id = 10;
public native void clear_thread_id();
@MemberGetter public static native int kThreadIdFieldNumber();
public static final int kThreadIdFieldNumber = kThreadIdFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint32") int thread_id();
public native void set_thread_id(@Cast("google::protobuf::uint32") int value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class DeviceStepStats extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public DeviceStepStats(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public DeviceStepStats(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public DeviceStepStats position(long position) {
return (DeviceStepStats)super.position(position);
public DeviceStepStats() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public DeviceStepStats(@Const @ByRef DeviceStepStats from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef DeviceStepStats from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") DeviceStepStats put(@Const @ByRef DeviceStepStats from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef DeviceStepStats default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const DeviceStepStats internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(DeviceStepStats other);
public native void Swap(DeviceStepStats other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native DeviceStepStats New();
public native DeviceStepStats New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef DeviceStepStats from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef DeviceStepStats from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated .tensorflow.NodeExecStats node_stats = 2;
public native int node_stats_size();
public native void clear_node_stats();
@MemberGetter public static native int kNodeStatsFieldNumber();
public static final int kNodeStatsFieldNumber = kNodeStatsFieldNumber();
public native NodeExecStats mutable_node_stats(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef NodeExecStats node_stats(int index);
public native NodeExecStats add_node_stats();
// string device = 1;
public native void clear_device();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDeviceFieldNumber();
public static final int kDeviceFieldNumber = kDeviceFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer device();
public native void set_device(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_device(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_device(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_device(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_device();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_device();
public native void set_allocated_device(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer device);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_device();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_device(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer device);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class StepStats extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public StepStats(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public StepStats(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public StepStats position(long position) {
return (StepStats)super.position(position);
public StepStats() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public StepStats(@Const @ByRef StepStats from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef StepStats from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") StepStats put(@Const @ByRef StepStats from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef StepStats default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const StepStats internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(StepStats other);
public native void Swap(StepStats other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native StepStats New();
public native StepStats New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef StepStats from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef StepStats from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated .tensorflow.DeviceStepStats dev_stats = 1;
public native int dev_stats_size();
public native void clear_dev_stats();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDevStatsFieldNumber();
public static final int kDevStatsFieldNumber = kDevStatsFieldNumber();
public native DeviceStepStats mutable_dev_stats(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef DeviceStepStats dev_stats(int index);
public native DeviceStepStats add_dev_stats();
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
// #endif // __GNUC__
// AllocationRecord
// int64 alloc_micros = 1;
// int64 alloc_bytes = 2;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// AllocatorMemoryUsed
// string allocator_name = 1;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// int64 total_bytes = 2;
// int64 peak_bytes = 3;
// int64 live_bytes = 4;
// repeated .tensorflow.AllocationRecord allocation_records = 6;
// int64 allocator_bytes_in_use = 5;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// NodeOutput
// int32 slot = 1;
// .tensorflow.TensorDescription tensor_description = 3;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// MemoryStats
// int64 temp_memory_size = 1;
// int64 persistent_memory_size = 3;
// repeated int64 persistent_tensor_alloc_ids = 5;
// int64 device_temp_memory_size = 2 [deprecated = true];
// int64 device_persistent_memory_size = 4 [deprecated = true];
// repeated int64 device_persistent_tensor_alloc_ids = 6 [deprecated = true];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// NodeExecStats
// string node_name = 1;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// int64 all_start_micros = 2;
// int64 op_start_rel_micros = 3;
// int64 op_end_rel_micros = 4;
// int64 all_end_rel_micros = 5;
// repeated .tensorflow.AllocatorMemoryUsed memory = 6;
// repeated .tensorflow.NodeOutput output = 7;
// string timeline_label = 8;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// int64 scheduled_micros = 9;
// uint32 thread_id = 10;
// repeated .tensorflow.AllocationDescription referenced_tensor = 11;
// .tensorflow.MemoryStats memory_stats = 12;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// DeviceStepStats
// string device = 1;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// repeated .tensorflow.NodeExecStats node_stats = 2;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// StepStats
// repeated .tensorflow.DeviceStepStats dev_stats = 1;
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// #endif // __GNUC__
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
// namespace tensorflow
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
// #endif // PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fstep_5fstats_2eproto_INCLUDED
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/framework/versions.pb.h
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: tensorflow/core/framework/versions.proto
// #ifndef PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fversions_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #define PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fversions_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #include
// #include
// #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
// #error your headers.
// #endif
// #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
// #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
// #endif
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include
// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
// Internal implementation detail -- do not use these members.
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fversions_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsVersionDefImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fversions_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsVersionDef();
// namespace protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fversions_2eproto
// namespace tensorflow
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
// ===================================================================
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class VersionDef extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public VersionDef(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public VersionDef(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public VersionDef position(long position) {
return (VersionDef)super.position(position);
public VersionDef() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public VersionDef(@Const @ByRef VersionDef from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef VersionDef from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") VersionDef put(@Const @ByRef VersionDef from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef VersionDef default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const VersionDef internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(VersionDef other);
public native void Swap(VersionDef other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native VersionDef New();
public native VersionDef New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef VersionDef from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef VersionDef from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated int32 bad_consumers = 3;
public native int bad_consumers_size();
public native void clear_bad_consumers();
@MemberGetter public static native int kBadConsumersFieldNumber();
public static final int kBadConsumersFieldNumber = kBadConsumersFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int bad_consumers(int index);
public native void set_bad_consumers(int index, @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
public native void add_bad_consumers(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// int32 producer = 1;
public native void clear_producer();
@MemberGetter public static native int kProducerFieldNumber();
public static final int kProducerFieldNumber = kProducerFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int producer();
public native void set_producer(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// int32 min_consumer = 2;
public native void clear_min_consumer();
@MemberGetter public static native int kMinConsumerFieldNumber();
public static final int kMinConsumerFieldNumber = kMinConsumerFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int min_consumer();
public native void set_min_consumer(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
// #endif // __GNUC__
// VersionDef
// int32 producer = 1;
// int32 min_consumer = 2;
// repeated int32 bad_consumers = 3;
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// #endif // __GNUC__
// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
// namespace tensorflow
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
// #endif // PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fversions_2eproto_INCLUDED
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/public/session_options.h
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// #include
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/protobuf/config.pb.h"
/** Configuration information for a Session. */
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class SessionOptions extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public SessionOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public SessionOptions(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public SessionOptions position(long position) {
return (SessionOptions)super.position(position);
/** The environment to use. */
public native Env env(); public native SessionOptions env(Env env);
/** \brief The TensorFlow runtime to connect to.
* If 'target' is empty or unspecified, the local TensorFlow runtime
* implementation will be used. Otherwise, the TensorFlow engine
* defined by 'target' will be used to perform all computations.
* "target" can be either a single entry or a comma separated list
* of entries. Each entry is a resolvable address of the
* following format:
* local
* ip:port
* host:port
* ... other system-specific formats to identify tasks and jobs ...
* NOTE: at the moment 'local' maps to an in-process service-based
* runtime.
* Upon creation, a single session affines itself to one of the
* remote processes, with possible load balancing choices when the
* "target" resolves to a list of possible processes.
* If the session disconnects from the remote process during its
* lifetime, session calls may fail immediately. */
public native @StdString BytePointer target(); public native SessionOptions target(BytePointer target);
/** Configuration options. */
public native @ByRef ConfigProto config(); public native SessionOptions config(ConfigProto config);
public SessionOptions() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
// end namespace tensorflow
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/lib/core/threadpool.h
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// #include
// #include
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/env.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
@Namespace("tensorflow::thread") @NoOffset public static class ThreadPool extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ThreadPool(Pointer p) { super(p); }
// Constructs a pool that contains "num_threads" threads with specified
// "name". env->StartThread() is used to create individual threads with the
// given ThreadOptions. If "low_latency_hint" is true the thread pool
// implementation may use it as a hint that lower latency is preferred at the
// cost of higher CPU usage, e.g. by letting one or more idle threads spin
// wait. Conversely, if the threadpool is used to schedule high-latency
// operations like I/O the hint should be set to false.
// REQUIRES: num_threads > 0
public ThreadPool(Env env, @Const @ByRef ThreadOptions thread_options, @StdString BytePointer name,
int num_threads, @Cast("bool") boolean low_latency_hint) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(env, thread_options, name, num_threads, low_latency_hint); }
private native void allocate(Env env, @Const @ByRef ThreadOptions thread_options, @StdString BytePointer name,
int num_threads, @Cast("bool") boolean low_latency_hint);
public ThreadPool(Env env, @Const @ByRef ThreadOptions thread_options, @StdString String name,
int num_threads, @Cast("bool") boolean low_latency_hint) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(env, thread_options, name, num_threads, low_latency_hint); }
private native void allocate(Env env, @Const @ByRef ThreadOptions thread_options, @StdString String name,
int num_threads, @Cast("bool") boolean low_latency_hint);
// Constructs a pool for low-latency ops that contains "num_threads" threads
// with specified "name". env->StartThread() is used to create individual
// threads.
// REQUIRES: num_threads > 0
public ThreadPool(Env env, @StdString BytePointer name, int num_threads) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(env, name, num_threads); }
private native void allocate(Env env, @StdString BytePointer name, int num_threads);
public ThreadPool(Env env, @StdString String name, int num_threads) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(env, name, num_threads); }
private native void allocate(Env env, @StdString String name, int num_threads);
// Constructs a pool for low-latency ops that contains "num_threads" threads
// with specified "name". env->StartThread() is used to create individual
// threads with the given ThreadOptions.
// REQUIRES: num_threads > 0
public ThreadPool(Env env, @Const @ByRef ThreadOptions thread_options, @StdString BytePointer name,
int num_threads) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(env, thread_options, name, num_threads); }
private native void allocate(Env env, @Const @ByRef ThreadOptions thread_options, @StdString BytePointer name,
int num_threads);
public ThreadPool(Env env, @Const @ByRef ThreadOptions thread_options, @StdString String name,
int num_threads) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(env, thread_options, name, num_threads); }
private native void allocate(Env env, @Const @ByRef ThreadOptions thread_options, @StdString String name,
int num_threads);
// Waits until all scheduled work has finished and then destroy the
// set of threads.
// Schedules fn() for execution in the pool of threads.
public native void Schedule(@ByVal Fn fn);
// ParallelFor shards the "total" units of work assuming each unit of work
// having roughly "cost_per_unit" cost, in cycles. Each unit of work is
// indexed 0, 1, ..., total - 1. Each shard contains 1 or more units of work
// and the total cost of each shard is roughly the same.
// "cost_per_unit" is an estimate of the number of CPU cycles (or nanoseconds
// if not CPU-bound) to complete a unit of work. Overestimating creates too
// many shards and CPU time will be dominated by per-shard overhead, such as
// Context creation. Underestimating may not fully make use of the specified
// parallelism.
public native void ParallelFor(@Cast("tensorflow::int64") long total, @Cast("tensorflow::int64") long cost_per_unit,
@ByVal ForFn fn);
// Shards the "total" units of work. For more details, see "ParallelFor".
// The function is passed a thread_id between 0 and NumThreads() *inclusive*.
// This is because some work can happen on the caller thread while the threads
// in the pool are also being used.
// The caller can allocate NumThreads() + 1 separate buffers for each thread.
// Each thread can safely write to the buffer given by its id without
// synchronization. However, the worker fn may be called multiple times
// sequentially with the same id.
// At most NumThreads() unique ids will actually be used, and only a few may
// be used for small workloads. If each buffer is expensive, the buffers
// should be stored in an array initially filled with null, and a buffer
// should be allocated by fn the first time that the id is used.
public native void ParallelForWithWorkerId(
@Cast("tensorflow::int64") long total, @Cast("tensorflow::int64") long cost_per_unit,
@Const @ByRef ParallelForFn fn);
// Returns the number of threads in the pool.
public native int NumThreads();
// Returns current thread id between 0 and NumThreads() - 1, if called from a
// thread in the pool. Returns -1 otherwise.
public native int CurrentThreadId();
@Opaque public static class Impl extends Pointer {
/** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
public Impl() { super((Pointer)null); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Impl(Pointer p) { super(p); }
// namespace thread
// namespace tensorflow
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/framework/allocation_description.pb.h
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: tensorflow/core/framework/allocation_description.proto
// #ifndef PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fallocation_5fdescription_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #define PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fallocation_5fdescription_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #include
// #include
// #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
// #error your headers.
// #endif
// #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
// #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
// #endif
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include
// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
// Internal implementation detail -- do not use these members.
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fallocation_5fdescription_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsAllocationDescriptionImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fallocation_5fdescription_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsAllocationDescription();
// namespace protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fallocation_5fdescription_2eproto
// namespace tensorflow
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
// ===================================================================
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class AllocationDescription extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public AllocationDescription(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public AllocationDescription(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public AllocationDescription position(long position) {
return (AllocationDescription)super.position(position);
public AllocationDescription() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public AllocationDescription(@Const @ByRef AllocationDescription from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef AllocationDescription from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") AllocationDescription put(@Const @ByRef AllocationDescription from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef AllocationDescription default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const AllocationDescription internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(AllocationDescription other);
public native void Swap(AllocationDescription other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native AllocationDescription New();
public native AllocationDescription New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef AllocationDescription from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef AllocationDescription from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// string allocator_name = 3;
public native void clear_allocator_name();
@MemberGetter public static native int kAllocatorNameFieldNumber();
public static final int kAllocatorNameFieldNumber = kAllocatorNameFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer allocator_name();
public native void set_allocator_name(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_allocator_name(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_allocator_name(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_allocator_name(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_allocator_name();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_allocator_name();
public native void set_allocated_allocator_name(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer allocator_name);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_allocator_name();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_allocator_name(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer allocator_name);
// int64 requested_bytes = 1;
public native void clear_requested_bytes();
@MemberGetter public static native int kRequestedBytesFieldNumber();
public static final int kRequestedBytesFieldNumber = kRequestedBytesFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long requested_bytes();
public native void set_requested_bytes(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 allocated_bytes = 2;
public native void clear_allocated_bytes();
@MemberGetter public static native int kAllocatedBytesFieldNumber();
public static final int kAllocatedBytesFieldNumber = kAllocatedBytesFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long allocated_bytes();
public native void set_allocated_bytes(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// int64 allocation_id = 4;
public native void clear_allocation_id();
@MemberGetter public static native int kAllocationIdFieldNumber();
public static final int kAllocationIdFieldNumber = kAllocationIdFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long allocation_id();
public native void set_allocation_id(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// uint64 ptr = 6;
public native void clear_ptr();
@MemberGetter public static native int kPtrFieldNumber();
public static final int kPtrFieldNumber = kPtrFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint64") long ptr();
public native void set_ptr(@Cast("google::protobuf::uint64") long value);
// bool has_single_reference = 5;
public native void clear_has_single_reference();
@MemberGetter public static native int kHasSingleReferenceFieldNumber();
public static final int kHasSingleReferenceFieldNumber = kHasSingleReferenceFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_single_reference();
public native void set_has_single_reference(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
// #endif // __GNUC__
// AllocationDescription
// int64 requested_bytes = 1;
// int64 allocated_bytes = 2;
// string allocator_name = 3;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// int64 allocation_id = 4;
// bool has_single_reference = 5;
// uint64 ptr = 6;
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// #endif // __GNUC__
// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
// namespace tensorflow
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
// #endif // PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fallocation_5fdescription_2eproto_INCLUDED
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/framework/allocator.h
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// #include
// #include
// #include "tensorflow/core/framework/numeric_types.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/framework/resource_handle.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/framework/type_traits.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/framework/variant.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
// Attributes for a single allocation call. Different calls to the same
// allocator could potentially have different allocation attributes.
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static class AllocationAttributes extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Default native constructor. */
public AllocationAttributes() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public AllocationAttributes(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public AllocationAttributes(Pointer p) { super(p); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public AllocationAttributes position(long position) {
return (AllocationAttributes)super.position(position);
// If the first attempt to allocate the memory fails, the allocation
// should return immediately without retrying.
// An example use case is optional scratch spaces where a failure
// has only performance impact.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean no_retry_on_failure(); public native AllocationAttributes no_retry_on_failure(boolean no_retry_on_failure);
// If a Tensor is allocated without the following set to true, then
// it is logged as an unknown allocation. During execution Tensors
// should be allocated through the OpKernelContext which records
// which Op is performing the allocation, and sets this flag to
// true.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean allocation_will_be_logged(); public native AllocationAttributes allocation_will_be_logged(boolean allocation_will_be_logged);
// Runtime statistics collected by an allocator.
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class AllocatorStats extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public AllocatorStats(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public AllocatorStats(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public AllocatorStats position(long position) {
return (AllocatorStats)super.position(position);
public native @Cast("tensorflow::int64") long num_allocs(); public native AllocatorStats num_allocs(long num_allocs); // Number of allocations.
public native @Cast("tensorflow::int64") long bytes_in_use(); public native AllocatorStats bytes_in_use(long bytes_in_use); // Number of bytes in use.
public native @Cast("tensorflow::int64") long max_bytes_in_use(); public native AllocatorStats max_bytes_in_use(long max_bytes_in_use); // The maximum bytes in use.
public native @Cast("tensorflow::int64") long max_alloc_size(); public native AllocatorStats max_alloc_size(long max_alloc_size); // The max single allocation seen.
// The upper limit what the allocator can allocate, if such a limit
// is known. Certain allocator may return 0 to indicate the limit is
// unknown.
public native @Cast("tensorflow::int64") long bytes_limit(); public native AllocatorStats bytes_limit(long bytes_limit);
public AllocatorStats() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native void Clear();
public native @StdString BytePointer DebugString();
// Allocator is an abstract interface for allocating and deallocating
// device memory.
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static class Allocator extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Allocator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
// Align to 64 byte boundary.
@MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const size_t") long kAllocatorAlignment();
public static final long kAllocatorAlignment = kAllocatorAlignment();
// #else
// Align to 32 byte boundary.
// #endif
// Return a string identifying this allocator
public native @StdString BytePointer Name();
// Return an uninitialized block of memory that is "num_bytes" bytes
// in size. The returned pointer is guaranteed to be aligned to a
// multiple of "alignment" bytes.
// REQUIRES: "alignment" is a power of 2.
public native Pointer AllocateRaw(@Cast("size_t") long alignment, @Cast("size_t") long num_bytes);
// Return an uninitialized block of memory that is "num_bytes" bytes
// in size with specified allocation attributes. The returned pointer is
// guaranteed to be aligned to a multiple of "alignment" bytes.
// REQUIRES: "alignment" is a power of 2.
public native Pointer AllocateRaw(@Cast("size_t") long alignment, @Cast("size_t") long num_bytes,
@Const @ByRef AllocationAttributes allocation_attr);
// Deallocate a block of memory pointer to by "ptr"
// REQUIRES: "ptr" was previously returned by a call to AllocateRaw
public native void DeallocateRaw(Pointer ptr);
// Convenience functions to do typed allocation. C++ constructors
// and destructors are invoked for complex types if necessary,
// depending on the concrete Allocator implementation. May return
// NULL if the tensor has too many elements to represent in a single
// allocation.
// Returns true if this allocator tracks the sizes of allocations.
// RequestedSize and AllocatedSize must be overridden if
// TracksAllocationSizes is overridden to return true.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean TracksAllocationSizes();
// Returns true if this allocator requires tensors with 0 elements
// to allocate buffers. This is false for most allocators, but may
// be used by special-case allocators that want to track tensor
// usage.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean ShouldAllocateEmptyTensors();
// Returns the user-requested size of the data allocated at
// 'ptr'. Note that the actual buffer allocated might be larger
// than requested, but this function returns the size requested by
// the user.
// REQUIRES: TracksAllocationSizes() is true.
// REQUIRES: 'ptr!=nullptr' and points to a buffer previously
// allocated by this allocator.
public native @Cast("size_t") long RequestedSize(@Const Pointer ptr);
// Returns the allocated size of the buffer at 'ptr' if known,
// otherwise returns RequestedSize(ptr). AllocatedSize(ptr) is
// guaranteed to be >= RequestedSize(ptr).
// REQUIRES: TracksAllocationSizes() is true.
// REQUIRES: 'ptr!=nullptr' and points to a buffer previously
// allocated by this allocator.
public native @Cast("size_t") long AllocatedSize(@Const Pointer ptr);
// Returns either 0 or an identifier assigned to the buffer at 'ptr'
// when the buffer was returned by AllocateRaw. If non-zero, the
// identifier differs from every other ID assigned by this
// allocator.
// REQUIRES: TracksAllocationSizes() is true.
// REQUIRES: 'ptr!=nullptr' and points to a buffer previously
// allocated by this allocator.
public native @Cast("tensorflow::int64") long AllocationId(@Const Pointer ptr);
// Returns the allocated size of the buffer at 'ptr' if known,
// otherwise returns 0. This method can be called when
// TracksAllocationSizes() is false, but can be extremely slow.
// REQUIRES: 'ptr!=nullptr' and points to a buffer previously
// allocated by this allocator.
public native @Cast("size_t") long AllocatedSizeSlow(@Const Pointer ptr);
// Fills in 'stats' with statistics collected by this allocator.
public native void GetStats(AllocatorStats stats);
// Clears the internal stats except for the `in_use` field.
public native void ClearStats();
// Allocator-specific constructors and destructors are used for
// strings
// An implementation of Allocator that delegates all calls to another Allocator.
// Useful to clients who want to override part of the functionality of another
// allocator.
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class AllocatorWrapper extends Allocator {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public AllocatorWrapper(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public AllocatorWrapper(Allocator wrapped) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(wrapped); }
private native void allocate(Allocator wrapped);
// Returns the wrapped allocator to which all calls are delegated.
public native Allocator wrapped();
public native @StdString BytePointer Name();
public native Pointer AllocateRaw(@Cast("size_t") long alignment, @Cast("size_t") long num_bytes);
public native Pointer AllocateRaw(@Cast("size_t") long alignment, @Cast("size_t") long num_bytes,
@Const @ByRef AllocationAttributes allocation_attr);
public native void DeallocateRaw(Pointer ptr);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean TracksAllocationSizes();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean ShouldAllocateEmptyTensors();
public native @Cast("size_t") long RequestedSize(@Const Pointer ptr);
public native @Cast("size_t") long AllocatedSize(@Const Pointer ptr);
public native @Cast("tensorflow::int64") long AllocationId(@Const Pointer ptr);
public native @Cast("size_t") long AllocatedSizeSlow(@Const Pointer ptr);
// A tensorflow Op may need access to different kinds of memory that
// are not simply a function of the device to which the Op has been
// assigned. For example, an Op executing on a GPU may still need
// to allocate CPU RAM for some purpose. Internal to the tensorflow
// runtime we may choose to allocate CPU ram from special regions
// that have been prepared for higher performance in some use
// contexts, e.g. doing DMA with particular devices. For these
// reasons, the Device interface does not expose just one memory
// Allocator, but instead provides an accessor that takes a
// specification of the desired memory attributes in order to select
// an Allocator.
// Example use:
// // Allocator for ordinary device memory:
// Allocator* a = allocator(AllocatorAttributes());
// ...
// // Allocator for CPU RAM, regardless of where Op is executing:
// AllocatorAttributes attr;
// attr.set_on_host(true);
// Allocator* a = allocator(attr);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static class AllocatorAttributes extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Default native constructor. */
public AllocatorAttributes() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public AllocatorAttributes(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public AllocatorAttributes(Pointer p) { super(p); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public AllocatorAttributes position(long position) {
return (AllocatorAttributes)super.position(position);
public native void set_on_host(@Cast("bool") boolean v);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean on_host();
public native void set_nic_compatible(@Cast("bool") boolean v);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean nic_compatible();
public native void set_gpu_compatible(@Cast("bool") boolean v);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean gpu_compatible();
public native void Merge(@ByVal AllocatorAttributes other);
// Returns true if the fields set in *this is a subset of or equal to
// those set in other.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsEqualOrLessRestrictiveThan(@Const @ByRef AllocatorAttributes other);
// NOTE: The upper 8 bits of the value are reserved for
// device-specific uses. Implementors of a device can interpret these
// upper 8 bits in device-specific ways, and ops implemented for those
// devices are responsible for setting those 8 bits appropriately.
public native int value(); public native AllocatorAttributes value(int value);
// Returns a trivial implementation of Allocator which uses the system
// default malloc. The returned allocator is a process singleton.
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native Allocator cpu_allocator();
// If 'enable' is true, the process-wide cpu allocator collects
// AllocatorStats. By default, it's disabled.
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native void EnableCPUAllocatorStats(@Cast("bool") boolean enable);
// If 'enable' is true, the process-wide cpu allocator collects full
// statistics. By default, it's disabled.
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native void EnableCPUAllocatorFullStats(@Cast("bool") boolean enable);
// Abstract interface of an object that does the underlying suballoc/free of
// memory for a higher-level allocator.
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static class SubAllocator extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public SubAllocator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public native Pointer Alloc(@Cast("size_t") long alignment, @Cast("size_t") long num_bytes);
public native void Free(Pointer ptr, @Cast("size_t") long num_bytes);
// namespace tensorflow
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.pb.h
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.proto
// #ifndef PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_5fshape_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #define PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_5fshape_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #include
// #include
// #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
// #error your headers.
// #endif
// #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
// #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
// #endif
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include
// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
// Internal implementation detail -- do not use these members.
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_5fshape_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsTensorShapeProto_DimImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_5fshape_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsTensorShapeProto_Dim();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_5fshape_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsTensorShapeProtoImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_5fshape_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsTensorShapeProto();
// namespace protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_5fshape_2eproto
// namespace tensorflow
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
// ===================================================================
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class TensorShapeProto_Dim extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public TensorShapeProto_Dim(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public TensorShapeProto_Dim(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public TensorShapeProto_Dim position(long position) {
return (TensorShapeProto_Dim)super.position(position);
public TensorShapeProto_Dim() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public TensorShapeProto_Dim(@Const @ByRef TensorShapeProto_Dim from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef TensorShapeProto_Dim from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") TensorShapeProto_Dim put(@Const @ByRef TensorShapeProto_Dim from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef TensorShapeProto_Dim default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const TensorShapeProto_Dim internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(TensorShapeProto_Dim other);
public native void Swap(TensorShapeProto_Dim other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native TensorShapeProto_Dim New();
public native TensorShapeProto_Dim New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef TensorShapeProto_Dim from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef TensorShapeProto_Dim from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// string name = 2;
public native void clear_name();
@MemberGetter public static native int kNameFieldNumber();
public static final int kNameFieldNumber = kNameFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer name();
public native void set_name(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_name(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_name(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_name(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_name();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_name();
public native void set_allocated_name(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer name);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_name();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_name(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer name);
// int64 size = 1;
public native void clear_size();
@MemberGetter public static native int kSizeFieldNumber();
public static final int kSizeFieldNumber = kSizeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long size();
public native void set_size(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class TensorShapeProto extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public TensorShapeProto(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public TensorShapeProto(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public TensorShapeProto position(long position) {
return (TensorShapeProto)super.position(position);
public TensorShapeProto() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public TensorShapeProto(@Const @ByRef TensorShapeProto from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef TensorShapeProto from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") TensorShapeProto put(@Const @ByRef TensorShapeProto from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef TensorShapeProto default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const TensorShapeProto internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(TensorShapeProto other);
public native void Swap(TensorShapeProto other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native TensorShapeProto New();
public native TensorShapeProto New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef TensorShapeProto from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef TensorShapeProto from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto.Dim dim = 2;
public native int dim_size();
public native void clear_dim();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDimFieldNumber();
public static final int kDimFieldNumber = kDimFieldNumber();
public native TensorShapeProto_Dim mutable_dim(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef TensorShapeProto_Dim dim(int index);
public native TensorShapeProto_Dim add_dim();
// bool unknown_rank = 3;
public native void clear_unknown_rank();
@MemberGetter public static native int kUnknownRankFieldNumber();
public static final int kUnknownRankFieldNumber = kUnknownRankFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean unknown_rank();
public native void set_unknown_rank(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
// #endif // __GNUC__
// TensorShapeProto_Dim
// int64 size = 1;
// string name = 2;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// TensorShapeProto
// repeated .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto.Dim dim = 2;
// bool unknown_rank = 3;
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// #endif // __GNUC__
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
// namespace tensorflow
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
// #endif // PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_5fshape_2eproto_INCLUDED
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/framework/types.pb.h
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: tensorflow/core/framework/types.proto
// #ifndef PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftypes_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #define PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftypes_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #include
// #include
// #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
// #error your headers.
// #endif
// #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
// #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
// #endif
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include
// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
// Internal implementation detail -- do not use these members.
// namespace protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftypes_2eproto
// namespace tensorflow
/** enum tensorflow::DataType */
public static final int
DT_INT32 = 3,
DT_UINT8 = 4,
DT_INT16 = 5,
DT_INT8 = 6,
DT_INT64 = 9,
DT_BOOL = 10,
DT_QINT8 = 11,
DT_QUINT8 = 12,
DT_QINT32 = 13,
DT_BFLOAT16 = 14,
DT_QINT16 = 15,
DT_QUINT16 = 16,
DT_UINT16 = 17,
DT_COMPLEX128 = 18,
DT_HALF = 19,
DT_UINT32 = 22,
DT_UINT64 = 23,
DT_INT32_REF = 103,
DT_UINT8_REF = 104,
DT_INT16_REF = 105,
DT_INT8_REF = 106,
DT_INT64_REF = 109,
DT_BOOL_REF = 110,
DT_QINT8_REF = 111,
DT_QUINT8_REF = 112,
DT_QINT32_REF = 113,
DT_BFLOAT16_REF = 114,
DT_QINT16_REF = 115,
DT_QUINT16_REF = 116,
DT_UINT16_REF = 117,
DT_COMPLEX128_REF = 118,
DT_HALF_REF = 119,
DT_UINT32_REF = 122,
DT_UINT64_REF = 123,
DataType_INT_MIN_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = kint32min,
DataType_INT_MAX_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = kint32max;
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean DataType_IsValid(int value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::DataType") int DataType_MIN();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native @Cast("const tensorflow::DataType") int DataType_MAX();
@Namespace("tensorflow") @MemberGetter public static native int DataType_ARRAYSIZE();
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*") Pointer DataType_descriptor();
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @StdString BytePointer DataType_Name(@Cast("tensorflow::DataType") int value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean DataType_Parse(
@StdString BytePointer name, @Cast("tensorflow::DataType*") IntPointer value);
@Namespace("tensorflow") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean DataType_Parse(
@StdString String name, @Cast("tensorflow::DataType*") IntPointer value);
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
// #endif // __GNUC__
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// #endif // __GNUC__
// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
// namespace tensorflow
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
// #endif // PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftypes_2eproto_INCLUDED
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/framework/resource_handle.pb.h
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: tensorflow/core/framework/resource_handle.proto
// #ifndef PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fresource_5fhandle_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #define PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fresource_5fhandle_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #include
// #include
// #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
// #error your headers.
// #endif
// #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
// #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
// #endif
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include
// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
// Internal implementation detail -- do not use these members.
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fresource_5fhandle_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsResourceHandleProtoImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fresource_5fhandle_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsResourceHandleProto();
// namespace protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fresource_5fhandle_2eproto
// namespace tensorflow
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
// ===================================================================
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class ResourceHandleProto extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ResourceHandleProto(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public ResourceHandleProto(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public ResourceHandleProto position(long position) {
return (ResourceHandleProto)super.position(position);
public ResourceHandleProto() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public ResourceHandleProto(@Const @ByRef ResourceHandleProto from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef ResourceHandleProto from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") ResourceHandleProto put(@Const @ByRef ResourceHandleProto from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef ResourceHandleProto default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const ResourceHandleProto internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(ResourceHandleProto other);
public native void Swap(ResourceHandleProto other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native ResourceHandleProto New();
public native ResourceHandleProto New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef ResourceHandleProto from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef ResourceHandleProto from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// string device = 1;
public native void clear_device();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDeviceFieldNumber();
public static final int kDeviceFieldNumber = kDeviceFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer device();
public native void set_device(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_device(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_device(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_device(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_device();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_device();
public native void set_allocated_device(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer device);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_device();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_device(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer device);
// string container = 2;
public native void clear_container();
@MemberGetter public static native int kContainerFieldNumber();
public static final int kContainerFieldNumber = kContainerFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer container();
public native void set_container(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_container(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_container(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_container(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_container();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_container();
public native void set_allocated_container(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer container);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_container();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_container(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer container);
// string name = 3;
public native void clear_name();
@MemberGetter public static native int kNameFieldNumber();
public static final int kNameFieldNumber = kNameFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer name();
public native void set_name(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_name(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_name(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_name(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_name();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_name();
public native void set_allocated_name(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer name);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_name();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_name(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer name);
// string maybe_type_name = 5;
public native void clear_maybe_type_name();
@MemberGetter public static native int kMaybeTypeNameFieldNumber();
public static final int kMaybeTypeNameFieldNumber = kMaybeTypeNameFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer maybe_type_name();
public native void set_maybe_type_name(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_maybe_type_name(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_maybe_type_name(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_maybe_type_name(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_maybe_type_name();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_maybe_type_name();
public native void set_allocated_maybe_type_name(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer maybe_type_name);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_maybe_type_name();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_maybe_type_name(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer maybe_type_name);
// uint64 hash_code = 4;
public native void clear_hash_code();
@MemberGetter public static native int kHashCodeFieldNumber();
public static final int kHashCodeFieldNumber = kHashCodeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint64") long hash_code();
public native void set_hash_code(@Cast("google::protobuf::uint64") long value);
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
// #endif // __GNUC__
// ResourceHandleProto
// string device = 1;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// string container = 2;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// string name = 3;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// uint64 hash_code = 4;
// string maybe_type_name = 5;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// #endif // __GNUC__
// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
// namespace tensorflow
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
// #endif // PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2fresource_5fhandle_2eproto_INCLUDED
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.pb.h
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.proto
// #ifndef PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #define PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #include
// #include
// #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
// #error your headers.
// #endif
// #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
// #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
// #endif
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include // IWYU pragma: export
// #include
// #include "tensorflow/core/framework/resource_handle.pb.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.pb.h"
// #include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.pb.h"
// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
// Internal implementation detail -- do not use these members.
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsTensorProtoImpl();
@Namespace("protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_2eproto") public static native void InitDefaultsTensorProto();
// namespace protobuf_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_2eproto
// namespace tensorflow
// namespace protobuf
// namespace google
// ===================================================================
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class TensorProto extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public TensorProto(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public TensorProto(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public TensorProto position(long position) {
return (TensorProto)super.position(position);
public TensorProto() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public TensorProto(@Const @ByRef TensorProto from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef TensorProto from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") TensorProto put(@Const @ByRef TensorProto from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef TensorProto default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const TensorProto internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(TensorProto other);
public native void Swap(TensorProto other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native TensorProto New();
public native TensorProto New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef TensorProto from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef TensorProto from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated float float_val = 5 [packed = true];
public native int float_val_size();
public native void clear_float_val();
@MemberGetter public static native int kFloatValFieldNumber();
public static final int kFloatValFieldNumber = kFloatValFieldNumber();
public native float float_val(int index);
public native void set_float_val(int index, float value);
public native void add_float_val(float value);
// repeated double double_val = 6 [packed = true];
public native int double_val_size();
public native void clear_double_val();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDoubleValFieldNumber();
public static final int kDoubleValFieldNumber = kDoubleValFieldNumber();
public native double double_val(int index);
public native void set_double_val(int index, double value);
public native void add_double_val(double value);
// repeated int32 int_val = 7 [packed = true];
public native int int_val_size();
public native void clear_int_val();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIntValFieldNumber();
public static final int kIntValFieldNumber = kIntValFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int int_val(int index);
public native void set_int_val(int index, @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
public native void add_int_val(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// repeated bytes string_val = 8;
public native int string_val_size();
public native void clear_string_val();
@MemberGetter public static native int kStringValFieldNumber();
public static final int kStringValFieldNumber = kStringValFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer string_val(int index);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_string_val(int index);
public native void set_string_val(int index, @StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_string_val(int index, @StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_string_val(int index, @Const Pointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer add_string_val();
public native void add_string_val(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void add_string_val(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void add_string_val(@Const Pointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
// repeated float scomplex_val = 9 [packed = true];
public native int scomplex_val_size();
public native void clear_scomplex_val();
@MemberGetter public static native int kScomplexValFieldNumber();
public static final int kScomplexValFieldNumber = kScomplexValFieldNumber();
public native float scomplex_val(int index);
public native void set_scomplex_val(int index, float value);
public native void add_scomplex_val(float value);
// repeated int64 int64_val = 10 [packed = true];
public native int int64_val_size();
public native void clear_int64_val();
@MemberGetter public static native int kInt64ValFieldNumber();
public static final int kInt64ValFieldNumber = kInt64ValFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long int64_val(int index);
public native void set_int64_val(int index, @Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
public native void add_int64_val(@Cast("google::protobuf::int64") long value);
// repeated bool bool_val = 11 [packed = true];
public native int bool_val_size();
public native void clear_bool_val();
@MemberGetter public static native int kBoolValFieldNumber();
public static final int kBoolValFieldNumber = kBoolValFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean bool_val(int index);
public native void set_bool_val(int index, @Cast("bool") boolean value);
public native void add_bool_val(@Cast("bool") boolean value);
// repeated double dcomplex_val = 12 [packed = true];
public native int dcomplex_val_size();
public native void clear_dcomplex_val();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDcomplexValFieldNumber();
public static final int kDcomplexValFieldNumber = kDcomplexValFieldNumber();
public native double dcomplex_val(int index);
public native void set_dcomplex_val(int index, double value);
public native void add_dcomplex_val(double value);
// repeated int32 half_val = 13 [packed = true];
public native int half_val_size();
public native void clear_half_val();
@MemberGetter public static native int kHalfValFieldNumber();
public static final int kHalfValFieldNumber = kHalfValFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int half_val(int index);
public native void set_half_val(int index, @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
public native void add_half_val(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// repeated .tensorflow.ResourceHandleProto resource_handle_val = 14;
public native int resource_handle_val_size();
public native void clear_resource_handle_val();
@MemberGetter public static native int kResourceHandleValFieldNumber();
public static final int kResourceHandleValFieldNumber = kResourceHandleValFieldNumber();
public native ResourceHandleProto mutable_resource_handle_val(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef ResourceHandleProto resource_handle_val(int index);
public native ResourceHandleProto add_resource_handle_val();
// repeated .tensorflow.VariantTensorDataProto variant_val = 15;
public native int variant_val_size();
public native void clear_variant_val();
@MemberGetter public static native int kVariantValFieldNumber();
public static final int kVariantValFieldNumber = kVariantValFieldNumber();
public native VariantTensorDataProto mutable_variant_val(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef VariantTensorDataProto variant_val(int index);
public native VariantTensorDataProto add_variant_val();
// repeated uint32 uint32_val = 16 [packed = true];
public native int uint32_val_size();
public native void clear_uint32_val();
@MemberGetter public static native int kUint32ValFieldNumber();
public static final int kUint32ValFieldNumber = kUint32ValFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint32") int uint32_val(int index);
public native void set_uint32_val(int index, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint32") int value);
public native void add_uint32_val(@Cast("google::protobuf::uint32") int value);
// repeated uint64 uint64_val = 17 [packed = true];
public native int uint64_val_size();
public native void clear_uint64_val();
@MemberGetter public static native int kUint64ValFieldNumber();
public static final int kUint64ValFieldNumber = kUint64ValFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint64") long uint64_val(int index);
public native void set_uint64_val(int index, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint64") long value);
public native void add_uint64_val(@Cast("google::protobuf::uint64") long value);
// bytes tensor_content = 4;
public native void clear_tensor_content();
@MemberGetter public static native int kTensorContentFieldNumber();
public static final int kTensorContentFieldNumber = kTensorContentFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer tensor_content();
public native void set_tensor_content(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_tensor_content(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_tensor_content(@Const Pointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_tensor_content();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_tensor_content();
public native void set_allocated_tensor_content(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer tensor_content);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_tensor_content();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_tensor_content(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer tensor_content);
// .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 2;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean has_tensor_shape();
public native void clear_tensor_shape();
@MemberGetter public static native int kTensorShapeFieldNumber();
public static final int kTensorShapeFieldNumber = kTensorShapeFieldNumber();
public native @Const @ByRef TensorShapeProto tensor_shape();
public native TensorShapeProto release_tensor_shape();
public native TensorShapeProto mutable_tensor_shape();
public native void set_allocated_tensor_shape(TensorShapeProto tensor_shape);
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_tensor_shape(
TensorShapeProto tensor_shape);
public native TensorShapeProto unsafe_arena_release_tensor_shape();
// .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;
public native void clear_dtype();
@MemberGetter public static native int kDtypeFieldNumber();
public static final int kDtypeFieldNumber = kDtypeFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("tensorflow::DataType") int dtype();
public native void set_dtype(@Cast("tensorflow::DataType") int value);
// int32 version_number = 3;
public native void clear_version_number();
@MemberGetter public static native int kVersionNumberFieldNumber();
public static final int kVersionNumberFieldNumber = kVersionNumberFieldNumber();
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int version_number();
public native void set_version_number(@Cast("google::protobuf::int32") int value);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
@Namespace("tensorflow") @NoOffset public static class VariantTensorDataProto extends MessageLite {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public VariantTensorDataProto(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public VariantTensorDataProto(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public VariantTensorDataProto position(long position) {
return (VariantTensorDataProto)super.position(position);
public VariantTensorDataProto() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public VariantTensorDataProto(@Const @ByRef VariantTensorDataProto from) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(from); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef VariantTensorDataProto from);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") VariantTensorDataProto put(@Const @ByRef VariantTensorDataProto from);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native Arena GetArena();
public native Pointer GetMaybeArenaPointer();
public static native @Cast("const google::protobuf::Descriptor*") Pointer descriptor();
public static native @Const @ByRef VariantTensorDataProto default_instance();
public static native void InitAsDefaultInstance(); // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
public static native @Const VariantTensorDataProto internal_default_instance();
@MemberGetter public static native int kIndexInFileMessages();
public static final int kIndexInFileMessages = kIndexInFileMessages();
public native void UnsafeArenaSwap(VariantTensorDataProto other);
public native void Swap(VariantTensorDataProto other);
// implements Message ----------------------------------------------
public native VariantTensorDataProto New();
public native VariantTensorDataProto New(Arena arena);
public native void CopyFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Cast("const google::protobuf::Message*") @ByRef MessageLite from);
public native void CopyFrom(@Const @ByRef VariantTensorDataProto from);
public native void MergeFrom(@Const @ByRef VariantTensorDataProto from);
public native void Clear();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean IsInitialized();
public native @Cast("size_t") long ByteSizeLong();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean MergePartialFromCodedStream(
CodedInputStream input);
public native void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
CodedOutputStream output);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") BytePointer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") ByteBuffer target);
public native @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
@Cast("bool") boolean deterministic, @Cast("google::protobuf::uint8*") byte[] target);
public native int GetCachedSize();
public native @ByVal @Cast("google::protobuf::Metadata*") Pointer GetMetadata();
// nested types ----------------------------------------------------
// accessors -------------------------------------------------------
// repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensors = 3;
public native int tensors_size();
public native void clear_tensors();
@MemberGetter public static native int kTensorsFieldNumber();
public static final int kTensorsFieldNumber = kTensorsFieldNumber();
public native TensorProto mutable_tensors(int index);
public native @Const @ByRef TensorProto tensors(int index);
public native TensorProto add_tensors();
// string type_name = 1;
public native void clear_type_name();
@MemberGetter public static native int kTypeNameFieldNumber();
public static final int kTypeNameFieldNumber = kTypeNameFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer type_name();
public native void set_type_name(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_type_name(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_type_name(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native void set_type_name(String value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_type_name();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_type_name();
public native void set_allocated_type_name(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer type_name);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_type_name();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_type_name(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer type_name);
// bytes metadata = 2;
public native void clear_metadata();
@MemberGetter public static native int kMetadataFieldNumber();
public static final int kMetadataFieldNumber = kMetadataFieldNumber();
public native @StdString BytePointer metadata();
public native void set_metadata(@StdString BytePointer value);
public native void set_metadata(@StdString String value);
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
public native void set_metadata(@Const Pointer value, @Cast("size_t") long size);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer mutable_metadata();
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer release_metadata();
public native void set_allocated_metadata(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer metadata);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer unsafe_arena_release_metadata();
public native void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_metadata(
@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer metadata);
// ===================================================================
// ===================================================================
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
// #endif // __GNUC__
// TensorProto
// .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;
// .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 2;
// int32 version_number = 3;
// bytes tensor_content = 4;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// repeated int32 half_val = 13 [packed = true];
// repeated float float_val = 5 [packed = true];
// repeated double double_val = 6 [packed = true];
// repeated int32 int_val = 7 [packed = true];
// repeated bytes string_val = 8;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// repeated float scomplex_val = 9 [packed = true];
// repeated int64 int64_val = 10 [packed = true];
// repeated bool bool_val = 11 [packed = true];
// repeated double dcomplex_val = 12 [packed = true];
// repeated .tensorflow.ResourceHandleProto resource_handle_val = 14;
// repeated .tensorflow.VariantTensorDataProto variant_val = 15;
// repeated uint32 uint32_val = 16 [packed = true];
// repeated uint64 uint64_val = 17 [packed = true];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// VariantTensorDataProto
// string type_name = 1;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// bytes metadata = 2;
// #if LANG_CXX11
// #endif
// repeated .tensorflow.TensorProto tensors = 3;
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// #endif // __GNUC__
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
// namespace tensorflow
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
// #endif // PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_2eproto_INCLUDED
// Parsed from tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_description.pb.h
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_description.proto
// #ifndef PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_5fdescription_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #define PROTOBUF_tensorflow_2fcore_2fframework_2ftensor_5fdescription_2eproto_INCLUDED
// #include
// #include
// #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
// #error your headers.
// #endif
// #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
// #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
// #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
// #endif
// #include
// #include