org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_features2d.Feature2D Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.11: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
package org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_features2d;
import java.nio.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
import static org.bytedeco.javacpp.presets.javacpp.*;
import static*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_imgproc.*;
import static*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_videoio.*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_highgui.*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_flann.*;
import static*;
import static*;
/************************************ Base Classes ************************************/
/** \brief Abstract base class for 2D image feature detectors and descriptor extractors
// #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
// #else
@Namespace("cv") @Properties(inherit = org.bytedeco.opencv.presets.opencv_features2d.class)
public class Feature2D extends Algorithm {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Default native constructor. */
public Feature2D() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public Feature2D(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Feature2D(Pointer p) { super(p); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public Feature2D position(long position) {
return (Feature2D)super.position(position);
@Override public Feature2D getPointer(long i) {
return new Feature2D((Pointer)this).offsetAddress(i);
/** Downcast constructor. */
public Feature2D(Algorithm pointer) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(pointer); }
@Namespace private native @Name("dynamic_cast") void allocate(Algorithm pointer);
@Override public Algorithm asAlgorithm() { return asAlgorithm(this); }
@Namespace public static native @Name("static_cast") Algorithm asAlgorithm(Feature2D pointer);
/** \brief Detects keypoints in an image (first variant) or image set (second variant).
@param image Image.
@param keypoints The detected keypoints. In the second variant of the method keypoints[i] is a set
of keypoints detected in images[i] .
@param mask Mask specifying where to look for keypoints (optional). It must be a 8-bit integer
matrix with non-zero values in the region of interest.
public native void detect( @ByVal Mat image,
@ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask );
public native void detect( @ByVal Mat image,
@ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints );
public native void detect( @ByVal UMat image,
@ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask );
public native void detect( @ByVal UMat image,
@ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints );
public native void detect( @ByVal GpuMat image,
@ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask );
public native void detect( @ByVal GpuMat image,
@ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints );
/** \overload
@param images Image set.
@param keypoints The detected keypoints. In the second variant of the method keypoints[i] is a set
of keypoints detected in images[i] .
@param masks Masks for each input image specifying where to look for keypoints (optional).
masks[i] is a mask for images[i].
public native void detect( @ByVal MatVector images,
@ByRef KeyPointVectorVector keypoints,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::InputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") MatVector masks );
public native void detect( @ByVal MatVector images,
@ByRef KeyPointVectorVector keypoints );
public native void detect( @ByVal UMatVector images,
@ByRef KeyPointVectorVector keypoints,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::InputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") UMatVector masks );
public native void detect( @ByVal UMatVector images,
@ByRef KeyPointVectorVector keypoints );
public native void detect( @ByVal GpuMatVector images,
@ByRef KeyPointVectorVector keypoints,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::InputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") GpuMatVector masks );
public native void detect( @ByVal GpuMatVector images,
@ByRef KeyPointVectorVector keypoints );
/** \brief Computes the descriptors for a set of keypoints detected in an image (first variant) or image set
(second variant).
@param image Image.
@param keypoints Input collection of keypoints. Keypoints for which a descriptor cannot be
computed are removed. Sometimes new keypoints can be added, for example: SIFT duplicates keypoint
with several dominant orientations (for each orientation).
@param descriptors Computed descriptors. In the second variant of the method descriptors[i] are
descriptors computed for a keypoints[i]. Row j is the keypoints (or keypoints[i]) is the
descriptor for keypoint j-th keypoint.
public native void compute( @ByVal Mat image,
@ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints,
@ByVal Mat descriptors );
public native void compute( @ByVal UMat image,
@ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints,
@ByVal UMat descriptors );
public native void compute( @ByVal GpuMat image,
@ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints,
@ByVal GpuMat descriptors );
/** \overload
@param images Image set.
@param keypoints Input collection of keypoints. Keypoints for which a descriptor cannot be
computed are removed. Sometimes new keypoints can be added, for example: SIFT duplicates keypoint
with several dominant orientations (for each orientation).
@param descriptors Computed descriptors. In the second variant of the method descriptors[i] are
descriptors computed for a keypoints[i]. Row j is the keypoints (or keypoints[i]) is the
descriptor for keypoint j-th keypoint.
public native void compute( @ByVal MatVector images,
@ByRef KeyPointVectorVector keypoints,
@ByVal MatVector descriptors );
public native void compute( @ByVal UMatVector images,
@ByRef KeyPointVectorVector keypoints,
@ByVal UMatVector descriptors );
public native void compute( @ByVal GpuMatVector images,
@ByRef KeyPointVectorVector keypoints,
@ByVal GpuMatVector descriptors );
/** Detects keypoints and computes the descriptors */
public native void detectAndCompute( @ByVal Mat image, @ByVal Mat mask,
@ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints,
@ByVal Mat descriptors,
@Cast("bool") boolean useProvidedKeypoints/*=false*/ );
public native void detectAndCompute( @ByVal Mat image, @ByVal Mat mask,
@ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints,
@ByVal Mat descriptors );
public native void detectAndCompute( @ByVal UMat image, @ByVal UMat mask,
@ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints,
@ByVal UMat descriptors,
@Cast("bool") boolean useProvidedKeypoints/*=false*/ );
public native void detectAndCompute( @ByVal UMat image, @ByVal UMat mask,
@ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints,
@ByVal UMat descriptors );
public native void detectAndCompute( @ByVal GpuMat image, @ByVal GpuMat mask,
@ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints,
@ByVal GpuMat descriptors,
@Cast("bool") boolean useProvidedKeypoints/*=false*/ );
public native void detectAndCompute( @ByVal GpuMat image, @ByVal GpuMat mask,
@ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints,
@ByVal GpuMat descriptors );
public native int descriptorSize();
public native int descriptorType();
public native int defaultNorm();
public native void write( @Str BytePointer fileName );
public native void write( @Str String fileName );
public native void read( @Str BytePointer fileName );
public native void read( @Str String fileName );
public native @Override void write( @ByRef FileStorage arg0);
// see corresponding cv::Algorithm method
public native @Override void read( @Const @ByRef FileNode arg0);
/** Return true if detector object is empty */
public native @Cast("bool") @Override boolean empty();
public native @Str @Override BytePointer getDefaultName();
// see corresponding cv::Algorithm method
public native void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Str BytePointer name);
public native void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Str String name);
// #endif