org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_photo.AlignMTB Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.7: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
package org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_photo;
import java.nio.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
import static org.bytedeco.javacpp.presets.javacpp.*;
import static org.bytedeco.openblas.global.openblas_nolapack.*;
import static org.bytedeco.openblas.global.openblas.*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.*;
import static org.bytedeco.opencv.global.opencv_core.*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_imgproc.*;
import static org.bytedeco.opencv.global.opencv_imgproc.*;
import static org.bytedeco.opencv.global.opencv_photo.*;
/** \brief This algorithm converts images to median threshold bitmaps (1 for pixels brighter than median
luminance and 0 otherwise) and than aligns the resulting bitmaps using bit operations.
It is invariant to exposure, so exposure values and camera response are not necessary.
In this implementation new image regions are filled with zeros.
For more information see \cite GW03 .
@Namespace("cv") @Properties(inherit = org.bytedeco.opencv.presets.opencv_photo.class)
public class AlignMTB extends AlignExposures {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public AlignMTB(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public native @Override void process(@ByVal MatVector src, @ByRef MatVector dst,
@ByVal Mat times, @ByVal Mat response);
public native @Override void process(@ByVal UMatVector src, @ByRef MatVector dst,
@ByVal Mat times, @ByVal Mat response);
public native @Override void process(@ByVal GpuMatVector src, @ByRef MatVector dst,
@ByVal Mat times, @ByVal Mat response);
public native @Override void process(@ByVal MatVector src, @ByRef MatVector dst,
@ByVal UMat times, @ByVal UMat response);
public native @Override void process(@ByVal UMatVector src, @ByRef MatVector dst,
@ByVal UMat times, @ByVal UMat response);
public native @Override void process(@ByVal GpuMatVector src, @ByRef MatVector dst,
@ByVal UMat times, @ByVal UMat response);
public native @Override void process(@ByVal MatVector src, @ByRef MatVector dst,
@ByVal GpuMat times, @ByVal GpuMat response);
public native @Override void process(@ByVal UMatVector src, @ByRef MatVector dst,
@ByVal GpuMat times, @ByVal GpuMat response);
public native @Override void process(@ByVal GpuMatVector src, @ByRef MatVector dst,
@ByVal GpuMat times, @ByVal GpuMat response);
/** \brief Short version of process, that doesn't take extra arguments.
@param src vector of input images
@param dst vector of aligned images
public native void process(@ByVal MatVector src, @ByRef MatVector dst);
public native void process(@ByVal UMatVector src, @ByRef MatVector dst);
public native void process(@ByVal GpuMatVector src, @ByRef MatVector dst);
/** \brief Calculates shift between two images, i. e. how to shift the second image to correspond it with the
@param img0 first image
@param img1 second image
public native @ByVal Point calculateShift(@ByVal Mat img0, @ByVal Mat img1);
public native @ByVal Point calculateShift(@ByVal UMat img0, @ByVal UMat img1);
public native @ByVal Point calculateShift(@ByVal GpuMat img0, @ByVal GpuMat img1);
/** \brief Helper function, that shift Mat filling new regions with zeros.
@param src input image
@param dst result image
@param shift shift value
public native void shiftMat(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, @Const @ByVal Point shift);
public native void shiftMat(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, @Const @ByVal Point shift);
public native void shiftMat(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, @Const @ByVal Point shift);
/** \brief Computes median threshold and exclude bitmaps of given image.
@param img input image
@param tb median threshold bitmap
@param eb exclude bitmap
public native void computeBitmaps(@ByVal Mat img, @ByVal Mat tb, @ByVal Mat eb);
public native void computeBitmaps(@ByVal UMat img, @ByVal UMat tb, @ByVal UMat eb);
public native void computeBitmaps(@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByVal GpuMat tb, @ByVal GpuMat eb);
public native int getMaxBits();
public native void setMaxBits(int max_bits);
public native int getExcludeRange();
public native void setExcludeRange(int exclude_range);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean getCut();
public native void setCut(@Cast("bool") boolean value);