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// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.9: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
package org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_dnn;
import java.nio.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
import static org.bytedeco.javacpp.presets.javacpp.*;
import static*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_imgproc.*;
import static*;
import static*;
/** \brief This interface class allows to build new Layers - are building blocks of networks.
* Each class, derived from Layer, must implement allocate() methods to declare own outputs and forward() to compute outputs.
* Also before using the new layer into networks you must register your layer by using one of \ref dnnLayerFactory "LayerFactory" macros.
@Namespace("cv::dnn") @NoOffset @Properties(inherit = org.bytedeco.opencv.presets.opencv_dnn.class)
public class Layer extends Algorithm {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Layer(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public Layer(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public Layer position(long position) {
return (Layer)super.position(position);
@Override public Layer getPointer(long i) {
return new Layer((Pointer)this).offsetAddress(i);
/** List of learned parameters must be stored here to allow read them by using Net::getParam(). */
public native @ByRef MatVector blobs(); public native Layer blobs(MatVector setter);
/** \brief Computes and sets internal parameters according to inputs, outputs and blobs.
* @deprecated Use Layer::finalize(InputArrayOfArrays, OutputArrayOfArrays) instead
* @param input [in] vector of already allocated input blobs
* @param output [out] vector of already allocated output blobs
* If this method is called after network has allocated all memory for input and output blobs
* and before inferencing.
public native @Deprecated void finalize(@Const @ByRef MatPointerVector input, @ByRef MatVector output);
/** \brief Computes and sets internal parameters according to inputs, outputs and blobs.
* @param inputs [in] vector of already allocated input blobs
* @param outputs [out] vector of already allocated output blobs
* If this method is called after network has allocated all memory for input and output blobs
* and before inferencing.
public native void finalize(@ByVal MatVector inputs, @ByVal MatVector outputs);
public native void finalize(@ByVal UMatVector inputs, @ByVal UMatVector outputs);
public native void finalize(@ByVal GpuMatVector inputs, @ByVal GpuMatVector outputs);
/** \brief Given the \p input blobs, computes the output \p blobs.
* @deprecated Use Layer::forward(InputArrayOfArrays, OutputArrayOfArrays, OutputArrayOfArrays) instead
* @param input [in] the input blobs.
* @param output [out] allocated output blobs, which will store results of the computation.
* @param internals [out] allocated internal blobs
public native @Deprecated void forward(@ByRef MatPointerVector input, @ByRef MatVector output, @ByRef MatVector internals);
/** \brief Given the \p input blobs, computes the output \p blobs.
* @param inputs [in] the input blobs.
* @param outputs [out] allocated output blobs, which will store results of the computation.
* @param internals [out] allocated internal blobs
public native void forward(@ByVal MatVector inputs, @ByVal MatVector outputs, @ByVal MatVector internals);
public native void forward(@ByVal UMatVector inputs, @ByVal UMatVector outputs, @ByVal UMatVector internals);
public native void forward(@ByVal GpuMatVector inputs, @ByVal GpuMatVector outputs, @ByVal GpuMatVector internals);
/** \brief Tries to quantize the given layer and compute the quantization parameters required for fixed point implementation.
* @param scales [in] input and output scales.
* @param zeropoints [in] input and output zeropoints.
* @param params [out] Quantized parameters required for fixed point implementation of that layer.
* @return True if layer can be quantized.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean tryQuantize(@Const @ByRef FloatVectorVector scales,
@Const @ByRef IntVectorVector zeropoints, @ByRef LayerParams params);
/** \brief Given the \p input blobs, computes the output \p blobs.
* @param inputs [in] the input blobs.
* @param outputs [out] allocated output blobs, which will store results of the computation.
* @param internals [out] allocated internal blobs
public native void forward_fallback(@ByVal MatVector inputs, @ByVal MatVector outputs, @ByVal MatVector internals);
public native void forward_fallback(@ByVal UMatVector inputs, @ByVal UMatVector outputs, @ByVal UMatVector internals);
public native void forward_fallback(@ByVal GpuMatVector inputs, @ByVal GpuMatVector outputs, @ByVal GpuMatVector internals);
/** \brief
* \overload
* @deprecated Use Layer::finalize(InputArrayOfArrays, OutputArrayOfArrays) instead
/** \brief
* \overload
* @deprecated Use Layer::finalize(InputArrayOfArrays, OutputArrayOfArrays) instead
public native @Deprecated @ByVal MatVector finalize(@Const @ByRef MatVector inputs);
/** \brief Allocates layer and computes output.
* @deprecated This method will be removed in the future release.
public native @Deprecated void run(@Const @ByRef MatVector inputs, @ByRef MatVector outputs,
@ByRef MatVector internals);
/** \brief Returns index of input blob into the input array.
* @param inputName label of input blob
* Each layer input and output can be labeled to easily identify them using "%[.output_name]" notation.
* This method maps label of input blob to its index into input vector.
public native int inputNameToIndex(@Str BytePointer inputName);
public native int inputNameToIndex(@Str String inputName); // FIXIT const
/** \brief Returns index of output blob in output array.
* @see inputNameToIndex()
public native int outputNameToIndex(@Str BytePointer outputName);
public native int outputNameToIndex(@Str String outputName); // FIXIT const
* \brief Ask layer if it support specific backend for doing computations.
* @param backendId [in] computation backend identifier.
* @see Backend
public native @Cast("bool") boolean supportBackend(int backendId); // FIXIT const
* \brief Returns Halide backend node.
* @param inputs [in] Input Halide buffers.
* @see BackendNode, BackendWrapper
* Input buffers should be exactly the same that will be used in forward invocations.
* Despite we can use Halide::ImageParam based on input shape only,
* it helps prevent some memory management issues (if something wrong,
* Halide tests will be failed).
* \brief Returns a CUDA backend node
* @param context void pointer to CSLContext object
* @param inputs layer inputs
* @param outputs layer outputs
* \brief Returns a TimVX backend node
* @param timVxInfo void pointer to CSLContext object
* @param inputsWrapper layer inputs
* @param outputsWrapper layer outputs
* @param isLast if the node is the last one of the TimVX Graph.
* \brief Returns a CANN backend node
* @param inputsWrapper layer inputs
* @param index layer id for op name
* @param nodes inputs of this node
* \brief Automatic Halide scheduling based on layer hyper-parameters.
* @param node [in] Backend node with Halide functions.
* @param inputs [in] Blobs that will be used in forward invocations.
* @param outputs [in] Blobs that will be used in forward invocations.
* @param targetId [in] Target identifier
* @see BackendNode, Target
* Layer don't use own Halide::Func members because we can have applied
* layers fusing. In this way the fused function should be scheduled.
public native void applyHalideScheduler(@Ptr BackendNode node,
@Const @ByRef MatPointerVector inputs,
@Const @ByRef MatVector outputs,
int targetId);
* \brief Implement layers fusing.
* @param node [in] Backend node of bottom layer.
* @see BackendNode
* Actual for graph-based backends. If layer attached successfully,
* returns non-empty cv::Ptr to node of the same backend.
* Fuse only over the last function.
public native @Ptr BackendNode tryAttach(@Ptr BackendNode node);
* \brief Tries to attach to the layer the subsequent activation layer, i.e. do the layer fusion in a partial case.
* @param layer [in] The subsequent activation layer.
* Returns true if the activation layer has been attached successfully.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean setActivation(@Ptr ActivationLayer layer);
* \brief Try to fuse current layer with a next one
* @param top [in] Next layer to be fused.
* @return True if fusion was performed.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean tryFuse(@Ptr Layer top);
* \brief Returns parameters of layers with channel-wise multiplication and addition.
* @param scale [out] Channel-wise multipliers. Total number of values should
* be equal to number of channels.
* @param shift [out] Channel-wise offsets. Total number of values should
* be equal to number of channels.
* Some layers can fuse their transformations with further layers.
* In example, convolution + batch normalization. This way base layer
* use weights from layer after it. Fused layer is skipped.
* By default, \p scale and \p shift are empty that means layer has no
* element-wise multiplications or additions.
public native void getScaleShift(@ByRef Mat scale, @ByRef Mat shift);
* \brief Returns scale and zeropoint of layers
* @param scale [out] Output scale
* @param zeropoint [out] Output zeropoint
* By default, \p scale is 1 and \p zeropoint is 0.
public native void getScaleZeropoint(@ByRef FloatPointer scale, @ByRef IntPointer zeropoint);
public native void getScaleZeropoint(@ByRef FloatBuffer scale, @ByRef IntBuffer zeropoint);
public native void getScaleZeropoint(@ByRef float[] scale, @ByRef int[] zeropoint);
* \brief "Detaches" all the layers, attached to particular layer.
public native void unsetAttached();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean getMemoryShapes(@Const @ByRef MatShapeVector inputs,
int requiredOutputs,
@ByRef MatShapeVector outputs,
@ByRef MatShapeVector internals);
public native @Cast("int64") long getFLOPS(@Const @ByRef MatShapeVector inputs,
@Const @ByRef MatShapeVector outputs);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean updateMemoryShapes(@Const @ByRef MatShapeVector inputs);
/** Name of the layer instance, can be used for logging or other internal purposes. */
public native @Str BytePointer name(); public native Layer name(BytePointer setter);
/** Type name which was used for creating layer by layer factory. */
public native @Str BytePointer type(); public native Layer type(BytePointer setter);
/** prefer target for layer forwarding */
public native int preferableTarget(); public native Layer preferableTarget(int setter);
public Layer() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
/** Initializes only #name, #type and #blobs fields. */
public Layer(@Const @ByRef LayerParams params) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(params); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef LayerParams params);
/** Initializes only #name, #type and #blobs fields. */
public native void setParamsFrom(@Const @ByRef LayerParams params);