org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_objdetect.QRCodeDetector Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.9: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
package org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_objdetect;
import java.nio.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
import static org.bytedeco.javacpp.presets.javacpp.*;
import static*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_imgproc.*;
import static*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_videoio.*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_highgui.*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_flann.*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_features2d.*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_calib3d.*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_dnn.*;
import static*;
import static*;
@Namespace("cv") @NoOffset @Properties(inherit = org.bytedeco.opencv.presets.opencv_objdetect.class)
public class QRCodeDetector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public QRCodeDetector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public QRCodeDetector(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public QRCodeDetector position(long position) {
return (QRCodeDetector)super.position(position);
@Override public QRCodeDetector getPointer(long i) {
return new QRCodeDetector((Pointer)this).offsetAddress(i);
public QRCodeDetector() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
/** \brief sets the epsilon used during the horizontal scan of QR code stop marker detection.
@param epsX Epsilon neighborhood, which allows you to determine the horizontal pattern
of the scheme 1:1:3:1:1 according to QR code standard.
public native void setEpsX(double epsX);
/** \brief sets the epsilon used during the vertical scan of QR code stop marker detection.
@param epsY Epsilon neighborhood, which allows you to determine the vertical pattern
of the scheme 1:1:3:1:1 according to QR code standard.
public native void setEpsY(double epsY);
/** \brief use markers to improve the position of the corners of the QR code
* alignmentMarkers using by default
public native void setUseAlignmentMarkers(@Cast("bool") boolean useAlignmentMarkers);
/** \brief Detects QR code in image and returns the quadrangle containing the code.
@param img grayscale or color (BGR) image containing (or not) QR code.
@param points Output vector of vertices of the minimum-area quadrangle containing the code.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detect(@ByVal Mat img, @ByVal Mat points);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detect(@ByVal UMat img, @ByVal UMat points);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detect(@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByVal GpuMat points);
/** \brief Decodes QR code in image once it's found by the detect() method.
Returns UTF8-encoded output string or empty string if the code cannot be decoded.
@param img grayscale or color (BGR) image containing QR code.
@param points Quadrangle vertices found by detect() method (or some other algorithm).
@param straight_qrcode The optional output image containing rectified and binarized QR code
public native @StdString BytePointer decode(@ByVal Mat img, @ByVal Mat points, @ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat straight_qrcode);
public native @StdString BytePointer decode(@ByVal Mat img, @ByVal Mat points);
public native @StdString String decode(@ByVal UMat img, @ByVal UMat points, @ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat straight_qrcode);
public native @StdString String decode(@ByVal UMat img, @ByVal UMat points);
public native @StdString BytePointer decode(@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByVal GpuMat points, @ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat straight_qrcode);
public native @StdString BytePointer decode(@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByVal GpuMat points);
/** \brief Decodes QR code on a curved surface in image once it's found by the detect() method.
Returns UTF8-encoded output string or empty string if the code cannot be decoded.
@param img grayscale or color (BGR) image containing QR code.
@param points Quadrangle vertices found by detect() method (or some other algorithm).
@param straight_qrcode The optional output image containing rectified and binarized QR code
public native @Str BytePointer decodeCurved(@ByVal Mat img, @ByVal Mat points, @ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat straight_qrcode);
public native @Str BytePointer decodeCurved(@ByVal Mat img, @ByVal Mat points);
public native @Str String decodeCurved(@ByVal UMat img, @ByVal UMat points, @ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat straight_qrcode);
public native @Str String decodeCurved(@ByVal UMat img, @ByVal UMat points);
public native @Str BytePointer decodeCurved(@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByVal GpuMat points, @ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat straight_qrcode);
public native @Str BytePointer decodeCurved(@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByVal GpuMat points);
/** \brief Both detects and decodes QR code
@param img grayscale or color (BGR) image containing QR code.
@param points optional output array of vertices of the found QR code quadrangle. Will be empty if not found.
@param straight_qrcode The optional output image containing rectified and binarized QR code
public native @StdString BytePointer detectAndDecode(@ByVal Mat img, @ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat points,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat straight_qrcode);
public native @StdString BytePointer detectAndDecode(@ByVal Mat img);
public native @StdString String detectAndDecode(@ByVal UMat img, @ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat points,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat straight_qrcode);
public native @StdString String detectAndDecode(@ByVal UMat img);
public native @StdString BytePointer detectAndDecode(@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat points,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat straight_qrcode);
public native @StdString BytePointer detectAndDecode(@ByVal GpuMat img);
/** \brief Both detects and decodes QR code on a curved surface
@param img grayscale or color (BGR) image containing QR code.
@param points optional output array of vertices of the found QR code quadrangle. Will be empty if not found.
@param straight_qrcode The optional output image containing rectified and binarized QR code
public native @StdString BytePointer detectAndDecodeCurved(@ByVal Mat img, @ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat points,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat straight_qrcode);
public native @StdString BytePointer detectAndDecodeCurved(@ByVal Mat img);
public native @StdString String detectAndDecodeCurved(@ByVal UMat img, @ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat points,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat straight_qrcode);
public native @StdString String detectAndDecodeCurved(@ByVal UMat img);
public native @StdString BytePointer detectAndDecodeCurved(@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat points,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat straight_qrcode);
public native @StdString BytePointer detectAndDecodeCurved(@ByVal GpuMat img);
/** \brief Detects QR codes in image and returns the vector of the quadrangles containing the codes.
@param img grayscale or color (BGR) image containing (or not) QR codes.
@param points Output vector of vector of vertices of the minimum-area quadrangle containing the codes.
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detectMulti(@ByVal Mat img, @ByVal Mat points);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detectMulti(@ByVal UMat img, @ByVal UMat points);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detectMulti(@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByVal GpuMat points);
/** \brief Decodes QR codes in image once it's found by the detect() method.
@param img grayscale or color (BGR) image containing QR codes.
@param decoded_info UTF8-encoded output vector of string or empty vector of string if the codes cannot be decoded.
@param points vector of Quadrangle vertices found by detect() method (or some other algorithm).
@param straight_qrcode The optional output vector of images containing rectified and binarized QR codes
public native @Cast("bool") boolean decodeMulti(
@ByVal Mat img, @ByVal Mat points,
@ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") MatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean decodeMulti(
@ByVal Mat img, @ByVal Mat points,
@ByRef StringVector decoded_info
public native @Cast("bool") boolean decodeMulti(
@ByVal Mat img, @ByVal Mat points,
@ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") UMatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean decodeMulti(
@ByVal Mat img, @ByVal Mat points,
@ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") GpuMatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean decodeMulti(
@ByVal UMat img, @ByVal UMat points,
@ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") MatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean decodeMulti(
@ByVal UMat img, @ByVal UMat points,
@ByRef StringVector decoded_info
public native @Cast("bool") boolean decodeMulti(
@ByVal UMat img, @ByVal UMat points,
@ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") UMatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean decodeMulti(
@ByVal UMat img, @ByVal UMat points,
@ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") GpuMatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean decodeMulti(
@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByVal GpuMat points,
@ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") MatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean decodeMulti(
@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByVal GpuMat points,
@ByRef StringVector decoded_info
public native @Cast("bool") boolean decodeMulti(
@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByVal GpuMat points,
@ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") UMatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean decodeMulti(
@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByVal GpuMat points,
@ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") GpuMatVector straight_qrcode
/** \brief Both detects and decodes QR codes
@param img grayscale or color (BGR) image containing QR codes.
@param decoded_info UTF8-encoded output vector of string or empty vector of string if the codes cannot be decoded.
@param points optional output vector of vertices of the found QR code quadrangles. Will be empty if not found.
@param straight_qrcode The optional output vector of images containing rectified and binarized QR codes
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detectAndDecodeMulti(
@ByVal Mat img, @ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat points,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") MatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detectAndDecodeMulti(
@ByVal Mat img, @ByRef StringVector decoded_info
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detectAndDecodeMulti(
@ByVal Mat img, @ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat points,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") UMatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detectAndDecodeMulti(
@ByVal Mat img, @ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat points,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") GpuMatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detectAndDecodeMulti(
@ByVal UMat img, @ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat points,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") MatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detectAndDecodeMulti(
@ByVal UMat img, @ByRef StringVector decoded_info
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detectAndDecodeMulti(
@ByVal UMat img, @ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat points,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") UMatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detectAndDecodeMulti(
@ByVal UMat img, @ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat points,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") GpuMatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detectAndDecodeMulti(
@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat points,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") MatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detectAndDecodeMulti(
@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByRef StringVector decoded_info
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detectAndDecodeMulti(
@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat points,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") UMatVector straight_qrcode
public native @Cast("bool") boolean detectAndDecodeMulti(
@ByVal GpuMat img, @ByRef StringVector decoded_info,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat points,
@ByVal(nullValue = "cv::OutputArrayOfArrays(cv::noArray())") GpuMatVector straight_qrcode