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org.bytedeco.tensorrt.nvinfer.ICudaEngine Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.7: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE

package org.bytedeco.tensorrt.nvinfer;

import java.nio.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;

import static org.bytedeco.javacpp.presets.javacpp.*;
import org.bytedeco.cuda.cudart.*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.cuda.cublas.*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.cuda.cudnn.*;
import static*;
import org.bytedeco.cuda.nvrtc.*;
import static*;

import static*;

 *  \class ICudaEngine
 *  \brief An engine for executing inference on a built network, with functionally unsafe features.
 *  \warning Do not inherit from this class, as doing so will break forward-compatibility of the API and ABI.
 *  */
@Namespace("nvinfer1") @NoOffset @Properties(inherit = org.bytedeco.tensorrt.presets.nvinfer.class)
public class ICudaEngine extends INoCopy {
    static { Loader.load(); }
    /** Default native constructor. */
    public ICudaEngine() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
    /** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
    public ICudaEngine(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
    /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
    public ICudaEngine(Pointer p) { super(p); }
    private native void allocate();
    private native void allocateArray(long size);
    @Override public ICudaEngine position(long position) {
        return (ICudaEngine)super.position(position);
    @Override public ICudaEngine getPointer(long i) {
        return new ICudaEngine((Pointer)this).offsetAddress(i);

     *  \brief Get the number of binding indices.
     *  There are separate binding indices for each optimization profile.
     *  This method returns the total over all profiles.
     *  If the engine has been built for K profiles, the first getNbBindings() / K bindings are used by profile
     *  number 0, the following getNbBindings() / K bindings are used by profile number 1 etc.
     *  @see getBindingIndex();
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) int getNbBindings();

     *  \brief Retrieve the binding index for a named tensor.
     *  IExecutionContext::enqueue() and IExecutionContext::execute() require an array of buffers.
     *  Engine bindings map from tensor names to indices in this array.
     *  Binding indices are assigned at engine build time, and take values in the range [0 ... n-1] where n is the total
     *  number of inputs and outputs.
     *  To get the binding index of the name in an optimization profile with index k > 0,
     *  mangle the name by appending " [profile k]", as described for method getBindingName().
     *  @param name The tensor name.
     *  @return The binding index for the named tensor, or -1 if the name is not found.
     *  @see getNbBindings() getBindingName()
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) int getBindingIndex(String name);
    public native @NoException(true) int getBindingIndex(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer name);

     *  \brief Retrieve the name corresponding to a binding index.
     *  This is the reverse mapping to that provided by getBindingIndex().
     *  For optimization profiles with an index k > 0, the name is mangled by appending
     *  " [profile k]", with k written in decimal.  For example, if the tensor in the
     *  INetworkDefinition had the name "foo", and bindingIndex refers to that tensor in the
     *  optimization profile with index 3, getBindingName returns "foo [profile 3]".
     *  @param bindingIndex The binding index.
     *  @return The name corresponding to the index, or nullptr if the index is out of range.
     *  @see getBindingIndex()
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) String getBindingName(int bindingIndex);

     *  \brief Determine whether a binding is an input binding.
     *  @param bindingIndex The binding index.
     *  @return True if the index corresponds to an input binding and the index is in range.
     *  @see getBindingIndex()
     *  */
    public native @Cast("bool") @NoException(true) boolean bindingIsInput(int bindingIndex);

     *  \brief Get the dimensions of a binding.
     *  @param bindingIndex The binding index.
     *  @return The dimensions of the binding if the index is in range, otherwise Dims().
     *          Has -1 for any dimension that varies within the optimization profile.
     *  For example, suppose an INetworkDefinition has an input with shape [-1,-1]
     *  that becomes a binding b in the engine.  If the associated optimization profile
     *  specifies that b has minimum dimensions as [6,9] and maximum dimensions [7,9],
     *  getBindingDimensions(b) returns [-1,9], despite the second dimension being
     *  dynamic in the INetworkDefinition.
     *  Because each optimization profile has separate bindings, the returned value can
     *  differ across profiles. Consider another binding b' for the same network input,
     *  but for another optimization profile.  If that other profile specifies minimum
     *  dimensions [5,8] and maximum dimensions [5,9], getBindingDimensions(b') returns [5,-1].
     *  @see getBindingIndex()
     *  */
    public native @ByVal @Cast("nvinfer1::Dims*") @NoException(true) Dims32 getBindingDimensions(int bindingIndex);

     *  \brief Determine the required data type for a buffer from its binding index.
     *  @param bindingIndex The binding index.
     *  @return The type of the data in the buffer.
     *  @see getBindingIndex()
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) DataType getBindingDataType(int bindingIndex);

     *  \brief Get the maximum batch size which can be used for inference.
     *  For an engine built from an INetworkDefinition without an implicit batch dimension, this will always return 1.
     *  @return The maximum batch size for this engine.
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) int getMaxBatchSize();

     *  \brief Get the number of layers in the network.
     *  The number of layers in the network is not necessarily the number in the original network definition, as layers
     *  may be combined or eliminated as the engine is optimized. This value can be useful when building per-layer
     *  tables, such as when aggregating profiling data over a number of executions.
     *  @return The number of layers in the network.
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) int getNbLayers();

     *  \brief Serialize the network to a stream.
     *  @return A IHostMemory object that contains the serialized engine.
     *  The network may be deserialized with IRuntime::deserializeCudaEngine().
     *  @see IRuntime::deserializeCudaEngine()
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) IHostMemory serialize();

     *  \brief Create an execution context.
     *  If the engine supports dynamic shapes, each execution context in concurrent use must use a separate optimization
     *  profile. The first execution context created will call setOptimizationProfile(0) implicitly. For other execution
     *  contexts, setOptimizationProfile() must be called with unique profile index before calling execute or enqueue.
     *  If an error recorder has been set for the engine, it will also be passed to the execution context.
     *  @see IExecutionContext.
     *  @see IExecutionContext::setOptimizationProfile()
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) IExecutionContext createExecutionContext();

     *  \brief Destroy this object;
     *  @deprecated Deprecated interface will be removed in TensorRT 10.0.
     *  \warning Calling destroy on a managed pointer will result in a double-free error.
     *  */
    public native @Deprecated @NoException(true) void destroy();

     *  \brief Get location of binding
     *  This lets you know whether the binding should be a pointer to device or host memory.
     *  @see ITensor::setLocation() ITensor::getLocation()
     *  @param bindingIndex The binding index.
     *  @return The location of the bound tensor with given index.
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) TensorLocation getLocation(int bindingIndex);

    /** \brief create an execution context without any device memory allocated
     *  The memory for execution of this device context must be supplied by the application.
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) IExecutionContext createExecutionContextWithoutDeviceMemory();

     *  \brief Return the amount of device memory required by an execution context.
     *  @see IExecutionContext::setDeviceMemory()
     *  */
    public native @Cast("size_t") @NoException(true) long getDeviceMemorySize();

     *  \brief Return true if an engine can be refit.
     *  @see nvinfer1::createInferRefitter()
     *  */
    public native @Cast("bool") @NoException(true) boolean isRefittable();

     *  \brief Return the number of bytes per component of an element.
     *  The vector component size is returned if getBindingVectorizedDim() != -1.
     *  @param bindingIndex The binding Index.
     *  @see ICudaEngine::getBindingVectorizedDim()
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) int getBindingBytesPerComponent(int bindingIndex);

     *  \brief Return the number of components included in one element.
     *  The number of elements in the vectors is returned if getBindingVectorizedDim() != -1.
     *  @param bindingIndex The binding Index.
     *  @see ICudaEngine::getBindingVectorizedDim()
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) int getBindingComponentsPerElement(int bindingIndex);

     *  \brief Return the binding format.
     *  @param bindingIndex The binding Index.
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) TensorFormat getBindingFormat(int bindingIndex);

     *  \brief Return the human readable description of the tensor format.
     *  The description includes the order, vectorization, data type, strides,
     *  and etc. Examples are shown as follows:
     *    Example 1: kCHW + FP32
     *      "Row major linear FP32 format"
     *    Example 2: kCHW2 + FP16
     *      "Two wide channel vectorized row major FP16 format"
     *    Example 3: kHWC8 + FP16 + Line Stride = 32
     *      "Channel major FP16 format where C % 8 == 0 and H Stride % 32 == 0"
     *  @param bindingIndex The binding Index.
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) String getBindingFormatDesc(int bindingIndex);

     *  \brief Return the dimension index that the buffer is vectorized.
     *  Specifically -1 is returned if scalars per vector is 1.
     *  @param bindingIndex The binding Index.
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) int getBindingVectorizedDim(int bindingIndex);

     *  \brief Returns the name of the network associated with the engine.
     *  The name is set during network creation and is retrieved after
     *  building or deserialization.
     *  @see INetworkDefinition::setName(), INetworkDefinition::getName()
     *  @return A null-terminated C-style string representing the name of the network.
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) String getName();

     *  \brief Get the number of optimization profiles defined for this engine.
     *  @return Number of optimization profiles. It is always at least 1.
     *  @see IExecutionContext::setOptimizationProfile() */
    public native @NoException(true) int getNbOptimizationProfiles();

     *  \brief Get the minimum / optimum / maximum dimensions for a particular binding under an optimization profile.
     *  @param bindingIndex The binding index, which must belong to the given profile,
     *         or be between 0 and bindingsPerProfile-1 as described below.
     *  @param profileIndex The profile index, which must be between 0 and getNbOptimizationProfiles()-1.
     *  @param select Whether to query the minimum, optimum, or maximum dimensions for this binding.
     *  @return The minimum / optimum / maximum dimensions for this binding in this profile.
     *          If the profileIndex or bindingIndex are invalid, return Dims with nbDims=-1.
     *  For backwards compatibility with earlier versions of TensorRT, if the bindingIndex
     *  does not belong to the current optimization profile, but is between 0 and bindingsPerProfile-1,
     *  where bindingsPerProfile = getNbBindings()/getNbOptimizationProfiles,
     *  then a corrected bindingIndex is used instead, computed by:
     *      profileIndex * bindingsPerProfile + bindingIndex % bindingsPerProfile
     *  Otherwise the bindingIndex is considered invalid.
     *  */
    public native @ByVal @Cast("nvinfer1::Dims*") @NoException(true) Dims32 getProfileDimensions(int bindingIndex, int profileIndex, OptProfileSelector select);
    public native @ByVal @Cast("nvinfer1::Dims*") @NoException(true) Dims32 getProfileDimensions(int bindingIndex, int profileIndex, @Cast("nvinfer1::OptProfileSelector") int select);

     *  \brief Get minimum / optimum / maximum values for an input shape binding under an optimization profile.
     *  @param profileIndex The profile index (must be between 0 and getNbOptimizationProfiles()-1)
     *  @param inputIndex The input index (must be between 0 and getNbBindings() - 1)
     *  @param select Whether to query the minimum, optimum, or maximum shape values for this binding.
     *  @return If the binding is an input shape binding, return a pointer to an array that has
     *          the same number of elements as the corresponding tensor, i.e. 1 if dims.nbDims == 0, or dims.d[0]
     *          if dims.nbDims == 1, where dims = getBindingDimensions(inputIndex). The array contains
     *          the elementwise minimum / optimum / maximum values for this shape binding under the profile.
     *          If either of the indices is out of range, or if the binding is not an input shape binding, return
     *          nullptr.
     *  For backwards compatibility with earlier versions of TensorRT, a bindingIndex that does not belong
     *  to the profile is corrected as described for getProfileDimensions.
     *  @see ICudaEngine::getProfileDimensions
     *  */
    public native @Const @NoException(true) IntPointer getProfileShapeValues(int profileIndex, int inputIndex, OptProfileSelector select);
    public native @Const @NoException(true) IntBuffer getProfileShapeValues(int profileIndex, int inputIndex, @Cast("nvinfer1::OptProfileSelector") int select);

     *  \brief True if tensor is required as input for shape calculations or output from them.
     *  TensorRT evaluates a network in two phases:
     *  1. Compute shape information required to determine memory allocation requirements
     *     and validate that runtime sizes make sense.
     *  2. Process tensors on the device.
     *  Some tensors are required in phase 1.  These tensors are called "shape tensors", and always
     *  have type Int32 and no more than one dimension.  These tensors are not always shapes
     *  themselves, but might be used to calculate tensor shapes for phase 2.
     *  isShapeBinding(i) returns true if the tensor is a required input or an output computed in phase 1.
     *  isExecutionBinding(i) returns true if the tensor is a required input or an output computed in phase 2.
     *  For example, if a network uses an input tensor with binding i as an addend
     *  to an IElementWiseLayer that computes the "reshape dimensions" for IShuffleLayer,
     *  then isShapeBinding(i) == true.
     *  It's possible to have a tensor be required by both phases.  For instance, a tensor
     *  can be used for the "reshape dimensions" and as the indices for an IGatherLayer
     *  collecting floating-point data.
     *  It's also possible to have a tensor be required by neither phase, but nonetheless
     *  shows up in the engine's inputs.  For example, if an input tensor is used only
     *  as an input to IShapeLayer, only its shape matters and its values are irrelevant.
     *  @see isExecutionBinding()
     *  */
    public native @Cast("bool") @NoException(true) boolean isShapeBinding(int bindingIndex);

     *  \brief True if pointer to tensor data is required for execution phase, false if nullptr can be supplied.
     *  For example, if a network uses an input tensor with binding i ONLY as the "reshape dimensions"
     *  input of IShuffleLayer, then isExecutionBinding(i) is false, and a nullptr can be
     *  supplied for it when calling IExecutionContext::execute or IExecutionContext::enqueue.
     *  @see isShapeBinding()
     *  */
    public native @Cast("bool") @NoException(true) boolean isExecutionBinding(int bindingIndex);

     *  \brief Determine what execution capability this engine has.
     *  If the engine has EngineCapability::kSTANDARD, then all engine functionality is valid.
     *  If the engine has EngineCapability::kSAFETY, then only the functionality in safe engine is valid.
     *  If the engine has EngineCapability::kDLA_STANDALONE, then only serialize, destroy, and const-accessor functions are
     *  valid.
     *  @return The EngineCapability flag that the engine was built for.
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) EngineCapability getEngineCapability();

    /** \brief Set the ErrorRecorder for this interface
     *  Assigns the ErrorRecorder to this interface. The ErrorRecorder will track all errors during execution.
     *  This function will call incRefCount of the registered ErrorRecorder at least once. Setting
     *  recorder to nullptr unregisters the recorder with the interface, resulting in a call to decRefCount if
     *  a recorder has been registered.
     *  If an error recorder is not set, messages will be sent to the global log stream.
     *  @param recorder The error recorder to register with this interface. */
    /** @see getErrorRecorder()
    /** */
    public native @NoException(true) void setErrorRecorder(IErrorRecorder recorder);

     *  \brief Get the ErrorRecorder assigned to this interface.
     *  Retrieves the assigned error recorder object for the given class. A nullptr will be returned if
     *  an error handler has not been set.
     *  @return A pointer to the IErrorRecorder object that has been registered.
     *  @see setErrorRecorder()
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) IErrorRecorder getErrorRecorder();

     *  \brief Query whether the engine was built with an implicit batch dimension.
     *  @return True if tensors have implicit batch dimension, false otherwise.
     *  This is an engine-wide property.  Either all tensors in the engine
     *  have an implicit batch dimension or none of them do.
     *  hasImplicitBatchDimension() is true if and only if the INetworkDefinition
     *  from which this engine was built was created with createNetwork() or
     *  createNetworkV2() without NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kEXPLICIT_BATCH flag.
     *  @see createNetworkV2
     *  */
    public native @Cast("bool") @NoException(true) boolean hasImplicitBatchDimension();

    /** \brief return the tactic sources required by this engine
     *  @see IBuilderConfig::setTacticSources()
     *  */
    public native @Cast("nvinfer1::TacticSources") @NoException(true) int getTacticSources();

    /** \brief Return the \ref ProfilingVerbosity the builder config was set to when the engine was built.
     *  @return the profiling verbosity the builder config was set to when the engine was built.
     *  @see IBuilderConfig::setProfilingVerbosity()
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) ProfilingVerbosity getProfilingVerbosity();

     *  \brief Create a new engine inspector which prints the layer information in an engine or an execution context.
     *  @see IEngineInspector.
     *  */
    public native @NoException(true) IEngineInspector createEngineInspector();

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