org.bytedeco.tensorrt.nvinfer.IFillLayer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.7: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
package org.bytedeco.tensorrt.nvinfer;
import java.nio.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
import static org.bytedeco.javacpp.presets.javacpp.*;
import org.bytedeco.cuda.cudart.*;
import static org.bytedeco.cuda.global.cudart.*;
import org.bytedeco.cuda.cublas.*;
import static org.bytedeco.cuda.global.cublas.*;
import org.bytedeco.cuda.cudnn.*;
import static org.bytedeco.cuda.global.cudnn.*;
import org.bytedeco.cuda.nvrtc.*;
import static org.bytedeco.cuda.global.nvrtc.*;
import static org.bytedeco.tensorrt.global.nvinfer.*;
* \brief Generate an output tensor with specified mode.
* The fill layer has two variants, static and dynamic. Static fill specifies its parameters
* at layer creation time via Dims and the get/set accessor functions of the IFillLayer.
* Dynamic fill specifies one or more of its parameters as ITensors, by using ILayer::setTensor to add
* a corresponding input. The corresponding static parameter is used if an input is missing or null.
* The shape of the output is specified by the parameter \p Dimension, or if non-null and present,
* the first input, which must be a 1D Int32 shape tensor. Thus an application can determine if the
* IFillLayer has a dynamic output shape based on whether it has a non-null first input.
* Alpha and Beta are treated differently based on the Fill Operation specified. See details in
* IFillLayer::setAlpha(), IFillLayer::setBeta(), and IFillLayer::setInput().
* A fill layer can produce a shape tensor if the following restrictions are met:
* * The FillOperation is kLINSPACE.
* * The output is a 1D Int32 tensor with length not exceeding 2*Dims::MAX_DIMS.
* * There is at most one input, and if so, that input is input 0.
* * If input 0 exists, the length of the output tensor must be computable by constant folding.
* @see FillOperation
* \warning Do not inherit from this class, as doing so will break forward-compatibility of the API and ABI. */
@Namespace("nvinfer1") @NoOffset @Properties(inherit = org.bytedeco.tensorrt.presets.nvinfer.class)
public class IFillLayer extends ILayer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public IFillLayer(Pointer p) { super(p); }
* \brief Set the output tensor's dimensions.
* @param dimensions The output tensor's dimensions.
* If the first input had been used to create this layer, that input is reset to null by this method.
* @see getDimensions */
public native @NoException(true) void setDimensions(@ByVal @Cast("nvinfer1::Dims*") Dims32 dimensions);
* \brief Get the output tensor's dimensions.
* @return The output tensor's dimensions, or an invalid Dims structure.
* If the first input is present and non-null,
* this function returns a Dims with nbDims = -1.
* @see setDimensions
* */
public native @ByVal @Cast("nvinfer1::Dims*") @NoException(true) Dims32 getDimensions();
* \brief Set the fill operation for the layer.
* @see getOperation(), FillOperation
* */
public native @NoException(true) void setOperation(FillOperation op);
public native @NoException(true) void setOperation(@Cast("nvinfer1::FillOperation") int op);
* \brief Get the fill operation for the layer.
* @see setOperation(), FillOperation
* */
public native @NoException(true) FillOperation getOperation();
* \brief Set the alpha parameter.
* @param alpha has different meanings for each operator:
* Operation | Usage
* kLINSPACE | the start value, defaults to 0.0;
* kRANDOMUNIFORM | the minimum value, defaults to 0.0;
* If a second input had been used to create this layer, that input is reset to null by this method.
* @see getAlpha */
public native @NoException(true) void setAlpha(double alpha);
* \brief Get the value of alpha parameter.
* @return A double value of alpha.
* If the second input is present and non-null,
* this function returns -1.0.
* @see setAlpha
* */
public native @NoException(true) double getAlpha();
* \brief Set the beta parameter.
* @param beta has different meanings for each operator:
* Operation | Usage
* kLINSPACE | the delta value, defaults to 1.0;
* kRANDOMUNIFORM | the maximal value, defaults to 1.0;
* If a third input had been used to create this layer, that input is reset to null by this method.
* @see getBeta
* */
public native @NoException(true) void setBeta(double beta);
* \brief Get the value of beta parameter.
* @return A double value of beta.
* If the third input is present and non-null,
* this function returns -1.0.
* @see setBeta
* */
public native @NoException(true) double getBeta();
* \brief replace an input of this layer with a specific tensor.
* @param index the index of the input to set.
* @param tensor the new input tensor
* Indices for kLINSPACE are described as:
* - 0: Shape tensor, represents the output tensor's dimensions.
* - 1: Start, a scalar, represents the start value.
* - 2: Delta, a 1D tensor, length equals to shape tensor's nbDims, represents the delta value for each dimension.
* Indices for kRANDOM_UNIFORM are described as:
* - 0: Shape tensor, represents the output tensor's dimensions.
* - 1: Minimum, a scalar, represents the minimum random value.
* - 2: Maximum, a scalar, represents the maximal random value.
* Using the corresponding setter resets the input to null.
* If either inputs 1 or 2, is non-null, then both must be non-null and have the same data type.
* If this function is called for an index greater or equal to getNbInputs(),
* then afterwards getNbInputs() returns index + 1, and any missing intervening
* inputs are set to null.
* */
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