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Camunda 7 Keycloak Identity Provider Plugin including all transitive dependencies
* Copyright 2014 Ben Manes. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache;
import static com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Async.ASYNC_EXPIRY;
import static com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine.calculateHashMapCapacity;
import static com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine.ceilingPowerOfTwo;
import static com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine.requireArgument;
import static com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine.saturatedToNanos;
import static com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LocalLoadingCache.newBulkMappingFunction;
import static com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LocalLoadingCache.newMappingFunction;
import static com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Node.PROBATION;
import static com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Node.PROTECTED;
import static com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Node.WINDOW;
import static java.util.Locale.US;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import static java.util.Spliterator.DISTINCT;
import static java.util.Spliterator.IMMUTABLE;
import static java.util.Spliterator.NONNULL;
import static java.util.Spliterator.ORDERED;
import static java.util.function.Function.identity;
import java.lang.System.Logger;
import java.lang.System.Logger.Level;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.AbstractCollection;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import java.util.OptionalLong;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.Spliterators;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Async.AsyncExpiry;
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LinkedDeque.PeekingIterator;
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Policy.CacheEntry;
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.References.InternalReference;
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.stats.StatsCounter;
* An in-memory cache implementation that supports full concurrency of retrievals, a high expected
* concurrency for updates, and multiple ways to bound the cache.
* This class is abstract and code generated subclasses provide the complete implementation for a
* particular configuration. This is to ensure that only the fields and execution paths necessary
* for a given configuration are used.
* @author [email protected] (Ben Manes)
* @param the type of keys maintained by this cache
* @param the type of mapped values
abstract class BoundedLocalCache extends BLCHeader.DrainStatusRef
implements LocalCache {
* This class performs a best-effort bounding of a ConcurrentHashMap using a page-replacement
* algorithm to determine which entries to evict when the capacity is exceeded.
* Concurrency:
* ------------
* The page replacement algorithms are kept eventually consistent with the map. An update to the
* map and recording of reads may not be immediately reflected in the policy's data structures.
* These structures are guarded by a lock, and operations are applied in batches to avoid lock
* contention. The penalty of applying the batches is spread across threads, so that the amortized
* cost is slightly higher than performing just the ConcurrentHashMap operation [1].
* A memento of the reads and writes that were performed on the map is recorded in buffers. These
* buffers are drained at the first opportunity after a write or when a read buffer is full. The
* reads are offered to a buffer that will reject additions if contended on or if it is full. Due
* to the concurrent nature of the read and write operations, a strict policy ordering is not
* possible, but it may be observably strict when single-threaded. The buffers are drained
* asynchronously to minimize the request latency and uses a state machine to determine when to
* schedule this work on an executor.
* Due to a lack of a strict ordering guarantee, a task can be executed out-of-order, such as a
* removal followed by its addition. The state of the entry is encoded using the key field to
* avoid additional memory usage. An entry is "alive" if it is in both the hash table and the page
* replacement policy. It is "retired" if it is not in the hash table and is pending removal from
* the page replacement policy. Finally, an entry transitions to the "dead" state when it is
* neither in the hash table nor the page replacement policy. Both the retired and dead states are
* represented by a sentinel key that should not be used for map operations.
* Eviction:
* ---------
* Maximum size is implemented using the Window TinyLfu policy [2] due to its high hit rate, O(1)
* time complexity, and small footprint. A new entry starts in the admission window and remains
* there as long as it has high temporal locality (recency). Eventually an entry will slip from
* the window into the main space. If the main space is already full, then a historic frequency
* filter determines whether to evict the newly admitted entry or the victim entry chosen by the
* eviction policy. This process ensures that the entries in the window were very recently used,
* while entries in the main space are accessed very frequently and remain moderately recent. The
* windowing allows the policy to have a high hit rate when entries exhibit a bursty access
* pattern, while the filter ensures that popular items are retained. The admission window uses
* LRU and the main space uses Segmented LRU.
* The optimal size of the window vs. main spaces is workload dependent [3]. A large admission
* window is favored by recency-biased workloads, while a small one favors frequency-biased
* workloads. When the window is too small, then recent arrivals are prematurely evicted, but when
* it is too large, then they pollute the cache and force the eviction of more popular entries.
* The optimal configuration is dynamically determined by using hill climbing to walk the hit rate
* curve. This is achieved by sampling the hit rate and adjusting the window size in the direction
* that is improving (making positive or negative steps). At each interval, the step size is
* decreased until the hit rate climber converges at the optimal setting. The process is restarted
* when the hit rate changes over a threshold, indicating that the workload altered, and a new
* setting may be required.
* The historic usage is retained in a compact popularity sketch, which uses hashing to
* probabilistically estimate an item's frequency. This exposes a flaw where an adversary could
* use hash flooding [4] to artificially raise the frequency of the main space's victim and cause
* all candidates to be rejected. In the worst case, by exploiting hash collisions, an attacker
* could cause the cache to never hit and hold only worthless items, resulting in a
* denial-of-service attack against the underlying resource. This is mitigated by introducing
* jitter, allowing candidates that are at least moderately popular to have a small, random chance
* of being admitted. This causes the victim to be evicted, but in a way that marginally impacts
* the hit rate.
* Expiration:
* -----------
* Expiration is implemented in O(1) time complexity. The time-to-idle policy uses an access-order
* queue, the time-to-live policy uses a write-order queue, and variable expiration uses a
* hierarchical timer wheel [5]. The queuing policies allow for peeking at the oldest entry to
* determine if it has expired. If it has not, then the younger entries must not have expired
* either. If a maximum size is set, then expiration will share the queues, minimizing the
* per-entry footprint is minimized. The timer wheel based policy uses hashing and cascading in a
* manner that amortizes the penalty of sorting to achieve a similar algorithmic cost.
* The expiration updates are applied in a best effort fashion. The reordering of variable or
* access-order expiration may be discarded by the read buffer if it is full or contended.
* Similarly, the reordering of write expiration may be ignored for an entry if the last update
* was within a short time window. This is done to avoid overwhelming the write buffer.
* [1] BP-Wrapper: A Framework Making Any Replacement Algorithms (Almost) Lock Contention Free
* [2] TinyLFU: A Highly Efficient Cache Admission Policy
* [3] Adaptive Software Cache Management
* [4] Denial of Service via Algorithmic Complexity Attack
* [5] Hashed and Hierarchical Timing Wheels
static final Logger logger = System.getLogger(BoundedLocalCache.class.getName());
/** The number of CPUs */
static final int NCPU = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
/** The initial capacity of the write buffer. */
static final int WRITE_BUFFER_MIN = 4;
/** The maximum capacity of the write buffer. */
static final int WRITE_BUFFER_MAX = 128 * ceilingPowerOfTwo(NCPU);
/** The number of attempts to insert into the write buffer before yielding. */
static final int WRITE_BUFFER_RETRIES = 100;
/** The maximum weighted capacity of the map. */
static final long MAXIMUM_CAPACITY = Long.MAX_VALUE - Integer.MAX_VALUE;
/** The initial percent of the maximum weighted capacity dedicated to the main space. */
static final double PERCENT_MAIN = 0.99d;
/** The percent of the maximum weighted capacity dedicated to the main's protected space. */
static final double PERCENT_MAIN_PROTECTED = 0.80d;
/** The difference in hit rates that restarts the climber. */
static final double HILL_CLIMBER_RESTART_THRESHOLD = 0.05d;
/** The percent of the total size to adapt the window by. */
static final double HILL_CLIMBER_STEP_PERCENT = 0.0625d;
/** The rate to decrease the step size to adapt by. */
static final double HILL_CLIMBER_STEP_DECAY_RATE = 0.98d;
/** The minimum popularity for allowing randomized admission. */
static final int ADMIT_HASHDOS_THRESHOLD = 6;
/** The maximum number of entries that can be transferred between queues. */
static final int QUEUE_TRANSFER_THRESHOLD = 1_000;
/** The maximum time window between entry updates before the expiration must be reordered. */
static final long EXPIRE_WRITE_TOLERANCE = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1);
/** The maximum duration before an entry expires. */
static final long MAXIMUM_EXPIRY = (Long.MAX_VALUE >> 1); // 150 years
/** The duration to wait on the eviction lock before warning of a possible misuse. */
static final long WARN_AFTER_LOCK_WAIT_NANOS = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(30);
/** The number of retries before computing to validate the entry's integrity; pow2 modulus. */
static final int MAX_PUT_SPIN_WAIT_ATTEMPTS = 1024 - 1;
/** The handle for the in-flight refresh operations. */
static final VarHandle REFRESHES;
final @Nullable RemovalListener evictionListener;
final @Nullable AsyncCacheLoader cacheLoader;
final MpscGrowableArrayQueue writeBuffer;
final ConcurrentHashMap> data;
final PerformCleanupTask drainBuffersTask;
final Consumer> accessPolicy;
final Buffer> readBuffer;
final NodeFactory nodeFactory;
final ReentrantLock evictionLock;
final Weigher weigher;
final Executor executor;
final boolean isWeighted;
final boolean isAsync;
@Nullable Set keySet;
@Nullable Collection values;
@Nullable Set> entrySet;
@Nullable volatile ConcurrentMap> refreshes;
/** Creates an instance based on the builder's configuration. */
protected BoundedLocalCache(Caffeine builder,
@Nullable AsyncCacheLoader cacheLoader, boolean isAsync) {
this.isAsync = isAsync;
this.cacheLoader = cacheLoader;
executor = builder.getExecutor();
isWeighted = builder.isWeighted();
evictionLock = new ReentrantLock();
weigher = builder.getWeigher(isAsync);
drainBuffersTask = new PerformCleanupTask(this);
nodeFactory = NodeFactory.newFactory(builder, isAsync);
evictionListener = builder.getEvictionListener(isAsync);
data = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(builder.getInitialCapacity());
readBuffer = evicts() || collectKeys() || collectValues() || expiresAfterAccess()
? new BoundedBuffer<>()
: Buffer.disabled();
accessPolicy = (evicts() || expiresAfterAccess()) ? this::onAccess : e -> {};
writeBuffer = new MpscGrowableArrayQueue<>(WRITE_BUFFER_MIN, WRITE_BUFFER_MAX);
if (evicts()) {
static {
try {
REFRESHES = MethodHandles.lookup()
.findVarHandle(BoundedLocalCache.class, "refreshes", ConcurrentMap.class);
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e);
/** Ensures that the node is alive during the map operation. */
void requireIsAlive(Object key, Node, ?> node) {
if (!node.isAlive()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(brokenEqualityMessage(key, node));
/** Logs if the node cannot be found in the map but is still alive. */
void logIfAlive(Node, ?> node) {
if (node.isAlive()) {
String message = brokenEqualityMessage(node.getKeyReference(), node);
logger.log(Level.ERROR, message, new IllegalStateException());
/** Returns the formatted broken equality error message. */
String brokenEqualityMessage(Object key, Node, ?> node) {
return String.format(US, "An invalid state was detected, occurring when the key's equals or "
+ "hashCode was modified while residing in the cache. This violation of the Map "
+ "contract can lead to non-deterministic behavior (key: %s, key type: %s, "
+ "node type: %s, cache type: %s).", key, key.getClass().getName(),
node.getClass().getSimpleName(), getClass().getSimpleName());
/* --------------- Shared --------------- */
public boolean isAsync() {
return isAsync;
/** Returns if the node's value is currently being computed asynchronously. */
final boolean isComputingAsync(Node, ?> node) {
return isAsync && !Async.isReady((CompletableFuture>) node.getValue());
protected AccessOrderDeque> accessOrderWindowDeque() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected AccessOrderDeque> accessOrderProbationDeque() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected AccessOrderDeque> accessOrderProtectedDeque() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected WriteOrderDeque> writeOrderDeque() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public final Executor executor() {
return executor;
public ConcurrentMap> refreshes() {
var pending = refreshes;
if (pending == null) {
pending = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
if (!REFRESHES.compareAndSet(this, null, pending)) {
pending = refreshes;
return pending;
/** Invalidate the in-flight refresh. */
void discardRefresh(Object keyReference) {
var pending = refreshes;
if ((pending != null) && pending.containsKey(keyReference)) {
public Object referenceKey(K key) {
return nodeFactory.newLookupKey(key);
public boolean isPendingEviction(K key) {
Node node = data.get(nodeFactory.newLookupKey(key));
return (node != null)
&& ((node.getValue() == null) || hasExpired(node, expirationTicker().read()));
/* --------------- Stats Support --------------- */
public boolean isRecordingStats() {
return false;
public StatsCounter statsCounter() {
return StatsCounter.disabledStatsCounter();
public Ticker statsTicker() {
return Ticker.disabledTicker();
/* --------------- Removal Listener Support --------------- */
protected RemovalListener removalListener() {
return null;
protected boolean hasRemovalListener() {
return false;
public void notifyRemoval(@Nullable K key, @Nullable V value, RemovalCause cause) {
if (!hasRemovalListener()) {
Runnable task = () -> {
try {
removalListener().onRemoval(key, value, cause);
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception thrown by removal listener", t);
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.log(Level.ERROR, "Exception thrown when submitting removal listener", t);;
/* --------------- Eviction Listener Support --------------- */
void notifyEviction(@Nullable K key, @Nullable V value, RemovalCause cause) {
if (evictionListener == null) {
try {
evictionListener.onRemoval(key, value, cause);
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception thrown by eviction listener", t);
/* --------------- Reference Support --------------- */
/** Returns if the keys are weak reference garbage collected. */
protected boolean collectKeys() {
return false;
/** Returns if the values are weak or soft reference garbage collected. */
protected boolean collectValues() {
return false;
protected ReferenceQueue keyReferenceQueue() {
return null;
protected ReferenceQueue valueReferenceQueue() {
return null;
/* --------------- Expiration Support --------------- */
/** Returns the {@link Pacer} used to schedule the maintenance task. */
protected @Nullable Pacer pacer() {
return null;
/** Returns if the cache expires entries after a variable time threshold. */
protected boolean expiresVariable() {
return false;
/** Returns if the cache expires entries after an access time threshold. */
protected boolean expiresAfterAccess() {
return false;
/** Returns how long after the last access to an entry the map will retain that entry. */
protected long expiresAfterAccessNanos() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void setExpiresAfterAccessNanos(long expireAfterAccessNanos) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** Returns if the cache expires entries after a write time threshold. */
protected boolean expiresAfterWrite() {
return false;
/** Returns how long after the last write to an entry the map will retain that entry. */
protected long expiresAfterWriteNanos() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void setExpiresAfterWriteNanos(long expireAfterWriteNanos) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** Returns if the cache refreshes entries after a write time threshold. */
protected boolean refreshAfterWrite() {
return false;
/** Returns how long after the last write an entry becomes a candidate for refresh. */
protected long refreshAfterWriteNanos() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void setRefreshAfterWriteNanos(long refreshAfterWriteNanos) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Expiry expiry() {
return null;
/** Returns the {@link Ticker} used by this cache for expiration. */
public Ticker expirationTicker() {
return Ticker.disabledTicker();
protected TimerWheel timerWheel() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/* --------------- Eviction Support --------------- */
/** Returns if the cache evicts entries due to a maximum size or weight threshold. */
protected boolean evicts() {
return false;
/** Returns if entries may be assigned different weights. */
protected boolean isWeighted() {
return (weigher != Weigher.singletonWeigher());
protected FrequencySketch frequencySketch() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** Returns if an access to an entry can skip notifying the eviction policy. */
protected boolean fastpath() {
return false;
/** Returns the maximum weighted size. */
protected long maximum() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** Returns the maximum weighted size of the window space. */
protected long windowMaximum() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** Returns the maximum weighted size of the main's protected space. */
protected long mainProtectedMaximum() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void setMaximum(long maximum) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void setWindowMaximum(long maximum) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void setMainProtectedMaximum(long maximum) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** Returns the combined weight of the values in the cache (may be negative). */
protected long weightedSize() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** Returns the uncorrected combined weight of the values in the window space. */
protected long windowWeightedSize() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** Returns the uncorrected combined weight of the values in the main's protected space. */
protected long mainProtectedWeightedSize() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void setWeightedSize(long weightedSize) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void setWindowWeightedSize(long weightedSize) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void setMainProtectedWeightedSize(long weightedSize) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected int hitsInSample() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected int missesInSample() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected int sampleCount() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected double stepSize() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected double previousSampleHitRate() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected long adjustment() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void setHitsInSample(int hitCount) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void setMissesInSample(int missCount) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void setSampleCount(int sampleCount) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void setStepSize(double stepSize) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void setPreviousSampleHitRate(double hitRate) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void setAdjustment(long amount) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Sets the maximum weighted size of the cache. The caller may need to perform a maintenance cycle
* to eagerly evicts entries until the cache shrinks to the appropriate size.
void setMaximumSize(long maximum) {
requireArgument(maximum >= 0, "maximum must not be negative");
if (maximum == maximum()) {
long max = Math.min(maximum, MAXIMUM_CAPACITY);
long window = max - (long) (PERCENT_MAIN * max);
long mainProtected = (long) (PERCENT_MAIN_PROTECTED * (max - window));
if ((frequencySketch() != null) && !isWeighted() && (weightedSize() >= (max >>> 1))) {
// Lazily initialize when close to the maximum size
/** Evicts entries if the cache exceeds the maximum. */
void evictEntries() {
if (!evicts()) {
var candidate = evictFromWindow();
* Evicts entries from the window space into the main space while the window size exceeds a
* maximum.
* @return the first candidate promoted into the probation space
@Nullable Node evictFromWindow() {
Node first = null;
Node node = accessOrderWindowDeque().peekFirst();
while (windowWeightedSize() > windowMaximum()) {
// The pending operations will adjust the size to reflect the correct weight
if (node == null) {
Node next = node.getNextInAccessOrder();
if (node.getPolicyWeight() != 0) {
if (first == null) {
first = node;
setWindowWeightedSize(windowWeightedSize() - node.getPolicyWeight());
node = next;
return first;
* Evicts entries from the main space if the cache exceeds the maximum capacity. The main space
* determines whether admitting an entry (coming from the window space) is preferable to retaining
* the eviction policy's victim. This decision is made using a frequency filter so that the
* least frequently used entry is removed.
* The window space's candidates were previously promoted to the probation space at its MRU
* position and the eviction policy's victim starts at the LRU position. The candidates are
* evaluated in promotion order while an eviction is required, and if exhausted then additional
* entries are retrieved from the window space. Likewise, if the victim selection exhausts the
* probation space then additional entries are retrieved the protected space. The queues are
* consumed in LRU order and the evicted entry is the one with a lower relative frequency, where
* the preference is to retain the main space's victims versus the window space's candidates on a
* tie.
* @param candidate the first candidate promoted into the probation space
void evictFromMain(@Nullable Node candidate) {
int victimQueue = PROBATION;
int candidateQueue = PROBATION;
Node victim = accessOrderProbationDeque().peekFirst();
while (weightedSize() > maximum()) {
// Search the admission window for additional candidates
if ((candidate == null) && (candidateQueue == PROBATION)) {
candidate = accessOrderWindowDeque().peekFirst();
candidateQueue = WINDOW;
// Try evicting from the protected and window queues
if ((candidate == null) && (victim == null)) {
if (victimQueue == PROBATION) {
victim = accessOrderProtectedDeque().peekFirst();
victimQueue = PROTECTED;
} else if (victimQueue == PROTECTED) {
victim = accessOrderWindowDeque().peekFirst();
victimQueue = WINDOW;
// The pending operations will adjust the size to reflect the correct weight
// Skip over entries with zero weight
if ((victim != null) && (victim.getPolicyWeight() == 0)) {
victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
} else if ((candidate != null) && (candidate.getPolicyWeight() == 0)) {
candidate = candidate.getNextInAccessOrder();
// Evict immediately if only one of the entries is present
if (victim == null) {
Node previous = candidate.getNextInAccessOrder();
Node evict = candidate;
candidate = previous;
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
} else if (candidate == null) {
Node evict = victim;
victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
// Evict immediately if both selected the same entry
if (candidate == victim) {
victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
evictEntry(candidate, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
candidate = null;
// Evict immediately if an entry was collected
K victimKey = victim.getKey();
K candidateKey = candidate.getKey();
if (victimKey == null) {
Node evict = victim;
victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.COLLECTED, 0L);
} else if (candidateKey == null) {
Node evict = candidate;
candidate = candidate.getNextInAccessOrder();
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.COLLECTED, 0L);
// Evict immediately if an entry was removed
if (!victim.isAlive()) {
Node evict = victim;
victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
} else if (!candidate.isAlive()) {
Node evict = candidate;
candidate = candidate.getNextInAccessOrder();
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
// Evict immediately if the candidate's weight exceeds the maximum
if (candidate.getPolicyWeight() > maximum()) {
Node evict = candidate;
candidate = candidate.getNextInAccessOrder();
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
// Evict the entry with the lowest frequency
if (admit(candidateKey, victimKey)) {
Node evict = victim;
victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
candidate = candidate.getNextInAccessOrder();
} else {
Node evict = candidate;
candidate = candidate.getNextInAccessOrder();
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
* Determines if the candidate should be accepted into the main space, as determined by its
* frequency relative to the victim. A small amount of randomness is used to protect against hash
* collision attacks, where the victim's frequency is artificially raised so that no new entries
* are admitted.
* @param candidateKey the key for the entry being proposed for long term retention
* @param victimKey the key for the entry chosen by the eviction policy for replacement
* @return if the candidate should be admitted and the victim ejected
boolean admit(K candidateKey, K victimKey) {
int victimFreq = frequencySketch().frequency(victimKey);
int candidateFreq = frequencySketch().frequency(candidateKey);
if (candidateFreq > victimFreq) {
return true;
} else if (candidateFreq >= ADMIT_HASHDOS_THRESHOLD) {
// The maximum frequency is 15 and halved to 7 after a reset to age the history. An attack
// exploits that a hot candidate is rejected in favor of a hot victim. The threshold of a warm
// candidate reduces the number of random acceptances to minimize the impact on the hit rate.
int random = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt();
return ((random & 127) == 0);
return false;
/** Expires entries that have expired by access, write, or variable. */
void expireEntries() {
long now = expirationTicker().read();
Pacer pacer = pacer();
if (pacer != null) {
long delay = getExpirationDelay(now);
if (delay == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
} else {
pacer.schedule(executor, drainBuffersTask, now, delay);
/** Expires entries in the access-order queue. */
void expireAfterAccessEntries(long now) {
if (!expiresAfterAccess()) {
expireAfterAccessEntries(accessOrderWindowDeque(), now);
if (evicts()) {
expireAfterAccessEntries(accessOrderProbationDeque(), now);
expireAfterAccessEntries(accessOrderProtectedDeque(), now);
/** Expires entries in an access-order queue. */
void expireAfterAccessEntries(AccessOrderDeque> accessOrderDeque, long now) {
long duration = expiresAfterAccessNanos();
for (;;) {
Node node = accessOrderDeque.peekFirst();
if ((node == null) || ((now - node.getAccessTime()) < duration)
|| !evictEntry(node, RemovalCause.EXPIRED, now)) {
/** Expires entries on the write-order queue. */
void expireAfterWriteEntries(long now) {
if (!expiresAfterWrite()) {
long duration = expiresAfterWriteNanos();
for (;;) {
Node node = writeOrderDeque().peekFirst();
if ((node == null) || ((now - node.getWriteTime()) < duration)
|| !evictEntry(node, RemovalCause.EXPIRED, now)) {
/** Expires entries in the timer wheel. */
void expireVariableEntries(long now) {
if (expiresVariable()) {
timerWheel().advance(this, now);
/** Returns the duration until the next item expires, or {@link Long#MAX_VALUE} if none. */
long getExpirationDelay(long now) {
long delay = Long.MAX_VALUE;
if (expiresAfterAccess()) {
Node node = accessOrderWindowDeque().peekFirst();
if (node != null) {
delay = Math.min(delay, expiresAfterAccessNanos() - (now - node.getAccessTime()));
if (evicts()) {
node = accessOrderProbationDeque().peekFirst();
if (node != null) {
delay = Math.min(delay, expiresAfterAccessNanos() - (now - node.getAccessTime()));
node = accessOrderProtectedDeque().peekFirst();
if (node != null) {
delay = Math.min(delay, expiresAfterAccessNanos() - (now - node.getAccessTime()));
if (expiresAfterWrite()) {
Node node = writeOrderDeque().peekFirst();
if (node != null) {
delay = Math.min(delay, expiresAfterWriteNanos() - (now - node.getWriteTime()));
if (expiresVariable()) {
delay = Math.min(delay, timerWheel().getExpirationDelay());
return delay;
/** Returns if the entry has expired. */
boolean hasExpired(Node node, long now) {
if (isComputingAsync(node)) {
return false;
return (expiresAfterAccess() && (now - node.getAccessTime() >= expiresAfterAccessNanos()))
| (expiresAfterWrite() && (now - node.getWriteTime() >= expiresAfterWriteNanos()))
| (expiresVariable() && (now - node.getVariableTime() >= 0));
* Attempts to evict the entry based on the given removal cause. A removal may be ignored if the
* entry was updated and is no longer eligible for eviction.
* @param node the entry to evict
* @param cause the reason to evict
* @param now the current time, used only if expiring
* @return if the entry was evicted
@SuppressWarnings({"GuardedByChecker", "NullAway", "PMD.CollapsibleIfStatements"})
boolean evictEntry(Node node, RemovalCause cause, long now) {
K key = node.getKey();
V[] value = (V[]) new Object[1];
boolean[] removed = new boolean[1];
boolean[] resurrect = new boolean[1];
Object keyReference = node.getKeyReference();
RemovalCause[] actualCause = new RemovalCause[1];
data.computeIfPresent(keyReference, (k, n) -> {
if (n != node) {
return n;
synchronized (n) {
value[0] = n.getValue();
if ((key == null) || (value[0] == null)) {
actualCause[0] = RemovalCause.COLLECTED;
} else if (cause == RemovalCause.COLLECTED) {
resurrect[0] = true;
return n;
} else {
actualCause[0] = cause;
if (actualCause[0] == RemovalCause.EXPIRED) {
boolean expired = false;
if (expiresAfterAccess()) {
expired |= ((now - n.getAccessTime()) >= expiresAfterAccessNanos());
if (expiresAfterWrite()) {
expired |= ((now - n.getWriteTime()) >= expiresAfterWriteNanos());
if (expiresVariable()) {
expired |= (n.getVariableTime() <= now);
if (!expired) {
resurrect[0] = true;
return n;
} else if (actualCause[0] == RemovalCause.SIZE) {
int weight = node.getWeight();
if (weight == 0) {
resurrect[0] = true;
return n;
notifyEviction(key, value[0], actualCause[0]);
removed[0] = true;
return null;
// The entry is no longer eligible for eviction
if (resurrect[0]) {
return false;
// If the eviction fails due to a concurrent removal of the victim, that removal may cancel out
// the addition that triggered this eviction. The victim is eagerly unlinked and the size
// decremented before the removal task so that if an eviction is still required then a new
// victim will be chosen for removal.
if (node.inWindow() && (evicts() || expiresAfterAccess())) {
} else if (evicts()) {
if (node.inMainProbation()) {
} else {
if (expiresAfterWrite()) {
} else if (expiresVariable()) {
synchronized (node) {
if (removed[0]) {
statsCounter().recordEviction(node.getWeight(), actualCause[0]);
notifyRemoval(key, value[0], actualCause[0]);
return true;
/** Adapts the eviction policy to towards the optimal recency / frequency configuration. */
void climb() {
if (!evicts()) {
long amount = adjustment();
if (amount == 0) {
} else if (amount > 0) {
} else {
/** Calculates the amount to adapt the window by and sets {@link #adjustment()} accordingly. */
void determineAdjustment() {
if (frequencySketch().isNotInitialized()) {
int requestCount = hitsInSample() + missesInSample();
if (requestCount < frequencySketch().sampleSize) {
double hitRate = (double) hitsInSample() / requestCount;
double hitRateChange = hitRate - previousSampleHitRate();
double amount = (hitRateChange >= 0) ? stepSize() : -stepSize();
double nextStepSize = (Math.abs(hitRateChange) >= HILL_CLIMBER_RESTART_THRESHOLD)
? HILL_CLIMBER_STEP_PERCENT * maximum() * (amount >= 0 ? 1 : -1)
setAdjustment((long) amount);
* Increases the size of the admission window by shrinking the portion allocated to the main
* space. As the main space is partitioned into probation and protected regions (80% / 20%), for
* simplicity only the protected is reduced. If the regions exceed their maximums, this may cause
* protected items to be demoted to the probation region and probation items to be demoted to the
* admission window.
void increaseWindow() {
if (mainProtectedMaximum() == 0) {
long quota = Math.min(adjustment(), mainProtectedMaximum());
setMainProtectedMaximum(mainProtectedMaximum() - quota);
setWindowMaximum(windowMaximum() + quota);
for (int i = 0; i < QUEUE_TRANSFER_THRESHOLD; i++) {
Node candidate = accessOrderProbationDeque().peekFirst();
boolean probation = true;
if ((candidate == null) || (quota < candidate.getPolicyWeight())) {
candidate = accessOrderProtectedDeque().peekFirst();
probation = false;
if (candidate == null) {
int weight = candidate.getPolicyWeight();
if (quota < weight) {
quota -= weight;
if (probation) {
} else {
setMainProtectedWeightedSize(mainProtectedWeightedSize() - weight);
setWindowWeightedSize(windowWeightedSize() + weight);
setMainProtectedMaximum(mainProtectedMaximum() + quota);
setWindowMaximum(windowMaximum() - quota);
/** Decreases the size of the admission window and increases the main's protected region. */
void decreaseWindow() {
if (windowMaximum() <= 1) {
long quota = Math.min(-adjustment(), Math.max(0, windowMaximum() - 1));
setMainProtectedMaximum(mainProtectedMaximum() + quota);
setWindowMaximum(windowMaximum() - quota);
for (int i = 0; i < QUEUE_TRANSFER_THRESHOLD; i++) {
Node candidate = accessOrderWindowDeque().peekFirst();
if (candidate == null) {
int weight = candidate.getPolicyWeight();
if (quota < weight) {
quota -= weight;
setWindowWeightedSize(windowWeightedSize() - weight);
setMainProtectedMaximum(mainProtectedMaximum() - quota);
setWindowMaximum(windowMaximum() + quota);
/** Transfers the nodes from the protected to the probation region if it exceeds the maximum. */
void demoteFromMainProtected() {
long mainProtectedMaximum = mainProtectedMaximum();
long mainProtectedWeightedSize = mainProtectedWeightedSize();
if (mainProtectedWeightedSize <= mainProtectedMaximum) {
for (int i = 0; i < QUEUE_TRANSFER_THRESHOLD; i++) {
if (mainProtectedWeightedSize <= mainProtectedMaximum) {
Node demoted = accessOrderProtectedDeque().poll();
if (demoted == null) {
mainProtectedWeightedSize -= demoted.getPolicyWeight();
* Performs the post-processing work required after a read.
* @param node the entry in the page replacement policy
* @param now the current time, in nanoseconds
* @param recordHit if the hit count should be incremented
* @return the refreshed value if immediately loaded, else null
@Nullable V afterRead(Node node, long now, boolean recordHit) {
if (recordHit) {
boolean delayable = skipReadBuffer() || (readBuffer.offer(node) != Buffer.FULL);
if (shouldDrainBuffers(delayable)) {
return refreshIfNeeded(node, now);
/** Returns if the cache should bypass the read buffer. */
boolean skipReadBuffer() {
return fastpath() && frequencySketch().isNotInitialized();
* Asynchronously refreshes the entry if eligible.
* @param node the entry in the cache to refresh
* @param now the current time, in nanoseconds
* @return the refreshed value if immediately loaded, else null
@Nullable V refreshIfNeeded(Node node, long now) {
if (!refreshAfterWrite()) {
return null;
K key;
V oldValue;
long writeTime = node.getWriteTime();
long refreshWriteTime = writeTime | 1L;
Object keyReference = node.getKeyReference();
ConcurrentMap> refreshes;
if (((now - writeTime) > refreshAfterWriteNanos()) && (keyReference != null)
&& ((key = node.getKey()) != null) && ((oldValue = node.getValue()) != null)
&& ((writeTime & 1L) == 0L) && !(refreshes = refreshes()).containsKey(keyReference)
&& node.isAlive() && node.casWriteTime(writeTime, refreshWriteTime)) {
long[] startTime = new long[1];
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
CompletableFuture extends V>[] refreshFuture = new CompletableFuture[1];
try {
refreshes.computeIfAbsent(keyReference, k -> {
try {
startTime[0] = statsTicker().read();
if (isAsync) {
CompletableFuture future = (CompletableFuture) oldValue;
if (Async.isReady(future)) {
var refresh = cacheLoader.asyncReload(key, future.join(), executor);
refreshFuture[0] = requireNonNull(refresh, "Null future");
} else {
// no-op if load is pending
return future;
} else {
var refresh = cacheLoader.asyncReload(key, oldValue, executor);
refreshFuture[0] = requireNonNull(refresh, "Null future");
return refreshFuture[0];
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception thrown when submitting refresh task", e);
return null;
} catch (Throwable e) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception thrown when submitting refresh task", e);
return null;
} finally {
node.casWriteTime(refreshWriteTime, writeTime);
if (refreshFuture[0] == null) {
return null;
var refreshed = refreshFuture[0].handle((newValue, error) -> {
long loadTime = statsTicker().read() - startTime[0];
if (error != null) {
if (!(error instanceof CancellationException) && !(error instanceof TimeoutException)) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception thrown during refresh", error);
refreshes.remove(keyReference, refreshFuture[0]);
return null;
V value = (isAsync && (newValue != null)) ? (V) refreshFuture[0] : newValue;
RemovalCause[] cause = new RemovalCause[1];
V result = compute(key, (k, currentValue) -> {
if (currentValue == null) {
// If the entry is absent then discard the refresh and maybe notifying the listener
if (value != null) {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.EXPLICIT;
return null;
} else if (currentValue == value) {
// If the reloaded value is the same instance then no-op
return currentValue;
} else if (isAsync &&
(newValue == Async.getIfReady((CompletableFuture>) currentValue))) {
// If the completed futures hold the same value instance then no-op
return currentValue;
} else if ((currentValue == oldValue) && (node.getWriteTime() == writeTime)) {
// If the entry was not modified while in-flight (no ABA) then replace
return value;
// Otherwise, a write invalidated the refresh so discard it and notify the listener
cause[0] = RemovalCause.REPLACED;
return currentValue;
}, expiry(), /* recordLoad */ false, /* recordLoadFailure */ true);
if (cause[0] != null) {
notifyRemoval(key, value, cause[0]);
if (newValue == null) {
} else {
refreshes.remove(keyReference, refreshFuture[0]);
return result;
return Async.getIfReady(refreshed);
return null;
* Returns the expiration time for the entry after being created.
* @param key the key of the entry that was created
* @param value the value of the entry that was created
* @param expiry the calculator for the expiration time
* @param now the current time, in nanoseconds
* @return the expiration time
long expireAfterCreate(@Nullable K key, @Nullable V value,
Expiry super K, ? super V> expiry, long now) {
if (expiresVariable() && (key != null) && (value != null)) {
long duration = expiry.expireAfterCreate(key, value, now);
return isAsync ? (now + duration) : (now + Math.min(duration, MAXIMUM_EXPIRY));
return 0L;
* Returns the expiration time for the entry after being updated.
* @param node the entry in the page replacement policy
* @param key the key of the entry that was updated
* @param value the value of the entry that was updated
* @param expiry the calculator for the expiration time
* @param now the current time, in nanoseconds
* @return the expiration time
long expireAfterUpdate(Node node, @Nullable K key,
@Nullable V value, Expiry super K, ? super V> expiry, long now) {
if (expiresVariable() && (key != null) && (value != null)) {
long currentDuration = Math.max(1, node.getVariableTime() - now);
long duration = expiry.expireAfterUpdate(key, value, now, currentDuration);
return isAsync ? (now + duration) : (now + Math.min(duration, MAXIMUM_EXPIRY));
return 0L;
* Returns the access time for the entry after a read.
* @param node the entry in the page replacement policy
* @param key the key of the entry that was read
* @param value the value of the entry that was read
* @param expiry the calculator for the expiration time
* @param now the current time, in nanoseconds
* @return the expiration time
long expireAfterRead(Node node, @Nullable K key,
@Nullable V value, Expiry expiry, long now) {
if (expiresVariable() && (key != null) && (value != null)) {
long currentDuration = Math.max(1, node.getVariableTime() - now);
long duration = expiry.expireAfterRead(key, value, now, currentDuration);
return isAsync ? (now + duration) : (now + Math.min(duration, MAXIMUM_EXPIRY));
return 0L;
* Attempts to update the access time for the entry after a read.
* @param node the entry in the page replacement policy
* @param key the key of the entry that was read
* @param value the value of the entry that was read
* @param expiry the calculator for the expiration time
* @param now the current time, in nanoseconds
void tryExpireAfterRead(Node node, @Nullable K key,
@Nullable V value, Expiry expiry, long now) {
if (!expiresVariable() || (key == null) || (value == null)) {
long variableTime = node.getVariableTime();
long currentDuration = Math.max(1, variableTime - now);
if (isAsync && (currentDuration > MAXIMUM_EXPIRY)) {
// expireAfterCreate has not yet set the duration after completion
long duration = expiry.expireAfterRead(key, value, now, currentDuration);
if (duration != currentDuration) {
long expirationTime = isAsync ? (now + duration) : (now + Math.min(duration, MAXIMUM_EXPIRY));
node.casVariableTime(variableTime, expirationTime);
void setVariableTime(Node node, long expirationTime) {
if (expiresVariable()) {
void setWriteTime(Node node, long now) {
if (expiresAfterWrite() || refreshAfterWrite()) {
node.setWriteTime(now & ~1L);
void setAccessTime(Node node, long now) {
if (expiresAfterAccess()) {
* Performs the post-processing work required after a write.
* @param task the pending operation to be applied
void afterWrite(Runnable task) {
for (int i = 0; i < WRITE_BUFFER_RETRIES; i++) {
if (writeBuffer.offer(task)) {
// In scenarios where the writing threads cannot make progress then they attempt to provide
// assistance by performing the eviction work directly. This can resolve cases where the
// maintenance task is scheduled but not running. That might occur due to all of the executor's
// threads being busy (perhaps writing into this cache), the write rate greatly exceeds the
// consuming rate, priority inversion, or if the executor silently discarded the maintenance
// task. Unfortunately this cannot resolve when the eviction is blocked waiting on a long-
// running computation due to an eviction listener, the victim is being computed on by a writer,
// or the victim residing in the same hash bin as a computing entry. In those cases a warning is
// logged to encourage the application to decouple these computations from the map operations.
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
logger.log(Level.ERROR, "Exception thrown when performing the maintenance task", e);
} finally {
/** Acquires the eviction lock. */
void lock() {
long remainingNanos = WARN_AFTER_LOCK_WAIT_NANOS;
long end = System.nanoTime() + remainingNanos;
boolean interrupted = false;
try {
for (;;) {
try {
if (evictionLock.tryLock(remainingNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "The cache is experiencing excessive wait times for acquiring "
+ "the eviction lock. This may indicate that a long-running computation has halted "
+ "eviction when trying to remove the victim entry. Consider using AsyncCache to "
+ "decouple the computation from the map operation.", new TimeoutException());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
remainingNanos = end - System.nanoTime();
interrupted = true;
} finally {
if (interrupted) {
* Conditionally schedules the asynchronous maintenance task after a write operation. If the
* task status was IDLE or REQUIRED then the maintenance task is scheduled immediately. If it
* is already processing then it is set to transition to REQUIRED upon completion so that a new
* execution is triggered by the next operation.
void scheduleAfterWrite() {
int drainStatus = drainStatusOpaque();
for (;;) {
switch (drainStatus) {
case IDLE:
casDrainStatus(IDLE, REQUIRED);
drainStatus = drainStatusAcquire();
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid drain status: " + drainStatus);
* Attempts to schedule an asynchronous task to apply the pending operations to the page
* replacement policy. If the executor rejects the task then it is run directly.
void scheduleDrainBuffers() {
if (drainStatusOpaque() >= PROCESSING_TO_IDLE) {
if (evictionLock.tryLock()) {
try {
int drainStatus = drainStatusOpaque();
if (drainStatus >= PROCESSING_TO_IDLE) {
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception thrown when submitting maintenance task", t);
maintenance(/* ignored */ null);
} finally {
public void cleanUp() {
try {
performCleanUp(/* ignored */ null);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
logger.log(Level.ERROR, "Exception thrown when performing the maintenance task", e);
* Performs the maintenance work, blocking until the lock is acquired.
* @param task an additional pending task to run, or {@code null} if not present
void performCleanUp(@Nullable Runnable task) {
try {
} finally {
* If there remains pending operations that were not handled by the prior clean up then try to
* schedule an asynchronous maintenance task. This may occur due to a concurrent write after the
* maintenance work had started or if the amortized threshold of work per clean up was reached.
void rescheduleCleanUpIfIncomplete() {
if (drainStatusOpaque() != REQUIRED) {
// An immediate scheduling cannot be performed on a custom executor because it may use a
// caller-runs policy. This could cause the caller's penalty to exceed the amortized threshold,
// e.g. repeated concurrent writes could result in a retry loop.
if (executor == ForkJoinPool.commonPool()) {
// If a scheduler was configured then the maintenance can be deferred onto the custom executor
// and run in the near future. Otherwise, it will be handled due to other cache activity.
var pacer = pacer();
if ((pacer != null) && !pacer.isScheduled() && evictionLock.tryLock()) {
try {
if ((drainStatusOpaque() == REQUIRED) && !pacer.isScheduled()) {
pacer.schedule(executor, drainBuffersTask, expirationTicker().read(), Pacer.TOLERANCE);
} finally {
* Performs the pending maintenance work and sets the state flags during processing to avoid
* excess scheduling attempts. The read buffer, write buffer, and reference queues are drained,
* followed by expiration, and size-based eviction.
* @param task an additional pending task to run, or {@code null} if not present
void maintenance(@Nullable Runnable task) {
try {
if (task != null) {;
} finally {
if ((drainStatusOpaque() != PROCESSING_TO_IDLE)
|| !casDrainStatus(PROCESSING_TO_IDLE, IDLE)) {
/** Drains the weak key references queue. */
void drainKeyReferences() {
if (!collectKeys()) {
Reference extends K> keyRef;
while ((keyRef = keyReferenceQueue().poll()) != null) {
Node node = data.get(keyRef);
if (node != null) {
evictEntry(node, RemovalCause.COLLECTED, 0L);
/** Drains the weak / soft value references queue. */
void drainValueReferences() {
if (!collectValues()) {
Reference extends V> valueRef;
while ((valueRef = valueReferenceQueue().poll()) != null) {
InternalReference ref = (InternalReference) valueRef;
Node node = data.get(ref.getKeyReference());
if ((node != null) && (valueRef == node.getValueReference())) {
evictEntry(node, RemovalCause.COLLECTED, 0L);
/** Drains the read buffer. */
void drainReadBuffer() {
if (!skipReadBuffer()) {
/** Updates the node's location in the page replacement policy. */
void onAccess(Node node) {
if (evicts()) {
K key = node.getKey();
if (key == null) {
if (node.inWindow()) {
reorder(accessOrderWindowDeque(), node);
} else if (node.inMainProbation()) {
} else {
reorder(accessOrderProtectedDeque(), node);
setHitsInSample(hitsInSample() + 1);
} else if (expiresAfterAccess()) {
reorder(accessOrderWindowDeque(), node);
if (expiresVariable()) {
/** Promote the node from probation to protected on an access. */
void reorderProbation(Node node) {
if (!accessOrderProbationDeque().contains(node)) {
// Ignore stale accesses for an entry that is no longer present
} else if (node.getPolicyWeight() > mainProtectedMaximum()) {
reorder(accessOrderProbationDeque(), node);
// If the protected space exceeds its maximum, the LRU items are demoted to the probation space.
// This is deferred to the adaption phase at the end of the maintenance cycle.
setMainProtectedWeightedSize(mainProtectedWeightedSize() + node.getPolicyWeight());
/** Updates the node's location in the policy's deque. */
static void reorder(LinkedDeque> deque, Node node) {
// An entry may be scheduled for reordering despite having been removed. This can occur when the
// entry was concurrently read while a writer was removing it. If the entry is no longer linked
// then it does not need to be processed.
if (deque.contains(node)) {
/** Drains the write buffer. */
void drainWriteBuffer() {
for (int i = 0; i <= WRITE_BUFFER_MAX; i++) {
Runnable task = writeBuffer.poll();
if (task == null) {
* Atomically transitions the node to the dead state and decrements the
* weightedSize .
* @param node the entry in the page replacement policy
void makeDead(Node node) {
synchronized (node) {
if (node.isDead()) {
if (evicts()) {
// The node's policy weight may be out of sync due to a pending update waiting to be
// processed. At this point the node's weight is finalized, so the weight can be safely
// taken from the node's perspective and the sizes will be adjusted correctly.
if (node.inWindow()) {
setWindowWeightedSize(windowWeightedSize() - node.getWeight());
} else if (node.inMainProtected()) {
setMainProtectedWeightedSize(mainProtectedWeightedSize() - node.getWeight());
setWeightedSize(weightedSize() - node.getWeight());
/** Adds the node to the page replacement policy. */
final class AddTask implements Runnable {
final Node node;
final int weight;
AddTask(Node node, int weight) {
this.weight = weight;
this.node = node;
public void run() {
if (evicts()) {
setWeightedSize(weightedSize() + weight);
setWindowWeightedSize(windowWeightedSize() + weight);
node.setPolicyWeight(node.getPolicyWeight() + weight);
long maximum = maximum();
if (weightedSize() >= (maximum >>> 1)) {
if (weightedSize() > MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) {
} else {
// Lazily initialize when close to the maximum
long capacity = isWeighted() ? data.mappingCount() : maximum;
K key = node.getKey();
if (key != null) {
setMissesInSample(missesInSample() + 1);
// ignore out-of-order write operations
boolean isAlive;
synchronized (node) {
isAlive = node.isAlive();
if (isAlive) {
if (expiresAfterWrite()) {
if (expiresVariable()) {
if (evicts()) {
if (weight > maximum()) {
evictEntry(node, RemovalCause.SIZE, expirationTicker().read());
} else if (weight > windowMaximum()) {
} else {
} else if (expiresAfterAccess()) {
// Ensure that in-flight async computation cannot expire (reset on a completion callback)
if (isComputingAsync(node)) {
synchronized (node) {
if (!Async.isReady((CompletableFuture>) node.getValue())) {
long expirationTime = expirationTicker().read() + ASYNC_EXPIRY;
setVariableTime(node, expirationTime);
setAccessTime(node, expirationTime);
setWriteTime(node, expirationTime);
/** Removes a node from the page replacement policy. */
final class RemovalTask implements Runnable {
final Node node;
RemovalTask(Node node) {
this.node = node;
public void run() {
// add may not have been processed yet
if (node.inWindow() && (evicts() || expiresAfterAccess())) {
} else if (evicts()) {
if (node.inMainProbation()) {
} else {
if (expiresAfterWrite()) {
} else if (expiresVariable()) {
/** Updates the weighted size. */
final class UpdateTask implements Runnable {
final int weightDifference;
final Node node;
public UpdateTask(Node node, int weightDifference) {
this.weightDifference = weightDifference;
this.node = node;
public void run() {
if (expiresAfterWrite()) {
reorder(writeOrderDeque(), node);
} else if (expiresVariable()) {
if (evicts()) {
int oldWeightedSize = node.getPolicyWeight();
node.setPolicyWeight(oldWeightedSize + weightDifference);
if (node.inWindow()) {
setWindowWeightedSize(windowWeightedSize() + weightDifference);
if (node.getPolicyWeight() > maximum()) {
evictEntry(node, RemovalCause.SIZE, expirationTicker().read());
} else if (node.getPolicyWeight() <= windowMaximum()) {
} else if (accessOrderWindowDeque().contains(node)) {
} else if (node.inMainProbation()) {
if (node.getPolicyWeight() <= maximum()) {
} else {
evictEntry(node, RemovalCause.SIZE, expirationTicker().read());
} else if (node.inMainProtected()) {
setMainProtectedWeightedSize(mainProtectedWeightedSize() + weightDifference);
if (node.getPolicyWeight() <= maximum()) {
} else {
evictEntry(node, RemovalCause.SIZE, expirationTicker().read());
setWeightedSize(weightedSize() + weightDifference);
if (weightedSize() > MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) {
} else if (expiresAfterAccess()) {
/* --------------- Concurrent Map Support --------------- */
public boolean isEmpty() {
return data.isEmpty();
public int size() {
return data.size();
public long estimatedSize() {
return data.mappingCount();
public void clear() {
Deque> entries;
try {
// Discard all pending reads
readBuffer.drainTo(e -> {});
// Apply all pending writes
Runnable task;
while ((task = writeBuffer.poll()) != null) {;
// Cancel the scheduled cleanup
Pacer pacer = pacer();
if (pacer != null) {
// Discard all entries, falling back to one-by-one to avoid excessive lock hold times
long now = expirationTicker().read();
int threshold = (WRITE_BUFFER_MAX / 2);
entries = new ArrayDeque<>(data.values());
while (!entries.isEmpty() && (writeBuffer.size() < threshold)) {
removeNode(entries.poll(), now);
} finally {
// Remove any stragglers if released early to more aggressively flush incoming writes
boolean cleanUp = false;
for (var node : entries) {
var key = node.getKey();
if (key == null) {
cleanUp = true;
} else {
if (collectKeys() && cleanUp) {
void removeNode(Node node, long now) {
K key = node.getKey();
V[] value = (V[]) new Object[1];
RemovalCause[] cause = new RemovalCause[1];
Object keyReference = node.getKeyReference();
data.computeIfPresent(keyReference, (k, n) -> {
if (n != node) {
return n;
synchronized (n) {
value[0] = n.getValue();
if ((key == null) || (value[0] == null)) {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.COLLECTED;
} else if (hasExpired(n, now)) {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.EXPIRED;
} else {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.EXPLICIT;
if (cause[0].wasEvicted()) {
notifyEviction(key, value[0], cause[0]);
return null;
if (node.inWindow() && (evicts() || expiresAfterAccess())) {
} else if (evicts()) {
if (node.inMainProbation()) {
} else {
if (expiresAfterWrite()) {
} else if (expiresVariable()) {
synchronized (node) {
if (cause[0] != null) {
notifyRemoval(key, value[0], cause[0]);
public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
Node node = data.get(nodeFactory.newLookupKey(key));
return (node != null) && (node.getValue() != null)
&& !hasExpired(node, expirationTicker().read());
public boolean containsValue(Object value) {
long now = expirationTicker().read();
for (Node node : data.values()) {
if (node.containsValue(value) && !hasExpired(node, now) && (node.getKey() != null)) {
return true;
return false;
public @Nullable V get(Object key) {
return getIfPresent(key, /* recordStats */ false);
public @Nullable V getIfPresent(Object key, boolean recordStats) {
Node node = data.get(nodeFactory.newLookupKey(key));
if (node == null) {
if (recordStats) {
if (drainStatusOpaque() == REQUIRED) {
return null;
V value = node.getValue();
long now = expirationTicker().read();
if (hasExpired(node, now) || (collectValues() && (value == null))) {
if (recordStats) {
return null;
if (!isComputingAsync(node)) {
K castedKey = (K) key;
setAccessTime(node, now);
tryExpireAfterRead(node, castedKey, value, expiry(), now);
V refreshed = afterRead(node, now, recordStats);
return (refreshed == null) ? value : refreshed;
public @Nullable V getIfPresentQuietly(K key) {
V value;
Node node = data.get(nodeFactory.newLookupKey(key));
if ((node == null) || ((value = node.getValue()) == null)
|| hasExpired(node, expirationTicker().read())) {
return null;
return value;
* Returns the key associated with the mapping in this cache, or {@code null} if there is none.
* @param key the key whose canonical instance is to be returned
* @return the key used by the mapping, or {@code null} if this cache does not contain a mapping
* for the key
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null
public @Nullable K getKey(K key) {
Node node = data.get(nodeFactory.newLookupKey(key));
if (node == null) {
if (drainStatusOpaque() == REQUIRED) {
return null;
afterRead(node, /* now */ 0L, /* recordStats */ false);
return node.getKey();
public Map getAllPresent(Iterable extends K> keys) {
var result = new LinkedHashMap(calculateHashMapCapacity(keys));
for (K key : keys) {
result.put(key, null);
int uniqueKeys = result.size();
long now = expirationTicker().read();
for (var iter = result.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
V value;
var entry =;
Node node = data.get(nodeFactory.newLookupKey(entry.getKey()));
if ((node == null) || ((value = node.getValue()) == null) || hasExpired(node, now)) {
} else {
if (!isComputingAsync(node)) {
tryExpireAfterRead(node, entry.getKey(), value, expiry(), now);
setAccessTime(node, now);
V refreshed = afterRead(node, now, /* recordHit */ false);
entry.setValue((refreshed == null) ? value : refreshed);
statsCounter().recordMisses(uniqueKeys - result.size());
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result);
public void putAll(Map extends K, ? extends V> map) {
public @Nullable V put(K key, V value) {
return put(key, value, expiry(), /* onlyIfAbsent */ false);
public @Nullable V putIfAbsent(K key, V value) {
return put(key, value, expiry(), /* onlyIfAbsent */ true);
* Adds a node to the policy and the data store. If an existing node is found, then its value is
* updated if allowed.
* @param key key with which the specified value is to be associated
* @param value value to be associated with the specified key
* @param expiry the calculator for the write expiration time
* @param onlyIfAbsent a write is performed only if the key is not already associated with a value
* @return the prior value in or null if no mapping was found
@Nullable V put(K key, V value, Expiry expiry, boolean onlyIfAbsent) {
Node node = null;
long now = expirationTicker().read();
int newWeight = weigher.weigh(key, value);
Object lookupKey = nodeFactory.newLookupKey(key);
for (int attempts = 1; ; attempts++) {
Node prior = data.get(lookupKey);
if (prior == null) {
if (node == null) {
node = nodeFactory.newNode(key, keyReferenceQueue(),
value, valueReferenceQueue(), newWeight, now);
setVariableTime(node, expireAfterCreate(key, value, expiry, now));
prior = data.putIfAbsent(node.getKeyReference(), node);
if (prior == null) {
afterWrite(new AddTask(node, newWeight));
return null;
} else if (onlyIfAbsent) {
// An optimistic fast path to avoid unnecessary locking
V currentValue = prior.getValue();
if ((currentValue != null) && !hasExpired(prior, now)) {
if (!isComputingAsync(prior)) {
tryExpireAfterRead(prior, key, currentValue, expiry(), now);
setAccessTime(prior, now);
afterRead(prior, now, /* recordHit */ false);
return currentValue;
} else if (onlyIfAbsent) {
// An optimistic fast path to avoid unnecessary locking
V currentValue = prior.getValue();
if ((currentValue != null) && !hasExpired(prior, now)) {
if (!isComputingAsync(prior)) {
tryExpireAfterRead(prior, key, currentValue, expiry(), now);
setAccessTime(prior, now);
afterRead(prior, now, /* recordHit */ false);
return currentValue;
// A read may race with the entry's removal, so that after the entry is acquired it may no
// longer be usable. A retry will reread from the map and either find an absent mapping, a
// new entry, or a stale entry.
if (!prior.isAlive()) {
// A reread of the stale entry may occur if the state transition occurred but the map
// removal was delayed by a context switch, so that this thread spin waits until resolved.
if ((attempts & MAX_PUT_SPIN_WAIT_ATTEMPTS) != 0) {
// If the spin wait attempts are exhausted then fallback to a map computation in order to
// deschedule this thread until the entry's removal completes. If the key was modified
// while in the map so that its equals or hashCode changed then the contents may be
// corrupted, where the cache holds an evicted (dead) entry that could not be removed.
// That is a violation of the Map contract, so we check that the mapping is in the "alive"
// state while in the computation.
data.computeIfPresent(lookupKey, (k, n) -> {
requireIsAlive(key, n);
return n;
V oldValue;
long varTime;
int oldWeight;
boolean expired = false;
boolean mayUpdate = true;
boolean exceedsTolerance = false;
synchronized (prior) {
if (!prior.isAlive()) {
oldValue = prior.getValue();
oldWeight = prior.getWeight();
if (oldValue == null) {
varTime = expireAfterCreate(key, value, expiry, now);
notifyEviction(key, null, RemovalCause.COLLECTED);
} else if (hasExpired(prior, now)) {
expired = true;
varTime = expireAfterCreate(key, value, expiry, now);
notifyEviction(key, oldValue, RemovalCause.EXPIRED);
} else if (onlyIfAbsent) {
mayUpdate = false;
varTime = expireAfterRead(prior, key, value, expiry, now);
} else {
varTime = expireAfterUpdate(prior, key, value, expiry, now);
if (mayUpdate) {
exceedsTolerance =
(expiresAfterWrite() && (now - prior.getWriteTime()) > EXPIRE_WRITE_TOLERANCE)
|| (expiresVariable()
&& Math.abs(varTime - prior.getVariableTime()) > EXPIRE_WRITE_TOLERANCE);
prior.setValue(value, valueReferenceQueue());
setWriteTime(prior, now);
setVariableTime(prior, varTime);
setAccessTime(prior, now);
if (expired) {
notifyRemoval(key, oldValue, RemovalCause.EXPIRED);
} else if (oldValue == null) {
notifyRemoval(key, /* oldValue */ null, RemovalCause.COLLECTED);
} else if (mayUpdate) {
notifyOnReplace(key, oldValue, value);
int weightedDifference = mayUpdate ? (newWeight - oldWeight) : 0;
if ((oldValue == null) || (weightedDifference != 0) || expired) {
afterWrite(new UpdateTask(prior, weightedDifference));
} else if (!onlyIfAbsent && exceedsTolerance) {
afterWrite(new UpdateTask(prior, weightedDifference));
} else {
if (mayUpdate) {
setWriteTime(prior, now);
afterRead(prior, now, /* recordHit */ false);
return expired ? null : oldValue;
public @Nullable V remove(Object key) {
K castKey = (K) key;
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
Node[] node = new Node[1];
V[] oldValue = (V[]) new Object[1];
RemovalCause[] cause = new RemovalCause[1];
Object lookupKey = nodeFactory.newLookupKey(key);
data.computeIfPresent(lookupKey, (k, n) -> {
synchronized (n) {
requireIsAlive(key, n);
oldValue[0] = n.getValue();
if (oldValue[0] == null) {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.COLLECTED;
} else if (hasExpired(n, expirationTicker().read())) {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.EXPIRED;
} else {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.EXPLICIT;
if (cause[0].wasEvicted()) {
notifyEviction(castKey, oldValue[0], cause[0]);
node[0] = n;
return null;
if (cause[0] != null) {
afterWrite(new RemovalTask(node[0]));
notifyRemoval(castKey, oldValue[0], cause[0]);
return (cause[0] == RemovalCause.EXPLICIT) ? oldValue[0] : null;
public boolean remove(Object key, Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return false;
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
Node[] removed = new Node[1];
K[] oldKey = (K[]) new Object[1];
V[] oldValue = (V[]) new Object[1];
RemovalCause[] cause = new RemovalCause[1];
Object lookupKey = nodeFactory.newLookupKey(key);
data.computeIfPresent(lookupKey, (kR, node) -> {
synchronized (node) {
requireIsAlive(key, node);
oldKey[0] = node.getKey();
oldValue[0] = node.getValue();
if ((oldKey[0] == null) || (oldValue[0] == null)) {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.COLLECTED;
} else if (hasExpired(node, expirationTicker().read())) {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.EXPIRED;
} else if (node.containsValue(value)) {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.EXPLICIT;
} else {
return node;
if (cause[0].wasEvicted()) {
notifyEviction(oldKey[0], oldValue[0], cause[0]);
removed[0] = node;
return null;
if (removed[0] == null) {
return false;
afterWrite(new RemovalTask(removed[0]));
notifyRemoval(oldKey[0], oldValue[0], cause[0]);
return (cause[0] == RemovalCause.EXPLICIT);
public @Nullable V replace(K key, V value) {
int[] oldWeight = new int[1];
K[] nodeKey = (K[]) new Object[1];
V[] oldValue = (V[]) new Object[1];
long[] now = new long[1];
int weight = weigher.weigh(key, value);
Node node = data.computeIfPresent(nodeFactory.newLookupKey(key), (k, n) -> {
synchronized (n) {
requireIsAlive(key, n);
nodeKey[0] = n.getKey();
oldValue[0] = n.getValue();
oldWeight[0] = n.getWeight();
if ((nodeKey[0] == null) || (oldValue[0] == null)
|| hasExpired(n, now[0] = expirationTicker().read())) {
oldValue[0] = null;
return n;
long varTime = expireAfterUpdate(n, key, value, expiry(), now[0]);
n.setValue(value, valueReferenceQueue());
setVariableTime(n, varTime);
setAccessTime(n, now[0]);
setWriteTime(n, now[0]);
return n;
if (oldValue[0] == null) {
return null;
int weightedDifference = (weight - oldWeight[0]);
if (expiresAfterWrite() || (weightedDifference != 0)) {
afterWrite(new UpdateTask(node, weightedDifference));
} else {
afterRead(node, now[0], /* recordHit */ false);
notifyOnReplace(nodeKey[0], oldValue[0], value);
return oldValue[0];
public boolean replace(K key, V oldValue, V newValue) {
return replace(key, oldValue, newValue, /* shouldDiscardRefresh */ true);
public boolean replace(K key, V oldValue, V newValue, boolean shouldDiscardRefresh) {
int weight = weigher.weigh(key, newValue);
boolean[] replaced = new boolean[1];
K[] nodeKey = (K[]) new Object[1];
V[] prevValue = (V[]) new Object[1];
int[] oldWeight = new int[1];
long[] now = new long[1];
Node node = data.computeIfPresent(nodeFactory.newLookupKey(key), (k, n) -> {
synchronized (n) {
requireIsAlive(key, n);
nodeKey[0] = n.getKey();
prevValue[0] = n.getValue();
oldWeight[0] = n.getWeight();
if ((nodeKey[0] == null) || (prevValue[0] == null) || !n.containsValue(oldValue)
|| hasExpired(n, now[0] = expirationTicker().read())) {
return n;
long varTime = expireAfterUpdate(n, key, newValue, expiry(), now[0]);
n.setValue(newValue, valueReferenceQueue());
setVariableTime(n, varTime);
setAccessTime(n, now[0]);
setWriteTime(n, now[0]);
replaced[0] = true;
if (shouldDiscardRefresh) {
return n;
if (!replaced[0]) {
return false;
int weightedDifference = (weight - oldWeight[0]);
if (expiresAfterWrite() || (weightedDifference != 0)) {
afterWrite(new UpdateTask(node, weightedDifference));
} else {
afterRead(node, now[0], /* recordHit */ false);
notifyOnReplace(nodeKey[0], prevValue[0], newValue);
return true;
public void replaceAll(BiFunction super K, ? super V, ? extends V> function) {
BiFunction remappingFunction = (key, oldValue) ->
requireNonNull(function.apply(key, oldValue));
for (K key : keySet()) {
long[] now = { expirationTicker().read() };
Object lookupKey = nodeFactory.newLookupKey(key);
remap(key, lookupKey, remappingFunction, expiry(), now, /* computeIfAbsent */ false);
public @Nullable V computeIfAbsent(K key, Function super K, ? extends V> mappingFunction,
boolean recordStats, boolean recordLoad) {
long now = expirationTicker().read();
// An optimistic fast path to avoid unnecessary locking
Node node = data.get(nodeFactory.newLookupKey(key));
if (node != null) {
V value = node.getValue();
if ((value != null) && !hasExpired(node, now)) {
if (!isComputingAsync(node)) {
tryExpireAfterRead(node, key, value, expiry(), now);
setAccessTime(node, now);
var refreshed = afterRead(node, now, /* recordHit */ recordStats);
return (refreshed == null) ? value : refreshed;
if (recordStats) {
mappingFunction = statsAware(mappingFunction, recordLoad);
Object keyRef = nodeFactory.newReferenceKey(key, keyReferenceQueue());
return doComputeIfAbsent(key, keyRef, mappingFunction, new long[] { now }, recordStats);
/** Returns the current value from a computeIfAbsent invocation. */
@Nullable V doComputeIfAbsent(K key, Object keyRef,
Function super K, ? extends V> mappingFunction, long[/* 1 */] now, boolean recordStats) {
V[] oldValue = (V[]) new Object[1];
V[] newValue = (V[]) new Object[1];
K[] nodeKey = (K[]) new Object[1];
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
Node[] removed = new Node[1];
int[] weight = new int[2]; // old, new
RemovalCause[] cause = new RemovalCause[1];
Node node = data.compute(keyRef, (k, n) -> {
if (n == null) {
newValue[0] = mappingFunction.apply(key);
if (newValue[0] == null) {
return null;
now[0] = expirationTicker().read();
weight[1] = weigher.weigh(key, newValue[0]);
n = nodeFactory.newNode(key, keyReferenceQueue(),
newValue[0], valueReferenceQueue(), weight[1], now[0]);
setVariableTime(n, expireAfterCreate(key, newValue[0], expiry(), now[0]));
return n;
synchronized (n) {
requireIsAlive(key, n);
nodeKey[0] = n.getKey();
weight[0] = n.getWeight();
oldValue[0] = n.getValue();
if ((nodeKey[0] == null) || (oldValue[0] == null)) {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.COLLECTED;
} else if (hasExpired(n, now[0])) {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.EXPIRED;
} else {
return n;
if (cause[0].wasEvicted()) {
notifyEviction(nodeKey[0], oldValue[0], cause[0]);
newValue[0] = mappingFunction.apply(key);
if (newValue[0] == null) {
removed[0] = n;
return null;
now[0] = expirationTicker().read();
weight[1] = weigher.weigh(key, newValue[0]);
long varTime = expireAfterCreate(key, newValue[0], expiry(), now[0]);
n.setValue(newValue[0], valueReferenceQueue());
setVariableTime(n, varTime);
setAccessTime(n, now[0]);
setWriteTime(n, now[0]);
return n;
if (cause[0] != null) {
if (cause[0].wasEvicted()) {
statsCounter().recordEviction(weight[0], cause[0]);
notifyRemoval(nodeKey[0], oldValue[0], cause[0]);
if (node == null) {
if (removed[0] != null) {
afterWrite(new RemovalTask(removed[0]));
return null;
if (newValue[0] == null) {
if (!isComputingAsync(node)) {
tryExpireAfterRead(node, key, oldValue[0], expiry(), now[0]);
setAccessTime(node, now[0]);
afterRead(node, now[0], /* recordHit */ recordStats);
return oldValue[0];
if ((oldValue[0] == null) && (cause[0] == null)) {
afterWrite(new AddTask(node, weight[1]));
} else {
int weightedDifference = (weight[1] - weight[0]);
afterWrite(new UpdateTask(node, weightedDifference));
return newValue[0];
public @Nullable V computeIfPresent(K key,
BiFunction super K, ? super V, ? extends V> remappingFunction) {
// An optimistic fast path to avoid unnecessary locking
Object lookupKey = nodeFactory.newLookupKey(key);
@Nullable Node node = data.get(lookupKey);
long now;
if (node == null) {
return null;
} else if ((node.getValue() == null) || hasExpired(node, (now = expirationTicker().read()))) {
return null;
BiFunction super K, ? super V, ? extends V> statsAwareRemappingFunction =
statsAware(remappingFunction, /* recordLoad */ true, /* recordLoadFailure */ true);
return remap(key, lookupKey, statsAwareRemappingFunction,
expiry(), new long[] { now }, /* computeIfAbsent */ false);
public @Nullable V compute(K key, BiFunction super K, ? super V, ? extends V> remappingFunction,
@Nullable Expiry super K, ? super V> expiry, boolean recordLoad,
boolean recordLoadFailure) {
long[] now = { expirationTicker().read() };
Object keyRef = nodeFactory.newReferenceKey(key, keyReferenceQueue());
BiFunction super K, ? super V, ? extends V> statsAwareRemappingFunction =
statsAware(remappingFunction, recordLoad, recordLoadFailure);
return remap(key, keyRef, statsAwareRemappingFunction,
expiry, now, /* computeIfAbsent */ true);
public @Nullable V merge(K key, V value,
BiFunction super V, ? super V, ? extends V> remappingFunction) {
long[] now = { expirationTicker().read() };
Object keyRef = nodeFactory.newReferenceKey(key, keyReferenceQueue());
BiFunction super K, ? super V, ? extends V> mergeFunction = (k, oldValue) ->
(oldValue == null) ? value : statsAware(remappingFunction).apply(oldValue, value);
return remap(key, keyRef, mergeFunction, expiry(), now, /* computeIfAbsent */ true);
* Attempts to compute a mapping for the specified key and its current mapped value (or
* {@code null} if there is no current mapping).
* An entry that has expired or been reference collected is evicted and the computation continues
* as if the entry had not been present. This method does not pre-screen and does not wrap the
* remappingFunction to be statistics aware.
* @param key key with which the specified value is to be associated
* @param keyRef the key to associate with or a lookup only key if not computeIfAbsent
* @param remappingFunction the function to compute a value
* @param expiry the calculator for the expiration time
* @param now the current time, according to the ticker
* @param computeIfAbsent if an absent entry can be computed
* @return the new value associated with the specified key, or null if none
@Nullable V remap(K key, Object keyRef,
BiFunction super K, ? super V, ? extends V> remappingFunction,
Expiry super K, ? super V> expiry, long[/* 1 */] now, boolean computeIfAbsent) {
K[] nodeKey = (K[]) new Object[1];
V[] oldValue = (V[]) new Object[1];
V[] newValue = (V[]) new Object[1];
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
Node[] removed = new Node[1];
int[] weight = new int[2]; // old, new
RemovalCause[] cause = new RemovalCause[1];
Node node = data.compute(keyRef, (kr, n) -> {
if (n == null) {
if (!computeIfAbsent) {
return null;
newValue[0] = remappingFunction.apply(key, null);
if (newValue[0] == null) {
return null;
now[0] = expirationTicker().read();
weight[1] = weigher.weigh(key, newValue[0]);
long varTime = expireAfterCreate(key, newValue[0], expiry, now[0]);
n = nodeFactory.newNode(keyRef, newValue[0], valueReferenceQueue(), weight[1], now[0]);
setVariableTime(n, varTime);
setAccessTime(n, now[0]);
setWriteTime(n, now[0]);
return n;
synchronized (n) {
requireIsAlive(key, n);
nodeKey[0] = n.getKey();
oldValue[0] = n.getValue();
if ((nodeKey[0] == null) || (oldValue[0] == null)) {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.COLLECTED;
} else if (hasExpired(n, expirationTicker().read())) {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.EXPIRED;
if (cause[0] != null) {
notifyEviction(nodeKey[0], oldValue[0], cause[0]);
if (!computeIfAbsent) {
removed[0] = n;
return null;
newValue[0] = remappingFunction.apply(nodeKey[0],
(cause[0] == null) ? oldValue[0] : null);
if (newValue[0] == null) {
if (cause[0] == null) {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.EXPLICIT;
removed[0] = n;
return null;
long varTime;
weight[0] = n.getWeight();
weight[1] = weigher.weigh(key, newValue[0]);
now[0] = expirationTicker().read();
if (cause[0] == null) {
if (newValue[0] != oldValue[0]) {
cause[0] = RemovalCause.REPLACED;
varTime = expireAfterUpdate(n, key, newValue[0], expiry, now[0]);
} else {
varTime = expireAfterCreate(key, newValue[0], expiry, now[0]);
n.setValue(newValue[0], valueReferenceQueue());
setVariableTime(n, varTime);
setAccessTime(n, now[0]);
setWriteTime(n, now[0]);
return n;
if (cause[0] != null) {
if (cause[0] == RemovalCause.REPLACED) {
notifyOnReplace(key, oldValue[0], newValue[0]);
} else {
if (cause[0].wasEvicted()) {
statsCounter().recordEviction(weight[0], cause[0]);
notifyRemoval(nodeKey[0], oldValue[0], cause[0]);
if (removed[0] != null) {
afterWrite(new RemovalTask(removed[0]));
} else if (node == null) {
// absent and not computable
} else if ((oldValue[0] == null) && (cause[0] == null)) {
afterWrite(new AddTask(node, weight[1]));
} else {
int weightedDifference = weight[1] - weight[0];
if (expiresAfterWrite() || (weightedDifference != 0)) {
afterWrite(new UpdateTask(node, weightedDifference));
} else {
afterRead(node, now[0], /* recordHit */ false);
if ((cause[0] != null) && cause[0].wasEvicted()) {
return newValue[0];
public void forEach(BiConsumer super K, ? super V> action) {
for (var iterator = new EntryIterator<>(this); iterator.hasNext();) {
action.accept(iterator.key, iterator.value);
public Set keySet() {
final Set ks = keySet;
return (ks == null) ? (keySet = new KeySetView<>(this)) : ks;
public Collection values() {
final Collection vs = values;
return (vs == null) ? (values = new ValuesView<>(this)) : vs;
public Set> entrySet() {
final Set> es = entrySet;
return (es == null) ? (entrySet = new EntrySetView<>(this)) : es;
* Object equality requires reflexive, symmetric, transitive, and consistency properties. Of
* these, symmetry and consistency require further clarification for how they are upheld.
* The consistency property between invocations requires that the results are the same if
* there are no modifications to the information used. Therefore, usages should expect that this
* operation may return misleading results if either the maps or the data held by them is modified
* during the execution of this method. This characteristic allows for comparing the map sizes and
* assuming stable mappings, as done by {@link java.util.AbstractMap}-based maps.
* The symmetric property requires that the result is the same for all implementations of
* {@link Map#equals(Object)}. That contract is defined in terms of the stable mappings provided
* by {@link #entrySet()}, meaning that the {@link #size()} optimization forces that the count is
* consistent with the mappings when used for an equality check.
* The cache's {@link #size()} method may include entries that have expired or have been reference
* collected, but have not yet been removed from the backing map. An iteration over the map may
* trigger the removal of these dead entries when skipped over during traversal. To ensure
* consistency and symmetry, usages should call {@link #cleanUp()} before this method while no
* other concurrent operations are being performed on this cache. This is not done implicitly by
* {@link #size()} as many usages assume it to be instantaneous and lock-free.
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this) {
return true;
} else if (!(o instanceof Map)) {
return false;
var map = (Map, ?>) o;
if (size() != map.size()) {
return false;
long now = expirationTicker().read();
for (var node : data.values()) {
K key = node.getKey();
V value = node.getValue();
if ((key == null) || (value == null)
|| !node.isAlive() || hasExpired(node, now)) {
return false;
} else {
var val = map.get(key);
if ((val == null) || ((val != value) && !val.equals(value))) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 0;
long now = expirationTicker().read();
for (var node : data.values()) {
K key = node.getKey();
V value = node.getValue();
if ((key == null) || (value == null)
|| !node.isAlive() || hasExpired(node, now)) {
} else {
hash += key.hashCode() ^ value.hashCode();
return hash;
public String toString() {
var result = new StringBuilder().append('{');
long now = expirationTicker().read();
for (var node : data.values()) {
K key = node.getKey();
V value = node.getValue();
if ((key == null) || (value == null)
|| !node.isAlive() || hasExpired(node, now)) {
} else {
if (result.length() != 1) {
result.append(',').append(' ');
result.append((key == this) ? "(this Map)" : key);
result.append((value == this) ? "(this Map)" : value);
return result.append('}').toString();
* Returns the computed result from the ordered traversal of the cache entries.
* @param hottest the coldest or hottest iteration order
* @param transformer a function that unwraps the value
* @param mappingFunction the mapping function to compute a value
* @return the computed value
T evictionOrder(boolean hottest, Function transformer,
Function>, T> mappingFunction) {
Comparator> comparator = Comparator.comparingInt(node -> {
K key = node.getKey();
return (key == null) ? 0 : frequencySketch().frequency(key);
Iterable> iterable;
if (hottest) {
iterable = () -> {
var secondary = PeekingIterator.comparing(
accessOrderWindowDeque().descendingIterator(), comparator);
return PeekingIterator.concat(
accessOrderProtectedDeque().descendingIterator(), secondary);
} else {
iterable = () -> {
var primary = PeekingIterator.comparing(
accessOrderWindowDeque().iterator(), accessOrderProbationDeque().iterator(),
return PeekingIterator.concat(primary, accessOrderProtectedDeque().iterator());
return snapshot(iterable, transformer, mappingFunction);
* Returns the computed result from the ordered traversal of the cache entries.
* @param oldest the youngest or oldest iteration order
* @param transformer a function that unwraps the value
* @param mappingFunction the mapping function to compute a value
* @return the computed value
T expireAfterAccessOrder(boolean oldest, Function transformer,
Function>, T> mappingFunction) {
Iterable> iterable;
if (evicts()) {
iterable = () -> {
Comparator> comparator = Comparator.comparingLong(Node::getAccessTime);
PeekingIterator> first, second, third;
if (oldest) {
first = accessOrderWindowDeque().iterator();
second = accessOrderProbationDeque().iterator();
third = accessOrderProtectedDeque().iterator();
} else {
comparator = comparator.reversed();
first = accessOrderWindowDeque().descendingIterator();
second = accessOrderProbationDeque().descendingIterator();
third = accessOrderProtectedDeque().descendingIterator();
return PeekingIterator.comparing(
PeekingIterator.comparing(first, second, comparator), third, comparator);
} else {
iterable = oldest
? accessOrderWindowDeque()
: accessOrderWindowDeque()::descendingIterator;
return snapshot(iterable, transformer, mappingFunction);
* Returns the computed result from the ordered traversal of the cache entries.
* @param iterable the supplier of the entries in the cache
* @param transformer a function that unwraps the value
* @param mappingFunction the mapping function to compute a value
* @return the computed value
T snapshot(Iterable> iterable, Function transformer,
Function>, T> mappingFunction) {
try {
maintenance(/* ignored */ null);
// Obtain the iterator as late as possible for modification count checking
try (var stream =
iterable.iterator(), DISTINCT | ORDERED | NONNULL | IMMUTABLE), /* parallel */ false)) {
return mappingFunction.apply(stream
.map(node -> nodeToCacheEntry(node, transformer))
} finally {
/** Returns an entry for the given node if it can be used externally, else null. */
@Nullable CacheEntry nodeToCacheEntry(Node node, Function transformer) {
V value = transformer.apply(node.getValue());
K key = node.getKey();
long now;
if ((key == null) || (value == null) || !node.isAlive()
|| hasExpired(node, (now = expirationTicker().read()))) {
return null;
long expiresAfter = Long.MAX_VALUE;
if (expiresAfterAccess()) {
expiresAfter = Math.min(expiresAfter, now - node.getAccessTime() + expiresAfterAccessNanos());
if (expiresAfterWrite()) {
expiresAfter = Math.min(expiresAfter,
(now & ~1L) - (node.getWriteTime() & ~1L) + expiresAfterWriteNanos());
if (expiresVariable()) {
expiresAfter = node.getVariableTime() - now;
long refreshableAt = refreshAfterWrite()
? node.getWriteTime() + refreshAfterWriteNanos()
: now + Long.MAX_VALUE;
int weight = node.getPolicyWeight();
return SnapshotEntry.forEntry(key, value, now, weight, now + expiresAfter, refreshableAt);
/** A function that produces an unmodifiable map up to the limit in stream order. */
static final class SizeLimiter implements Function>, Map> {
private final int expectedSize;
private final long limit;
SizeLimiter(int expectedSize, long limit) {
requireArgument(limit >= 0);
this.expectedSize = expectedSize;
this.limit = limit;
public Map apply(Stream> stream) {
var map = new LinkedHashMap(calculateHashMapCapacity(expectedSize));
stream.limit(limit).forEach(entry -> map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
/** A function that produces an unmodifiable map up to the weighted limit in stream order. */
static final class WeightLimiter implements Function>, Map> {
private final long weightLimit;
private long weightedSize;
WeightLimiter(long weightLimit) {
requireArgument(weightLimit >= 0);
this.weightLimit = weightLimit;
public Map apply(Stream> stream) {
var map = new LinkedHashMap();
stream.takeWhile(entry -> {
weightedSize = Math.addExact(weightedSize, entry.weight());
return (weightedSize <= weightLimit);
}).forEach(entry -> map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
/** An adapter to safely externalize the keys. */
static final class KeySetView extends AbstractSet {
final BoundedLocalCache cache;
KeySetView(BoundedLocalCache cache) {
this.cache = requireNonNull(cache);
public int size() {
return cache.size();
public void clear() {
public boolean contains(Object o) {
return cache.containsKey(o);
public boolean removeAll(Collection> collection) {
boolean modified = false;
if ((collection instanceof Set>) && (collection.size() > size())) {
for (K key : this) {
if (collection.contains(key)) {
modified |= remove(key);
} else {
for (var item : collection) {
modified |= (item != null) && remove(item);
return modified;
public boolean remove(Object o) {
return (cache.remove(o) != null);
public boolean removeIf(Predicate super K> filter) {
boolean modified = false;
for (K key : this) {
if (filter.test(key) && remove(key)) {
modified = true;
return modified;
public boolean retainAll(Collection> collection) {
boolean modified = false;
for (K key : this) {
if (!collection.contains(key) && remove(key)) {
modified = true;
return modified;
public Iterator iterator() {
return new KeyIterator<>(cache);
public Spliterator spliterator() {
return new KeySpliterator<>(cache);
/** An adapter to safely externalize the key iterator. */
static final class KeyIterator implements Iterator {
final EntryIterator iterator;
KeyIterator(BoundedLocalCache cache) {
this.iterator = new EntryIterator<>(cache);
public boolean hasNext() {
return iterator.hasNext();
public K next() {
return iterator.nextKey();
public void remove() {
/** An adapter to safely externalize the key spliterator. */
static final class KeySpliterator implements Spliterator {
final Spliterator> spliterator;
final BoundedLocalCache cache;
KeySpliterator(BoundedLocalCache cache) {
KeySpliterator(BoundedLocalCache cache, Spliterator> spliterator) {
this.spliterator = requireNonNull(spliterator);
this.cache = requireNonNull(cache);
public void forEachRemaining(Consumer super K> action) {
Consumer> consumer = node -> {
K key = node.getKey();
V value = node.getValue();
long now = cache.expirationTicker().read();
if ((key != null) && (value != null) && node.isAlive() && !cache.hasExpired(node, now)) {
public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer super K> action) {
boolean[] advanced = { false };
Consumer> consumer = node -> {
K key = node.getKey();
V value = node.getValue();
long now = cache.expirationTicker().read();
if ((key != null) && (value != null) && node.isAlive() && !cache.hasExpired(node, now)) {
advanced[0] = true;
while (spliterator.tryAdvance(consumer)) {
if (advanced[0]) {
return true;
return false;
public @Nullable Spliterator trySplit() {
Spliterator> split = spliterator.trySplit();
return (split == null) ? null : new KeySpliterator<>(cache, split);
public long estimateSize() {
return spliterator.estimateSize();
public int characteristics() {
/** An adapter to safely externalize the values. */
static final class ValuesView extends AbstractCollection {
final BoundedLocalCache cache;
ValuesView(BoundedLocalCache cache) {
this.cache = requireNonNull(cache);
public int size() {
return cache.size();
public void clear() {
public boolean contains(Object o) {
return cache.containsValue(o);
public boolean removeAll(Collection> collection) {
boolean modified = false;
for (var iterator = new EntryIterator<>(cache); iterator.hasNext();) {
if (collection.contains(iterator.value) && cache.remove(iterator.key, iterator.value)) {
modified = true;
return modified;
public boolean remove(Object o) {
if (o == null) {
return false;
for (var iterator = new EntryIterator<>(cache); iterator.hasNext();) {
if (o.equals(iterator.value) && cache.remove(iterator.key, iterator.value)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean removeIf(Predicate super V> filter) {
boolean modified = false;
for (var iterator = new EntryIterator<>(cache); iterator.hasNext();) {
if (filter.test(iterator.value)) {
modified |= cache.remove(iterator.key, iterator.value);
return modified;
public boolean retainAll(Collection> collection) {
boolean modified = false;
for (var iterator = new EntryIterator<>(cache); iterator.hasNext();) {
if (!collection.contains(iterator.value) && cache.remove(iterator.key, iterator.value)) {
modified = true;
return modified;
public Iterator iterator() {
return new ValueIterator<>(cache);
public Spliterator spliterator() {
return new ValueSpliterator<>(cache);
/** An adapter to safely externalize the value iterator. */
static final class ValueIterator implements Iterator {
final EntryIterator iterator;
ValueIterator(BoundedLocalCache cache) {
this.iterator = new EntryIterator<>(cache);
public boolean hasNext() {
return iterator.hasNext();
public V next() {
return iterator.nextValue();
public void remove() {
/** An adapter to safely externalize the value spliterator. */
static final class ValueSpliterator implements Spliterator {
final Spliterator> spliterator;
final BoundedLocalCache cache;
ValueSpliterator(BoundedLocalCache cache) {
ValueSpliterator(BoundedLocalCache cache, Spliterator> spliterator) {
this.spliterator = requireNonNull(spliterator);
this.cache = requireNonNull(cache);
public void forEachRemaining(Consumer super V> action) {
Consumer> consumer = node -> {
K key = node.getKey();
V value = node.getValue();
long now = cache.expirationTicker().read();
if ((key != null) && (value != null) && node.isAlive() && !cache.hasExpired(node, now)) {
public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer super V> action) {
boolean[] advanced = { false };
long now = cache.expirationTicker().read();
Consumer> consumer = node -> {
K key = node.getKey();
V value = node.getValue();
if ((key != null) && (value != null) && !cache.hasExpired(node, now) && node.isAlive()) {
advanced[0] = true;
while (spliterator.tryAdvance(consumer)) {
if (advanced[0]) {
return true;
return false;
public @Nullable Spliterator trySplit() {
Spliterator> split = spliterator.trySplit();
return (split == null) ? null : new ValueSpliterator<>(cache, split);
public long estimateSize() {
return spliterator.estimateSize();
public int characteristics() {
/** An adapter to safely externalize the entries. */
static final class EntrySetView extends AbstractSet> {
final BoundedLocalCache cache;
EntrySetView(BoundedLocalCache cache) {
this.cache = requireNonNull(cache);
public int size() {
return cache.size();
public void clear() {
public boolean contains(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof Entry, ?>)) {
return false;
var entry = (Entry, ?>) o;
var key = entry.getKey();
var value = entry.getValue();
if ((key == null) || (value == null)) {
return false;
Node node =;
return (node != null) && node.containsValue(value);
public boolean removeAll(Collection> collection) {
boolean modified = false;
if ((collection instanceof Set>) && (collection.size() > size())) {
for (var entry : this) {
if (collection.contains(entry)) {
modified |= remove(entry);
} else {
for (var item : collection) {
modified |= (item != null) && remove(item);
return modified;
public boolean remove(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof Entry, ?>)) {
return false;
var entry = (Entry, ?>) o;
var key = entry.getKey();
return (key != null) && cache.remove(key, entry.getValue());
public boolean removeIf(Predicate super Entry> filter) {
boolean modified = false;
for (Entry entry : this) {
if (filter.test(entry)) {
modified |= cache.remove(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return modified;
public boolean retainAll(Collection> collection) {
boolean modified = false;
for (var entry : this) {
if (!collection.contains(entry) && remove(entry)) {
modified = true;
return modified;
public Iterator> iterator() {
return new EntryIterator<>(cache);
public Spliterator> spliterator() {
return new EntrySpliterator<>(cache);
/** An adapter to safely externalize the entry iterator. */
static final class EntryIterator implements Iterator> {
final BoundedLocalCache cache;
final Iterator> iterator;
@Nullable K key;
@Nullable V value;
@Nullable K removalKey;
@Nullable Node next;
EntryIterator(BoundedLocalCache cache) {
this.iterator =;
this.cache = cache;
public boolean hasNext() {
if (next != null) {
return true;
long now = cache.expirationTicker().read();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
next =;
value = next.getValue();
key = next.getKey();
boolean evictable = (key == null) || (value == null) || cache.hasExpired(next, now);
if (evictable || !next.isAlive()) {
if (evictable) {
return true;
return false;
/** Invalidates the current position so that the iterator may compute the next position. */
void advance() {
value = null;
next = null;
key = null;
K nextKey() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
removalKey = key;
return removalKey;
V nextValue() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
removalKey = key;
V val = value;
return val;
public Entry next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
var entry = new WriteThroughEntry<>(cache, key, value);
removalKey = key;
return entry;
public void remove() {
if (removalKey == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
removalKey = null;
/** An adapter to safely externalize the entry spliterator. */
static final class EntrySpliterator implements Spliterator> {
final Spliterator> spliterator;
final BoundedLocalCache cache;
EntrySpliterator(BoundedLocalCache cache) {
EntrySpliterator(BoundedLocalCache cache, Spliterator> spliterator) {
this.spliterator = requireNonNull(spliterator);
this.cache = requireNonNull(cache);
public void forEachRemaining(Consumer super Entry> action) {
Consumer> consumer = node -> {
K key = node.getKey();
V value = node.getValue();
long now = cache.expirationTicker().read();
if ((key != null) && (value != null) && node.isAlive() && !cache.hasExpired(node, now)) {
action.accept(new WriteThroughEntry<>(cache, key, value));
public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer super Entry> action) {
boolean[] advanced = { false };
Consumer> consumer = node -> {
K key = node.getKey();
V value = node.getValue();
long now = cache.expirationTicker().read();
if ((key != null) && (value != null) && node.isAlive() && !cache.hasExpired(node, now)) {
action.accept(new WriteThroughEntry<>(cache, key, value));
advanced[0] = true;
while (spliterator.tryAdvance(consumer)) {
if (advanced[0]) {
return true;
return false;
public @Nullable Spliterator> trySplit() {
Spliterator> split = spliterator.trySplit();
return (split == null) ? null : new EntrySpliterator<>(cache, split);
public long estimateSize() {
return spliterator.estimateSize();
public int characteristics() {
/** A reusable task that performs the maintenance work; used to avoid wrapping by ForkJoinPool. */
static final class PerformCleanupTask extends ForkJoinTask implements Runnable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
final WeakReference> reference;
PerformCleanupTask(BoundedLocalCache, ?> cache) {
reference = new WeakReference>(cache);
public boolean exec() {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.log(Level.ERROR, "Exception thrown when performing the maintenance task", t);
// Indicates that the task has not completed to allow subsequent submissions to execute
return false;
public void run() {
BoundedLocalCache, ?> cache = reference.get();
if (cache != null) {
cache.performCleanUp(/* ignored */ null);
* This method cannot be ignored due to being final, so a hostile user supplied Executor could
* forcibly complete the task and halt future executions. There are easier ways to intentionally
* harm a system, so this is assumed to not happen in practice.
// public final void quietlyComplete() {}
@Override public Void getRawResult() { return null; }
@Override public void setRawResult(Void v) {}
@Override public void complete(Void value) {}
@Override public void completeExceptionally(Throwable ex) {}
@Override public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { return false; }
/** Creates a serialization proxy based on the common configuration shared by all cache types. */
static SerializationProxy makeSerializationProxy(BoundedLocalCache, ?> cache) {
SerializationProxy proxy = new SerializationProxy<>();
proxy.weakKeys = cache.collectKeys();
proxy.weakValues = cache.nodeFactory.weakValues();
proxy.softValues = cache.nodeFactory.softValues();
proxy.isRecordingStats = cache.isRecordingStats();
proxy.evictionListener = cache.evictionListener;
proxy.removalListener = cache.removalListener();
proxy.ticker = cache.expirationTicker();
if (cache.expiresAfterAccess()) {
proxy.expiresAfterAccessNanos = cache.expiresAfterAccessNanos();
if (cache.expiresAfterWrite()) {
proxy.expiresAfterWriteNanos = cache.expiresAfterWriteNanos();
if (cache.expiresVariable()) {
proxy.expiry = cache.expiry();
if (cache.refreshAfterWrite()) {
proxy.refreshAfterWriteNanos = cache.refreshAfterWriteNanos();
if (cache.evicts()) {
if (cache.isWeighted) {
proxy.weigher = cache.weigher;
proxy.maximumWeight = cache.maximum();
} else {
proxy.maximumSize = cache.maximum();
proxy.cacheLoader = cache.cacheLoader;
proxy.async = cache.isAsync;
return proxy;
/* --------------- Manual Cache --------------- */
static class BoundedLocalManualCache implements LocalManualCache, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
final BoundedLocalCache cache;
@Nullable Policy policy;
BoundedLocalManualCache(Caffeine builder) {
this(builder, null);
BoundedLocalManualCache(Caffeine builder, @Nullable CacheLoader super K, V> loader) {
cache = LocalCacheFactory.newBoundedLocalCache(builder, loader, /* async */ false);
public BoundedLocalCache cache() {
return cache;
public Policy policy() {
var p = policy;
return (p == null) ? (policy = new BoundedPolicy<>(cache, identity(), cache.isWeighted)) : p;
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws InvalidObjectException {
throw new InvalidObjectException("Proxy required");
private Object writeReplace() {
return makeSerializationProxy(cache);
static final class BoundedPolicy implements Policy {
final BoundedLocalCache cache;
final Function transformer;
final boolean isWeighted;
@Nullable Optional> eviction;
@Nullable Optional> refreshes;
@Nullable Optional> afterWrite;
@Nullable Optional> afterAccess;
@Nullable Optional> variable;
BoundedPolicy(BoundedLocalCache cache, Function transformer, boolean isWeighted) {
this.transformer = transformer;
this.isWeighted = isWeighted;
this.cache = cache;
@Override public boolean isRecordingStats() {
return cache.isRecordingStats();
@Override public @Nullable V getIfPresentQuietly(K key) {
return transformer.apply(cache.getIfPresentQuietly(key));
@Override public @Nullable CacheEntry getEntryIfPresentQuietly(K key) {
Node node =;
return (node == null) ? null : cache.nodeToCacheEntry(node, transformer);
@Override public Map> refreshes() {
var refreshes = cache.refreshes;
if ((refreshes == null) || refreshes.isEmpty()) {
Map> emptyMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(Collections.emptyMap());
return emptyMap;
} else if (cache.collectKeys()) {
var inFlight = new IdentityHashMap>(refreshes.size());
for (var entry : refreshes.entrySet()) {
var key = ((InternalReference