org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineConfiguration Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.camunda.bpm.engine;
import java.io.InputStream;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.authorization.Authorization;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.JavaDelegate;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cfg.BeansConfigurationHelper;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cfg.StandaloneInMemProcessEngineConfiguration;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cfg.StandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.persistence.entity.JobEntity;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.variable.type.ValueTypeResolver;
/** Configuration information from which a process engine can be build.
* Most common is to create a process engine based on the default configuration file:
ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngineConfiguration
* .createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResourceDefault()
* .buildProcessEngine();
* To create a process engine programatic, without a configuration file,
* the first option is {@link #createStandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration()}
ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngineConfiguration
* .createStandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration()
* .buildProcessEngine();
* This creates a new process engine with all the defaults to connect to
* a remote h2 database (jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/activiti) in standalone
* mode. Standalone mode means that Activiti will manage the transactions
* on the JDBC connections that it creates. One transaction per
* service method.
* For a description of how to write the configuration files, see the
* userguide.
* The second option is great for testing: {@link #createStandalonInMemeProcessEngineConfiguration()}
ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngineConfiguration
* .createStandaloneInMemProcessEngineConfiguration()
* .buildProcessEngine();
* This creates a new process engine with all the defaults to connect to
* an memory h2 database (jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/activiti) in standalone
* mode. The DB schema strategy default is in this case create-drop
* Standalone mode means that Activiti will manage the transactions
* on the JDBC connections that it creates. One transaction per
* service method.
* On all forms of creating a process engine, you can first customize the configuration
* before calling the {@link #buildProcessEngine()} method by calling any of the
* setters like this:
ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngineConfiguration
* .createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResourceDefault()
* .setMailServerHost("gmail.com")
* .setJdbcUsername("mickey")
* .setJdbcPassword("mouse")
* .buildProcessEngine();
* @see ProcessEngines
* @author Tom Baeyens
public abstract class ProcessEngineConfiguration {
* Checks the version of the DB schema against the library when
* the process engine is being created and throws an exception
* if the versions don't match.
public static final String DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_FALSE = "false";
* Creates the schema when the process engine is being created and
* drops the schema when the process engine is being closed.
public static final String DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_CREATE_DROP = "create-drop";
* Upon building of the process engine, a check is performed and
* an update of the schema is performed if it is necessary.
public static final String DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_TRUE = "true";
* Value for {@link #setHistory(String)} to ensure that no history is being recorded.
public static final String HISTORY_NONE = "none";
* Value for {@link #setHistory(String)} to ensure that only historic process instances and
* historic activity instances are being recorded.
* This means no details for those entities.
public static final String HISTORY_ACTIVITY = "activity";
* Value for {@link #setHistory(String)} to ensure that only historic process instances,
* historic activity instances and last process variable values are being recorded.
* NOTE: This history level has been deprecated. Use level {@link #HISTORY_ACTIVITY} instead.
public static final String HISTORY_VARIABLE = "variable";
* Value for {@link #setHistory(String)} to ensure that only historic process instances,
* historic activity instances and submitted form property values are being recorded.
public static final String HISTORY_AUDIT = "audit";
* Value for {@link #setHistory(String)} to ensure that all historic information is
* being recorded, including the variable updates.
public static final String HISTORY_FULL = "full";
* Value for {@link #setHistory(String)}. Choosing auto causes the configuration to choose the level
* already present on the database. If none can be found, "audit" is taken.
public static final String HISTORY_AUTO = "auto";
* The default history level that is used when no history level is configured
public static final String HISTORY_DEFAULT = HISTORY_AUDIT;
* Always enables check for {@link Authorization#AUTH_TYPE_REVOKE revoke} authorizations.
* This mode is equal to the < 7.5 behavior.
* *NOTE:* Checking revoke authorizations is very expensive for resources with a high potential
* cardinality like tasks or process instances and can render authorized access to the process engine
* effectively unusable on most databases. You are therefore strongly discouraged from using this mode.
public static final String AUTHORIZATION_CHECK_REVOKE_ALWAYS = "always";
* Never checks for {@link Authorization#AUTH_TYPE_REVOKE revoke} authorizations. This mode
* has best performance effectively disables the use of {@link Authorization#AUTH_TYPE_REVOKE}.
* *Note*: It is strongly recommended to use this mode.
public static final String AUTHORIZATION_CHECK_REVOKE_NEVER = "never";
* This mode only checks for {@link Authorization#AUTH_TYPE_REVOKE revoke} authorizations if at least
* one revoke authorization currently exits for the current user or one of the groups the user is a member
* of. To achieve this it is checked once per command whether potentially applicable revoke authorizations
* exist. Based on the outcome, the authorization check then uses revoke or not.
* *NOTE:* Checking revoke authorizations is very expensive for resources with a high potential
* cardinality like tasks or process instances and can render authorized access to the process engine
* effectively unusable on most databases.
public static final String AUTHORIZATION_CHECK_REVOKE_AUTO = "auto";
protected String processEngineName = ProcessEngines.NAME_DEFAULT;
protected int idBlockSize = 100;
protected String history = HISTORY_DEFAULT;
protected boolean jobExecutorActivate;
protected boolean jobExecutorDeploymentAware = false;
protected boolean jobExecutorPreferTimerJobs = false;
protected boolean jobExecutorAcquireByDueDate = false;
protected boolean jobExecutorAcquireByPriority = false;
protected boolean producePrioritizedJobs = true;
protected boolean producePrioritizedExternalTasks = true;
* The flag will be used inside the method "JobManager#send()". It will be used to decide whether to notify the
* job executor that a new job has been created. It will be used for performance improvement, so that the new job could
* be executed in some situations immediately.
protected boolean hintJobExecutor = true;
protected String mailServerHost = "localhost";
protected String mailServerUsername; // by default no name and password are provided, which
protected String mailServerPassword; // means no authentication for mail server
protected int mailServerPort = 25;
protected boolean useTLS = false;
protected String mailServerDefaultFrom = "camunda@localhost";
protected String databaseType;
protected String databaseSchemaUpdate = DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_FALSE;
protected String jdbcDriver = "org.h2.Driver";
protected String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/activiti";
protected String jdbcUsername = "sa";
protected String jdbcPassword = "";
protected String dataSourceJndiName = null;
protected int jdbcMaxActiveConnections;
protected int jdbcMaxIdleConnections;
protected int jdbcMaxCheckoutTime;
protected int jdbcMaxWaitTime;
protected boolean jdbcPingEnabled = false;
protected String jdbcPingQuery = null;
protected int jdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor;
protected DataSource dataSource;
protected boolean transactionsExternallyManaged = false;
/** the number of seconds the jdbc driver will wait for a response from the database */
protected Integer jdbcStatementTimeout;
protected String jpaPersistenceUnitName;
protected Object jpaEntityManagerFactory;
protected boolean jpaHandleTransaction;
protected boolean jpaCloseEntityManager;
protected int defaultNumberOfRetries = JobEntity.DEFAULT_RETRIES;
protected ClassLoader classLoader;
protected boolean createIncidentOnFailedJobEnabled = true;
* switch for controlling whether the process engine performs authorization checks.
* The default value is false.
protected boolean authorizationEnabled = false;
* Provides the default task permission for the user related to a task
* User can be related to a task in the following ways
* - Candidate user
* - Part of candidate group
* - Assignee
* - Owner
* The default value is UPDATE.
protected String defaultUserPermissionNameForTask = "UPDATE";
* The following flag authorizationEnabledForCustomCode
* only be taken into account iff authorizationEnabled
is set
* true
* If the value of the flag authorizationEnabledForCustomCode
* is set true
then an authorization check will be performed by
* executing commands inside custom code (e.g. inside {@link JavaDelegate}).
* The default value is false
protected boolean authorizationEnabledForCustomCode = false;
* If the value of this flag is set true
then the process engine
* performs tenant checks to ensure that an authenticated user can only access
* data that belongs to one of his tenants.
protected boolean tenantCheckEnabled = true;
protected ValueTypeResolver valueTypeResolver;
protected String authorizationCheckRevokes = AUTHORIZATION_CHECK_REVOKE_AUTO;
/** use one of the static createXxxx methods instead */
protected ProcessEngineConfiguration() {
public abstract ProcessEngine buildProcessEngine();
public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResourceDefault() {
ProcessEngineConfiguration processEngineConfiguration = null;
try {
processEngineConfiguration = createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResource("camunda.cfg.xml", "processEngineConfiguration");
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
processEngineConfiguration = createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResource("activiti.cfg.xml", "processEngineConfiguration");
return processEngineConfiguration;
public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResource(String resource) {
return createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResource(resource, "processEngineConfiguration");
public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResource(String resource, String beanName) {
return BeansConfigurationHelper.parseProcessEngineConfigurationFromResource(resource, beanName);
public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createProcessEngineConfigurationFromInputStream(InputStream inputStream) {
return createProcessEngineConfigurationFromInputStream(inputStream, "processEngineConfiguration");
public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createProcessEngineConfigurationFromInputStream(InputStream inputStream, String beanName) {
return BeansConfigurationHelper.parseProcessEngineConfigurationFromInputStream(inputStream, beanName);
public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createStandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration() {
return new StandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration();
public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createStandaloneInMemProcessEngineConfiguration() {
return new StandaloneInMemProcessEngineConfiguration();
// TODO add later when we have test coverage for this
// public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createJtaProcessEngineConfiguration() {
// return new JtaProcessEngineConfiguration();
// }
// getters and setters //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
public String getProcessEngineName() {
return processEngineName;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setProcessEngineName(String processEngineName) {
this.processEngineName = processEngineName;
return this;
public int getIdBlockSize() {
return idBlockSize;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setIdBlockSize(int idBlockSize) {
this.idBlockSize = idBlockSize;
return this;
public String getHistory() {
return history;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setHistory(String history) {
this.history = history;
return this;
public String getMailServerHost() {
return mailServerHost;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setMailServerHost(String mailServerHost) {
this.mailServerHost = mailServerHost;
return this;
public String getMailServerUsername() {
return mailServerUsername;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setMailServerUsername(String mailServerUsername) {
this.mailServerUsername = mailServerUsername;
return this;
public String getMailServerPassword() {
return mailServerPassword;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setMailServerPassword(String mailServerPassword) {
this.mailServerPassword = mailServerPassword;
return this;
public int getMailServerPort() {
return mailServerPort;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setMailServerPort(int mailServerPort) {
this.mailServerPort = mailServerPort;
return this;
public boolean getMailServerUseTLS() {
return useTLS;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setMailServerUseTLS(boolean useTLS) {
this.useTLS = useTLS;
return this;
public String getMailServerDefaultFrom() {
return mailServerDefaultFrom;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setMailServerDefaultFrom(String mailServerDefaultFrom) {
this.mailServerDefaultFrom = mailServerDefaultFrom;
return this;
public String getDatabaseType() {
return databaseType;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setDatabaseType(String databaseType) {
this.databaseType = databaseType;
return this;
public String getDatabaseSchemaUpdate() {
return databaseSchemaUpdate;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setDatabaseSchemaUpdate(String databaseSchemaUpdate) {
this.databaseSchemaUpdate = databaseSchemaUpdate;
return this;
public DataSource getDataSource() {
return dataSource;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
this.dataSource = dataSource;
return this;
public String getJdbcDriver() {
return jdbcDriver;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcDriver(String jdbcDriver) {
this.jdbcDriver = jdbcDriver;
return this;
public String getJdbcUrl() {
return jdbcUrl;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcUrl(String jdbcUrl) {
this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl;
return this;
public String getJdbcUsername() {
return jdbcUsername;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcUsername(String jdbcUsername) {
this.jdbcUsername = jdbcUsername;
return this;
public String getJdbcPassword() {
return jdbcPassword;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcPassword(String jdbcPassword) {
this.jdbcPassword = jdbcPassword;
return this;
public boolean isTransactionsExternallyManaged() {
return transactionsExternallyManaged;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setTransactionsExternallyManaged(boolean transactionsExternallyManaged) {
this.transactionsExternallyManaged = transactionsExternallyManaged;
return this;
public int getJdbcMaxActiveConnections() {
return jdbcMaxActiveConnections;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcMaxActiveConnections(int jdbcMaxActiveConnections) {
this.jdbcMaxActiveConnections = jdbcMaxActiveConnections;
return this;
public int getJdbcMaxIdleConnections() {
return jdbcMaxIdleConnections;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcMaxIdleConnections(int jdbcMaxIdleConnections) {
this.jdbcMaxIdleConnections = jdbcMaxIdleConnections;
return this;
public int getJdbcMaxCheckoutTime() {
return jdbcMaxCheckoutTime;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcMaxCheckoutTime(int jdbcMaxCheckoutTime) {
this.jdbcMaxCheckoutTime = jdbcMaxCheckoutTime;
return this;
public int getJdbcMaxWaitTime() {
return jdbcMaxWaitTime;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcMaxWaitTime(int jdbcMaxWaitTime) {
this.jdbcMaxWaitTime = jdbcMaxWaitTime;
return this;
public boolean isJdbcPingEnabled() {
return jdbcPingEnabled;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcPingEnabled(boolean jdbcPingEnabled) {
this.jdbcPingEnabled = jdbcPingEnabled;
return this;
public String getJdbcPingQuery() {
return jdbcPingQuery;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcPingQuery(String jdbcPingQuery) {
this.jdbcPingQuery = jdbcPingQuery;
return this;
public int getJdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor() {
return jdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor(int jdbcPingNotUsedFor) {
this.jdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor = jdbcPingNotUsedFor;
return this;
/** Gets the number of seconds the jdbc driver will wait for a response from the database. */
public Integer getJdbcStatementTimeout() {
return jdbcStatementTimeout;
/** Sets the number of seconds the jdbc driver will wait for a response from the database. */
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJdbcStatementTimeout(Integer jdbcStatementTimeout) {
this.jdbcStatementTimeout = jdbcStatementTimeout;
return this;
public boolean isJobExecutorActivate() {
return jobExecutorActivate;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJobExecutorActivate(boolean jobExecutorActivate) {
this.jobExecutorActivate = jobExecutorActivate;
return this;
public boolean isJobExecutorDeploymentAware() {
return jobExecutorDeploymentAware;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJobExecutorDeploymentAware(boolean jobExecutorDeploymentAware) {
this.jobExecutorDeploymentAware = jobExecutorDeploymentAware;
return this;
public boolean isJobExecutorAcquireByDueDate() {
return jobExecutorAcquireByDueDate;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJobExecutorAcquireByDueDate(boolean jobExecutorAcquireByDueDate) {
this.jobExecutorAcquireByDueDate = jobExecutorAcquireByDueDate;
return this;
public boolean isJobExecutorPreferTimerJobs() {
return jobExecutorPreferTimerJobs;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJobExecutorPreferTimerJobs(boolean jobExecutorPreferTimerJobs) {
this.jobExecutorPreferTimerJobs = jobExecutorPreferTimerJobs;
return this;
public boolean isHintJobExecutor() {
return hintJobExecutor;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setHintJobExecutor(boolean hintJobExecutor) {
this.hintJobExecutor = hintJobExecutor;
return this;
public ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
return classLoader;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) {
this.classLoader = classLoader;
return this;
public Object getJpaEntityManagerFactory() {
return jpaEntityManagerFactory;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJpaEntityManagerFactory(Object jpaEntityManagerFactory) {
this.jpaEntityManagerFactory = jpaEntityManagerFactory;
return this;
public boolean isJpaHandleTransaction() {
return jpaHandleTransaction;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJpaHandleTransaction(boolean jpaHandleTransaction) {
this.jpaHandleTransaction = jpaHandleTransaction;
return this;
public boolean isJpaCloseEntityManager() {
return jpaCloseEntityManager;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setJpaCloseEntityManager(boolean jpaCloseEntityManager) {
this.jpaCloseEntityManager = jpaCloseEntityManager;
return this;
public String getJpaPersistenceUnitName() {
return jpaPersistenceUnitName;
public void setJpaPersistenceUnitName(String jpaPersistenceUnitName) {
this.jpaPersistenceUnitName = jpaPersistenceUnitName;
public String getDataSourceJndiName() {
return dataSourceJndiName;
public void setDataSourceJndiName(String dataSourceJndiName) {
this.dataSourceJndiName = dataSourceJndiName;
public boolean isCreateIncidentOnFailedJobEnabled() {
return createIncidentOnFailedJobEnabled;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setCreateIncidentOnFailedJobEnabled(boolean createIncidentOnFailedJobEnabled) {
this.createIncidentOnFailedJobEnabled = createIncidentOnFailedJobEnabled;
return this;
public boolean isAuthorizationEnabled() {
return authorizationEnabled;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setAuthorizationEnabled(boolean isAuthorizationChecksEnabled) {
this.authorizationEnabled = isAuthorizationChecksEnabled;
return this;
public String getDefaultUserPermissionNameForTask() {
return defaultUserPermissionNameForTask;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setDefaultUserPermissionNameForTask(String defaultUserPermissionNameForTask) {
this.defaultUserPermissionNameForTask = defaultUserPermissionNameForTask;
return this;
public boolean isAuthorizationEnabledForCustomCode() {
return authorizationEnabledForCustomCode;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setAuthorizationEnabledForCustomCode(boolean authorizationEnabledForCustomCode) {
this.authorizationEnabledForCustomCode = authorizationEnabledForCustomCode;
return this;
public boolean isTenantCheckEnabled() {
return tenantCheckEnabled;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setTenantCheckEnabled(boolean isTenantCheckEnabled) {
this.tenantCheckEnabled = isTenantCheckEnabled;
return this;
public int getDefaultNumberOfRetries() {
return defaultNumberOfRetries;
public void setDefaultNumberOfRetries(int defaultNumberOfRetries) {
this.defaultNumberOfRetries = defaultNumberOfRetries;
public ValueTypeResolver getValueTypeResolver() {
return valueTypeResolver;
public ProcessEngineConfiguration setValueTypeResolver(ValueTypeResolver valueTypeResolver) {
this.valueTypeResolver = valueTypeResolver;
return this;
public boolean isProducePrioritizedJobs() {
return producePrioritizedJobs;
public void setProducePrioritizedJobs(boolean producePrioritizedJobs) {
this.producePrioritizedJobs = producePrioritizedJobs;
public boolean isJobExecutorAcquireByPriority() {
return jobExecutorAcquireByPriority;
public void setJobExecutorAcquireByPriority(boolean jobExecutorAcquireByPriority) {
this.jobExecutorAcquireByPriority = jobExecutorAcquireByPriority;
public boolean isProducePrioritizedExternalTasks() {
return producePrioritizedExternalTasks;
public void setProducePrioritizedExternalTasks(boolean producePrioritizedExternalTasks) {
this.producePrioritizedExternalTasks = producePrioritizedExternalTasks;
public void setAuthorizationCheckRevokes(String authorizationCheckRevokes) {
this.authorizationCheckRevokes = authorizationCheckRevokes;
public String getAuthorizationCheckRevokes() {
return authorizationCheckRevokes;