spinjar.com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonModel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.JsonFormatter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.JsonReader;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.PathToken;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProviderFactory;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.MappingProviderFactory;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.*;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils.*;
* A JsonModel holds a parsed JSON document and provides easy read and write operations. In contrast to the
* static read operations provided by {@link JsonPath} a JsonModel will only parse the document once.
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class JsonModel {
private static final JsonPath JSON_PATH_ROOT = JsonPath.compile("$");
private Object jsonObject;
private Configuration configuration;
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors
// --------------------------------------------------------
private JsonModel(Object jsonObject, Configuration configuration) {
notNull(jsonObject, "json can not be null");
notNull(configuration, "configuration can not be null");
if (!configuration.getProvider().isContainer(jsonObject)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid container object");
this.configuration = configuration;
this.jsonObject = jsonObject;
* Check if this JsonModel is holding a JSON array as to object
* @return true if root is an array
public boolean isList() {
return configuration.getProvider().isArray(jsonObject);
* Check if this JsonModel is holding a JSON object as to object
* @return true if root is an object
public boolean isMap() {
return configuration.getProvider().isMap(jsonObject);
* Prints this JsonModel to standard out
public void print() {
String json = toJson();
* Check if this JsonModel has the given definite path
* @param jsonPath path to check
* @return true if model contains path
* @see com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath#isPathDefinite()
public boolean hasPath(String jsonPath) {
return hasPath(JsonPath.compile(jsonPath));
* Check if this JsonModel has the given definite path
* @param jsonPath path to check
* @return true if model contains path
* @see com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath#isPathDefinite()
public boolean hasPath(JsonPath jsonPath) {
isTrue(jsonPath.isPathDefinite(), "hasPath can only be used for definite paths");
try {
jsonPath.read(jsonObject, configuration.options(Option.THROW_ON_MISSING_PROPERTY));
} catch (PathNotFoundException e) {
return false;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Getters
// --------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the root object of this JsonModel
* @return returns the root object
public Object getJsonObject() {
return this.jsonObject;
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Model readers
// --------------------------------------------------------
* Reads the given path from this JsonModel. Filters is a way to problematically filter the contents of a list.
* Instead of writing the filter criteria directly inside the JsonPath expression the filter is indicated and
* provided as an argument.
* All three statements below are equivalent
* JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(myJson);
* //A
* List books = model.read("$store.book[?(@author == 'Nigel Rees')]");
* //B
* List books = model.read("$store.book[?]", filter(where("author").is("Nigel Rees"));
* //C
* JsonPath path = JsonPath.compile("$store.book[?]", filter(where("author").is("Nigel Rees"));
* List books = model.read(path);
* The filters are applied in the order they are provided. If a path contains multiple [?] filter markers
* the filters must be passed in the correct order.
* @param jsonPath the path to read
* @param filters filters to use in the path
* @param expected return type
* @return the json path result
* @see Filter
* @see Criteria
public T get(String jsonPath, Filter... filters) {
return get(JsonPath.compile(jsonPath, filters));
* Reads the given path from this JsonModel.
* @param jsonPath the path to read
* @param expected return type
* @return the json path result
public T get(JsonPath jsonPath) {
notNull(jsonPath, "jsonPath can not be null");
return jsonPath.read(jsonObject, configuration);
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Model writers
// --------------------------------------------------------
* Gets an {@link ArrayOps} for this JsonModel. Note that the root element of this model
* must be a json array.
* @return array operations for this JsonModel
public ArrayOps opsForArray() {
isTrue(configuration.getProvider().isArray(jsonObject), "This JsonModel is not a JSON array");
return opsForArray(JSON_PATH_ROOT);
* Gets an {@link ArrayOps} for the array inside this JsonModel identified by the given JsonPath. The path must
* be definite ({@link com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath#isPathDefinite()}).
* Note that the element returned by the given path must be a json array.
* @param jsonPath definite path to array to perform operations on
* @return array operations for the targeted array
public ArrayOps opsForArray(String jsonPath) {
return opsForArray(JsonPath.compile(jsonPath));
* Gets an {@link ArrayOps} for the array inside this JsonModel identified by the given JsonPath. The path must
* be definite ({@link com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath#isPathDefinite()}).
* Note that the element returned by the given path must be a json array.
* @param jsonPath definite path to array to perform operations on
* @return array operations for the targeted array
public ArrayOps opsForArray(JsonPath jsonPath) {
notNull(jsonPath, "jsonPath can not be null");
return new DefaultArrayOps(jsonPath);
* Gets an {@link ObjectOps} for this JsonModel. Note that the root element of this model
* must be a json object.
* @return object operations for this JsonModel
public ObjectOps opsForObject() {
return opsForObject(JSON_PATH_ROOT);
* Gets an {@link ObjectOps} for the object inside this JsonModel identified by the given JsonPath. The path must
* be definite ({@link com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath#isPathDefinite()}).
* Note that the element returned by the given path must be a json object.
* @param jsonPath definite path to object to perform operations on
* @return object operations for the targeted object
public ObjectOps opsForObject(String jsonPath) {
return opsForObject(JsonPath.compile(jsonPath));
* Gets an {@link ObjectOps} for the object inside this JsonModel identified by the given JsonPath. The path must
* be definite ({@link com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath#isPathDefinite()}).
* Note that the element returned by the given path must be a json object.
* @param jsonPath definite path to object to perform operations on
* @return object operations for the targeted object
public ObjectOps opsForObject(JsonPath jsonPath) {
notNull(jsonPath, "jsonPath can not be null");
return new DefaultObjectOps(jsonPath);
// --------------------------------------------------------
// JSON extractors
// --------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a JSON representation of this JsonModel
* @return model as Json
public String toJson() {
return toJson(false);
* Creates a JSON representation of this JsonModel
* @param prettyPrint if the model should be pretty printed
* @return
public String toJson(boolean prettyPrint) {
String json = configuration.getProvider().toJson(jsonObject);
if (prettyPrint)
return JsonFormatter.prettyPrint(json);
return json;
* Creates a JSON representation of the result of the provided JsonPath
* @return path result as Json
public String toJson(String jsonPath, Filter... filters) {
return toJson(JsonPath.compile(jsonPath, filters));
* Creates a JSON representation of the result of the provided JsonPath
* @return path result as Json
public String toJson(JsonPath jsonPath) {
notNull(jsonPath, "jsonPath can not be null");
return configuration.getProvider().toJson(get(jsonPath));
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Sub model readers
// --------------------------------------------------------
* Returns a sub model from this JsonModel. A sub model can be any JSON object or JSON array
* addressed by a definite path. In contrast to a detached model changes on the sub model
* will be applied on the source model (the JsonModel from which the sub model was created)
* @param jsonPath the absolute path to extract a JsonModel for
* @return the new JsonModel
* @see com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath#isPathDefinite()
public JsonModel getSubModel(String jsonPath) {
return getSubModel(JsonPath.compile(jsonPath));
* Returns a sub model from this JsonModel. A sub model can be any JSON object or JSON array
* addressed by a definite path. In contrast to a detached model changes on the sub model
* will be applied on the source model (the JsonModel from which the sub model was created)
* @param jsonPath the absolute path to extract a JsonModel for
* @return the new JsonModel
* @see com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath#isPathDefinite()
public JsonModel getSubModel(JsonPath jsonPath) {
notNull(jsonPath, "jsonPath can not be null");
isTrue(jsonPath.isPathDefinite(), "You can only get subModels with a definite path. Use getDetachedModel if path is not definite.");
Object subModel = jsonPath.read(jsonObject);
if (!configuration.getProvider().isContainer(subModel)) {
throw new InvalidModelException("The path " + jsonPath.getPath() + " returned an invalid model " + (subModel != null ? subModel.getClass() : "null"));
return new JsonSubModel(subModel, this.configuration, this, jsonPath);
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Detached sub model readers
// --------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a detached sub model from this JsonModel. A detached sub model does not have
* to be created using a definite path. Changes on a detached sub model will not be reflected on the
* source model (the JsonModel from which the sub model was created).
* @param jsonPath the absolute path to extract a JsonModel for
* @param filters filters to expand the path
* @return a detached JsonModel
public JsonModel getSubModelDetached(String jsonPath, Filter... filters) {
return getSubModelDetached(JsonPath.compile(jsonPath, filters));
* Creates a detached sub model from this JsonModel. A detached sub model does not have
* to be created using a definite path. Changes on a detached sub model will not be reflected on the
* source model (the JsonModel from which the sub model was created).
* @param jsonPath the absolute path to extract a JsonModel for
* @return a detached JsonModel
public JsonModel getSubModelDetached(JsonPath jsonPath) {
notNull(jsonPath, "jsonPath can not be null");
Object subModel = jsonPath.read(jsonObject, configuration);
if (!configuration.getProvider().isContainer(subModel)) {
throw new InvalidModelException("The path " + jsonPath.getPath() + " returned an invalid model " + (subModel != null ? subModel.getClass() : "null"));
subModel = configuration.getProvider().clone(subModel);
return new JsonModel(subModel, configuration);
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Mapping model readers
// --------------------------------------------------------
* Returns a {@link MappingModelReader} for this JsonModel. Note that to use this functionality you need
* an optional dependencies on your classpath (jackson-mapper-asl ver >= 1.9.5)
* @return a object mapper
public MappingModelReader map() {
return new DefaultMappingModelReader(this.jsonObject);
* Returns a {@link MappingModelReader} for the JsonModel targeted by the provided {@link JsonPath}. Note that to use this functionality you need
* an optional dependencies on your classpath (jackson-mapper-asl ver >= 1.9.5)
* @return a object mapper
public MappingModelReader map(String jsonPath, Filter... filters) {
return map(JsonPath.compile(jsonPath, filters));
* Returns a {@link MappingModelReader} for the JsonModel targeted by the provided {@link JsonPath}. Note that to use this functionality you need
* an optional dependencies on your classpath (jackson-mapper-asl ver >= 1.9.5)
* @return a object mapper
public MappingModelReader map(JsonPath jsonPath) {
notNull(jsonPath, "jsonPath can not be null");
return new DefaultMappingModelReader(JsonModel.this.get(jsonPath));
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Static factory methods
// --------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a JsonModel
* @param jsonProvider JsonProvider to use
* @param json json string
* @return a new JsonModel
public static JsonModel model(JsonProvider jsonProvider, String json) {
notNull(jsonProvider, "jsonProvider can not be null");
notNull(json, "jsonObject can not be null");
return new JsonModel(new JsonReader(jsonProvider).parse(json).json(), Configuration.builder().jsonProvider(jsonProvider).build());
* Creates a JsonModel
* @param json json string
* @return a new JsonModel
public static JsonModel model(String json) {
return model(JsonProviderFactory.createProvider(), json);
public static JsonModel create(String json) {
return model(json);
* Creates a JsonModel
* @param jsonProvider JsonProvider to use
* @param jsonObject a json container (a {@link Map} or a {@link List})
* @return a new JsonModel
public static JsonModel model(JsonProvider jsonProvider, Object jsonObject) {
notNull(jsonProvider, "jsonProvider can not be null");
notNull(jsonObject, "jsonObject can not be null");
return new JsonModel(jsonObject, Configuration.builder().jsonProvider(jsonProvider).build());
* Creates a JsonModel
* @param jsonObject a json container (a {@link Map} or a {@link List})
* @return a new JsonModel
public static JsonModel model(Object jsonObject) {
return model(JsonProviderFactory.createProvider(), jsonObject);
public static JsonModel create(Object jsonObject) {
return model(jsonObject);
* Creates a JsonModel
* @param jsonProvider JsonProvider to use
* @param url pointing to a Json document
* @return a new JsonModel
public static JsonModel model(JsonProvider jsonProvider, URL url) throws IOException {
notNull(jsonProvider, "jsonProvider can not be null");
notNull(url, "url can not be null");
return new JsonModel(new JsonReader(jsonProvider).parse(url).json(), Configuration.builder().jsonProvider(jsonProvider).build());
* Creates a JsonModel
* @param url pointing to a Json document
* @return a new JsonModel
public static JsonModel model(URL url) throws IOException {
return model(JsonProviderFactory.createProvider(), url);
public static JsonModel create(URL url) throws IOException {
return model(url);
* Creates a JsonModel
* @param jsonProvider JsonProvider to use
* @param jsonInputStream json document stream
* @return a new JsonModel
public static JsonModel model(JsonProvider jsonProvider, InputStream jsonInputStream) throws IOException {
notNull(jsonProvider, "jsonProvider can not be null");
notNull(jsonInputStream, "jsonInputStream can not be null");
return new JsonModel(new JsonReader(jsonProvider).parse(jsonInputStream).json(), Configuration.builder().jsonProvider(jsonProvider).build());
* Creates a JsonModel
* @param jsonInputStream json document stream
* @return a new JsonModel
public static JsonModel model(InputStream jsonInputStream) throws IOException {
return model(JsonProviderFactory.createProvider(), jsonInputStream);
public static JsonModel create(InputStream jsonInputStream) throws IOException {
return model(jsonInputStream);
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Private helpers
// --------------------------------------------------------
private T getTargetObject(JsonPath jsonPath, Class clazz) {
notNull(jsonPath, "jsonPath can not be null");
if (!jsonPath.isPathDefinite()) {
throw new IndefinitePathException(jsonPath.getPath());
Object modelRef = jsonObject;
if (jsonPath.getTokenizer().size() == 1) {
PathToken onlyToken = jsonPath.getTokenizer().iterator().next();
if ("$".equals(onlyToken.getFragment())) {
return clazz.cast(modelRef);
} else {
LinkedList tokens = jsonPath.getTokenizer().getPathTokens();
PathToken currentToken;
do {
currentToken = tokens.poll();
modelRef = currentToken.apply(modelRef, this.configuration);
} while (!tokens.isEmpty());
if (modelRef.getClass().isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
throw new InvalidModelException(jsonPath + " does nor refer to a Map but " + currentToken.getClass().getName());
return clazz.cast(modelRef);
throw new InvalidModelException();
private void setTargetObject(JsonPath jsonPath, Object newValue) {
JsonPath setterPath = jsonPath.copy();
PathToken pathToken = setterPath.getTokenizer().removeLastPathToken();
if (pathToken.isRootToken()) {
if (this instanceof JsonSubModel) {
JsonSubModel thisModel = (JsonSubModel) this;
thisModel.parent.setTargetObject(thisModel.subModelPath, newValue);
} else {
this.jsonObject = newValue;
} else {
if (pathToken.isArrayIndexToken()) {
int arrayIndex = pathToken.getArrayIndex();
opsForArray(setterPath).set(arrayIndex, newValue);
} else {
opsForObject(setterPath).put(pathToken.getFragment(), newValue);
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Interfaces
// --------------------------------------------------------
* Converts a {@link JsonModel} to an Object
public interface ObjectMappingModelReader {
* Converts this JsonModel to the specified class using the configured {@link com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.MappingProvider}
* @param targetClass class to convert the {@link JsonModel} to
* @param template class
* @return the mapped model
* @see MappingProviderFactory
T to(Class targetClass);
* Converts a {@link JsonModel} to an {@link Collection} of Objects
public interface ListMappingModelReader {
* Converts this JsonModel to the a list of objects with the provided class using the configured {@link com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.MappingProvider}
* @param targetClass class to convert the {@link JsonModel} array items to
* @param template class
* @return the mapped mode
List of(Class targetClass);
* Syntactic sugar function to use with {@link ListMappingModelReader#of}
ListMappingModelReader toList();
* Converts this JsonModel to the a {@link List} of objects with the provided class using the configured {@link com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.MappingProvider}
* @param targetClass class to convert the {@link JsonModel} array items to
* @param template class
* @return the mapped mode
List toListOf(Class targetClass);
* Converts this JsonModel to the a {@link Set} of objects with the provided class using the configured {@link com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.MappingProvider}
* @param targetClass class to convert the {@link JsonModel} array items to
* @param template class
* @return the mapped model
Set toSetOf(Class targetClass);
* Object mapping interface used when for root object that can be either a {@link List} or a {@link Map}.
* It's up to the invoker to know what the conversion target can be mapped to.
public interface MappingModelReader extends ListMappingModelReader, ObjectMappingModelReader {
* Operations that can be performed on Json objects ({@link Map}s)
public interface ObjectOps {
* Returns the operation target
* @return the operation target
Map getTarget();
* @see Map#containsKey(Object)
boolean containsKey(String key);
* @see Map#put(Object, Object)
ObjectOps put(String key, Object value);
* Adds the value to the target map if it is not already present
* @param key the key
* @param value the value
* @return this {@link ObjectOps}
ObjectOps putIfAbsent(String key, Object value);
* @see Map#get(Object)
Object get(String key);
* Tries to convert the value associated with the key to an {@link Integer}
* @param key the key
* @return converted value
Integer getInteger(String key);
* Tries to convert the value associated with the key to an {@link Long}
* @param key the key
* @return converted value
Long getLong(String key);
* Tries to convert the value associated with the key to an {@link Double}
* @param key the key
* @return converted value
Double getDouble(String key);
* Tries to convert the value associated with the key to an {@link String}
* @param key the key
* @return converted value
String getString(String key);
* @see Map#putAll(java.util.Map)
ObjectOps putAll(Map map);
* @see Map#remove(Object)
ObjectOps remove(String key);
* Allows transformations of the target object. the target for this {@link ObjectOps} will be be replaced
* with the {@link Object} returned by the {@link Transformer#transform(Object, Configuration)}
* @param transformer the transformer to use
* @return this {@link ObjectOps}
ObjectOps transform(Transformer
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