spinjar.com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.JsonReader;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.PathToken;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.PathTokenizer;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter.PathTokenFilter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.HttpProviderFactory;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProviderFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils.*;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
* JsonPath is to JSON what XPATH is to XML, a simple way to extract parts of a given document. JsonPath is
* available in many programming languages such as Javascript, Python and PHP.
* JsonPath allows you to compile a json path string to use it many times or to compile and apply in one
* single on demand operation.
* Given the Json document:
* String json =
* "{
* "store":
* {
* "book":
* [
* {
* "category": "reference",
* "author": "Nigel Rees",
* "title": "Sayings of the Century",
* "price": 8.95
* },
* {
* "category": "fiction",
* "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
* "title": "Sword of Honour",
* "price": 12.99
* }
* ],
* "bicycle":
* {
* "color": "red",
* "price": 19.95
* }
* }
* }";
* A JsonPath can be compiled and used as shown:
* JsonPath path = JsonPath.compile("$.store.book[1]");
* List<Object> books = path.read(json);
* Or:
* List<Object> authors = JsonPath.read(json, "$.store.book[*].author")
* If the json path returns a single value (is definite):
* String author = JsonPath.read(json, "$.store.book[1].author")
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class JsonPath {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonPath.class.getName());
private static Pattern DEFINITE_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(".*(\\.\\.|\\*|\\[[\\\\/]|\\?|,|:\\s?]|\\[\\s?:|>|\\(|<|=|\\+).*");
private PathTokenizer tokenizer;
private LinkedList filters;
private JsonPath(String jsonPath, Filter[] filters) {
notNull(jsonPath, "path can not be null");
jsonPath = jsonPath.trim();
notEmpty(jsonPath, "path can not be empty");
int filterCountInPath = Utils.countMatches(jsonPath, "[?]");
isTrue(filterCountInPath == filters.length, "Filters in path ([?]) does not match provided filters.");
this.tokenizer = new PathTokenizer(jsonPath);
LOG.debug("New JsonPath:\n{}", this.tokenizer.toString());
this.filters = new LinkedList();
PathTokenizer getTokenizer() {
return this.tokenizer;
public JsonPath copy() {
Filter[] filterCopy = filters.isEmpty()?new Filter[0]:new Filter[filters.size()];
return new JsonPath(tokenizer.getPath(), filters.toArray(filterCopy));
* Returns the string representation of this JsonPath
* @return path as String
public String getPath() {
return this.tokenizer.getPath();
* Checks if a path points to a single item or if it potentially returns multiple items
* a path is considered not definite if it contains a scan fragment ".."
* or an array position fragment that is not based on a single index
* definite path examples are:
* $store.book
* $store.book[1].title
* not definite path examples are:
* $..book
* $.store.book[1,2]
* $.store.book[?(@.category = 'fiction')]
* @return true if path is definite (points to single item)
public static boolean isPathDefinite(String path) {
String preparedPath = path.replaceAll("\"[^\"\\\\\\n\r]*\"", "");
return !DEFINITE_PATH_PATTERN.matcher(preparedPath).matches();
* Checks if a path points to a single item or if it potentially returns multiple items
* a path is considered not definite if it contains a scan fragment ".."
* or an array position fragment that is not based on a single index
* definite path examples are:
* $store.book
* $store.book[1].title
* not definite path examples are:
* $..book
* $.store.book[1,2]
* $.store.book[?(@.category = 'fiction')]
* @return true if path is definite (points to single item)
public boolean isPathDefinite() {
return JsonPath.isPathDefinite(getPath());
* Applies this JsonPath to the provided json document.
* Note that the document must be identified as either a List or Map by
* the {@link JsonProvider}
* @param jsonObject a container Object
* @param expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
public T read(Object jsonObject) {
return read(jsonObject, Configuration.defaultConfiguration());
* Applies this JsonPath to the provided json document.
* Note that the document must be identified as either a List or Map by
* the {@link JsonProvider}
* @param jsonObject a container Object
* @param configuration configuration to use
* @param expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
public T read(Object jsonObject, Configuration configuration) {
notNull(jsonObject, "json can not be null");
notNull(configuration, "configuration can not be null");
if (this.getPath().equals("$")) {
//This path only references the whole object. No need to do any work here...
return (T) jsonObject;
if (!configuration.getProvider().isContainer(jsonObject)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid container object");
LinkedList contextFilters = new LinkedList(filters);
Object result = jsonObject;
boolean inArrayContext = false;
for (PathToken pathToken : tokenizer) {
PathTokenFilter filter = pathToken.getFilter();
LOG.debug("Applying filter: " + filter + " to " + result);
result = filter.filter(result, configuration, contextFilters, inArrayContext);
if(result == null && !pathToken.isEndToken()){
throw new PathNotFoundException("Path token: '" + pathToken.getFragment() + "' not found.");
if (!inArrayContext) {
inArrayContext = filter.isArrayFilter();
return (T) result;
* Applies this JsonPath to the provided json string
* @param json a json string
* @param expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
public T read(String json) {
return read(json, Configuration.defaultConfiguration());
* Applies this JsonPath to the provided json string
* @param json a json string
* @param configuration configuration to use
* @param expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
public T read(String json, Configuration configuration) {
notEmpty(json, "json can not be null or empty");
notNull(configuration, "jsonProvider can not be null");
return read(configuration.getProvider().parse(json), configuration);
* Applies this JsonPath to the provided json URL
* @param jsonURL url to read from
* @param expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
* @throws IOException
public T read(URL jsonURL) throws IOException {
return read(jsonURL, Configuration.defaultConfiguration());
* Applies this JsonPath to the provided json URL
* @param jsonURL url to read from
* @param configuration configuration to use
* @param expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
* @throws IOException
public T read(URL jsonURL, Configuration configuration) throws IOException {
notNull(jsonURL, "json URL can not be null");
notNull(configuration, "jsonProvider can not be null");
InputStream in = null;
try {
in = HttpProviderFactory.getProvider().get(jsonURL);
return read(configuration.getProvider().parse(in), configuration);
} finally {
* Applies this JsonPath to the provided json file
* @param jsonFile file to read from
* @param expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
* @throws IOException
public T read(File jsonFile) throws IOException {
return read(jsonFile, Configuration.defaultConfiguration());
* Applies this JsonPath to the provided json file
* @param jsonFile file to read from
* @param configuration configuration to use
* @param expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
* @throws IOException
public T read(File jsonFile, Configuration configuration) throws IOException {
notNull(jsonFile, "json file can not be null");
isTrue(jsonFile.exists(), "json file does not exist");
notNull(configuration, "jsonProvider can not be null");
FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(jsonFile);
return read(configuration.getProvider().parse(fis), configuration);
} finally {
* Applies this JsonPath to the provided json input stream
* @param jsonInputStream input stream to read from
* @param expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
* @throws IOException
public T read(InputStream jsonInputStream) throws IOException {
notNull(jsonInputStream, "json input stream can not be null");
try {
return read(JsonProviderFactory.createProvider().parse(jsonInputStream));
} finally {
* Applies this JsonPath to the provided json input stream
* @param jsonInputStream input stream to read from
* @param configuration configuration to use
* @param expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
* @throws IOException
public T read(InputStream jsonInputStream, Configuration configuration) throws IOException {
notNull(jsonInputStream, "json input stream can not be null");
notNull(configuration, "configuration can not be null");
try {
return read(configuration.getProvider().parse(jsonInputStream), configuration);
} finally {
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Static factory methods
// --------------------------------------------------------
* Compiles a JsonPath
* @param jsonPath to compile
* @param filters filters to be applied to the filter place holders [?] in the path
* @return compiled JsonPath
public static JsonPath compile(String jsonPath, Filter... filters) {
notEmpty(jsonPath, "json can not be null or empty");
return new JsonPath(jsonPath, filters);
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Static utility functions
// --------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a new JsonPath and applies it to the provided Json object
* @param json a json object
* @param jsonPath the json path
* @param filters filters to be applied to the filter place holders [?] in the path
* @param expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
public static T read(Object json, String jsonPath, Filter... filters) {
return compile(jsonPath, filters).read(json);
* Creates a new JsonPath and applies it to the provided Json string
* @param json a json string
* @param jsonPath the json path
* @param filters filters to be applied to the filter place holders [?] in the path
* @param expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
public static T read(String json, String jsonPath, Filter... filters) {
return new JsonReader().parse(json).read(jsonPath, filters);
* Creates a new JsonPath and applies it to the provided Json object
* @param jsonURL url pointing to json doc
* @param jsonPath the json path
* @param filters filters to be applied to the filter place holders [?] in the path
* @param expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
public static T read(URL jsonURL, String jsonPath, Filter... filters) throws IOException {
return new JsonReader().parse(jsonURL).read(jsonPath, filters);
* Creates a new JsonPath and applies it to the provided Json object
* @param jsonFile json file
* @param jsonPath the json path
* @param filters filters to be applied to the filter place holders [?] in the path
* @param expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
public static T read(File jsonFile, String jsonPath, Filter... filters) throws IOException {
return new JsonReader().parse(jsonFile).read(jsonPath, filters);
* Creates a new JsonPath and applies it to the provided Json object
* @param jsonInputStream json input stream
* @param jsonPath the json path
* @param filters filters to be applied to the filter place holders [?] in the path
* @param expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
public static T read(InputStream jsonInputStream, String jsonPath, Filter... filters) throws IOException {
return new JsonReader().parse(jsonInputStream).read(jsonPath, filters);
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Static Fluent API
// --------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a {@link ParseContext} that can be used to parse a given JSON input.
* @param configuration configuration to use when parsing JSON
* @return a parsing context based on given configuration
public static ParseContext using(Configuration configuration){
return new JsonReader(configuration);
* Creates a {@link ParseContext} that will parse a given JSON input.
* @param provider provider to use when parsing JSON
* @return a parsing context based on given provider
public static ParseContext using(JsonProvider provider){
return new JsonReader(Configuration.builder().jsonProvider(provider).build());
* Parses the given JSON input using the default {@link Configuration} and
* returns a {@link ReadContext} for path evaluation
* @param json input
* @return a read context
public static ReadContext parse(Object json) {
return new JsonReader().parse(json);
* Parses the given JSON input using the default {@link Configuration} and
* returns a {@link ReadContext} for path evaluation
* @param json string
* @return a read context
public static ReadContext parse(String json) {
return new JsonReader().parse(json);
* Parses the given JSON input using the default {@link Configuration} and
* returns a {@link ReadContext} for path evaluation
* @param json stream
* @return a read context
public static ReadContext parse(InputStream json) {
return new JsonReader().parse(json);
* Parses the given JSON input using the default {@link Configuration} and
* returns a {@link ReadContext} for path evaluation
* @param json file
* @return a read context
public static ReadContext parse(File json) throws IOException {
return new JsonReader().parse(json);
* Parses the given JSON input using the default {@link Configuration} and
* returns a {@link ReadContext} for path evaluation
* @param json url
* @return a read context
public static ReadContext parse(URL json) throws IOException {
return new JsonReader().parse(json);
* Parses the given JSON input using the provided {@link Configuration} and
* returns a {@link ReadContext} for path evaluation
* @param json input
* @return a read context
public static ReadContext parse(Object json, Configuration configuration) {
return new JsonReader(configuration).parse(json);
* Parses the given JSON input using the provided {@link Configuration} and
* returns a {@link ReadContext} for path evaluation
* @param json input
* @return a read context
public static ReadContext parse(String json, Configuration configuration){
return new JsonReader(configuration).parse(json);
* Parses the given JSON input using the provided {@link Configuration} and
* returns a {@link ReadContext} for path evaluation
* @param json input
* @return a read context
public static ReadContext parse(InputStream json, Configuration configuration) {
return new JsonReader(configuration).parse(json);
* Parses the given JSON input using the provided {@link Configuration} and
* returns a {@link ReadContext} for path evaluation
* @param json input
* @return a read context
public static ReadContext parse(File json, Configuration configuration) throws IOException {
return new JsonReader(configuration).parse(json);
* Parses the given JSON input using the provided {@link Configuration} and
* returns a {@link ReadContext} for path evaluation
* @param json input
* @return a read context
public static ReadContext parse(URL json, Configuration configuration) throws IOException {
return new JsonReader(configuration).parse(json);
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