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package org.apache.cassandra.db.rows;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ColumnFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.PartitionUpdate;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.AbstractIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ObjectSizes;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.btree.BTree;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.btree.BTreeSearchIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.btree.UpdateFunction;
* Immutable implementation of a Row object.
public class BTreeRow extends AbstractRow
private static final long EMPTY_SIZE = ObjectSizes.measure(emptyRow(Clustering.EMPTY));
private final Clustering clustering;
private final LivenessInfo primaryKeyLivenessInfo;
private final Deletion deletion;
// The data for each columns present in this row in column sorted order.
private final Object[] btree;
// We need to filter the tombstones of a row on every read (twice in fact: first to remove purgeable tombstone, and then after reconciliation to remove
// all tombstone since we don't return them to the client) as well as on compaction. But it's likely that many rows won't have any tombstone at all, so
// we want to speed up that case by not having to iterate/copy the row in this case. We could keep a single boolean telling us if we have tombstones,
// but that doesn't work for expiring columns. So instead we keep the deletion time for the first thing in the row to be deleted. This allow at any given
// time to know if we have any deleted information or not. If we any "true" tombstone (i.e. not an expiring cell), this value will be forced to
// Integer.MIN_VALUE, but if we don't and have expiring cells, this will the time at which the first expiring cell expires. If we have no tombstones and
// no expiring cells, this will be Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private final int minLocalDeletionTime;
private BTreeRow(Clustering clustering,
LivenessInfo primaryKeyLivenessInfo,
Deletion deletion,
Object[] btree,
int minLocalDeletionTime)
assert !deletion.isShadowedBy(primaryKeyLivenessInfo);
this.clustering = clustering;
this.primaryKeyLivenessInfo = primaryKeyLivenessInfo;
this.deletion = deletion;
this.btree = btree;
this.minLocalDeletionTime = minLocalDeletionTime;
private BTreeRow(Clustering clustering, Object[] btree, int minLocalDeletionTime)
this(clustering, LivenessInfo.EMPTY, Deletion.LIVE, btree, minLocalDeletionTime);
// Note that it's often easier/safer to use the sortedBuilder/unsortedBuilder or one of the static creation method below. Only directly useful in a small amount of cases.
public static BTreeRow create(Clustering clustering,
LivenessInfo primaryKeyLivenessInfo,
Deletion deletion,
Object[] btree)
int minDeletionTime = Math.min(minDeletionTime(primaryKeyLivenessInfo), minDeletionTime(deletion.time()));
if (minDeletionTime != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
for (ColumnData cd : BTree.iterable(btree))
minDeletionTime = Math.min(minDeletionTime, minDeletionTime(cd));
return create(clustering, primaryKeyLivenessInfo, deletion, btree, minDeletionTime);
public static BTreeRow create(Clustering clustering,
LivenessInfo primaryKeyLivenessInfo,
Deletion deletion,
Object[] btree,
int minDeletionTime)
return new BTreeRow(clustering, primaryKeyLivenessInfo, deletion, btree, minDeletionTime);
public static BTreeRow emptyRow(Clustering clustering)
return new BTreeRow(clustering, BTree.empty(), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public static BTreeRow singleCellRow(Clustering clustering, Cell cell)
if (cell.column().isSimple())
return new BTreeRow(clustering, BTree.singleton(cell), minDeletionTime(cell));
ComplexColumnData complexData = new ComplexColumnData(cell.column(), new Cell[]{ cell }, DeletionTime.LIVE);
return new BTreeRow(clustering, BTree.singleton(complexData), minDeletionTime(cell));
public static BTreeRow emptyDeletedRow(Clustering clustering, Deletion deletion)
assert !deletion.isLive();
return new BTreeRow(clustering, LivenessInfo.EMPTY, deletion, BTree.empty(), Integer.MIN_VALUE);
public static BTreeRow noCellLiveRow(Clustering clustering, LivenessInfo primaryKeyLivenessInfo)
assert !primaryKeyLivenessInfo.isEmpty();
return new BTreeRow(clustering,
private static int minDeletionTime(Cell cell)
return cell.isTombstone() ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : cell.localDeletionTime();
private static int minDeletionTime(LivenessInfo info)
return info.isExpiring() ? info.localExpirationTime() : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private static int minDeletionTime(DeletionTime dt)
return dt.isLive() ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private static int minDeletionTime(ComplexColumnData cd)
int min = minDeletionTime(cd.complexDeletion());
for (Cell cell : cd)
min = Math.min(min, minDeletionTime(cell));
if (min == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
return min;
private static int minDeletionTime(ColumnData cd)
return cd.column().isSimple() ? minDeletionTime((Cell) cd) : minDeletionTime((ComplexColumnData)cd);
private static int minDeletionTime(Object[] btree, LivenessInfo info, DeletionTime rowDeletion)
int min = Math.min(minDeletionTime(info), minDeletionTime(rowDeletion));
for (ColumnData cd : BTree.iterable(btree))
min = Math.min(min, minDeletionTime(cd));
if (min == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
return min;
public Clustering clustering()
return clustering;
public Collection columns()
return Collections2.transform(this, ColumnData::column);
public LivenessInfo primaryKeyLivenessInfo()
return primaryKeyLivenessInfo;
public boolean isEmpty()
return primaryKeyLivenessInfo().isEmpty()
&& deletion().isLive()
&& BTree.isEmpty(btree);
public Deletion deletion()
return deletion;
public Cell getCell(ColumnDefinition c)
assert !c.isComplex();
return (Cell) BTree.