Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import org.jboss.jandex.AnnotationInstance;
import org.jboss.jandex.AnnotationValue;
import org.jboss.jandex.ClassInfo;
import org.jboss.jandex.DotName;
import org.jboss.jandex.Indexer;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactOverrides;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.DependencyOverride;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.DependencyResolver;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleDependencyInfo;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleInfo;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.Overrides;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.PathFilterParser;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.impl.AbstractArtifactResult;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.impl.Configuration;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.impl.OSGiDependencyResolver;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.impl.PropertiesDependencyResolver;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.impl.XmlDependencyResolver;
import com.redhat.ceylon.common.Java9ModuleUtil;
import com.redhat.ceylon.common.Versions;
import com.redhat.ceylon.model.cmr.ArtifactResult;
import com.redhat.ceylon.model.cmr.ArtifactResultType;
import com.redhat.ceylon.model.cmr.JDKUtils;
import com.redhat.ceylon.model.cmr.JDKUtils.JDK;
import com.redhat.ceylon.model.cmr.PathFilter;
import com.redhat.ceylon.model.cmr.RepositoryException;
import com.redhat.ceylon.model.loader.Java9ModuleReader;
import com.redhat.ceylon.model.loader.Java9ModuleReader.Java9Module;
import com.redhat.ceylon.model.loader.NamingBase;
import com.redhat.ceylon.model.loader.OsgiUtil;
* Main entry point when you want to initialise the Ceylon system when you are not running
* JBoss modules and have all the relevant Ceylon libraries in your JVM classpath. This
* will allow you to initialize the metamodel with {@link Main#setupMetamodel()}, which you
* only need to do once before you execute code from a Ceylon module. Once initialized, the
* metamodel will remain useable until you reset it, from every thread and user of the system
* ClassLoader. You can repeatedly call {@link Main#setupMetamodel()} to add new Ceylon modules
* to the metamodel.
* If you need to reset the metamodel you can call {@link Main#resetMetamodel()}, but again beware
* that the metamodel is static to the system ClassLoader, so it may be shared by other threads,
* and any Ceylon code that continues to run after you reset it will likely fail at some point.
* You can also directly run Ceylon programs by using {@link Main#runModule(String, String, Class, String...)}
* or {@link Main#runModule(String, String, String, String...)}, which will first initialize the
* metamodel, then run the given Java Class’s main method (which sets up the process.arguments
* and executes the given toplevel Ceylon class or method.
* WARNING: this API is not supported and will be superseded by an official API later.
* @author Stéphane Épardaud
public class Main {
private boolean allowMissingModules;
private boolean allowMissingSystem;
private String overrides;
private ClassPath classPath;
private Set visited;
private ClassLoader moduleClassLoader;
public static Main instance() {
return new Main();
private Main() {
* When enabled no exceptions will be thrown for not encountering
* proper module dependency information for the module to be loaded
* or any of its dependencies. The system modules still need to be
* present and have proper dependency information.
* @param allowMissingModules If true no exceptions will be thrown
* for missing module dependency information
* @return This object for chaining
public Main allowMissingModules(boolean allowMissingModules) {
this.allowMissingModules = allowMissingModules;
return this;
* Sets the overrides file to use for module overrides
* @param overrides a file path to the module overrides
* @return This object for chaining
public Main overrides(String overrides) {
this.overrides = overrides;
return this;
* When enabled no exceptions will be thrown for not encountering
* proper module dependency information for the system modules or
* any of their dependencies.
* @param allowMissingModules If true no exceptions will be thrown
* for missing module dependency information
* @return This object for chaining
public Main allowMissingSystem(boolean allowMissingSystem) {
this.allowMissingSystem = allowMissingSystem;
return this;
static class ClassPath {
private static final String METAINF_JBOSSMODULES = "META-INF/jbossmodules/";
private static final String METAINF_MAVEN = "META-INF/maven/";
private static final String MODULE_PROPERTIES = "";
private static final String MODULE_XML = "module.xml";
private static final String POM_XML = "pom.xml";
private static final String JAVA9_MODULE = "module-info.class";
public class ModuleNotFoundException extends Exception {
public ModuleNotFoundException(String string) {
private enum Type {
static class Dependency extends AbstractArtifactResult {
public final boolean optional, shared;
public Dependency(String name, String version, boolean optional, boolean shared) {
super(null, name, version);
this.optional = optional;
this.shared = shared;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
b.append("Import{ name = ").append(name());
b.append(", version = ").append(version());
b.append(", optional = ").append(optional);
b.append(", shared = ").append(shared);
b.append(" }");
return b.toString();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if(obj == null)
return false;
if(obj == this)
return true;
if(obj instanceof Dependency == false)
return false;
Dependency other = (Dependency) obj;
return Objects.equals(name(),
&& Objects.equals(version(), other.version())
&& optional == other.optional
&& shared == other.shared;
public int hashCode() {
int ret = 17;
ret = (ret * 23) + (name() != null ? name().hashCode() : 0);
ret = (ret * 23) + (version() != null ? version().hashCode() : 0);
ret = (ret * 23) + (optional ? 1 : 0);
ret = (ret * 23) + (shared ? 1 : 0);
return ret;
public ArtifactResultType type() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public List dependencies() throws RepositoryException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String repositoryDisplayString() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected File artifactInternal() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
static class Module extends AbstractArtifactResult {
public final File jar;
public final Type type;
public final List dependencies = new LinkedList();
public Module(String name, String version, Type type, File jar) {
super(null, name, version);
this.type = type;
this.jar = jar;
public void addDependency(String name, String version, boolean optional, boolean shared) {
dependencies.add(new Dependency(name, version, optional, shared));
public int hashCode() {
int ret = 31;
ret = 37 * ret + name().hashCode();
ret = 37 * ret + (version() != null ? version().hashCode() : 0);
return ret;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if(obj == null)
return false;
if(obj == this)
return true;
if(obj instanceof Module == false)
return false;
Module other = (Module) obj;
return name().equals(
&& Objects.equals(version(), other.version());
public String toString() {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
b.append("Module{ name = ").append(name());
b.append(", version = ").append(version());
b.append(", jar = ").append(jar);
b.append(", type = ").append(type);
b.append(", dependencies = [");
boolean once = true;
for(Dependency dep : dependencies){
once = false;
b.append(", ");
b.append(" ] }");
return b.toString();
public ArtifactResultType type() {
case CEYLON:
case OSGi:
case JDK:
return ArtifactResultType.CEYLON;
case MAVEN:
return ArtifactResultType.MAVEN;
return ArtifactResultType.OTHER;
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public List dependencies() throws RepositoryException {
return (List)dependencies;
public String repositoryDisplayString() {
return name()+"/"+version();
protected File artifactInternal() {
return jar;
public void setFilter(PathFilter filter) {
private List potentialJars = new LinkedList();
private Map modules = new HashMap();
private Overrides overrides;
private static DependencyResolver MavenResolver = getResolver(Configuration.MAVEN_RESOLVER_CLASS);
private static final Module NO_MODULE = new Module("$$$", "$$$", Type.UNKNOWN, null);
ClassPath(Overrides overrides){
String classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
String[] classPathEntries = classPath.split(File.pathSeparator);
for(String classPathEntry : classPathEntries){
File entry = new File(classPathEntry);
String modulePath = System.getProperty("jdk.module.path");
if(modulePath != null){
String[] modulePathEntries = modulePath.split(File.pathSeparator);
for(String moduleFolder : modulePathEntries){
File folder = new File(moduleFolder);
this.overrides = overrides;
private void scanFolderForJars(File folder) {
for(File file : folder.listFiles()){
&& (file.getName().endsWith(".car")
|| file.getName().endsWith(".jar")
|| file.getName().endsWith(".zip"))){
// for tests
ClassPath(List potentialJars){
this.potentialJars = potentialJars;
private List findEntries(ZipFile zipFile, String startFolder, String entryName) {
List result = new LinkedList();
Enumeration extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
String name = entry.getName();
if (name.startsWith(startFolder) && name.endsWith(entryName)) {
return result;
private ModuleSpec moduleFromEntry(ZipEntry entry) {
String fullName = entry.getName();
if (fullName.startsWith(METAINF_JBOSSMODULES)) {
fullName = fullName.substring(METAINF_JBOSSMODULES.length());
if (fullName.endsWith(MODULE_PROPERTIES)) {
fullName = fullName.substring(0, fullName.length() - MODULE_PROPERTIES.length() - 1);
} else if (fullName.endsWith(MODULE_XML)) {
fullName = fullName.substring(0, fullName.length() - MODULE_XML.length() - 1);
int p = fullName.lastIndexOf('/');
if (p > 0) {
String name = fullName.substring(0, p);
String version = fullName.substring(p + 1);
if (!name.isEmpty() && !version.isEmpty()) {
name = name.replace('/', '.');
return new ModuleSpec(name, version);
return null;
private static DependencyResolver getResolver(String className) {
try {
ClassLoader cl = Configuration.class.getClassLoader();
return (DependencyResolver) cl.loadClass(className).newInstance();
} catch (Throwable t) {
return null;
public Module loadModule(String name, String version) throws ModuleNotFoundException{
return loadModule(name, version, false);
public Module loadModule(String name, String version, boolean allowMissingModules) throws ModuleNotFoundException{
String key = name + "/" + version;
Module module = modules.get(key);
if(module != null)
return module;
// unalias jdk7-8 module names if we're running on jdk9+
name = JDKUtils.getJava9ModuleName(name, version);
if(JDKUtils.isJDKModule(name) || JDKUtils.isOracleJDKModule(name)){
module = new Module(name, JDKUtils.jdk.version, Type.JDK, null);
modules.put(key, module);
return module;
module = searchJars(name, version);
if (module != null) {
return module;
} else {
return new Module(name, version, Type.UNKNOWN, null);
throw new ModuleNotFoundException("Module "+key+" not found");
// Pre-loads as much modules as possible by going over all potential jar/car files
// in the class path and trying to determine which modules they contain
private void initJars() {
searchJars(null, null);
// Goes over all the potential jar/car files in the class path and if a name and
// version were given tries to determine if any of them contain that module.
// If name and version are both `null` it will try to determine the module
// information from the jar/car file itself.
private Module searchJars(String name, String version) {
if(overrides != null){
ArtifactContext ctx = new ArtifactContext(name, version);
ArtifactContext replacement = overrides.replace(ctx);
if(replacement != null){
name = replacement.getName();
version = replacement.getVersion();
ctx = replacement;
version = overrides.getVersionOverride(ctx);
Module module;
Iterator iterator = potentialJars.iterator();
File file =;
try {
if (name == null && version == null) {
module = initJar(file);
} else {
module = loadJar(file, name, version);
} catch (IOException e) {
// faulty jar
System.err.println("Non-zip jar file in classpath: "+file+". Skipping it next time.");
if(module != null){
if (module != NO_MODULE) {
String key = + "/" + module.version();
modules.put(key, module);
if (name != null || version != null) {
return module;
return null;
private Module initJar(File file) throws IOException {
ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(file);
// Try Ceylon module first
List moduleDescriptors = findEntries(zipFile, "", NamingBase.MODULE_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_NAME+".class");
if(moduleDescriptors.size() == 1) {
try {
return loadCeylonModuleCar(file, zipFile, moduleDescriptors.get(0), null, null);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Ignore
// Try JBoss modules next
List moduleXmls = findEntries(zipFile, METAINF_JBOSSMODULES, MODULE_XML);
if(moduleXmls.size() == 1) {
ModuleSpec mod = moduleFromEntry(moduleXmls.get(0));
if (mod != null) {
return loadJBossModuleXmlJar(file, zipFile, moduleXmls.get(0), mod.getName(), mod.getVersion());
List moduleProperties = findEntries(zipFile, METAINF_JBOSSMODULES, MODULE_PROPERTIES);
if(moduleProperties.size() == 1) {
ModuleSpec mod = moduleFromEntry(moduleProperties.get(0));
if (mod != null) {
return loadJBossModulePropertiesJar(file, zipFile, moduleProperties.get(0), mod.getName(), mod.getVersion());
// Java 9 module
List java9Module = findEntries(zipFile, "", JAVA9_MODULE);
if(java9Module.size() == 1) {
return loadJava9ModuleJar(file, zipFile, java9Module.get(0), null, null);
// try Maven
List mavenDescriptors = findEntries(zipFile, METAINF_MAVEN, POM_XML);
// TODO: we should try to retrieve the module information (name/version) from the pom.xml entry
// last OSGi
ZipEntry osgiProperties = zipFile.getEntry(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME);
if(osgiProperties != null){
Module module = loadOsgiJar(file, zipFile, osgiProperties, null, null);
// it's possible we have a MANIFEST but not for the module we're looking for
if(module != null)
return module;
if (moduleDescriptors.isEmpty() && moduleXmls.isEmpty() && moduleProperties.isEmpty()
&& mavenDescriptors.isEmpty() && osgiProperties == null) {
// There's nothing we can retrieve from this jar
// let's return a dummy module so the jar will
// get removed from the list of potentials at least
return NO_MODULE;
// not found
return null;
private Module loadJar(File file, String name, String version) throws IOException {
ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(file);
// Modules that have a : MUST be Maven modules
int mavenSeparator = name.indexOf(":");
if(mavenSeparator != -1){
String groupId = name.substring(0, mavenSeparator);
String artifactId = name.substring(mavenSeparator+1);
String descriptorPath = String.format("META-INF/maven/%s/%s/pom.xml", groupId, artifactId);
ZipEntry mavenDescriptor = zipFile.getEntry(descriptorPath);
if(mavenDescriptor != null){
return loadMavenJar(file, zipFile, mavenDescriptor, name, version);
// If the jar comes straight out of a Maven repo/cache we may have an external pom file
String externalDescriptorPath = String.format("%s-%s.pom", artifactId, version);
File externalDescriptor = new File(file.getParentFile(), externalDescriptorPath);
return loadMavenJar(file, externalDescriptor, name, version);
// Try Ceylon module first
String ceylonPath = name.replace('.', '/');
ZipEntry moduleDescriptor = zipFile.getEntry(ceylonPath+"/"+NamingBase.MODULE_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_NAME+".class");
if(moduleDescriptor != null)
return loadCeylonModuleCar(file, zipFile, moduleDescriptor, name, version);
// JBoss modules next
ZipEntry moduleXml = zipFile.getEntry("META-INF/jbossmodules/"+ceylonPath+"/"+version+"/module.xml");
if(moduleXml != null)
return loadJBossModuleXmlJar(file, zipFile, moduleXml, name, version);
ZipEntry moduleProperties = zipFile.getEntry("META-INF/jbossmodules/"+ceylonPath+"/"+version+"/");
if(moduleProperties != null)
return loadJBossModulePropertiesJar(file, zipFile, moduleProperties, name, version);
// try other combinations for Maven
if(MavenResolver != null){
// the case with : has already been taken care of first
int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
while(lastDot != -1){
String groupId = name.substring(0, lastDot);
String artifactId = name.substring(lastDot+1);
String descriptorPath = String.format("META-INF/maven/%s/%s/pom.xml", groupId, artifactId);
ZipEntry mavenDescriptor = zipFile.getEntry(descriptorPath);
if(mavenDescriptor != null){
return loadMavenJar(file, zipFile, mavenDescriptor, name, version);
lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.', lastDot - 1);
// Java 9 module
List java9Module = findEntries(zipFile, "", JAVA9_MODULE);
if(java9Module.size() == 1) {
return loadJava9ModuleJar(file, zipFile, java9Module.get(0), name, version);
// last OSGi
ZipEntry osgiProperties = zipFile.getEntry(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME);
if(osgiProperties != null){
Module module = loadOsgiJar(file, zipFile, osgiProperties, name, version);
// it's possible we have a MANIFEST but not for the module we're looking for
if(module != null)
return module;
// not found
return null;
private Module loadCeylonModuleCar(File file, ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry moduleDescriptor, String name, String version) throws IOException {
InputStream inputStream = zipFile.getInputStream(moduleDescriptor);
Indexer indexer = new Indexer();
ClassInfo classInfo = indexer.index(inputStream);
if(classInfo == null)
throw new IOException("Failed to read class info");
Map> annotations = classInfo.annotations();
DotName moduleAnnotationName = DotName.createSimple(;
List moduleAnnotations = annotations.get(moduleAnnotationName);
if(moduleAnnotations == null || moduleAnnotations.size() != 1)
throw new IOException("Missing module annotation: "+annotations);
AnnotationInstance moduleAnnotation = moduleAnnotations.get(0);
AnnotationValue moduleName = moduleAnnotation.value("name");
AnnotationValue moduleVersion = moduleAnnotation.value("version");
if(moduleName == null || moduleVersion == null)
throw new IOException("Invalid module annotation");
if(name != null && !moduleName.asString().equals(name))
throw new IOException("Module name does not match module descriptor");
if(version != null && !moduleVersion.asString().equals(version))
throw new IOException("Module version does not match module descriptor");
name = moduleName.asString();
version = moduleVersion.asString();
Module module = new Module(name, version, Type.CEYLON, file);
AnnotationValue moduleDependencies = moduleAnnotation.value("dependencies");
ArtifactOverrides ao = null;
if(overrides != null){
ao = overrides.getArtifactOverrides(new ArtifactContext(name, version));
if(moduleDependencies != null){
for(AnnotationInstance dependency : moduleDependencies.asNestedArray()){
AnnotationValue importName = dependency.value("name");
AnnotationValue importVersion = dependency.value("version");
AnnotationValue importOptional = dependency.value("optional");
AnnotationValue importExport = dependency.value("export");
if(importName == null || importVersion == null)
throw new IOException("Invalid module import");
String depName = importName.asString();
String depVersion = importVersion.asString();
boolean export = importExport != null ? importExport.asBoolean() : false;
boolean optional = importOptional != null ? importOptional.asBoolean() : false;
if(overrides != null){
ArtifactContext depCtx = new ArtifactContext(depName, depVersion);
ArtifactContext replacement = overrides.replace(depCtx);
if(replacement != null){
depCtx = replacement;
depName = replacement.getName();
depVersion = replacement.getVersion();
depVersion = overrides.getVersionOverride(depCtx);
if(ao != null){
optional = ao.isOptional(depCtx);
export = ao.isShared(depCtx);
module.addDependency(depName, depVersion, optional, export);
if(ao != null){
for(DependencyOverride dep : ao.getAdd()){
module.addDependency(dep.getArtifactContext().getName(), dep.getArtifactContext().getVersion(),
dep.isOptional(), dep.isShared());
return module;
private Module loadJBossModulePropertiesJar(File file, ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry moduleProperties, String name, String version) throws IOException {
return loadJBossModuleJar(file, zipFile, moduleProperties, PropertiesDependencyResolver.INSTANCE, name, version);
private Module loadJBossModuleJar(File file, ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry moduleDescriptor,
DependencyResolver dependencyResolver, String name, String version) throws IOException {
return loadFromResolver(file, zipFile, moduleDescriptor, dependencyResolver, name, version, Type.JBOSS_MODULES);
private Module loadFromResolver(File file, ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry moduleDescriptor,
DependencyResolver dependencyResolver, String name, String version,
Type moduleType) throws IOException {
InputStream inputStream = zipFile.getInputStream(moduleDescriptor);
return loadFromResolver(file, inputStream, dependencyResolver, name, version, moduleType);
private Module loadFromResolver(File file, File moduleDescriptor,
DependencyResolver dependencyResolver, String name, String version,
Type moduleType) throws IOException {
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(moduleDescriptor);
return loadFromResolver(file, inputStream, dependencyResolver, name, version, moduleType);
private Module loadFromResolver(File file, InputStream inputStream, DependencyResolver dependencyResolver,
String name, String version, Type moduleType) throws IOException {
ModuleInfo moduleDependencies = dependencyResolver.resolveFromInputStream(inputStream, name, version, overrides);
if (moduleDependencies != null) {
System.err.println("Load from resolver: "+name+"/"+version);
Module module = new Module(name, version, moduleType, file);
for(ModuleDependencyInfo dep : moduleDependencies.getDependencies()){
module.addDependency(dep.getName(), dep.getVersion(), dep.isOptional(), dep.isExport());
if(moduleDependencies.getFilter() != null)
return module;
return null;
private Module loadJBossModuleXmlJar(File file, ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry moduleXml, String name, String version) throws IOException {
return loadJBossModuleJar(file, zipFile, moduleXml, XmlDependencyResolver.INSTANCE, name, version);
private Module loadMavenJar(File file, ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry moduleDescriptor, String name, String version) throws IOException {
return loadFromResolver(file, zipFile, moduleDescriptor, MavenResolver, name, version, Type.MAVEN);
private Module loadMavenJar(File file, File moduleDescriptor, String name, String version) throws IOException {
return loadFromResolver(file, moduleDescriptor, MavenResolver, name, version, Type.MAVEN);
private Module loadDefaultJar(File file) throws IOException {
return new Module("default", null, Type.CEYLON, file);
private Module loadJava9ModuleJar(File file, ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry moduleDescriptor, String name, String version) throws IOException {
Java9Module java9Module = Java9ModuleReader.getJava9Module(zipFile, moduleDescriptor);
if(java9Module != null)
return new Module(, java9Module.version, Type.JAVA9, file);
// or throw?
return null;
private Module loadOsgiJar(File file, ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry moduleDescriptor, String name, String version) throws IOException {
// first verify that it is indeed for the module we're looking for
InputStream inputStream = zipFile.getInputStream(moduleDescriptor);
Manifest manifest = new Manifest(inputStream);
if (OsgiUtil.DefaultModuleManifest.isDefaultModule(manifest)) {
return loadDefaultJar(file);
Attributes attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes();
String bundleName = attributes.getValue(OsgiUtil.OsgiManifest.Bundle_SymbolicName);
String bundleVersion = attributes.getValue(OsgiUtil.OsgiManifest.Bundle_Version);
if (name != null && version != null) {
if(!Objects.equals(name, bundleName)|| !Objects.equals(version, bundleVersion))
return null;
} else {
name = bundleName;
version = bundleVersion;
return loadFromResolver(file, zipFile, moduleDescriptor, OSGiDependencyResolver.INSTANCE, name, version, Type.OSGi);
* Sets up the metamodel for the specified module and execute the main
method on the
* specified Java class name representing a toplevel Ceylon class or method.
* @param module the module name to initialise in the metamodel
* @param version the module version
* @param runClass the Java class name representing a toplevel Ceylon class or method
* @param arguments the arguments to pass to the Ceylon program
* @throws RuntimeException if anything wrong happens
public static void runModule(String module, String version, String runClass, String... arguments){
instance().run(module, version, runClass, arguments);
* Sets up the metamodel for the specified module and execute the main
method on the
* specified Java class name representing a toplevel Ceylon class or method.
* @param module the module name to initialise in the metamodel
* @param version the module version
* @param runClass the Java class name representing a toplevel Ceylon class or method
* @param arguments the arguments to pass to the Ceylon program
* @throws RuntimeException if anything wrong happens
public void run(String module, String version, String runClass, String... arguments){
setup(module, version);
try {
Class> klass = moduleClassLoader.loadClass(runClass);
invokeMain(klass, arguments);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException
| IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Sets up the metamodel for the specified module and execute the main
method on the
* specified Java class representing a toplevel Ceylon class or method.
* @param module the module name to initialise in the metamodel
* @param version the module version
* @param runClass the Java class representing a toplevel Ceylon class or method
* @param arguments the arguments to pass to the Ceylon program
* @throws RuntimeException if anything wrong happens
public static void runModule(String module, String version, Class> runClass, String... arguments){
instance().run(module, version, runClass, arguments);
* Sets up the metamodel for the specified module and execute the main
method on the
* specified Java class representing a toplevel Ceylon class or method.
* @param module the module name to initialise in the metamodel
* @param version the module version
* @param runClass the Java class representing a toplevel Ceylon class or method
* @param arguments the arguments to pass to the Ceylon program
* @throws RuntimeException if anything wrong happens
public void run(String module, String version, Class> runClass, String... arguments){
setup(module, version);
try {
invokeMain(runClass, arguments);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException
| IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static void invokeMain(Class> klass, String[] arguments) throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
Method main = klass.getMethod("main", String[].class);
main.invoke(null, (Object)arguments);
* Sets up the Ceylon metamodel by adding the specified module to it. This does not run any Ceylon code,
* nor does it reset the metamodel first. You can repeatedly invoke this method to add new Ceylon modules
* to the metamodel.
* @param module the module name to load.
* @param version the version to load. Ignored if the module is the default module.
public static void setupMetamodel(String module, String version){
instance().setup(module, version);
* Sets up the Ceylon metamodel by adding the specified module to it. This does not run any Ceylon code,
* nor does it reset the metamodel first. You can repeatedly invoke this method to add new Ceylon modules
* to the metamodel.
* @param module the module name to load.
* @param version the version to load. Ignored if the module is the default module.
public void setup(String module, String version){
Overrides parsedOverrides = Overrides.getDistOverrides();
if (overrides != null) {
try {
parsedOverrides = parsedOverrides.append(overrides);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// FIXME: we should get rid of that and call reset with the runtimeResolver
new OverridesRuntimeResolver(parsedOverrides).installInThreadLocal();
if(moduleClassLoader == null)
if (classPath == null) {
classPath = new ClassPath(parsedOverrides);
visited = new HashSet();
registerInMetamodel("ceylon.language", Versions.CEYLON_VERSION_NUMBER, false);
registerInMetamodel("com.redhat.ceylon.common", Versions.CEYLON_VERSION_NUMBER, false);
registerInMetamodel("com.redhat.ceylon.model", Versions.CEYLON_VERSION_NUMBER, false);
registerInMetamodel("com.redhat.ceylon.module-resolver", Versions.CEYLON_VERSION_NUMBER, false);
version = null;
registerInMetamodel(module, version, false);
private void setupModuleClassLoader(String module) {
Object mod = Java9ModuleUtil.getModule(getClass());
// make sure we're running as a module, not from the classpath
// also add a read to it
Object otherModule = Java9ModuleUtil.findModule(mod, module);
if(otherModule == null){
// try to load it dynamically
otherModule = Java9ModuleUtil.loadModuleDynamically(module);
if(otherModule != null){
Class> moduleClass = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().loadClass("java.lang.reflect.Module");
// also add a read to it
Method addReads = moduleClass.getMethod("addReads", moduleClass);
addReads.invoke(mod, otherModule);
moduleClassLoader = Java9ModuleUtil.getClassLoader(otherModule);
}catch(InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException
| ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | InstantiationException x){
throw new RuntimeException(x);
if(moduleClassLoader == null)
moduleClassLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
* Resets the metamodel. This will impact any Ceylon code running on the same ClassLoader, across
* threads, and will crash them if they are not done running.
public static void resetMetamodel(){
* Resets the metamodel. This will impact any Ceylon code running on the same ClassLoader, across
* threads, and will crash them if they are not done running.
public void reset(){
private void registerInMetamodel(String name, String version, boolean optional) {
ClassPath.Module module;
try {
module = classPath.loadModule(name, version, allowMissingModules);
} catch ( e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// skip JDK modules which are already in the metamodel
if(module.type == ClassPath.Type.JDK)
Metamodel.loadModule(name, version, module, moduleClassLoader);
// also register its dependencies
for(ClassPath.Dependency dep : module.dependencies)
registerInMetamodel(, dep.version(), dep.optional);
* Main entry point, invoke with: moduleSpec
* WARNING: this code will call @{link {@link System#exit(int)} if the arguments
* are incorrect or missing. This is really only intended to be called from the java
* command-line. All it does is parse the arguments and invoke
* @{link {@link Main#runModule(String, String, String, String...)}.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// WARNING: keep in sync with Main2
int idx = 0;
boolean allowMissingModules = false;
String overrides = null;
for(int i=0;i= args.length){
overrides = args[++i];
if(args.length < (2 + idx)){
ModuleSpec moduleSpec = ModuleSpec.parse(args[idx], Option.VERSION_REQUIRED);
String version;
version = null;
version = moduleSpec.getVersion();
String[] moduleArgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 2 + idx, args.length);
.run(moduleSpec.getName(), version, args[idx + 1], moduleArgs);
private static void usage() {
System.err.println("Invalid arguments.");
System.err.println("Usage: \n");
System.err.println(Main.class.getName()+" [--allow-missing-modules] [--overrides overridesFile.xml] moduleSpec mainJavaClassName args*");