ceylon.language.serialization.PartialImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ceylon.language.serialization;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.Util;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.metadata.Ceylon;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.runtime.metamodel.Metamodel;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.runtime.metamodel.meta.ClassImpl;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.runtime.metamodel.meta.MemberClassImpl;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.runtime.model.ReifiedType;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.runtime.model.TypeDescriptor;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.runtime.serialization.$Serialization$;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.runtime.serialization.Serializable;
import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.FunctionOrValue;
import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type;
import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeDeclaration;
import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypedReference;
import ceylon.language.AssertionError;
import ceylon.language.Collection;
import ceylon.language.Entry;
import ceylon.language.String;
import ceylon.language.Tuple;
import ceylon.language.impl.ElementImpl;
import ceylon.language.impl.MemberImpl;
import ceylon.language.impl.rethrow_;
import ceylon.language.meta.declaration.ClassDeclaration;
import ceylon.language.meta.declaration.ValueDeclaration;
import ceylon.language.meta.model.ClassModel;
@Ceylon(major = 8, minor=0)
class PartialImpl extends Partial {
PartialImpl(java.lang.Object id) {
private TypeDescriptor.Class getClassTypeDescriptor() {
ClassModel, ?> classModel = getClazz();
if (classModel == null) {
throw new DeserializationException("no class specified for instance with id " + getId());
if (classModel instanceof ClassImpl) {
return ((TypeDescriptor.Class)((TypeDescriptor.Class)((ReifiedType)classModel).$getType$()).getTypeArgument(0));
} else if (classModel instanceof MemberClassImpl) {
return ((TypeDescriptor.Class)((TypeDescriptor.Member)((TypeDescriptor.Class)((ReifiedType)classModel).$getType$()).getTypeArgument(1)).getMember());
} else {
throw new AssertionError("unexpected class model for instance with id " + getId() + ": "
+ (classModel != null ? classModel.getClass().getName() : "null"));
private TypeDescriptor.Class getOuterClassTypeDescriptor() {
ClassModel, ?> classModel = getClazz();
if (classModel instanceof MemberClassImpl) {
// MemberClass
return (TypeDescriptor.Class)((TypeDescriptor.Class)((ReifiedType)classModel).$getType$()).getTypeArgument(0);
} else {
return null;
public java.lang.Object instantiate() {
final ClassModel, ?> classModel = getClazz();
if (classModel == null) {
throw new DeserializationException("no class specified for instance with id " + getId());
final java.lang.Class> clazz = getClassTypeDescriptor().getKlass();
final Class> outerClass;
Object outer;
if (classModel instanceof ClassImpl) {
// Class
outerClass = null;
outer = null;
} else if (classModel instanceof MemberClassImpl) {
// MemberClass
// the algorithm in DeserializationContext
// should ensure the container exists by the point we're called.
outerClass = getOuterClassTypeDescriptor().getKlass();
outer = super.getContainer();
if (outer instanceof Partial) {
outer = ((Partial) outer).getInstance_();
if (outer == null) {
throw new DeserializationException("no containing instance specified for member instance with id" + getId());
} else {
throw new AssertionError("unexpected class model: "
+ (classModel != null ? classModel.getClass().getName() : "null"));
// Construct arrays for types and arguments for reflective instantiation
// of the serialization constructor
Collection> typeArgs = classModel.getTypeArguments().getItems();
Class>[] types = new Class[(outerClass != null ? 2 : 1) + Util.toInt(typeArgs.getSize())];
Object[] args = new Object[(outer != null ? 2 : 1) + Util.toInt(typeArgs.getSize())];
int ii = 0;
if (outerClass != null) {
types[ii] = outerClass;
args[ii] = outer;
types[ii] = $Serialization$.class;
args[ii] = null;
for (int jj = 0 ; jj < typeArgs.getSize(); ii++, jj++) {
types[ii] = TypeDescriptor.class;
args[ii] = Metamodel.getTypeDescriptor((ceylon.language.meta.model.Type>)typeArgs.getFromFirst(jj));
try {
Constructor> ctor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(types);
// Actually we need to pass something equivalent to the type descriptors here
// because the companion instances can require those. But we don't have the deconstructed yet!
// This means we have to obtain the type descriptors from the class model
java.lang.Object newInstance = ctor.newInstance(args);// Pass a null $Serialization$
if (newInstance instanceof Serializable) {
} else {
// we should never get here (a NoSuchMethodException should've been thrown and caught below)
throw new AssertionError("instance class " + classModel + " is not serializable for instance with id " + getId());
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new DeserializationException("instance class " + classModel + " is not serializable for instance with id " + getId());
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
// Should never happen: it's a compiler-generate constructor
} catch (SecurityException e) {
// Should never happen
} catch (InstantiationException|IllegalAccessException|IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Should never happen: it's a compiler-generate constructor
return null;
public java.lang.Object initialize(TypeDescriptor $reified$Id, DeserializationContextImpl context) {
Object instance_ = getInstance_();
if (!(instance_ instanceof Serializable)) {
// we should never get here
throw new AssertionError("Cannot initialize instance that is not serializable");
Serializable instance = (Serializable)instance_;
if (instance_ instanceof ceylon.language.Array) {
initializeArray(context, (ceylon.language.Array>)instance);
} else if (instance_ instanceof ceylon.language.Tuple) {
initializeTuple($reified$Id, context, (ceylon.language.Tuple,?,?>)instance);
} else {
initializeObject($reified$Id, context, instance);
return null;
protected void initializeTuple(TypeDescriptor $reified$Id,DeserializationContextImpl context,
ceylon.language.Tuple,?,?> instance) {
NativeMap state = (NativeMap)getState();
ValueDeclaration firstAttribute = Util.assertExists((ValueDeclaration)
((ClassDeclaration) Metamodel.getOrCreateMetamodel(Tuple.class))
.getMemberDeclaration(ValueDeclaration.$TypeDescriptor$, "first"));
MemberImpl firstMember = new MemberImpl(firstAttribute);
java.lang.Object first = getReferredInstance(context, state,
ValueDeclaration restAttribute = Util.assertExists((ValueDeclaration)
((ClassDeclaration) Metamodel.getOrCreateMetamodel(Tuple.class))
.getMemberDeclaration(ValueDeclaration.$TypeDescriptor$, "rest"));
MemberImpl restMember = new MemberImpl(restAttribute);
Id restId = state.get(restMember);
java.lang.Object referredRest = context.leakInstance(restId);
if (referredRest instanceof Partial
&& !((PartialImpl)referredRest).getInitialized()) {
// Safe because tuples are immutable => no cycles
((PartialImpl)referredRest).initialize($reified$Id, context);
java.lang.Object rest = getReferredInstance(context, state, restMember);
((Tuple,?,?>)instance).$completeInit$(first, rest);
// now check compatibility (do this after initialization
// because Tuple$getType$ requires the tuple is initialized!
Type firstMemberType = Metamodel.getModuleManager().getCachedType(getClassTypeDescriptor().getTypeArgument(1));
Type firstInstanceType = Metamodel.getModuleManager().getCachedType(
if (!firstInstanceType.isSubtypeOf(firstMemberType)) {
throw notAssignable(firstMember, firstMemberType, firstInstanceType);
Type restInstanceType = Metamodel.getModuleManager().getCachedType(
Type restMemberType = Metamodel.getModuleManager().getCachedType(getClassTypeDescriptor().getTypeArgument(2));
if (!restInstanceType.isSubtypeOf(restMemberType)) {
throw notAssignable(restMember, restMemberType, restInstanceType);
protected void initializeArray(DeserializationContextImpl context,
ceylon.language.Array> instance) {
NativeMap state = (NativeMap)getState();
// In this case we statically know the $references$, and they are:
// the array's size and each of its elements (as integers)
ReachableReference sizeAttr = (ReachableReference)instance.$references$().iterator().next();//ceylon.language.String.instance("ceylon.language::Array.size");
ceylon.language.Integer size = (ceylon.language.Integer)getReferredInstance(context,
if (size == null) {
throw insufficiantState(sizeAttr);
instance.$set$(sizeAttr, size);
int sz = Util.toInt(size.longValue());
for (int ii = 0; ii < sz; ii++) {
ElementImpl index = new ElementImpl(ii);
Id id = state.get(index);
if (id == null) {
throw insufficiantState(index);
TypeDescriptor.Class arrayType = (TypeDescriptor.Class)Metamodel.getTypeDescriptor(instance);
Type arrayElementType = Metamodel.getModuleManager().getCachedType(arrayType.getTypeArguments()[0]);
Object element = getReferredInstance(context, id);
Type elementType = Metamodel.getModuleManager().getCachedType(Metamodel.getTypeDescriptor(element));
if (elementType.isSubtypeOf(arrayElementType)) {
instance.$set$(index, element);
} else {
throw notAssignable(index,
if (state.getSize() != sz + 1) {
throw insufficiantState((ReachableReference)null);
protected void initializeObject(
TypeDescriptor $reified$Id,
DeserializationContextImpl context,
Serializable instance) {
NativeMap state = (NativeMap)getState();
// TODO If it were a map of java.lang.String we'd avoid pointless extra boxing
java.util.Collection reachables = instance.$references$();
int numLate = 0;
for (ReachableReference r : reachables) {
if (r instanceof Member
&& ((Member)r).getAttribute().getLate()) {
} else if (r instanceof Outer) {
if (state.getSize() < reachables.size()-numLate) {
HashSet missingNames = new HashSet();
java.util.Iterator it = reachables.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
ceylon.language.Iterator extends ReachableReference> it2 = state.getKeys().iterator();
Object next;
while (((next = it2.next()) instanceof ReachableReference)) {
throw insufficiantState(missingNames);
for (ReachableReference reference : reachables) {
if (reference instanceof Member) {
Member member = (Member)reference;
if (member.getAttribute().getLate()
&& !state.contains(member)
|| state.get(member) == uninitializedLateValue_.get_()) {
TypeDescriptor.Class classTypeDescriptor = getClassTypeDescriptor();
Entry cacheKey = new Entry(
TypeDescriptor.klass(TypeDescriptor.Class.class), String.$TypeDescriptor$,
classTypeDescriptor, String.instance(member.getAttribute().getQualifiedName()));
Type memberType = (Type)context.getMemberTypeCache().get(cacheKey);
if (memberType == null) {
Type pt = Metamodel.getModuleManager().getCachedType(classTypeDescriptor);
while (!pt.getDeclaration().getQualifiedNameString().equals(((ClassDeclaration)member.getAttribute().getContainer()).getQualifiedName())) {
pt = pt.getExtendedType();
FunctionOrValue attributeDeclaration = (FunctionOrValue)((TypeDeclaration)pt.getDeclaration()).getMember(
member.getAttribute().getName(), null, false);
TypedReference attributeType = pt.getTypedMember(
attributeDeclaration, Collections.emptyList(), true);
memberType = attributeType.getType();
context.getMemberTypeCache().put(cacheKey, memberType);
Object referredInstance = getReferredInstance(context, state,
if (referredInstance instanceof Tuple) {
// Because tuples are special wrt reified types...
Id referredId = state.get(member);
Object r = context.leakInstance(referredId);
if (r instanceof PartialImpl) {
((PartialImpl)r).initialize($reified$Id, context);
Type instanceType = Metamodel.getModuleManager().getCachedType(
if (!instanceType.isSubtypeOf(memberType)) {
throw notAssignable(member, memberType, instanceType);
instance.$set$(member, referredInstance);
// the JVM will check the assignability, but we need to
// check assignability at the ceylon level, so we need to know
/// type of the attribute an the type that we're assigning.
// XXX this check is really expensive!
// we should cache the attribute type on the context
// when can we avoid this check.
// XXX we can cache MethodHandle setters on the context!
} else if (reference instanceof Outer) {
// ignore it -- the DeserializationContext deals with
// instantiating member classes
} else {
throw new AssertionError("unexpected ReachableReference " + reference);
java.lang.String descriptor(ReachableReference reachable) {
if (reachable instanceof Member) {
return java.lang.String.valueOf(((Member)reachable).getAttribute());
} else if (reachable instanceof Element) {
return "index " + ((Element)reachable).getIndex();
} else {
return java.lang.String.valueOf(reachable);
DeserializationException notAssignable(ReachableReference attributeOrIndex, Type attributeOrIndexType, Type instanceType) {
return new DeserializationException("instance not assignable to " + descriptor(attributeOrIndex) + " of id " + getId() + ": "
+ instanceType.asString() + " is not assignable to " + attributeOrIndexType.asString());
DeserializationException insufficiantState(java.util.Collection missingNames) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Iterator iterator = missingNames.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
ReachableReference r = iterator.next();
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
sb.append(", ");
return new DeserializationException("lacking sufficient state for instance with id " + getId() + ": " + sb.toString());
DeserializationException insufficiantState(ReachableReference missing) {
return new DeserializationException("lacking sufficient state for instance with id " + getId() + (missing != null ? ": " + descriptor(missing) : ""));
/** Get the (leaked, partially constructed) instance with the given name. */
protected java.lang.Object getReferredInstance(
DeserializationContextImpl context,
NativeMap state,
ReachableReference reachable) {
Id referredId = state.get(reachable);
return getReferredInstance(context, referredId);
/** Get the (leaked, partially constructed) instance with the given id. */
protected java.lang.Object getReferredInstance(
DeserializationContextImpl context, Id referredId) {
java.lang.Object referred = context.leakInstance(referredId);
if (referred instanceof Partial) {
referred = ((Partial)referred).getInstance_();
return referred;
public java.lang.String toString() {
return "Partial " + getId() + (getInitialized() ? " initialized " : getInstantiated() ? " instantiated " : " uninstantiated ") + getClazz();
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