com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.impl.AssemblyRepositoryBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2011 Red Hat inc. and third party contributors as noted
* by the author tags.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.impl;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.CmrRepository;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.RepositoryBuilder;
import com.redhat.ceylon.common.Constants;
import com.redhat.ceylon.common.FileUtil;
import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.util.JarUtils;
* Repository builder for assemblies
* Assemblies in their simplest form are just zipped module repositories.
* The token for building repositories of this type is:
* assembly:path/to/assembly[!repositoryfolder]
* Where the "path/to/assembly" can refer to either a Zip file or a Jar file.
* There's also an optional repository folder element, separated from the
* assembly path by an exclamation mark (!) that indicates where in the assembly
* file the modules are located (if it's not present by default the modules will
* be assumed to be in the root).
* If the assembly contains a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file then in the absence
* of a repository folder element in the token the system will also check for
* the existence of an "X-Ceylon-Assembly-Repository" attribute. If it exists
* its value will be used instead.
* @author Tako Schotanus ([email protected])
public class AssemblyRepositoryBuilder implements RepositoryBuilder {
private static char SEPARATOR = '!';
public String absolute(File cwd, String token) {
if (token.startsWith("assembly:")) {
token = token.substring(9);
String repoFolder = null;
int p = token.indexOf(SEPARATOR);
if (p > 0) {
repoFolder = token.substring(p + 1);
token = token.substring(0, p);
File f = FileUtil.absoluteFile(FileUtil.applyCwd(cwd, new File(token)));
token = f.getAbsolutePath();
String absToken = "assembly:" + token;
if (repoFolder != null) {
absToken += SEPARATOR + repoFolder;
return absToken;
} else {
return null;
public CmrRepository[] buildRepository(String token) throws Exception {
return buildRepository(token, EMPTY_CONFIG);
public CmrRepository[] buildRepository(String token, RepositoryBuilderConfig config) throws Exception {
if (token.startsWith("assembly:")) {
token = token.substring(9);
// Check if the token has a repo folder element
String repoFolder = null;
int p = token.indexOf(SEPARATOR);
if (p > 0) {
repoFolder = token.substring(p + 1);
token = token.substring(0, p);
// Unpack the assembly (if we haven't already done so before)
File assemblyFile = new File(token);
File tmpAssemblyFolder = registerAssembly(assemblyFile);
// Read the assembly's MANIFEST (if any)
File manifestFile = new File(new File(tmpAssemblyFolder, "META-INF"), "MANIFEST.MF");
if (manifestFile.isFile()) {
Manifest manifest = new Manifest(new FileInputStream(manifestFile));
Attributes attrs = manifest.getMainAttributes();
if (repoFolder == null) {
repoFolder = attrs.getValue(Constants.ATTR_ASSEMBLY_REPOSITORY);
// The modules might be an a sub-folder of the assembly, not in the root
File modulesFolder = tmpAssemblyFolder;
if (repoFolder != null && !repoFolder.isEmpty()) {
modulesFolder = new File(modulesFolder, repoFolder);
if (!modulesFolder.isDirectory()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such repository folder within the assembly: " + repoFolder);
// Now create a common file content store using the unpacked assembly
FileContentStore cs = new FileContentStore(modulesFolder);
CmrRepository defRepo = new DefaultRepository(cs.createRoot());
// Not satisfied with the following heuristics yet, but if we
// have a specific "modules" folder (so the modules are not in
// the root of the assembly) then we also check to see if there
// is a "maven" folder and if so we add a MavenRepository for it.
// We do the same for "node_modules" and the NpmRepository.
CmrRepository mvnRepo = null;
CmrRepository npmRepo = null;
if (repoFolder != null && !repoFolder.isEmpty()) {
File mavenFolder = new File(tmpAssemblyFolder, "maven");
if (mavenFolder.isDirectory()) {
// Now create a Maven repository on top of the unpacked assembly
mvnRepo = MavenRepositoryHelper.getMavenRepository(mavenFolder);
File npmFolder = new File(tmpAssemblyFolder, "node_modules");
if (npmFolder.isDirectory()) {
// Now create a NPM repository on top of the unpacked assembly
String npmtoken = "npm:" + npmFolder.getAbsolutePath();
npmRepo = NpmRepositoryBuilder.createNpmRepository(npmtoken, config.log, config.offline, config.currentDirectory);
ArrayList repos = new ArrayList(3);
if (mvnRepo != null) {
if (npmRepo != null) {
return repos.toArray(new CmrRepository[] {});
} else {
return null;
* Unpacks the given assembly to a temporary folder and returns a
* File
reference to that folder. If the assembly was
* already previously registered it won't be unpacked again but
* the reference to the folder will be returned immediately.
* The temporary folder is automatically deleted when the JVM exits.
* @param assembly File
reference to a Ceylon Assembly file
* @return File
reference to the temporary folder where the
* assembly was unpacked
* @throws Exception There was either something wrong with the assembly
* or something went wrong during the unpacking
public static File registerAssembly(File assembly) throws Exception {
assembly = assembly.getAbsoluteFile();
File tmpAssemblyFolder = findAssembly(assembly);
if (tmpAssemblyFolder == null) {
if (!assembly.isFile()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Assembly does not exist or is not a file: " + assembly);
if (!JarUtils.isValidJar(assembly)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("File exists but is not a proper assembly: " + assembly);
try {
// Create a temp folder to extract our assembly into
tmpAssemblyFolder = Files.createTempDirectory("ceylon-assembly-").toFile();
// Make sure we clean up the temp folder when the JVM exits
// Extract the assembly into the temp folder
IOUtils.extractArchive(assembly, tmpAssemblyFolder);
// We remember which assemblies we opened so we don't fill up
// the temp space with unnecessary duplicates
storeAssembly(assembly, tmpAssemblyFolder);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ex;
return tmpAssemblyFolder;
// The normal File.deleteOnExit() doesn't work for directories that might
// not be empty, so we need to add a shutdown hook to do it ourselves
private static void deleteOnExit(final File repo) {
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
public void run() {
// These following methods are a bit of a hackish way to keep track of which
// assemblies have already been unpacked for this JVM. Storing this information
// in a static map for example doesn't work because of all the class loader
// protections JBoss Modules introduces.
private static File findAssembly(File assembly) {
String tmpFolderPath = System.getProperty(assemblyPropertyName(assembly));
if (tmpFolderPath != null) {
return new File(tmpFolderPath);
} else {
return null;
private static void storeAssembly(File assembly, File tmpFolder) {
System.setProperty(assemblyPropertyName(assembly), tmpFolder.getPath());
private static String assemblyPropertyName(File assembly) {
return "$ceylon$assembly$" + assembly.getPath();
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