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The Checker Framework enhances Java’s type system to make it more powerful and useful. This lets software developers detect and prevent errors in their Java programs. The Checker Framework includes compiler plug-ins ("checkers") that find bugs or verify their absence. It also permits you to write your own compiler plug-ins.

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package org.checkerframework.framework.type;

import org.checkerframework.checker.interning.qual.*;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;

// The imports from com.sun, but they are all
// @jdk.Exported and therefore somewhat safe to use.
// Try to avoid using [email protected] classes.

import org.checkerframework.common.basetype.BaseTypeChecker;
import org.checkerframework.common.reflection.DefaultReflectionResolver;
import org.checkerframework.common.reflection.MethodValAnnotatedTypeFactory;
import org.checkerframework.common.reflection.MethodValChecker;
import org.checkerframework.common.reflection.ReflectionResolver;
import org.checkerframework.common.wholeprograminference.WholeProgramInference;
import org.checkerframework.common.wholeprograminference.WholeProgramInferenceScenes;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.FromByteCode;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.FromStubFile;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.InheritedAnnotation;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.PolyAll;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.PolymorphicQualifier;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.StubFiles;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.SubtypeOf;
import org.checkerframework.framework.source.SourceChecker;
import org.checkerframework.framework.stub.StubParser;
import org.checkerframework.framework.stub.StubResource;
import org.checkerframework.framework.stub.StubUtil;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedIntersectionType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNullType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.visitor.AnnotatedTypeScanner;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.AnnotatedTypes;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.AnnotationFormatter;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.CFContext;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.DefaultAnnotationFormatter;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.GraphQualifierHierarchy;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.TreePathCacher;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.typeinference.DefaultTypeArgumentInference;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.typeinference.TypeArgumentInference;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.AnnotationProvider;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.AnnotationUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.CollectionUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ElementUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ErrorReporter;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.InternalUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.Pair;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreeUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.trees.DetachedVarSymbol;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.Name;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeParameterElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.IntersectionType;
import javax.lang.model.type.PrimitiveType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeVariable;
import javax.lang.model.type.WildcardType;
import javax.lang.model.util.Elements;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;

import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.AssignmentTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ConditionalExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.IdentifierTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.LambdaExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MemberReferenceTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.NewArrayTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.NewClassTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ReturnTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.tree.TypeCastTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
import com.sun.source.util.Trees;

 * The methods of this class take an element or AST node, and return the
 * annotated type as an {@link AnnotatedTypeMirror}.  The methods are:
  • {@link #getAnnotatedType(ClassTree)}
  • *
  • {@link #getAnnotatedType(MethodTree)}
  • *
  • {@link #getAnnotatedType(Tree)}
  • *
  • {@link #getAnnotatedTypeFromTypeTree(Tree)}
  • *
  • {@link #getAnnotatedType(TypeElement)}
  • *
  • {@link #getAnnotatedType(ExecutableElement)}
  • *
  • {@link #getAnnotatedType(Element)}
  • *
* * This implementation only adds qualifiers explicitly specified by the * programmer. * * Type system checker writers may need to subclass this class, to add implicit * and default qualifiers according to the type system semantics. Subclasses * should especially override * {@link AnnotatedTypeFactory#addComputedTypeAnnotations(Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror)} * and {@link #addComputedTypeAnnotations(Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror)}. * * @checker_framework.manual #writing-a-checker How to write a checker plug-in */ public class AnnotatedTypeFactory implements AnnotationProvider { /** The {@link Trees} instance to use for tree node path finding. */ protected final Trees trees; /** Optional! The AST of the source file being operated on. */ // TODO: when should root be null? What are the use cases? // None of the existing test checkers has a null root. // Should not be modified between calls to "visit". protected /*@Nullable*/ CompilationUnitTree root; /** The processing environment to use for accessing compiler internals. */ protected final ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv; /** Utility class for working with {@link Element}s. */ protected final Elements elements; /** Utility class for working with {@link TypeMirror}s. */ protected final Types types; /** The state of the visitor. **/ protected final VisitorState visitorState; /** ===== postInit initialized fields ==== * Note: qualHierarchy and typeHierarchy are both initialized in the postInit. * @see #postInit() * This means, they cannot be final and cannot be referred to in any subclass * constructor or method until after postInit is called. */ /** Represent the annotation relations. **/ protected QualifierHierarchy qualHierarchy; /** Represent the type relations. */ protected TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy; /** performs whole program inference */ private WholeProgramInference wholeProgramInference; /** * This formatter is used for converting AnnotatedTypeMirrors to Strings. * This formatter will be passed to all AnnotatedTypeMirrors created by this * factory and will be used in their toString methods. */ protected final AnnotatedTypeFormatter typeFormatter; /** * Annotation formatter is used to format AnnotationMirrors. It is primarily * used by SourceChecker when generating error messages. */ private final AnnotationFormatter annotationFormatter; /** * Provides utility method to substitute arguments for their type variables. * Field should be final, but can only be set in postInit, because subtypes * might need other state to be initialized first. */ protected TypeVariableSubstitutor typeVarSubstitutor; /** * Provides utility method to infer type arguments */ protected TypeArgumentInference typeArgumentInference; /** To cache the supported type qualifiers. */ private final Set> supportedQuals; /** Types read from stub files (but not those from the annotated JDK jar file). */ // Initially null, then assigned in postInit(). Caching is enabled as // soon as this is non-null, so it should be first set to its final // value, not initialized to an empty map that is incrementally filled. private Map typesFromStubFiles; /** * Declaration annotations read from stub files (but not those from the annotated JDK jar file). * Map keys cannot be Element, because a different Element appears * in the stub files than in the real files. So, map keys are the * verbose element name, as returned by ElementUtils.getVerboseName. */ // Not final, because it is assigned in postInit(). private Map> declAnnosFromStubFiles; /** * A cache used to store elements whose declaration annotations * have already been stored by calling the method {@link #getDeclAnnotations(Element)}. */ private final Map> cacheDeclAnnos; /** * A set containing declaration annotations that should be inherited. * A declaration annotation will be inherited if it is in this set, * or if it has the meta-annotation @InheritedAnnotation. */ private final Set inheritedAnnotations = AnnotationUtils.createAnnotationSet(); /** * The checker to use for option handling and resource management. */ protected final BaseTypeChecker checker; /** * Map from class name (canonical name) of an annotation, to the * annotation in the Checker Framework that will be used in its place. */ private final Map aliases = new HashMap(); /** * A map from the class name (canonical name) of an annotation to the set of * class names (canonical names) for annotations with the same meaning * (i.e., aliases), as well as the annotation mirror that should be used. */ private final Map>> declAliases = new HashMap<>(); /** Unique ID counter; for debugging purposes. */ private static int uidCounter = 0; /** Unique ID of the current object; for debugging purposes. */ public final int uid; /** Annotation added to every method defined in a class file * that is not in a stub file. */ private final AnnotationMirror fromByteCode; /** Annotation added to every method defined in a stub file. */ private final AnnotationMirror fromStubFile; /** * Object that is used to resolve reflective method calls, if reflection * resolution is turned on. */ protected ReflectionResolver reflectionResolver; /** * Annotated Type Loader used to load annotation classes via reflective lookup */ protected AnnotationClassLoader loader; /** * Indicates that the whole-program inference is on. */ private final boolean infer; /** * Should results be cached? * This means that ATM.deepCopy() will be called. * ATM.deepCopy() used to (and perhaps still does) side effect the ATM being copied. * So setting this to false is not equivalent to setting shouldReadCache to false. */ public boolean shouldCache; /** Size of LRU cache if one isn't specified using the atfCacheSize option. */ private final static int DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE = 300; /** Mapping from a Tree to its annotated type; implicits have been applied. */ private final Map treeCache; /** Mapping from a Tree to its annotated type; before implicits are applied, * just what the programmer wrote. */ protected final Map fromTreeCache; /** Mapping from an Element to its annotated type; before implicits are applied, * just what the programmer wrote. */ private final Map elementCache; /** Mapping from an Element to the source Tree of the declaration. */ private final Map elementToTreeCache; /** * Constructs a factory from the given {@link ProcessingEnvironment} * instance and syntax tree root. (These parameters are required so that * the factory may conduct the appropriate annotation-gathering analyses on * certain tree types.) *

* Root can be {@code null} if the factory does not operate on trees. *

* A subclass must call postInit at the end of its constructor. * postInit must be the last call in the constructor or else types * from stub files may not be created as expected. * * @param checker the {@link SourceChecker} to which this factory belongs * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either argument is {@code null} */ public AnnotatedTypeFactory(BaseTypeChecker checker) { uid = ++uidCounter; this.processingEnv = checker.getProcessingEnvironment(); // this.root = root; this.checker = checker; this.trees = Trees.instance(processingEnv); this.elements = processingEnv.getElementUtils(); this.types = processingEnv.getTypeUtils(); this.visitorState = new VisitorState(); this.loader = new AnnotationClassLoader(checker); this.supportedQuals = createSupportedTypeQualifiers(); this.fromByteCode = AnnotationUtils.fromClass(elements, FromByteCode.class); this.fromStubFile = AnnotationUtils.fromClass(elements, FromStubFile.class); this.cacheDeclAnnos = new HashMap>(); this.shouldCache = !checker.hasOption("atfDoNotCache"); if (shouldCache) { int cacheSize = getCacheSize(); this.treeCache = CollectionUtils.createLRUCache(cacheSize); this.fromTreeCache = CollectionUtils.createLRUCache(cacheSize); this.elementCache = CollectionUtils.createLRUCache(cacheSize); this.elementToTreeCache = CollectionUtils.createLRUCache(cacheSize); } else { this.treeCache = null; this.fromTreeCache = null; this.elementCache = null; this.elementToTreeCache = null; } this.typeFormatter = createAnnotatedTypeFormatter(); this.annotationFormatter = createAnnotationFormatter(); infer = checker.hasOption("infer"); if (infer) { checkInvalidOptionsInferSignatures(); wholeProgramInference = new WholeProgramInferenceScenes( !"NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory".equals(this.getClass().getSimpleName())); } } /** * This method is called only when -Ainfer is passed as an option. * It checks if another option that should not occur simultaneously with * the whole-program inference is also passed as argument, and * aborts the process if that is the case. For example, the whole-program * inference process was not designed to work with unchecked code defaults. * (Subclasses may override this method to add more options.) */ protected void checkInvalidOptionsInferSignatures() { // See Issue 683 // if (checker.useUncheckedCodeDefault("source") || checker.useUncheckedCodeDefault("bytecode")) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("The option -Ainfer cannot be" + " used together with unchecked code defaults."); } } /** * Actions that logically belong in the constructor, but need to run * after the subclass constructor has completed. In particular, * parseStubFiles() may try to do type resolution with this * AnnotatedTypeFactory. */ protected void postInit() { this.qualHierarchy = createQualifierHierarchy(); if (qualHierarchy == null) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("AnnotatedTypeFactory with null qualifier hierarchy not supported."); } this.typeHierarchy = createTypeHierarchy(); this.typeVarSubstitutor = createTypeVariableSubstitutor(); this.typeArgumentInference = createTypeArgumentInference(); // TODO: is this the best location for declaring this alias? addAliasedDeclAnnotation(org.jmlspecs.annotation.Pure.class, org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure.class, AnnotationUtils.fromClass(elements, org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure.class)); addInheritedAnnotation(AnnotationUtils.fromClass(elements, org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure.class)); addInheritedAnnotation(AnnotationUtils.fromClass(elements, org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree.class)); addInheritedAnnotation(AnnotationUtils.fromClass(elements, org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Deterministic.class)); addInheritedAnnotation(AnnotationUtils.fromClass(elements, org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.TerminatesExecution.class)); initilizeReflectionResolution(); if (this.getClass().equals(AnnotatedTypeFactory.class)) { this.parseStubFiles(); } } /** * Returns the WholeProgramInference instance. */ public WholeProgramInference getWholeProgramInference() { return wholeProgramInference; } protected void initilizeReflectionResolution() { if (checker.shouldResolveReflection()) { boolean debug = "debug".equals(checker.getOption("resolveReflection")); MethodValChecker methodValChecker = checker .getSubchecker(MethodValChecker.class); assert methodValChecker != null : "AnnotatedTypeFactory: reflection resolution was requested, but MethodValChecker isn't a subchecker."; MethodValAnnotatedTypeFactory methodValATF = (MethodValAnnotatedTypeFactory) methodValChecker .getAnnotationProvider(); reflectionResolver = new DefaultReflectionResolver(checker, methodValATF, debug); } } // TODO: document // Set the CompilationUnitTree that should be used. // What's a better name? Maybe "reset" or "start"? public void setRoot(/*@Nullable*/ CompilationUnitTree root) { this.root = root; treePathCache.clear(); pathHack.clear(); // There is no need to clear the following caches, they // are all limited by CACHE_SIZE. /* treeCache.clear(); fromTreeCache.clear(); elementCache.clear(); elementToTreeCache.clear(); */ } @SideEffectFree @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "#" + uid; } /** Factory method to easily change what Factory is used to * create a QualifierHierarchy. */ protected MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory createQualifierHierarchyFactory() { return new MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory(this); } /** Factory method to easily change what QualifierHierarchy is * created. * Needs to be public only because the GraphFactory must be able to call this method. * No external use of this method is necessary. */ public QualifierHierarchy createQualifierHierarchy(MultiGraphFactory factory) { return new GraphQualifierHierarchy(factory, null); } /** * Returns the type qualifier hierarchy graph to be used by this processor. *

* The implementation builds the type qualifier hierarchy for the * {@link #getSupportedTypeQualifiers()} using the * meta-annotations found in them. The current implementation returns an * instance of {@code GraphQualifierHierarchy}. *

* Subclasses may override this method to express any relationships that * cannot be inferred using meta-annotations (e.g. due to lack of * meta-annotations). * * @return an annotation relation tree representing the supported qualifiers */ protected QualifierHierarchy createQualifierHierarchy() { Set> supportedTypeQualifiers = getSupportedTypeQualifiers(); MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory factory = this.createQualifierHierarchyFactory(); return createQualifierHierarchy(elements, supportedTypeQualifiers, factory); } /** * Returns the type qualifier hierarchy graph for a given set of type qualifiers and a factory. *

* The implementation builds the type qualifier hierarchy for the * {@code supportedTypeQualifiers}. The current implementation returns an * instance of {@code GraphQualifierHierarchy}. * * @return an annotation relation tree representing the supported qualifiers */ protected static QualifierHierarchy createQualifierHierarchy( Elements elements, Set> supportedTypeQualifiers, MultiGraphFactory factory) { for (Class typeQualifier : supportedTypeQualifiers) { AnnotationMirror typeQualifierAnno = AnnotationUtils.fromClass(elements, typeQualifier); assert typeQualifierAnno != null : "Loading annotation \"" + typeQualifier + "\" failed!"; factory.addQualifier(typeQualifierAnno); // Polymorphic qualifiers can't declare their supertypes. // An error is raised if one is present. if (typeQualifier.getAnnotation(PolymorphicQualifier.class) != null) { if (typeQualifier.getAnnotation(SubtypeOf.class) != null) { // This is currently not supported. At some point we might add // polymorphic qualifiers with upper and lower bounds. ErrorReporter.errorAbort("AnnotatedTypeFactory: " + typeQualifier + " is polymorphic and specifies super qualifiers. " + "Remove the @org.checkerframework.framework.qual.SubtypeOf or @org.checkerframework.framework.qual.PolymorphicQualifier annotation from it."); } continue; } if (typeQualifier.getAnnotation(SubtypeOf.class) == null) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("AnnotatedTypeFactory: " + typeQualifier + " does not specify its super qualifiers. " + "Add an @org.checkerframework.framework.qual.SubtypeOf annotation to it."); } Class[] superQualifiers = typeQualifier.getAnnotation(SubtypeOf.class).value(); for (Class superQualifier : superQualifiers) { if (!supportedTypeQualifiers.contains(superQualifier)) { continue; } AnnotationMirror superAnno = null; superAnno = AnnotationUtils.fromClass(elements, superQualifier); factory.addSubtype(typeQualifierAnno, superAnno); } } QualifierHierarchy hierarchy =; if (!hierarchy.isValid()) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("AnnotatedTypeFactory: invalid qualifier hierarchy: " + hierarchy.getClass() + " " + hierarchy); } return hierarchy; } /** * Returns the type qualifier hierarchy graph to be used by this processor. * * @see #createQualifierHierarchy() * * @return the {@link QualifierHierarchy} for this checker */ public final QualifierHierarchy getQualifierHierarchy() { // if (qualHierarchy == null) // qualHierarchy = createQualifierHierarchy(); return qualHierarchy; } /** * Creates the type subtyping checker using the current type qualifier * hierarchy. *

* Subclasses may override this method to specify new type-checking * rules beyond the typical java subtyping rules. * * @return the type relations class to check type subtyping */ protected TypeHierarchy createTypeHierarchy() { return new DefaultTypeHierarchy(checker, getQualifierHierarchy(), checker.getOption("ignoreRawTypeArguments", "true").equals("true"), checker.hasOption("invariantArrays")); } public final TypeHierarchy getTypeHierarchy() { return typeHierarchy; } /** * TypeVariableSubstitutor provides a method to replace type parameters with * their arguments. */ protected TypeVariableSubstitutor createTypeVariableSubstitutor() { return new TypeVariableSubstitutor(); } public TypeVariableSubstitutor getTypeVarSubstitutor() { return typeVarSubstitutor; } /** * TypeArgumentInference infers the method type arguments when * they are not explicitly written. */ protected TypeArgumentInference createTypeArgumentInference() { return new DefaultTypeArgumentInference(); } public TypeArgumentInference getTypeArgumentInference() { return typeArgumentInference; } /** * Returns an immutable set of annotation classes that are supported by a checker *

* Subclasses may override this method and to return an immutable set * of their supported type qualifiers through one of the 5 approaches shown below. *

* Subclasses should not call this method; they should call * {@link #getSupportedTypeQualifiers} instead. *

* By default, a checker supports {@link PolyAll}, and all annotations located * in a subdirectory called {@literal qual} that's located in the same directory * as the checker. Note that only annotations defined with the * {@code @Target({ElementType.TYPE_USE})} meta-annotation (and optionally with * the additional value of {@code ElementType.TYPE_PARAMETER}, but no other * {@code ElementType} values) are automatically considered as supported * annotations. *

* Annotations located outside the {@literal qual} subdirectory, or has other * {@code ElementType} values must be explicitly listed in code by overriding * the * {@link #createSupportedTypeQualifiers()} * method, as shown below. *

* Lastly, for checkers that do not want to support {@link PolyAll}, it must * also be explicitly written in code, as shown below. *

* In total, there are 5 ways to indicate annotations that are supported by a * checker: *

  1. * Only support annotations located in a checker's {@literal qual} directory, * and {@link PolyAll}: *

    * This is the default behavior. Simply place those annotations within the * {@literal qual} directory. *

  2. *
  3. * Support annotations located in a checker's {@literal qual} directory, but * without {@link PolyAll}: *

    * Place those annotations within the {@literal qual} directory, and override * {@link #createSupportedTypeQualifiers()} by calling * {@link #getBundledTypeQualifiersWithPolyAll(Class...)} with no * parameters passed in. Code example: *

         * {@code @Override protected Set> createSupportedTypeQualifiers() {
         *      return getBundledTypeQualifiersWithoutPolyAll();
         *  } }
  4. *
  5. * Support annotations located in a checker's {@literal qual} directory, * {@link PolyAll}, and a list of other annotations: *

    * Place those annotations within the {@literal qual} directory, and override * {@link #createSupportedTypeQualifiers()} by calling * {@link #getBundledTypeQualifiersWithPolyAll(Class...)} with a * varargs parameter list of the other annotations. Code example: * *

         * {@code @Override protected Set> createSupportedTypeQualifiers() {
         *      return getBundledTypeQualifiersWithPolyAll(Regex.class, PartialRegex.class, RegexBottom.class, UnknownRegex.class);
         *  } }
  6. *
  7. * Support annotations located in a checker's {@literal qual} directory and a * list of other annotations, but without supporting {@link PolyAll}: *

    * Place those annotations within the {@literal qual} directory, and override * {@link #createSupportedTypeQualifiers()} by calling * {@link #getBundledTypeQualifiersWithoutPolyAll(Class...)} with a * varargs parameter list of the other annotations. Code example: *

         * {@code @Override protected Set> createSupportedTypeQualifiers() {
         *      return getBundledTypeQualifiersWithoutPolyAll(UnknownFormat.class, FormatBottom.class);
         *  } }
  8. *
  9. * Supporting only annotations that are explicitly listed: * Override * {@link #createSupportedTypeQualifiers()} and return an immutable * set of the supported annotations. Code example: *
         * {@code @Override protected Set> createSupportedTypeQualifiers() {
         *      return Collections.unmodifiableSet(
         *          new HashSet>(
         *              Arrays.asList(A.class, B.class)));
         *  } }
    * * The set of qualifiers returned by * {@link #createSupportedTypeQualifiers()} must be an immutable * set. The methods * {@link #getBundledTypeQualifiersWithoutPolyAll(Class...)} and * {@link #getBundledTypeQualifiersWithPolyAll(Class...)} each * return an immutable set. *
  10. *
* * @return the type qualifiers supported this processor, or an empty set if * none */ protected Set> createSupportedTypeQualifiers() { // by default support PolyAll return getBundledTypeQualifiersWithPolyAll(); } /** * Loads all annotations contained in the qual directory of a checker via * reflection, and adds {@link PolyAll} and an explicit array of annotations * to the set of annotation classes. *

* This method can be called in the overridden versions of * {@link #createSupportedTypeQualifiers()} in each checker. * * @param explicitlyListedAnnotations * a varargs array of explicitly listed annotation classes to be * added to the returned set. For example, it is used frequently * to add Bottom qualifiers. * @return an immutable set of the loaded and listed annotation classes, as * well as {@link PolyAll}. */ @SafeVarargs protected final Set> getBundledTypeQualifiersWithPolyAll(Class... explicitlyListedAnnotations) { Set> annotations = loadTypeAnnotationsFromQualDir(explicitlyListedAnnotations); annotations.add(PolyAll.class); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(annotations); } /** * Loads all annotations contained in the qual directory of a checker via * reflection, and an explicit list of annotations to the set of annotation * classes. *

* This method can be called in the overridden versions of * {@link #createSupportedTypeQualifiers()} in each checker. * * @param explicitlyListedAnnotations * a varargs array of explicitly listed annotation classes to be * added to the returned set. For example, it is used frequently * to add Bottom qualifiers. * @return an immutable set of the loaded, and listed annotation classes */ @SafeVarargs protected final Set> getBundledTypeQualifiersWithoutPolyAll(Class... explicitlyListedAnnotations) { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(loadTypeAnnotationsFromQualDir(explicitlyListedAnnotations)); } /** * Loads all annotations contained in the qual directory of a checker via * reflection, and has the option to include an explicitly stated list of * annotations (eg ones found in a different directory than qual). *

* The annotations that are automatically loaded must have the * {@link java.lang.annotation.Target Target} meta-annotation with the value * of {@link ElementType#TYPE_USE} (and optionally * {@link ElementType#TYPE_PARAMETER}). If it has other {@link ElementType} * values, it won't be loaded. Other annotation classes must be explicitly * listed even if they are in the same directory as the checker's qual * directory. * * @param explicitlyListedAnnotations * a set of explicitly listed annotation classes to be added to * the returned set, for example, it is used frequently to add * Bottom qualifiers * @return a set of annotation class instances */ @SafeVarargs @SuppressWarnings("varargs") private final Set> loadTypeAnnotationsFromQualDir(Class... explicitlyListedAnnotations) { // add the loaded annotations to the annotation set Set> annotations = loader.getLoadedAnnotationClasses(); // add in all explicitly Listed qualifiers if (explicitlyListedAnnotations != null) { annotations.addAll(Arrays.asList(explicitlyListedAnnotations)); } return annotations; } /** * Creates the AnnotatedTypeFormatter used by this type factory and all AnnotatedTypeMirrors * it creates. The AnnotatedTypeFormatter is used in AnnotatedTypeMirror.toString and * will affect the error messages printed for checkers that use this type factory. * @return the AnnotatedTypeFormatter to pass to all instantiated AnnotatedTypeMirrors */ protected AnnotatedTypeFormatter createAnnotatedTypeFormatter() { return new DefaultAnnotatedTypeFormatter(checker.hasOption("printVerboseGenerics"), checker.hasOption("printAllQualifiers")); } protected AnnotationFormatter createAnnotationFormatter() { return new DefaultAnnotationFormatter(); } public AnnotationFormatter getAnnotationFormatter() { return annotationFormatter; } /** * Returns an immutable set of the type qualifiers supported by this * checker. *

* Subclasses cannot override this method; they should override * {@link #createSupportedTypeQualifiers createSupportedTypeQualifiers} * instead. * * @see #createSupportedTypeQualifiers() * * @return an immutable set of the supported type qualifiers, or an * empty set if no qualifiers are supported */ public final Set> getSupportedTypeQualifiers() { return supportedQuals; } // ********************************************************************** // Factories for annotated types that account for implicit qualifiers // ********************************************************************** /** Mapping from a Tree to its TreePath **/ private final TreePathCacher treePathCache = new TreePathCacher(); /** * Returns the int supplied to the checker via the atfCacheSize option or * the default cache size. * @return cache size passed as argument to checker or DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE */ private int getCacheSize() { String option = checker.getOption("atfCacheSize"); if (option == null) { return DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE; } try { return Integer.valueOf(option); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("atfCacheSize was not an integer: " + option); return 0; // dead code } } /** * Returns an AnnotatedTypeMirror representing the annotated type of {@code elt}. * * @param elt the element * @return the annotated type of {@code elt} */ public AnnotatedTypeMirror getAnnotatedType(Element elt) { if (elt == null) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("AnnotatedTypeFactory.getAnnotatedType: null element"); return null; // dead code } // Annotations explicitly written in the source code, // or obtained from bytecode. AnnotatedTypeMirror type = fromElement(elt); // Implicits due to writing annotation on the class declaration. annotateInheritedFromClass(type); addComputedTypeAnnotations(elt, type); return type; } @Override public AnnotationMirror getAnnotationMirror(Tree tree, Class target) { AnnotationMirror mirror = AnnotationUtils.fromClass(elements, target); if (isSupportedQualifier(mirror)) { AnnotatedTypeMirror atm = getAnnotatedType(tree); return atm.getAnnotation(target); } return null; } /** * Returns an AnnotatedTypeMirror representing the annotated type of {@code tree}. *

* @param tree the AST node * @return the annotated type of {@code tree} */ public AnnotatedTypeMirror getAnnotatedType(Tree tree) { if (tree == null) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("AnnotatedTypeFactory.getAnnotatedType: null tree"); return null; // dead code } if (shouldCache && treeCache.containsKey(tree)) { return treeCache.get(tree).deepCopy(); } AnnotatedTypeMirror type; if (TreeUtils.isClassTree(tree)) { type = fromClass((ClassTree)tree); } else if (tree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD || tree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.VARIABLE) { type = fromMember(tree); } else if (TreeUtils.isExpressionTree(tree)) { tree = TreeUtils.skipParens((ExpressionTree)tree); type = fromExpression((ExpressionTree) tree); } else { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "AnnotatedTypeFactory.getAnnotatedType: query of annotated type for tree " + tree.getKind()); type = null; // dead code } addComputedTypeAnnotations(tree, type); if (TreeUtils.isClassTree(tree) || tree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) { // Don't cache VARIABLE if (shouldCache) { treeCache.put(tree, type.deepCopy()); } } else { // No caching otherwise } if (TreeUtils.isClassTree(tree)) { postProcessClassTree((ClassTree) tree); } // System.out.println("AnnotatedTypeFactory::getAnnotatedType(Tree) result: " + type); return type; } /** * Called by getAnnotatedType(Tree) for each ClassTree after determining the type. * The default implementation uses this to store the defaulted AnnotatedTypeMirrors * and inherited declaration annotations back into the corresponding Elements. * Subclasses might want to override this method if storing defaulted types is * not desirable. */ protected void postProcessClassTree(ClassTree tree) {, this, tree);, this, tree); if (checker.hasOption("infer") && wholeProgramInference != null) { // Write scenes into .jaif files. In order to perform the write // operation only once for each .jaif file, the best location to // do so is here. wholeProgramInference.saveResults(); } } /** * Determines the annotated type from a type in tree form. *

* Note that we cannot decide from a Tree whether it is * a type use or an expression. * TreeUtils.isTypeTree is only an under-approximation. * For example, an identifier can be either a type or an expression. *

* @param tree the type tree * @return the annotated type of the type in the AST */ public AnnotatedTypeMirror getAnnotatedTypeFromTypeTree(Tree tree) { if (tree == null) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("AnnotatedTypeFactory.getAnnotatedTypeFromTypeTree: null tree"); return null; // dead code } AnnotatedTypeMirror type = fromTypeTree(tree); addComputedTypeAnnotations(tree, type); return type; } // ********************************************************************** // Factories for annotated types that do not account for implicit qualifiers. // They only include qualifiers explicitly inserted by the user. // ********************************************************************** /** * Creates an AnnotatedTypeMirror for {@code elt} that includes: * annotations explicitly written on the element and annotations from stub files * * @param elt the element * @return AnnotatedTypeMirror of the element with explicitly-written and stub file annotations */ public AnnotatedTypeMirror fromElement(Element elt) { if (shouldCache && elementCache.containsKey(elt)) { return elementCache.get(elt).deepCopy(); } if (elt.getKind() == ElementKind.PACKAGE) { return toAnnotatedType(elt.asType(), false); } AnnotatedTypeMirror type; // Because of a bug in Java 8, annotations on type parameters are not stored in elements, // so get explicit annotations from the tree. (This bug has been fixed in Java 9.) // Also, since annotations computed by the AnnotatedTypeFactory are stored in the element, // the annotations have to be retrived from the tree so that only explicit annotations are returned. Tree decl = declarationFromElement(elt); if (decl == null && typesFromStubFiles != null && typesFromStubFiles.containsKey(elt)) { type = typesFromStubFiles.get(elt).deepCopy(); } else if (decl == null && (typesFromStubFiles == null || !typesFromStubFiles.containsKey(elt))) { type = toAnnotatedType(elt.asType(), ElementUtils.isTypeDeclaration(elt)); ElementAnnotationApplier.apply(type, elt, this); if (elt instanceof ExecutableElement || elt instanceof VariableElement) { annotateInheritedFromClass(type); } } else if (decl instanceof ClassTree) { type = fromClass((ClassTree)decl); } else if (decl instanceof VariableTree) { type = fromMember(decl); } else if (decl instanceof MethodTree) { type = fromMember(decl); } else if (decl.getKind() == Tree.Kind.TYPE_PARAMETER) { type = fromTypeTree(decl); } else { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("AnnotatedTypeFactory.fromElement: cannot be here! decl: " + decl.getKind() + " elt: " + elt, null); type = null; // dead code } // Caching is disabled if typesFromStubFiles == null, because calls to this // method before the stub files are fully read can return incorrect // results. if (shouldCache && typesFromStubFiles != null) { elementCache.put(elt, type.deepCopy()); } return type; } /** * Adds @FromByteCode to methods, constructors, and fields declared in class files * that are not already annotated with @FromStubFile */ private void addFromByteCode(Element elt) { if (declAnnosFromStubFiles == null) { // || trees.getTree(elt) != null) { // Parsing stub files, don't add @FromByteCode return; } if (elt.getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR || elt.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD || elt.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD) { // Only add @FromByteCode to methods, constructors, and fields if (ElementUtils.isElementFromByteCode(elt)) { Set annos = declAnnosFromStubFiles.get(ElementUtils .getVerboseName(elt)); if (annos == null) { annos = AnnotationUtils.createAnnotationSet(); declAnnosFromStubFiles.put(ElementUtils.getVerboseName(elt), annos); } if (!AnnotationUtils.containsSameIgnoringValues(annos, fromStubFile)) { annos.add(fromByteCode); } } } } /** * Returns an AnnotatedDeclaredType with explicit annotations from the * ClassTree {@code tree}. * * @param tree the class declaration * @return AnnotatedDeclaredType with explicit annotations from {@code tree} */ private AnnotatedDeclaredType fromClass(ClassTree tree) { return TypeFromTree.fromClassTree(this, tree); } /** * Creates an AnnotatedTypeMirror for a variable or method declaration tree. * The AnnotatedTypeMirror contains annotations explicitly written on the tree * and annotations inherited from the class declarations * {@link #annotateInheritedFromClass(AnnotatedTypeMirror)}. *

* If a VariableTree is a parameter to a lambda, this method also adds * annotations from the declared type of the functional interface and the executable * type of its method. * * @param tree MethodTree or VariableTree * @return AnnotatedTypeMirror with explicit annotations from {@code tree} * and annotations inherited from class declarations */ private final AnnotatedTypeMirror fromMember(Tree tree) { if (!(tree instanceof MethodTree || tree instanceof VariableTree)) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("AnnotatedTypeFactory.fromMember: not a method or variable declaration: " + tree); return null; // dead code } if (shouldCache && fromTreeCache.containsKey(tree)) { return fromTreeCache.get(tree).deepCopy(); } AnnotatedTypeMirror result = TypeFromTree.fromMember(this, tree); annotateInheritedFromClass(result); if (shouldCache) { fromTreeCache.put(tree, result.deepCopy()); } return result; } /** * Creates an AnnotatedTypeMirror for an ExpressionTree. * The AnnotatedTypeMirror contains explicit annotations written with on the expression, * annotations inherited from class declarations, and for some expressions, annotations * from sub-expressions that could have been explicitly written, implicited, defaulted, * refined, or otherwise computed. (Expression whose type include annotations from sub- * expressions are: ArrayAccessTree, ConditionalExpressionTree, IdentifierTree, * MemberSelectTree, and MethodInvocationTree.) *

* For example, the AnnotatedTypeMirror returned for an array access expression is the * fully annotated type of the array component of the array being accessed. * * @param tree an expression * @return AnnotatedTypeMirror of the expressions either fully-annotated or partially * annotated depending on the kind of expression * * @see TypeFromExpressionVisitor */ private AnnotatedTypeMirror fromExpression(ExpressionTree tree) { if (shouldCache && fromTreeCache.containsKey(tree)) { return fromTreeCache.get(tree).deepCopy(); } AnnotatedTypeMirror result = TypeFromTree.fromExpression(this, tree); annotateInheritedFromClass(result); if (shouldCache) { fromTreeCache.put(tree, result.deepCopy()); } return result; } /** * Creates an AnnotatedTypeMirror for the tree. The AnnotatedTypeMirror contains * annotations explicitly written on the tree and annotations inherited from class * declarations {@link #annotateInheritedFromClass(AnnotatedTypeMirror)}. * It also adds type arguments to raw types that include annotations from the element * declaration of the type {@link #fromElement(Element)}. *

* Called on the following trees: AnnotatedTypeTree, ArrayTypeTree, ParameterizedTypeTree, * PrimitiveTypeTree, TypeParameterTree, WildcardTree, UnionType, * IntersectionTypeTree, and IdentifierTree, MemberSelectTree. * * @param tree the type tree * @return the (partially) annotated type of the type in the AST */ /*package private*/ final AnnotatedTypeMirror fromTypeTree(Tree tree) { if (shouldCache && fromTreeCache.containsKey(tree)) { return fromTreeCache.get(tree).deepCopy(); } AnnotatedTypeMirror result = TypeFromTree.fromTypeTree(this, tree); // treat Raw as generic! // TODO: This doesn't handle recursive type parameter // e.g. class Pair> { ... } // Type argument inference for raw types can be improved. See Issue 635. // if (result.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) { AnnotatedDeclaredType dt = (AnnotatedDeclaredType) result; if (dt.wasRaw()) { List typeArgs = new ArrayList(); AnnotatedDeclaredType declaration = fromElement((TypeElement) dt.getUnderlyingType().asElement()); for (AnnotatedTypeMirror typeParam : declaration.getTypeArguments()) { AnnotatedWildcardType wct = getUninferredWildcardType((AnnotatedTypeVariable) typeParam); typeArgs.add(wct); } dt.setTypeArguments(typeArgs); } } annotateInheritedFromClass(result); if (shouldCache) { fromTreeCache.put(tree, result.deepCopy()); } return result; } // ********************************************************************** // Customization methods meant to be overridden by subclasses to include // implicit annotations // ********************************************************************** /** * Adds implicit annotations to a type obtained from a {@link Tree}. By * default, this method does nothing. Subclasses should use this method to * implement implicit annotations specific to their type systems. * * @param tree an AST node * @param type the type obtained from {@code tree} */ protected void addComputedTypeAnnotations(Tree tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) { // Pass. } /** * Adds implicit annotations to a type obtained from a {@link Element}. By * default, this method does nothing. Subclasses should use this method to * implement implicit annotations specific to their type systems. * * @param elt an element * @param type the type obtained from {@code elt} */ protected void addComputedTypeAnnotations(Element elt, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) { // Pass. } /** * A callback method for the AnnotatedTypeFactory subtypes to customize * directSuperTypes(). Overriding methods should merely change the * annotations on the supertypes, without adding or removing new types. *

* The default provided implementation adds {@code type} annotations to * {@code supertypes}. This allows the {@code type} and its supertypes * to have the qualifiers. * * @param type the type whose supertypes are desired * @param supertypes * the supertypes as specified by the base AnnotatedTypeFactory */ protected void postDirectSuperTypes(AnnotatedTypeMirror type, List supertypes) { // Use the effective annotations here to get the correct annotations // for type variables and wildcards. Set annotations = type.getEffectiveAnnotations(); for (AnnotatedTypeMirror supertype : supertypes) { if (!annotations.equals(supertype.getEffectiveAnnotations())) { supertype.clearAnnotations(); // TODO: is this correct for type variables and wildcards? supertype.addAnnotations(annotations); } } } /** * A callback method for the AnnotatedTypeFactory subtypes to customize * AnnotatedTypes.asMemberOf(). Overriding methods should merely change * the annotations on the subtypes, without changing the types. * * @param type the annotated type of the element * @param owner the annotated type of the receiver of the accessing tree * @param element the element of the field or method */ public void postAsMemberOf(AnnotatedTypeMirror type, AnnotatedTypeMirror owner, Element element) { addComputedTypeAnnotations(element, type); } /** * A callback method for the AnnotatedTypeFactory subtypes to customize * AnnotatedTypeMirror.substitute(). * * @param varDecl a declaration of a type variable * @param varUse a use of the same type variable * @param value the new type to substitute in for the type variable */ public void postTypeVarSubstitution(AnnotatedTypeVariable varDecl, AnnotatedTypeVariable varUse, AnnotatedTypeMirror value) { if (!varUse.getAnnotationsField().isEmpty() && !AnnotationUtils.areSame(varUse.getAnnotationsField(), varDecl.getAnnotationsField())) { value.replaceAnnotations(varUse.getAnnotationsField()); } } /** * Adapt the upper bounds of the type variables of a class relative * to the type instantiation. * In some type systems, the upper bounds depend on the instantiation * of the class. For example, in the Generic Universe Type system, * consider a class declaration *

   class C<X extends @Peer Object> 
* then the instantiation *
   @Rep C<@Rep Object> 
* is legal. The upper bounds of class C have to be adapted * by the main modifier. *

* An example of an adaptation follows. Suppose, I have a declaration: * class MyClass<E extends List<E>> * And an instantiation: * new MyClass<@NonNull String>() *

* The upper bound of E adapted to the argument String, would be List<@NonNull String> * and the lower bound would be an AnnotatedNullType. *

* TODO: ensure that this method is consistently used instead * of directly querying the type variables. * * @param type the use of the type * @param element the corresponding element * @return the adapted bounds of the type parameters */ public List typeVariablesFromUse( AnnotatedDeclaredType type, TypeElement element) { AnnotatedDeclaredType generic = getAnnotatedType(element); List targs = type.getTypeArguments(); List tvars = generic.getTypeArguments(); assert targs.size() == tvars.size() : "Mismatch in type argument size between " + type + " and " + generic; // System.err.printf("TVFU\n type: %s\n generic: %s\n", type, generic); Map mapping = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < targs.size(); ++i) { mapping.put(((AnnotatedTypeVariable)tvars.get(i)).getUnderlyingType(), targs.get(i)); } List res = new LinkedList<>(); for (AnnotatedTypeMirror atm : tvars) { AnnotatedTypeVariable atv = (AnnotatedTypeVariable)atm; AnnotatedTypeMirror upper = typeVarSubstitutor.substitute(mapping, atv.getUpperBound()); AnnotatedTypeMirror lower = typeVarSubstitutor.substitute(mapping, atv.getLowerBound()); res.add(new AnnotatedTypeParameterBounds(upper, lower)); } return res; } /** * Adds annotations to the type based on the annotations from its class * type if and only if no annotations are already present on the type. *

* The class type is found using {@link #fromElement(Element)} * * @param type the type for which class annotations will be inherited if * there are no annotations already present */ protected void annotateInheritedFromClass(AnnotatedTypeMirror type) { InheritedFromClassAnnotator.INSTANCE.visit(type, this); } /** * Callback to determine what to do with the annotations from a class declaration. */ protected void annotateInheritedFromClass(AnnotatedTypeMirror type, Set fromClass) { type.addMissingAnnotations(fromClass); } /** * Creates and returns an AnnotatedNullType qualified with {@code annotations}. * @param annotations set of AnnotationMirrors to qualify the returned type with * @return AnnotatedNullType qualified with {@code annotations} */ public AnnotatedNullType getAnnotatedNullType(Set annotations) { final AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNullType nullType = (AnnotatedNullType) toAnnotatedType(processingEnv.getTypeUtils().getNullType(), false); nullType.addAnnotations(annotations); return nullType; } /** * A singleton utility class for pulling annotations down from a class * type. * * @see #annotateInheritedFromClass */ protected static class InheritedFromClassAnnotator extends AnnotatedTypeScanner { /** The singleton instance. */ public static final InheritedFromClassAnnotator INSTANCE = new InheritedFromClassAnnotator(); private InheritedFromClassAnnotator() {} @Override public Void visitExecutable(AnnotatedExecutableType type, AnnotatedTypeFactory p) { // When visiting an executable type, skip the receiver so we // never inherit class annotations there. // Also skip constructor return types (which somewhat act like // the receiver). MethodSymbol methodElt = (MethodSymbol)type.getElement(); if (methodElt == null || !methodElt.isConstructor()) { scan(type.getReturnType(), p); } scanAndReduce(type.getParameterTypes(), p, null); scanAndReduce(type.getThrownTypes(), p, null); scanAndReduce(type.getTypeVariables(), p, null); return null; } @Override public Void visitDeclared(AnnotatedDeclaredType type, AnnotatedTypeFactory p) { Element classElt = type.getUnderlyingType().asElement(); // Only add annotations from the class declaration if there // are no annotations from that hierarchy already on the type. if (classElt != null) { AnnotatedTypeMirror classType = p.fromElement(classElt); assert classType != null : "Unexpected null type for class element: " + classElt; p.annotateInheritedFromClass(type, classType.getAnnotations()); } return super.visitDeclared(type, p); } private final Map visited = new HashMap(); @Override public Void visitTypeVariable(AnnotatedTypeVariable type, AnnotatedTypeFactory p) { TypeParameterElement tpelt = (TypeParameterElement) type.getUnderlyingType().asElement(); if (!visited.containsKey(tpelt)) { visited.put(tpelt, type); if (type.getAnnotations().isEmpty() && type.getUpperBound().getAnnotations().isEmpty() && tpelt.getEnclosingElement().getKind() != ElementKind.TYPE_PARAMETER) { ElementAnnotationApplier.apply(type, tpelt, p); } super.visitTypeVariable(type, p); visited.remove(tpelt); } return null; } @Override public void reset() { visited.clear(); super.reset(); } } // ********************************************************************** // Utilities method for getting specific types from trees or elements // ********************************************************************** /** * Return the implicit receiver type of an expression tree. *

* The result is null for expressions that don't have a receiver, * e.g. for a local variable or method parameter access. * * @param tree the expression that might have an implicit receiver * @return the type of the receiver */ /* * TODO: receiver annotations on outer this. * TODO: Better document the difference between getImplicitReceiverType and getSelfType? * TODO: this method assumes that the tree is within the current * Compilation Unit. This assumption fails in testcase Bug109_A/B, where * a chain of dependencies leads into a different compilation unit. * I didn't find a way how to handle this better and conservatively * return null. See TODO comment below. * */ protected AnnotatedDeclaredType getImplicitReceiverType(ExpressionTree tree) { assert (tree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.IDENTIFIER || tree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.MEMBER_SELECT || tree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD_INVOCATION || tree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.NEW_CLASS) : "Unexpected tree kind: " + tree.getKind(); Element element = InternalUtils.symbol(tree); assert element != null : "Unexpected null element for tree: " + tree; // Return null if the element kind has no receiver. if (!ElementUtils.hasReceiver(element)) { return null; } ExpressionTree receiver = TreeUtils.getReceiverTree(tree); if (receiver==null) { if (isMostEnclosingThisDeref(tree)) { // TODO: problem with ambiguity with implicit receivers. // We need a way to find the correct class. We cannot use the // element, as generics might have to be substituted in a subclass. // See GenericsEnclosing test case. // TODO: is this fixed? return getSelfType(tree); } else { TreePath path = getPath(tree); if (path == null) { // The path is null if the field is in a compilation unit we haven't // processed yet. TODO: is there a better way? // This only arises in the Nullness Checker when substituting rawness. return null; } TypeElement typeElt = ElementUtils.enclosingClass(element); if (typeElt == null) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("AnnotatedTypeFactory.getImplicitReceiver: enclosingClass()==null for element: " + element); } // TODO: method receiver annotations on outer this return getEnclosingType(typeElt, tree); } } Element rcvelem = InternalUtils.symbol(receiver); assert rcvelem != null : "Unexpected null element for receiver: " + receiver; if (!ElementUtils.hasReceiver(rcvelem)) { return null; } if (receiver.getKind() == Tree.Kind.IDENTIFIER && ((IdentifierTree)receiver).getName().contentEquals("this")) { // TODO: also "super"? return this.getSelfType(tree); } TypeElement typeElt = ElementUtils.enclosingClass(rcvelem); if (typeElt == null) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("AnnotatedTypeFactory.getImplicitReceiver: enclosingClass()==null for element: " + rcvelem); } AnnotatedDeclaredType type = getAnnotatedType(typeElt); // TODO: go through _all_ enclosing methods to see whether any of them has a // receiver annotation of the correct type. // TODO: Can we reuse getSelfType for outer this accesses? AnnotatedDeclaredType methodReceiver = getCurrentMethodReceiver(tree); if (shouldTakeFromReceiver(methodReceiver)) { // TODO: this only takes the main annotations. // What about other annotations (annotations on the type argument, outer types, ...) type.clearAnnotations(); type.addAnnotations(methodReceiver.getAnnotations()); } return type; } // Determine whether we should take annotations from the given method receiver. private boolean shouldTakeFromReceiver(AnnotatedDeclaredType methodReceiver) { return methodReceiver != null; } /** * Determine whether the tree dereferences the most enclosing "this" object. * That is, we have an expression like "f.g" and want to know whether it is * an access "this.f.g" or whether e.g. f is a field of an outer class or * e.g. f is a local variable. * * @param tree the tree to check * @return true, iff the tree is an explicit or implicit reference to the * most enclosing "this" */ public final boolean isMostEnclosingThisDeref(ExpressionTree tree) { if (!isAnyEnclosingThisDeref(tree)) { return false; } Element element = TreeUtils.elementFromUse(tree); TypeElement typeElt = ElementUtils.enclosingClass(element); ClassTree enclosingClass = getCurrentClassTree(tree); if (enclosingClass != null && isSubtype(TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(enclosingClass), typeElt)) { return true; } // ran out of options return false; } /** * Does this expression have (the innermost or an outer) "this" as receiver? * Note that the receiver can be either explicit or implicit. * * @param tree the tree to test * @return true, iff the expression uses (the innermost or an outer) "this" as receiver */ public final boolean isAnyEnclosingThisDeref(ExpressionTree tree) { if (!TreeUtils.isUseOfElement(tree)) { return false; } ExpressionTree recv = TreeUtils.getReceiverTree(tree); if (recv == null) { Element element = TreeUtils.elementFromUse(tree); if (!ElementUtils.hasReceiver(element)) { return false; } tree = TreeUtils.skipParens(tree); if (tree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.IDENTIFIER) { Name n = ((IdentifierTree)tree).getName(); if ("this".contentEquals(n) || "super".contentEquals(n)) { // An explicit reference to "this"/"super" has no receiver. return false; } } // Must be some access through this. return true; } else if (!TreeUtils.isUseOfElement(recv)) { // The receiver is e.g. a String literal. return false; // TODO: I think this: // (i==9 ? this : this).toString(); // is not a use of an element, as the receiver is an // expression. How should this be handled? } Element element = TreeUtils.elementFromUse(recv); if (!ElementUtils.hasReceiver(element)) { return false; } return TreeUtils.isExplicitThisDereference(recv); } /** * Returns the type of {@code this} in the current location, which can * be used if {@code this} has a special semantics (e.g. {@code this} * is non-null). *

* The parameter is an arbitrary tree and does not have to mention "this", * neither explicitly nor implicitly. * This method should be overridden for type-system specific behavior. * * TODO: in 1.8.2, handle all receiver type annotations. * TODO: handle enclosing classes correctly. */ public AnnotatedDeclaredType getSelfType(Tree tree) { TreePath path = getPath(tree); ClassTree enclosingClass = TreeUtils.enclosingClass(path); if (enclosingClass == null) { // I hope this only happens when tree is a fake tree that // we created, e.g. when desugaring enhanced-for-loops. enclosingClass = getCurrentClassTree(tree); } AnnotatedDeclaredType type = getAnnotatedType(enclosingClass); MethodTree enclosingMethod = TreeUtils.enclosingMethod(path); if (enclosingClass.getSimpleName().length() != 0 && enclosingMethod != null) { AnnotatedDeclaredType methodReceiver; if (TreeUtils.isConstructor(enclosingMethod)) { methodReceiver = (AnnotatedDeclaredType) getAnnotatedType(enclosingMethod).getReturnType(); } else { methodReceiver = getAnnotatedType(enclosingMethod).getReceiverType(); } if (shouldTakeFromReceiver(methodReceiver)) { // TODO what about all annotations on the receiver? // Code is also duplicated above. type.clearAnnotations(); type.addAnnotations(methodReceiver.getAnnotations()); } } return type; } /** * Determine the type of the most enclosing class of the given tree that * is a subtype of the given element. Receiver type annotations of an * enclosing method are considered, similarly return type annotations of an * enclosing constructor. */ public AnnotatedDeclaredType getEnclosingType(TypeElement element, Tree tree) { Element enclosingElt = getMostInnerClassOrMethod(tree); while (enclosingElt != null) { if (enclosingElt instanceof ExecutableElement) { ExecutableElement method = (ExecutableElement)enclosingElt; if (method.asType() != null // XXX: hack due to a compiler bug && isSubtype((TypeElement)method.getEnclosingElement(), element)) { if (ElementUtils.isStatic(method)) { // Static methods should use type of enclosing class, // by simply taking another turn in the loop. } else if (method.getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR) { // return getSelfType(this.declarationFromElement(method)); return (AnnotatedDeclaredType) getAnnotatedType(method).getReturnType(); } else { return getAnnotatedType(method).getReceiverType(); } } } else if (enclosingElt instanceof TypeElement) { if (isSubtype((TypeElement)enclosingElt, element)) { return (AnnotatedDeclaredType) getAnnotatedType(enclosingElt); } } enclosingElt = enclosingElt.getEnclosingElement(); } return null; } private boolean isSubtype(TypeElement a1, TypeElement a2) { return (a1.equals(a2) || types.isSubtype(types.erasure(a1.asType()), types.erasure(a2.asType()))); } /** * Returns the receiver type of the expression tree, or null if it does not exist. *

* The only trees that could potentially have a receiver are: *

  • Array Access *
  • Identifiers (whose receivers are usually self type) *
  • Method Invocation Trees *
  • Member Select Trees *
* * @param expression the expression for which to determine the receiver type * @return the type of the receiver of this expression */ public final AnnotatedTypeMirror getReceiverType(ExpressionTree expression) { if (this.isAnyEnclosingThisDeref(expression)) { return getImplicitReceiverType(expression); } ExpressionTree receiver = TreeUtils.getReceiverTree(expression); if (receiver != null) { return getAnnotatedType(receiver); } else { // E.g. local variables return null; } } /** * Determines the type of the invoked method based on the passed method * invocation tree. *

* The returned method type has all type variables resolved, whether based * on receiver type, passed type parameters if any, and method invocation * parameter. *

* Subclasses may override this method to customize inference of types * or qualifiers based on method invocation parameters. *

* As an implementation detail, this method depends on * {@link AnnotatedTypes#asMemberOf(Types, AnnotatedTypeFactory, AnnotatedTypeMirror, Element)}, * and customization based on receiver type should be in accordance to its * specification. *

* The return type is a pair of the type of the invoked method and * the (inferred) type arguments. * Note that neither the explicitly passed nor the inferred type arguments * are guaranteed to be subtypes of the corresponding upper bounds. * See method * {@link org.checkerframework.common.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor#checkTypeArguments(Tree, List, List, List)} * for the checks of type argument well-formedness. *

* Note that "this" and "super" constructor invocations are also handled by this * method. Method {@link #constructorFromUse(NewClassTree)} is only used for a constructor * invocation in a "new" expression. * * @param tree the method invocation tree * @return the method type being invoked with tree and the (inferred) type arguments */ public Pair> methodFromUse(MethodInvocationTree tree) { ExecutableElement methodElt = TreeUtils.elementFromUse(tree); AnnotatedTypeMirror receiverType = getReceiverType(tree); Pair> mfuPair = methodFromUse(tree, methodElt, receiverType); if (checker.shouldResolveReflection() && reflectionResolver.isReflectiveMethodInvocation(tree)) { mfuPair = reflectionResolver.resolveReflectiveCall(this, tree, mfuPair); } return mfuPair; } public Pair> methodFromUse(ExpressionTree tree, ExecutableElement methodElt, AnnotatedTypeMirror receiverType) { AnnotatedExecutableType methodType = AnnotatedTypes.asMemberOf(types, this, receiverType, methodElt); List typeargs = new LinkedList(); Map typeVarMapping = AnnotatedTypes.findTypeArguments(processingEnv, this, tree, methodElt, methodType); if (!typeVarMapping.isEmpty()) { for (AnnotatedTypeVariable tv : methodType.getTypeVariables()) { if (typeVarMapping.get(tv.getUnderlyingType()) == null) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("AnnotatedTypeFactory.methodFromUse:" + "mismatch between declared method type variables and the inferred method type arguments! " + "Method type variables: " + methodType.getTypeVariables() + "; " + "Inferred method type arguments: " + typeVarMapping); } typeargs.add(typeVarMapping.get(tv.getUnderlyingType())); } methodType = (AnnotatedExecutableType) typeVarSubstitutor.substitute(typeVarMapping, methodType); } if (tree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD_INVOCATION && TreeUtils.isGetClassInvocation((MethodInvocationTree) tree)) { adaptGetClassReturnTypeToReceiver(methodType, receiverType); } return Pair.of(methodType, typeargs); } /** * Java special cases the return type of getClass. Though the method has a return type of {@code Class}, * the compiler special cases this return type and changes the bound of the type argument to the * erasure of the receiver type. e.g., *

* x.getClass() has the type {@code Class< ? extends erasure_of_x >} * someInteger.getClass() has the type {@code Class< ? extends Integer >} * * @param getClassType this must be a type representing a call to Object.getClass otherwise * a runtime exception will be thrown * @param receiverType the receiver type of the method invocation (not the declared receiver type) */ protected static void adaptGetClassReturnTypeToReceiver(final AnnotatedExecutableType getClassType, final AnnotatedTypeMirror receiverType) { final AnnotatedTypeMirror newBound = receiverType.getErased(); final AnnotatedTypeMirror returnType = getClassType.getReturnType(); if ( returnType == null || !(returnType.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) || ((AnnotatedDeclaredType) returnType).getTypeArguments().size() != 1 ) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "Unexpected type passed to AnnotatedTypes.adaptGetClassReturnTypeToReceiver\n" + "getClassType=" + getClassType + "\n" + "receiverType=" + receiverType); } final AnnotatedDeclaredType returnAdt = (AnnotatedDeclaredType) getClassType.getReturnType(); final List typeArgs = returnAdt.getTypeArguments(); // usually, the only locations that will add annotations to the return type are getClass in stub files // defaults and propagation tree annotator. Since getClass is final they cannot come from source code. // Also, since the newBound is an erased type we have no type arguments. So, we just copy the annotations // from the bound of the declared type to the new bound. final AnnotatedWildcardType classWildcardArg = (AnnotatedWildcardType) typeArgs.get(0); newBound.replaceAnnotations(classWildcardArg.getExtendsBound().getAnnotations()); classWildcardArg.setExtendsBound(newBound); } /** * Determines the type of the invoked constructor based on the passed new * class tree. *

* The returned method type has all type variables resolved, whether based * on receiver type, passed type parameters if any, and constructor invocation * parameter. *

* Subclasses may override this method to customize inference of types * or qualifiers based on constructor invocation parameters. *

* As an implementation detail, this method depends on * {@link AnnotatedTypes#asMemberOf(Types, AnnotatedTypeFactory, AnnotatedTypeMirror, Element)}, * and customization based on receiver type should be in accordance with its * specification. *

* The return type is a pair of the type of the invoked constructor and * the (inferred) type arguments. * Note that neither the explicitly passed nor the inferred type arguments * are guaranteed to be subtypes of the corresponding upper bounds. * See method * {@link org.checkerframework.common.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor#checkTypeArguments(Tree, List, List, List)} * for the checks of type argument well-formedness. *

* Note that "this" and "super" constructor invocations are handled by * method {@link #methodFromUse}. This method only handles constructor invocations * in a "new" expression. * * @param tree the constructor invocation tree * @return the annotated type of the invoked constructor (as an executable * type) and the (inferred) type arguments */ public Pair> constructorFromUse(NewClassTree tree) { ExecutableElement ctor = InternalUtils.constructor(tree); AnnotatedTypeMirror type = fromNewClass(tree); addComputedTypeAnnotations(tree.getIdentifier(), type); AnnotatedExecutableType con = AnnotatedTypes.asMemberOf(types, this, type, ctor); if (tree.getArguments().size() == con.getParameterTypes().size() + 1 && isSyntheticArgument(tree.getArguments().get(0))) { // happens for anonymous constructors of inner classes List actualParams = new ArrayList(); actualParams.add(getAnnotatedType(tree.getArguments().get(0))); actualParams.addAll(con.getParameterTypes()); con.setParameterTypes(actualParams); } List typeargs = new LinkedList(); Map typeVarMapping = AnnotatedTypes.findTypeArguments(processingEnv, this, tree, ctor, con); if (!typeVarMapping.isEmpty()) { for (AnnotatedTypeVariable tv : con.getTypeVariables()) { typeargs.add(typeVarMapping.get(tv.getUnderlyingType())); } con = (AnnotatedExecutableType) typeVarSubstitutor.substitute(typeVarMapping, con); } return Pair.of(con, typeargs); } /** * Returns the return type of the method {@code m}. */ public AnnotatedTypeMirror getMethodReturnType(MethodTree m) { AnnotatedExecutableType methodType = getAnnotatedType(m); AnnotatedTypeMirror ret = methodType.getReturnType(); return ret; } /** * Returns the return type of the method {@code m} at the return statement {@code r}. */ public AnnotatedTypeMirror getMethodReturnType(MethodTree m, ReturnTree r) { AnnotatedExecutableType methodType = getAnnotatedType(m); AnnotatedTypeMirror ret = methodType.getReturnType(); return ret; } private boolean isSyntheticArgument(Tree tree) { return tree.toString().contains("<*nullchk*>"); } /** * Creates an AnnotatedDeclaredType for a NewClassTree. Adds explicit annotations * and annotations inherited from class declarations {@link #annotateInheritedFromClass(AnnotatedTypeMirror)}. *

* If the NewClassTree has type arguments, then any explicit (or inherited from class) annotations * on those type arguments are included. If the NewClassTree has a diamond operator, then * the annotations on the type arguments are inferred using the assignment context. * * @param newClassTree NewClassTree * @return AnnotatedDeclaredType */ public final AnnotatedDeclaredType fromNewClass(NewClassTree newClassTree) { if (TreeUtils.isDiamondTree(newClassTree)) { AnnotatedDeclaredType type = (AnnotatedDeclaredType) toAnnotatedType(InternalUtils.typeOf(newClassTree), false); if ((( { Pair ctx = this.visitorState.getAssignmentContext(); if (ctx != null) { AnnotatedTypeMirror ctxtype = ctx.second; fromNewClassContextHelper(type, ctxtype); } } return type; } else if (newClassTree.getClassBody() != null) { AnnotatedDeclaredType type = (AnnotatedDeclaredType) toAnnotatedType(InternalUtils.typeOf(newClassTree), false); // If newClassTree creates an anonymous class, then annotations in this location: // new @HERE Class() {} // are on not on the identifier newClassTree, but rather on the modifier newClassTree. List annos = newClassTree.getClassBody().getModifiers().getAnnotations(); type.addAnnotations(InternalUtils.annotationsFromTypeAnnotationTrees(annos)); return type; } else { // If newClassTree does not create anonymous class, // newClassTree.getIdentifier includes the explicit annotations in this location: // new @HERE Class() return (AnnotatedDeclaredType) fromTypeTree(newClassTree.getIdentifier()); } } // This method extracts the ugly hacky parts. // This method should be rewritten and in particular diamonds should be // implemented cleanly. // See Issue 289. private void fromNewClassContextHelper(AnnotatedDeclaredType type, AnnotatedTypeMirror ctxtype) { switch (ctxtype.getKind()) { case DECLARED: AnnotatedDeclaredType adctx = (AnnotatedDeclaredType) ctxtype; if (type.getTypeArguments().size() == adctx.getTypeArguments().size()) { // Try to simply take the type arguments from LHS. List oldArgs = type.getTypeArguments(); List newArgs = adctx.getTypeArguments(); for (int i = 0; i < type.getTypeArguments().size(); ++i) { if (!types.isSameType(oldArgs.get(i).actualType, newArgs.get(i).actualType)) { // One of the underlying types doesn't match. Give up. return; } } type.setTypeArguments(newArgs); /* It would be nice to call isSubtype for a basic sanity check. * However, the type might not have been completely initialized yet, * so isSubtype might fail. * if (!typeHierarchy.isSubtype(type, ctxtype)) { // Simply taking the newArgs didn't result in a valid subtype. // Give up and simply use the inferred types. type.setTypeArguments(oldArgs); } */ } else { // TODO: Find a way to determine annotated type arguments. // Look at what Attr and Resolve are doing and rework this whole method. } break; case ARRAY: // This new class is in the initializer of an array. // The array being created can't have a generic component type, // so nothing to be done. break; case TYPEVAR: // TODO: this should NOT be necessary. // org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.MethodAccessNode.MethodAccessNode(ExpressionTree, Node) // Uses an ExecutableElement, which did not substitute type variables. break; default: if (ctxtype.getKind().isPrimitive()) { // See Issue 438. Ignore primitive types for diamond inference - a primitive type // is never a suitable context anyways. } else { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("AnnotatedTypeFactory.fromNewClassContextHelper: unexpected context: " + ctxtype + " (" + ctxtype.getKind() + ")"); } } } /** * Returns the annotated boxed type of the given primitive type. * The returned type would only have the annotations on the given type. *

* Subclasses may override this method safely to override this behavior. * * @param type the primitive type * @return the boxed declared type of the passed primitive type */ public AnnotatedDeclaredType getBoxedType(AnnotatedPrimitiveType type) { TypeElement typeElt = types.boxedClass(type.getUnderlyingType()); AnnotatedDeclaredType dt = fromElement(typeElt); dt.addAnnotations(type.getAnnotations()); return dt; } /** * returns the annotated primitive type of the given declared type * if it is a boxed declared type. Otherwise, it throws * IllegalArgumentException exception. *

* The returned type would have the annotations on the given type and * nothing else. * * @param type the declared type * @return the unboxed primitive type * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the type given has no unbox conversion */ public AnnotatedPrimitiveType getUnboxedType(AnnotatedDeclaredType type) throws IllegalArgumentException { PrimitiveType primitiveType = types.unboxedType(type.getUnderlyingType()); AnnotatedPrimitiveType pt = (AnnotatedPrimitiveType) AnnotatedTypeMirror.createType(primitiveType, this, false); pt.addAnnotations(type.getAnnotations()); return pt; } /** * Returns the VisitorState instance used by the factory to infer types */ public VisitorState getVisitorState() { return this.visitorState; } // ********************************************************************** // random methods wrapping #getAnnotatedType(Tree) and #fromElement(Tree) // with appropriate casts to reduce casts on the client side // ********************************************************************** /** * @see #getAnnotatedType(Tree) */ public final AnnotatedDeclaredType getAnnotatedType(ClassTree tree) { return (AnnotatedDeclaredType)getAnnotatedType((Tree)tree); } /** * @see #getAnnotatedType(Tree) */ public final AnnotatedDeclaredType getAnnotatedType(NewClassTree tree) { return (AnnotatedDeclaredType)getAnnotatedType((Tree)tree); } /** * @see #getAnnotatedType(Tree) */ public final AnnotatedArrayType getAnnotatedType(NewArrayTree tree) { return (AnnotatedArrayType)getAnnotatedType((Tree)tree); } /** * @see #getAnnotatedType(Tree) */ public final AnnotatedExecutableType getAnnotatedType(MethodTree tree) { return (AnnotatedExecutableType)getAnnotatedType((Tree)tree); } /** * @see #getAnnotatedType(Element) */ public final AnnotatedDeclaredType getAnnotatedType(TypeElement elt) { return (AnnotatedDeclaredType)getAnnotatedType((Element)elt); } /** * @see #getAnnotatedType(Element) */ public final AnnotatedExecutableType getAnnotatedType(ExecutableElement elt) { return (AnnotatedExecutableType)getAnnotatedType((Element)elt); } /** * @see #fromElement(Element) */ public final AnnotatedDeclaredType fromElement(TypeElement elt) { return (AnnotatedDeclaredType)fromElement((Element)elt); } /** * @see #fromElement(Element) */ public final AnnotatedExecutableType fromElement(ExecutableElement elt) { return (AnnotatedExecutableType)fromElement((Element)elt); } // ********************************************************************** // Helper methods for this classes // ********************************************************************** /** * Determines whether the given annotation is a part of the type system * under which this type factory operates. * Null is never a supported qualifier; the parameter is nullable to * allow the result of aliasedAnnotation to be passed in directly. * * @param a any annotation * @return true if that annotation is part of the type system under which * this type factory operates, false otherwise */ public boolean isSupportedQualifier(/*@Nullable*/ AnnotationMirror a) { if (a == null) return false; return AnnotationUtils.containsSameIgnoringValues(this.getQualifierHierarchy().getTypeQualifiers(), a); } /** Add the annotation clazz as an alias for the annotation type. */ protected void addAliasedAnnotation(Class alias, AnnotationMirror type) { aliases.put(alias.getCanonicalName(), type); } /** * Returns the canonical annotation for the passed annotation if it is * an alias of a canonical one in the framework. If it is not an alias, * the method returns null. *

* Returns an aliased type of the current one * * @param a the qualifier to check for an alias * @return the alias or null if none exists */ public /*@Nullable*/ AnnotationMirror aliasedAnnotation(AnnotationMirror a) { TypeElement elem = (TypeElement) a.getAnnotationType().asElement(); String qualName = elem.getQualifiedName().toString(); return aliases.get(qualName); } /** * Add the annotation {@code alias} as an alias for the declaration * annotation {@code annotation}, where the annotation mirror * {@code annoationToUse} will be used instead. If multiple calls are made * with the same {@code annotation}, then the {@code anontationToUse} must * be the same. */ protected void addAliasedDeclAnnotation(Class alias, Class annotation, AnnotationMirror annotationToUse) { String aliasName = alias.getCanonicalName(); /*@Interned*/ String annotationName = annotation.getCanonicalName(); Set set = new HashSet<>(); if (declAliases.containsKey(annotationName)) { set.addAll(declAliases.get(annotationName).second); } set.add(aliasName.intern()); declAliases.put(annotationName, Pair.of(annotationToUse, set)); } /** * Adds the annotation {@code annotation} in the set of declaration * annotations that should be inherited. A declaration annotation * will be inherited if it is in this list, or if it has the * meta-annotation @InheritedAnnotation. * The meta-annotation @InheritedAnnotation should be used instead of this * method, if possible. */ protected void addInheritedAnnotation(AnnotationMirror annotation) { inheritedAnnotations.add(annotation); } /** * A convenience method that converts a {@link TypeMirror} to an empty {@link * AnnotatedTypeMirror} using {@link AnnotatedTypeMirror#createType}. * * @param t the {@link TypeMirror} * @param declaration true if the result should be marked as a type declaration * @return an {@link AnnotatedTypeMirror} that has {@code t} as its * underlying type */ protected final AnnotatedTypeMirror toAnnotatedType(TypeMirror t, boolean declaration) { return AnnotatedTypeMirror.createType(t, this, declaration); } /** * Determines an empty annotated type of the given tree. In other words, * finds the {@link TypeMirror} for the tree and converts that into an * {@link AnnotatedTypeMirror}, but does not add any annotations to the * result. *

* Most users will want to use getAnnotatedType instead; this method * is mostly for internal use. * * @param node the tree to analyze * @return the type of {@code node}, without any annotations */ protected final AnnotatedTypeMirror type(Tree node) { boolean isDeclaration = TreeUtils.isTypeDeclaration(node); // Attempt to obtain the type via JCTree. if (InternalUtils.typeOf(node) != null) { AnnotatedTypeMirror result = toAnnotatedType(InternalUtils.typeOf(node), isDeclaration); return result; } // Attempt to obtain the type via TreePath (slower). TreePath path = this.getPath(node); assert path != null : "No path or type in tree: " + node; TypeMirror t = trees.getTypeMirror(path); assert validType(t) : "Invalid type " + t + " for node " + t; return toAnnotatedType(t, isDeclaration); } /** * Gets the declaration tree for the element, if the source is available. * * TODO: would be nice to move this to InternalUtils/TreeUtils. * * @param elt an element * @return the tree declaration of the element if found */ public final Tree declarationFromElement(Element elt) { // if root is null, we cannot find any declaration if (root == null) { return null; } if (shouldCache && elementToTreeCache.containsKey(elt)) { return elementToTreeCache.get(elt); } // Check for new declarations, outside of the AST. if (elt instanceof DetachedVarSymbol) { return ((DetachedVarSymbol) elt).getDeclaration(); } // TODO: handle type parameter declarations? Tree fromElt; // Prevent calling declarationFor on elements we know we don't have // the tree for switch (elt.getKind()) { case CLASS: case ENUM: case INTERFACE: case ANNOTATION_TYPE: case FIELD: case ENUM_CONSTANT: case METHOD: case CONSTRUCTOR: fromElt = trees.getTree(elt); break; default: fromElt = elt, ( root); break; } if (shouldCache) { elementToTreeCache.put(elt, fromElt); } return fromElt; } /** * Returns the current class type being visited by the visitor. The method * uses the parameter only if the most enclosing class cannot be found * directly. * * @return type of the most enclosing class being visited */ // This method is used to wrap access to visitorState protected final ClassTree getCurrentClassTree(Tree tree) { if (visitorState.getClassTree() != null) { return visitorState.getClassTree(); } return TreeUtils.enclosingClass(getPath(tree)); } protected final AnnotatedDeclaredType getCurrentClassType(Tree tree) { return getAnnotatedType(getCurrentClassTree(tree)); } /** * Returns the receiver type of the current method being visited, and * returns null if the visited tree is not within a method or if that * method has no receiver (e.g. a static method). *

* The method uses the parameter only if the most enclosing method cannot * be found directly. * * @return receiver type of the most enclosing method being visited */ protected final /*@Nullable*/ AnnotatedDeclaredType getCurrentMethodReceiver(Tree tree) { AnnotatedDeclaredType res = visitorState.getMethodReceiver(); if (res == null) { TreePath path = getPath(tree); if (path != null) { MethodTree enclosingMethod = TreeUtils.enclosingMethod(path); ClassTree enclosingClass = TreeUtils.enclosingClass(path); boolean found = false; for (Tree member : enclosingClass.getMembers()) { if (member.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) { if (member == enclosingMethod) { found = true; } } } if (found && enclosingMethod != null) { AnnotatedExecutableType method = getAnnotatedType(enclosingMethod); res = method.getReceiverType(); // TODO: three tests fail if one adds the following, which would make // sense, or not? // visitorState.setMethodReceiver(res); } else { // We are within an anonymous class or field initializer res = this.getAnnotatedType(enclosingClass); } } } return res; } protected final boolean isWithinConstructor(Tree tree) { if (visitorState.getClassType() != null) { return visitorState.getMethodTree() != null && TreeUtils.isConstructor(visitorState.getMethodTree()); } MethodTree enclosingMethod = TreeUtils.enclosingMethod(getPath(tree)); return enclosingMethod != null && TreeUtils.isConstructor(enclosingMethod); } private final Element getMostInnerClassOrMethod(Tree tree) { if (visitorState.getMethodTree() != null) { return TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(visitorState.getMethodTree()); } if (visitorState.getClassTree() != null) { return TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(visitorState.getClassTree()); } TreePath path = getPath(tree); if (path == null) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort(String.format("AnnotatedTypeFactory.getMostInnerClassOrMethod: getPath(tree)=>null%n TreePath.getPath(root, tree)=>%s\n for tree (%s) = %s%n root=%s", TreePath.getPath(root, tree), tree.getClass(), tree, root)); return null; // dead code } for (Tree pathTree : path) { if (pathTree instanceof MethodTree) { return TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration((MethodTree)pathTree); } else if (pathTree instanceof ClassTree) { return TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration((ClassTree)pathTree); } } ErrorReporter.errorAbort("AnnotatedTypeFactory.getMostInnerClassOrMethod: cannot be here!"); return null; // dead code } private final Map pathHack = new HashMap<>(); public final void setPathHack(Tree node, Element enclosing) { pathHack.put(node, enclosing); } /** * Gets the path for the given {@link Tree} under the current root by * checking from the visitor's current path, and only using * {@link Trees#getPath(CompilationUnitTree, Tree)} (which is much slower) * only if {@code node} is not found on the current path. *

* Note that the given Tree has to be within the current compilation unit, * otherwise null will be returned. * * @param node the {@link Tree} to get the path for * @return the path for {@code node} under the current root */ public final TreePath getPath(Tree node) { assert root != null : "AnnotatedTypeFactory.getPath: root needs to be set when used on trees; factory: " + this.getClass(); if (node == null) return null; if (treePathCache.isCached(node)) { return treePathCache.getPath(root, node); }; TreePath currentPath = visitorState.getPath(); if (currentPath == null) { return TreePath.getPath(root, node); } // This method uses multiple heuristics to avoid calling // TreePath.getPath() // If the current path you are visiting is for this node we are done if (currentPath.getLeaf() == node) { return currentPath; } // When running on Daikon, we noticed that a lot of calls happened // within a small subtree containing the node we are currently visiting // When testing on Daikon, two steps resulted in the best performance if (currentPath.getParentPath() != null) { currentPath = currentPath.getParentPath(); } if (currentPath.getLeaf() == node) { return currentPath; } if (currentPath.getParentPath() != null) { currentPath = currentPath.getParentPath(); } if (currentPath.getLeaf() == node) { return currentPath; } final TreePath pathWithinSubtree = TreePath.getPath(currentPath, node); if (pathWithinSubtree != null) { return pathWithinSubtree; } // climb the current path till we see that // Works when getPath called on the enclosing method, enclosing // class TreePath current = currentPath; while (current != null) { if (current.getLeaf() == node) { return current; } current = current.getParentPath(); } // OK, we give up. Use the cache to look up. return treePathCache.getPath(root, node); } /** * Gets the {@link Element} representing the declaration of the * method enclosing a tree node. This feature is used to record * the enclosing methods of {@link Tree}s that are created * internally by the checker. * * TODO: Find a better way to store information about enclosing * Trees. * * @param node the {@link Tree} to get the enclosing method for * @return the method {@link Element} enclosing the argument, or * null if none has been recorded */ public final Element getEnclosingMethod(Tree node) { return pathHack.get(node); } /** * Assert that the type is a type of valid type mirror, i.e. not an ERROR * or OTHER type. * * @param type an annotated type * @return true if the type is a valid annotated type, false otherwise */ static final boolean validAnnotatedType(AnnotatedTypeMirror type) { if (type == null) { return false; } if (type.getUnderlyingType() == null) { return true; // e.g., for receiver types } return validType(type.getUnderlyingType()); } /** * Used for asserting that a type is valid for converting to an annotated * type. * * @return true if {@code type} can be converted to an annotated type, false * otherwise */ private static final boolean validType(TypeMirror type) { if (type == null) { return false; } switch (type.getKind()) { case ERROR: case OTHER: case PACKAGE: return false; default: return true; } } /** * Parses the stub files in the following order:
* 1. jdk.astub in the same directory as the checker, if it exists and ignorejdkastub option is not supplied
* 2. flow.astub in the same directory as BaseTypeChecker
* 3. Stub files listed in @Stubfiles annotation on the checker; must be in same directory as the checker
* 4. Stub files provide via stubs system property
* 5. Stub files provide via stubs environment variable
* 6. Stub files provide via stubs compiler option *

* If a type is annotated with a qualifier from the same hierarchy in more than one stub file, the qualifier * in the last stub file is applied. *

* Sets typesFromStubFiles and declAnnosFromStubFiles by side effect, just before returning. */ protected void parseStubFiles() { if (this.typesFromStubFiles != null || this.declAnnosFromStubFiles != null) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("AnnotatedTypeFactory.parseStubFiles called more than once"); } Map typesFromStubFiles = new HashMap(); Map> declAnnosFromStubFiles = new HashMap>(); // 1. jdk.astub if (!checker.hasOption("ignorejdkastub")) { InputStream in = null; in = checker.getClass().getResourceAsStream("jdk.astub"); if (in != null) { StubParser stubParser = new StubParser("jdk.astub", in, this, processingEnv); stubParser.parse(typesFromStubFiles, declAnnosFromStubFiles); } } // 2. flow.astub // stub file for type-system independent annotations InputStream input = BaseTypeChecker.class.getResourceAsStream("flow.astub"); if (input != null) { StubParser stubParser = new StubParser("flow.astub", input, this, processingEnv); stubParser.parse(typesFromStubFiles, declAnnosFromStubFiles); } // Stub files specified via stubs compiler option, stubs system property, // stubs env. variable, or @Stubfiles List allStubFiles = new ArrayList<>(); // 3. Stub files listed in @Stubfiles annotation on the checker StubFiles stubFilesAnnotation = checker.getClass().getAnnotation(StubFiles.class); if (stubFilesAnnotation != null) { Collections.addAll(allStubFiles, stubFilesAnnotation.value()); } // 4. Stub files provide via stubs system property String stubsProperty = System.getProperty("stubs"); if (stubsProperty != null) { Collections.addAll(allStubFiles, stubsProperty.split(File.pathSeparator)); } // 5. Stub files provide via stubs environment variable String stubEnvVar = System.getenv("stubs"); if (stubEnvVar != null) { Collections.addAll(allStubFiles, stubEnvVar.split(File.pathSeparator)); } // 6. Stub files provide via stubs option String stubsOption = checker.getOption("stubs"); if (stubsOption != null) { Collections.addAll(allStubFiles, stubsOption.split(File.pathSeparator)); } if (allStubFiles.isEmpty()) { this.typesFromStubFiles = typesFromStubFiles; this.declAnnosFromStubFiles = declAnnosFromStubFiles; return; } // Parse stub files specified via stubs compiler option, stubs system property, // stubs env. variable, or @Stubfiles for (String stubPath : allStubFiles) { if (stubPath == null || stubPath.isEmpty()) { continue; } // Handle case when running in jtreg String base = System.getProperty("test.src"); String stubPathFull = stubPath; if (base != null) { stubPathFull = base + "/" + stubPath; } List stubs = StubUtil.allStubFiles(stubPathFull); if (stubs.size() == 0) { InputStream in = null; in = checker.getClass().getResourceAsStream(stubPath); if (in != null) { StubParser stubParser = new StubParser(stubPath, in, this, processingEnv); stubParser.parse(typesFromStubFiles, declAnnosFromStubFiles); // We could handle the stubPath -> continue. continue; } // We couldn't handle the stubPath -> error message. checker.message(Kind.NOTE, "Did not find stub file or files within directory: " + stubPath + " " + new File(stubPath).getAbsolutePath()); } for (StubResource resource : stubs) { InputStream stubStream; try { stubStream = resource.getInputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { checker.message(Kind.NOTE, "Could not read stub resource: " + resource.getDescription()); continue; } StubParser stubParser = new StubParser(resource.getDescription(), stubStream, this, processingEnv); stubParser.parse(typesFromStubFiles, declAnnosFromStubFiles); } } this.typesFromStubFiles = typesFromStubFiles; this.declAnnosFromStubFiles = declAnnosFromStubFiles; } /** * Returns the actual annotation mirror used to annotate this element, * whose name equals the passed annotation class, if one exists, or null otherwise. * * @see #getDeclAnnotationNoAliases * * @param elt the element to retrieve the declaration annotation from * @param anno annotation class * @return the annotation mirror for anno */ @Override public AnnotationMirror getDeclAnnotation(Element elt, Class anno) { String annoName = anno.getCanonicalName().intern(); return getDeclAnnotation(elt, annoName, true); } /** * Returns the actual annotation mirror used to annotate this element, * whose name equals the passed annotation class, if one exists, or null otherwise. * Does not check for aliases of the annotation class. *

* * Call this method from a checker that needs to alias annotations for one purpose * and not for another. For example, in the Lock Checker, {@code @LockingFree} and * {@code @ReleasesNoLocks} are both aliases of {@code @SideEffectFree} since they are * all considered side-effect-free with regard to the set of locks held before * and after the method call. However, a {@code synchronized} block is permitted inside * a {@code @ReleasesNoLocks} method but not inside a {@code @LockingFree} or * {@code @SideEffectFree} method. * * @see #getDeclAnnotation * * @param elt the element to retrieve the declaration annotation from * @param anno annotation class * @return the annotation mirror for anno */ public AnnotationMirror getDeclAnnotationNoAliases(Element elt, Class anno) { String annoName = anno.getCanonicalName().intern(); return getDeclAnnotation(elt, annoName, false); } /** * Returns true if the element appears in a stub file * (Currently only works for methods, constructors, and fields) */ public boolean isFromStubFile(Element element) { return this.getDeclAnnotation(element, FromStubFile.class) != null; } /** * Returns true if the element is from byte code * and the if the element did not appear in a stub file * (Currently only works for methods, constructors, and fields) */ public boolean isFromByteCode(Element element) { if (isFromStubFile(element)) return false; return this.getDeclAnnotation(element, FromByteCode.class) != null; } /** * Returns the actual annotation mirror used to annotate this type, whose * name equals the passed annotationName if one exists, null otherwise. This * is the private implementation of the same-named, public method. * * An option is provided to not to check for aliases of annotations. * For example, an annotated type factory may use aliasing for a pair of * annotations for convenience while needing in some cases to determine * a strict ordering between them, such as when determining whether * the annotations on an overrider method are more specific than the * annotations of an overridden method. * * @param elt the element to retrieve the annotation from * @param annoName the class name of the annotation to retrieve * @param checkAliases whether to return an annotation mirror for an alias of the requested annotation class name * @return the annotation mirror for the requested annotation or null if not found */ private AnnotationMirror getDeclAnnotation(Element elt, /*@Interned*/ String annoName, boolean checkAliases) { Set declAnnos = getDeclAnnotations(elt); for (AnnotationMirror am : declAnnos) { if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByName(am, annoName)) { return am; } } // Look through aliases. if (checkAliases) { Pair> aliases = declAliases.get(annoName); if (aliases != null) { for (String alias : aliases.second) { AnnotationMirror declAnnotation = getDeclAnnotation(elt, alias, false); if (declAnnotation != null) { return aliases.first; } } } } // Not found. return null; } /** * Returns all of the actual annotation mirrors used to annotate this element * (includes stub files and declaration annotations from overridden methods). *

* @param elt * The element for which to determine annotations. */ public Set getDeclAnnotations(Element elt) { if (cacheDeclAnnos.containsKey(elt)) { // Found in cache, return result. return cacheDeclAnnos.get(elt); } Set results = AnnotationUtils.createAnnotationSet(); // Retrieving the annotations from the element. results.addAll(elt.getAnnotationMirrors()); // If declAnnosFromStubFiles == null, return the annotations in the element. if (declAnnosFromStubFiles != null) { // Adding @FromByteCode annotation to declAnnosFromStubFiles entry with key // elt, if elt is from bytecode. addFromByteCode(elt); // Retrieving annotations from stub files. String eltName = ElementUtils.getVerboseName(elt); Set stubAnnos = declAnnosFromStubFiles.get(eltName); if (stubAnnos != null) { results.addAll(stubAnnos); } if (elt.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD) { // Retrieve the annotations from the overridden method's element. inheritOverriddenDeclAnnos((ExecutableElement) elt, results); } // Add the element and its annotations to the cache. cacheDeclAnnos.put(elt, results); } return results; } /** * Adds into {@code results} the declaration annotations found in all * elements that the method element {@code elt} overrides. * * @param elt * Method element. * @param results * {@code elt} local declaration annotations. The ones found * in stub files and in the element itself. */ private void inheritOverriddenDeclAnnos(ExecutableElement elt, Set results) { Map overriddenMethods = AnnotatedTypes.overriddenMethods(elements, this, elt); if (overriddenMethods != null) { for ( ExecutableElement superElt : overriddenMethods.values()) { Set superAnnos = getDeclAnnotations(superElt); for (AnnotationMirror annotation : superAnnos) { List annotationsOnAnnotation; try { annotationsOnAnnotation = annotation.getAnnotationType().asElement().getAnnotationMirrors(); } catch ( cf) { // Fix for Issue 348: If a CompletionFailure occurs, // issue a warning. checker.message(Kind.WARNING, annotation.getAnnotationType().asElement(), "annotation.not.completed", ElementUtils .getVerboseName(elt), annotation); continue; } if (AnnotationUtils.containsSameByClass( annotationsOnAnnotation, InheritedAnnotation.class) || AnnotationUtils.containsSameIgnoringValues( inheritedAnnotations, annotation)) { addOrMerge(results, annotation); } } } } } private void addOrMerge(Set results, AnnotationMirror annotation) { if (AnnotationUtils.containsSameIgnoringValues(results, annotation)) { /* * TODO: feature request: figure out a way to merge multiple annotations * of the same kind. For some annotations this might mean merging some * arrays, for others it might mean converting a single annotation into a * container annotation. We should define a protected method for subclasses * to adapt the behavior. * For now, do nothing and just take the first, most concrete, annotation. AnnotationMirror prev = null; for (AnnotationMirror an : results) { if (AnnotationUtils.areSameIgnoringValues(an, annotation)) { prev = an; break; } } results.remove(prev); AnnotationMirror merged = ...; results.add(merged); */ } else { results.add(annotation); } } /** * Returns a list of all declaration annotations used to annotate this element, * which have a meta-annotation (i.e., an annotation on that annotation) * with class {@code metaAnnotation}. * * @param element * The element for which to determine annotations. * @param metaAnnotation * The meta-annotation that needs to be present. * @return a list of pairs {@code (anno, metaAnno)} where {@code anno} is * the annotation mirror at {@code element}, and {@code metaAnno} is * the annotation mirror used to annotate {@code anno}. */ public List> getDeclAnnotationWithMetaAnnotation( Element element, Class metaAnnotation) { List> result = new ArrayList<>(); Set annotationMirrors = getDeclAnnotations(element); // Go through all annotations found. for (AnnotationMirror annotation : annotationMirrors) { List annotationsOnAnnotation; try { annotationsOnAnnotation = annotation.getAnnotationType().asElement().getAnnotationMirrors(); } catch ( cf) { // Fix for Issue 309: If a CompletionFailure occurs, issue a warning. // I didn't find a nicer alternative to check whether the Symbol can be completed. // The completer field of a Symbol might be non-null also in successful cases. // Issue a warning (exception only happens once) and continue. checker.message(Kind.WARNING, annotation.getAnnotationType().asElement(), "annotation.not.completed", ElementUtils.getVerboseName(element), annotation); continue; } // First call copier, if exception, continue normal modula laws. for (AnnotationMirror a : annotationsOnAnnotation) { if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass(a, metaAnnotation)) { result.add(Pair.of(annotation, a)); } } } return result; } /** * Returns a list of all annotations used to annotate this element, * which have a meta-annotation (i.e., an annotation on that annotation) * with class {@code metaAnnotation}. * * @param element * The element at which to look for annotations. * @param metaAnnotation * The meta-annotation that needs to be present. * @return a list of pairs {@code (anno, metaAnno)} where {@code anno} is * the annotation mirror at {@code element}, and {@code metaAnno} is * the annotation mirror used to annotate {@code anno}. */ public List> getAnnotationWithMetaAnnotation( Element element, Class metaAnnotation) { List> result = new ArrayList<>(); Set annotationMirrors = AnnotationUtils.createAnnotationSet(); // Consider real annotations. annotationMirrors.addAll(getAnnotatedType(element).getAnnotations()); // Consider declaration annotations annotationMirrors.addAll(getDeclAnnotations(element)); // Go through all annotations found. for (AnnotationMirror annotation : annotationMirrors) { List annotationsOnAnnotation = annotation .getAnnotationType().asElement().getAnnotationMirrors(); for (AnnotationMirror a : annotationsOnAnnotation) { if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass(a, metaAnnotation)) { result.add(Pair.of(annotation, a)); } } } return result; } /** * This method is a hack to use when a method type argument * could not be inferred automatically or if a raw type is used. * The only use should be: * org.checkerframework.framework.util.AnnotatedTypes.inferTypeArguments(ProcessingEnvironment, AnnotatedTypeFactory, ExpressionTree, ExecutableElement) * org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeFactory.fromTypeTree(Tree) */ public AnnotatedWildcardType getUninferredWildcardType(AnnotatedTypeVariable typeVar) { final boolean intersectionType; final TypeMirror boundType; if (typeVar.getUpperBound().getKind() == TypeKind.INTERSECTION) { boundType = typeVar.getUpperBound() .directSuperTypes() .get(0) .getUnderlyingType(); intersectionType = true; } else { boundType = typeVar.getUnderlyingType().getUpperBound(); intersectionType = false; } WildcardType wc = types.getWildcardType(boundType, null); AnnotatedWildcardType wctype = (AnnotatedWildcardType) AnnotatedTypeMirror.createType(wc, this, false); if (!intersectionType) { wctype.setExtendsBound(typeVar.getUpperBound().deepCopy()); } else { //TODO: This probably doesn't work if the type has a type argument wctype.getExtendsBound().addAnnotations(typeVar.getUpperBound().getAnnotations()); } wctype.setSuperBound(typeVar.getLowerBound().deepCopy()); wctype.addAnnotations(typeVar.getAnnotations()); wctype.setTypeArgHack(); return wctype; } /** * If {@code wildcard}'s upper bound is a super type of {@code annotatedTypeMirror}, * this method returns an AnnotatedTypeMirror with the same qualfiers as {@code annotatedTypeMirror}, but * the underlying Java type is the the most specific base type of {@code annotatedTypeMirror} whose erasure type * is equivalent to the upper bound of {@code wildcard}. *

* Otherwise, returns {@code annotatedTypeMirror} unmodified. *

* For example: *

     * wildcard := @NonNull ? extends @NonNull Object
     * annotatedTypeMirror := @Nullable String
     * widenToUpperBound(annotatedTypeMirror, wildcard) returns @Nullable Object
* This method is needed because, * the Java compiler allows wildcards to have upper bounds above the type variable upper bounds * for which they are type arguments. For example, given the following parametric type: *
     * {@code class MyClass}
* the following is legal: *
     * {@code MyClass}
* This is sound because in Java the wildcard is capture converted to: * {@code CAP#1 extends Number from capture of ? extends Object}. *

* Because the Checker Framework does not implement capture conversion, wildcard upper bounds may * cause spurious errors in subtyping checks. This method prevents those errors by * widening the upper bound of the type parameter. *

* This method widens the underlying Java type of the upper bound of the type parameter rather * than narrowing the bound of the wildcard in order to avoid issuing an error with an upper * bound that is not in source code. *

* The widened type should only be used for typing checks that require it. Using the widened type * elsewhere would cause confusing error messages with types not in the source code. * * @param annotatedTypeMirror AnnotatedTypeMirror to widen * @param wildcard AnnotatedWildcardType whose upper bound is used to widen * @return {@code annotatedTypeMirror} widen to the upper bound of {@code wildcard} */ public AnnotatedTypeMirror widenToUpperBound(final AnnotatedTypeMirror annotatedTypeMirror, final AnnotatedWildcardType wildcard) { /** */ final TypeMirror toModifyTypeMirror = annotatedTypeMirror.getUnderlyingType(); final TypeMirror wildcardUpperBoundTypeMirror = wildcard.getExtendsBound().getUnderlyingType(); if (!types.isSubtype(wildcardUpperBoundTypeMirror, toModifyTypeMirror) && types.isSubtype(toModifyTypeMirror, wildcardUpperBoundTypeMirror)) { return AnnotatedTypes.asSuper(types, this, annotatedTypeMirror, wildcard); } return annotatedTypeMirror; } public Pair getFnInterfaceFromTree(MemberReferenceTree tree) { return getFnInterfaceFromTree((Tree)tree); } public Pair getFnInterfaceFromTree(LambdaExpressionTree tree) { return getFnInterfaceFromTree((Tree) tree); } /** * Find the declared type of the functional interface and the executable type for its method for a given * MemberReferenceTree or LambdaExpressionTree. * * @param tree the MemberReferenceTree or LambdaExpressionTree * @return the declared type of the functional interface and the executable type */ private Pair getFnInterfaceFromTree(Tree tree) { Context ctx = ((JavacProcessingEnvironment) getProcessingEnv()).getContext(); javacTypes =; // ========= Overridden Type ========= AnnotatedDeclaredType functionalInterfaceType = getFunctionalInterfaceType(tree, javacTypes); makeGroundTargetType(functionalInterfaceType); // ========= Overridden Executable ========= Element fnElement = javacTypes.findDescriptorSymbol( ((Type) functionalInterfaceType.getUnderlyingType()).asElement()); // The method viewed from the declared type AnnotatedExecutableType methodExe = (AnnotatedExecutableType)AnnotatedTypes.asMemberOf( types, this, functionalInterfaceType, fnElement); return Pair.of(functionalInterfaceType, methodExe); } /** * Get the AnnotatedDeclaredType for the FunctionalInterface from assignment context of the method reference * which may be a variable assignment, a method call, or a cast. *

* The assignment context is not always correct, so we must search up the AST. It will recursively search * for lambdas nested in lambdas. * * @param lambdaTree the tree of the lambda or method reference * @return the functional interface type */ private AnnotatedDeclaredType getFunctionalInterfaceType(Tree lambdaTree, javacTypes) { Tree parentTree = TreePath.getPath(this.root, lambdaTree).getParentPath().getLeaf(); switch (parentTree.getKind()) { case PARENTHESIZED: return getFunctionalInterfaceType(parentTree, javacTypes); case TYPE_CAST: TypeCastTree cast = (TypeCastTree) parentTree; assertFunctionalInterface(javacTypes, (Type) trees.getTypeMirror(getPath(cast.getType())), parentTree, lambdaTree); AnnotatedTypeMirror castATM = getAnnotatedType(cast.getType()); if (castATM.getKind() == TypeKind.INTERSECTION) { AnnotatedIntersectionType itype = (AnnotatedIntersectionType) castATM; for (AnnotatedTypeMirror t : itype.directSuperTypes()) { if (javacTypes.isFunctionalInterface((Type) t.getUnderlyingType())) { return (AnnotatedDeclaredType) t; } } // We should never reach here: assertFunctionalInterface performs the same check and // would have raised an error already. ErrorReporter.errorAbort(String.format( "Expected the type of a cast tree in an assignment context to contain a functional interface bound. " + "Found type: %s for tree: %s in lambda tree: %s", castATM, cast, lambdaTree)); } return (AnnotatedDeclaredType) castATM; case NEW_CLASS: NewClassTree newClass = (NewClassTree) parentTree; int indexOfLambda = newClass.getArguments().indexOf(lambdaTree); Pair> con = this.constructorFromUse(newClass); AnnotatedTypeMirror constructorParam = AnnotatedTypes.getAnnotatedTypeMirrorOfParameter(con.first, indexOfLambda); assertFunctionalInterface(javacTypes, (Type) constructorParam.getUnderlyingType(), parentTree, lambdaTree); return (AnnotatedDeclaredType) constructorParam; case METHOD_INVOCATION: MethodInvocationTree method = (MethodInvocationTree) parentTree; int index = method.getArguments().indexOf(lambdaTree); Pair> exe = this.methodFromUse(method); AnnotatedTypeMirror param = AnnotatedTypes.getAnnotatedTypeMirrorOfParameter(exe.first, index); assertFunctionalInterface(javacTypes, (Type)param.getUnderlyingType(), parentTree, lambdaTree); return (AnnotatedDeclaredType) param; case VARIABLE: VariableTree varTree = (VariableTree) parentTree; assertFunctionalInterface(javacTypes, (Type)InternalUtils.typeOf(varTree), parentTree, lambdaTree); return (AnnotatedDeclaredType) getAnnotatedType(varTree.getType()); case ASSIGNMENT: AssignmentTree assignmentTree = (AssignmentTree) parentTree; assertFunctionalInterface(javacTypes, (Type)InternalUtils.typeOf(assignmentTree), parentTree, lambdaTree); return (AnnotatedDeclaredType) getAnnotatedType(assignmentTree.getVariable()); case RETURN: Tree enclosing = TreeUtils.enclosingOfKind(TreePath.getPath(this.root, parentTree), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Tree.Kind.METHOD, Tree.Kind.LAMBDA_EXPRESSION))); if (enclosing.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) { MethodTree enclosingMethod = (MethodTree) enclosing; return (AnnotatedDeclaredType) getAnnotatedType(enclosingMethod.getReturnType()); } else { LambdaExpressionTree enclosingLambda = (LambdaExpressionTree) enclosing; Pair result = getFnInterfaceFromTree(enclosingLambda); AnnotatedExecutableType methodExe = result.second; return (AnnotatedDeclaredType) methodExe.getReturnType(); } case LAMBDA_EXPRESSION: LambdaExpressionTree enclosingLambda = (LambdaExpressionTree) parentTree; Pair result = getFnInterfaceFromTree(enclosingLambda); AnnotatedExecutableType methodExe = result.second; return (AnnotatedDeclaredType) methodExe.getReturnType(); case CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION: ConditionalExpressionTree conditionalExpressionTree = (ConditionalExpressionTree) parentTree; final AnnotatedTypeMirror falseType = getAnnotatedType(conditionalExpressionTree.getFalseExpression()); final AnnotatedTypeMirror trueType = getAnnotatedType(conditionalExpressionTree.getTrueExpression()); // Known cases where we must use LUB because falseType/trueType will not be equal: // a) when one of the types is a type variable that extends a functional interface // or extends a type variable that extends a functional interface // b) When one of the two sides of the expression is a reference to a sub-interface. // e.g. interface ConsumeStr { // public void consume(String s) // } // interface SubConsumer extends ConsumeStr { // default void someOtherMethod() { ... } // } // SubConsumer s = ...; // ConsumeStr stringConsumer = (someCondition) ? s : System.out::println; AnnotatedTypeMirror conditionalType = AnnotatedTypes.leastUpperBound(processingEnv, this, trueType, falseType); assertFunctionalInterface(javacTypes, (Type) conditionalType.getUnderlyingType(), parentTree, lambdaTree); return (AnnotatedDeclaredType) conditionalType; default: ErrorReporter.errorAbort("Could not find functional interface from assignment context. " + "Unexpected tree type: " + parentTree.getKind() + " For lambda tree: " + lambdaTree); return null; } } private void assertFunctionalInterface( javacTypes, Type type, Tree contextTree, Tree lambdaTree) { if (!javacTypes.isFunctionalInterface(type)) { if (type.getKind() == TypeKind.INTERSECTION) { IntersectionType itype = (IntersectionType) type; for (TypeMirror t : itype.getBounds()) { if (javacTypes.isFunctionalInterface((Type) t)) { // As long as any of the bounds is a functional interface // we should be fine. return; } } } ErrorReporter.errorAbort(String.format( "Expected the type of %s tree in assignment context to be a functional interface. " + "Found type: %s for tree: %s in lambda tree: %s", contextTree.getKind(), type, contextTree, lambdaTree)); } } /** * Create the ground target type of the functional interface. *

* Basically, it replaces the wildcards with their bounds * doing a capture conversion like glb for extends bounds. * * @see "JLS 9.9" * @param overriddenType the functional interface type */ private void makeGroundTargetType(AnnotatedDeclaredType overriddenType) { if (overriddenType.getTypeArguments().size() > 0) { List bounds = this.typeVariablesFromUse(overriddenType, (TypeElement)overriddenType.getUnderlyingType().asElement()); List newTypeArguments = new ArrayList<>(overriddenType.getTypeArguments()); for (int i = 0 ; i < overriddenType.getTypeArguments().size() ; i ++) { AnnotatedTypeMirror argType = overriddenType.getTypeArguments().get(i); if (argType.getKind() == TypeKind.WILDCARD) { AnnotatedWildcardType wildcardType = (AnnotatedWildcardType) argType; final TypeMirror wilcardUbType = wildcardType.getExtendsBound().getUnderlyingType(); final TypeMirror typeParamUbType = bounds.get(i).getUpperBound().getUnderlyingType(); if (isExtendsWildcard(wildcardType)) { TypeMirror glbType = InternalUtils.greatestLowerBound(this.checker.getProcessingEnvironment(), typeParamUbType, wilcardUbType); // checkTypeArgs now enforces that wildcard annotation bounds MUST be within // the bounds of the type parameter. Therefore, the wildcard's upper bound // should ALWAYS be more specific than the upper bound of the type parameter // That said, the Java type does NOT have to be. // Add the annotations from the wildcard to the lub type. final AnnotatedTypeMirror newArg; if (types.isSameType(wilcardUbType, glbType)) { newArg = wildcardType.getExtendsBound().deepCopy(); } else { newArg = this.toAnnotatedType(glbType, false); newArg.replaceAnnotations(wildcardType.getExtendsBound().getAnnotations()); } newTypeArguments.set(i, newArg); } else { newTypeArguments.set(i, wildcardType.getSuperBound()); } } } overriddenType.setTypeArguments(newTypeArguments); } } /** * Check that a wildcard is an extends wildcard * * @param awt the wildcard type * @return true if awt is an extends wildcard */ private boolean isExtendsWildcard(AnnotatedWildcardType awt) { return awt.getUnderlyingType().getSuperBound() == null; } /** Accessor for the element utilities. */ public Elements getElementUtils() { return this.elements; } /** Accessor for the tree utilities. */ public Trees getTreeUtils() { return this.trees; } /** Accessor for the processing environment. */ public ProcessingEnvironment getProcessingEnv() { return this.processingEnv; } /** Accessor for the {@link CFContext}. */ public CFContext getContext() { return checker; } }

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