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org.checkerframework.framework.util.FlowExpressionParseUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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The Checker Framework enhances Java's type system to make it more powerful and useful. This lets software developers detect and prevent errors in their Java programs. The Checker Framework includes compiler plug-ins ("checkers") that find bugs or verify their absence. It also permits you to write your own compiler plug-ins.

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package org.checkerframework.framework.util;

import org.checkerframework.checker.compilermsgs.qual.CompilerMessageKey;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;

import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.LambdaExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.util.Elements;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.FlowExpressions;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.FlowExpressions.ArrayAccess;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.FlowExpressions.ClassName;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.FlowExpressions.FieldAccess;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.FlowExpressions.LocalVariable;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.FlowExpressions.MethodCall;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.FlowExpressions.Receiver;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.FlowExpressions.ThisReference;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.FlowExpressions.ValueLiteral;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.ClassNameNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.ImplicitThisLiteralNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.LocalVariableNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.MethodInvocationNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.Node;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.ObjectCreationNode;
import org.checkerframework.framework.source.Result;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeFactory;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ElementUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.Pair;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.Resolver;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreeUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TypesUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.trees.TreeBuilder;

 * A collection of helper methods to parse a string that represents a restricted Java expression.
 * Such expressions can be found in annotations (e.g., to specify a pre- or postcondition).
 * @author Stefan Heule
public class FlowExpressionParseUtil {

     * Regular expression for an identifier. Permits '$' in the name, though that character never
     * appears in Java source code.
    protected static final String identifierRegex = "[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*";
    /** Regular expression for a formal parameter use. */
    protected static final String parameterRegex = "#([1-9][0-9]*)";

    /** Regular expression for a string literal. */
    // Regex can be found at, for example,
    protected static final String stringRegex = "\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\"";

    /** Unanchored; can be used to find all formal parameter uses. */
    protected static final Pattern unanchoredParameterPattern = Pattern.compile(parameterRegex);

    /** Returns a Pattern, anchored at the beginning and end, for the regex. */
    private static Pattern anchored(String regex) {
        return Pattern.compile("^" + regex + "$");

    // Each of the below patterns is anchored with ^...$.
    /** Matches a parameter */
    protected static final Pattern parameterPattern = anchored(parameterRegex);
    /** Matches an identifier */
    protected static final Pattern identifierPattern = anchored(identifierRegex);
    /** Matches integer literals */
    protected static final Pattern intPattern = anchored("[-+]?[0-9]+");
    /** Matches long literals */
    protected static final Pattern longPattern = anchored("[-+]?[0-9]+[Ll]");
    /** Matches string literals */
    protected static final Pattern stringPattern = anchored(stringRegex);
    /** Matches an expression contained in matching start and end parentheses */
    protected static final Pattern parenthesesPattern = anchored("\\((.*)\\)");

     * Parse a string and return its representation as a {@link Receiver}, or throw an {@link
     * FlowExpressionParseException}.
     * @param expression flow expression to parse
     * @param context information about any receiver and arguments
     * @param localScope path to local scope to use
     * @param useLocalScope whether {@code localScope} should be used to resolve identifiers
    public static FlowExpressions.Receiver parse(
            String expression,
            FlowExpressionContext context,
            TreePath localScope,
            boolean useLocalScope)
            throws FlowExpressionParseException {
        context.useLocalScope = useLocalScope;
        FlowExpressions.Receiver result = parseHelper(expression, context, localScope);
        if (result instanceof ClassName && !expression.endsWith("class")) {
            throw constructParserException(
                    expression, "a class name cannot terminate a flow expression string");
        return result;

    private static FlowExpressions.Receiver parseHelper(
            String expression, FlowExpressionContext context, TreePath path)
            throws FlowExpressionParseException {
        expression = expression.trim();

        ProcessingEnvironment env = context.checkerContext.getProcessingEnvironment();
        Types types = env.getTypeUtils();

        if (isNullLiteral(expression, context)) {
            return parseNullLiteral(expression, types);
        } else if (isIntLiteral(expression, context)) {
            return parseIntLiteral(expression, types);
        } else if (isLongLiteral(expression, context)) {
            return parseLongLiteral(expression, types);
        } else if (isStringLiteral(expression, context)) {
            return parseStringLiteral(expression, types, env.getElementUtils());
        } else if (isThisLiteral(expression, context)) {
            return parseThis(expression, context);
        } else if (isSuperLiteral(expression, context)) {
            return parseSuper(expression, types, context);
        } else if (isIdentifier(expression, context)) {
            return parseIdentifier(expression, env, path, context);
        } else if (isParameter(expression, context)) {
            return parseParameter(expression, context);
        } else if (isArray(expression, context)) {
            return parseArray(expression, context, path);
        } else if (isMethod(expression, context)) {
            return parseMethod(expression, context, path, env);
        } else if (isMemberSelect(expression, context)) {
            return parseMemberSelect(expression, env, context, path);
        } else if (isParentheses(expression, context)) {
            return parseParentheses(expression, context, path);
        } else {
            throw constructParserException(expression);

    private static boolean isMemberSelect(String s, FlowExpressionContext context) {
        return parseMemberSelect(s) != null;

     * Matches a field access. First of returned pair is object and second is field.
     * @param s expression string
     * @return pair of object and field
    private static Pair parseMemberSelect(String s) {
        Pair, String> method = parseMethod(s);
        if (method != null && method.second.startsWith(".")) {
            return Pair.of(
                    method.first.first + "(" + method.first.second + ")",

        Pair, String> array = parseArray(s);
        if (array != null && array.second.startsWith(".")) {
            return Pair.of(
                    array.first.first + "[" + array.first.second + "]", array.second.substring(1));

        Pattern memberSelectOfStringPattern = anchored("(" + stringRegex + ")" + "\\.(.*)");
        Matcher m = memberSelectOfStringPattern.matcher(s);
        if (m.matches()) {
            return Pair.of(,;

        int nextRParenPos = matchingCloseParen(s, 0, '(', ')');
        if (nextRParenPos != -1) {
            if (nextRParenPos + 1 < s.length() && s.charAt(nextRParenPos + 1) == '.') {
                String reciever = s.substring(0, nextRParenPos + 1);
                String remaining = s.substring(nextRParenPos + 2);
                return Pair.of(reciever, remaining);
            } else {
                return null;

        int i = s.indexOf(".");
        if (i == -1) {
            return null;

        String reciever = s.substring(0, i);
        String remaining = s.substring(i + 1);

        return Pair.of(reciever, remaining);

    private static Receiver parseMemberSelect(
            String s, ProcessingEnvironment env, FlowExpressionContext context, TreePath path)
            throws FlowExpressionParseException {
        Pair select = parseMemberSelect(s);
        assert select != null : "isMemberSelect must be called first";

        Receiver receiver;
        String memberSelected;

        Resolver resolver = new Resolver(env);

        // Attempt to match a package and class name first.
        Pair classAndRemainingString =
                matchPackageAndClassNameWithinExpression(s, resolver, path);
        if (classAndRemainingString != null) {
            receiver = classAndRemainingString.first;
            memberSelected = classAndRemainingString.second;
            if (memberSelected == null) {
                throw constructParserException(
                        s, "a class cannot terminate a flow expression string");
        } else {
            String receiverString = select.first;
            memberSelected = select.second;
            receiver = parseHelper(receiverString, context, path);

        if (memberSelected.equals("class")) {
            if (receiver instanceof FlowExpressions.ClassName && !context.parsingMember) {
                return receiver;
            } else {
                throw constructParserException(s, "class is not a legal identifier");

        // Parse the rest, with a new receiver.
        FlowExpressionContext newContext = context.copyChangeToParsingMemberOfReceiver(receiver);
        return parseHelper(memberSelected, newContext, path);

    // ########

    private static boolean isNullLiteral(String s, FlowExpressionContext context) {
        if (context.parsingMember) {
            return false;
        return s.equals("null");

    private static Receiver parseNullLiteral(String expression, Types types) {
        return new ValueLiteral(types.getNullType(), (Object) null);

    private static boolean isIntLiteral(String s, FlowExpressionContext context) {
        if (context.parsingMember) {
            return false;
        Matcher intMatcher = intPattern.matcher(s);
        return intMatcher.matches();

    private static Receiver parseIntLiteral(String s, Types types) {
        int val = Integer.parseInt(s);
        return new ValueLiteral(types.getPrimitiveType(TypeKind.INT), val);

    private static boolean isLongLiteral(String s, FlowExpressionContext context) {
        if (context.parsingMember) {
            return false;
        Matcher longMatcher = longPattern.matcher(s);
        return longMatcher.matches();

    private static Receiver parseLongLiteral(String s, Types types) {
        // Remove L or l at the end of a long literal
        s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1);
        long val = Long.parseLong(s);
        return new ValueLiteral(types.getPrimitiveType(TypeKind.LONG), val);

    /** Return true iff s is a string literal. */
    private static boolean isStringLiteral(String s, FlowExpressionContext context) {
        if (context.parsingMember) {
            return false;
        Matcher stringMatcher = stringPattern.matcher(s);
        return stringMatcher.matches();

    private static Receiver parseStringLiteral(String s, Types types, Elements elements) {
        TypeElement stringTypeElem = elements.getTypeElement("java.lang.String");
        return new ValueLiteral(
                types.getDeclaredType(stringTypeElem), s.substring(1, s.length() - 1));

    private static boolean isThisLiteral(String s, FlowExpressionContext context) {
        if (context.parsingMember) {
            // TODO: this is probably wrong because you could have and inner class receiver
            // Outer.this
            return false;
        // Do not allow "#0" because it's ambiguous:  a reader might assume that #0 is the first
        // formal parameter.
        return s.equals("this");

    private static Receiver parseThis(String s, FlowExpressionContext context) {
        if (!(context.receiver == null || context.receiver.containsUnknown())) {
            // "this" is the receiver of the context
            return context.receiver;
        } else {
            return new ThisReference(context.receiver == null ? null : context.receiver.getType());

    private static boolean isSuperLiteral(String s, FlowExpressionContext context) {
        if (context.parsingMember) {
            return false;
        return s.equals("super");

    private static Receiver parseSuper(String s, Types types, FlowExpressionContext context)
            throws FlowExpressionParseException {
        // super literal
        List superTypes = types.directSupertypes(context.receiver.getType());
        // find class supertype
        TypeMirror superType = null;
        for (TypeMirror t : superTypes) {
            // ignore interface types
            if (!(t instanceof ClassType)) {
            ClassType tt = (ClassType) t;
            if (!tt.isInterface()) {
                superType = t;
        if (superType == null) {
            throw constructParserException(s, "super class not found");
        return new ThisReference(superType);

    private static boolean isIdentifier(String s, FlowExpressionContext context) {
        Matcher identifierMatcher = identifierPattern.matcher(s);
        return identifierMatcher.matches();

    private static Receiver parseIdentifier(
            String s, ProcessingEnvironment env, TreePath path, FlowExpressionContext context)
            throws FlowExpressionParseException {
        Resolver resolver = new Resolver(env);
        if (!context.parsingMember && context.useLocalScope) {
            // Attempt to match a local variable within the scope of the
            // given path before attempting to match a field.
            VariableElement varElem = resolver.findLocalVariableOrParameterOrField(s, path);
            if (varElem != null) {
                if (varElem.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD) {
                    boolean isOriginalReceiver = context.receiver instanceof ThisReference;
                    return getReceiverField(s, context, isOriginalReceiver, varElem);
                } else {
                    return new LocalVariable(varElem);

        // field access
        TypeMirror receiverType = context.receiver.getType();
        boolean originalReceiver = true;
        VariableElement fieldElem = null;

        if (receiverType.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY && s.equals("length")) {
            fieldElem = resolver.findField(s, receiverType, path);

        // Search for field in each enclosing class.
        while (receiverType.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) {
            fieldElem = resolver.findField(s, receiverType, path);
            if (fieldElem != null) {
            receiverType = getTypeOfEnclosingClass((DeclaredType) receiverType);
            originalReceiver = false;

        if (fieldElem != null && fieldElem.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD) {
            return getReceiverField(s, context, originalReceiver, fieldElem);

        // Class name
        Element classElem = resolver.findClass(s, path);
        TypeMirror classType = ElementUtils.getType(classElem);
        if (classType != null) {
            return new ClassName(classType);
        throw constructParserException(s, "identifier not found");

    private static Receiver getReceiverField(
            String s,
            FlowExpressionContext context,
            boolean originalReceiver,
            VariableElement fieldElem)
            throws FlowExpressionParseException {
        TypeMirror receiverType = context.receiver.getType();

        TypeMirror fieldType = ElementUtils.getType(fieldElem);
        if (ElementUtils.isStatic(fieldElem)) {
            Element classElem = fieldElem.getEnclosingElement();
            Receiver staticClassReceiver = new ClassName(ElementUtils.getType(classElem));
            return new FieldAccess(staticClassReceiver, fieldType, fieldElem);
        Receiver locationOfField;
        if (originalReceiver) {
            locationOfField = context.receiver;
        } else {
            locationOfField =
                            new ImplicitThisLiteralNode(receiverType));
        if (locationOfField instanceof ClassName) {
            throw constructParserException(
                    s, "a non-static field cannot have a class name as a receiver.");
        return new FieldAccess(locationOfField, fieldType, fieldElem);

    private static boolean isParameter(String s, FlowExpressionContext contex) {
        if (contex.parsingMember) {
            return false;
        Matcher parameterMatcher = parameterPattern.matcher(s);
        return parameterMatcher.matches();

    private static Receiver parseParameter(String s, FlowExpressionContext context)
            throws FlowExpressionParseException {
        Matcher parameterMatcher = parameterPattern.matcher(s);
        if (!parameterMatcher.matches()) {
            return null;
        if (context.arguments == null) {
            throw constructParserException(s, "no parameter found");
        int idx = -1;
        try {
            idx = Integer.parseInt(;
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            // cannot occur by the way the pattern is defined (matches only numbers)
            assert false;
        if (idx > context.arguments.size()) {
            throw new FlowExpressionParseException(
                    "flowexpr.parse.index.too.big", Integer.toString(idx));
        return context.arguments.get(idx - 1);

     * Parse a method call. First of returned pair is a pair of method name and arguments. Second of
     * returned pair is a remaining string.
     * @param s expression string
     * @return pair of (pair of method name and arguments) and remaining
    private static Pair, String> parseMethod(String s) {
        // Parse Identifier
        Pattern identParser = Pattern.compile("^(" + identifierRegex + ").*$");
        Matcher m = identParser.matcher(s);
        if (!m.matches()) {
            return null;
        String ident =;
        int i = ident.length();

        int rparenPos = matchingCloseParen(s, i, '(', ')');
        if (rparenPos == -1) {
            return null;

        String arguments = s.substring(i + 1, rparenPos);
        String remaining = s.substring(rparenPos + 1);
        return Pair.of(Pair.of(ident, arguments), remaining);

    private static boolean isMethod(String s, FlowExpressionContext contex) {
        Pair, String> result = parseMethod(s);
        return result != null && result.second.isEmpty();

    private static Receiver parseMethod(
            String s, FlowExpressionContext context, TreePath path, ProcessingEnvironment env)
            throws FlowExpressionParseException {
        Pair, String> method = parseMethod(s);
        if (method == null) {
            return null;

        String methodName = method.first.first;

        // parse parameter list
        String parameterList = method.first.second;
        List parameters =
                        parameterList, true, context.copyAndUseOuterReceiver(), path);

        // get types for parameters
        List parameterTypes = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Receiver p : parameters) {
        ExecutableElement methodElement = null;
        try {
            Element element = null;

            // try to find the correct method
            Resolver resolver = new Resolver(env);
            TypeMirror receiverType = context.receiver.getType();

            if (receiverType.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) {
                element = resolver.findMethod(methodName, receiverType, path, parameterTypes);

            // Search for method in each enclosing class.
            while (receiverType.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) {
                element = resolver.findMethod(methodName, receiverType, path, parameterTypes);
                if (element.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD) {
                receiverType = getTypeOfEnclosingClass((DeclaredType) receiverType);

            if (element == null) {
                throw constructParserException(s, "element==null");
            if (element.getKind() != ElementKind.METHOD) {
                throw constructParserException(s, "element.getKind()==" + element.getKind());

            methodElement = (ExecutableElement) element;

            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) {
                VariableElement formal = methodElement.getParameters().get(i);
                TypeMirror formalType = formal.asType();
                Receiver actual = parameters.get(i);
                TypeMirror actualType = actual.getType();
                // boxing necessary
                if (TypesUtils.isBoxedPrimitive(formalType) && TypesUtils.isPrimitive(actualType)) {
                    MethodSymbol valueOfMethod = TreeBuilder.getValueOfMethod(env, formalType);
                    List p = new ArrayList<>();
                    Receiver boxedParam =
                            new MethodCall(formalType, valueOfMethod, new ClassName(formalType), p);
                    parameters.set(i, boxedParam);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw constructParserException(s, t);
        assert methodElement != null;
        // TODO: reinstate this test, but issue a warning that the user
        // can override, rather than halting parsing which the user cannot override.
        /*if (!PurityUtils.isDeterministic(context.checkerContext.getAnnotationProvider(),
                methodElement)) {
            throw new FlowExpressionParseException(Result.failure(
        if (ElementUtils.isStatic(methodElement)) {
            Element classElem = methodElement.getEnclosingElement();
            Receiver staticClassReceiver = new ClassName(ElementUtils.getType(classElem));
            return new MethodCall(
        } else {
            if (context.receiver instanceof ClassName) {
                throw constructParserException(
                        s, "a non-static method call cannot have a class name as a receiver.");
            TypeMirror methodType =
                            methodElement, context.receiver.getType(), env);
            return new MethodCall(methodType, methodElement, context.receiver, parameters);

     * Parse a array access. First of returned pair is a pair of an array to be accessed and an
     * index. Second of returned pair is a remaining string.
     * @param s expression string
     * @return pair of (pair of an array to be accessed and an index) and remaining. Returns null if
     *     parsing fails.
    private static Pair, String> parseArray(String s) {
        int i = 0;
        while (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) != '[') i++;

        if (i >= s.length()) {
            return null;

        while (true) {
            int nextRBracketPos = matchingCloseParen(s, i, '[', ']');
            if (nextRBracketPos == -1) {
                return null;

            int nextLBracketPos = nextRBracketPos + 1;
            if (nextLBracketPos < s.length() && s.charAt(nextLBracketPos) == '[') {
                i = nextLBracketPos;

            return Pair.of(
                    Pair.of(s.substring(0, i), s.substring(i + 1, nextRBracketPos)),

     * Find occurrence of {@code close} that matches the occurrence of {@code open} at {@code
     * openPos}. Handles nested occurrences of "{@code open} ... {@code close}".
     * @return matching occurrence of {@code close}, or -1 if not found
    private static int matchingCloseParen(String s, int openPos, char open, char close) {
        // expect `open` at `openPos` in `s`
        if (s.length() <= openPos || s.charAt(openPos) != open) {
            return -1;

        int i = openPos + 1;
        int depth = 1;
        while (i < s.length()) {
            char ch = s.charAt(i++);
            if (ch == '"') {
                // TODO: inefficient to re-compute this on every iteration, should be static
                Pattern stringPattern = anchored("(" + stringRegex + ").*");
                Matcher m = stringPattern.matcher(s.substring(i));
                if (!m.matches()) {
                i +=;
            } else if (ch == open) {
            } else if (ch == close) {
                if (depth < 0) {
                } else if (depth == 0) {
                    return i - 1;
        return -1;

    private static boolean isArray(String s, FlowExpressionContext context) {
        Pair, String> result = parseArray(s);
        return result != null && result.second.isEmpty();

    private static Receiver parseArray(String s, FlowExpressionContext context, TreePath path)
            throws FlowExpressionParseException {
        Pair, String> array = parseArray(s);
        if (array == null) {
            return null;

        String receiverStr = array.first.first;
        String indexStr = array.first.second;
        Receiver receiver = parseHelper(receiverStr, context, path);
        FlowExpressionContext contextForIndex = context.copyAndUseOuterReceiver();
        Receiver index = parseHelper(indexStr, contextForIndex, path);
        TypeMirror receiverType = receiver.getType();
        if (!(receiverType instanceof ArrayType)) {
            throw constructParserException(
                    s, String.format("receiver not an array: %s : %s", receiver, receiverType));
        TypeMirror componentType = ((ArrayType) receiverType).getComponentType();
        ArrayAccess result = new ArrayAccess(componentType, receiver, index);
        return result;

    // TODO: this returns true for "(a)+(b)" where the inital and final parens do not match.
    private static boolean isParentheses(String s, FlowExpressionContext contex) {
        return s.length() > 2 && s.charAt(0) == '(' && s.charAt(s.length() - 1) == ')';

    private static Receiver parseParentheses(String s, FlowExpressionContext context, TreePath path)
            throws FlowExpressionParseException {
        if (!isParentheses(s, context)) {
            return null;
        // TODO: this is the wrong thing for an expression like "(a)+(b)".
        String expressionString = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1);
        // Do not modify the value of recursiveCall, since a parenthesis match is essentially
        // a match to a no-op and should not semantically affect the parsing.
        return parseHelper(expressionString, context, path);

     * Matches a substring of {@code expression} to a package and class name (starting from the
     * beginning of the string).
     * @param expression the expression string that may start with a package and class name
     * @param resolver the {@code Resolver} for the current processing environment
     * @param path the tree path to the local scope
     * @return {@code null} if the expression string did not start with a package name; otherwise a
     *     {@code Pair} containing the {@code ClassName} for the matched class, and the remaining
     *     substring of the expression (possibly null) after the package and class name.
     * @throws FlowExpressionParseException if the entire expression string matches a package name
     *     (but no class name), or if a package name was matched but the class could not be found
     *     within the package (e.g., {@code "myExistingPackage.myNonExistentClass"}).
    private static Pair matchPackageAndClassNameWithinExpression(
            String expression, Resolver resolver, TreePath path)
            throws FlowExpressionParseException {
        Pair packageSymbolAndRemainingString =
                matchPackageNameWithinExpression(expression, resolver, path);

        if (packageSymbolAndRemainingString == null) {
            return null;

        PackageSymbol packageSymbol = packageSymbolAndRemainingString.first;
        String packageRemainingString = packageSymbolAndRemainingString.second;

        Pair select = parseMemberSelect(packageRemainingString);
        String classNameString;
        String remainingString;
        if (select != null) {
            classNameString = select.first;
            remainingString = select.second;
        } else {
            classNameString = packageRemainingString;
            remainingString = null;
        ClassSymbol classSymbol;
        try {
            classSymbol = resolver.findClassInPackage(classNameString, packageSymbol, path);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw constructParserException(
                    " findClassInPackage threw an exception when looking up class "
                            + classNameString
                            + " in package "
                            + packageSymbol.toString(),
        if (classSymbol == null) {
            throw constructParserException(
                    "classSymbol==null when looking up class "
                            + classNameString
                            + " in package "
                            + packageSymbol.toString());
        TypeMirror classType = ElementUtils.getType(classSymbol);
        if (classType == null) {
            throw constructParserException(
                    expression, "classType==null when looking for class symbol " + classSymbol);
        return Pair.of(new ClassName(classType), remainingString);

     * Greedily matches the longest substring of {@code expression} to a package (starting from the
     * beginning of the string).
     * @param expression the expression string that may start with a package name
     * @param resolver the {@code Resolver} for the current processing environment
     * @param path the tree path to the local scope
     * @return {@code null} if the expression string did not start with a package name; otherwise a
     *     {@code Pair} containing the {@code PackageSymbol} for the matched package, and the
     *     remaining substring of the expression (always non-null) after the package name
     * @throws FlowExpressionParseException if the entire expression string matches a package name
    private static Pair matchPackageNameWithinExpression(
            String expression, Resolver resolver, TreePath path)
            throws FlowExpressionParseException {
        Pair select = parseMemberSelect(expression);

        // To proceed past this point, at the minimum the expression must be composed of
        // packageName.className .  Do not remove the call to matches(), otherwise the dotMatcher
        // groups will not be filled in.
        if (select == null) {
            return null;

        String packageName = select.first;
        String remainingString = select.second, remainingStringIfPackageMatched = remainingString;

        PackageSymbol result = null; // the result of this method call

        while (true) {
            // At this point, packageName is one component longer than result, and that extra
            // component appears in remainingString but not in remainingStringIfPackageMatched.  In
            // other words, result and remainingStringIfPackageMatched are consistent, and
            // packageName and remainingString are consistent.  Try to set result to account for the
            // extra component in packageName.
            PackageSymbol longerResult;
            try {
                longerResult = resolver.findPackage(packageName, path);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw constructParserException(
                        "findPackage threw an exception when looking up package " + packageName,
            if (longerResult == null) {
            result = longerResult;
            remainingString = remainingStringIfPackageMatched;
            select = parseMemberSelect(remainingString);
            if (select != null) {
                packageName += "." + select.first;
                remainingStringIfPackageMatched = select.second;
            } else {
                // There are no dots in remainingString, so we are done.
                // Fail if the whole string represents a package, otherwise return.
                PackageSymbol wholeExpressionAsPackage;
                try {
                    wholeExpressionAsPackage = resolver.findPackage(expression, path);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw constructParserException(
                            "findPackage threw an exception when looking up package " + expression,
                if (wholeExpressionAsPackage != null) {
                    // The entire expression matches a package name.
                    throw constructParserException(
                            expression, "a flow expression string cannot be just a package name");

        if (result == null) {
            return null;

        // an exception would have been thrown above if the entire expression is a package name
        assert remainingString != null;

        return Pair.of(result, remainingString);

     * A very simple parser for parameter lists, i.e. strings of the form {@code a, b, c} for some
     * expressions {@code a}, {@code b} and {@code c}.
     * @author Stefan Heule
    private static class ParameterListParser {

         * Parse a parameter list and return the parameters as a list (or throw a {@link
         * FlowExpressionParseException}).
        private static List parseParameterList(
                String parameterString,
                boolean allowEmptyList,
                FlowExpressionContext context,
                TreePath path)
                throws FlowExpressionParseException {
            ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>();
            // the index of the character in 'parameterString' that the parser
            // is currently looking at
            int idx = 0;
            // how deeply are method calls nested at this point? callLevel is 0
            // in the beginning, and increases with every method call by 1. For
            // instance it would be 2 at the end of the following string:
            // "get(get(1,2,"
            int callLevel = 0;
            // is the parser currently in a string literal?
            boolean inString = false;
            while (true) {
                // end of string reached
                if (idx == parameterString.length()) {
                    // finish current param
                    if (inString) {
                        throw constructParserException(parameterString, "unterminated string");
                    } else if (callLevel > 0) {
                        throw constructParserException(
                                "unterminated method invocation, callLevel==" + callLevel);
                    } else {
                        finishParam(parameterString, allowEmptyList, context, path, result, idx);
                        return result;

                // get next character
                char next = parameterString.charAt(idx);

                // case split on character
                switch (next) {
                    case ',':
                        if (inString) {
                            // stay in same state and consume the character
                        } else {
                            if (callLevel == 0) {
                                // parse first parameter
                                        idx - 1);
                                // parse remaining parameters
                                List rest =
                                return result;
                            } else {
                                // not the outermost method call, defer parsing of
                                // this parameter list to recursive call.
                    case '"':
                        // start or finish string
                        inString = !inString;
                    case '(':
                        if (inString) {
                            // stay in same state and consume the character
                        } else {
                    case ')':
                        if (inString) {
                            // stay in same state and consume the character
                        } else {
                            if (callLevel == 0) {
                                throw constructParserException(parameterString, "callLevel==0");
                            } else {
                    case '\\':
                        // stay in same state and consume the character

        private static void finishParam(
                String parameterString,
                boolean allowEmptyList,
                FlowExpressionContext context,
                TreePath path,
                ArrayList result,
                int idx)
                throws FlowExpressionParseException {
            if (idx == 0) {
                if (allowEmptyList) {
                } else {
                    throw constructParserException(parameterString, "empty parameter list; idx==0");
            } else {
                result.add(parseHelper(parameterString.substring(0, idx), context, path));

     * @return a list of 1-based indices of all formal parameters that occur in {@code s}. Each
     *     formal parameter occurs in s as a string like "#1" or "#4". This routine does not do
     *     proper parsing; for instance, if "#2" appears within a string in s, then 2 would still be
     *     in the result list.
    public static List parameterIndices(String s) {
        List result = new ArrayList<>();
        Matcher matcher = unanchoredParameterPattern.matcher(s);
        while (matcher.find()) {
            int idx = Integer.parseInt(;
        return result;

    /// Contexts

     * Context used to parse a flow expression. When parsing flow expression E in annotation
     * {@code @A(E)}, the context is the program element that is annotated by {@code @A(E)}.
    public static class FlowExpressionContext {
        public final Receiver receiver;
        public final List arguments;
        public final Receiver outerReceiver;
        public final BaseContext checkerContext;
         * Whether or not the FlowExpressionParser is parsing the "member" part of a member select.
        public final boolean parsingMember;
        /** Whether the TreePath should be used to find identifiers. */
        public boolean useLocalScope;

         * Creates context for parsing a flow expression.
         * @param receiver used to replace "this" in a flow expression and used to resolve
         *     identifiers in the flow expression with an implicit "this"
         * @param arguments used to replace parameter references, e.g. #1, in flow expressions, null
         *     if no arguments
         * @param checkerContext used to create {@link FlowExpressions.Receiver}s
        public FlowExpressionContext(
                Receiver receiver, List arguments, BaseContext checkerContext) {
            this(receiver, receiver, arguments, checkerContext);

        private FlowExpressionContext(
                Receiver receiver,
                Receiver outerReceiver,
                List arguments,
                BaseContext checkerContext) {
            this(receiver, outerReceiver, arguments, checkerContext, false, true);

        private FlowExpressionContext(
                Receiver receiver,
                Receiver outerReceiver,
                List arguments,
                BaseContext checkerContext,
                boolean parsingMember,
                boolean useLocalScope) {
            assert checkerContext != null;
            this.receiver = receiver;
            this.arguments = arguments;
            this.outerReceiver = outerReceiver;
            this.checkerContext = checkerContext;
            this.parsingMember = parsingMember;
            this.useLocalScope = useLocalScope;

         * Creates a {@link FlowExpressionContext} for the method declared in {@code
         * methodDeclaration}.
         * @param methodDeclaration used translate parameter numbers in a flow expression to formal
         *     parameters of the method
         * @param enclosingTree used to look up fields and as type of "this" in flow expressions
         * @param checkerContext use to build FlowExpressions.Receiver
         * @return context created of {@code methodDeclaration}
        public static FlowExpressionContext buildContextForMethodDeclaration(
                MethodTree methodDeclaration, Tree enclosingTree, BaseContext checkerContext) {
            return buildContextForMethodDeclaration(
                    methodDeclaration, TreeUtils.typeOf(enclosingTree), checkerContext);

         * Creates a {@link FlowExpressionContext} for the method declared in {@code
         * methodDeclaration}.
         * @param methodDeclaration used translate parameter numbers in a flow expression to formal
         *     parameters of the method
         * @param enclosingType used to look up fields and as type of "this" in flow expressions
         * @param checkerContext use to build FlowExpressions.Receiver
         * @return context created of {@code methodDeclaration}
        public static FlowExpressionContext buildContextForMethodDeclaration(
                MethodTree methodDeclaration,
                TypeMirror enclosingType,
                BaseContext checkerContext) {

            Node receiver;
            if (methodDeclaration.getModifiers().getFlags().contains(Modifier.STATIC)) {
                Element classElt =
                receiver = new ClassNameNode(enclosingType, classElt);
            } else {
                receiver = new ImplicitThisLiteralNode(enclosingType);
            Receiver internalReceiver =
                            checkerContext.getAnnotationProvider(), receiver);
            List internalArguments = new ArrayList<>();
            for (VariableTree arg : methodDeclaration.getParameters()) {
                                new LocalVariableNode(arg, receiver)));
            FlowExpressionContext flowExprContext =
                    new FlowExpressionContext(internalReceiver, internalArguments, checkerContext);
            return flowExprContext;

        public static FlowExpressionContext buildContextForLambda(
                LambdaExpressionTree lambdaTree, TreePath path, BaseContext checkerContext) {
            TypeMirror enclosingType = TreeUtils.typeOf(TreeUtils.enclosingClass(path));
            Node receiver = new ImplicitThisLiteralNode(enclosingType);
            Receiver internalReceiver =
                            checkerContext.getAnnotationProvider(), receiver);
            List internalArguments = new ArrayList<>();
            for (VariableTree arg : lambdaTree.getParameters()) {
                                new LocalVariableNode(arg, receiver)));
            FlowExpressionContext flowExprContext =
                    new FlowExpressionContext(internalReceiver, internalArguments, checkerContext);
            return flowExprContext;

         * Creates a {@link FlowExpressionContext} for the method declared in {@code
         * methodDeclaration}.
         * @param methodDeclaration used translate parameter numbers in a flow expression to formal
         *     parameters of the method
         * @param currentPath to find the enclosing class, which is used to look up fields and as
         *     type of "this" in flow expressions
         * @param checkerContext use to build FlowExpressions.Receiver
         * @return context created of {@code methodDeclaration}
        public static FlowExpressionContext buildContextForMethodDeclaration(
                MethodTree methodDeclaration, TreePath currentPath, BaseContext checkerContext) {
            Tree classTree = TreeUtils.enclosingClass(currentPath);
            return buildContextForMethodDeclaration(methodDeclaration, classTree, checkerContext);

         * @return a {@link FlowExpressionContext} for the class {@code classTree} as seen at the
         *     class declaration.
        public static FlowExpressionContext buildContextForClassDeclaration(
                ClassTree classTree, BaseContext checkerContext) {
            Node receiver = new ImplicitThisLiteralNode(TreeUtils.typeOf(classTree));

            Receiver internalReceiver =
                            checkerContext.getAnnotationProvider(), receiver);
            List internalArguments = new ArrayList<>();
            FlowExpressionContext flowExprContext =
                    new FlowExpressionContext(internalReceiver, internalArguments, checkerContext);
            return flowExprContext;

         * @return a {@link FlowExpressionContext} for the method {@code methodInvocation}
         *     (represented as a {@link Node} as seen at the method use (i.e., at a method call
         *     site).
        public static FlowExpressionContext buildContextForMethodUse(
                MethodInvocationNode methodInvocation, BaseContext checkerContext) {
            Node receiver = methodInvocation.getTarget().getReceiver();
            Receiver internalReceiver =
                            checkerContext.getAnnotationProvider(), receiver);
            List internalArguments = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Node arg : methodInvocation.getArguments()) {
                                checkerContext.getAnnotationProvider(), arg));
            FlowExpressionContext flowExprContext =
                    new FlowExpressionContext(internalReceiver, internalArguments, checkerContext);
            return flowExprContext;

         * @return a {@link FlowExpressionContext} for the constructor {@code n} (represented as a
         *     {@link Node} as seen at the method use (i.e., at a method call site).
        public static FlowExpressionContext buildContextForNewClassUse(
                ObjectCreationNode n, BaseContext checkerContext) {

            // This returns an FlowExpressions.Unknown with the type set to the class in which the
            // constructor is declared
            Receiver internalReceiver =
                    FlowExpressions.internalReprOf(checkerContext.getAnnotationProvider(), n);

            List internalArguments = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Node arg : n.getArguments()) {
                                checkerContext.getAnnotationProvider(), arg));

            FlowExpressionContext flowExprContext =
                    new FlowExpressionContext(internalReceiver, internalArguments, checkerContext);

            return flowExprContext;

         * Returns a copy of the context that differs in that it has a different receiver. The outer
         * receiver remains unchanged.
        public FlowExpressionContext copyChangeToParsingMemberOfReceiver(Receiver receiver) {
            return new FlowExpressionContext(
                    receiver, outerReceiver, arguments, checkerContext, true, useLocalScope);

         * Returns a copy of the context that differs in that it uses the outer receiver as main
         * receiver (and also uses it as the outer receiver).
        public FlowExpressionContext copyAndUseOuterReceiver() {
            return new FlowExpressionContext(
                    outerReceiver, outerReceiver, arguments, checkerContext, false, useLocalScope);

     * Returns the type of the inner most enclosing class.Type.noType is returned if no enclosing
     * class is found. This is in contrast to {@link DeclaredType#getEnclosingType()} which returns
     * the type of the inner most instance. If the inner most enclosing class is static this method
     * will return the type of that class where as {@link DeclaredType#getEnclosingType()} will
     * return the type of the inner most enclosing class that is not static.
     * @param type a DeclaredType
     * @return the type of the innermost enclosing class or Type.noType
    private static TypeMirror getTypeOfEnclosingClass(DeclaredType type) {
        if (type instanceof ClassType) {
            // enclClass() needs to be called on tsym.owner,
            // otherwise it simply returns tsym.
            Symbol sym = ((ClassType) type).tsym.owner;

            if (sym == null) {
                return Type.noType;

            ClassSymbol cs = sym.enclClass();

            if (cs == null) {
                return Type.noType;

            return cs.asType();
        } else {
            return type.getEnclosingType();

    public static Receiver internalReprOfVariable(AnnotatedTypeFactory provider, VariableTree tree)
            throws FlowExpressionParseException {
        Element elt = TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(tree);

        if (elt.getKind() == ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE
                || elt.getKind() == ElementKind.RESOURCE_VARIABLE
                || elt.getKind() == ElementKind.EXCEPTION_PARAMETER
                || elt.getKind() == ElementKind.PARAMETER) {
            return new LocalVariable(elt);
        Receiver receiverF = FlowExpressions.internalRepOfImplicitReceiver(elt);
        FlowExpressionParseUtil.FlowExpressionContext context =
                new FlowExpressionParseUtil.FlowExpressionContext(
                        receiverF, null, provider.getContext());
        return FlowExpressionParseUtil.parse(
                tree.getName().toString(), context, provider.getPath(tree), false);

    /// Exceptions

     * An exception that indicates a parse error. It contains a {@link Result} that can be used for
     * error reporting.
    public static class FlowExpressionParseException extends Exception {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
        private /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String errorKey;
        public final Object[] args;

        public FlowExpressionParseException(
                /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String errorKey, Object... args) {
            this(null, errorKey, args);

        public FlowExpressionParseException(
                Throwable cause, /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String errorKey, Object... args) {
            this.errorKey = errorKey;
            this.args = args;

        public Result getResult() {
            return Result.failure(errorKey, args);

        public boolean isFlowParseError() {
            return errorKey.endsWith("flowexpr.parse.error");

     * Returns a {@link FlowExpressionParseException} for the expression {@code expr} with no
     * further explanation.
    private static FlowExpressionParseException constructParserException(String expr) {
        return constructParserException(expr, null, null);

     * Returns a {@link FlowExpressionParseException} for the expression {@code expr} with
     * explanation {@code explanation}.
    private static FlowExpressionParseException constructParserException(
            String expr, String explanation) {
        return constructParserException(expr, explanation, null);

     * Returns a {@link FlowExpressionParseException} for the expression {@code expr} whose parsing
     * threw {@code cause}.
    private static FlowExpressionParseException constructParserException(
            String expr, Throwable cause) {
        return constructParserException(expr, null, cause);

     * Returns a {@link FlowExpressionParseException} for the expression {@code expr} with
     * explanation {@code explanation}, whose parsing threw {@code cause}.
    private static FlowExpressionParseException constructParserException(
            String expr, String explanation, Throwable cause) {
        String detail = null;
        if (explanation != null) {
            detail = explanation;
        if (cause != null) {
            String causeMessage = cause.getMessage();
            if (causeMessage != null) {
                if (detail == null) {
                    detail = causeMessage;
                } else {
                    detail = detail + ", " + causeMessage;
        if (detail != null) {
            detail = " because " + detail;
        } else {
            detail = "";
        return new FlowExpressionParseException(
                cause, "flowexpr.parse.error", "'" + expr + "'" + detail);

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