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org.checkerframework.framework.ajava.JointJavacJavaParserVisitor Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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The Checker Framework enhances Java's type system to make it more powerful and useful. This lets software developers detect and prevent errors in their Java programs. The Checker Framework includes compiler plug-ins ("checkers") that find bugs or verify their absence. It also permits you to write your own compiler plug-ins.

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package org.checkerframework.framework.ajava;

import com.github.javaparser.ast.CompilationUnit;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.ImportDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.PackageDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.AnnotationDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.AnnotationMemberDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.BodyDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.CompactConstructorDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.ConstructorDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.EnumConstantDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.EnumDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.InitializerDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.MethodDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.Parameter;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.ReceiverParameter;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.RecordDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.VariableDeclarator;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.ArrayAccessExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.AssignExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.BinaryExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.CastExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.ClassExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.ConditionalExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.EnclosedExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.Expression;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.FieldAccessExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.InstanceOfExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.LambdaExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.LiteralExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.MarkerAnnotationExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.MemberValuePair;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.MethodCallExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.MethodReferenceExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.Name;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.NameExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.NormalAnnotationExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.ObjectCreationExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.PatternExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.SimpleName;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.SingleMemberAnnotationExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.SuperExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.SwitchExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.ThisExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.TypeExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.UnaryExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.modules.ModuleDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.modules.ModuleExportsDirective;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.modules.ModuleOpensDirective;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.modules.ModuleProvidesDirective;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.modules.ModuleRequiresDirective;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.modules.ModuleUsesDirective;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.nodeTypes.NodeWithAnnotations;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.AssertStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.BlockStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.BreakStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.CatchClause;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.ContinueStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.DoStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.EmptyStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.ExpressionStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.ForEachStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.ForStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.IfStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.LabeledStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.LocalClassDeclarationStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.LocalRecordDeclarationStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.ReturnStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.Statement;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.SwitchEntry;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.SwitchStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.SynchronizedStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.ThrowStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.TryStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.WhileStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.YieldStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.ArrayType;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.ClassOrInterfaceType;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.IntersectionType;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.PrimitiveType;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.TypeParameter;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.UnionType;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.VoidType;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.WildcardType;
import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotatedTypeTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ArrayAccessTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ArrayTypeTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.AssertTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.AssignmentTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.BinaryTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.BlockTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.BreakTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.CaseTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.CatchTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.CompoundAssignmentTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ConditionalExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ContinueTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.DoWhileLoopTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.EmptyStatementTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.EnhancedForLoopTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ErroneousTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExportsTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionStatementTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ForLoopTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.IdentifierTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.IfTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ImportTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.InstanceOfTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.IntersectionTypeTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.LabeledStatementTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.LambdaExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.LiteralTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MemberReferenceTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MemberSelectTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ModifiersTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ModuleTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.NewArrayTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.NewClassTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.OpensTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.PackageTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ParameterizedTypeTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ParenthesizedTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.PrimitiveTypeTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ProvidesTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.RequiresTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ReturnTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.StatementTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.SwitchTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.SynchronizedTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ThrowTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind;
import com.sun.source.tree.TryTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.TypeCastTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.TypeParameterTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.UnaryTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.UnionTypeTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.UsesTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.WhileLoopTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.WildcardTree;
import com.sun.source.util.SimpleTreeVisitor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.BugInCF;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreeUtils;

 * A visitor that processes javac trees and JavaParser nodes simultaneously, matching corresponding
 * nodes.

By default, visits all children of a javac tree along with corresponding JavaParser nodes. The * JavaParser node corresponding to a javac tree is always passed as the secondary parameter to the * {@code visit} methods. * *

To perform an action on a particular tree type, override one of the methods starting with * "process". For each javac tree type JavacType, and for each possible JavaParser node type * JavaParserNode that it may be matched to, this class contains a method {@code * processJavacType(JavacTypeTree javacTree, JavaParserNode javaParserNode)}. These are named after * the visit methods in {@code com.sun.source.tree.TreeVisitor}, but for each javac tree type there * may be multiple process methods for each possible node type it could be matched to. * *

The {@code process} methods are called in pre-order. That is, process methods for a parent are * called before its children. */ public abstract class JointJavacJavaParserVisitor extends SimpleTreeVisitor { @Override public Void visitAnnotation(AnnotationTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { // javac stores annotation arguments as assignments, so @MyAnno("myArg") is stored the same // as @MyAnno(value="myArg") which has a single element argument list with an assignment. if (javaParserNode instanceof MarkerAnnotationExpr) { processAnnotation(javacTree, (MarkerAnnotationExpr) javaParserNode); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof SingleMemberAnnotationExpr) { SingleMemberAnnotationExpr node = (SingleMemberAnnotationExpr) javaParserNode; processAnnotation(javacTree, node); assert javacTree.getArguments().size() == 1; ExpressionTree value = javacTree.getArguments().get(0); assert value instanceof AssignmentTree; AssignmentTree assignment = (AssignmentTree) value; assert assignment.getVariable().getKind() == Tree.Kind.IDENTIFIER; assert ((IdentifierTree) assignment.getVariable()).getName().contentEquals("value"); assignment.getExpression().accept(this, node.getMemberValue()); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof NormalAnnotationExpr) { NormalAnnotationExpr node = (NormalAnnotationExpr) javaParserNode; processAnnotation(javacTree, node); assert javacTree.getArguments().size() == node.getPairs().size(); Iterator argIter = node.getPairs().iterator(); for (ExpressionTree arg : javacTree.getArguments()) { assert arg instanceof AssignmentTree; AssignmentTree assignment = (AssignmentTree) arg; IdentifierTree memberName = (IdentifierTree) assignment.getVariable(); MemberValuePair javaParserArg =; assert memberName.getName().contentEquals(javaParserArg.getNameAsString()); assignment.getExpression().accept(this, javaParserArg.getValue()); } } else { throwUnexpectedNodeType(javacTree, javaParserNode); } return null; } @Override public Void visitAnnotatedType(AnnotatedTypeTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { castNode(NodeWithAnnotations.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processAnnotatedType(javacTree, javaParserNode); javacTree.getUnderlyingType().accept(this, javaParserNode); return null; } @Override public Void visitArrayAccess(ArrayAccessTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ArrayAccessExpr node = castNode(ArrayAccessExpr.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processArrayAccess(javacTree, node); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getName()); javacTree.getIndex().accept(this, node.getIndex()); return null; } @Override public Void visitArrayType(ArrayTypeTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ArrayType node = castNode(ArrayType.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processArrayType(javacTree, node); javacTree.getType().accept(this, node.getComponentType()); return null; } @Override public Void visitAssert(AssertTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { AssertStmt node = castNode(AssertStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processAssert(javacTree, node); javacTree.getCondition().accept(this, node.getCheck()); visitOptional(javacTree.getDetail(), node.getMessage()); return null; } @Override public Void visitAssignment(AssignmentTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { AssignExpr node = castNode(AssignExpr.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processAssignment(javacTree, node); javacTree.getVariable().accept(this, node.getTarget()); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getValue()); return null; } @Override public Void visitBinary(BinaryTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { BinaryExpr node = castNode(BinaryExpr.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processBinary(javacTree, node); javacTree.getLeftOperand().accept(this, node.getLeft()); javacTree.getRightOperand().accept(this, node.getRight()); return null; } /** * Visit a BindingPatternTree. * * @param javacTree a BindingPatternTree, typed as Tree to be backward-compatible * @param javaParserNode a PatternExpr * @return nothing */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedVariable") public Void visitBindingPattern17(Tree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { PatternExpr patternExpr = castNode(PatternExpr.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processBindingPattern(javacTree, patternExpr); VariableTree variableTree = TreeUtils.bindingPatternTreeGetVariable(javacTree); // The name expression can be null, even when a name exists. if (variableTree.getNameExpression() != null) { variableTree.getNameExpression().accept(this, patternExpr.getName()); } assert variableTree.getInitializer() == null; variableTree.getType().accept(this, patternExpr.getType()); return null; } @Override public Void visitBlock(BlockTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { if (javaParserNode instanceof InitializerDeclaration) { return javacTree.accept(this, ((InitializerDeclaration) javaParserNode).getBody()); } BlockStmt node = castNode(BlockStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processBlock(javacTree, node); processStatements(javacTree.getStatements(), node.getStatements()); return null; } /** * Given a matching sequence of statements for a block, visits each javac statement with its * corresponding JavaParser statement, excluding synthetic javac trees like no-argument * constructors. * * @param javacStatements sequence of javac trees for statements * @param javaParserStatements sequence of JavaParser statements representing the same block as * {@code javacStatements} */ private void processStatements( Iterable javacStatements, Iterable javaParserStatements) { PeekingIterator javacIter = Iterators.peekingIterator(javacStatements.iterator()); PeekingIterator javaParserIter = Iterators.peekingIterator(javaParserStatements.iterator()); while (javacIter.hasNext() || javaParserIter.hasNext()) { // Skip synthetic javac super() calls by checking if the JavaParser statement matches. if (javacIter.hasNext() && isDefaultSuperConstructorCall(javacIter.peek()) && (!javaParserIter.hasNext() || !isDefaultSuperConstructorCall(javaParserIter.peek()))) {; continue; } // In javac, a line like "int i = 0, j = 0" is expanded as two sibling VariableTree // instances. In javaParser this is one VariableDeclarationExpr with two nested // VariableDeclarators. Match the declarators with the VariableTrees. if (javaParserIter.hasNext() && javacIter.peek().getKind() == Tree.Kind.VARIABLE && javaParserIter.peek().isExpressionStmt() && javaParserIter.peek().asExpressionStmt().getExpression().isVariableDeclarationExpr()) { for (VariableDeclarator decl : javaParserIter .next() .asExpressionStmt() .getExpression() .asVariableDeclarationExpr() .getVariables()) { assert javacIter.hasNext();, decl); } continue; } assert javacIter.hasNext(); assert javaParserIter.hasNext();,; } assert !javacIter.hasNext(); assert !javaParserIter.hasNext(); } /** * Returns whether a javac statement represents a method call {@code super()}. * * @param statement the javac statement to check * @return true if statement is a method invocation named "super" with no arguments, false * otherwise */ public static boolean isDefaultSuperConstructorCall(StatementTree statement) { if (statement.getKind() != Tree.Kind.EXPRESSION_STATEMENT) { return false; } ExpressionStatementTree expressionStatement = (ExpressionStatementTree) statement; if (expressionStatement.getExpression().getKind() != Tree.Kind.METHOD_INVOCATION) { return false; } MethodInvocationTree invocation = (MethodInvocationTree) expressionStatement.getExpression(); if (invocation.getMethodSelect().getKind() != Tree.Kind.IDENTIFIER) { return false; } if (!((IdentifierTree) invocation.getMethodSelect()).getName().contentEquals("super")) { return false; } return invocation.getArguments().isEmpty(); } /** * Returns whether a JavaParser statement represents a method call {@code super()}. * * @param statement the JavaParser statement to check * @return true if statement is an explicit super constructor invocation with no arguments */ private boolean isDefaultSuperConstructorCall(Statement statement) { if (!statement.isExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt()) { return false; } ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt invocation = statement.asExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt(); boolean isSuper = !invocation.isThis(); return isSuper && invocation.getArguments().isEmpty(); } @Override public Void visitBreak(BreakTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { BreakStmt node = castNode(BreakStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processBreak(javacTree, node); return null; } @Override public Void visitCase(CaseTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { SwitchEntry node = castNode(SwitchEntry.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processCase(javacTree, node); // Java 12 introduced multiple label cases: List labels = node.getLabels(); List treeExpressions = org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreeUtils.caseTreeGetExpressions(javacTree); assert node.getLabels().size() == treeExpressions.size() : String.format( "node.getLabels() = %s, treeExpressions = %s", node.getLabels(), treeExpressions); for (int i = 0; i < treeExpressions.size(); i++) { treeExpressions.get(i).accept(this, labels.get(i)); } if (javacTree.getStatements() == null) { Tree javacBody = TreeUtils.caseTreeGetBody(javacTree); Statement nodeBody = node.getStatement(0); if (javacBody.getKind() == Kind.EXPRESSION_STATEMENT) { javacBody.accept(this, node.getStatement(0)); } else if (nodeBody.isExpressionStmt()) { javacBody.accept(this, nodeBody.asExpressionStmt().getExpression()); } else { javacBody.accept(this, nodeBody); } } else { processStatements(javacTree.getStatements(), node.getStatements()); } return null; } @Override public Void visitCatch(CatchTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { CatchClause node = castNode(CatchClause.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processCatch(javacTree, node); javacTree.getParameter().accept(this, node.getParameter()); javacTree.getBlock().accept(this, node.getBody()); return null; } @Override public Void visitClass(ClassTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { if (javaParserNode instanceof ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration) { ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration node = (ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration) javaParserNode; processClass(javacTree, node); visitLists(javacTree.getTypeParameters(), node.getTypeParameters()); if (javacTree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.CLASS) { if (javacTree.getExtendsClause() == null) { assert node.getExtendedTypes().isEmpty(); } else { assert node.getExtendedTypes().size() == 1; javacTree.getExtendsClause().accept(this, node.getExtendedTypes().get(0)); } visitLists(javacTree.getImplementsClause(), node.getImplementedTypes()); } else if (javacTree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.INTERFACE) { visitLists(javacTree.getImplementsClause(), node.getExtendedTypes()); } visitClassMembers(javacTree.getMembers(), node.getMembers()); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof RecordDeclaration) { RecordDeclaration node = (RecordDeclaration) javaParserNode; processClass(javacTree, node); visitLists(javacTree.getTypeParameters(), node.getTypeParameters()); visitLists(javacTree.getImplementsClause(), node.getImplementedTypes()); List membersWithoutAutoGenerated = Lists.newArrayList( Iterables.filter( javacTree.getMembers(), (Predicate) (Tree m) -> { // Filter out all auto-generated items: return !TreeUtils.isAutoGeneratedRecordMember(m); })); visitClassMembers(membersWithoutAutoGenerated, node.getMembers()); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof AnnotationDeclaration) { AnnotationDeclaration node = (AnnotationDeclaration) javaParserNode; processClass(javacTree, node); visitClassMembers(javacTree.getMembers(), node.getMembers()); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof LocalClassDeclarationStmt) { javacTree.accept(this, ((LocalClassDeclarationStmt) javaParserNode).getClassDeclaration()); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof LocalRecordDeclarationStmt) { javacTree.accept(this, ((LocalRecordDeclarationStmt) javaParserNode).getRecordDeclaration()); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof EnumDeclaration) { EnumDeclaration node = (EnumDeclaration) javaParserNode; processClass(javacTree, node); visitLists(javacTree.getImplementsClause(), node.getImplementedTypes()); // In an enum declaration, javac stores the enum constants expanded as constant variable // members, whereas JavaParser stores them as one object. Need to match them. assert javacTree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ENUM; List javacMembers = new ArrayList<>(javacTree.getMembers()); // Discard a synthetic constructor if it exists. If there are any constants in this // enum, then they will show up as the first members of the javac tree, except for // possibly a synthetic constructor. if (!node.getEntries().isEmpty()) { while (!javacMembers.isEmpty() && javacMembers.get(0).getKind() != Tree.Kind.VARIABLE) { javacMembers.remove(0); } } for (EnumConstantDeclaration entry : node.getEntries()) { assert !javacMembers.isEmpty(); javacMembers.get(0).accept(this, entry); javacMembers.remove(0); } visitClassMembers(javacMembers, node.getMembers()); } else { throwUnexpectedNodeType(javacTree, javaParserNode); } return null; } /** * Given a list of class members for javac and JavaParser, visits each javac member with its * corresponding JavaParser member. Skips synthetic javac members. * * @param javacMembers a list of trees forming the members of a javac {@code ClassTree} * @param javaParserMembers a list of nodes forming the members of a JavaParser {@code * ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration} or an {@code ObjectCreationExpr} with an anonymous class body * that corresponds to {@code javacMembers} */ private void visitClassMembers( List javacMembers, List> javaParserMembers) { PeekingIterator javacIter = Iterators.peekingIterator(javacMembers.iterator()); PeekingIterator> javaParserIter = Iterators.peekingIterator(javaParserMembers.iterator()); while (javacIter.hasNext() || javaParserIter.hasNext()) { // Skip javac's synthetic no-argument constructors. if (javacIter.hasNext() && isNoArgumentConstructor(javacIter.peek()) && (!javaParserIter.hasNext() || !isNoArgumentConstructor(javaParserIter.peek()))) {; continue; } // In javac, a line like int i = 0, j = 0 is expanded as two sibling VariableTree // instances. In JavaParser this is one FieldDeclaration with two nested // VariableDeclarators. Match the declarators with the VariableTrees. if (javaParserIter.hasNext() && javaParserIter.peek().isFieldDeclaration()) { for (VariableDeclarator decl : { assert javacIter.hasNext(); assert javacIter.peek().getKind() == Tree.Kind.VARIABLE;, decl); } continue; } assert javacIter.hasNext(); assert javaParserIter.hasNext();,; } assert !javacIter.hasNext(); assert !javaParserIter.hasNext(); } /** * Visits the members of an anonymous class body. * *

In normal classes, javac inserts a synthetic no-argument constructor if no constructor is * explicitly defined, which is skipped when visiting members. Anonymous class bodies may * introduce constructors that take arguments if the constructor invocation that created them was * passed arguments. For example, if {@code MyClass} has a constructor taking a single integer * argument, then writing {@code new MyClass(5) { }} expands to the javac tree * *

   * new MyClass(5) {
   *     (int arg) {
   *         super(arg);
   *     }
   * }
   * }
* *

This method skips these synthetic constructors. * * @param javacBody body of an anonymous class body * @param javaParserMembers list of members for the anonymous class body of an {@code * ObjectCreationExpr} */ public void visitAnonymousClassBody( ClassTree javacBody, List> javaParserMembers) { List javacMembers = new ArrayList<>(javacBody.getMembers()); if (!javacMembers.isEmpty()) { Tree member = javacMembers.get(0); if (member.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) { MethodTree methodTree = (MethodTree) member; if (methodTree.getName().contentEquals("")) { javacMembers.remove(0); } } } visitClassMembers(javacMembers, javaParserMembers); } /** * Returns whether {@code member} is a javac constructor declaration that takes no arguments. * * @param member the javac tree to check * @return true if {@code member} is a method declaration with name {@code } that takes no * arguments */ public static boolean isNoArgumentConstructor(Tree member) { if (member.getKind() != Tree.Kind.METHOD) { return false; } MethodTree methodTree = (MethodTree) member; return methodTree.getName().contentEquals("") && methodTree.getParameters().isEmpty(); } /** * Returns whether {@code member} is a JavaParser constructor declaration that takes no arguments. * * @param member the JavaParser body declaration to check * @return true if {@code member} is a constructor declaration that takes no arguments */ private boolean isNoArgumentConstructor(BodyDeclaration member) { return member.isConstructorDeclaration() && member.asConstructorDeclaration().getParameters().isEmpty(); } @Override public Void visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { CompilationUnit node = castNode(CompilationUnit.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processCompilationUnit(javacTree, node); visitOptional(javacTree.getPackage(), node.getPackageDeclaration()); visitLists(javacTree.getImports(), node.getImports()); visitLists(javacTree.getTypeDecls(), node.getTypes()); return null; } @Override public Void visitCompoundAssignment(CompoundAssignmentTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { AssignExpr node = castNode(AssignExpr.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processCompoundAssignment(javacTree, node); javacTree.getVariable().accept(this, node.getTarget()); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getValue()); return null; } @Override public Void visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpressionTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ConditionalExpr node = castNode(ConditionalExpr.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processConditionalExpression(javacTree, node); javacTree.getCondition().accept(this, node.getCondition()); javacTree.getTrueExpression().accept(this, node.getThenExpr()); javacTree.getFalseExpression().accept(this, node.getElseExpr()); return null; } @Override public Void visitContinue(ContinueTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ContinueStmt node = castNode(ContinueStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processContinue(javacTree, node); return null; } @Override public Void visitDoWhileLoop(DoWhileLoopTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { DoStmt node = castNode(DoStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processDoWhileLoop(javacTree, node); // In javac the condition is parenthesized but not in JavaParser. ExpressionTree condition = ((ParenthesizedTree) javacTree.getCondition()).getExpression(); condition.accept(this, node.getCondition()); javacTree.getStatement().accept(this, node.getBody()); return null; } @Override public Void visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatementTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { EmptyStmt node = castNode(EmptyStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processEmptyStatement(javacTree, node); return null; } @Override public Void visitEnhancedForLoop(EnhancedForLoopTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ForEachStmt node = castNode(ForEachStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processEnhancedForLoop(javacTree, node); javacTree.getVariable().accept(this, node.getVariableDeclarator()); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getIterable()); javacTree.getStatement().accept(this, node.getBody()); return null; } @Override public Void visitErroneous(ErroneousTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { // An erroneous tree is a malformed expression, so skip. return null; } @Override public Void visitExports(ExportsTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ModuleExportsDirective node = castNode(ModuleExportsDirective.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processExports(javacTree, node); visitLists(javacTree.getModuleNames(), node.getModuleNames()); javacTree.getPackageName().accept(this, node.getName()); return null; } @Override public Void visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatementTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { if (javaParserNode instanceof ExpressionStmt) { ExpressionStmt node = (ExpressionStmt) javaParserNode; processExpressionStatemen(javacTree, node); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getExpression()); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt) { // In this case the javac expression will be a MethodTree. Since JavaParser doesn't // surround explicit constructor invocations in an expression statement, we match // javaParserNode to the javac expression rather than the javac expression statement. javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, javaParserNode); } else { throwUnexpectedNodeType(javacTree, javaParserNode); } return null; } @Override public Void visitForLoop(ForLoopTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ForStmt node = castNode(ForStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processForLoop(javacTree, node); Iterator javacInitializers = javacTree.getInitializer().iterator(); for (Expression initializer : node.getInitialization()) { if (initializer.isVariableDeclarationExpr()) { for (VariableDeclarator declarator : initializer.asVariableDeclarationExpr().getVariables()) { assert javacInitializers.hasNext();, declarator); } } else if (initializer.isAssignExpr()) { ExpressionStatementTree statement = (ExpressionStatementTree); statement.getExpression().accept(this, initializer); } else { assert javacInitializers.hasNext();, initializer); } } assert !javacInitializers.hasNext(); visitOptional(javacTree.getCondition(), node.getCompare()); // Javac stores a list of expression statements and JavaParser stores a list of statements, // the javac statements must be unwrapped. assert javacTree.getUpdate().size() == node.getUpdate().size(); Iterator javaParserUpdates = node.getUpdate().iterator(); for (ExpressionStatementTree javacUpdate : javacTree.getUpdate()) { // Match the inner javac expression with the JavaParser expression. javacUpdate.getExpression().accept(this,; } javacTree.getStatement().accept(this, node.getBody()); return null; } @Override public Void visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { if (javaParserNode instanceof ClassOrInterfaceType) { processIdentifier(javacTree, (ClassOrInterfaceType) javaParserNode); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof Name) { processIdentifier(javacTree, (Name) javaParserNode); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof NameExpr) { processIdentifier(javacTree, (NameExpr) javaParserNode); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof SimpleName) { processIdentifier(javacTree, (SimpleName) javaParserNode); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof ThisExpr) { processIdentifier(javacTree, (ThisExpr) javaParserNode); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof SuperExpr) { processIdentifier(javacTree, (SuperExpr) javaParserNode); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof TypeExpr) { // This occurs in a member reference like MyClass::myMember. The MyClass is wrapped in a // TypeExpr. javacTree.accept(this, ((TypeExpr) javaParserNode).getType()); } else { throwUnexpectedNodeType(javacTree, javaParserNode); } return null; } @Override public Void visitIf(IfTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { IfStmt node = castNode(IfStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processIf(javacTree, node); assert javacTree.getCondition().getKind() == Tree.Kind.PARENTHESIZED; ExpressionTree condition = ((ParenthesizedTree) javacTree.getCondition()).getExpression(); condition.accept(this, node.getCondition()); javacTree.getThenStatement().accept(this, node.getThenStmt()); visitOptional(javacTree.getElseStatement(), node.getElseStmt()); return null; } @Override public Void visitImport(ImportTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ImportDeclaration node = castNode(ImportDeclaration.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processImport(javacTree, node); // In javac trees, a name like "a.*" is stored as a member select, but JavaParser just // stores "a" and records that the name ends in an asterisk. if (node.isAsterisk()) { assert javacTree.getQualifiedIdentifier().getKind() == Tree.Kind.MEMBER_SELECT; MemberSelectTree identifier = (MemberSelectTree) javacTree.getQualifiedIdentifier(); identifier.getExpression().accept(this, node.getName()); } else { javacTree.getQualifiedIdentifier().accept(this, node.getName()); } return null; } @Override public Void visitInstanceOf(InstanceOfTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { InstanceOfExpr node = castNode(InstanceOfExpr.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processInstanceOf(javacTree, node); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getExpression()); if (node.getPattern().isPresent()) { Tree bindingPattern = TreeUtils.instanceOfGetPattern(javacTree); visitBindingPattern17(bindingPattern, node.getPattern().get()); } else { javacTree.getType().accept(this, node.getType()); } return null; } @Override public Void visitIntersectionType(IntersectionTypeTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { IntersectionType node = castNode(IntersectionType.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processIntersectionType(javacTree, node); visitLists(javacTree.getBounds(), node.getElements()); return null; } @Override public Void visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatementTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { LabeledStmt node = castNode(LabeledStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processLabeledStatement(javacTree, node); javacTree.getStatement().accept(this, node.getStatement()); return null; } @Override public Void visitLambdaExpression(LambdaExpressionTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { LambdaExpr node = castNode(LambdaExpr.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processLambdaExpression(javacTree, node); visitLists(javacTree.getParameters(), node.getParameters()); switch (javacTree.getBodyKind()) { case EXPRESSION: assert node.getBody() instanceof ExpressionStmt; ExpressionStmt body = (ExpressionStmt) node.getBody(); javacTree.getBody().accept(this, body.getExpression()); break; case STATEMENT: javacTree.getBody().accept(this, node.getBody()); break; } return null; } @Override public Void visitLiteral(LiteralTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { if (javaParserNode instanceof LiteralExpr) { processLiteral(javacTree, (LiteralExpr) javaParserNode); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof UnaryExpr) { // Occurs for negative literals such as -7. processLiteral(javacTree, (UnaryExpr) javaParserNode); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof BinaryExpr) { // Occurs for expression like "a" + "b" where javac compresses them to "ab" but // JavaParser doesn't. processLiteral(javacTree, (BinaryExpr) javaParserNode); } else { throwUnexpectedNodeType(javacTree, javaParserNode); } return null; } @Override public Void visitMemberReference(MemberReferenceTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { MethodReferenceExpr node = castNode(MethodReferenceExpr.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processMemberReference(javacTree, node); if (node.getScope().isTypeExpr()) { javacTree.getQualifierExpression().accept(this, node.getScope().asTypeExpr().getType()); } else { javacTree.getQualifierExpression().accept(this, node.getScope()); } assert (javacTree.getTypeArguments() != null) == node.getTypeArguments().isPresent(); if (javacTree.getTypeArguments() != null) { visitLists(javacTree.getTypeArguments(), node.getTypeArguments().get()); } return null; } @Override public Void visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { if (javaParserNode instanceof FieldAccessExpr) { FieldAccessExpr node = (FieldAccessExpr) javaParserNode; processMemberSelect(javacTree, node); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getScope()); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof Name) { Name node = (Name) javaParserNode; processMemberSelect(javacTree, node); assert node.getQualifier().isPresent(); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getQualifier().get()); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof ClassOrInterfaceType) { ClassOrInterfaceType node = (ClassOrInterfaceType) javaParserNode; processMemberSelect(javacTree, node); assert node.getScope().isPresent(); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getScope().get()); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof ClassExpr) { ClassExpr node = (ClassExpr) javaParserNode; processMemberSelect(javacTree, node); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getType()); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof ThisExpr) { ThisExpr node = (ThisExpr) javaParserNode; processMemberSelect(javacTree, node); assert node.getTypeName().isPresent(); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getTypeName().get()); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof SuperExpr) { SuperExpr node = (SuperExpr) javaParserNode; processMemberSelect(javacTree, node); assert node.getTypeName().isPresent(); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getTypeName().get()); } else { throwUnexpectedNodeType(javacTree, javaParserNode); } return null; } @Override public Void visitMethod(MethodTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { if (javaParserNode instanceof MethodDeclaration) { visitMethodForMethodDeclaration(javacTree, (MethodDeclaration) javaParserNode); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof ConstructorDeclaration) { visitMethodForConstructorDeclaration(javacTree, (ConstructorDeclaration) javaParserNode); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof CompactConstructorDeclaration) { visitMethodForConstructorDeclaration( javacTree, (CompactConstructorDeclaration) javaParserNode); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof AnnotationMemberDeclaration) { visitMethodForAnnotationMemberDeclaration( javacTree, (AnnotationMemberDeclaration) javaParserNode); } else { throwUnexpectedNodeType(javacTree, javaParserNode); throw new BugInCF("unreachable"); } return null; } /** * Visits a method declaration in the case where the matched JavaParser node was a {@code * MethodDeclaration}. * * @param javacTree method declaration to visit * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser method declaration */ private void visitMethodForMethodDeclaration( MethodTree javacTree, MethodDeclaration javaParserNode) { processMethod(javacTree, javaParserNode); // TODO: Handle modifiers. In javac this is a ModifiersTree but in JavaParser it's a list of // modifiers. This is a problem because a ModifiersTree has separate accessors to // annotations and other modifiers, so the order doesn't match. It might be that for // JavaParser, the annotations and other modifiers are also accessed separately. if (javacTree.getReturnType() != null) { javacTree.getReturnType().accept(this, javaParserNode.getType()); } // Unlike other javac constructs, the javac list is non-null even if no type parameters are // present. visitLists(javacTree.getTypeParameters(), javaParserNode.getTypeParameters()); // JavaParser sometimes inserts a receiver parameter that is not present in the source code. // (Example: on an explicitly-written toString for an enum class.) if (javacTree.getReceiverParameter() != null && javaParserNode.getReceiverParameter().isPresent()) { javacTree.getReceiverParameter().accept(this, javaParserNode.getReceiverParameter().get()); } visitLists(javacTree.getParameters(), javaParserNode.getParameters()); visitLists(javacTree.getThrows(), javaParserNode.getThrownExceptions()); visitOptional(javacTree.getBody(), javaParserNode.getBody()); } /** * Visits a method declaration in the case where the matched JavaParser node was a {@code * ConstructorDeclaration}. * * @param javacTree method declaration to visit * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser constructor declaration */ private void visitMethodForConstructorDeclaration( MethodTree javacTree, ConstructorDeclaration javaParserNode) { processMethod(javacTree, javaParserNode); visitLists(javacTree.getTypeParameters(), javaParserNode.getTypeParameters()); visitOptional(javacTree.getReceiverParameter(), javaParserNode.getReceiverParameter()); visitLists(javacTree.getParameters(), javaParserNode.getParameters()); visitLists(javacTree.getThrows(), javaParserNode.getThrownExceptions()); javacTree.getBody().accept(this, javaParserNode.getBody()); } /** * Visits a method declaration in the case where the matched JavaParser node was a {@code * CompactConstructorDeclaration}. * * @param javacTree method declaration to visit * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser constructor declaration */ private void visitMethodForConstructorDeclaration( MethodTree javacTree, CompactConstructorDeclaration javaParserNode) { processMethod(javacTree, javaParserNode); visitLists(javacTree.getTypeParameters(), javaParserNode.getTypeParameters()); visitLists(javacTree.getThrows(), javaParserNode.getThrownExceptions()); javacTree.getBody().accept(this, javaParserNode.getBody()); } /** * Visits a method declaration in the case where the matched JavaParser node was a {@code * AnnotationMemberDeclaration}. * * @param javacTree method declaration to visit * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser annotation member declaration */ private void visitMethodForAnnotationMemberDeclaration( MethodTree javacTree, AnnotationMemberDeclaration javaParserNode) { processMethod(javacTree, javaParserNode); javacTree.getReturnType().accept(this, javaParserNode.getType()); visitOptional(javacTree.getDefaultValue(), javaParserNode.getDefaultValue()); } @Override public Void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { if (javaParserNode instanceof MethodCallExpr) { MethodCallExpr node = (MethodCallExpr) javaParserNode; processMethodInvocation(javacTree, node); // In javac, the type arguments will be empty if no type arguments are specified, but in // JavaParser the type arguments will have the none Optional value. assert javacTree.getTypeArguments().isEmpty() != node.getTypeArguments().isPresent(); if (!javacTree.getTypeArguments().isEmpty()) { visitLists(javacTree.getTypeArguments(), node.getTypeArguments().get()); } // In JavaParser, the method name itself and receiver are stored as fields of the // invocation itself, but in javac they might be combined into one MemberSelectTree. // That member select may also be a single IdentifierTree if no receiver was written. // This requires one layer of unnesting. ExpressionTree methodSelect = javacTree.getMethodSelect(); if (methodSelect.getKind() == Tree.Kind.IDENTIFIER) { methodSelect.accept(this, node.getName()); } else if (methodSelect.getKind() == Tree.Kind.MEMBER_SELECT) { MemberSelectTree selection = (MemberSelectTree) methodSelect; assert node.getScope().isPresent(); selection.getExpression().accept(this, node.getScope().get()); } else { throw new BugInCF("Unexpected method selection type: %s", methodSelect); } visitLists(javacTree.getArguments(), node.getArguments()); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt) { ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt node = (ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt) javaParserNode; processMethodInvocation(javacTree, node); assert javacTree.getTypeArguments().isEmpty() != node.getTypeArguments().isPresent(); if (!javacTree.getTypeArguments().isEmpty()) { visitLists(javacTree.getTypeArguments(), node.getTypeArguments().get()); } visitLists(javacTree.getArguments(), node.getArguments()); } else { throwUnexpectedNodeType(javacTree, javaParserNode); } return null; } @Override public Void visitModifiers(ModifiersTree arg0, Node arg1) { // TODO How to handle this? I don't think there's a corresponding JavaParser class, maybe // the NodeWithModifiers interface? return null; } @Override public Void visitModule(ModuleTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ModuleDeclaration node = castNode(ModuleDeclaration.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processModule(javacTree, node); javacTree.getName().accept(this, node.getName()); return null; } @Override public Void visitNewArray(NewArrayTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { // TODO: Implement this. // // Some notes: // - javacTree.getAnnotations() seems to always return empty, any annotations on the base // type seem to go on the type itself in javacTree.getType(). The JavaParser version doesn't // even have a corresponding getAnnotations method. // - When there are no initializers, both systems use similar representations. The // dimensions line up. // - When there is an initializer, they differ greatly for multi-dimensional arrays. Javac // turns an expression like new int[][]{{1, 2}, {3, 4}} into a single NewArray tree with // type int[] and two initializer elements {1, 2} and {3, 4}. However, for each of the // sub-initializers, it creates an implicit NewArray tree with a null component type. // JavaParser keeps the whole expression as one ArrayCreationExpr with multiple dimensions // and the initializer stored in special ArrayInitializerExpr type. return null; } @Override public Void visitNewClass(NewClassTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ObjectCreationExpr node = castNode(ObjectCreationExpr.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processNewClass(javacTree, node); // When using Java 11 javac, an expression like MyInnerClass() would store "this" // as the enclosing expression. In Java 8 javac, this would be stored as new // MyInnerClass(this). So, we only traverse the enclosing expression if present in both. if (javacTree.getEnclosingExpression() != null && node.getScope().isPresent()) { javacTree.getEnclosingExpression().accept(this, node.getScope().get()); } javacTree.getIdentifier().accept(this, node.getType()); if (javacTree.getTypeArguments().isEmpty()) { assert !node.getTypeArguments().isPresent(); } else { assert node.getTypeArguments().isPresent(); visitLists(javacTree.getTypeArguments(), node.getTypeArguments().get()); } // Remove synthetic javac argument. When using Java 11, an expression like // MyInnerClass() would store "this" as the enclosing expression. In Java 8, this would be // stored as new MyInnerClass(this). So, for the argument lists to match, we may have to // remove the first argument. List javacArgs = new ArrayList<>(javacTree.getArguments()); if (javacArgs.size() > node.getArguments().size()) { javacArgs.remove(0); } visitLists(javacArgs, node.getArguments()); assert (javacTree.getClassBody() != null) == node.getAnonymousClassBody().isPresent(); if (javacTree.getClassBody() != null) { visitAnonymousClassBody(javacTree.getClassBody(), node.getAnonymousClassBody().get()); } return null; } @Override public Void visitOpens(OpensTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ModuleOpensDirective node = castNode(ModuleOpensDirective.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processOpens(javacTree, node); javacTree.getPackageName().accept(this, node.getName()); visitLists(javacTree.getModuleNames(), node.getModuleNames()); return null; } @Override public Void visitOther(Tree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { processOther(javacTree, javaParserNode); return null; } @Override public Void visitPackage(PackageTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { PackageDeclaration node = castNode(PackageDeclaration.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processPackage(javacTree, node); // visitLists(javacTree.getAnnotations(), node.getAnnotations()); javacTree.getPackageName().accept(this, node.getName()); return null; } @Override public Void visitParameterizedType(ParameterizedTypeTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ClassOrInterfaceType node = castNode(ClassOrInterfaceType.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processParameterizedType(javacTree, node); javacTree.getType().accept(this, node); // TODO: In a parameterized type, will the first branch ever run? if (javacTree.getTypeArguments().isEmpty()) { assert !node.getTypeArguments().isPresent() || node.getTypeArguments().get().isEmpty(); } else { assert node.getTypeArguments().isPresent(); visitLists(javacTree.getTypeArguments(), node.getTypeArguments().get()); } return null; } @Override public Void visitParenthesized(ParenthesizedTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { EnclosedExpr node = castNode(EnclosedExpr.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processParenthesized(javacTree, node); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getInner()); return null; } @Override public Void visitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveTypeTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { if (javaParserNode instanceof PrimitiveType) { processPrimitiveType(javacTree, (PrimitiveType) javaParserNode); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof VoidType) { processPrimitiveType(javacTree, (VoidType) javaParserNode); } else { throwUnexpectedNodeType(javacTree, javaParserNode); } return null; } @Override public Void visitProvides(ProvidesTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ModuleProvidesDirective node = castNode(ModuleProvidesDirective.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processProvides(javacTree, node); javacTree.getServiceName().accept(this, node.getName()); visitLists(javacTree.getImplementationNames(), node.getWith()); return null; } @Override public Void visitRequires(RequiresTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ModuleRequiresDirective node = castNode(ModuleRequiresDirective.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processRequires(javacTree, node); javacTree.getModuleName().accept(this, node.getName()); return null; } @Override public Void visitReturn(ReturnTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ReturnStmt node = castNode(ReturnStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processReturn(javacTree, node); visitOptional(javacTree.getExpression(), node.getExpression()); return null; } @Override public Void visitSwitch(SwitchTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { SwitchStmt node = castNode(SwitchStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processSwitch(javacTree, node); // Switch expressions are always parenthesized in javac but never in JavaParser. ExpressionTree expression = ((ParenthesizedTree) javacTree.getExpression()).getExpression(); expression.accept(this, node.getSelector()); visitLists(javacTree.getCases(), node.getEntries()); return null; } /** * Visit a switch expression. * * @param javacTree switch expression tree * @param javaParserNode java parser node * @return null */ public Void visitSwitchExpression17(Tree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { SwitchExpr node = castNode(SwitchExpr.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processSwitchExpression(javacTree, node); // Switch expressions are always parenthesized in javac but never in JavaParser. ExpressionTree expression = ((ParenthesizedTree) TreeUtils.switchExpressionTreeGetExpression(javacTree)) .getExpression(); expression.accept(this, node.getSelector()); visitLists(TreeUtils.switchExpressionTreeGetCases(javacTree), node.getEntries()); return null; } @Override public Void visitSynchronized(SynchronizedTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { SynchronizedStmt node = castNode(SynchronizedStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processSynchronized(javacTree, node); ((ParenthesizedTree) javacTree.getExpression()) .getExpression() .accept(this, node.getExpression()); javacTree.getBlock().accept(this, node.getBody()); return null; } @Override public Void visitThrow(ThrowTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ThrowStmt node = castNode(ThrowStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processThrow(javacTree, node); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getExpression()); return null; } @Override public Void visitTry(TryTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { TryStmt node = castNode(TryStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processTry(javacTree, node); Iterator javacResources = javacTree.getResources().iterator(); for (Expression resource : node.getResources()) { if (resource.isVariableDeclarationExpr()) { for (VariableDeclarator declarator : resource.asVariableDeclarationExpr().getVariables()) { assert javacResources.hasNext();, declarator); } } else { assert javacResources.hasNext();, resource); } } javacTree.getBlock().accept(this, node.getTryBlock()); visitLists(javacTree.getCatches(), node.getCatchClauses()); visitOptional(javacTree.getFinallyBlock(), node.getFinallyBlock()); return null; } @Override public Void visitTypeCast(TypeCastTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { CastExpr node = castNode(CastExpr.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processTypeCast(javacTree, node); javacTree.getType().accept(this, node.getType()); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getExpression()); return null; } @Override public Void visitTypeParameter(TypeParameterTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { TypeParameter node = castNode(TypeParameter.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processTypeParameter(javacTree, node); visitLists(javacTree.getBounds(), node.getTypeBound()); return null; } @Override public Void visitUnary(UnaryTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { UnaryExpr node = castNode(UnaryExpr.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processUnary(javacTree, node); javacTree.getExpression().accept(this, node.getExpression()); return null; } @Override public Void visitUnionType(UnionTypeTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { UnionType node = castNode(UnionType.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processUnionType(javacTree, node); visitLists(javacTree.getTypeAlternatives(), node.getElements()); return null; } @Override public Void visitUses(UsesTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { ModuleUsesDirective node = castNode(ModuleUsesDirective.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processUses(javacTree, node); javacTree.getServiceName().accept(this, node.getName()); return null; } @Override public Void visitVariable(VariableTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { // Javac uses the class VariableTree to represent multiple syntactic concepts such as // variable declarations, parameters, and fields. if (javaParserNode instanceof VariableDeclarator) { // JavaParser uses VariableDeclarator as parts of other declaration types like // VariableDeclarationExpr when multiple variables may be declared. VariableDeclarator node = (VariableDeclarator) javaParserNode; processVariable(javacTree, node); // Don't process the variable type when it's the Java keyword "var". if (!node.getType().isVarType() && (!node.getType().isClassOrInterfaceType() || !node.getType().asClassOrInterfaceType().getName().asString().equals("var"))) { javacTree.getType().accept(this, node.getType()); } // The name expression can be null, even when a name exists. if (javacTree.getNameExpression() != null) { javacTree.getNameExpression().accept(this, node.getName()); } visitOptional(javacTree.getInitializer(), node.getInitializer()); } else if (javaParserNode instanceof Parameter) { Parameter node = (Parameter) javaParserNode; processVariable(javacTree, node); if (node.isVarArgs()) { ArrayTypeTree arrayType; // A varargs parameter's type will either be an ArrayTypeTree or an // AnnotatedType depending on whether it has an annotation. if (javacTree.getType().getKind() == Tree.Kind.ARRAY_TYPE) { arrayType = (ArrayTypeTree) javacTree.getType(); } else { AnnotatedTypeTree annotatedType = (AnnotatedTypeTree) javacTree.getType(); arrayType = (ArrayTypeTree) annotatedType.getUnderlyingType(); } arrayType.getType().accept(this, node.getType()); } else { // Types for lambda parameters without explicit types don't have JavaParser nodes, // don't process them. if (!node.getType().isUnknownType()) { javacTree.getType().accept(this, node.getType()); } } // The name expression can be null, even when a name exists. if (javacTree.getNameExpression() != null) { javacTree.getNameExpression().accept(this, node.getName()); } assert javacTree.getInitializer() == null; } else if (javaParserNode instanceof ReceiverParameter) { ReceiverParameter node = (ReceiverParameter) javaParserNode; processVariable(javacTree, node); javacTree.getType().accept(this, node.getType()); // The name expression can be null, even when a name exists. if (javacTree.getNameExpression() != null) { javacTree.getNameExpression().accept(this, node.getName()); } assert javacTree.getInitializer() == null; } else if (javaParserNode instanceof EnumConstantDeclaration) { // In javac, an enum constant is expanded as a variable declaration initialized to a // constuctor call. EnumConstantDeclaration node = (EnumConstantDeclaration) javaParserNode; processVariable(javacTree, node); if (javacTree.getNameExpression() != null) { javacTree.getNameExpression().accept(this, node.getName()); } assert javacTree.getInitializer().getKind() == Tree.Kind.NEW_CLASS; NewClassTree constructor = (NewClassTree) javacTree.getInitializer(); visitLists(constructor.getArguments(), node.getArguments()); if (constructor.getClassBody() != null) { visitAnonymousClassBody(constructor.getClassBody(), node.getClassBody()); } else { assert node.getClassBody().isEmpty(); } } else { throwUnexpectedNodeType(javacTree, javaParserNode); } return null; } @Override public Void visitWhileLoop(WhileLoopTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { WhileStmt node = castNode(WhileStmt.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processWhileLoop(javacTree, node); // While loop conditions are always parenthesized in javac but never in JavaParser. assert javacTree.getCondition().getKind() == Tree.Kind.PARENTHESIZED; ExpressionTree condition = ((ParenthesizedTree) javacTree.getCondition()).getExpression(); condition.accept(this, node.getCondition()); javacTree.getStatement().accept(this, node.getBody()); return null; } @Override public Void visitWildcard(WildcardTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { WildcardType node = castNode(WildcardType.class, javaParserNode, javacTree); processWildcard(javacTree, node); // In javac, whether the bound is an extends or super clause depends on the kind of the tree. assert (javacTree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.EXTENDS_WILDCARD) == node.getExtendedType().isPresent(); assert (javacTree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.SUPER_WILDCARD) == node.getSuperType().isPresent(); switch (javacTree.getKind()) { case UNBOUNDED_WILDCARD: break; case EXTENDS_WILDCARD: javacTree.getBound().accept(this, node.getExtendedType().get()); break; case SUPER_WILDCARD: javacTree.getBound().accept(this, node.getSuperType().get()); break; default: throw new BugInCF("Unexpected wildcard kind: %s", javacTree); } return null; } /** * Visit a YieldTree * * @param tree a YieldTree, typed as Tree to be backward-compatible * @param node a YieldStmt, typed as Node to be backward-compatible * @return nothing */ public Void visitYield17(Tree tree, Node node) { if (node instanceof YieldStmt) { YieldStmt yieldStmt = castNode(YieldStmt.class, node, tree); processYield(tree, yieldStmt); TreeUtils.yieldTreeGetValue(tree).accept(this, yieldStmt.getExpression()); return null; } // JavaParser does not parse yields correctly: // // So skip yields that aren't matched with a YieldStmt. return null; } /** * Process an {@code AnnotationTree} with multiple key-value pairs like {@code @MyAnno(a=5, * b=10)}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processAnnotation( AnnotationTree javacTree, NormalAnnotationExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code AnnotationTree} with no arguments like {@code @MyAnno}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processAnnotation( AnnotationTree javacTree, MarkerAnnotationExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code AnnotationTree} with a single argument like {@code MyAnno(5)}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processAnnotation( AnnotationTree javacTree, SingleMemberAnnotationExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code AnnotatedTypeTree}. * *

In javac, a type with an annotation is represented as an {@code AnnotatedTypeTree} with a * nested tree for the base type whereas in JavaParser the annotations are store directly on the * node for the base type. As a result, the JavaParser base type node will be processed twice, * once with the {@code AnnotatedTypeTree} and once with the tree for the base type. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processAnnotatedType(AnnotatedTypeTree javacTree, Node javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code ArrayAccessTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processArrayAccess( ArrayAccessTree javacTree, ArrayAccessExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code ArrayTypeTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processArrayType(ArrayTypeTree javacTree, ArrayType javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code AssertTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processAssert(AssertTree javacTree, AssertStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code AssignmentTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processAssignment(AssignmentTree javacTree, AssignExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code BinaryTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processBinary(BinaryTree javacTree, BinaryExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code BindingPatternTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processBindingPattern(Tree javacTree, PatternExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code BlockTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processBlock(BlockTree javacTree, BlockStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code BreakTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processBreak(BreakTree javacTree, BreakStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code CaseTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processCase(CaseTree javacTree, SwitchEntry javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code CatchTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processCatch(CatchTree javacTree, CatchClause javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code ClassTree} representing an annotation declaration. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processClass(ClassTree javacTree, AnnotationDeclaration javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code ClassTree} representing a class or interface declaration. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processClass( ClassTree javacTree, ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code ClassTree} representing a record declaration. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processClass(ClassTree javacTree, RecordDeclaration javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code ClassTree} representing an enum declaration. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processClass(ClassTree javacTree, EnumDeclaration javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code CompilationUnitTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processCompilationUnit( CompilationUnitTree javacTree, CompilationUnit javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code ConditionalExpressionTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processConditionalExpression( ConditionalExpressionTree javacTree, ConditionalExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code ContinueTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processContinue(ContinueTree javacTree, ContinueStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code DoWhileLoopTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processDoWhileLoop(DoWhileLoopTree javacTree, DoStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code EmptyStatementTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processEmptyStatement( EmptyStatementTree javacTree, EmptyStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code EnhancedForLoopTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processEnhancedForLoop( EnhancedForLoopTree javacTree, ForEachStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code ExportsTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processExports(ExportsTree javacTree, ModuleExportsDirective javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code ExpressionStatementTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processExpressionStatemen( ExpressionStatementTree javacTree, ExpressionStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code ForLoopTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processForLoop(ForLoopTree javacTree, ForStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code IdentifierTree} representing a class or interface type. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processIdentifier( IdentifierTree javacTree, ClassOrInterfaceType javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code IdentifierTree} representing a name that may contain dots. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processIdentifier(IdentifierTree javacTree, Name javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code IdentifierTree} representing an expression that evaluates to the value of a * variable. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processIdentifier(IdentifierTree javacTree, NameExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code IdentifierTree} representing a name without dots. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processIdentifier(IdentifierTree javacTree, SimpleName javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code IdentifierTree} representing a {@code super} expression like the {@code * super} in {@code super.myMethod()} or {@code MyClass.super.myMethod()}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processIdentifier(IdentifierTree javacTree, SuperExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code IdentifierTree} representing a {@code this} expression like the {@code this} * in {@code MyClass = this}, {@code this.myMethod()}, or {@code MyClass.this.myMethod()}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processIdentifier(IdentifierTree javacTree, ThisExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code IfTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processIf(IfTree javacTree, IfStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code ImportTree}. * *

Wildcards are stored differently between the two. In a statement like {@code import a.*;}, * the name is stored as a {@code MemberSelectTree} with {@code a} and {@code *}. In JavaParser * this is just stored as {@code a} but with a method that returns whether it has a wildcard. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processImport(ImportTree javacTree, ImportDeclaration javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code InstanceOfTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processInstanceOf(InstanceOfTree javacTree, InstanceOfExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code IntersectionType}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processIntersectionType( IntersectionTypeTree javacTree, IntersectionType javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code LabeledStatement}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processLabeledStatement( LabeledStatementTree javacTree, LabeledStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code LambdaExpressionTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processLambdaExpression( LambdaExpressionTree javacTree, LambdaExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code LiteralTree} for a String literal defined using concatenation. * *

For an expression like {@code "a" + "b"}, javac stores a single String literal {@code "ab"} * but JavaParser stores it as an operation with two operands. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processLiteral(LiteralTree javacTree, BinaryExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code LiteralTree} for a literal expression prefixed with {@code +} or {@code -} * like {@code +5} or {@code -2}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processLiteral(LiteralTree javacTree, UnaryExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code LiteralTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processLiteral(LiteralTree javacTree, LiteralExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code MemberReferenceTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processMemberReference( MemberReferenceTree javacTree, MethodReferenceExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code MemberSelectTree} for a class expression like {@code MyClass.class}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree javacTree, ClassExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code MemberSelectTree} for a type with a name containing dots, like {@code * mypackage.MyClass}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processMemberSelect( MemberSelectTree javacTree, ClassOrInterfaceType javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code MemberSelectTree} for a field access expression like {@code myObj.myField}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processMemberSelect( MemberSelectTree javacTree, FieldAccessExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code MemberSelectTree} for a name that contains dots. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree javacTree, Name javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code MemberSelectTree} for a this expression with a class like {@code * MyClass.this}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree javacTree, ThisExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code MemberSelectTree} for a super expression with a class like {@code * super.MyClass}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree javacTree, SuperExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code MethodTree} representing a regular method declaration. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processMethod(MethodTree javacTree, MethodDeclaration javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code MethodTree} representing a constructor declaration. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processMethod(MethodTree javacTree, ConstructorDeclaration javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code MethodTree} representing a compact constructor declaration. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processMethod( MethodTree javacTree, CompactConstructorDeclaration javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code MethodTree} representing a value field for an annotation. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processMethod( MethodTree javacTree, AnnotationMemberDeclaration javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code MethodInvocationTree} representing a constructor invocation. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processMethodInvocation( MethodInvocationTree javacTree, ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code MethodInvocationTree} representing a regular method invocation. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processMethodInvocation( MethodInvocationTree javacTree, MethodCallExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code ModuleTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processModule(ModuleTree javacTree, ModuleDeclaration javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code NewClassTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processNewClass(NewClassTree javacTree, ObjectCreationExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process an {@code OpensTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processOpens(OpensTree javacTree, ModuleOpensDirective javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code Tree} that isn't an instance of any specific tree class. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processOther(Tree javacTree, Node javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code PackageTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processPackage(PackageTree javacTree, PackageDeclaration javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code ParameterizedTypeTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processParameterizedType( ParameterizedTypeTree javacTree, ClassOrInterfaceType javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code ParenthesizedTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processParenthesized( ParenthesizedTree javacTree, EnclosedExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code PrimitiveTypeTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processPrimitiveType( PrimitiveTypeTree javacTree, PrimitiveType javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code PrimitiveTypeTree} representing a void type. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processPrimitiveType(PrimitiveTypeTree javacTree, VoidType javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code ProvidesTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processProvides( ProvidesTree javacTree, ModuleProvidesDirective javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code RequiresTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processRequires( RequiresTree javacTree, ModuleRequiresDirective javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code RetrunTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processReturn(ReturnTree javacTree, ReturnStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code SwitchTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processSwitch(SwitchTree javacTree, SwitchStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code SwitchExpressionTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processSwitchExpression(Tree javacTree, SwitchExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code SynchronizedTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processSynchronized( SynchronizedTree javacTree, SynchronizedStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code ThrowTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processThrow(ThrowTree javacTree, ThrowStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code TryTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processTry(TryTree javacTree, TryStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code TypeCastTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processTypeCast(TypeCastTree javacTree, CastExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code TypeParameterTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processTypeParameter( TypeParameterTree javacTree, TypeParameter javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code UnaryTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processUnary(UnaryTree javacTree, UnaryExpr javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code UnionTypeTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processUnionType(UnionTypeTree javacTree, UnionType javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code UsesTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processUses(UsesTree javacTree, ModuleUsesDirective javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code VariableTree} representing an enum constant declaration. In an enum like * {@code enum MyEnum { MY_CONSTANT }}, javac expands {@code MY_CONSTANT} as a constant variable. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processVariable( VariableTree javacTree, EnumConstantDeclaration javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code VariableTree} representing a parameter to a method or constructor. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processVariable(VariableTree javacTree, Parameter javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code VariableTree} representing the receiver parameter of a method. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processVariable(VariableTree javacTree, ReceiverParameter javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code VariableTree} representing a regular variable declaration. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processVariable(VariableTree javacTree, VariableDeclarator javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code WhileLoopTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processWhileLoop(WhileLoopTree javacTree, WhileStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code WhileLoopTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processWildcard(WildcardTree javacTree, WildcardType javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code YieldTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding Javaparser node */ public abstract void processYield(Tree javacTree, YieldStmt javaParserNode); /** * Process a {@code CompoundAssignmentTree}. * * @param javacTree tree to process * @param javaParserNode corresponding JavaParser node */ public abstract void processCompoundAssignment( CompoundAssignmentTree javacTree, AssignExpr javaParserNode); /** * Given a list of javac trees and a list of JavaParser nodes, where the elements of the lists * correspond to each other, visit each javac tree along with its corresponding JavaParser node. * *

The two lists must be of the same length and elements at corresponding positions must match. * * @param javacTrees list of trees * @param javaParserNodes list of corresponding JavaParser nodes */ private void visitLists(List javacTrees, List javaParserNodes) { assert javacTrees.size() == javaParserNodes.size(); Iterator nodeIter = javaParserNodes.iterator(); for (Tree tree : javacTrees) { tree.accept(this,; } } /** * Visit an optional syntax construct. Whether the javac tree is non-null must match whether the * JavaParser optional is present. * * @param javacTree a javac tree or null * @param javaParserNode an optional JavaParser node, which might not be present */ private void visitOptional(Tree javacTree, Optional javaParserNode) { assert javacTree != null == javaParserNode.isPresent() : String.format("visitOptional(%s, %s)", javacTree, javaParserNode); if (javacTree != null) { javacTree.accept(this, javaParserNode.get()); } } /** * Cast {@code javaParserNode} to type {@code type} and return it. * * @param the type of {@code type} * @param type the type to cast to * @param javaParserNode the object to cast * @param javacTree the javac tree that corresponds to {@code javaParserNode}; used only for error * reporting * @return javaParserNode, casted to {@code type} */ public T castNode(Class type, Node javaParserNode, Tree javacTree) { if (type.isInstance(javaParserNode)) { return type.cast(javaParserNode); } throwUnexpectedNodeType(javacTree, javaParserNode, type); throw new BugInCF("unreachable"); } /** * Given a javac tree and JavaPaser node which were visited but didn't correspond to each other, * throws an exception indicating that the visiting process failed for those nodes. * * @param javacTree a tree that was visited * @param javaParserNode a node that was visited at the same time as {@code javacTree}, but which * was not of the correct type for that tree * @throws BugInCF that indicates the javac trees and JavaParser nodes were desynced during the * visitng process at {@code javacTree} and {@code javaParserNode} */ private void throwUnexpectedNodeType(Tree javacTree, Node javaParserNode) { throw new BugInCF( "desynced trees: %s [%s], %s [%s]", javacTree, javacTree.getClass(), javaParserNode, javaParserNode.getClass()); } /** * Given a javac tree and JavaPaser node which were visited but didn't correspond to each other, * throws an exception indicating that the visiting process failed for those nodes because {@code * javaParserNode} was expected to be of type {@code expectedType}. * * @param javacTree a tree that was visited * @param javaParserNode a node that was visited at the same time as {@code javacTree}, but which * was not of the correct type for that tree * @param expectedType the type {@code javaParserNode} was expected to be based on {@code * javacTree} * @throws BugInCF that indicates the javac trees and JavaParser nodes were desynced during the * visitng process at {@code javacTree} and {@code javaParserNode} */ private void throwUnexpectedNodeType(Tree javacTree, Node javaParserNode, Class expectedType) { throw new BugInCF( "desynced trees: %s [%s], %s [%s (expected %s)]", javacTree, javacTree.getClass(), javaParserNode, javaParserNode.getClass(), expectedType); } /** * The default action for this visitor. This is inherited from SimpleTreeVisitor, but is only * called for those methods which do not have an override of the visitXXX method in this class. * Ultimately, those are the methods added post Java 11, such as for switch-expressions. * * @param tree the Javac tree * @param node the Javaparser node * @return nothing */ @Override protected Void defaultAction(Tree tree, Node node) { // Features added between JDK 12 and JDK 17 inclusive. // Must use String comparison to support compiling on JDK 11 and earlier: switch (tree.getKind().name()) { case "BINDING_PATTERN": return visitBindingPattern17(tree, node); case "SWITCH_EXPRESSION": return visitSwitchExpression17(tree, node); case "YIELD": return visitYield17(tree, node); } return super.defaultAction(tree, node); } }

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