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org.checkerframework.framework.type.TypesIntoElements Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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The Checker Framework enhances Java's type system to make it more powerful and useful. This lets software developers detect and prevent errors in their Java programs. The Checker Framework includes compiler plug-ins ("checkers") that find bugs or verify their absence. It also permits you to write your own compiler plug-ins.

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package org.checkerframework.framework.type;

import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.tree.TypeParameterTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedIntersectionType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedUnionType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.visitor.AnnotatedTypeScanner;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.BugInCF;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreeUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TypeAnnotationUtils;

 * A helper class that puts the annotations from an AnnotatedTypeMirrors back into the corresponding
 * Elements, so that they get stored in the bytecode by the compiler.

This has kind-of the symmetric function to {@code TypeFromElement}. * *

This class deals with javac internals and liberally imports such classes. */ public class TypesIntoElements { /** * The entry point. * * @param processingEnv the environment * @param atypeFactory the type factory * @param tree the ClassTree to process */ public static void store( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory, ClassTree tree) { Symbol.ClassSymbol csym = (Symbol.ClassSymbol) TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(tree); Types types = processingEnv.getTypeUtils(); storeTypeParameters(processingEnv, types, atypeFactory, tree.getTypeParameters(), csym); /* TODO: storing extends/implements types results in * a strange error e.g. from the Nullness Checker. * I think somewhere we take the annotations on extends/implements as * the receiver annotation on a constructor, breaking logic there. * I assume that the problem is the default that we use for these locations. * Once we've decided the defaulting, enable this. * See example of code that fails when this is enabled in * checker/jtreg/nullness/annotationsOnExtends. Also, see * for * a better implementation (though it also causes the error). storeClassExtends(processingEnv, types, atypeFactory, tree.getExtendsClause(), csym, -1); { int implidx = 0; for (Tree imp : tree.getImplementsClause()) { storeClassExtends(processingEnv, types, atypeFactory, imp, csym, implidx); ++implidx; } } */ for (Tree mem : tree.getMembers()) { if (mem.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) { storeMethod(processingEnv, types, atypeFactory, (MethodTree) mem); } else if (mem.getKind() == Tree.Kind.VARIABLE) { storeVariable(processingEnv, types, atypeFactory, (VariableTree) mem); } else { // System.out.println("Unhandled member tree: " + mem); } } } private static void storeMethod( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, Types types, AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory, MethodTree meth) { AnnotatedExecutableType mtype = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(meth); MethodSymbol sym = (MethodSymbol) TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(meth); TypeAnnotationPosition tapos; List tcs = List.nil(); storeTypeParameters(processingEnv, types, atypeFactory, meth.getTypeParameters(), sym); { // return type JCTree ret = ((JCTree.JCMethodDecl) meth).getReturnType(); if (ret != null) { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.methodReturnTAPosition(ret.pos); tcs = tcs.appendList(generateTypeCompounds(processingEnv, mtype.getReturnType(), tapos)); } } { // receiver JCTree receiverTree = ((JCTree.JCMethodDecl) meth).getReceiverParameter(); if (receiverTree != null) { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.methodReceiverTAPosition(receiverTree.pos); tcs = tcs.appendList(generateTypeCompounds(processingEnv, mtype.getReceiverType(), tapos)); } } { // parameters int pidx = 0; java.util.List ptypes = mtype.getParameterTypes(); for (JCTree param : ((JCTree.JCMethodDecl) meth).getParameters()) { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.methodParameterTAPosition(pidx, param.pos); tcs = tcs.appendList(generateTypeCompounds(processingEnv, ptypes.get(pidx), tapos)); ++pidx; } } { // throws clauses int tidx = 0; java.util.List ttypes = mtype.getThrownTypes(); for (JCTree thr : ((JCTree.JCMethodDecl) meth).getThrows()) { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.methodThrowsTAPosition(tidx, thr.pos); tcs = tcs.appendList(generateTypeCompounds(processingEnv, ttypes.get(tidx), tapos)); ++tidx; } } addUniqueTypeCompounds(types, sym, tcs); } private static void storeVariable( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, Types types, AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory, VariableTree var) { VarSymbol sym = (VarSymbol) TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(var); AnnotatedTypeMirror type; if (atypeFactory instanceof GenericAnnotatedTypeFactory) { // TODO: this is rather ugly: we do not want refinement from the // initializer of the field. We need a general way to get // the "defaulted" type of a variable. type = ((GenericAnnotatedTypeFactory) atypeFactory).getAnnotatedTypeLhs(var); } else { type = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(var); } TypeAnnotationPosition tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.fieldTAPosition(((JCTree) var).pos); List tcs; tcs = generateTypeCompounds(processingEnv, type, tapos); addUniqueTypeCompounds(types, sym, tcs); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") // TODO: see usage in comments above private static void storeClassExtends( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, Types types, AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory, Tree ext, Symbol.ClassSymbol csym, int implidx) { AnnotatedTypeMirror type; int pos; if (ext == null) { // The implicit superclass is always java.lang.Object. // TODO: is this a good way to get the type? type = atypeFactory.fromElement(csym.getSuperclass().asElement()); pos = -1; } else { type = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedTypeFromTypeTree(ext); pos = ((JCTree) ext).pos; } TypeAnnotationPosition tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.classExtendsTAPosition(implidx, pos); List tcs; tcs = generateTypeCompounds(processingEnv, type, tapos); addUniqueTypeCompounds(types, csym, tcs); } private static void storeTypeParameters( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, Types types, AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory, java.util.List tps, Symbol sym) { boolean isClassOrInterface = sym.getKind().isClass() || sym.getKind().isInterface(); List tcs = List.nil(); int tpidx = 0; for (TypeParameterTree tp : tps) { AnnotatedTypeVariable typeVar = (AnnotatedTypeVariable) atypeFactory.getAnnotatedTypeFromTypeTree(tp); // System.out.println("The Type for type parameter " + tp + " is " + type); TypeAnnotationPosition tapos; // Note: we use the type parameter pos also for the bounds; // the bounds may not be explicit and we couldn't look up separate pos. if (isClassOrInterface) { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.typeParameterTAPosition(tpidx, ((JCTree) tp).pos); } else { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.methodTypeParameterTAPosition(tpidx, ((JCTree) tp).pos); } { // This block is essentially direct annotations, perhaps we should refactor that // method out List res = List.nil(); for (AnnotationMirror am : typeVar.getLowerBound().getAnnotations()) { Attribute.TypeCompound tc = TypeAnnotationUtils.createTypeCompoundFromAnnotationMirror(am, tapos, processingEnv); res = res.prepend(tc); } tcs = tcs.appendList(res); } AnnotatedTypeMirror tpbound = typeVar.getUpperBound(); java.util.List bounds; if (tpbound.getKind() == TypeKind.INTERSECTION) { bounds = ((AnnotatedIntersectionType) tpbound).getBounds(); } else { bounds = List.of(tpbound); } int bndidx = 0; for (AnnotatedTypeMirror bound : bounds) { if (bndidx == 0 && ((Type) bound.getUnderlyingType()).isInterface()) { // If the first bound is an interface, there is an implicit java.lang.Object ++bndidx; } if (isClassOrInterface) { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.typeParameterBoundTAPosition(tpidx, bndidx, ((JCTree) tp).pos); } else { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.methodTypeParameterBoundTAPosition( tpidx, bndidx, ((JCTree) tp).pos); } tcs = tcs.appendList(generateTypeCompounds(processingEnv, bound, tapos)); ++bndidx; } ++tpidx; } // System.out.println("Adding " + tcs + " to " + sym); addUniqueTypeCompounds(types, sym, tcs); } private static void addUniqueTypeCompounds(Types types, Symbol sym, List tcs) { List raw = sym.getRawTypeAttributes(); List res = List.nil(); for (Attribute.TypeCompound tc : tcs) { if (!TypeAnnotationUtils.isTypeCompoundContained(raw, tc, types)) { res = res.append(tc); } } // That method only uses reference equality. isTypeCompoundContained does a deep comparison. sym.appendUniqueTypeAttributes(res); } // Do not return null. Return List.nil() if there are no TypeCompounds to return. private static List generateTypeCompounds( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, AnnotatedTypeMirror type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { return new TCConvert(processingEnv).scan(type, tapos); } /** * Convert an AnnotatedTypeMirror and a TypeAnnotationPosition into the corresponding * TypeCompounds. */ private static class TCConvert extends AnnotatedTypeScanner, TypeAnnotationPosition> { /** ProcessingEnvironment. */ private final ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv; /** * Creates a {@link TCConvert}. * * @param processingEnv ProcessEnvironment */ TCConvert(ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv) { super(List.nil()); this.processingEnv = processingEnv; } @Override public List scan(AnnotatedTypeMirror type, TypeAnnotationPosition pos) { if (pos == null) { throw new BugInCF("TypesIntoElements: invalid usage, null pos with type: " + type); } List res = super.scan(type, pos); return res; } @Override public List reduce(List r1, List r2) { if (r1 == null) { return r2; } if (r2 == null) { return r1; } return r1.appendList(r2); } private List directAnnotations( AnnotatedTypeMirror type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { List res = List.nil(); for (AnnotationMirror am : type.getAnnotations()) { // TODO: I BELIEVE THIS ISN'T TRUE BECAUSE PARAMETERS MAY HAVE ANNOTATIONS THAT CAME // FROM THE ELEMENT OF THE CLASS WHICH PREVIOUSLY WAS WRITTEN OUT BY // TYPESINTOELEMENT. // if (am instanceof Attribute.TypeCompound) { // // If it is a TypeCompound it was already present in source // (right?), // // so there is nothing to do. // // System.out.println(" found TypeComound: " + am + " pos: " // + ((Attribute.TypeCompound)am).position); // } else { // TODO: DOES THIS LEAD TO DOUBLING UP ON THE SAME ANNOTATION IN THE ELEMENT? Attribute.TypeCompound tc = TypeAnnotationUtils.createTypeCompoundFromAnnotationMirror(am, tapos, processingEnv); res = res.prepend(tc); // } } return res; } @Override public List visitDeclared( AnnotatedDeclaredType type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { if (visitedNodes.containsKey(type)) { return visitedNodes.get(type); } // Hack for termination visitedNodes.put(type, List.nil()); List res; TypeAnnotationPosition oldpos = TypeAnnotationUtils.copyTAPosition(tapos); locateNestedTypes(type, tapos); res = directAnnotations(type, tapos); // we sometimes fix-up raw types with wildcards, do not write these into the bytecode as there // are no corresponding type arguments and therefore no location to actually add them to if (!type.isUnderlyingTypeRaw()) { int arg = 0; for (AnnotatedTypeMirror ta : type.getTypeArguments()) { TypeAnnotationPosition newpos = TypeAnnotationUtils.copyTAPosition(tapos); newpos.location = tapos.location.append(new TypePathEntry(TypePathEntryKind.TYPE_ARGUMENT, arg)); res = scanAndReduce(ta, newpos, res); ++arg; } } AnnotatedTypeMirror encl = type.getEnclosingType(); if (encl != null && encl.getKind() != TypeKind.NONE && encl.getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR) { // use original tapos res = scanAndReduce(encl, oldpos, res); } visitedNodes.put(type, res); return res; } /* Modeled after * {@link, TypeAnnotationPosition)} */ private void locateNestedTypes(AnnotatedDeclaredType type, TypeAnnotationPosition p) { // The number of "steps" to get from the full type to the // left-most outer type. ListBuffer depth = new ListBuffer<>(); Type encl = (Type) type.getUnderlyingType().getEnclosingType(); while (encl != null && encl.getKind() != TypeKind.NONE && encl.getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR) { depth = depth.append(TypePathEntry.INNER_TYPE); encl = encl.getEnclosingType(); } if (depth.nonEmpty()) { p.location = p.location.appendList(depth.toList()); } } @Override public List visitIntersection( AnnotatedIntersectionType type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { if (visitedNodes.containsKey(type)) { return visitedNodes.get(type); } visitedNodes.put(type, List.nil()); List res; res = directAnnotations(type, tapos); int arg = 0; for (AnnotatedTypeMirror bound : type.getBounds()) { TypeAnnotationPosition newpos = TypeAnnotationUtils.copyTAPosition(tapos); newpos.location = tapos.location.append(new TypePathEntry(TypePathEntryKind.TYPE_ARGUMENT, arg)); res = scanAndReduce(bound, newpos, res); ++arg; } visitedNodes.put(type, res); return res; } @Override public List visitUnion(AnnotatedUnionType type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { // We should never need to write a union type, so raise an error. throw new BugInCF( "TypesIntoElement: encountered union type: " + type + " at position: " + tapos); } @Override public List visitArray(AnnotatedArrayType type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { List res; res = directAnnotations(type, tapos); TypeAnnotationPosition newpos = TypeAnnotationUtils.copyTAPosition(tapos); newpos.location = tapos.location.append(TypePathEntry.ARRAY); return reduce(super.visitArray(type, newpos), res); } @Override public List visitPrimitive( AnnotatedPrimitiveType type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { List res; res = directAnnotations(type, tapos); return res; } @Override public List visitTypeVariable( AnnotatedTypeVariable type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { List res; res = directAnnotations(type, tapos); // Do not call super. The bound will be visited separately. return res; } @Override public List visitWildcard( AnnotatedWildcardType type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { if (this.visitedNodes.containsKey(type)) { return List.nil(); } // Hack for termination, otherwise we'll visit one type too far (the same recursive // wildcard twice and generate extra type annos) visitedNodes.put(type, List.nil()); List res; // Note: By default, an Unbound wildcard will return true for both isExtendsBound and // isSuperBound if (((Type.WildcardType) type.getUnderlyingType()).isExtendsBound()) { res = directAnnotations(type.getSuperBound(), tapos); AnnotatedTypeMirror ext = type.getExtendsBound(); if (ext != null) { TypeAnnotationPosition newpos = TypeAnnotationUtils.copyTAPosition(tapos); newpos.location = tapos.location.append(TypePathEntry.WILDCARD); res = scanAndReduce(ext, newpos, res); } } else { res = directAnnotations(type.getExtendsBound(), tapos); AnnotatedTypeMirror sup = type.getSuperBoundField(); if (sup != null) { TypeAnnotationPosition newpos = TypeAnnotationUtils.copyTAPosition(tapos); newpos.location = tapos.location.append(TypePathEntry.WILDCARD); res = scanAndReduce(sup, newpos, res); } } visitedNodes.put(type, res); return res; } } }

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