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org.checkerframework.framework.type.TypesIntoElements Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package org.checkerframework.framework.type;

import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.tree.TypeParameterTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedIntersectionType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedUnionType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.visitor.AnnotatedTypeScanner;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.BugInCF;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreeUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TypeAnnotationUtils;

 * A helper class that puts the annotations from an AnnotatedTypeMirrors back into the corresponding
 * Elements, so that they get stored in the bytecode by the compiler.

This has kind-of the symmetric function to {@code TypeFromElement}. * *

This class deals with javac internals and liberally imports such classes. */ public final class TypesIntoElements { /** Do not instantiate. */ private TypesIntoElements() { throw new AssertionError("Class TypesIntoElements cannot be instantiated."); } /** * The entry point. * * @param processingEnv the environment * @param atypeFactory the type factory * @param tree the ClassTree to process */ public static void store( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory, ClassTree tree) { Symbol.ClassSymbol csym = (Symbol.ClassSymbol) TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(tree); Types types = processingEnv.getTypeUtils(); storeTypeParameters(processingEnv, types, atypeFactory, tree.getTypeParameters(), csym); /* TODO: storing extends/implements types results in * a strange error e.g. from the Nullness Checker. * I think somewhere we take the annotations on extends/implements as * the receiver annotation on a constructor, breaking logic there. * I assume that the problem is the default that we use for these locations. * Once we've decided the defaulting, enable this. * See example of code that fails when this is enabled in * checker/jtreg/nullness/annotationsOnExtends. Also, see * for * a better implementation (though it also causes the error). storeClassExtends(processingEnv, types, atypeFactory, tree.getExtendsClause(), csym, -1); { int implidx = 0; for (Tree imp : tree.getImplementsClause()) { storeClassExtends(processingEnv, types, atypeFactory, imp, csym, implidx); ++implidx; } } */ for (Tree mem : tree.getMembers()) { if (mem.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) { storeMethod(processingEnv, types, atypeFactory, (MethodTree) mem); } else if (mem.getKind() == Tree.Kind.VARIABLE) { storeVariable(processingEnv, types, atypeFactory, (VariableTree) mem); } else { // System.out.println("Unhandled member tree: " + mem); } } } private static void storeMethod( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, Types types, AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory, MethodTree meth) { AnnotatedExecutableType mtype = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(meth); MethodSymbol sym = (MethodSymbol) TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(meth); TypeAnnotationPosition tapos; List tcs = List.nil(); storeTypeParameters(processingEnv, types, atypeFactory, meth.getTypeParameters(), sym); { // return type JCTree ret = ((JCTree.JCMethodDecl) meth).getReturnType(); if (ret != null) { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.methodReturnTAPosition(ret.pos); tcs = tcs.appendList(generateTypeCompounds(processingEnv, mtype.getReturnType(), tapos)); } } { // receiver JCTree receiverTree = ((JCTree.JCMethodDecl) meth).getReceiverParameter(); if (receiverTree != null) { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.methodReceiverTAPosition(receiverTree.pos); tcs = tcs.appendList(generateTypeCompounds(processingEnv, mtype.getReceiverType(), tapos)); } } { // parameters int pidx = 0; java.util.List ptypes = mtype.getParameterTypes(); for (JCTree param : ((JCTree.JCMethodDecl) meth).getParameters()) { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.methodParameterTAPosition(pidx, param.pos); tcs = tcs.appendList(generateTypeCompounds(processingEnv, ptypes.get(pidx), tapos)); ++pidx; } } { // throws clauses int tidx = 0; java.util.List ttypes = mtype.getThrownTypes(); for (JCTree thr : ((JCTree.JCMethodDecl) meth).getThrows()) { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.methodThrowsTAPosition(tidx, thr.pos); tcs = tcs.appendList(generateTypeCompounds(processingEnv, ttypes.get(tidx), tapos)); ++tidx; } } addUniqueTypeCompounds(types, sym, tcs); } private static void storeVariable( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, Types types, AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory, VariableTree var) { VarSymbol sym = (VarSymbol) TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(var); AnnotatedTypeMirror type; if (atypeFactory instanceof GenericAnnotatedTypeFactory) { // TODO: this is rather ugly: we do not want refinement from the // initializer of the field. We need a general way to get // the "defaulted" type of a variable. type = ((GenericAnnotatedTypeFactory) atypeFactory).getAnnotatedTypeLhs(var); } else { type = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(var); } TypeAnnotationPosition tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.fieldTAPosition(((JCTree) var).pos); List tcs; tcs = generateTypeCompounds(processingEnv, type, tapos); addUniqueTypeCompounds(types, sym, tcs); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") // TODO: see usage in comments above private static void storeClassExtends( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, Types types, AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory, Tree ext, Symbol.ClassSymbol csym, int implidx) { AnnotatedTypeMirror type; int pos; if (ext == null) { // The implicit superclass is always java.lang.Object. // TODO: is this a good way to get the type? type = atypeFactory.fromElement(csym.getSuperclass().asElement()); pos = -1; } else { type = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedTypeFromTypeTree(ext); pos = ((JCTree) ext).pos; } TypeAnnotationPosition tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.classExtendsTAPosition(implidx, pos); List tcs; tcs = generateTypeCompounds(processingEnv, type, tapos); addUniqueTypeCompounds(types, csym, tcs); } private static void storeTypeParameters( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, Types types, AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory, java.util.List tps, Symbol sym) { boolean isClassOrInterface = sym.getKind().isClass() || sym.getKind().isInterface(); List tcs = List.nil(); int tpidx = 0; for (TypeParameterTree tp : tps) { AnnotatedTypeVariable typeVar = (AnnotatedTypeVariable) atypeFactory.getAnnotatedTypeFromTypeTree(tp); // System.out.println("The Type for type parameter " + tp + " is " + type); TypeAnnotationPosition tapos; // Note: we use the type parameter pos also for the bounds; // the bounds may not be explicit and we couldn't look up separate pos. if (isClassOrInterface) { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.typeParameterTAPosition(tpidx, ((JCTree) tp).pos); } else { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.methodTypeParameterTAPosition(tpidx, ((JCTree) tp).pos); } { // This block is essentially direct annotations, perhaps we should refactor that // method out List res = List.nil(); for (AnnotationMirror am : typeVar.getLowerBound().getPrimaryAnnotations()) { Attribute.TypeCompound tc = TypeAnnotationUtils.createTypeCompoundFromAnnotationMirror(am, tapos, processingEnv); res = res.prepend(tc); } tcs = tcs.appendList(res); } AnnotatedTypeMirror tpbound = typeVar.getUpperBound(); java.util.List bounds; if (tpbound.getKind() == TypeKind.INTERSECTION) { bounds = ((AnnotatedIntersectionType) tpbound).getBounds(); } else { bounds = List.of(tpbound); } int bndidx = 0; for (AnnotatedTypeMirror bound : bounds) { if (bndidx == 0 && ((Type) bound.getUnderlyingType()).isInterface()) { // If the first bound is an interface, there is an implicit java.lang.Object ++bndidx; } if (isClassOrInterface) { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.typeParameterBoundTAPosition(tpidx, bndidx, ((JCTree) tp).pos); } else { tapos = TypeAnnotationUtils.methodTypeParameterBoundTAPosition( tpidx, bndidx, ((JCTree) tp).pos); } tcs = tcs.appendList(generateTypeCompounds(processingEnv, bound, tapos)); ++bndidx; } ++tpidx; } // System.out.println("Adding " + tcs + " to " + sym); addUniqueTypeCompounds(types, sym, tcs); } private static void addUniqueTypeCompounds(Types types, Symbol sym, List tcs) { List raw = sym.getRawTypeAttributes(); List res = List.nil(); for (Attribute.TypeCompound tc : tcs) { if (!TypeAnnotationUtils.isTypeCompoundContained(raw, tc, types)) { res = res.append(tc); } } // That method only uses reference equality. isTypeCompoundContained does a deep comparison. sym.appendUniqueTypeAttributes(res); } // Do not return null. Return List.nil() if there are no TypeCompounds to return. private static List generateTypeCompounds( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, AnnotatedTypeMirror type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { return new TCConvert(processingEnv).scan(type, tapos); } /** * Convert an AnnotatedTypeMirror and a TypeAnnotationPosition into the corresponding * TypeCompounds. */ private static class TCConvert extends AnnotatedTypeScanner, TypeAnnotationPosition> { /** The processing environment. */ private final ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv; /** * Creates a {@link TCConvert}. * * @param processingEnv the processing environment */ TCConvert(ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv) { super(List.nil()); this.processingEnv = processingEnv; } @Override public List scan(AnnotatedTypeMirror type, TypeAnnotationPosition pos) { if (pos == null) { throw new BugInCF("TypesIntoElements: invalid usage, null pos with type: " + type); } List res = super.scan(type, pos); return res; } @Override public List reduce(List r1, List r2) { if (r1 == null) { return r2; } if (r2 == null) { return r1; } return r1.appendList(r2); } private List directAnnotations( AnnotatedTypeMirror type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { List res = List.nil(); for (AnnotationMirror am : type.getPrimaryAnnotations()) { // TODO: I BELIEVE THIS ISN'T TRUE BECAUSE PARAMETERS MAY HAVE ANNOTATIONS THAT CAME // FROM THE ELEMENT OF THE CLASS WHICH PREVIOUSLY WAS WRITTEN OUT BY // TYPESINTOELEMENT. // if (am instanceof Attribute.TypeCompound) { // // If it is a TypeCompound it was already present in source // (right?), // // so there is nothing to do. // // System.out.println(" found TypeComound: " + am + " pos: " // + ((Attribute.TypeCompound)am).position); // } else { // TODO: DOES THIS LEAD TO DOUBLING UP ON THE SAME ANNOTATION IN THE ELEMENT? Attribute.TypeCompound tc = TypeAnnotationUtils.createTypeCompoundFromAnnotationMirror(am, tapos, processingEnv); res = res.prepend(tc); // } } return res; } @Override public List visitDeclared( AnnotatedDeclaredType type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { if (visitedNodes.containsKey(type)) { return visitedNodes.get(type); } // Hack for termination visitedNodes.put(type, List.nil()); List res; TypeAnnotationPosition oldpos = TypeAnnotationUtils.copyTAPosition(tapos); locateNestedTypes(type, tapos); res = directAnnotations(type, tapos); // We sometimes fix-up raw types with wildcards. Do not write these into the bytecode // as there are no corresponding type arguments and therefore no location to actually // add them to. if (!type.isUnderlyingTypeRaw()) { int arg = 0; for (AnnotatedTypeMirror ta : type.getTypeArguments()) { TypeAnnotationPosition newpos = TypeAnnotationUtils.copyTAPosition(tapos); newpos.location = tapos.location.append(new TypePathEntry(TypePathEntryKind.TYPE_ARGUMENT, arg)); res = scanAndReduce(ta, newpos, res); ++arg; } } AnnotatedTypeMirror encl = type.getEnclosingType(); if (encl != null && encl.getKind() != TypeKind.NONE && encl.getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR) { // use original tapos res = scanAndReduce(encl, oldpos, res); } visitedNodes.put(type, res); return res; } /* Modeled after * {@link, TypeAnnotationPosition)} */ private void locateNestedTypes(AnnotatedDeclaredType type, TypeAnnotationPosition p) { // The number of "steps" to get from the full type to the // left-most outer type. ListBuffer depth = new ListBuffer<>(); Type encl = (Type) type.getUnderlyingType().getEnclosingType(); while (encl != null && encl.getKind() != TypeKind.NONE && encl.getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR) { depth = depth.append(TypePathEntry.INNER_TYPE); encl = encl.getEnclosingType(); } if (depth.nonEmpty()) { p.location = p.location.appendList(depth.toList()); } } @Override public List visitIntersection( AnnotatedIntersectionType type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { if (visitedNodes.containsKey(type)) { return visitedNodes.get(type); } visitedNodes.put(type, List.nil()); List res; res = directAnnotations(type, tapos); int arg = 0; for (AnnotatedTypeMirror bound : type.getBounds()) { TypeAnnotationPosition newpos = TypeAnnotationUtils.copyTAPosition(tapos); newpos.location = tapos.location.append(new TypePathEntry(TypePathEntryKind.TYPE_ARGUMENT, arg)); res = scanAndReduce(bound, newpos, res); ++arg; } visitedNodes.put(type, res); return res; } @Override public List visitUnion(AnnotatedUnionType type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { // We should never need to write a union type, so raise an error. throw new BugInCF( "TypesIntoElement: encountered union type: " + type + " at position: " + tapos); } @Override public List visitArray(AnnotatedArrayType type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { List res; res = directAnnotations(type, tapos); TypeAnnotationPosition newpos = TypeAnnotationUtils.copyTAPosition(tapos); newpos.location = tapos.location.append(TypePathEntry.ARRAY); return reduce(super.visitArray(type, newpos), res); } @Override public List visitPrimitive( AnnotatedPrimitiveType type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { List res; res = directAnnotations(type, tapos); return res; } @Override public List visitTypeVariable( AnnotatedTypeVariable type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { List res; res = directAnnotations(type, tapos); // Do not call super. The bound will be visited separately. return res; } @Override public List visitWildcard( AnnotatedWildcardType type, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) { if (this.visitedNodes.containsKey(type)) { return List.nil(); } // Hack for termination, otherwise we'll visit one type too far (the same recursive // wildcard twice and generate extra type annos) visitedNodes.put(type, List.nil()); List res; // Note: By default, an Unbound wildcard will return true for both isExtendsBound and // isSuperBound if (((Type.WildcardType) type.getUnderlyingType()).isExtendsBound()) { res = directAnnotations(type.getSuperBound(), tapos); AnnotatedTypeMirror ext = type.getExtendsBound(); if (ext != null) { TypeAnnotationPosition newpos = TypeAnnotationUtils.copyTAPosition(tapos); newpos.location = tapos.location.append(TypePathEntry.WILDCARD); res = scanAndReduce(ext, newpos, res); } } else { res = directAnnotations(type.getExtendsBound(), tapos); AnnotatedTypeMirror sup = type.getSuperBoundField(); if (sup != null) { TypeAnnotationPosition newpos = TypeAnnotationUtils.copyTAPosition(tapos); newpos.location = tapos.location.append(TypePathEntry.WILDCARD); res = scanAndReduce(sup, newpos, res); } } visitedNodes.put(type, res); return res; } } }

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