org.checkerframework.checker.signedness.SignednessShifts Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.checkerframework.checker.signedness;
import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotatedTypeTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.BinaryTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.LiteralTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.PrimitiveTypeTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.tree.TypeCastTree;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import org.checkerframework.checker.interning.qual.InternedDistinct;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreePathUtil;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreeUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TypeSystemError;
import org.plumelib.util.IPair;
* This file contains code to special-case shifts whose result does not depend on the MSB of the
* first argument, due to subsequent masking or casts.
* @checker_framework.manual #signedness-checker Signedness Checker
public class SignednessShifts {
/** Do not instantiate SignednessShifts. */
private SignednessShifts() {
throw new Error("Do not instantiate SignednessShifts");
* Returns true iff the given tree node is a mask operation (& or |).
* @param tree a tree to test
* @return true iff node is a mask operation (& or |)
private static boolean isMask(Tree tree) {
Tree.Kind kind = tree.getKind();
return kind == Tree.Kind.AND || kind == Tree.Kind.OR;
// TODO: Return a TypeKind rather than a PrimitiveTypeTree?
* Returns the type of a primitive cast, or null if the argument is not a cast to a primitive.
* @param tree a tree that might be a cast to a primitive
* @return type of a primitive cast, or null if not a cast to a primitive
private static @Nullable PrimitiveTypeTree primitiveTypeCast(Tree tree) {
if (tree.getKind() != Tree.Kind.TYPE_CAST) {
return null;
TypeCastTree cast = (TypeCastTree) tree;
Tree castType = cast.getType();
Tree underlyingType;
if (castType.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ANNOTATED_TYPE) {
underlyingType = ((AnnotatedTypeTree) castType).getUnderlyingType();
} else {
underlyingType = castType;
if (underlyingType.getKind() != Tree.Kind.PRIMITIVE_TYPE) {
return null;
return (PrimitiveTypeTree) underlyingType;
* Returns true iff the given tree is a literal.
* @param expr a tree to test
* @return true iff expr is a literal
private static boolean isLiteral(ExpressionTree expr) {
return expr instanceof LiteralTree;
* Returns the long value of an Integer or a Long
* @param obj either an Integer or a Long
* @return the long value of obj
private static long getLong(Object obj) {
return ((Number) obj).longValue();
* Given a masking operation of the form {@code expr & maskLit} or {@code expr | maskLit}, return
* true iff the masking operation results in the same output regardless of the value of the
* shiftAmount most significant bits of expr. This is if the shiftAmount most significant bits of
* mask are 0 for AND, and 1 for OR. For example, assuming that shiftAmount is 4, the following is
* true about AND and OR masks:
* {@code expr & 0x0[anything] == 0x0[something] ;}
{@code expr | 0xF[anything] == 0xF[something] ;}
* @param maskKind the kind of mask (AND or OR)
* @param shiftAmountLit the LiteralTree whose value is shiftAmount
* @param maskLit the LiteralTree whose value is mask
* @param shiftedTypeKind the type of shift operation; int or long
* @return true iff the shiftAmount most significant bits of mask are 0 for AND, and 1 for OR
private static boolean maskIgnoresMSB(
Tree.Kind maskKind,
LiteralTree shiftAmountLit,
LiteralTree maskLit,
TypeKind shiftedTypeKind) {
long shiftAmount = getLong(shiftAmountLit.getValue());
// Shift of zero is a nop
if (shiftAmount == 0) {
return true;
long mask = getLong(maskLit.getValue());
// Shift the shiftAmount most significant bits to become the shiftAmount least significant
// bits, zeroing out the rest.
if (shiftedTypeKind == TypeKind.INT) {
mask <<= 32;
mask >>>= (64 - shiftAmount);
if (maskKind == Tree.Kind.AND) {
// Check that the shiftAmount most significant bits of the mask were 0.
return mask == 0;
} else if (maskKind == Tree.Kind.OR) {
// Check that the shiftAmount most significant bits of the mask were 1.
return mask == (1 << shiftAmount) - 1;
} else {
throw new TypeSystemError("Invalid Masking Operation");
* Given a casted right shift of the form {@code (type) (baseExpr >> shiftAmount)} or {@code
* (type) (baseExpr >>> shiftAmount)}, return true iff the expression's value is the same
* regardless of the type of right shift (signed or unsigned). This is true if the cast ignores
* the shiftAmount most significant bits of the shift result -- that is, if the cast ignores all
* the new bits that the right shift introduced on the left.
For example, the function returns true for
{@code (short) (myInt >> 16)}
* and for
* {@code (short) (myInt >>> 16)}
* because these two expressions are guaranteed to have the same result.
* @param shiftTypeKind the kind of the type of the shift literal (BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, or
* @param castTypeKind the kind of the cast target type (BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, or LONG)
* @param shiftAmountLit the LiteralTree whose value is shiftAmount
* @return true iff introduced bits are discarded
private static boolean castIgnoresMSB(
TypeKind shiftTypeKind, TypeKind castTypeKind, LiteralTree shiftAmountLit) {
// Determine number of bits in the shift type, note shifts upcast to int.
// Also determine the shift amount as it is dependent on the shift type.
long shiftBits;
long shiftAmount;
switch (shiftTypeKind) {
case INT:
shiftBits = 32;
// When the LHS of the shift is an int, the 5 lower order bits of the RHS are used.
shiftAmount = 0x1F & getLong(shiftAmountLit.getValue());
case LONG:
shiftBits = 64;
// When the LHS of the shift is a long, the 6 lower order bits of the RHS are used.
shiftAmount = 0x3F & getLong(shiftAmountLit.getValue());
throw new TypeSystemError("Invalid shift type");
// Determine number of bits in the cast type
long castBits;
switch (castTypeKind) {
case BYTE:
castBits = 8;
case CHAR:
castBits = 8;
case SHORT:
castBits = 16;
case INT:
castBits = 32;
case LONG:
castBits = 64;
throw new TypeSystemError("Invalid cast target");
long bitsDiscarded = shiftBits - castBits;
return shiftAmount <= bitsDiscarded || shiftAmount == 0;
* Returns true if a right shift operation, {@code >>} or {@code >>>}, is masked with a masking
* operation of the form {@code shiftExpr & maskLit} or {@code shiftExpr | maskLit} such that the
* mask renders the shift signedness ({@code >>} vs {@code >>>}) irrelevant by destroying the bits
* duplicated into the shift result. For example, the following pairs of right shifts on {@code
* byte b} both produce the same results under any input, because of their masks:
* {@code (b >> 4) & 0x0F == (b >>> 4) & 0x0F;}
{@code (b >> 4) | 0xF0 == (b >>> 4) | 0xF0;}
* @param shiftExpr a right shift expression: {@code expr1 >> expr2} or {@code expr1 >>> expr2}
* @param path the path to {@code shiftExpr}
* @return true iff the right shift is masked such that a signed or unsigned right shift has the
* same effect
/*package-private*/ static boolean isMaskedShiftEitherSignedness(
BinaryTree shiftExpr, TreePath path) {
IPair enclosingPair = TreePathUtil.enclosingNonParen(path);
// enclosing immediately contains shiftExpr or a parenthesized version of shiftExpr
Tree enclosing = enclosingPair.first;
// enclosingChild is a child of enclosing: shiftExpr or a parenthesized version of it.
@SuppressWarnings("interning:assignment") // comparing AST nodes
@InternedDistinct Tree enclosingChild = enclosingPair.second;
if (!isMask(enclosing)) {
return false;
BinaryTree maskExpr = (BinaryTree) enclosing;
ExpressionTree shiftAmountExpr = shiftExpr.getRightOperand();
// Determine which child of maskExpr leads to shiftExpr. The other one is the mask.
ExpressionTree mask =
maskExpr.getRightOperand() == enclosingChild
? maskExpr.getLeftOperand()
: maskExpr.getRightOperand();
// Strip away the parentheses from the mask if any exist
mask = TreeUtils.withoutParens(mask);
if (!isLiteral(shiftAmountExpr) || !isLiteral(mask)) {
return false;
LiteralTree shiftLit = (LiteralTree) shiftAmountExpr;
LiteralTree maskLit = (LiteralTree) mask;
return maskIgnoresMSB(
maskExpr.getKind(), shiftLit, maskLit, TreeUtils.typeOf(shiftExpr).getKind());
* Returns true if a right shift operation, {@code >>} or {@code >>>}, is type casted such that
* the cast renders the shift signedness ({@code >>} vs {@code >>>}) irrelevant by discarding the
* bits duplicated into the shift result. For example, the following pair of right shifts on
* {@code short s} both produce the same results under any input, because of type casting:
* {@code (byte)(s >> 8) == (byte)(b >>> 8);}
* @param shiftExpr a right shift expression: {@code expr1 >> expr2} or {@code expr1 >>> expr2}
* @param path the path to {@code shiftExpr}
* @return true iff the right shift is type casted such that a signed or unsigned right shift has
* the same effect
/*package-private*/ static boolean isCastedShiftEitherSignedness(
BinaryTree shiftExpr, TreePath path) {
// enclosing immediately contains shiftExpr or a parenthesized version of shiftExpr
Tree enclosing = TreePathUtil.enclosingNonParen(path).first;
PrimitiveTypeTree castPrimitiveType = primitiveTypeCast(enclosing);
if (castPrimitiveType == null) {
return false;
TypeKind castTypeKind = castPrimitiveType.getPrimitiveTypeKind();
// Determine the type of the shift result
TypeKind shiftTypeKind = TreeUtils.typeOf(shiftExpr).getKind();
// Determine shift literal
ExpressionTree shiftAmountExpr = shiftExpr.getRightOperand();
if (!isLiteral(shiftAmountExpr)) {
return false;
LiteralTree shiftLit = (LiteralTree) shiftAmountExpr;
boolean result = castIgnoresMSB(shiftTypeKind, castTypeKind, shiftLit);
return result;