chisel3.internal.plugin.ChiselPlugin.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package chisel3.internal.plugin
import nsc.Global
import nsc.plugins.{Plugin, PluginComponent}
import scala.reflect.internal.util.NoPosition
import scala.collection.mutable
private[plugin] case class ChiselPluginArguments(
val skipFiles: mutable.HashSet[String] = mutable.HashSet.empty) {
var deprecateSFC: Boolean = true
def useBundlePluginOpt = "useBundlePlugin"
def useBundlePluginFullOpt = s"-P:${}:$useBundlePluginOpt"
def genBundleElementsOpt = "genBundleElements"
def genBundleElementsFullOpt = s"-P:${}:$genBundleElementsOpt"
// Annoying because this shouldn't be used by users
def skipFilePluginOpt = "INTERNALskipFile:"
def skipFilePluginFullOpt = s"-P:${}:$skipFilePluginOpt"
object ChiselPlugin {
val name = "chiselplugin"
// Also logs why the component was not run
private[plugin] def runComponent(
global: Global,
arguments: ChiselPluginArguments
)(unit: global.CompilationUnit
): Boolean = {
// This plugin doesn't work on Scala 2.11 nor Scala 3. Rather than complicate the sbt build flow,
// instead we just check the version and if its an early Scala version, the plugin does nothing
val scalaVersion = scala.util.Properties.versionNumberString.split('.')
val scalaVersionOk = scalaVersion(0).toInt == 2 && scalaVersion(1).toInt >= 12
val skipFile = arguments.skipFiles(unit.source.file.path)
if (scalaVersionOk && !skipFile) {
} else {
val reason = if (!scalaVersionOk) {
s"invalid Scala version '${scala.util.Properties.versionNumberString}'"
} else {
s"file skipped via '${arguments.skipFilePluginFullOpt}'"
// Enable this with scalacOption '-Ylog:chiselbundlephase'
global.log(s"Skipping BundleComponent on account of $reason.")
// The plugin to be run by the Scala compiler during compilation of Chisel code
class ChiselPlugin(val global: Global) extends Plugin {
val name =
val description = "Plugin for Chisel 3 Hardware Description Language"
private val arguments = ChiselPluginArguments()
val components: List[PluginComponent] = List[PluginComponent](
new ChiselComponent(global, arguments),
new BundleComponent(global, arguments),
new IdentifierComponent(global, arguments),
new DeprecateSFCComponent(global, arguments)
override def init(options: List[String], error: String => Unit): Boolean = {
// Deprecate Scala 2.12 via the compiler plugin
val scalaVersion = scala.util.Properties.versionNumberString.split('.')
if (scalaVersion(0).toInt == 2 && scalaVersion(1).toInt == 12) {
val msg = s"Chisel 5 is the last version that will support Scala 2.12. Please upgrade to Scala 2.13."
global.reporter.warning(NoPosition, msg)
for (option <- options) {
if (option == arguments.useBundlePluginOpt) {
val msg = s"'${arguments.useBundlePluginFullOpt}' is now default behavior, you can remove the scalacOption."
global.reporter.warning(NoPosition, msg)
} else if (option.startsWith(arguments.skipFilePluginOpt)) {
val filename = option.stripPrefix(arguments.skipFilePluginOpt)
arguments.skipFiles += filename
} else if (option == arguments.genBundleElementsOpt) {
val msg = s"'${arguments.genBundleElementsOpt}' is now default behavior, you can remove the scalacOption."
global.reporter.warning(NoPosition, msg)
} else {
error(s"Option not understood: '$option'")