org.cip4.jdflib.cformat.PrintfFormat Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright John E. Lloyd, 2000. All rights reserved. Permission
* to use, copy, and modify, without fee, is granted for non-commercial
* and research purposes, provided that this copyright notice appears
* in all copies.
* This software is distributed "as is", without any warranty, including
* any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
* use. The authors assume no responsibility for, and shall not be liable
* for, any special, indirect, or consequential damages, or any damages
* whatsoever, arising out of or in connection with the use of this
* software.
package org.cip4.jdflib.cformat;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.cip4.jdflib.util.StringUtil;
* Object for formatting output in the same way as the C printf methodName.
* A printf style format string is specified in the constructor. Once instantiated, the tostr methods of this class may be used to convert primitives types
* (float, double, char, int, long, String) into Strings. Alternatively, instances of this class may be passed as arguments to the printf methods of the
* PrintfWriter or PrintfStream classes.
* Examples:
* double theta1 = 45.0;
* double theta2 = 85.0;
* PrintfFormat fmt = new PrintfFormat("%7.2f\n");
* System.out.println("theta1=" + fmt.tostr(theta1) + "theta2=" + fmt.tostr(theta2));
* PrintfStream pfw = new PrintfStream(System.out, true);
* pfw.print("theta1=");
* pfw.printf(fmt, theta1);
* pfw.print("theta2=");
* pfw.printf(fmt, theta2);
* @see PrintfWriter
* @see PrintfStream
* @.author John E. Lloyd
* @deprecated use String.format
public class PrintfFormat
// ~ Static fields/initializers
// /////////////////////////////////////////////
private static char[] ddigits = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' };
private static char[] xdigits = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
private static char[] Xdigits = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' };
// ~ Instance fields
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
boolean addBlank = false;
boolean addSign = false;
boolean alternate = false;
boolean leftAdjust = false;
int prec = -1;
String prefix = null;
String suffix = null;
char type = 0;
int width = 0;
boolean zeropad = false;
private DecDouble dd;
private int idx;
private final OutBuffer output;
private final String validTypes = "diouxXeEfFgGaAcs";
// ~ Constructors
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Creates a new instance of PrintfFormat from the supplied format string. The structure of the format string is described in the documentation for the set method.
* @param fmt Format string
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Malformed format string
* @see PrintfFormat#set
public PrintfFormat(final String fmt) throws IllegalArgumentException
output = new OutBuffer(1024);
// ~ Methods
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Gets the prefix string associated with the format. The prefix string is that part of the format that appears before the conversion.
* @return Prefix string
* @see PrintfFormat#setPrefix
public String getPrefix()
return prefix;
* Gets the suffix string associated with the format. The suffix string is that part of the format that appears after the conversion.
* @return Suffix string
* @see PrintfFormat#setSuffix
public String getSuffix()
return suffix;
* Sets the format characteristics according to the supplied String.
* The format string has the same form as the one used by the C printf methodName, except that only one conversion sequence may be specified (because routines which
* use PrintfFormat each convert only one object).
* The format string consists of an optional prefix of regular characters, followed by a conversion sequence, followed by an optional suffix of regular
* characters.
* The conversion sequence is introduced by a '%' character, and is followed by any number of optional flag characters, an optional unsigned decimal integer specifying
* a field width, another optional unsigned decimal integer (preceded by a '.' character) specifying a precision, and finally a conversion character.
* To incorporate a '%' character into either the prefix or suffix, one should specify the sequence "%%".
* The allowed flag characters are:
* - #
- The value is converted into an "alternate" form. For 'o' conversions, the output is always prefixed with a '0'. For 'x' and 'X' conversions, the output is prefixed with
* "0x" or "0X", respectively. For 'a', 'A', 'e', 'E', 'f', 'g', and 'G' conversions, the result will always contain a decimal point. For 'g' and 'G' conversions, trailing
* zeros are not removed. There is no effect for other conversions.
- 0
- Use '0' to pad the field on the left, instead of blanks. If the conversion is 'd', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'x', or 'X', and a precision is given, then this flag is ignored.
- -
- The output is aligned with the left of the field boundary, and padded on the right with blanks. This flag overrides the '0' flag.
- ' '
- Leave a blank before a positive number produced by a signed conversion.
- +
- A '+' sign is placed before non-negative numbers produced by a signed conversion. This flag overrides the ' ' flag.
* The conversion character is one of:
* The integer argument is output as a signed decimal number. If a precision is given, it describes the minimum number of digits that must appear (default 1). If the
* precision exceeds the number of digits that would normally appear, the output is padded on the left with zeros. When 0 is printed with precision 0, the result is empty.
* o,u,x,X
* The integer argument is output as an unsigned number in either octal ('o'), decimal ('u'), or hexadecimal ('x' or 'X'). The digits "abcdef" are used for 'x', and
* "ABCDEF" are used for 'X'. If a precision is given, it describes the minimum number of digits that must appear (default 1). If the precision exceeds the number of digits
* that would normally appear, the output is padded on the left with zeros. When 0 is printed with precision 0, the result is empty.
* e,E
* The floating point argument is output in the exponential form [-]d.ddde+dd, with the number of digits after the decimal point given by the precision. The
* default precision value is 6. No decimal point is output if the precision is 0. Conversion 'E' causes 'E' to be used as an exponent instead of 'e'. The exponent is always at
* least two characters.
* f
* The floating point argument is output in the form [-]ddd.ddd, with the number of digits after the decimal point given by the precision. The default precision
* value is 6. No decimal point is output if the precision is 0. If a decimal point appears, at least one digit appears before it.
* g,G
* The floating point argument is output in either the 'f' or 'e' style (or 'E' style of 'G' conversions). The precision gives the number of significant digits, with a
* default value of 6. Style 'e' is used if the resulting exponent is less than -4 or greater than or equal to the precision. Trailing zeros are removed from the fractional
* part of the result, and a decimal point appears if it is followed by at least one digit.
* a,A
* The floating point argument is output in the hexadecimal floating point form [-]0xh.hhhp+dd. The exponent is a decimal number and describes a power of 2. The
* 'A' style uses the prefix "0X", the hex digits "ABCDEF", and the exponent character 'P'. The number of digits after the decimal point is given by the precision. The default
* precision is enough for an exact representation of the value.
* c
* The single character argument is output as a character.
* s
* The string argument is output. If a precision is given, then the number of characters output is limited to this.
* @param fmt Format string
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Malformed format string
public void set(final String fmt) throws IllegalArgumentException
final char[] buf = new char[fmt.length()];
int n;
char c;
prefix = "";
suffix = "";
idx = 0;
n = scanRegularChars(buf, fmt);
if (n > 0)
prefix = new String(buf, 0, n);
if (idx == fmt.length())
// parse the flags
boolean parsingFlags = true;
c = fmt.charAt(idx);
switch (c)
case '+':
addSign = true;
case ' ':
addBlank = true;
case '-':
leftAdjust = true;
case '#':
alternate = true;
case '0':
zeropad = true;
parsingFlags = false;
if (parsingFlags)
if (++idx == fmt.length())
parsingFlags = false;
while (parsingFlags);
if ((idx < fmt.length()) && Character.isDigit(fmt.charAt(idx)))
width = scanUnsignedInt(fmt);
if ((idx < fmt.length()) && (fmt.charAt(idx) == '.'))
if ((++idx < fmt.length()) && Character.isDigit(fmt.charAt(idx)))
prec = scanUnsignedInt(fmt);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'.' in conversion spec not followed by precision value");
if (idx == fmt.length())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Format string ends prematurely");
type = fmt.charAt(idx++);
switch (type)
case 'd':
case 'i':
case 'o':
case 'u':
case 'x':
case 'X':
if ((prec != -1) && zeropad)
zeropad = false;
case 'g':
case 'G':
case 'f':
case 'e':
case 'E':
case 'a':
case 'A':
case 'c':
case 's':
if (validTypes.indexOf(type) == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Conversion character '" + type + "' not one of '" + validTypes + "'");
n = scanRegularChars(buf, fmt);
if (n > 0)
suffix = new String(buf, 0, n);
if (idx != fmt.length())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Format string has more than one conversion spec");
if (leftAdjust && zeropad)
zeropad = false;
if (addSign && addBlank)
addBlank = false;
* Sets the prefix string associated with the format.
* @param s New prefix string
* @see PrintfFormat#getPrefix
public String setPrefix(final String s)
final String old = prefix;
prefix = s;
return old;
* Sets the suffix string associated with the format.
* @param s New suffix string
* @see PrintfFormat#getSuffix
public String setSuffix(final String s)
final String old = suffix;
suffix = s;
return old;
* Formats a float into a string.
* @param x Float value to convert
* @return Resulting string
public String tostr(final float x)
return tostr((double) x);
* Formats a Double into a string.
* @param x Float value to convert
* @return Resulting string
public String tostr(final Double x)
return tostr(x.doubleValue());
* Formats an Integer into a string.
* @param x Float value to convert
* @return Resulting string
public String tostr(final Integer x)
return tostr(x.intValue());
* Formats a double into a string.
* @param x Double value to convert
* @return Resulting string
public String tostr(final double x)
if ("diuoxX".indexOf(type) > -1)
return tostr((long) x);
if (dd == null)
dd = new DecDouble();
if ((type != 'a') && (type != 'A'))
char p = '\0';
output.init(width + 1);
if (dd.alt != null)
else if (type == 'f')
fixedFormat(dd, (prec < 0) ? 6 : prec);
else if ((type == 'e') || (type == 'E'))
expFormat(dd, (prec < 0) ? 6 : prec);
else if ((type == 'a') || (type == 'A'))
expHexFormat(x, prec);
else if ((type == 'g') || (type == 'G'))
freeFormat(dd, (prec < 0) ? 6 : prec);
LogFactory.getLog(getClass()).error("f = " + type);
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
if (dd.sign == -1)
p = '-';
else if (addSign)
p = '+';
else if (addBlank)
p = ' ';
if (zeropad)
int nz = width - (output.kn - output.k0);
if (p != '\0')
output.prepend('0', nz);
if (p != '\0')
return pad();
* Formats an int into a string.
* @param x Int value to convert
* @return Resulting string
public String tostr(final int x)
String intStr;
final long lx = x;
if ((type == 'd') || (type == 'i'))
intStr = tostr(lx);
{ // unsigned; clear high bits
intStr = tostr(lx & 0xffffffffL);
return intStr;
* Formats a long into a string.
* @param x Long value to convert
* @return Resulting string
public String tostr(final long x)
long xLocal = x;
String p = null;
output.init(Math.max(width, 32));
if ((type == 'd') || (type == 'i'))
if (xLocal < 0)
xLocal = -xLocal;
p = "-";
if (addSign)
p = "+";
else if (addBlank)
p = " ";
if ((prec != 0) || (xLocal != 0))
else if (type == 'u')
uconv(xLocal, 10, ddigits);
else if (type == 'o')
uconv(xLocal, 8, ddigits);
if (alternate && (output.buf[output.k0] != '0'))
p = "0";
else if (type == 'x')
uconv(xLocal, 16, xdigits);
if (alternate)
p = "0x";
else if (type == 'X')
uconv(xLocal, 16, Xdigits);
if (alternate)
p = "0X";
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
int nz = 0;
if (zeropad)
nz = width - (output.kn - output.k0);
else if (prec > 0)
nz = prec - (output.kn - output.k0);
if (nz > 0)
if (p != null)
nz -= p.length();
output.prepend('0', nz);
if (p != null)
return pad();
* Formats a char into a string.
* @param x Char value to convert
* @return Resulting string
public String tostr(final char x)
if (type != 'c')
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
output.init(Math.max(width, 1));
return pad();
* Formats a String into a string.
* @param x String value to format
* @return Resulting string
public String tostr(final String x)
if (type != 's')
if (StringUtil.isInteger(x))
return tostr(StringUtil.parseInt(x, 0));
if (StringUtil.isNumber(x))
return tostr(StringUtil.parseDouble(x, 0));
// no more choices, gotta go..
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
output.init(Math.max(width, 1));
if (prec >= 0)
output.append(x.substring(0, prec));
return pad();
// private void convert(long x, int n, int m, String d)
// {
// if (x == 0)
// {
// output.append('0');
// return;
// }
// while (x != 0)
// {
// output.prepend(d.charAt((int) (x & m)));
// x = x >>> n;
// }
// }
private void expFormat(final DecDouble pdd, final int p)
int i;
i = 0;
if ((p > 0) || alternate)
if (p > 0)
final int kend = p + output.k0 + 2;
while ((i < pdd.numd) && (output.kn < kend))
if ((i == pdd.numd) && (output.kn < kend) && (((type != 'g') && (type != 'G')) || alternate))
output.append('0', kend - output.kn);
if ((i < pdd.numd) && (pdd.digits[i] >= '5'))
if (output.buf[output.k0 + 1] == '0')
output.buf[output.k0 + 1] = '.';
output.buf[output.k0 + 2] = '0';
output.append(((type == 'G') || (type == 'E')) ? 'E' : 'e');
output.append((pdd.exp >= 0) ? '+' : '-');
final String expStr = Long.toString(Math.abs(pdd.exp));
if (expStr.length() < 2)
private void expHexFormat(final double d, final int p)
int pLocal = p;
char[] digits = null;
long bits;
int e;
long m;
bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(d);
e = (int) ((bits >> 52) & 0x7ffL);
m = (e == 0) ? ((bits & 0xfffffffffffffL) << 1) : ((bits & 0xfffffffffffffL) | 0x10000000000000L);
if (m == 0)
e = 0;
e -= 1023;
if (m != 0)
while ((m & 0x10000000000000L) == 0)
m = m << 1;
if ((pLocal > 0) && (pLocal < 13))
{ // then round up if necessary
if ((0xf & (m >> (4 * (12 - pLocal)))) >= 8)
m += (1L << (4 * (13 - pLocal)));
if ((m & 0x20000000000000L) != 0)
m = m >> 1;
if (type == 'A')
digits = Xdigits;
digits = xdigits;
output.append(((m & 0x10000000000000L) != 0) ? '1' : '0');
if ((pLocal > 0) || ((pLocal == -1) && (m != 0)) || alternate)
while ((pLocal > 0) || ((pLocal == -1) && ((m & 0xfffffffffffffL) != 0)))
output.append(digits[(int) ((m & 0xf000000000000L) >> 48)]);
m = m << 4;
if (pLocal > 0)
output.append((type == 'A') ? 'P' : 'p');
output.append((e >= 0) ? '+' : '-');
final String expStr = Long.toString(Math.abs(e));
private void fixedFormat(final DecDouble pdd, final int p)
int kend;
final boolean freeFormat = ((type == 'g') || (type == 'G'));
int i = 0;
if (pdd.exp >= 0)
while ((output.kn <= (output.k0 + pdd.exp)) && (i < pdd.numd))
if (output.kn <= (output.k0 + pdd.exp))
output.append('0', (output.k0 + 1 + pdd.exp) - output.kn);
if (((p > 0) && (!freeFormat || (i < pdd.numd))) || alternate)
if (p > 0)
kend = output.kn + p;
// pad if needed
if (pdd.exp < -1)
output.append('0', Math.min(p, -pdd.exp - 1));
while ((output.kn < kend) && (i < pdd.numd))
if ((output.kn < kend) && (!freeFormat || alternate))
output.append('0', kend - output.kn);
if ((i < pdd.numd) && (pdd.digits[i] >= '5'))
private void freeFormat(final DecDouble pdd, final int pprec)
final int p = Math.max(1, pprec);
if ((pdd.exp >= -4) && (pdd.exp < p))
fixedFormat(pdd, p - pdd.exp - 1);
expFormat(pdd, p - 1);
private String pad()
final int padcnt = width - (output.kn - output.k0);
if (leftAdjust)
output.append(' ', padcnt);
output.prepend(' ', padcnt);
return prefix + output.getString() + suffix;
private void roundUpFixedOutput(final OutBuffer out)
int i;
for (i = out.kn - 1; i >= out.k0; i--)
if (out.buf[i] == '9')
out.buf[i] = '0';
// carry by continuing
else if (out.buf[i] != '.')
out.buf[i] += 1;
if (i < out.k0)
out.buf[--out.k0] = '1';
private int scanRegularChars(final char[] buf, final String fmt)
int n = 0;
char c;
for (; idx < fmt.length(); idx++)
if ((c = fmt.charAt(idx)) == '%')
if (idx == fmt.length())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Format string terminates with '%'");
if ((c = fmt.charAt(idx)) != '%')
buf[n++] = c;
return n;
private int scanUnsignedInt(final String fmt)
int value = 0;
char c;
for (c = fmt.charAt(idx); Character.isDigit(c); c = fmt.charAt(idx))
value = ((10 * value) + c) - '0';
if (++idx == fmt.length())
return value;
private void uconv(final long val, final int radix, final char[] digits)
long valLocal = val;
if (valLocal == 0)
if (prec != 0)
if (valLocal < 0)
{ // have to compute the first val/radix and val%radix in a
// complicated way
long halfval;
int mod;
halfval = valLocal >>> 1;
mod = (int) ((2 * (halfval % radix)) + (valLocal & 0x1));
valLocal = 2 * (halfval / radix);
if (mod >= radix)
mod -= radix;
valLocal += 1;
while (valLocal != 0)
output.prepend(digits[(int) (valLocal % radix)]);
valLocal /= radix;
// ~ Inner Classes
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Stores the decimal representation of a double. Provides a canonical form from which the rest of the formatting is easy. We let the java Double.toString() method do most of
* the work in creating the representation.
private class DecDouble
String alt = null;
char[] digits = null;
int exp = 0; // exponent if decimal follows 1st digit
int numd = 0;
int sign = 1;
DecDouble(final double d)
void set(final double d)
double dLocal = d;
numd = 0;
exp = 0;
if (alt != null)
else if (dLocal == 0)
digits[0] = '0';
numd = 1;
if (dLocal < 0)
dLocal = -dLocal;
final String s = Double.toString(dLocal);
int k;
int len;
int idec;
char c;
len = s.length();
// skip leading 0's and look for dec point:
idec = -1;
for (k = 0; k < len; k++)
if ((c = s.charAt(k)) == '.')
idec = k;
else if (c != '0')
// now store digits
numd = 0;
for (; k < len; k++)
if ((c = s.charAt(k)) == '.')
idec = k;
else if ((c == 'e') || (c == 'E'))
digits[numd++] = c;
if (k < len) // then there is an exponent
exp = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(k + 1));
exp = 0;
// adjust exp so decimal follows the leading digit
if (idec == -1) // no decimal in orig. string
exp += (numd - 1);
exp += (idec - (k - numd));
void setSignAndAlt(final double d)
alt = null;
sign = 1;
if (Double.isNaN(d))
alt = "nan";
else if (d == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
alt = "inf";
else if (d == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)
alt = "inf";
sign = -1;
else if (d == 0)
if ((Double.doubleToLongBits(d) & 0x8000000000000000L) == 0)
sign = 1;
sign = -1;
else if (d < 0)
sign = -1;
private void init()
digits = new char[256];
numd = 0;
* OutBuffer is used to form the output character sequence. We defined this because it makes things a little faster than working with strings.
private class OutBuffer
char[] buf;
int k0;
int kn;
OutBuffer(final int n)
buf = new char[n];
kn = k0 = 0;
final void append(final char c)
buf[kn++] = c;
final int append(final String s)
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
buf[kn++] = s.charAt(i);
return kn;
final int append(final char c, final int n)
int nLocal = n;
while (nLocal-- > 0)
buf[kn++] = c;
return kn;
final String getString()
return String.valueOf(buf, k0, kn - k0);
final void init(final int base)
kn = k0 = base;
final void prepend(final char c)
buf[--k0] = c;
final int prepend(final String s)
for (int i = s.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
buf[--k0] = s.charAt(i);
return k0;
final int prepend(final char c, final int n)
int nLocal = n;
while (nLocal-- > 0)
buf[--k0] = c;
return k0;
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