org.citrusframework.schema.citrus-sftp-config.xsd Maven / Gradle / Ivy
SSH server component
Port to listen to. Default is 22
Whether to start this SSH server automatically. Default is true. If set to false,
a test action is responsible for starting/stopping the server
Path to PEM encoded key pair (public and private key) which is used as host key.
By default, a standard, fixed keypair is used.
Path to user home directory. If not set ${user.dir}/target/{serverName}/home/{user} is used by default.
User which is allowed to connect.
Password for authenticating the user.
Path to a public key in PEM format. If prefixed with 'classpath:' it is read
as a resource.
Sftp client component sends commands to server instance and receives reply messages.
Path to a private key, which can be either a plain file path or an class resource if prefixed with 'classpath:'
Optional password for the private key
Path to a known hosts file. If prefixed with 'classpath:' this file is looked up as a resource in the classpath.
Ordered list of preferred authentications. Client will try to authentication with these methods first.
Reference to a map of session properties as key-value pairs. Applied on Jsch session on client.