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org.clapper.classutil.ClassUtil.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.clapper.classutil

import java.lang.reflect.{Method, Modifier => JModifier}

import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}

import grizzled.{reflect => grizzledReflect}

/** Some general-purpose class-related utility functions.
object ClassUtil {

  // Matches setter methods.
  private val SetterPattern = """_\$eq$""".r
  private val SetterRemove  = SetterPattern

  private lazy val JavaPrimitives = Set(
    classOf[java.lang.Boolean].   asInstanceOf[Any],
    java.lang.Boolean.TYPE.       asInstanceOf[Any],
    classOf[java.lang.Byte].      asInstanceOf[Any],
    java.lang.Byte.TYPE.          asInstanceOf[Any],
    classOf[java.lang.Character]. asInstanceOf[Any],
    java.lang.Character.TYPE.     asInstanceOf[Any],
    classOf[java.lang.Double].    asInstanceOf[Any],
    java.lang.Double.TYPE.        asInstanceOf[Any],
    classOf[java.lang.Float].     asInstanceOf[Any],
    java.lang.Float.TYPE.         asInstanceOf[Any],
    classOf[java.lang.Integer].   asInstanceOf[Any],
    java.lang.Integer.TYPE.       asInstanceOf[Any],
    classOf[java.lang.Long].      asInstanceOf[Any],
    java.lang.Long.TYPE.          asInstanceOf[Any],
    classOf[java.lang.Short].     asInstanceOf[Any],
    java.lang.Short.TYPE.         asInstanceOf[Any],
    classOf[java.lang.Void].      asInstanceOf[Any],
    java.lang.Void.TYPE.          asInstanceOf[Any]

  // For generating type signatures.
  private[classutil] lazy val PrimitiveSigMap = Map(
    classOf[Boolean].getName -> "Z",
    classOf[Byte].getName    -> "B",
    classOf[Char].getName    -> "C",
    classOf[Short].getName   -> "S",
    classOf[Int].getName     -> "I",
    classOf[Long].getName    -> "J",
    classOf[Float].getName   -> "F",
    classOf[Double].getName  -> "D",
    classOf[Unit].getName    -> "V",
    "void"                   -> "V"

  /** Determine whether an object is a primitive or not.
    * @param obj  the object
    * @return `true` if its class is a primitive, `false` if not.
  def isPrimitive(obj: Any): Boolean =

  /** Determine whether a class represents an underlying primitive or not.
    * For instance, `Int`, `Float` and `Unit` all represent underlying
    * primitives. Note that Java classes are considered primitives if they
    * *are*, in fact, primitives, or if they represent boxed forms of
    * primitives.
    * @param cls  the class
    * @return `true` if the class represents a primitive, `false` if not
  def isPrimitive[T: ClassTag](cls: Class[T]): Boolean = {
    def scalaPrimitive = classTag[T].runtimeClass.toString match {
      case "boolean" => true
      case "byte"    => true
      case "char"    => true
      case "double"  => true
      case "float"   => true
      case "int"     => true
      case "long"    => true
      case "short"   => true
      case "void"    => true
      case _ => false

    def javaPrimitive = JavaPrimitives contains cls

    scalaPrimitive || javaPrimitive

  /** Determine if a value is of, or is assignable to, a specified type.
    * Works with generics. Example of use:
    * {{{
    * val value: Any = ...
    * assert(isOfType[Map[String,Int]](value))
    * }}}
    * @tparam T  the type against which to check the value
    * @param  v  the value to check
    * @return whether or not `value` conforms to type `T`
  def isOfType[T: ClassTag](v: Any): Boolean = {

  /** Convenience method to load a class from an array of class bytes.
    * @param classLoader  the class loader to use
    * @param className    the name of the class
    * @param classBytes   the class's byte code
    * @return the loaded class
  def loadClass(classLoader: ClassLoader,
                className: String,
                classBytes: Array[Byte]): Class[_] = {
    val cls = Class.forName("java.lang.ClassLoader")
    val method = cls.getDeclaredMethod("defineClass",
    method.invoke(classLoader, className, classBytes,
                  new java.lang.Integer(0),
                  new java.lang.Integer(classBytes.length)).

  /** Generate a runtime signature for a class (type). For instance:
    * {{{
    * java.lang.String  ->  Ljava/lang/String;
    * int               ->  I
    * }}}
    * Throws an exception (`Exception`) if it can't map the class name to
    * a signature.
    * @param cls  The class (type)
    * @return its string signature
  def classSignature(cls: Class[_]): String = {
    if (cls.isArray) {
      "[" + classSignature(cls.getComponentType)

    else if (cls.isPrimitive) {
      val s = PrimitiveSigMap.get(cls.getName)
      s.getOrElse {
        throw new Exception(
          s"""Can't map class "${cls.getName}" to a signature."""

    else {
      "L" + binaryClassName(cls.getName) + ";"

  /** Generate a runtime signature for a method. See, for instance:
    * [[]]
    * @param returnType  the method's return type
    * @param paramTypes  the methods parameter types. An empty array
    *                    signifies a method that takes no parameters.
    * @return its string signature
  def methodSignature(returnType: Class[_],
                      paramTypes: Array[Class[_]]): String = {
    val paramSig = Option(paramTypes)
      .map { array =>
        if (array.length == 0)
 => classSignature(pt)).mkString("")

    "(" + paramSig + ")" + classSignature(returnType)

  /** Generate a runtime signature for a method. See, for instance:
    * [[]]
    * @param method  method, from java.lang.reflect
    * @return its string signature
  def methodSignature(method: java.lang.reflect.Method): String =
    methodSignature(method.getReturnType, method.getParameterTypes)

  /** Get a list of all public getters and setters in a Scala class.
    * @param cls  the class
    * @return The sequence of methods
  def scalaAccessorMethods(cls: Class[_]): Seq[Method] = {
      .filter { m =>
        val modifiers = m.getModifiers

        ((modifiers & JModifier.PUBLIC) != 0) &&
        ((modifiers & JModifier.FINAL) == 0) &&
        (! Util.skipMethod(m.getName)) &&
        (accessorIsSetter(m) || accessorIsGetter(m))

  /** Get a sequence of all public, non-final methods in a class.
    * @param cls  the class
    * @return the sequence of methods
  def nonFinalPublicMethods(cls: Class[_]): Seq[Method] = {
      .filter { m =>
        val modifiers = m.getModifiers

        ((modifiers & JModifier.PUBLIC) != 0) &&
         ((modifiers & JModifier.FINAL) == 0)

  /** Given a method, produce its Java Bean name. Assumes that the method
    * is already known to be a valid Scala accessor method.
    * @param m  the method
    * @return the bean name
    * @see [[scalaAccessorMethods]]
  def beanName(m: Method): String = {
    val name = m.getName

    def prefix(s: String) = s.take(1).toUpperCase + s.drop(1)

    if (isGetter(m))
      "get" + prefix(name)
      "set" + prefix(SetterRemove.replaceFirstIn(name, ""))

  /** Determine if a method is a getter. A getter is defined as any method
    * that has no parameters, returns a value, and isn't in one of the
    * methods to be ignored (like `toString`).
    * @param m the method
    * @return `true` or `false`
  def isGetter(m: Method): Boolean = {
    (! Util.skipMethod(m.getName)) && accessorIsGetter(m)

  /** Determine if a method is a setter. A getter is defined as any method
    * that has a single parameter, returns no value, and isn't in one of the
    * methods to be ignored.
    * @param m the method
    * @return `true` or `false`
  def isSetter(m: Method): Boolean = {
    (! Util.skipMethod(m.getName)) && accessorIsSetter(m)

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Private methods
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  /** Internal version of isGetter() that assumes the method is already
    * known not to be one of the ignored nethods.
  private def accessorIsGetter(m: Method) = {
    (m.getReturnType.getName != "void") && (m.getParameterTypes.length == 0)

  /** Internal version of isSetter() that assumes the method is already
    * known not to be one of the ignored nethods.
  private def accessorIsSetter(m: Method) = {
    (m.getReturnType.getName == "void") &&
    (m.getParameterTypes.length == 1) &&

  /** Convert a class name (e.g., "java.lang.String") into its binary
    * form (e.g., "java/lang/String").
    * @param className  the internal class name
    * @return the binary form
  private[classutil] def binaryClassName(className: String): String =
    className.replaceAll("""\.""", "/")

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