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grizzled.file.util.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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  Copyright © 2009-2016, Brian M. Clapper
  All rights reserved.

  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are

  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
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    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


package grizzled.file

import scala.annotation.tailrec

import grizzled.sys.os
import grizzled.sys.OperatingSystem._

import{File, IOException}
import{SecureRandom => Random}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

class FileDoesNotExistException(message: String) extends Exception

/** Useful file-related utility functions.
object util {
  val fileSeparator = File.separator
  val fileSeparatorChar = fileSeparator(0)

  private lazy val random = new Random()

  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *\
   Public Methods
   \* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  /** Get the directory name of a pathname.
    * @param path     path (absolute or relative)
    * @param fileSep  the file separator to use. Defaults to the value of
    *                 the "file.separator" property.
    * @return the directory portion
  def dirname(path: String, fileSep: String = fileSeparator): String = {
    val components = splitPath(path, fileSep)
    components match {
      case Nil =>

      case List("") =>

      case simple :: Nil if ! (simple startsWith fileSep) =>

      case _ =>
        val len = components.length
        val result = components.take(len - 1) mkString fileSep
        if (result.length == 0)

  /** Get the basename (file name only) part of a path.
    * @param path     the path (absolute or relative)
    * @param fileSep  the file separator to use. Defaults to the value of
    *                 the "file.separator" property.
    * @return the file name portion
  def basename(path: String, fileSep: String = fileSeparator): String = {
    val components = splitPath(path, fileSep)
    components match {
      case Nil =>
      case List("") =>
      case simple :: Nil if ! (simple startsWith fileSep) =>
      case _ =>
        components.drop(components.length - 1) mkString fileSep

  /** Split a path into directory (dirname) and file (basename) components.
    * Analogous to Python's `os.path.pathsplit()` function.
    * @param path     the path to split
    * @param fileSep  the file separator to use. Defaults to the value of
    *                 the "file.separator" property.
    * @return a (dirname, basename) tuple of strings
  def dirnameBasename(path:    String,
                      fileSep: String = fileSeparator): (String, String) = {
    if (Option(path).isEmpty || path.isEmpty)
      ("", "")
    else if ((path == ".") || (path == ".."))
      (path, "")
    else if (! (path contains fileSep))
      (".", path)
    else if (path == fileSep)
      (fileSep, "")
    else  {
      // Use a character to split, so it's not interpreted as a regular
      // expression (which causes problems with a Windows-style "\".
      // NOTE: We deliberately don't use splitPath() here.
      val components = (path split fileSep(0)).toList

      if (components.length == 1)
        (components.head, "")

      else {
        val listTuple = components splitAt (components.length - 1)
        val s: String = listTuple._1 mkString fileSep
        val prefix =
          if ((s.length == 0) && (path startsWith fileSep))
        (prefix, listTuple._2 mkString fileSep)

  private lazy val ExtRegexp = """^(.*)(\.[^.]+)$""".r

  /** Split a pathname into the directory name, basename, and extension
    * pieces.
    * @param pathname the pathname
    * @param fileSep  the file separator to use. Defaults to the value of
    *                 the "file.separator" property.
    * @return a 3-tuple of (dirname, basename, extension)
  def dirnameBasenameExtension(pathname: String,
                               fileSep: String = fileSeparator):
    (String, String, String) = {

    val (path1, extension) = pathname match {
      case ExtRegexp(pathNoExt, ext) => (pathNoExt, ext)
      case _                         => (pathname, "")

    val (dirname, basename) = dirnameBasename(path1, fileSep)
    (dirname, basename, extension)

  /** Return the current working directory, as an absolute path.
    * @return the current working directory
  def pwd: String = new File(".").getCanonicalPath

   * Calculate the relative path between two files.
   * @param from  the starting file
   * @param to    the file to be converted to a relative path
   * @return the (String) relative path
  def relativePath(from: File, to: File): String = {
    if (from.getAbsolutePath == to.getAbsolutePath)

    else {
      val fromPath = toPathArray(from)
      val toPath = toPathArray(to)
      val commonLength = commonPrefix(fromPath, toPath)
      val relativeTo = toPath.drop(commonLength)
      if (fromPath.length == commonLength)
        // It's right under the from path.
        relativeTo mkString fileSeparator
      else {
        val commonParentsTotal = fromPath.length - commonLength - 1
          require(commonParentsTotal >= 0)
        val up = (".." + fileSeparator) * commonParentsTotal
        relativeTo.mkString(up, fileSeparator, "")

  /** Return a list of paths matching a pathname pattern. The pattern may
    * contain simple shell-style wildcards. See `fnmatch()`. This function
    * is essentially a direct port of the Python `glob.glob()` function.
    * Restrictions:
    * - There's currently no way to escape a wildcard character. That is,
    *   if you need to match a '*' character or a '?' character exactly,
    *   you can't do that with this library. (You can't do it with the
    *   `glob` library in Python 2 or Python 3, either.)
    * @param path  The path to expand.
    * @return a list of possibly expanded file names
  def glob(path: String): List[String] = {

    def glob1(dirname: String, pattern: String): List[String] = {
      val dir = if (dirname.length == 0) pwd else dirname
      val names = Option(new File(dir).list).map(_.toList)

      if (names.isEmpty)

      else {
        val names2 =
          if (path(0) != '.')
            names.filter(_(0) != '.')

        names.filter(n => fnmatch(n, pattern))

    def glob0(dirname: String, basename: String): List[String] = {
      if (basename.length == 0) {
        if (new File(dirname).isDirectory)
        else {
          val path = dirname + fileSeparator + basename
          if (new File(path).exists())

    val wildcards = """[\*\?\[]""".r
    if ((wildcards findFirstIn path).isEmpty)

    else {
      val (dirname, basename) = dirnameBasename(path)
      if (dirname.length == 0)
        for (name <- glob1(pwd, basename)) yield name

      else {
        val dirs = if ((wildcards findFirstIn dirname).nonEmpty)
        val globber = if ((wildcards findFirstIn basename).nonEmpty)
          glob1 _
          glob0 _

        for (d <- dirs; name <- globber(d, basename))
          yield d + fileSeparator + name

  /** An extended ''glob'' function that supports all the wildcards of
    * the `glob()` function, in addition to:

    *  - a leading `~`, signifying the user's home directory
    *  - a special `**` wildcard that recursively matches any directory.
    *    (Think "ant".)
    * ''~user'' is not supported, however.
    * @param pattern   the wildcard pattern
    * @return list of matches, or an empty list for none
  def eglob(pattern: String): List[String] = {
    def doGlob(pieces: List[String], directory: String): List[String] = {
      import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

      val result = new ArrayBuffer[String]()

      val piece = pieces.head
      val last = pieces.length == 1

      if (piece == "**") {
        val remainingPieces = if (last) Nil else pieces.drop(1)

        for ((root, dirs, files) <- walk(directory, topdown = true)) {
          if (last)
            // At the end of a pattern, "**" just recursively
            // matches directories.
            result += root

            // Recurse downward, trying to match the rest of
            // the pattern.
            result ++= doGlob(remainingPieces, root)

      else {
        // Regular glob pattern.

        val path = directory + fileSeparator + piece
        val matches = glob(path)
        if (matches.nonEmpty) {
          if (last)
            // Save the matches, and stop.
            result ++= matches

          else {
            // Must continue recursing.
            val remainingPieces = pieces.drop(1)
            for (m <- matches if new File(m).isDirectory) {
              val subResult = doGlob(remainingPieces, m)
              for (partialPath <- subResult)
                result += partialPath


    // Main eglob() logic

    // Account for leading "~"
    val adjustedPattern =
      if (pattern.length == 0)
      else if (pattern.startsWith("~"))
        normalizePath(joinPath(System.getProperty("user.home"), pattern drop 1))

    // Determine leading directory, which is different per OS (because
    // of Windows' stupid drive letters).
    val (relativePattern, directory) = eglobPatternSplitter(adjustedPattern)

    // Do the actual globbing.
    val pieces = splitPath(relativePattern)
    val matches = doGlob(pieces, directory)

    matches map normalizePath

  /** List a directory recursively, returning `File` objects for each file
    * (and subdirectory) found. This method does lazy evaluation, instead
    * of calculating everything up-front, as `walk()` does.
    * The JDK's [[ java.nio.file.Files.walk()]]
    * function provides a similar capability in JDK 8. Prior to JDK 8, you can
    * also use  [[,%20java.util.Set,%20int,%20java.nio.file.FileVisitor) java.nio.file.Files.walkFileTree()]]
    * @param file    The `File` object, presumed to represent a directory.
    * @param topdown If `true` (the default), the stream will be generated
    *                top down. If `false`, it'll be generated bottom-up.
    * @return a stream of `File` objects.
  def listRecursively(file: File, topdown: Boolean = true): Stream[File] = {

    def doList(list: List[File]): Stream[File] = {
      // See
      list match {
        case Nil => Stream.empty

        case f :: tail =>
          val list = if (f.isDirectory) f.listFiles.toList else Nil
          if (topdown)
            f #:: doList(list ++ tail)
            doList(list ++ tail) :+ f

    if (file.isDirectory)

  /** Similar to Python's `fnmatch()` function, this function determines
    * whether a string matches a wildcard pattern. Patterns are Unix-style
    * shell-style wildcards:
    *  - `*` matches everything
    *  - `?` matches any single character
    *  - `[set]` matches any character in ''set''
    *  - `[!set]` matches any character not in ''set''
    * An initial period in `filename` is not special. Matches are
    * case-sensitive on Posix operating systems, case-insensitive elsewhere.
    * @param name    the name to match
    * @param pattern the wildcard pattern
  def fnmatch(name: String, pattern: String): Boolean = {
    // Convert to regular expression pattern.

    val caseConv: String => String =
      if (os == Posix)
        {s => s}
        {s => s.toLowerCase}

    val regex = caseConv("^" + pattern.replace("\\", "\\\\")
                         .replace(".", "\\.")
                         .replace("*", ".*")
                         .replace("[!", "[^")
                         .replace("?", ".") + "$").r

  /** Directory tree generator, adapted from Python's `os.walk()`
    * function.
    * For each directory in the directory tree rooted at top (including top
    * itself, but excluding '.' and '..'), yields a 3-tuple
    * {{{
    * (dirpath, dirnames, filenames)
    * }}}
    * ''dirpath'' is a string, the path to the directory. ''dirnames'' is a
    * list of the names of the subdirectories in ''dirpath'' (excluding '.'
    * and '..'). ''filenames'' is a list of the names of the non-directory
    * files in ''dirpath''. Note that the names in the lists are just names,
    * with no path components. To get a full path (which begins with top) to a
    * file or directory in ''dirpath'', use `dirpath + +
    * name`, or use `joinPath()`.
    * If ''topdown'' is `true`, the triple for a directory is generated before
    * the triples for any of its subdirectories (directories are generated top
    * down). If `topdown` is `false`, the triple for a directory is generated
    * after the triples for all of its subdirectories (directories are generated
    * bottom up).
    * '''WARNING!''' This method does ''not'' grok symbolic links!
    * The JDK's [[ java.nio.file.Files.walk()]]
    * function provides a similar capability in JDK 8. Prior to JDK 8, you can
    * also use  [[,%20java.util.Set,%20int,%20java.nio.file.FileVisitor) java.nio.file.Files.walkFileTree()]]
    * @param top     name of starting directory
    * @param topdown `true` to do a top-down traversal, `false`
    *                otherwise.
    * @return List of triplets, as described above.
  def walk(top: String, topdown: Boolean = true):
  List[(String, List[String], List[String])] = {
    // This needs to be made more efficient, with some kind of generator.
    import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

    val dirs = new ArrayBuffer[String]()
    val nondirs = new ArrayBuffer[String]()
    val result = new ArrayBuffer[(String, List[String], List[String])]()
    val fTop = new File(top)
    val names = Option(fTop.list).getOrElse(Array.empty[String])

    if (names.nonEmpty) {
      for (name <- names) {
        val f = new File(top + fileSeparator + name)
        if (f.isDirectory)
          dirs += name
          nondirs += name

      if (topdown)
        result += ((top, dirs.toList, nondirs.toList))

      for (name <- dirs)
        result ++= walk(top + fileSeparator + name, topdown)

      if (! topdown)
        result += ((top, dirs.toList, nondirs.toList))


  /** Split a path into its constituent components. If the path is
    * absolute, the first piece will have a file separator in the
    * beginning. Examples:
"/"List("/") *
"foo/bar"List("foo", "bar")
"../foo"List("..", "foo")
"./foo"List(".", "foo")
"/foo/bar/baz"List("/foo", "bar", "baz")
"foo/bar/baz"List("foo", "bar", "baz")
* * @param path the path * @param fileSep the file separator to use. Defaults to the value of * the "file.separator" property. * * @return the component pieces. */ def splitPath(path: String, fileSep: String = fileSeparator): List[String] = { // Split with the path separator character, rather than the path // separator string. Using the string causes Scala to interpret it // as a regular expression, which causes problems when the separator // is a backslash (as on Windows). We could escape the backslash, // but it's just as easy to split on the character, not the string, // Null guard. val nonNullPath = Option(path).getOrElse("") // Special case for Windows. (Stupid drive letters.) val (prefix, usePath) = if (fileSep == "\\") splitDrivePath(nonNullPath) else ("", nonNullPath) // If there are leading file separator characters, split() will // produce extra empty array elements. Prevent that. val subpath = usePath.foldLeft("") { (c1, c2) => // Note: c1 and c2 are strings, not characters if (c1 == fileSep) c2.toString else c1 + c2 } val absolute = path.startsWith(fileSep) || (prefix != "") // Split on the character, not the full string. Splitting on a string // uses regular expression semantics, which will fail if this is // Windows (and the file separator is "\"). Windows is a pain in the // ass. val pieces = (subpath split fileSep(0)).toList if (absolute) { if (pieces.isEmpty) List[String](prefix + fileSep) else (prefix + fileSep + pieces.head) :: pieces.tail } else pieces } /** Join components of a path together. * * @param fileSep the file separator to use * @param pieces path pieces * * @return a composite path */ def joinPath(fileSep: String, pieces: List[String]): String = pieces mkString fileSep /** Join components of a path together, using the file separator of the * currently running system * * @param pieces path pieces * * @return a composite path */ def joinPath(pieces: String*): String = joinPath(fileSeparator, pieces.toList) /** Join components of a path together, using the file separator of the * currently running system * * @param pieces path pieces * * @return a composite path */ def joinPath(pieces: File*): File = new File(joinPath(fileSeparator, /** Determine the temporary directory to use. * * @return the temporary directory */ def temporaryDirectory: File = { import grizzled.sys.OperatingSystem._ def guess: String = { grizzled.sys.os match { case Posix => "/tmp" case Mac => "/tmp" case (Windows | WindowsCE | OS2 | NetWare) => """C:\TEMP""" case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException } } val sysProp = System getProperty "" val tempDirName = Option(sysProp).getOrElse(guess) new File(tempDirName) } /** Create a temporary directory. * * @param prefix Prefix for directory name * @param maxTries Maximum number of times to try creating the * directory before giving up. * * @return the directory. Throws an IOException if it can't create * the directory. */ def createTemporaryDirectory(prefix: String, maxTries: Int = 3): File = { import grizzled.file.Implicits._ def createDirectory(dir: File): Option[File] = { if (! dir.exists) { if (! dir.mkdirs()) throw new IOException( "Failed to create directory \"" + dir.getAbsolutePath + "\"" ) Some(dir) } else { None } } @tailrec def create(tries: Int): File = { import java.lang.{Integer => JInt} if (tries > maxTries) throw new IOException( "Failed to create temporary directory " + "after " + maxTries + " attempts." ) val usePrefix = Option(prefix).getOrElse("") val randomName = usePrefix + JInt.toHexString(random.nextInt) val dir = new File (temporaryDirectory, randomName) createDirectory(dir) match { case Some(d) if d.isEmpty => dir case _ => create(tries + 1) } } create(0) } /** Allow execution of a block of code within the context of a temporary * directory. The temporary directory is cleaned up after the operation * completes. * * @param prefix file name prefix to use * @param action action to perform * * @return whatever the action returns */ def withTemporaryDirectory[T](prefix: String)(action: File => T) = { import grizzled.file.Implicits._ val temp = createTemporaryDirectory(prefix) temp.deleteOnExit() try { action(temp) } finally { temp.deleteRecursively() } } /** Copy multiple files to a target directory. Also see the version of this * method that takes only one file. * * @param files An `Iterable` of file names to be copied * @param targetDir Path name to target directory * @param createTarget `true` to create the target directory, * `false` to throw an exception if the * directory doesn't already exist. * * @return `Success(true)` if the copy worked. `Failure(exception)` on * error. */ def copy(files: Iterable[String], targetDir: String, createTarget: Boolean = true): Try[Boolean] = { Try { val target = new File(targetDir) if ((! target.exists()) && createTarget) if (! target.mkdirs()) throw new IOException("Unable to create target directory \"" + targetDir + "\"") if (target.exists() && (! target.isDirectory)) throw new IOException("Cannot copy files to non-directory \"" + targetDir + "\"") if (! target.exists()) throw new FileDoesNotExistException("Target directory \"" + targetDir + "\" does not exist.") for (file <- files) { // The .get() forces a failure if a specific copy fails. copyFile(file, targetDir + fileSeparator + basename(file)).get } true } } /** Copy a file to a directory. The JDK's * [[,%20java.nio.file.Path,%20java.nio.file.CopyOption...) java.nio.file.Files.copy()]] * function provides a similar capability. * * @param file Path name of the file to copy * @param targetDir Path name to target directory * @param createTarget `true` to create the target directory, * `false` to throw an exception if the * directory doesn't already exist. * * @return `Success(true)` if the copy worked. `Failure(exception)` on * error. */ def copy(file: String, targetDir: String, createTarget: Boolean): Try[Boolean] = { copy(List[String](file), targetDir, createTarget) } /** Copy a file to a directory. If the target directory does not exist, * it is created. The JDK's * [[,%20java.nio.file.Path,%20java.nio.file.CopyOption...) java.nio.file.Files.copy()]] * function provides a similar capability. * * @param file Path name of the file to copy * @param targetDir Path name to target directory * * @return `Success(true)` if the copy worked. `Failure(exception)` on * error. */ def copy(file: String, targetDir: String): Try[Boolean] = { copy(file, targetDir, createTarget = true) } /** Copy a source file to a target file, using binary copying. The source * file must be a file. The target path can be a file or a directory; if * it is a directory, the target file will have the same base name as * as the source file. * * The JDK's * [[,%20java.nio.file.Path,%20java.nio.file.CopyOption...) java.nio.file.Files.copy()]] * function provides a similar capability. * * @param sourcePath path to the source file * @param targetPath path to the target file or directory * * @return A `Success` with the full path of the target file, or * `Failure(exception)` */ def copyFile(sourcePath: String, targetPath: String): Try[String] = { copyFile(new File(sourcePath), new File(targetPath)).map {_.getPath} } /** Copy a source file to a target file, using binary copying. The source * file must be a file. The target path can be a file or a directory; if * it is a directory, the target file will have the same base name as * as the source file. * * The JDK's * [[,%20java.nio.file.Path,%20java.nio.file.CopyOption...) java.nio.file.Files.copy()]] * function provides a similar capability. * * @param source path to the source file * @param target path to the target file or directory * * @return A `Success` containing the full path of the target file, * or `Failure(exception)` */ def copyFile(source: File, target: File): Try[File] = { import{BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream} import grizzled.util.withResource val targetFile = if (target.isDirectory) new File(joinPath(target.getPath, basename(source.getName))) else target Try { withResource(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(source))) { in => withResource(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(targetFile))) { out => in.copyTo(out) targetFile } } } } /** Recursively copy a source directory and its contents to a target * directory. Creates the target directory if it does not exist. * * @param sourceDir the source directory * @param targetDir the target directory * * @return `Success(true)` if the copy worked. `Failure(exception)` on * error. */ def copyTree(sourceDir: String, targetDir: String): Try[Boolean] = copyTree(new File(sourceDir), new File(targetDir)) /** Recursively copy a source directory and its contents to a target * directory. Creates the target directory if it does not exist. * * @param sourceDir the source directory * @param targetDir the target directory * * @return `Success(true)` if the copy worked. `Failure(exception)` on * error. */ def copyTree(sourceDir: File, targetDir: File): Try[Boolean] = { Try { if (! sourceDir.exists()) throw new FileDoesNotExistException(sourceDir.getPath) if (! sourceDir.isDirectory) throw new IOException("Source directory \"" + sourceDir.getPath + "\" is not a directory.") val files = => (new File(sourceDir, f), new File(targetDir, f))) targetDir.mkdirs for ((src, target) <- files) { if (src.isDirectory) copyTree(src, target) else copyFile(src, target) } true } } /** Recursively remove a directory tree. This function is conceptually * equivalent to `rm -r` on a Unix system. * * @param dir The directory */ def deleteTree(dir: String): Unit = deleteTree(new File(dir)) /** * Recursively remove a directory tree. This function is conceptually * equivalent to `rm -r` on a Unix system. * * @param dir The directory * * @return `Failure(exception)` on error, `Success(total)` on success. `total` * is the total number of deleted files. */ def deleteTree(dir: File): Try[Int] = { def deleteOne(f: File): Try[Int] = { if (! f.delete) Failure(new IOException(s"Can't delete '$f'")) else Success(1) } if (! dir.isDirectory) Failure(new IOException(s""""$dir" is not a directory.""")) else { val treeResults = { f => val t = Try { if (f.isDirectory) deleteTree(f) else deleteOne(f) } // Force an abort on first failure. t.get } treeResults.find { t => t.isFailure }.getOrElse { deleteOne(dir) } } } /** Similar to the Unix ''touch'' command, this function: * * - updates the access and modification times for any existing files * in a list of files * - creates an nonexistent files in the list * * If any file in the list is a directory, this method will return an error. * * @param files Iterable of files to touch * @param time Set the last-modified time to this time, or to the current * time if this parameter is negative. * * @return `Failure(exception)` on error. `Success(total)` on success. */ def touchMany(files: Iterable[String], time: Long = -1): Try[Int] = { val useTime = if (time < 0) System.currentTimeMillis else time Try { val results = { name => // Force a failure on error. touch(name, time).get 1 } results.sum } } /** Similar to the Unix `touch` command, this function: * * - updates the access and modification times for a file * - creates the file if it does not exist * * If the file is a directory, this method will return an error. * * @param path The file to touch * @param time Set the last-modified time to this time, or to the current * time if this parameter is negative. * * @return `Failure(exception)` on error, `Success(true)` on success */ def touch(path: String, time: Long = -1): Try[Boolean] = { Try { val file = new File(path) if (file.isDirectory) throw new Exception(s"""File "$path" is a directory.""") if ((! file.exists) && (! file.createNewFile())) throw new IOException(s"""Unable to create "$path"""") val useTime = if (time < 0) System.currentTimeMillis else time if (! file.setLastModified(useTime)) throw new IOException(s"""Unable to set time on "$path"""") true } } private lazy val DrivePathPattern = "^([A-Za-z]?:)?(.*)$".r /** Split a Windows-style path into drive name and path portions. * * @param path the path * * @return a (drive, path) tuple, either component of which can be * * an empty string */ def splitDrivePath(path: String): (String, String) = { path match { case DrivePathPattern(driveSpec, subPath) => driveSpec match { case null => ("", subPath) case ":" => ("", subPath) case _ => (driveSpec, subPath) } case _ => ("", path) } } /** Converts a path name from its operating system-specific format to a * universal path notation. Universal path notation always uses a * Unix-style "/" to separate path elements. A universal path can be * converted to a native (operating system-specific) path via the * `native_path()` function. Note that on POSIX-compliant systems, * this function simply returns the `path` parameter unmodified. * * @param path the path to convert to universal path notation * * @return the universal path */ def universalPath(path: String): String = makeUniversalPath(path) /** Converts a path name from universal path notation to the operating * system-specific format. Universal path notation always uses a * Unix-style "/" to separate path elements. A native path can be * converted to a universal path via the `universal_path()` * function. Note that on POSIX-compliant systems, this function simply * returns the `path` parameter unmodified. * * @param path the path to convert from universtal to native path notation * * @return the native path */ def nativePath(path: String): String = makeNativePath(path) /** Normalize a path, eliminating double slashes, resolving embedded * ".." strings (e.g., "/foo/../bar" becomes "/bar"), etc. Works for * Windows and Posix operating systems. * * @param path the path * * @return the normalized path */ def normalizePath(path: String): String = doPathNormalizing(path) /** Normalize a Windows path name. Handles UNC paths. Adapted from the * Python version of normpath() in Python's `os.ntpath` module. * * @param path the path * * @return the normalized path */ def normalizeWindowsPath(path: String): String = { // We need to be careful here. If the prefix is empty, and the path // starts with a backslash, it could either be an absolute path on // the current drive (\dir1\dir2\file) or a UNC filename // (\\server\mount\dir1\file). It is therefore imperative NOT to // collapse multiple backslashes blindly in that case. The code // below preserves multiple backslashes when there is no drive // letter. This means that the invalid filename \\\a\b is preserved // unchanged, where a\\\b is normalized to a\b. val (prefix, newPath) = splitDrivePath(path) match { case ("", subPath) => // No drive letter - preserve initial backslashes (subPath takeWhile (_ == '\\') mkString "", subPath dropWhile (_ == '\\') mkString "") case (pfx, subPath) => // We have a drive letter. (pfx + "\\", subPath dropWhile (_ == '\\') mkString "") } // Normalize the path pieces. Note: normalizePathPieces() doesn't // handle leading ".." in an absolute path, such as "\\..\\..". We // handle that later. val piecesTemp = normalizePathPieces(newPath.split("\\\\").toList) // Remove any leading ".." that shouldn't be there. val newPieces = if (prefix == "\\") piecesTemp dropWhile (_ == "..") else piecesTemp // If the path is now empty, substitute ".". if ((prefix.length == 0) && newPieces.isEmpty) "." else prefix + (newPieces mkString "\\") } /** Adapted from the Python version of normpath() in Python's * `os.posixpath` module. * * @param path the path * * @return the normalized path */ def normalizePosixPath(path: String): String = { path match { case "" => "." case "." => "." case _ => // POSIX allows one or two initial slashes, but treats // three or more as a single slash. We don't do that here. // Two initial slashes is also collapsed into one. val initialSlashes = if (path.startsWith("/")) 1 else 0 // Normalize the path pieces. Note: normalizePathPieces() // doesn't handle leading ".." in an absolute path, such as // "/../..". We handle that later. // // Note: Must also account for a single leading ".", which // must be preserved val pieces = path.split("/").toList match { case Nil => Nil case "." :: remainder => remainder case other => other } val normalizedPieces1 = normalizePathPieces(pieces) // Remove any leading ".." that shouldn't be there. val normalizedPieces2 = if (path startsWith "/") normalizedPieces1 dropWhile (_ == "..") else normalizedPieces1 val result = ("/" * initialSlashes) + (normalizedPieces2 mkString "/") // An empty string is "." if (result == "") "." else result } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *\ Private Methods \* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Convert a file into a path array. Borrowed from SBT source code. */ private def toPathArray(file: File): Array[String] = { @tailrec def toPathList(f: File, current: List[String]): List[String] = { // Can't use map, to preserve tail-recursion. Option(f) match { case Some(f2) => toPathList(f2.getParentFile, f2.getName :: current) case None => current } } toPathList(file.getCanonicalFile, Nil).toArray } /** Get the length of the common prefix between two arrays. */ private def commonPrefix[T](a: Array[T], b: Array[T]): Int = { @tailrec def common(count: Int): Int = { if ((count >= a.length) || (count >= b.length) || (a(count) != b(count))) count else common(count + 1) } common(0) } /** For the eglob algorithm to work, the pattern needs to be split into a * (directory, subpattern) pair, where the subpattern is relative. This * splitting operating is operating system-dependent, largely because * of Windows' stupid drive letters. This variable holds a partially * applied function for the splitter, determined the first time it is * referenced. That way, eglob() doesn't do this same match on every * call. */ private lazy val eglobPatternSplitter = os match { case (Mac | Posix) => splitPosixEglobPattern _ case Windows => splitWindowsEglobPattern _ case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown OS: " + os) } /** Windows pattern splitter for eglob(). See description for the * eglobPatternSplitter value, above. * * @param pattern the pattern to split * * @return a (directory, subpattern) tuple */ private def splitWindowsEglobPattern(pattern: String): (String, String) = { splitDrivePath(pattern) match { case ("", "") => (".", ".") case ("", path) => (path, ".") case (drive, "") => (".", drive) case (drive, path) => // Hack: Can't handle non-absolute paths in a drive. // Pretend a drive letter means "absolute". Note that // "drive" can be empty here, which is fine. if (path(0) == '\\') (path drop 1, drive + "\\") else (path, drive + "\\") } } /** Posix pattern splitter for eglob(). See description for the * eglobPatternSplitter value, above. * * @param pattern the pattern to split * * @return a (directory, subpattern) tuple */ private def splitPosixEglobPattern(pattern: String): (String, String) = { if (pattern.length == 0) (".", ".") else if (pattern(0) == fileSeparatorChar) (pattern drop 1, "/") else (pattern, ".") } /** Path normalization is operating system-specific. This value * holds the real path normalizer, determined once. */ private lazy val doPathNormalizing = os match { case (Mac | Posix) => normalizePosixPath(_) case Windows => normalizeWindowsPath(_) case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown OS: " + os) } /** Shared between normalizeWindowsPath() and normalizePosixPath(), * this function normalizes the pieces of a path, handling embedded "..", * empty elements (from splitting when there are adjacent file separators), * etc. * * @param pieces path components, with no separators * * @return sanitized list of path components */ private def normalizePathPieces(pieces: List[String]): List[String] = { pieces match { case Nil => Nil case "" :: tail => normalizePathPieces(tail) case "." :: tail => normalizePathPieces(tail) case a :: ".." :: tail => normalizePathPieces(tail) case _ => List[String](pieces.head) ++ normalizePathPieces(pieces.tail) } } /** Native-to-universal path conversion is operating system-specific. * These values hold the real converters, determined once. */ private lazy val makeUniversalPath: (String) => String = os match { case (Mac | Posix) => (path: String) => path case Windows => (path: String) => path.replace(fileSeparator, "/") case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown OS: " + os) } private lazy val makeNativePath: (String) => String = os match { case (Mac | Posix) => (path: String) => path case Windows => (path: String) => path.replace("/", fileSeparator) case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown OS: " + os) } }

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