org.clapper.util.misc.FileHashMap Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.clapper.util.misc;
import org.clapper.util.logging.Logger;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.NotSerializableException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* FileHashMap implements a java.util.Map that keeps
* the keys in memory, but stores the values as serialized objects in a
* random access disk file. When an application attempts to access the
* value associated with a given key, the FileHashMap object
* determines the location of the serialized value object, seeks to that
* location in the random access file, and reads and deserializes the value
* object. In a sense, a FileHashMap is akin to a simple, classic
* indexed sequential file. This approach gives a FileHashMap
* object the following characteristics:
* - Because the map keys are cached in memory, access to the key space is
* relatively efficient.
- Since the values are stored in a file, access to the values is
* slower than if they were in memory, but you can store a lot
* more data in a FileHashMap object than in a wholly
* memory-resident object, such as a HashMap or
* TreeMap.
* File Name Conventions
* A FileHashMap is instantiated with a base file name (i.e., a
* file name without an extension). This base file name specifies the path
* to the file(s) that used to store the map's data; the
* FileHashMap tacks the following extensions onto the prefix to
* arrive at the actual file names.
* Extensions and Meanings Extension Meaning .ix The saved in-memory index. This file is created only if the
* FileHashMap is not marked as transient. (See below.)
* constant defines this string. .db The on-disk data (value) file, where the serialized objects are
* stored.
* constant defines this string.
* For instance, if you create a FileHashMap with the
* statement
* * Map map = new FileHashMap("/tmp/mymap");
* the serialized value objects will be stored in file "/tmp/mymap.db",
* and the index (if saved) will be stored in "/tmp/mymap.ix".
* Transient versus Persistent Maps
* A FileHashMap is persistent by default. When a
* FileHashMap object is finalized or explicitly closed
* (using the {@link #close close()} method), its in-memory index is saved
* to disk. You can reopen the saved map by instantiating another
* FileHashMap object, and specifying the same file prefix. The
* new FileHashMap object will load its initial in-memory index
* from the saved index; any modifications to the new object will be
* written back to the on-disk index with the new object finalized or
* closed.
* A FileHashMap can be marked as non-persistent, or transient,
* by passing the {@link #TRANSIENT TRANSIENT} flag to the
* constructor. A transient map is not saved; its disk files are
* removed when the map is finalized or manually closed. You cannot create
* a transient map using a file prefix that specifies an existing, saved
* map. That is, the disk files for a transient map must not exist at the
* time the map is created.
* Optimizations
* The FileHashMap class attempts to optimize access to the
* disk-resident values and to conserve memory use. These optimizations
* include the following specific measures.
* Sequential access to values
* The iterators attempt to minimize file seeking while looping over the
* stored values. The {@link #values values()} method returns a
* Set whose iterator loops through the values in the order they
* were written to the data file. Traversing the value set via the iterator
* will access the FileHashMap's data file sequentially, from top
* to bottom. For example, the following code fragment loops through a
* FileHashMap's values; because the iterator returns the values
* in the order they appear in the data file, the code fragment accesses
* the data file sequentially:
* * FileHashMap map = new FileHashMap("myfile");
* for (Iterator values = map.values().iterator(); values.hasNext(); )
* {
* Object value = it.next();
* System.out.println(value);
* }
* Similarly, the Set objects returned by the
* {@link #keySet keySet()} and {@link #entrySet entrySet()}
* methods use iterators that return the keys in the order that
* the associated values appear in the disk file. For example, the following
* code fragment also accesses the data file sequentially:
* * FileHashMap map = new FileHashMap("myfile");
* for (Iterator keys = map.keySet().iterator(); keys.hasNext(); )
* {
* Object key = it.next();
* Object value = map.get(key);
* System.out.println("key=" + key + ", value=" + value);
* }
* Note that this optimization strategy can be foiled in a number of
* ways. For instance, the sequential access behavior can be thwarted if a
* second thread is accessing the map while the first thread is iterating
* over it, or if the thread that's iterating over the values is
* simultaneously inserting values in the table.
* Accessing the keys, without reading the values, does not result in
* any file access at all, because the keys are cached in memory. See
* the next section for more details.
* Memory Conservation
* The values stored in the map are serialized and written to a data
* file; they are not cached in memory at all. Therefore, you can store
* a lot more objects in a FileHashMap before running out of
* memory (assuming you have enough disk space available).
* The keys are stored in memory, however. Each key is associated
* with a special internal object that keeps track of the location and
* length of the associated value in the disk file. As you place more items
* in a FileHashMap, the index will grow, consuming memory. But it
* will consume far less memory than if you use an in-memory Map,
* such as a java.util.HashMap, which stores the keys and
* the values in memory.
The Iterator and Set objects returned by the
* {@link #entrySet entrySet()} and {@link #values values()}
* methods contain proxy objects, not real values. That is, they do
* not actually contain any values. Instead, they contain proxies
* for the values, objects that specify the locations of the values in the
* disk file. A value is loaded from disk only when you actually attempt to
* retrieve it from the Iterator or Set.
Reclaiming Gaps in the File
* Normally, when you remove an object from the map, the space where the
* object was stored in the data file is not reclaimed. This strategy allows
* for faster insertions, since new objects are always added to the end of
* the disk file. However, for long-lived FileHashMap objects that
* are periodically modified, this strategy may not be appropriate. For that
* reason, you can pass a special {@link #RECLAIM_FILE_GAPS} flag to the
* constructor. If specified, the flag tells the object to keep track of
* "gaps" in the file, and reuse them if possible. When a new object is
* inserted into the map, and {@link #RECLAIM_FILE_GAPS} is enabled, the
* object will attempt to find the smallest unused area in the file to
* accommodate the new object. It will only add the new object to the end
* of the file (enlarging the file) if it cannot find a suitable gap.
* This mode is not the default, because it can add time to processing.
* However, it does not access the file at all; the file gap maintenance
* logic uses in-memory data only. So, while it adds a small amount of
* computational overhead, the difference between running with
* {@link #RECLAIM_FILE_GAPS} enabled and running with it disabled should not
* be dramatic.
* Restrictions
* This class currently has the following restrictions and unimplemented
* behavior.
* - An object cannot be stored in a FileHashMap unless it
* implements java.io.Serializable.
- The maximum size of a serialized stored object is confined to
* a 32-bit integer. This restriction is unlikely to cause anyone
* problems, and it keeps the keyspace down.
- To prevent multiple Java VMs from updating the file containing the
* serialized values, this class detect throws an exception if it
* detects an attempted concurrent modification of a map. (Locking
* the map, then synchronizing the in-memory indexes across multiple
* updaters, is non-trivial. The most obvious method that leaps to
* mind, mapping the underlying java.nio.channels.FileChannel
* object to map the index file into memory, isn't guaranteed to work.
* Cccording to the JDK documentation, "Whether changes made to the
* content or size of the underlying file, by this program or another,
* are propagated to the [mapped memory] buffer is unspecified. The rate
* at which changes to the buffer are propagated to the file is
* unspecified.")
public class FileHashMap extends AbstractMap
Public Constants
* Index file suffix.
public static final String INDEX_FILE_SUFFIX = ".ix";
* Data file suffix.
public static final String DATA_FILE_SUFFIX = ".db";
* Constructor flag value: If specified, the disk files will not be
* created if they don't exist; instead, the constructor will throw an
* exception. By default, if the files don't exist, the constructor
* creates them.
public static final int NO_CREATE = 0x01;
* Constructor flag value: If specified, the on-disk hash table is
* considered to be transient and will be removed when this object is
* closed or finalized. Note that this flag cannot be combined with
* {@link #NO_CREATE}. Also, if TRANSIENT is specified to the
* constructor, but the on-disk files already exist, the constructor
* will throw an exception unless {@link #FORCE_OVERWRITE} is also
* specified.
public static final int TRANSIENT = 0x02;
* Constructor flag value: Ignored unless {@link #TRANSIENT} is also
* specified, FORCE_OVERWRITE tells the constructor to
* overwrite the on-disk files if they already exist, instead of
* throwing an exception.
public static final int FORCE_OVERWRITE = 0x04;
* Constructor flag value: Tells the object to reclaim unused space in
* the file, whenever possible. If this flag is not specified, then the
* space occupied by objects removed from the hash table is not
* reclaimed. This flag is not persistent. It's possible to create a
* persistent FileHashMap without using this flag, and later
* reopen the on-disk map via a new FileHashMap object that
* does have this flag set. Whenever the flag is set, the in-memory
* FileHashMap object attempts to reuse gaps in the file. When
* the flag is not set, the in-memory FileHashMap object
* ignores gaps in the file.
public static final int RECLAIM_FILE_GAPS = 0x08;
Private Constants
* Version stamp, written to the index file. Used to detect invalid files
* and older incompatible versions.
private static final String VERSION_STAMP =
* Used to validate the set of flags passed to the constructor. Negate
* this value, AND it with a passed-in flags value, and the result had
* better be 0. Otherwise, someone has set an unsupported flag value.
private static final int ALL_FLAGS_MASK = NO_CREATE
Private Inner Classes
* Wraps the values data file and other administrative references related
* to it.
private static class ValuesFile
private RandomAccessFile file;
ValuesFile (File f)
throws IOException
this.file = new RandomAccessFile (f, "rw");
RandomAccessFile getFile()
throws ConcurrentModificationException
return file;
void close()
throws IOException
// Lock is implicitly released on close.
* Comparator for FileHashMapEntry objects. Sorts by natural order,
* which is file position.
private class FileHashMapEntryComparator
implements Comparator>
private FileHashMapEntryComparator()
// Nothing to do
public int compare (FileHashMapEntry o1, FileHashMapEntry o2)
return o1.compareTo (o2);
public boolean equals (Object o)
// This fail to compile with generics:
// return (o instanceof FileHashMapEntryComparator);
// But this works:
return (this.getClass().isInstance (o));
public int hashCode() // NOPMD
return super.hashCode();
* Comparator for FileHashMapEntry objects. Sorts by object size, then
* file position. Used for ordering gap entries.
private class FileHashMapEntryGapComparator
implements Comparator>
private FileHashMapEntryGapComparator()
// Nothing to do
public int compare (FileHashMapEntry o1, FileHashMapEntry o2)
int cmp;
if ((cmp = (int) (o1.getObjectSize() - o2.getObjectSize())) == 0)
cmp = (int) (o1.getFilePosition() - o2.getFilePosition());
return cmp;
public boolean equals (Object o)
// This fail to compile with generics:
// return (o instanceof FileHashMapEntryGapComparator);
// But this works:
return (this.getClass().isInstance (o));
public int hashCode() // NOPMD
return super.hashCode();
* Internal iterator that loops through the FileHashMapEntry objects in
* sorted order, by file position. Used to implement other iterators.
private class EntryIterator implements Iterator>
List> entries;
Iterator> iterator;
FileHashMapEntry currentEntry = null;
* The expectedSize value that the iterator believes that the backing
* Map should have. If this expectation is violated, the iterator
* has detected concurrent modification.
private int expectedSize = 0;
entries = FileHashMap.this.getSortedEntries();
iterator = entries.iterator();
expectedSize = entries.size();
public boolean hasNext()
return iterator.hasNext();
public FileHashMapEntry next()
if (expectedSize != FileHashMap.this.indexMap.size())
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
if (hasNext())
currentEntry = iterator.next();
currentEntry = null;
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return currentEntry;
public void remove()
if ((currentEntry != null) && (expectedSize > 0))
K key = currentEntry.getKey();
V value = FileHashMap.this.remove (key);
if (value != null)
if (hasNext())
currentEntry = iterator.next();
currentEntry = null;
* Specialized iterator for looping through the value set. The iterator
* loops through the FileHashMapEntry items, which have been sorted by
* file position; each call to next() causes the iterator to load the
* appropriate value. This approach (a) iterates through the value file
* sequentially, and (b) demand-loads the values, so they're not all
* loaded into memory at the same time.
private class ValueIterator implements Iterator
EntryIterator it;
private ValueIterator()
it = new EntryIterator();
public boolean hasNext()
return it.hasNext();
public V next()
return FileHashMap.this.readValueNoError (it.next());
public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Shallow set that contains pointers to the on-disk values. Values
* are loaded only when referenced.
private class ValueSet extends AbstractSet
ValuesFile valuesDB = FileHashMap.this.valuesDB;
private ValueSet()
// Nothing to do
public void clear()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean contains (Object o)
boolean containsIt = false;
// Loop through values sequentially, to optimize file access.
seekTo (0);
for (Iterator it = new ValueIterator(); it.hasNext(); )
V obj = it.next();
if (obj.equals (o))
containsIt = true;
return containsIt;
public boolean containsAll (Collection c)
boolean containsThem = true;
// Loop through values sequentially, to optimize file access.
seekTo (0);
for (Iterator it = new ValueIterator(); it.hasNext(); )
V obj = it.next();
if (! c.contains (obj))
containsThem = false;
return containsThem;
public boolean equals (Object o)
boolean eq = false;
Set other = (Set) o;
if (other.size() == size())
eq = this.containsAll (other);
return eq;
public int hashCode()
int result = 0;
// Loop through values sequentially, to optimize file access.
seekTo (0);
for (Iterator it = new ValueIterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Object obj = it.next();
result += obj.hashCode();
return result;
public boolean isEmpty()
return indexMap.isEmpty();
public Iterator iterator()
return new ValueIterator();
public boolean remove (Object o)
return (FileHashMap.this.remove (o) != null);
public int size()
return currentSize();
private void seekTo (long pos)
valuesDB.getFile().seek (pos);
catch (IOException ex)
* Necessary to support the Map.entrySet() routine. Each object
* returned by FileHashMap.entrySet().iterator() is of this type. Each
* EntrySetEntry object provides an alternate, user-acceptable view of
* a FileHashMapEntry.
private class EntrySetEntry implements Map.Entry
private FileHashMapEntry entry;
EntrySetEntry (FileHashMapEntry entry)
this.entry = entry;
public boolean equals(Object o)
Map.Entry mo = (Map.Entry) o;
Object thisValue = getValue();
Object thisKey = getKey();
// Adapted directly from Map.Entry javadoc.
return (mo.getKey() == null ?
thisKey == null : mo.getKey().equals (thisKey))
(mo.getValue() == null ?
thisValue == null : mo.getValue().equals (thisValue));
public K getKey()
return entry.getKey();
public V getValue()
return FileHashMap.this.readValueNoError (entry);
public int hashCode()
// Adapted directly from the Map.Entry javadoc
V value = getValue();
K key = getKey();
return (key == null ? 0 : key.hashCode()) ^
(value == null ? 0 : value.hashCode());
public V setValue (V value)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* The actual entry set returned by FileHashMap.entrySet(). The values
* are demand-loaded. The iterator() and toArray() methods ensure that
* the keys are returned in an order that causes sequential access to the
* values file.
private class EntrySet extends AbstractSet>
private EntrySet()
// Nothing to do
public void clear()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean contains (Map.Entry o)
return FileHashMap.this.containsValue(o.getValue());
public Iterator> iterator()
return new Iterator>()
EntryIterator it = new EntryIterator();
public Map.Entry next()
return (Map.Entry) new EntrySetEntry (it.next());
public boolean hasNext()
return it.hasNext();
public void remove()
public boolean equals(Object obj)
boolean eq = (this == obj);
if (! eq)
eq = super.equals(obj);
return eq;
public int hashCode() // NOPMD
return super.hashCode();
public boolean remove (FileHashMapEntry o)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean removeAll (Collection c)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean retainAll (Collection c)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public int size()
return FileHashMap.this.size();
* Specialized iterator for looping through the set returned by
* FileHashMap.keySet(). The iterator returns the keys so that their
* corresponding FileHashMapEntry objects are sorted by file position
* value. This approach optimizes the following type of use:
* Iterator it = fileHashMap.keySet().iterator();
* while (it.hasNext())
* {
* Object value = fileHashMap.get (it.next());
* ...
* }
* That is, each key corresponds to a FileHashMapEntry, and since the
* keys are ordered by FileHashMapEntry file pointer, the above loop
* will traverse the data file sequentially.
private class KeyIterator implements Iterator
private EntryIterator it;
it = new EntryIterator();
public boolean hasNext()
return it.hasNext();
public K next()
return it.next().getKey();
public void remove()
* Implements a key set -- the set of keys the caller used to store
* values in the FileHashMap. The iterator() and toArray() methods ensure
* that the keys are returned in a manner that optimizes looping through
* the associated values (as with the various iterators, above).
private class KeySet extends AbstractSet
ArrayList keys = null;
private KeySet()
// Nothing to do
public void clear()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean contains (Object o)
return FileHashMap.this.indexMap.containsKey (o);
public boolean containsAll (Collection c)
boolean contains = true;
Iterator it = c.iterator();
while (contains && it.hasNext())
contains = FileHashMap.this.indexMap.containsKey (it.next());
return contains;
public boolean equals (Object o)
Set so = (Set) o;
boolean eq = false;
Set myKeys = FileHashMap.this.indexMap.keySet();
if (so.size() == myKeys.size())
eq = true;
Iterator it = myKeys.iterator();
while (eq)
K myKey = it.next();
if (! so.contains (myKey))
eq = false;
return eq;
public int hashCode()
return FileHashMap.this.indexMap.keySet().hashCode();
public boolean isEmpty()
return FileHashMap.this.indexMap.isEmpty();
public Iterator iterator()
return new KeyIterator();
public boolean remove (Object o)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean removeAll (Collection c)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean retainAll (Collection c)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public int size()
return FileHashMap.this.currentSize();
private synchronized void loadKeyArray()
if (keys == null)
List> entries;
entries = FileHashMap.this.getSortedEntries();
keys = new ArrayList();
for (FileHashMapEntry entry : entries)
keys.add (entry.getKey());
Private Instance Data
* The index, cached in memory. Each entry in the list is a
* FileHashMapEntry object. This index is stored on disk, in the index
* file.
private HashMap> indexMap = null;
* The file prefix with which this object was created.
private String filePrefix = null;
* The index file.
private File indexFilePath = null;
* The values file.
private File valuesDBPath = null;
* The open values database.
private ValuesFile valuesDB = null;
* The flags specified to the constructor.
private int flags = 0;
* Whether or not the index has been modified since the file was
* opened.
private boolean modified = false;
* Whether or not the object is still valid. See close().
private boolean valid = true;
* The value returned by the entrySet() method. It's created the first
* time entrySet() is called.
private EntrySet entrySetResult = null;
* A set of gaps in the file, ordered sequentially by file position.
* Each entry in the set is a FileHashMapEntry with no associated
* object or key. This reference will be non-null only if the
* RECLAIM_FILE_GAPS flag was passed to the constructor.
private TreeSet> fileGaps = null;
Private Class Data
* For log messages
private static final Logger log = new Logger (FileHashMap.class);
* Create a new transient FileHashMap object. The transient
* disk files will be in the normal temporary directory and will have
* the prefix "FileHashMap". The names of the associated disk files are
* guaranteed to be unique, and will go away when the object is
* finalized or when the Java VM goes away. Call this constructor is
* identical to calling {@link #FileHashMap(String)} with a null
* filePrefix parameter.
* Note that this constructor implicitly sets the {@link #TRANSIENT}
* flag.
* @throws IOException Unable to create temp file
* @see #FileHashMap(String,int)
* @see #FileHashMap(String)
public FileHashMap()
throws IOException
this (null);
* Create a new transient FileHashMap object. The transient
* disk files will be in the normal temporary directory and will have
* the specified temporary file prefix. If no temporary file prefix is
* specified (i.e., the tempFilePrefix parameter is null), then
* "fhm" will be used. The names of the associated disk files are
* guaranteed to be unique, and they will go away when the object is
* finalized or when the Java VM goes away.
* Note that this constructor implicitly sets the {@link #TRANSIENT}
* flag.
* @param tempFilePrefix the prefix to use with the temporary file, or
* null for default prefix "fhm"
* @throws IOException Unable to create temp file
* @see #FileHashMap(String,int)
* @see #FileHashMap()
public FileHashMap (String tempFilePrefix)
throws IOException
this.flags = TRANSIENT;
this.filePrefix = tempFilePrefix;
if (filePrefix == null)
filePrefix = "fmh";
this.valuesDBPath = File.createTempFile (filePrefix, DATA_FILE_SUFFIX);
createNewMap (this.valuesDBPath);
* Create a new FileHashMap object that will read its data
* from and/or store its data in files derived from the specified
* prefix. The prefix is a file prefix onto which data and index
* suffixes will be appended.
* Values for the flag parameter
* The flags parameter consists of a set of logically OR'd
* constants.
If (flags & NO_CREATE) is zero, the constructor will
* attempt to create the index files if they don't exist. Otherwise, it
* expects to find a saved hash map, and it will throw an exception if
* the files are not present.
* If (flags & TRANSIENT) is non-zero, the constructor will
* attempt to create a transient map. A transient map is not saved; its
* disk files are removed when the map is finalized or manually closed.
* You cannot create a transient map using a file prefix that specifies
* an existing, saved map. Specifying the TRANSIENT flag
* causes any NO_CREATE flag to be ignored.
* For example, the following statement creates a transient
* FileHashMap:
* * {@code
* Map map = new FileHashMap ("/my/temp/dir", FileHashMap.TRANSIENT);
* }
* whereas this statements opens a persistent FileHashMap,
* creating it if it doesn't already exist:
* * {@code
* Map map = new FileHashMap ("/my/map/dir", FileHashMap.CREATE);
* }
* @param pathPrefix The pathname prefix to the files to be used
* @param flags Flags that control the disposition of the files.
* A value of 0 means no flags are set. See above
* for details.
* @throws FileNotFoundException The specified hash files do not
* exist, and the {@link #NO_CREATE}
* flag was specified.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException Failed to deserialize an object
* @throws VersionMismatchException Bad or unsupported version stamp
* in FileHashMap index file
* @throws ObjectExistsException One or both of the files already
* exist, but the {@link #TRANSIENT}
* flag was set and the
* {@link #FORCE_OVERWRITE} flag was
* not set.
* @throws IOException Other errors
* @see #NO_CREATE
* @see #FileHashMap()
* @see #FileHashMap(String)
public FileHashMap (String pathPrefix, int flags)
throws FileNotFoundException,
assert ( ((~ALL_FLAGS_MASK) & flags) == 0 );
int filesFound = 0;
this.filePrefix = pathPrefix;
this.flags = flags;
valuesDBPath = new File (pathPrefix + DATA_FILE_SUFFIX);
indexFilePath = new File (pathPrefix + INDEX_FILE_SUFFIX);
if ((flags & TRANSIENT) != 0)
flags &= (~NO_CREATE);
if (valuesDBPath.exists())
if (indexFilePath.exists())
if ( (filesFound > 0) && ((flags & TRANSIENT) != 0) )
if ((flags & FORCE_OVERWRITE) == 0)
throw new ObjectExistsException
(Package.BUNDLE_NAME, "FileHashMap.diskFilesExist",
"One or both of the hash table files (\"{0}\" " +
"and/or \"{1}\") already exists, but the " +
"FileHashMap.FORCE_OVERWRITE constructor flag " +
"was not set.",
new Object[]
// FORCE_OVERWRITE is set. Wipe out the files, and reset the
// existence count.
filesFound = 0;
switch (filesFound)
case 0:
if ((flags & NO_CREATE) != 0)
// Can't localize this one. It's not one of our exceptions.
throw new FileNotFoundException
("On-disk hash table \"" +
pathPrefix +
"\" does not exist, and the " +
"FileHashMap.NO_CREATE flag was set.");
createNewMap (this.valuesDBPath);
case 1:
throw new ObjectExistsException
"One of the hash table files exists (\"{0}\" " +
"or \"{1}\") exists, but the other one does " +
new Object[]
case 2:
valuesDB = new ValuesFile (valuesDBPath);
assert (false);
if ((flags & RECLAIM_FILE_GAPS) != 0)
* Finalizer
* @throws Throwable on error
protected void finalize()
throws Throwable
catch (IOException ex)
log.error("Error during finalize", ex);
Public Methods
* Removes all mappings from this map. The data file is cleared by
* closing it, deleting it, and reopening it. If an I/O error occurs at
* any point, this object will be closed and marked invalid.
public synchronized void clear()
// Implement the clear operation by truncating the data file.
valuesDB.getFile().getChannel().truncate (0);
modified = true;
catch (IOException ex)
log.error ("Failed to truncate FileHashMap file \"" +
valuesDBPath.getPath() + "\"",
valid = false;
* Close this map. If the map is not marked as transient, this method
* saves the index to disk. Otherwise, it removes both the index file
* and data file.
* @throws NotSerializableException Can't save index (bug)
* @throws IOException Error writing index
* @see #save
public synchronized void close()
throws NotSerializableException,
if (valid)
if ((flags & TRANSIENT) != 0)
// Be sure to remove the data files.
if (valuesDB != null)
valuesDB = null;
valid = false;
* Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the
* specified key. Since the keys are cached in an in-memory index, this
* method does not have to access the data file, and is fairly
* cheap.
* @param key key whose presence in this map is to be tested
* @return true if this map contains a mapping for the specified
* key, false otherwise.
public boolean containsKey (Object key)
return indexMap.containsKey (key);
* Returns true if this map maps one or more keys that are
* mapped to the specified value. Because it must iterate through some
* portion of the on-disk value set, this method can be slow.
* @param value value whose presence in this map is to be tested.
* @return true if this map maps one or more keys to the
* specified value, false otherwise.
public boolean containsValue (Object value)
return new ValueSet().contains (value);
* Deletes the files backing this FileHashMap. This method
* implicitly calls {@link #close}.
public void delete()
catch (NotSerializableException ex)
catch (IOException ex)
* Returns a "thin" set view of the mappings contained in this map.
* Each element in the returned set is a Map.Entry; each
* Map.Entry contains a key and a proxy for the associated value.
* The map's values themselves are not loaded into memory until requested
* via a call to Map.Entry.getValue().
* The set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected
* in the set. If the map is modified while an iteration over the set
* is in progress, the results of the iteration are undefined. Neither
* the set nor its associated iterator supports any of the
* set-modification methods (e.g., add(), remove(),
* etc). If you attempt to call any of those methods, the called method
* will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
* NOTE: Calling this method on an invalid or closed
* FileHashMap will result in an exception.
* @return a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
* @see #keySet
* @see #values
* @see UnsupportedOperationException
public Set> entrySet()
if (entrySetResult == null)
entrySetResult = new EntrySet();
return (Set>) entrySetResult;
* Compares the specified object with this map for equality. Returns
* true if the given object is also a map and the two Maps
* represent the same mappings. More formally, two maps t1 and
* t2 represent the same mappings if
* t1.entrySet().equals(t2.entrySet()). This ensures that the
* equals method works properly across different implementations
* of the Map interface.
* Warning:: Because this method must compare the actual
* values stored in the map, and the values in a file, this method can
* be quite slow.
* @param o object to be compared for equality with this map.
* @return true if the specified object is equal to this map.
public boolean equals (Object o)
return super.equals (o);
* Returns the value associated with the the specified key. Returns
* null if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @param key key whose associated value is to be returned.
* @return the value to which this map maps the specified key, or
* null if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @throws ClassCastException if the key is of an inappropriate type for
* this map.
* @throws NullPointerException key is null
* @see #containsKey(Object)
public V get (Object key)
V result = null;
FileHashMapEntry entry = indexMap.get (key);
if (entry != null)
result = readValueNoError (entry);
return result;
* Returns the hash code value for this map. The hash code of a map
* is defined to be the sum of the hash codes of each entry in the
* map's entrySet() view. This ensures that
* t1.equals(t2) implies that
* t1.hashCode()==t2.hashCode() for any two maps t1
* and t2, as required by the general contract of
* Object.hashCode.
* Warning:: The recommended hash code for each entry in the
* entrySet() view is a combination of hash codes for the
* entry's key and the entry's value. (See java.util.Map.Entry
* for details.) Because the values in a FileHashMap object
* are stored in a file, this method can be quite slow.
* @return the hash code value for this map.
* @see Object#hashCode()
* @see Object#equals(Object)
* @see #equals(Object)
public int hashCode()
return super.hashCode();
* Determine whether the FileHashMap is valid or not. Once
* a FileHashMap has been closed, it is invalid and can no
* longer be used.
* @return true if this object is valid, false if not
public boolean isValid()
return valid;
* Returns a Set containing all the keys in this map. Since
* the keys are cached in memory, this method is relatively efficient.
* The keys are returned in an order that optimizes sequential access
* to the data file; see the Optimizations section in the main
* class documentation for details.
* The set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected
* in the set. If the map is modified while an iteration over the set
* is in progress, the results of the iteration are undefined. Neither
* the set nor its associated iterator supports any of the
* set-modification methods (e.g., add(), remove(),
* etc). If you attempt to call any of those methods, the called method
* will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
* @return a set view of the keys contained in this map.
public Set keySet()
return new KeySet();
* Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
* If the map previously contained a mapping for this key, the old
* value is replaced. This map class does not permit a null value to be
* stored.
* @param key key with which the specified value is to be associated.
* @param value value to be associated with the specified key.
* @return previous value associated with specified key, or null
* if there was no mapping for key.
* @throws ClassCastException if the class of the specified key or
* value prevents it from being stored
* in this map.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Value not serializable, or I/O error
* while attempting to serialize value.
* @throws NullPointerException the specified key or value is
* null.
public V put (K key, V value)
throws ClassCastException,
V result = null;
if (key == null)
throw new NullPointerException ("null key parameter"); // NOPMD
if (value == null)
throw new NullPointerException ("null value parameter"); // NOPMD
if (! (value instanceof Serializable))
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Value is not serializable.");
// NOTE: We don't check the key for serializability. It's perfectly
// reasonable to use unserializable keys if the hash map is transient.
// Unserializable keys will be caught on save, for persistent maps.
FileHashMapEntry old = indexMap.get (key);
// Read the old value first. Then, modify the index and write
// the new value. That way, we can reclaim the old value's space
// if RECLAIM_FILE_GAPS is enabled.
if (old != null)
result = readValueNoError (old);
// Removing the key forces the space to be listed in the gaps
// list.
remove (key);
FileHashMapEntry entry = writeValue (key, value);
indexMap.put (key, entry);
modified = true;
catch (IOException ex)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Error saving value: " +
return result;
* Removes the mapping for this key from this map, if present.
* Note: The space occupied by the serialized value in the
* data file is not coalesced at this point.
* @param key key whose mapping is to be removed from the map.
* @return previous value associated with specified key, or null
* if there was no mapping for key.
public V remove (Object key)
V result = null;
// We do nothing with the space in the data file for any existing
// item. It remains in the data file, but is unreferenced.
if (indexMap.containsKey (key))
FileHashMapEntry entry = indexMap.get (key);
result = readValueNoError (entry);
indexMap.remove (key);
modified = true;
if ((flags & RECLAIM_FILE_GAPS) != 0)
// Have to recalculate gaps, since we may be able to coalesce
// this returned space with ones to either side of it.
log.debug ("Removed value for key \"" +
key +
"\" at pos=" +
entry.getFilePosition() +
", size=" +
entry.getObjectSize() +
". Re-figuring gaps.");
return result;
* Save any in-memory index changes to disk without closing the map.
* You can call this method even if the map is marked as temporary;
* on a temporary map, save() simply returns without doing
* anything.
* @throws IOException Error saving changes to disk.
* @throws NotSerializableException Can't save index because it contains
* one or more objects that cannot be
* serialized.
* @see #close
public void save()
throws IOException,
if ( ((flags & TRANSIENT) == 0) && modified )
* Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map. If the map
* contains more than Integer.MAX_VALUE elements, returns
* Integer.MAX_VALUE. This method queries the in-memory key
* index, so it is relatively efficient.
* @return the number of key-value mappings in this map.
public int size()
return currentSize();
* Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map. The
* returned collection is a "thin" view of the values contained in
* this map. The collection contains proxies for the actual disk-resident
* values; the values themselves are not loaded until a
* Collection method such as contains() is called.
* The collection is backed by the map, so changes to the map are
* reflected in the set. If the map is modified while an iteration over
* the set is in progress, the results of the iteration are undefined.
* The set does not support any of the add() methods.
* Warning:: The toArray() methods can be dangerous,
* since they will attempt to load every value from the data file into
* an in-memory array.
* @return a collection view of the values contained in this map.
* @see #keySet
* @see #values
public Collection values()
return new ValueSet();
Private Methods
* Throw an exception if the object isn't valid.
private void checkValidity()
if (! valid)
throw new IllegalStateException ("Invalid FileHashMap object");
* Initialize a new index and data file for a hash map being created.
* Used only by the constructors.
* @param valuesDBPath path to the data file
* @throws IOException I/O error
private void createNewMap (File valuesDBPath)
throws IOException
this.valuesDB = new ValuesFile (valuesDBPath);
this.indexMap = new HashMap>();
* Determine the size of this map. Basically, this method just consolidates
* the size-determination logic in one place.
* @return the size
private int currentSize()
return indexMap.size();
* Locate gaps in the file by traversing the index. Initializes or
* reinitializes the fileGaps instance variable.
private void findFileGaps()
log.debug ("Looking for file gaps.");
if (fileGaps == null)
fileGaps = new TreeSet> (new FileHashMapEntryGapComparator());
if (currentSize() > 0)
List> entries = getSortedEntries();
FileHashMapEntry previous = null;
Iterator> it = entries.iterator();
// Handle the first one specially.
FileHashMapEntry entry = it.next();
long pos = entry.getFilePosition();
int size = entry.getObjectSize();
if (pos > 0)
// There's a gap at the beginning.
log.debug ("First entry is at pos " + pos + ", size=" + size);
size = (int) pos;
log.debug ("Gap at position 0 of size " + size);
fileGaps.add (new FileHashMapEntry ((long) 0, size));
previous = entry;
while (it.hasNext())
entry = it.next();
long previousPos = previous.getFilePosition();
long possibleGapPos = previousPos + previous.getObjectSize();
pos = entry.getFilePosition();
assert (pos > previousPos);
if (possibleGapPos != pos)
int gapSize = (int) (pos - possibleGapPos);
log.debug ("Gap at position " + possibleGapPos +
" of size " + gapSize);
fileGaps.add (new FileHashMapEntry (possibleGapPos,
previous = entry;
* Get the list of FileHashMapEntry pointers for the values, sorted
* in ascending file position order.
* @return A sorted list of FileHashMapEntry objects.
private List> getSortedEntries()
// Get the set of values in the hash index. Each value is a
// FileHashMapEntry object.
List> vals = new ArrayList>();
vals.addAll (indexMap.values());
// Sort the list.
Collections.sort (vals, new FileHashMapEntryComparator());
return vals;
* Load the index from its disk file.
* @throws IOException on error
* @throws ClassNotFoundException error deserializing one of the objects
* @throws VersionMismatchException bad version in index file
private void loadIndex()
throws IOException,
ObjectInputStream objStream;
String version;
objStream = new ObjectInputStream
(new FileInputStream (this.indexFilePath));
version = (String) objStream.readObject();
if (! version.equals (VERSION_STAMP))
throw new VersionMismatchException
"FileHashMap version mismatch in index file " +
"\"{0}\". Expected version \"{1}\", found " +
"version \"{2}\"",
new Object[]
// This typecast will generate an "unchecked cast" exception.
// Unfortunately, there's no way around it (other than to avoid
// making calls like this). See
// http://www.langer.camelot.de/GenericsFAQ/JavaGenericsFAQ.html#Technicalities
indexMap = (HashMap>) objStream.readObject();
* Read an object from a specific location in the random access file
* data file.
* @param entry The FileHashMapEntry specifying the object's location
* @return the object
* @throws IOException Read error
* @throws ClassNotFoundException The serialized class read from the
* file cannot be loaded
* @throws IllegalStateException No object stored at location (i.e.,
* no size value has been set)
* @see #getFilePosition
* @see #writeObject
private V readValue (FileHashMapEntry entry)
throws IOException,
int size = entry.getObjectSize();
byte byteBuf[] = new byte[size];
int sizeRead;
ObjectInputStream objStream;
// Load the serialized object into memory.
synchronized (this)
RandomAccessFile valuesFile = valuesDB.getFile();
valuesFile.seek (entry.getFilePosition());
if ( (sizeRead = valuesFile.read (byteBuf)) != size )
throw new IOException ("Expected to read " +
size +
"-byte serialized object from " +
" on-disk data file. Got only " +
sizeRead +
" bytes.");
// Use a ByteArrayInputStream and an ObjectInputStream to read
// the actual object itself.
objStream = new ObjectInputStream (new ByteArrayInputStream (byteBuf));
// This typecast will generate an "unchecked cast" exception.
// Unfortunately, there's no way around it (other than to avoid
// making calls like this). See
// http://www.langer.camelot.de/GenericsFAQ/JavaGenericsFAQ.html#Technicalities
return (V) objStream.readObject();
* Read an object without throwing a checked exception on error.
* @param entry The FileHashMapEntry specifying the object's location
* @return the object, or null if not found
private V readValueNoError (FileHashMapEntry entry)
V obj = null;
obj = readValue (entry);
catch (IOException ex)
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex)
return obj;
* Save the index to its disk file.
* @throws IOException on error
private synchronized void saveIndex()
throws IOException
ObjectOutputStream objStream;
objStream = new ObjectOutputStream
(new FileOutputStream (this.indexFilePath));
objStream.writeObject (VERSION_STAMP);
objStream.writeObject (indexMap);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
List> entries = getSortedEntries();
log.debug ("Just saved index. Total entries=" + currentSize());
log.debug ("Index values follow.");
for (FileHashMapEntry entry : entries)
long pos = entry.getFilePosition();
int size = entry.getObjectSize();
log.debug (" pos=" + pos + ", size=" + size);
* Write an object to the end of the data file, recording its position
* and length in a FileHashMapEntry object. Note: The object to be
* stored must implement the Serializable interface.
* @param key The object's key (specified by the caller of
* FileHashMap.put())
* @param obj The object to serialize and store
* @return the FileHashMapEntry object that records the location of
* the stored object
* @throws IOException Write error
* @throws NotSerializableException Object isn't serializable
* @see #getFilePosition
* @see #readValue
private synchronized FileHashMapEntry writeValue (K key, V obj)
throws IOException,
ObjectOutputStream objStream;
ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream;
int size;
long filePos = -1;
// Serialize the object to a byte buffer.
byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
objStream = new ObjectOutputStream (byteStream);
objStream.writeObject (obj);
size = byteStream.size();
// Find a location for the object.
if ((flags & RECLAIM_FILE_GAPS) != 0)
filePos = findBestFitGap (size);
RandomAccessFile valuesFile = this.valuesDB.getFile();
if (filePos == -1)
filePos = valuesFile.length();
valuesFile.seek (filePos);
// Write the bytes of the serialized object.
valuesFile.write (byteStream.toByteArray());
// Return the entry.
return new FileHashMapEntry (filePos, size, key);
* Finds the smallest gap that can hold a serialized object.
* @param objectSize the size of the serialized object
* @return the file position, or -1 if not found
private long findBestFitGap (int objectSize)
long result = -1;
log.debug ("Finding smallest gap for " + objectSize + "-byte object");
assert (fileGaps != null);
for (Iterator> it = fileGaps.iterator();
it.hasNext(); )
FileHashMapEntry gap = it.next();
long pos = gap.getFilePosition();
int size = gap.getObjectSize();
log.debug ("Gap: pos=" + pos + ", size=" + size);
if (size >= objectSize)
log.debug ("Found it.");
result = pos;
if (size > objectSize)
log.debug ("Gap size is larger than required. Making " +
"smaller gap.");
// Remove it and re-insert it, since the gap list is
// sorted by size.
pos += objectSize;
size -= objectSize;
gap.setFilePosition (pos);
gap.setObjectSize (size);
log.debug ("Saving new, smaller gap: pos=" + pos +
", size=" + size);
fileGaps.add (gap);
log.debug ("findBestFitGap: returning " + result);
return result;
private void deleteMapFiles()
if (valuesDBPath != null)
valuesDBPath = null;
if (indexFilePath != null)
indexFilePath = null;