Maven / Gradle / Ivy
From: [email protected] (Michael Maser)
Subject: Re: extraordinary footpeg engineering
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada
Lines: 38
--In a previous article, [email protected] () says:
-->Okay DoD'ers, here's a goddamn mystery for ya !
-->Today I was turning a 90 degree corner just like on any other day, but there
-->was a slight difference- a rough spot right in my path caused the suspension
-->to compress in mid corner and some part of the bike hit the ground with a very
-->tangible "thunk". I pulled over at first opportunity to sus out the damage.
--== some deleted
-->Barry Manor DoD# 620 confused accidental peg-scraper
--Check the bottom of your pipes Barry -- suspect that is what may
--have hit. I did the same a few years past & thought it was the
--peg but found the bottom of my pipe has made contact & showed a
--good sized dent & scratch.
-- Believe you'd feel the suddent change on your foot if the peg
--had bumped. As for the piece missing -- contribute that to
--vibration loss.
Yep, the same thing happened to me on my old Honda 200 Twinstar.
* Mike Maser | DoD#= 0536 | SQUID RATING: 5.333333333333333 *
* 9235 Pinetree Rd. |----------------------------------------------*
* Sidney, B.C., CAN. | Hopalonga Twinfart Yuka-Yuka EXCESS 400 *
* V8L-1J1 | wish list: Tridump, Mucho Guzler, Burley *
* home (604) 656-6131 | Thumpison, or Bimotamoeba *
* work (604) 721-7297 |***********************************************
* [email protected] |JOKE OF THE MONTH: What did the gay say to the*
* University of Victoria | Indian Chief ? *
* news: | ANSWER: Can I bum a couple bucks ? *