Maven / Gradle / Ivy
From: [email protected] (JACK ROGERS WATERS)
Subject: Re: GOT MY BIKE! (was Wanted: Advice on CB900C Purchase)
Keywords: CB900C, purchase, advice
Organization: North Carolina State University, Project Eos
Lines: 33
In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (jamie w burnside) writes:
>In article <[email protected]>, [email protected]
>|>>>Being a reletively new reader, I am quite impressed with all the usefull
>|>>>info available on this newsgroup. I would ask how to get my own DoD number,
>|>>>but I'll probably be too busy riding ;-).
>|>> Does this count?
>|>Yes. He thought about it.
>|>>$ cat dod.faq | mailx -s "HAHAHHA" [email protected] (waiting to press
>|>> return...)
>Hey, c'mon guys (and gals), I chose my words very carefully and even
>tried to get my FAQ's straight. Don't holler BOHICA at me!
Around here, even mentioning the DoD without a number in your .sig
can get you soundly FAQed. Notice, however, that I myself did
not FAQ the careful monk. He was, after all, waiting to press return.
Jack Waters II
~ I don't fear the thief in the night. Its the one that comes in the ~
~ afternoon, when I'm still asleep, that I worry about. ~