Maven / Gradle / Ivy
From: [email protected] (Gerald Lanza)
Subject: Re: Seeking Moe Berg reference/info
Organization: Olivetti North America (Shelton, CT)
Lines: 23
In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (David M. Tate) writes:
>I seem to have misplaced the baseball bibliography that was posted here
>recently. (That's what happens when you have to split a heap of disorganized
>files from one machine among two others.) Could some kind soul repost the
>bibliography, or mail me a copy?
>Also, in particular, a colleague of mine is looking for any information he
>can find on Moe Berg, catcher/linguist/espion of WW2. Any references (or
>anecdotes, for that matter) would be appreciated.
I believe SI had an in-depth article on Moe a while ago. I remember
that the article revealed some new facts regarding the secretive
Moe. My SI subscription expired this past February, the second of
two years that I received same. Therefore my guess is that the
article appeared sometime in 1991-92.
Can anyone else be more definitive as to a date of the SI article ?