Maven / Gradle / Ivy
From: [email protected] (Sherri Nichols)
Subject: Re: Too Many Europeans in NHL
Article-I.D.: adobe.1993Apr6.201745.840
Organization: Adobe Systems Incorporated
Lines: 24
In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Gerald Olchowy) writes:
>Major league baseball has told the Blue Jays and the Expos not to
>sign Oscar Linares (I think that is his name)
Linares has not defected; as I pointed out, MLB requires that the player
defect first.
>...Canada does not have the restrictions against
>Cubans that the US has and other major league teams have told the
>Canadian teams that they would be very unhappy if the Expos or the
>Blue Jays would do this.
What a surprise. As long as the pool of talent is not accessible to all
teams, MLB won't let a few teams sign it. Seems perfectly reasonable to
> Cubans players would not have to defect
>to play in Canada and could play the 81 home games for the Expos
>and Blue Jays without any trouble.
Except that MLB won't allow it, which is all I ever said.
Sherri Nichols
[email protected]